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Issue 6 2015

A quarterly journal for all Rimfire & Air Rifle Benchrest enthusiasts.
In conjunction with the WRABF and ERABSF
Welcome to the Sixth Issue of
‘The Benchrest Shooter’

41 Rimfire &
Air Rifle
Benchrest -
Mirage by Carl
Well only a few short weeks to go to the 2015 World Championships. I am
sure you are all getting ready. It will be great to just be there, as I know that is
all my mind is on right now. See you soon!

G’day and welcome

“No age limit, no size requirement, no gender preference, no

language barriers. . . just one big family of shooters enjoying the spirit of
competition and camaraderie.” Ron Robles 2013

The Benchrest Shooter magazine with all contents of electronic media is copyrighted. No reproduction is permitted unless written authorisation is provided.
Information, prices and data is believed to be correct at the time of publication. Advertisements that are firearm related are from companies or individuals that The
Benchrest Shooter magazine believes are licensed to hold such firearms and accepts no responsibility if companies or individuals are not so licensed.
Letters and photographs submitted by members of the public or are in the public domain to The Benchrest Shooter magazine will be accepted on the basis that the
writer/ author has agreed to publication, they are/ were in the public domain or promised to the writer. The Benchrest Shooter magazine has no control over the content
or ownership of photographs submitted.
The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the publishers and relate to specific circumstances within each article. These are the opinions
and experiences of writers using specific equipment, firearms, components and data under controlled conditions. Information contained in the electronic magazine or in
any other media is intended to be used as a guide only and in specific circumstances caution should be used. The Benchrest Shooter magazine does not except any
responsibility for individuals attempting to recreate such testing using any information, data or other materials in its electronic pages.
Publishers of The Benchrest Shooter magazine
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Batch testing at

Eley is a rimfire ammunition manufacturer that ammunition is another story I am getting into,
is synonymous with the term ‘accuracy’. The but that will described elsewhere. As raw
company has a long history associated with the materials continue to escalate in price and Eley
development of rimfire ammunition and a few of brands are used by target shooters around the
their breakthrough ideas in ammunition world, this is quite a significant development.
manufacture have been adopted by other I first wrote about the benefits of batch-testing
companies in their endeavours to make more ammunition back in 2008. This was sadly a
accurate ammunition. few months before the untimely death of Bert
Brookes, the customer range officer at the
More recently, the company has launched factory. I only met him the once but the bits of
another new range, taking old brands out and information I gleaned from him have stayed with
introducing some new ones like the recent Eley me years later.
Edge, Force and Contact. I believe that this is a
serious attempt to develop ammunition As most of you know batch testing has
further and commit to the target shooter, expanded for many of the 'big three'
bringing in the "Tenex" bullet ‘design’ to a new manufacturers, extending beyond continents
model of ammunition that is more accessible to now. Eley specifically has a testing range in
the club shooter. The latter semi auto Germany with Denis as the range officer. Many

Fred, our guide for the day.

of you met him in Plzen or subsequently on the
test range in Germany. Our American cousins
obviously have a new range with Mr Benchrest
himself, Dan Killough.

Martyn Buttery is in charge of the customer

range at the main Eley factory. His aid to me
personally over the years has been exceptional.
On this occasion Martyn was not available, so
Fred Sage replaced him for the day's testing.
Fred is the Product Performance Manager at
Eley and has both the experience and expertise
to run the batch testing as well. (Obviously as
his role does entail lots of testing). What was
informative about the day is the way Eley
analyse each test to develop performance of
the product. Having Fred there with us was a
window into this process, which was more than
a little bit interesting.

Having written about batch testing a number of

times since 2008 I have promoted the merits
of such testing to gain an understanding and
practical need of matching ammunition to rifle. If
anything within this article I want to promote an
even more determined view that batch testing is
the only way to go, if you have the resources to
do it. Whether the process is positive or
negative related to the ammunition available, it
is worth doing to determine many things about
the rifle you own. More appropriately you will go
away with something better than you are

A number of Team GB attended on the
currently shooting. day I tested

I have produced a variety of articles on

rimfire ammunition over the last few issues. This
has included the number of ways of preparing
ammunition and testing them for competition.
When it comes down to it, we are talking mostly
about ‘off the shelf’ ammunition of ‘very good’ to
the ‘cheaper’ qualities and the one thing I would
always do is batch-test ammunition for specific
competitions - including what I will shoot over
the coming year, as I take my sport seriously.
This article lends itself to those of like mind who
are prone, three positional or benchrest
shooters and generally all who shoot .22LR
ammunition in competition.

Each specific batch of ammunition may or may

not ‘shoot’ in your rifle. You can easily see this
if you batch test. Some batches will open up to
a 24mm group over 40 shots, whilst others will
group as low as 13mm. A huge difference,
especially if you are aiming to knock out a
target-ring no bigger than a pin head at 50

For those that have never experienced batch good things come in small packages. The place
testing, please take my word for it - it is has been heavily refurbished over the last four
staggering to see the difference between one years. After sorting out details of the rifles and
batch of ammunition and another. I think in having a chat – the other hobby that goes along
this one statement we come to the real point with shooting – we moved into the testing area
of batch-testing. It allows you to test a good to make a start.
number of different sample batches in clinical
conditions, without the expense of buying lots For years, shooters have discussed the merits
of different boxes yourself and trying to test on of locking down a rifle to a test-bed or letting the
range. Let’s face it, you are lucky if a firearms natural recoil of the rifle determine the accuracy
dealer will actually let you buy one box at a time of the rifle/ammunition combination. I can see
to test. You are much more likely to be sold 500 the merits in both methods. Free-recoil testing
rounds at a time. This may or may not shoot from a bench should be capable of producing a
well, so this process is a bit of a gamble and tighter a group than a fixed/locked bench but of
could be very expensive. Batch-testing at the course, many of the shooters who test at Eley
facilities Eley offer takes any ‘ad hoc’ methods shoot off-hand and don’t have the benefit of a
out of the process. It also costs a mere £50 good benchrest set-up. I guess it depends how
for the test, which uses at least four hundred many variables we want put into a testing
rounds. As Eley have invested over £3 million process, each one must be taken into account if
pounds in the last five years to ensure you want good empirical evidence.
standards, you are in good hands.
Rifle harmonics may be different to your normal
On arrival we are always met with obviously stock when using the system at Eley but we
heavy security but it is done with a sincere are testing ammunition consistency and results
good will. On this occasion Fred escorted us show that the process works. If you look at the
into the test-range facility. This looks small, but scores of the top shooters who have tested this
way, most if not all would come to this same available to us on the day we tested.
conclusion. Although I tested with the barrel
clamped this time, Eley are in the process of As previously stated, the fascinating thing I find
making a Gemini rig for the Turbo type action in when batch-testing is the different group sizes
the two weeks following this test in April 2015. that the barrelled-action will shoot. In past years
This brings these rarer American actions in line using an Anschutz factory barrel I had shot up
with other rifle brands tested at the Eley ranges. to a 24mm 40 shot group. However, that was
Certainly it is my belief the test groups would be one batch and a 40 shot group can go as low
better with is rig, but as they are good as 13mm - the current range record. The best
anyway I am happy with the process I batch tested in both rifles produced groups of
personally followed. After all the other two about 16mm but more on that later.
popular match quality rimfire manufacturers test
by clamping the barrel as a standard procedure. From some of the pictures within this article you
can see the way each shot and ten-shot group
Before we started, both turbo actioned rifles comes up on the computer screen for the shoot-
were placed into the testing bed as shown in er to review as they proceed. Although you get
the pictures. These were locked into the testing all this information at the end, this is quite an
bed and we started the initial firing sequences. important feature of the process. I tend to
The first part of the process is to trial the analyse and judge what each batch is
ammunition that we were currently using as doing throughout the process. The range officer
a control test. This can then be compared to looks at this data either on range or in his office,
those that are offered during the day, in the where everything is displayed on his computer
same conditions. Twenty shots were therefore screen as it happens.
fired then we were ready to go through a further
20 batches of the ammunition which were The testing process took a fair few hours and
9 9
finally he was allowed in to
over 800 rounds were fired, with one
coffee break in the middle for another
chat with Fred. By early afternoon we
had a variety of data to look at and
compare. The one that best suited
my needs was slightly higher
velocity than the others but there
was very little in it to be honest. The
one thing to remember about 22 LR
ammunition is that is does perform
differently than other ammunition in
one simple fact - the lower the
velocity the better this is for
accuracy, theoretically!!! If the bullet
is moving slower it creates less drag
in the air and thus lower drift. I chose
mine batch and it was very close
between two specific tests which was

Standard calculations of the best

batch can be determined in a number
of ways;

• 40 shot group size in millimetres

• Distribution of 40 shoot score
• Consolidated 40 shot score -
Expected and Actual
• Each 10 shot test group in
millimetres X 4 tests
• Average of the 10 shot test groups
in millimetres
• Radial Deviation

From this information, shooters can

choose the batch that best suits their
needs. In most cases the above data
will match one another.

