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Athletics and Ballgames
(Team Sports)


As we envision back to school, one thing is certain: this year will be different. Even if
schools have in-classroom learning, social distancing will be important. So what do we
do about physical education? You need to stay active, and while you might not be able
to do skill development, sports, or fitness, where students are sharing the same
equipment, it is possible to continue PE classes in this environment. Not sure where to
start? We’ve come up with this list of social distancing PE activities and games to help
you out!

Your Engagement in active recreation, sports, physical activities, and understanding of

health concepts will contribute to your sense of social connectedness and help you
assume greater responsibility through a variety of roles as you participate in a real-world
situation. Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, a worldwide concern on health, the Physical
Education modules are uniquely crafted to explore your greatest potential and promote
lifelong skills through active participation in the different learning experiences. Emphasis
is placed combining tactical knowledge that you will acquire, and the development of
skills for a better performance and achievement of the expected learning outcomes.

This module is designed to provide and equip you with knowledge, skills, and habits that
will enable you to achieve the most essential competence in maintaining your health and
physical condition. The domain in Physical Education focuses on the importance of a
healthy lifestyle and physical activity through active recreation such as sports and fitness.

Each module follows a standard format or pattern with a short overview of the lesson,
content and performance standards, pre assessment and instructional activities. Every
level provides activities that will allow you to experience meaningful and varied learning.
Your involvement in the different tasks will only be focused on self-reflection since group
tasks will not be allowed due to “No Face-to-face” policy in compliance to the Law on
COVID 19 Pandemic. Like any good material, you will be assessed and evaluated to
ensure that you will have a thorough grasp of the lesson before tackling the next activity.
Your deeper understanding of the lesson will help you gain more relevant skills and
information, preparing yourself for the challenges of the new normal world.

As you start putting life into this module, you will discover many great opportunities and
learning experiences that will change the way you spend your time. You need to visualize
a better version of yourself and aspire to achieve a holistically healthy you.

Come on. Let’s get started!


• To demonstrate understanding of the history of volleyball

• To discuss the history, the different skills, & the rules of the game


VOLLEYBALL BALL – The ball shall be spherical, made of a flexible leather or synthetic
leather case with a bladder inside, made of rubber or a similar material. Its colour may
be a uniform light colour or a combination of colours. Synthetic leather material and
colour combinations of balls used in international official competitions should comply with
FIVB standards. Its circumference is 65-67 cm and its weight is 260-280 g. Its inside
pressure shall be 0.30 to 0.325 kg/cm2 (4.26 to 4.61 psi) (294.3 to 318.82 mbar or hPa).

VOLLEYBALL NET - Placed vertically over the center line there is a net whose top is
set at the height of 2.43 m for men and 2.24 m for women. Its height is measured from
the center of the playing court. The net height (over the two side lines) must be exactly
the same and must not exceed the official height by more than 2 cm. The net is 1 m wide
and 9.50 to 10 m long (with 25 to 50 cm on each side of the side bands), made of 10 cm
square black mesh.

POSITIONAL FAULT - The team commits a positional fault, if any player is not in his/her
correct position at the moment the ball is hit by the server. When a player is on court
through illegal substitution, and play restarts, this is counted as a positional fault with the
consequences of an illegal substitution.
ROTATIONAL FAULT - A rotational fault is committed when the SERVICE is not made
according to the rotational order.

BALL IN PLAY - The ball is in play from the moment of the hit of the service authorized
by the 1st referee.

BALL OUT OF PLAY - The ball is out of play at the moment of the fault which is whistled
by one of the referees; in the absence of a fault, at the moment of the whistle.

BALL “IN” - The ball is “in” if at any moment of its contact with the floor, some part of
the ball touches the court, including the boundary lines.

BALL “OUT” - The ball is “out” when:

1. all parts of the ball which contact the floor are completely outside the boundary lines;
2. when it touches an object outside the court, the ceiling or a person out of play;
3. it touches the antennae, ropes, posts or the net itself outside the side bands;
4. it crosses the vertical plane of the net either partially or totally outside the crossing
space, except in the case of Rule 10.1.2;
5. it crosses completely the lower space under the net.

HIT - A hit is any contact with the ball by a player in play. The team is entitled to a
maximum of three hits (in addition to blocking), for returning the ball. If more are used,
the team commits the fault of “FOUR HITS”.

CONSECUTIVE CONTACTS - A player may not hit the ball two times consecutively
9.2.3, 14.2, 14.4.2 (except Rules 9.2.3, 14.2 and 14.4.2).

SIMULTANEOUS CONTACTS - Two or three players may touch the ball at the same
moment. When two (or three) team-mates touch the ball simultaneously, it is counted as
two (or three) hits (with the exception of blocking). If they reach for the ball, but only one
of them touches it, one hit is counted. A collision of players does not constitute a fault.

When two opponents touch the ball simultaneously over the net and the ball remains in
play, the team receiving the ball is entitled to another three hits. If such a ball goes “out”,
it is the fault of the team on the opposite side. If simultaneous hits by two opponents over
the net lead to an extended contact with the ball, play continues.