However, and here is the rub. This

time we went for the new 60 shot test
which provides a great deal more
data for the shooter. One thing to
remember is the more we shoot the
greater the group size is going to be.
This is just statistics. A 60 shot group
is going to be larger than a 40 shot
group. A hundred shot group is going
to be larger that a sixty shot group.
What we are looking for is
consistency!!! In 2008 I was happy
to go away with a 40 shot test that
gave me an average 16mm ten shot

groups. In this most recent test I was getting
picky and not choosing anything that was
giving me anything over 14.5 mm to finalise with
an average group size of 12.8mm. (Reminder
this is over a 60 shot test not 40 shots). This is
how both Eley and professional shooters have
developed. We have become more exacting
and expecting of the tools we use.

So with a 60 shot test calculations are

determined in a number of ways:

• 60 shot group size in millimetres

• Distribution of 60 shoot score
• Consolidated 60 shot score -
Expected and Actual
• Each 10 shot test group in millimetres X 6
• Average of the 10 shot test groups in
• Radial Deviation

Now if you ask nicely there is another

examination you can see, which is the
distribution of individual shots. On the report
issued to the shooter, this comes out as a bar
graph. Seeing the raw data of individual shots
across the test. As I deal with this type of raw
data in my 'real life' I found this especially
interesting, as it shows everything even the bad
shots. Visually it creates an interesting picture
of dispersal patterns, even though all the batch-
es I tested remained in very close groups.

At the end of the day this is just another tool for

selection and I feel most will be happy to see
the bar chart only, with associated
potential scores. As this is a proprietary analysis
tool developed by Eley I cannot show you here,
but it is available on the test range so do ask if
you are interested.

Finally about the test, having experienced a

number of them over the years. My advice is
to go for the 60 consolidated shot test, as it
provides a lot more data to help with selection.
It takes more time, but I personally would say
this should be the new 'standard' test. Basically
because from one ten shot group to another
you will get anything from 10.5mm to 24mm. If
you get some nice tight groups but then a flyer
making one or more group size much bigger,
then this might not be the batch for you. I tend
to view batch testing as if I am on the range and So there you have it. Eley have the facilities
if I get consistent flyers it is not the batch for to test your rifle and match it to the best
me - consistency!!! The 60 shot test gives for ammunition available. Where you go to from
50% more data to make a decision. I would like here is up to you! Maybe few future national or
to see the software provide data for both the 40 international champions out there will start to
and 60 consolidated shots as a comparative develop testing processes for themselves. What
tool for current analysis and from past 40 shot make of ammunition you use is down to you,
tests with the same rifle. As I stated earlier, at the end of the day batch testing is not only a
the statistical reality is the overall consolidated requirement it is vital. However, when you have
group will grow from 40 to 60 shots. a world class ammunition manufacturer on your
doorstep it is slightly easier, for which I make no
After all this, lots of chats with Sian Griffiths apologies. I need all the help I can get!!
(Eley Sales and Marketing Manager) and Fred, I hope the last number of articles have been
coupled with some chores for the GB Benchrest informative and does help people, even if some
team, we said our goodbyes to Eley staff and of the ‘processes’ I describe are a little fussy.
fellow GB team members. We left the Eley Unfortunately consistency is the ‘name of the
range happy but a lot heavier than when we game’ and all shooters are aiming towards this
came. Overall a great day! (One note here is goal. If anything I want to reiterate that batch
GB team members were sponsored for this test testing is the only way to go if you can do it,
and a subsequent amount of ammunition for the saving incredible amounts of time, money and
world championship in July this year). energy. All of which we all do not have huge
amounts of!!
The quality of Eley’s service is always
exemplary, even if you don't find a batch that If you wish to book as slot at the Eley customer
really fits your rifle as well as you want. It range then you will need to book this via the
happens very rarely, based on your own control Eley website at where there is
ammunition. Another facility at the main factory an online request form to fill out. All I would say
is a barrel testing service, where a slug is book well in advance as it is becoming very
(bullet) is run through the barrel to test the popular. Shoot well and see you on the range
lands, grooves, straightness and pressure soon.
points inside the barrel. In affect this is a
machine system of slugging a barrel by hand.
Thus taking out personal skill and providing
very accurate empirical data about your
barrel. Absolutely fabulous, as it tells you how
good your barrel is. This is currently one of
the many services Eley are developing with
more being contemplated in the near future,
so watch out for further information!!! My
thanks to all at Eley for putting up with me –
yet again! It is much appreciated.

Custom .22lr Actions
Bore Guides
Cleaning Accessories
Shooting Stools
Wind Flags

Products for your

All items subject to U.S. laws and regulations. Firearms require export license to ship out of the U.S.
The wailing wall - when joy or pain arrives!
Air rifle Tuner
As some of you may have recently seen on Where Matjaz's original collate design works is
Facebook (the font of all knowledge), I received on an air rifle which has a barrel extending
the prototype variable air rifle tuner I hinted at a beyond the air cylinder, as many of them do.
few issues ago. This was designed and made While others which have barrels that are flush
by Matjaz Svetek, based on a rimfire tuner he with the air cylinder, this original design will not
had designed. It is something I have wanted to fit. Thus we use the term prototype, as Matjaz
see happen for a long time, so I passed on all has worked hard to develop this model 'number
the research I have done to Matjaz last year. 1A'.
At that point there was literally no one with the
facilities to make such a tuner or to take it on Having received this initial prototype I discussed
board as a long term project. I know, having modification solutions with Matjaz. This was
tried for months the year before. So all kudos to because a fair bit of money and time had been
Matjaz. invested in production already. These
modifications were:

Top view of the modified


• The collet mounting was removed. • Engraved a simple a Vernier scale for ease
• Added carbon fibre barrel mount with grub of noting adjustment.
screw securing system. • Breech tuner chamber has been machine
• Added Delrin compression sleeve into thinner.
• carbon fibre mount - 1mm gauge bored to • Carbon fibre tuner chamber has been
barrel diameter. • added.
• Added Delrin barrel stop into barrel • Rubber knurled grip has been added.
• mount - 25mm depth setting. • The tuner is now lighter - 115 grams to 89
• Collet outer sleeve is thread locked grams.
• permanently into place. • Bloop tube interior sanded to fine finish.
• Glued and pinned barrel mount onto main • Suggestion of Stainless Steel weight
body. • washers to be considered as modular
• Smaller gauge O ring added - for ease of • system - all threaded male and female.
testing - I will use yours to lock into adjusted
setting I then took about the task of modifying the

The variety of carbon fibre
tubes supplied by Matjaz and
adapted for testing.

prototype, so testing could proceed in a variety affects accuracy. Some initial tests with a
of conditions, with both naked barrel and the variety of tubes with the same moment value
bloop tube I use as the controls for the test. So equilibrium, provided different outcomes. Two
apologies at the time of reporting that this is specific tube extensions gave a number of
only a partial review with initial stages of groups with vertical stringing, as seen in the
qualitative data. With modifications, other photographs.
projects and a world championship to get ready
for, time has literally run out. Testing wise I am a While these tubes may be worth pursuing and
least a month behind schedule. tuning further, I decided to pursue one that gave
good results relatively easily. The other longer
While we see a number of different tests in this tubes had been through a number of settings,
issue, they are not exhaustive and indeed need with only reasonable results. Thus we have a
to be completed when the World Championship base to test against, my reliable and balance
is over and we are all back from Australia. What bloop tube and the new variable tuner with short
the tests do show is a pattern of how the tuner extension bloop tube. So the best laid plans of
experimenting with a variety of longer tubes and to my selected pellets already - it is all about the
adjustable tuner are still in their infancy. perfect setting. Secondly I want to tune a variety
of pellets, with tuner and without to compare. I
The tube chosen for further testing shows a have some real humdinger pellets that are not
great deal of promise and I would go as far accurate at all, so let's see if we can get them to
as to say at this point in time, it works!! A bold achieve more of their potential.
statement I know, but balance outcome against
what I know does work, we are nor far from a These tests will be in a later article, due to time
final outcome. It is just about testing and tuning and the modifications taking some effort and
my selected pellets to get things right. However, time. Matjaz now has the notes for these
the variable tuner seems to respond quite well modification, but whether the tuners will go into

The additional rubber

sleeving allows better grip to
turn the weight. The internal
rubber washer takes
adjustment reasonably stiff,
but this is what you want to
get setting to stay in place.
The tuner adapted to fit
shorter barrels, flush with the
air cylinder. This is now help
on with two grub screws.

Initial testing.

The standard bloop tube at the top, with
the selected tuner tube - No1. Others
are giving too much vertical stringing in
initial tests.

full or partial production depends on a number of factors. Whether he can fit this into other projects
he has on the go - windflags, stocks, actions, etc - and if there is enough interest in the product.
Only time will tell and if you the reader will take this onboard.
Sometimes the weather can be a bit...... severe!!!!

Bloop tube in the first two rows

and tuner in the two last rows. We
are getting closer but more testing
is needed.

The bloop tube and tuner on test.

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Proud to sponsor the 2015 WRABF World Championship
Using Wind Flags
Basics - Part 3

Last issue we left off looking at using windflags, Therefore we know;

generalised directions of wind and hold off. This
issue we continue to develop this theme with • The wind will displace a bullet 29.1mm
some other theories that may be of use to the at 50m. Divide this by the value on the clock
shooter. for wind direction and you have the wind drift in
Remember the wind is never 'pure' and these
diagrams provide an indication of where the • 29.1 ÷ Clock value (0.5 or 0.87 or 1) =
bullet will go with a pure wind direction. All wind drift in millimeters.
ranges provide a more erratic picture.
Consider methods used by other shooting Finer calculations can be made using the
disciplines, such as imagining a wind clock to smaller 0.25 values up to 1, 5, 7 and 11 O'clock
estimate the amount of compensation needed, directions and 0.71 up to 2, 4, 8 and 10 O'clock
by value factor for windage. Simple corrections directions.
can be made by using the exterior values on
the diagram where, full value wind is between 8 Use the previous diagrams to estimate point
-10 O'clock and 2 - 4 O'clock. (It will affect the of impact (POA). The value is regarded as the
wind significantly). 0.87 value is between 1-2 amount of correction or compensation. Full
O'clock, 4-5 O'clock, 7-8 O'clock and value is 100% correction, while half value is
10-11 O'clock. Half value wind will be between 50% correction.
11 - 1 O'clock and 5 - 7 O'clock. (It will affect
the bullet half as much). 12 and 6 O'clock have These values are very close to those used in
no value for windage, but will move the bullet Minute of Angle 'clicks' on you scope,
vertically. depending on what scope you have. A scope
with 1/8 clicks minimum is recommended.

However, as we are dealing with only 25m and ‘estimates’.
50m shooting, it would be better to dope the
wind using millimetres as indications of When actually shooting however, you will need
elevation and windage. to consider other issues like barometric
pressure and temperature. Ballistic programs
It is often assumed the wind pushes the bullet in will take these into account, but use a good
it trajectory. The fact is the bullet turns into the one! Remember that with 10mph cross wind a
wind shortly after exiting the muzzle of the bullet will displace 25.4mm at 50 Yards.
barrel. If the wind is strong, the angle the However, at 50m it will displace 29.1mm, as this
bullet assumes in the wind is more dramatic. distance is further.
The effects of the wind current on the nose and
drag on the base of the bullet force the bullet If you have time to practice and ascertain what
along the path of the base. Thus drags the the conditions of the day are, you can correct
bullet in that direction. your shooting accordingly. Each range and day
will have its own features that will increase or
The table below lists the constraints for Light decrease muzzle velocity and energy -
Breeze on the Beaufort scale (4-7 mph) and depending if it is hot or not, for instance. This
could theoretically be used to plot the Point of increase or decrease may not be that much, but
Impact (POI) of bullets – see diagram. Wind it could be significant enough to alter figures on
deflection is all about reading the flags and the the wind deflection grid below.
information listed below are at best reasonable
devices' to observe in one place.
Shooting rimfire and air rifle benchrest is a lot
about looking at what the wind is doing and The lateral 180 wind indicator is very beneficial
trying to interpret that via whatever ‘indicator’ as it provides information about the 'full value'
is being used. Clearly, we all get ‘caught out’ 3 and 9 O'clock winds. They are simple to use
otherwise there would be lots of perfect scores and can be set up to indicate wind speed or the
around! amount of rings a shooter should aim off. The
arrow points to the reverse of the wind direction.
Using Wind Indicators
Wind indicators, whether lateral 180 degree or Below:
360 degree are extremely useful devices. • Diagram A shows a 0 wind velocity so
Newer designs allow these to be placed with/ little if no compensation needed.
under the wind flags, as in the picture.
Therefore, you can have a number of 'wind • Diagram B shows a 9 O’clock wind at

about #1 – so about a 2 MPH wind, so dope about #11/2 – so a 3/4 MPH wind, so dope
accordingly. accordingly.

• Diagram C shows a 9 O’clock wind at • Diagram D shows a 3 O’clock wind at

about #21/2 – so a 7/8 MPH wind, so dope as well as at home? Flying with heavy
accordingly. equipment can get expensive. These do the job
• Diagram E shows a 3 O’clock wind at and a suggestion is practice what you will shoot
about #4 – so a 13+ MPH wind, so WAIT!!!! with.

Opposite is a picture of how wind flags and Reading the Wind tasks!
wind indicators can be set up at a match, 1. Wind patterns constantly change within a
showing a variety of information about the wind. 20 minute competition period, even from
Flags and wind indicators together are much second to second. During a match select one,
easier to view to shoot successfully. two or three wind patterns which you can
easily identify by watching the wind flags. Shoot
One aspect of using light wind flags and wind as many shots as possible in the same wind
indicators like those shown is travel. From pattern.
experience the lighter the better, especially if
shooters do intend to travel to matches abroad, 2. When a change in wind happens – and

it will - STOP: Second guessing a shot can be 'seeing' what is not there!
counterproductive!!! Either wait for a wind
pattern you have identified/ previously shot or 9. Record your experiences by drawing
take a sighter!! your own diagrams after shooting on a
particular range with particular conditions. This
3. If you ‘feel’ unsure about the stability of a will act as a reminder.
wind pattern, check it with a sighter!!
10. Memorise flag positions related to POI,
4. Taking a sighter is a tool to determine the especially as you are dealing with more than
effect of any particular wind pattern. Take lots one of them. Multiple flags will each provide
and lots of sighter's. different information about the wind between
you and the target.
5. Have a good understanding of the
Bernoulli and Magnus Effects. Remember to consider the following about s
ub-sonic ammunition, as most target brand
6. Part of competition is using what you ammunition is subsonic;
know - always aim of for a safe ten score.
These count as points first!!!! “Those unfamiliar with smallbore rifle
competition are often surprised to learn that
7. PRACTICE, practice and then practice target shooters almost universally use standard
some more. Shooting in the wind is difficult, it velocity ammunition in preference to the many
constantly changes. Therefore shoot in all varieties of high and hyper-velocity rounds
conditions and learn from mistakes. available. The reason given is the low-velocity
ammunitions resistance to wind deflection.
8. Shoot on a number of ranges to gain
experience of different wind patterns and Despite what might seem at first to be the case,

wind deflection is not proportional to the time of more wind deflection as velocity is increased.
flight. Instead, it is proportional to the amount of
delay in the flight caused by air resistance. The While air resistance always increases when the
1145 f.p.s. standard velocity .22 long rifle round bullet is shot faster, the rate of this increase is
takes .287 seconds to go 100 yds., but would less steep at supersonic velocities. Rifle bullets
take only .262 seconds to cover the same in general, contrary to the case of rimfires, are
distance in a vacuum. The latter figure is easily made less sensitive to the wind by raising their
found by dividing 300 ft. by the speed of the velocities”.
bullet (1145 f.p.s.), which would remain the
same throughout its flight if it were in a vacuum. Quotation from the NRA Firearms Fact Book

Thus the delay caused by air resistance is .025 There are a lots of factors to take on board
second with the standard velocity ammunition. in reading the wind. Like everything,
The 1335 f.p.s. high velocity ammunition, which learning to shoot in the wind is about
will take .259 second to cover 100 yds., would keeping notes, records, experimenting and
take only .225 second in a vacuum. Thus, the gaining vast amounts of experience. There
delay for this bullet is .035 second or 37% is no overnight solution! Range time is
greater than that of the standard velocity round essential.
.22. The high speed round, then, suffers about
37% more wind deflection than the standard Further help
velocity. Use the diagram below as an aid to place bullet
impact. All show the same information in differ-
This remarkable result is due to the very rapid ent ways. Reading the wind and compensating
rate at which air resistance increases with for it is generally considered as a fraction of the
increase in bullet speed in the region near the wind’s 3:00 or 9:00 o’clock effect, like a 'clock'.
speed of sound. The .22 rimfires are the only Halving these increments again for instance to
important rifle cartridges that occupy this speed 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, etc, can provide finer
range, and they are the only ones that show compensation for a shot.

Use the diagrams below as an aid to
place bullet impact.
Placement is based on direction and a
wind speed of approximately 4-7 MPH,
but are for illustrative purposes only.
Optics for sport, hunting and nature.

Standard of perfection


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Monarch E offers a 30mm one-piece main body tube, illuminated
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Price: 1 039 €/25 990 Kč
Sale: 799 €/19 990 Kč

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Tapani Rest
Quick target aquisition, easy adjustment
using the long arm feature and all the controls
in one hand after set up. Not a co-axil rest, but
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The Humble Rear Bag

We often talk about what the next best front a choice of either a Condura or leather body. If
rest will be, but how often do we discuss the you require more lubrication for smoother
other side of one of our most important pieces tracking on Cordura, use silicone spray or try a
of equipment, the humble rear bag. Since 2004, high slick stock tape.
when I first started benchrest, many types of
new bag design have become available, so it’s If you stay at home you have your choice of
important to choose the right one. Having fillings for the bag. I personally use fine sand
started with a Caldwell bag there was a need for I bought from a child's toy shop. I baked this
me to move on quickly. If you have owned one, in the oven to remove moisture and it works
you will know why!! Thankfully 'Globalisation' extremely well. Travelling abroad is a whole
has saved all of us in this sport, even though other story. Firstly we need to empty bags due
products are sometimes still hard to get hold of. to weight - up to 4kg just with sand. If a heavier
material like Zircon is used then you will be
Consider what we want from our rear bag!! It paying a lot of fees for your journey. Secondly
has to contribute to the very stable support of not all countries like 'soil particles' passing their
the front rest and allow a 'snug' fit for the butt of borders, so you have to empty your filler
the rifle, so we will only achieve 'perfect recoil'. anyway. We are then reliant on what material
Buying the right bag in the first place helps. is available at the championship to fill you bag.
Having had a few that do not do the job I can tell Sometimes beggars cannot be choosers!!
you getting one that does makes all the
difference! Cordura ‘ears’ on the bag Think about how you fill your bag, as it has to be
significantly helps the rifle slide smoothly under done properly. Your bag has got to be stable
recoil. I would say to avoid a bag with leather enough so it does not shift, so personally I
ears and go for a bag with Condura 'ears'; with would suggest it to be packed very firmly. This

My old Cicognani bag.

would include the ears! Weight is important, needs are best serviced by a bag that has a
but I would suggest that the bag ears and base thick flat base. One that is thin and curls into a
moving as little as possible is more important. convex form will not help you a great deal,
Some of you may use a technique called possibly even rocking on the bench. This will
'squeezing' but for our sport it is not useful, deviate shots away from your intended POI.
leads to poor technique and I would not suggest
its use. Let's face it we have a very fancy and Fine sand is a very dense substance. The finer
expensive front rest to help move to a perfect, and dryer the better!! See my previous
fixed position so why use a technique that is statement on the sand I suggest using and
subjective at best?! Consider also how your drying. Finer particles will inevitably give you a

Protektor rear bag, but is it

stable enough??

In perfect alignment.

heavier bag. Zircon was used a lot in centerfire the sand, a teaspoon and quite a bit of time!! Fill
benchrest, as was foundry sand. Both will give the ears first and pack them as tightly as you
you good results. Personally the child's play can, allowing for you rifle to fit in snugly. You
sand has always serviced me well, as I look for may need to test at this point. Filling one ear at
stability of the bag structure first and weight as a time, pour as much sand into the ear as you
secondary feature. can. Whatever rod you choose to use will help
compact the sand, making room for more. So
To fill you bag you will need a small funnel with don't be delicate and ram the sand down and
a fine nozzle, a rod, pencil or pen to help stuff build up the volume over time. Once you have

got the 'fill' correct, tuck the fill tail back in and compressed. You will have to decide what best
move onto the next ear. The fill tails are on each suites you and your rifle. As the materials used
of the ears and the main bag. They are tight for for the bag generally stretch, I would suggest
obvious reasons and the only way to put sand filling at tight as you can, possibly slamming on
into each compartment. a flat hard surface to distribute the sand. Leave
for a few days, going back to see if it needs
As already stated, I like my bag very tight and topping up. This is often not a luxury at a

Caldwell are cheap and for some are the

only easy option.
championship, so we have to get it right first setup is vital, so try to spend some time doing
time!! this. Everything else, rifle, rest, bench
technique, et al...... Well that is another story!!
To fill the main body of your bag follow the
same process, possibly slamming it on a flat Lastly on this topic I want to mention the use of
surface to distribute the sand and pushing the 'Doughnuts' which are used to heighten the rear
sand around with your hands from the outside. bag in specific situations. There is an occa-
This is a relatively long job, so do not expect sional need where elevation adjustment on the
miracles straight away. The teaspoon can be front rest is not enough on a specific range. We
used to scoop in the last few amounts into the would need to use a 'spacer' on the rear bag
filler tail and ramming into place with the rod. to fix issues. This 'spacer' is called a doughnut.
These come in a range of forms, but are usu-
Once done tuck-in the filler tails and ensure this ally a thin bag or base similar to the base of the
is done on all compartments so no sand rear bag. There are often made of thick leather
escapes. Now go through a full checking which will raise the rifle at the butt about an
procedure, tracking your rifle in the bag and inch, possibly less.
rest, altering the state of each compartment They are needed rarely, but if you do require
(ears and main bag) according to your needs one for your home range then consider
and the fit if your rifle. The last test is obviously emulating the base of your own rear bag,
shooting your rifle and checking tracking and possibly obtaining the doughnut from the
the stability of your equipment. Look through original manufacturer of your rear bag.
your scope and ensure the crosshairs return to
the same point of aim. If they do then tracking If you notice I have not reviewed any bags in
on your rifle is good. If they don't, move sand this article and that has been a deliberate
in your bag with you hands until the rifle does decision to this point of writing this article. There
not travel from side to side. Add more sand if are lots of bags out there: Protektor, Caldwell,
needed. Again a long process which sounds like Cicognani, Bald Eagle, Edgewood, etc.
a recipe for a cake, but it is worth it to have a The only one I would personally not do without
prefect stable setup for your equipment. Your is the SEB rear bag. This is for a number of
rifle may be the best, but all your pieces of reasons: it is one of the cheapest, it is designed
equipment are symbiotic. Each one relies on and made extremely well, it has a flat non slip
the next to create the perfect shot. base, the materials are first rate, the body is
leather, the ears are made of a fine Condura,
The testing procedure to ensure a correct bag etc, etc ......... I could go on, but the value for
money is exceptional. If you are new to the
sport, get one and do not waste money on
other models. I will be very surprised if you
are not happy with your purchase.

This sport is not the easiest as there is a lot

of technical development you need achieve

The ‘Rolls Royce’ of

bags - the Edgewood.
A standard match setup, with
windicators, flagsand tails.

and this changes over time. Benchrest also consumes a lot of that time, so good hunting for your
prefect bag and setup!

A top of the line benchrest


Proud to sponsor the 2015 WRABF World Championship

Tschechische Republik

GB Team Training
I know, by looking around Facebook, that a even if it is when not to shoot - which is actually
number of countries are running individual and a really important skill to develop.
team training sessions or competitions. For me
this is always good news, as time at the bench How ever you approach your individual training
is basically a learning process. Each time we we just need to be aware how invaluable it is.
visit the range and shoot we learn something, My own training involves various layers of

It looks calm but it wasn’t!!

Glevum can be a challenging
range at the best of times.

Colin Evans, Team GB Captain.

The unstoppable Ron Harding.

equipment drills, shooting techniques, mental

training and mental wellbeing. Sounds
complex and it is, as all this takes up
considerable time and energy. So much so it
often gets in the way of other things we want
to do!!

Recently in merry olde England we have held

team training days for the British team. My
belief is we get out of this what we put into it.
Personally I found it quite difficult as people
want a number of things from me on the first
day. Colin Evans must feel more stressed as
the Team Captain and host for these events. It
is not easy trying to balance a variety of
responsibilities, especially when you are trying
to train yourself. Yes he is the chef de
excellence, chief bottle washer and dryer up!!
So kudos to him.

As with all of these types of days there is a bit

of competitiveness and both days did not let
us down, with side competitions to move us
along a little.The second of these involved a
visit from Dave Frogget, the NSRA and Team
GB coach. His session for me, was absolutely
invaluable, as he approached a number of
issues from different angles. Through
discussion and referencing a number of key Yes, we have a few
points for all shooters were raised and I know youngsters too - but not
John (Right)!!
the years.

Glevum is the range we chose

to train at because it's..... well....
not an easy range to shoot on. I
have had my worst scores ever

I will be taking these with me to the

world championship. With the NSRA
as the new Great Britain national
association, having access to people
like Dave who are both interested
in us as a team and willing to give
something to the team, is worth the
hardship of battling for this sport over

Focus, focus, focus!!!

Extremely good preparation
for Brisbane - from what we
have heard anyway!!

at this range which helps keep us all modest! I one another with equipment development and
think the two days were not extremely arduous repair, organised team uniforms, supported
in comparison, but it made us all focus and we shooting development, equipment drills and
were kept on our toes. After all this is the game setup, etc, etc. In fact so many things it is
we are in and mental focus is key to success. difficult to go through everything here. All in all
our team captains have been very supportive
During the training days we have organised as they have a lot of weight on their shoulders,
support teams for the championship, supported including the dreaded paperwork. It is worth
At just over 20 ounces this scope fits the bill! A fixed 45x45

Your scribe left - finding

something intersting other
than shooting!! 48
Left - and you can only just
see his head - Dave Frogget
(national coach) came down
for the two days.

doing these activities with your

team, as you still have time.

Obviously training continues on

our own home ranges, where you
will see us all on weekdays and at
the weekends firing a considerable
amount of lead into the back stops.
I hate to think of the cost just in
practice. However, as I have said,
we learn something ever time we

Lastly, I have put pictures of the

Team GB ranking system in the
article to emphasis how three
person teams and the larger full
fifteen team is selected. It is
something to consider as and when
national teams grow
inevitably there will come a day
when someone may not make it to
the full team, or indeed the smaller
three person team. Hopefully the
selection process is clear and
transparent, not being bound by
the odd 'bad' match. Fifteen targets
are nominated and averaged for
score and X count, to one decimal
place. In this way it is clear who, on
average, has the better scores over a period of
time, thus achieving a specific level of
consistency. If countries do not have a selection
process in place this is a process worth
considering. Let's face it, travel does depend
on who has the money to do it, but people still
have to shoot well to be in a nations first or
second team!

With only weeks to go until we see friends and

competitors again I hope you have abundance
of good training sessions and get yourself
prepared for the next world championship. See
you there.

World Rimfire and Air Rifle Benchrest Federation

As a FEDERATION, we service International rimfire and air

benchrest competitions in association with the partners around
the globe.

Please use our website to learn and understand more about this
addictive shooting sport.
or country representatives contact us at:
[email protected] or [email protected]

Your WRABF Executive Committee:

Bill Collaros Nick Schoonwinkle Carl Boswell

President - AUS Vice President - RSA Secretary - GBR

Jens Lagas Markus Feldmann Craig Young Richard Fernandez

Executive Officer - FIN Executive Officer - GER Executive Officer - USA Executive Officer - PHL

Dealing with the affects of mirage is one of the most difficult and exhausting things most
sportspeople have to deal with during a match or even in testing/ training. Each person sees
differently, each individual match is different, each range provides different conditions - this can be
generally or from minute to minute, just like reading the wind.

There is no simple answer, as it is about gaining experience and formulating this and the
equipment you use into a logical way of dealing with the issue of mirage. Stating equipment, as
this is extremely important. The way a rifle and scope interact together and in specific
environmental conditions will be different from one to another!! Scopes used in benchrest tend to
be high magnification. What are the pros and cons to this?? Possibly setting up for potential
mirage issues at a match is something to consider in future planning to achieve success.

We are lucky in both rimfire and air rifle disciplines, as we have as many sighters as we want in the
20 minutes of a match. This aids us in the event of mirage to check the Point of Impact (POI). Our
disadvantage is the 20 minutes to complete a match. In reality no 'condition' can be waited out!!

What can 'mirage' look like through your scope? In the worst possible case it can look like
shooting through fast-moving water and even the rings on your target may not be visible – let alone
your 'shot' holes! The two videos below show a great deal:

When dealing with any compensation or correction for mirage, or indeed wind flags, we take the
view of 'aiming off' or wind doping.
1. Because we are shooting at relatively short distances
2. Because rimfire and air rifle benchrest are timed events for a match card - 20 minutes so
time is of the essence.
3. Because conditions will change from second to second.
Experience and accurate logs of shooting in mirage will enable the shooter to compensate
according using the theories below, many of which have been re-drafted to deal specifically with
rimfire and air rifle benchrest.

Flag type can help you determine winds
from lateral and frontal positions.

How it may look to you

through a high powered

Naturally scopes can be dialled in to compensate, but experience shows with this sport it will
potentially create more confusion than it alleviates, especially for the beginner.

Reading the wind and compensating for it is generally considered as a fraction of the wind’s 3:00
or 9:00 o’clock effect, like a 'clock' - see the wind reading cards In the wind flag section. The same
can be said for 'mirage'. Mentally halving these increments again for instance, to 12:30, 1:30, 2:30,
etc, so halfway in between 12 and 1 o'clock, can provide finer compensation for a shot. (Refer to
wind clock in the Using Wind Flags section).

This is often easier said than done, as any small changes in wind direction specifically related to
mirage is often very difficult to detect. However, if secondary heat wave lines begin to appear in
the mirage and have the appearance of just leaning away from vertical, this is a defining indication
to the shooter that a change in wind direction has occurred.

Dealing with Mirage

Psychologically and practically mirage is a difficult condition to cope with for some reasons listed
1. We train using flags to indicate the speed and direction of the wind and rely on our
wind-flags to tell us what is happening between rifle and target. The operative word here is ‘rely’.
Most of us were 'brought up' or trained to use wind-flags so it’s difficult not to.
2. Seeing mirage is not always easy and depends on the individual’s eyesight. Mirage is often
described as a ‘wind you cannot see’. We are looking for waves of air changing and shifting the
sight picture through the lens of our optics. If this is observed through a high-power scope it will
also allow the shooter to estimate the speed and direction.
3. The indications the wind flags provide will continue to have some relevance. Balancing this
with mirage is difficult. Which will have the greatest effect on our bullet?
4. Consider the fact that becoming frustrated with mirage creates negative thoughts for the
shooter, so try to create an understanding of mirage and use it as a tool to achieve greater
accuracy. Dealing with mirage positively does depend on the shooters own psychological

What causes mirage is possibly not necessarily important to some, just how to deal with it. Yes, we
could go into a detailed and mathematical explanation about cold and hot air pressure, that light
rays bend as they move from lighter (warm) to denser (cold) air and visa versa, etc, etc. What is
important is knowing:

• If the ground and air are warmer than that higher up, light 'bends' or more correctly refracts
upwards, displacing the image being viewed by the shooter.
• If the ground and air is cooler than higher up, light 'bends' or more correctly refracts
downwards, displacing the image being viewed by the shooter

Therefore we are not necessarily dealing with the true sense of the word 'mirage' in shooting. We
are dealing with heat waves and the refraction of light as it is bent passing through air layers of
different density and velocity.

Heat waves can certainly be seen with the naked eye and absolutely through a high powered
scope. Therefore, a 'mirage' condition is not necessarily a disadvantage, as it can provide the
shooter with very real information about wind changes. A high magnification rifle scope will
certainly show some movement or haze that shifts. If in doubt about wind flag indication, shoot
with the mirage!! The illustration above indicates the 'mirage' is proving the shooter a false image
of the target higher than it is in reality. In this case compensation by aiming lower will allow for this

Let us consider how to classify the intensity of 'mirage' into categories and the direction into
classes of mirage. These are principles discussed in an excellent article on the SouthTexasShoot- website and South Texas Marksmanship Training Center. Here, they are related specifically
to rimfire and air rifle benchrest. We can and should utilise them!! If I para-phrase or take 'lumps'
from this article my apologies, but the principles are logical, reasonable and stated very well.

Let's assume then, that there are three main Categories of Mirage - these are distinctive when
looking through a scope (taking into account in benchrest we tend to use high magnification
scopes), in the sense of how dense the heat waves look to the viewer, as seen in the diagram

Categories of Mirage

• Light - will be present on a cool day, possibly cloudy, with little sun which is filtered by the
clouds. The sun is not heating the ground, or not significantly enough, so any mirage seen through
the scope is a series of fine, faint lines. Target distortion is therefore minimal. This category of
mirage is very useful to the shooter in detecting slight wind changes which require the extremely
slight amounts of windage compensation. The mirage compensation is effectively negligible.

• Intermediate - will be present on a good shooting day with 21 to 24 degrees Celsius

temperature and normal humidity (45 to 55 percent). The mirage is easily seen through the scope
as distinct lines. Target distortion begins to be apparent. Each major change in wind velocity will
also require compensation for the change in mirage. This compensation would be more than for
the light category. Again this category of mirage is very useful to the shooter to determine windage
compensation (doping).

• Heavy - will be present on hot days where temperatures reach 25+ degrees Celsius (with
60+ percent humidity). The heat wave will be noticeable as very dense lines viewed through the
scope. Target distortion can be extreme and compensation (doping) can potentially range from
approximately 6mm to 21.8mm at 50 metres, depending on wind speed. Any change in the wind
velocity will require that the shooter compensate for the mirage.

In addition to the three categories noted above, there are four distinct classes of mirage in each
category from each side of the target, plus the vertical mirage. Therefore we have a minimum of
twenty-five mirage conditions that the shooter may use in detecting wind changes. As the wind
blows the heat waves rise, causing them to move vertically, obliquely, or laterally across the target.
The amount that they vary from the vertical depends on the cross wind velocity, 0 to 12 miles per
hour. (This includes a wind from 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock). Mirage classification here gives the wind
velocity up to about 12 mph. Like shooting in high winds, doping gets proportionally more difficult.

Classes of Mirage

Boiling Mirage
Boiling Mirage is where heat waves rise vertically as wind would be calm and/ or where the wind
could be blowing from 6 o'clock or from 12 o'clock. For the shooter this class of mirage requires
them to 'aim off' lower or dope to hit the 10/ X. The shooter also needs to determine the category
of the mirage for the amount of compensation needed.
Boiling mirage can fluctuate as the heat wave’s rise, with movement if these waves slightly to the
left of the right - 5:30 or 6:30. This can mean compensating or doping. Developing experience is
key!! A left to right compensation for this class of mirage, if it fluctuates, can be between 3-5mm.

Slow Mirage
Slow mirage is the second class of mirage and this is where a light air of 1 to 3 mph blows from
3 o’clock or 9 o’clock. Heat waves will be slightly angled as they move across the target from 7
o’clock to 1 o’clock or from 5 o’clock to 11 o’clock. Target displacement with this class requires
both an elevation and windage compensation (doping). As with the boiling mirage, the crosshair is
lowered to compensate for vertical component of the apparent displacement. The horizontal
component requires a wind correction which will be into the wind, in addition to the correction for
wind drift of the bullet.
Since the heat waves are crossing from 7 o’clock to 1 o’clock or 5 o’clock to 11 o’clock, they are
making an angle of approximately 30 degrees from 12 o'clock.

This can be calculated in relation to the total apparent displacement:

• P = total apparent displacement

• V = Vertical Displacement
• H = Horizontal Displacement
V = D cosine 30 degrees = 0.87 Deviation = D = 12.7mm at 50m
H = sine 30 degrees = 0.50 Deviation = D = 7.3mm at 50m
However, these really need to be considered as approximations or good estimates for Rimfire and
Air Rifle benchrest.

Medium Mirage

Medium mirage is third class and evident as the 3 or 9 o’clock wind rises to a light breeze of 4 to
7 mph, the heat waves will make a greater angle with the vertical and will have the appearance of
crossing from 8 o’clock to 2 o’clock or 4 o’clock to 10 o’clock. The medium mirage will also require
both elevation and windage compensation of different amounts than for slow mirage. Changing the
angle from 30 degrees to 60 degrees because of the increased inclination, the calculations

V = D cosine 60 degrees = 0.50 value Deviation = D = 7.3mm at 50m

H = D sine 60 degrees = 0.87 value Deviation = D = 12.7mm at 50m

However, these really need to be considered as approximations or good estimates for Rimfire
and Air Rifle benchrest. Refer to the wind clock in the Using Wind Flags section for values in wing

Referring to rimfire 50m shooting only and thinking back to the total displacement of 21.8mm
caused by the heavy mirage, the vertical correction for a heavy-medium mirage could be as much
as 0.75 MOA or 10.9mm and the horizontal correction could be as much as 1.31 MOA or 19.1mm.
Again the sight is lowered and the windage compensation is added to that required for wind drift.

Fast Mirage
Fast mirage is the fourth class of mirage and will be visible when the wind velocity is a gentle
breeze stage of 8 to 12 mph from 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock. The heat waves will only move
horizontally across the target and the target displacement will be only horizontal. The fast mirage
therefore only requires windage compensation (doping). Wind velocities over 12 m.p.h. are
indicated by the heat waves having the appearance of being 'stretched straight', and changes can
be detected by slight waves beginning to appear on the mirage lines.

The Effect at 50m with Rimfire

Consider the mirage effect of heavy mirage during a match. Initially a wind starts at a 1 to 3 mph
(slow mirage) increasing to 4 to 7 mph (medium mirage). Elevation must be doped to compensate
1.25 MOA or 18.2mm and 0.75 MOA or 10.9mm windage doped for the horizontal mirage.

Therefore, during the match, the mirage picture changes from heavy-slow to heavy-medium
mirage indicating an increase in wind velocity. The necessary wind doping is made and an
additional 0.5 MOA or 7.3mm is applied to give a total horizontal correction of 1.25 MOA or
18.2mm for mirage. Compensating or doping for the vertical mirage is accomplished in a similar
manner. The sight was originally lowered 1.25 MOA or 18.2mm and the mirage picture now

indicates that only 0.75 MOA or 10.9mm is needed, so the sight is raised the difference, which is
0.5 MOA or 7.3mm. A lot to think about so all shooters should practice mentally.

The Effect at 25m with Air Rifle

Consider the mirage effect of heavy mirage during a match. Initially a wind starts at a 1 to 3 mph
(slow mirage) increasing to 4 to 7 mph (medium mirage). Elevation must be doped to compensate
1.25 MOA or 9.1mm and 0.75 MOA or 5.5mm windage doped for the horizontal mirage. Therefore,
during the match, the mirage picture changes from heavy-slow to heavy-medium mirage
indicating an increase in wind velocity. The necessary wind doping is made and an additional 0.5
MOA or 3.6mm is applied to give a total horizontal correction of 1.25 MOA or 9.1mm for mirage.
Compensating or doping for the vertical mirage is accomplished in a similar manner. The sight was
originally lowered 1.25 MOA or 9.1mm and the mirage picture now indicates that only 0.75 MOA or
5.5mm is needed, so the sight is raised the difference, which is 0.5 MOA or 3.6mm. A lot to think
about so all shooters should practice mentally. These are, like the other data here, very
reasonable and logical 'estimations', but are a good basis to develop further data, taking into
account most mirage research is done with centerfire rifles at long range.

This is taking into account the same scenario as in the rimfire example, however for very light air
rifle pellets. What follows is an estimation based on Minute Of Arc calculations for 25 Metres in the
grid below:

Compensation Factors
The table below is a series of compensation factors in minutes of arc (MOA), which will aid anyone
learning the effect that mirage can have on the target image. Do keep in mind that intensity of the
mirage you see will vary according to the individual’s vision, so each person will potentially
compensate or dope differently.

The table is extracted from the aforementioned article which relied on information from
experienced shooters. Values given here are 'estimations' and will have to be modified for mirage
pictures specific to geographical position and vision of the individual.
Finally please remember:

Mirage 3 Categories = Mirage Dynamic Density = Observed through density of mirage 'lines'

61 61
Mirage 4 Classification = Mirage Angular Velocity = Observed through direction of mirage

Task 1
Creating an artificial mirage.

This can be achieved by having a heat source under you target, creating hot air which cools as it
gains height.

A simple way of producing this, if your range allows, is by using a tea light hot plate when no
mirage conditions are available. (Tea lights in a fireproof container and a metal plate held above
them to heat).
Experiment with shooting mirage using this simple, easily made solution.
Disclaimer - the author is not responsible for the design or implementation of this idea at the read-
ers range. The reader takes sole responsibility for using this concept as a training process. The
author excepts no responsibility or liability.
Please remember, open flames are potentially a fire hazard and hot surfaces can cause burns.

Task 2
Use the MOA chart to estimate the amount of wind doping required for Categories and Classes of
Mirage for 25m air rifle.

Task 3
During a shooting exercise where mirage is observed record mirage patterns in a score book.

Draw wavy lines to notes mirage classification.

Putting L = Light, I = Intermediate and H = Heavy can denote category changes

This will need to be practiced on days where mirage is evident or indeed available. It is worth the
practice and seeing the changes to POI, noting these down for future reference.

Possible Aids to help with Mirage

Mirage Shield - this is a long strip of material that sits along the length and on top of the barrel. It
usually has a concave shape which reflects heat from the barrel, so this heats around the barrel
surface does not interfere with the sight picture through the scope.

Optical Booster - The BulzEyePro™ Optical Booster™

Minutes of Arc (MOA) to Millimetres

Decimal mm at 25 mm at 50 mm at
MOA Metres Metres 100
Metres These are made from an enhance polymer that
from manufacturer notes, first, disperses the target
0.125 0.91 1.82 3.64 moving effects of mirage. Second, allow the shooter
to see the leading edge of each wave of mirage
0.25 1.82 3.64 7.28 (so that we could see wind speed and direction).
And third, discover the differences in air densities
0.375 2.73 5.46 10.92 throughout the mirage (adjust for bullet drop). The
booster also increases magnification considerably.
0.50 3.64 7.28 14.56

0.625 4.55 9.10 18.20

0.75 5.46 10.92 21.84

0.875 6.37 12.74 25.48

1.00 7.28 14.56 29.12

1.125 8.19 16.38 32.76

1.25 9.1 18.2 36.4

1.375 9.99 19.98 39.97

1.50 10.9 21.8 43.6

1.625 11.82 23.63 47.26

1.75 12.73 25.45 50.9

Scope Lens Shade
1.875 13.64 27.28 54.56 The main purpose of the lens shade is to protect
against glare from the sun or reflection. However
2.00 14.55 29.1 58.2 they can be custom made or factory models can be
screwed together to create custom lengths to
2.125 15.44 30.89 61.77
create in affect another form of mirage shield.
2.25 16.40 32.7 65.4
2.375 17.27 34.54 69.07 and South Texas Marks-
manship Training Center
2.50 18.20 36.4 72.7
Reading Mirage by Gail McMillan
2.625 19.09 38.18 76.36
2.75 20.00 40.0 80.0
2.875 20.90 41.7 83.5 sights-wind-and-mirage-in-march-shooting-sports-
3.00 21.83 43.6 87.3
See MOA to mm chart left to 4 MOA.
3.25 23.62 47.3 94.5

3.50 25.45 50.9 101.8

3.75 27.27 54.5 109.1

4.00 29.10 58.2 116.4
European Rimfire and Air Rifle Benchrest Shooting Federation
As a FEDERATION, we service European rimfire and air
benchrest competitions in association with the partners around
the globe.
Please use our website to learn and understand more about this
addictive shooting sport.
or country representatives contact us at:
[email protected]

Your ERABSF Executive Committee 2013-2017:

Tomi Korpi Pavel Cink John O’Sullivan Alex Soldatov

President - FIN Vice President - CZE Secretary - IRE Executive Officer - RUS

Markus Feldmann Matjaz Svetek

Executive Officer - GER Executive Officer - SLO
CZ 452
Benchrest Customisation
Part 1 localised and centralised benchrest matches that
Originally writtern in four parts, an old'y but gold'y are now springing up. What it does show is how
that I wrote as I started my interest in Benchrest to start on a budget and possibly for countries to
follows. It does not show how you can produce develop shooting divisions for different grades
a rifle that will win accolades at the variety of of rifle, so anyone can afford to start and also

Trigger Spring

Sear Collate/ Sleeve

win their division. We don't always need a 'race for Benchrest I went for one of the lower
gun', and a few countries have recognised this, trigger pulls. When set it comes out very clean
which is brilliant. So onwards, but not and crisp with little or no creep in the trigger
necessarily upwards, what follows is a story of pull.
my first benchrest rifle and UK nationals winner.
Shows where we started from back in 2004/5!!! Eric also does hex action screws, inch pound
torque screwdrivers cleaning rod guides (which
This article is based around the customisation I hope to try out) and a host of other CZ
of the CZ 452 specifically for rimfire benchrest goodies. I bought new hex action screws a
shooting. This is moving on significantly from while ago to ensure I get accurate torque each
tests previously completed with a Ruger 10/22. time I disassemble the rifle, using a set torque
We start with the trigger using the Eric Brooks screwdriver fixed at 20lb in, which is a
trigger kit. I had this trigger kit already on the common setting for the CZ rifle with barrel lug.
rifle but I managed to get time to lower the More can be found on torque settings on Eric
trigger pull to about 1lb. The kit can be obtained Brooks website. To achieve consistent accuracy
from a number of sources if you search the with your rifle it is well worth reading.
Internet. (Addendum there is now a number of
aftermarket trigger units and kits for the 452, I also made a set screw to try out for the barrel
including Timney and Rifle Basix). lug on the varmint. This retains the lug in a fixed
position so it does not move. (Do be careful
The Brooks kit is relatively easy to install and he when tightening this as with lighter/ thinner
supplies online instructions you can follow barrels it could distort the barrel and rifling. It
easily. There is a safety warning, so be aware does not need to be too tight. If unsure leave
of this. The kit comes with four springs and two it.) The CZ 452 does differ in design from one
collate like sleeves for the trigger and sear model to another, some actions having a barrel
respectively. You can choose the weight of lug with a retaining bolt, plus one action screw.
trigger pull by combining the springs with the
two thicknesses of collate. As my rifle is meant Others, like the American, have two action
Barrel retaining nut, which
can help to tune the rifle - or
so they say!!

screws. The Varmint model has the former I asked if the

design and there is much debate over the barrel lug should
usefulness of the barrel lug, (some throw it be removed.
away just relying on the one action screw). Although he does
Having read a bit about bedding I believe the not favour the
barrel lug works well, as it acts like a basic barrel lug design,
pillar bed on the barrel. If you read the article at as it can give rise things make sense to inconsistent
as the barrel should be bedded in some way up reassembly, he
to the balance point of the action and barrel. recommends setting it in the way described.
However, do experiment with the torque
The barrel lug does this in part. There are applied when setting the action and screws
various articles on the web and rimfire back in place. (Remember CZ usually set the
central on this theme and it is worth taking a action screws between 20 and 24 in lbs).
look before you start overhauling your rifle. You Bedding the action into the stock is part of this
need to decide for yourself what method you process and I will get around to that when the
will use. After talking to Eric Brooks, who is the stock arrives. I have some parts ready for this
US guru for CZ rimfire rifles, I did a bit of which I will deal with in a later part.
Next I hope to get the bolt jewelled, as I have

been experimenting with patterns over
the last month.
(I did manage to prepare the bolt by
polishing to a near mirror sheen).

Before/ After - (left)

It is time now to bite the bullet, not
literally, and get on with it. Bill Shehane
has started to make my stock, so I hope
this will be with me in next month to
six weeks. Once that is with me I can
finished the lacquer on the wood and
begin bedding the rifle. His stocks can
be found at; http://www.scopeusout.

I also hope to get the extension of the

bolt arm started, but we will see how
long the above takes me.

Part 2

Quite a few things have spurred me on

with the next part of the project. Not
least the arrival of the Shehane Tracker
stock, which is a thing to behold.
More of that later! I will have to wait to
bed the action and finish the stock as
I am still waiting for parts to convert

A journal is a good idea to start the training process

the CZ to single shot only. (The part is from the jb/jb.html
Walther KK100 target rifle, which uses the same I suggest using a very abrasive compound on
receiver as the CZ 452). steel, about 120 grit. For a finer finish like mine
400 to 600 grit. It depends what you want? The
The bolt jewelling went well, all be it the pattern Brownells brushes shown in the web article can
turned out slightly different to what I wanted. be bought from any hardware shop for between
Instead of going into details here about how it is £2.50 and £4.
done, the following website has ample
instruction. With the bolt suitably polished and cleaned

the next part for the equation was the make an reduce movement between shots. Firstly the
extended bolt arm. Two reasons for this; one, original knob has to be removed. Do look at the
the CZ bolt knob is very close to the wood work amount of metal you are leaving yourself to put
and hard to grip from a bench position. It does a thread on the metal that is left.
not protrude out for an easy grip. Two, I wanted
more leverage when working the bolt, to try and The part of the arm that is left will vary from rifle
to rifle, but the smallest diameter on mine was degrees from the vertical , giving a much better
5mm, which is ample to turn a thread. (It grip and access to work the bolt.
actually varied from 7mm to 5mm, thus some
filing was necessary to form a round of 5mm. If Lastly, for this session, I decided to adapt a
you wish you could build up the metal to 7mm BSA Martini trigger shoe to give a better feel
by using a mig welder, but protect the rest of the to the CZ trigger. The original is hard to feel at
bolt from splatter if you take this route). times and I wanted something better. The shoe
was shaped to fit the profile of the CZ trigger
The new bolt knob has been turned from better, using an epoxy putty to mould the shape
aircraft grade aluminium, as I love this metal as of the trigger to the shoe. The putty is very
it gives a great finish. The design is similar to strong and takes the shape of both easily. This
some Italian ones I have seen and liked in the was them reduced and finished with a sparing
past. Both bolt knob and arm had 5mm threads amount of aluminium black. (This was also used
turned using a tap and die; the knob whilst still on the bolt arm extension). Aluminium black is
on the lathe to ensure a straight thread was cut. best sealed using clear enamel, acrylic varnish
When all cutting has been done, finishing the or gun stock oil!
bolt arm and knob with silicon carbide cloth is
a must to get a fine finish. The steel arm needs Part 3
200 to 400 grit to accept new bluing, whilst the At the time of writing most of the furniture for
aluminium needs 600 to 800 grit. After bluing the new rifle is now done. I have a few bits to
the steel both are then married together finish off, but these are minor and next stage is
using a thread lock adhesive; I used the the final one of bedding the rifle and fitting
medium strength adhesive just in case I want everything together. However, let’s get back to
to change at a later date. After all polishing and how far I have come thus far!
finishing I was very happy with this part of the
conversion. The handle is now about 115 One of the things I have found, like most, is
when you get good service keep going back to this for you. This new adaptation has a spring at
the place you get it. Try as I might to get one the base which lifts the .22 round to the breech
part for the rifle refit, a new single shot shell allowing the bolt to squarely insert the round
plate, I could not. I forgot that a local supplier into the breach.
I use a lot did business with Walther. Why
Walther when I am developing a CZ 452? Well Much better that the plastic single shot
the Walther KK100 prone rifle uses the same magazine adapter we get over here! This also
receiver as the CZ 452. BRNO even makes it promotes the fact that this rifle will be single
for Walther, who add a new trigger, barrel, etc. shot only, so a magazine well does not have to
Therefore everything that fits the KK100 be taken out of the stock.
receiver will fit the CZ 452 receiver, with a little
adaptation. (This includes the far superior With this bit finished, and after getting hold of
trigger they have on the KK100, but check all an aluminium billet via a friend at my club, I
this out for yourself first and it costs!) started on the new trigger guard. This can be
made in a variety of ways, CNC milling, manual
Anyway, after having a chat with My local milling or crafted by hand. I went for the latter
retailer, they asked me to leave the request with method to see if I could do it. This took a lot of
them for a week or so, as I had tried cutting filing and reducing, with a little help from
literally everywhere else (and had the wrong a multi-speed dremel tool and sanding drums.
piece sent), including by Walther themselves. However, it worked well and I am satisfied with
Within a week Bill telephoned me to say they the results. This was then tapped at the rear
had got it – amazing! Now that is support from to take a cap hex set screw that will act as a
your local gun shop. Many thanks to them! trigger stop. (Some ideas on the web for trigger
Once obtained the new metal shell plate was fit- stops include using resins to build up mate-
ted. However, this did involve pinning to the re- rial on the sear. However, I like to see what is
ceiver, so you may want to get a gunsmith to do happening and control it, which is why I went
this way). The set screw can then be taken out
each time the bolt is removed and put back
ready for shooting, after the bolt is back in the

Other parts adapted or made this session

were the scope rings and two levels. This
included the manufacture of both levels us-
ing basic equipment, but I wanted them silver
in colour and with a blue level, matching the
stock colour. Therefore I had to make them!
The scope rings were just altered in colour by
taking off some of the black finish with
abrasive cloth. New stainless steel socket
screws were added to finish the effect. Not
everyone’s taste, but I like it.

My last, completed work, for this time was

adding the new Cicognani barrel tuner I
purchased. This is an excellent product and I
went for a European model rather than as a
US made version. There are a variety of types
out there and it is worth having a look around.
Varide Cicognani made mine for me especially
as I wanted it in silver, to keep with the look
of the rifle. At £105, with postage, it comes in
at around the same price as most US made
versions. Many thanks to Varide Cicognani for
an excellent product and service! If you want
to visit the Cicognani website, which contains
benchrest and ISSF standard equipment, it
can be found at; http://www.varidecicognani.
(Addendum, prices of components have

increased over the last ten years, so do your to make the butt plate, which is easy enough
research). to form using the end of the formed stock as a
template. A bit of cutting, grinding and reducing
One point about getting hold of metals if you with carbide paper will give you nicely formed
don’t have a local stockist, try Ebay, as there butt plate. This I have yet to finish and produce
is loads of bits for small work. You don’t have a brushed aluminium effect. I would like to show
to go for 3 meter lengths; you can order from this next time, where I also hope to show you
30cm onwards and get all grades of metal. I the completed work.
needed a small amount of aluminium for this
rifle development and could not always get what Part 4
I wanted at local stores, which is why I mention Well it is finished, finally! It has taken me about
it. The next part I am doing I needed a ½” billet six months, on and off, to complete this project.

During this time I have waited for parts and up to the stock at each stage. Once the shape
more importantly the time to do it. If anything, was achieved the plate was drilled and finished
writing this article has moved me on a bit off with different grades of aluminium carbide
faster, as I would have been at it for another six paper, then 000 fine wire wool. The bolts
months. holding the stock are 6mm socket head bolts,
with threaded inserts glued with resin into the
Last time I was just finishing the butt plate, stock. If attempted, be careful at this stage as
which was cut and ground by hand, matching the butt is the end grain of the wood and can be

How it looked at the end - I was
so proud and also a little naive!!

damaged easily. The threaded columns do not the stock as I wanted no reassesses at all.
need to be long, as they are not stress bearing. Release agent was used so the plate was not
Also ensure the hole for them is drilled slightly fixed permanently. I am extremely happy with
oversized for the resin to bind to the wood.) The the results of this part of the project.
aluminium I used was obtained from a UK
supplier on Ebay. It is amazing what you can The concluding parts of this project were final
get out there! When finished I used a strong inletting of the stock, bedding (the part I dislike
epoxy compound to seat the plate flush against the most) and final finishing. Final inletting was

slow and testing to ensure that the action and the bedding process). The quality of this Hysol
barrel fitted just right in the stock. The barrel is probably better than 'Acraglas', but the one I
had to be fully floated. This is only achieved used is probably all a rimfire needs. A number
through carefully reduction, using grit papers of shooters on Rimfire Central use this and who
wrapped around a piece of wooden dowel that am I to argue. One thing though, dam up all
is the exact diameter of the barrel channel. If recesses, tape up all parts and put on release
you sand using no former at all, the edges of agent everywhere. You don’t want the action
the barrel channel, and receiver channel for that glued into the stock for good at this point. For
matter, will bevel and the finish will not look as those using 'Acraglas', the Brownells website
good. A good website to visit that explains all of has detailed instructions on its download page,
these procedures in detail is; http://riflestocks. and the products shelf life is well over 20 years.
A good website to visit for bedding is the tripod
Bedding was achieved using ‘Acraglas’ from one above and Eric Brookes website, as he has
Brownells. This is readily available in this notes specifically related to bedding a CZ
country and I had some from a previous project. action.
Others use 'Hysol' on centre fire rifles.
(Addendum Devcon is a more modern Like everything else he does there is excellent
compound and widely accepted as excellent for information and products. One product related
you want in the lacquer. Then it is down
to reassembly and testing and I hope the
photos give the rifle justice. There is a CZ
in there somewhere. In fact the
action and barrel are the same, so I have
ended up with a good entry level rimfire
benchrest rifle.

I did need to become familiar with the

new stock, as shooting the rifle is very
different than the standard stock.
Saying that, this weekend I tested it and
shot a 246 ex 250 with a lot more ease
than usual. As normal it is the ‘nut behind
to this is the 'Delrin' bore guide he sells. I use the butt’ that messed things up. The cost
this and it the best one I have ever used for the of the project is down to you, as the original CZ
CZ. It is specifically made for the CZ action stock can be customised easily and the barrel
only and it aids cleaning and protection of the stabiliser is not essential. In effect the CZ could
breech. It is a shame that you cannot get many be customised for as little as £100 if you did it
of these products over here, as that is yourself. It depends what you want, as I could
something worth remedying in light of the CZ’s have gone a lot further.
A test session
popularity at the range - above the
in the UK.
trigger unit Overall I was very chuffed with the final results
The final part for this project was the finishing and you never know it may help those scores.
of the stock, after everything had been cleared (Addendum it did help the scores, as the rifle
up from the bedding of the action. Mask off all helped win the 2006 nationals).
bedding that has been done, as the lacquer will
build up and destroy all your hard work. However, consolidating scores over the years
it was apparent it would not average beyond
For this it was suggested by Bill Shehane that a 245 in practice towards the end of the rifles
automotive clear lacquer be used, (or colour life with me. Although, the rifle could get the
if you prefer). Several ways around this, using 248/249 on occasion!! The choice was to
aerosol cans or if you have a compressor and re-barrel or to trade up if I wanted to compete
air gun use this. Whichever you go for you will in the developing international matches. As I
need quite a few layers of lacquer. I personally have previously stated, an entry level rifle that
built up each layer, polishing at each stage with was a lot of fun to do at the time. There should
000 fine wire wool. The lacquer really needs to be more 'local' divisions for this type of rifle,
get into every pore of the wood grain and there with ammunition provided by the match director.
is no skimping here. With the final layer polish Now that would be fun!
with the fine wire wool again and then polish
with a cloth until you have the required brilliance

Winning is a state of mind - its achieving the state in the first place

Range Safety at a
Standard Range commands – First Match condition without extracting the case from
General Instructions: the chamber. This command will only be
Prior to each relay of the first match of the day, given in cases of such emergency that
general instructions shall be announced by we cannot permit you to clear your rifle by
the Range Officer. They should be the same firing.
or similar to the following, acknowledging ▪ If a condition should arise which requires
local requirements: temporary suspension of firing, I shall
▪ “During the match, should an emergency ▪ “Hold your fire – clear your rifle by firing
arise which requires an immediate or by removing your bolt/ inserting breech
ceasefire, I shall command flag”
▪ Rimfire - “Emergency – cease fire – unlock ▪ Do not place any ammunition in the action
your bolts” until the command ‘Commence Firing”
▪ Air Rifles - “Emergency – cease fire - open Standard Range Commands – Each Match:
your firing mechanisms” To ensure the championship is conducted
▪ This will permit all rifles to be in a safe without confusion, the following range

commands are to be used. to recommencement of firing, the Range
1) This is Relay n° XXX Match n°XXX Class Officer will allow 5 minutes additional
XXX : Shooters Make Ready! time and advise the shooters accordingly,
Competitors called to Benches 5 minutes before however this allowance cannot exceed the
start to set up rifle and rests, all rifles original time for the match.
to be safe, either magazines removed or bolts If match is stopped, three things will have to
depending on action. happen, all guns made safe, remove bolt /
2) Are Shooters Ready? magazine/ insert yellow safety breech flag,
Competitors do have the facility to ask Range etc and checked. Match either abandoned
Officers additional time to set up (no more or re-started. If to be restarted no one
than three minutes) if they are experiencing leaves the Bench except competitor with
trouble with equipment. Such facility will the problem, an additional 5 minutes is
only be granted once time during a match. added to the time remaining for
3) Insert Bolt in Your Rifle/ Remove Breech re-setting up rests etc. If abandoned then the
Flag! Match to be re-scheduled after a break of
4) You have 20 minutes to complete this match: 30 MINUTES minimum. Any shots fired
commence fire will be a whistle start after whistle stop firing will results in the
NO Competitor to leave the bench seating shooter being disqualified.
position the line until Match completed. Note - Voice commands are preferable over a
No competitor to enter the firing line once whistle. However Range Officer to have
the Relay has started. They will forfeit that a whistle in case a stop to the match is
Relay if they are late. Any shots fired before required - Cross fire or mechanical fault
whistle start will results in the shooter being with a competitor, (or even stray animal,
disqualified from. people wandering into range etc, etc.). This
5) Ten Minutes will permit all rifles to be in a safe condition
6) Five Minutes without extracting the case from the
7) Thirty seconds chamber. This command will only be given
8) Cease Fire will be a whistle stop. Remove in cases of such emergency that we cannot
bolts from Rifles/ insert Yellow Breech Flag permit you to clear your rifle by firing.
and leave benches.
All equipment to be removed from bench after
guns put in custody or rack. Any shots fired
after whistle stop will results in the shooter
being disqualified.

a) No live ammunition may be placed in the
rifle until the Commence Fire command is
b) Timing commences at the beginning of the
word “commence”.
c) Timing ceases at the end of the blowing of
the whistle.
d) Any shots fired before the command
“Commence Fire” or after the “Blowing of
the whistle” for ceasefire, will result in the
shooter being disqualified from, and not
taking part in the rest of the days shooting.
Emergency Commands:
In the event of an emergency, the Range Officer
will issue a “cease fire” command per
above. Such command must be obeyed
immediately and no further shots fired. Prior

Issue 7

A quarterly journal for all Rimfire & Air Rifle Benchrest enthusiasts.
In conjunction with the WRABF and ERABSF

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