POSITIONAL FAULT - The team commits a positional fault, if any player is not in his/her
correct position at the moment the ball is hit by the server. When a player is on court
through illegal substitution, and play restarts, this is counted as a positional fault with the
consequences of an illegal substitution.

ROTATIONAL FAULT - A rotational fault is committed when the SERVICE is not made
according to the rotational order.


Analysis. Read each situation carefully. If the statement is correct, write “TRUE”. “FALSE”,
if it is not. Write your answer in the separate answer sheet (refer to answer sheet for module

______________ 1. In playing volleyball, the libero player can be a team captain but not as a game
______________ 2. In playing volleyball, a rally is completed from the moment the ball drops on the
ground or out of play.
______________ 3. In volleyball, the match is won by the team that wins two sets.
______________ 4. In volleyball, players may wear eye glasses at their own risk.
______________ 5. If the server commits a serving fault at the moment of the service hit, the
server’s fault is counted before a positional fault.



This is an opportunity to discuss the history and the rules of the game in volleyball

A. Objective:
1. To discuss the different skills needed in playing volleyball, its brief history, its officials,
the equipment & playing venue, and the rules of the game.

B. Materials/Equipment:
• Reading materials

C. Procedure:
1. Read the following brief history of volleyball, the basic skills needed in playing
volleyball, its officials, equipment needed & the playing venue, & the rules of the

Benefits derived from sports can best be acquired from team sports like volleyball. Cooperation,
teamwork, and camaraderie are developed among the players in the process of training and
competing in team sports. Here, they are given utmost chance to know each other, work hard
towards a common goal, share sweat, fatigue and tears as well as victory and defeat.
Volleyball, one of the most popular among the team sports is played by young and old, males and
females. This sport is played indoors, outdoors, on the sand like beach volleyball, and even in
It became very popular because of the excitement and enjoyment it brings to both players and
1910 – Volleyball was introduced to the Philippines by Elwood S. Brown – a YMCA P.E. Director.
It started as a backyard sport played along the island beaches (the beginning of Beach Volleyball
occurs in the Philippines).
The game was played:
• with any number of players;
• without restriction to the number of hits before the ball is sent over the net;
• with any manner of sending the ball over the net to the opponent’s court.
The Filipinos even tried to pass the ball around the team before sending it over the net. With this,
the Americans got bored waiting for the ball from the opponent. They set a limit on the number
of hits (the beginning of the 3 hits limit begun in the Philippines). With the limit in the number of
hits, the Filipinos were able to discover the “Set and Spike.” This become popular as the “Filipino
July 4, 1961 – Supt. Tomas de Castro started to organize volleyball in the country together with
Justice Roman Nolasco, Jose Reyes (Director for Playgrounds and Recreation Bureau), and Tommy
Teng, a businessman. The objective was to organize a volleyball association in the Philippines
under the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation. This gave birth to Philippine Amateur
Volleyball Association (PAVA).
PAVA First Set of Officer:
Supt. Tomas de Castro - President
Justice Roman Nolasco - Vice President
Mr. Bernardino T. Montes - Secretary General
Mr. Tommy Teng - Treasurer
Mayor Macario Asistio - Auditor
Mr. Jose N. Reyes - Commissioner
Col. Romulo P. Constantino - Director
Mr. Fernando Bautista - Director
Twenty (20) Charter Members were organized then:
Bureau of Public Schools - BPS
Bureau of Private Schools - BPRS
Mindanao Athletic Association - MAA
Central Luzon Athletic Association - CLAA
Northern Luzon Athletic Association - NLAA
Southern Tagalog Association - STAA
Western Visayas Athletic Association - WVAA
East Visayas Athletic Association - EVAA
Bicol Athletic Association - BAA

Marikina Valley - MV
Manila, Pasay, Quezon Cities Ass. - MPQCCAA
State Colleges Association - SCAA
Siliman University - SU
National University - NU
University of the Philippines - UP
Philippine Airforce - PAF
West Visayas Athletic Association - WVAA
Yellow Taxi Club - YTC
City Schools - CS

Among those who became famous Filipino Players:

Ruben Labay (Bicol) Julius Baldesimo
Agapito Custodio Gorgonio Simple
Paterno Calo Domingo Cuenca
Elvira Candelaria Lilia Decena
Brigette Nicol-Gabuco Emma Reynoso
Camilia Pasicolan Salome Adan
Minerva Dulce Ortiz Frediswinda Labay (Bicol)

They were followed by the next generation:

Alberto Bancani Henry Bonotan
Mamerto Ogama Robert Milton A. Calo
Augusto Santamaria (Bicol) Noraida La Rosa
Alma Mlapote-Jocson Violeta Tobias-Rastrullo
Josefina Malate (Bicol) Virgini de Jesus
Ma. Lourdes Jao Ma Chona Jao
Thelma Barina Josefina Paulite
Grace Antigua Arlene Apostol (Bicol, Sorsogon)
Rose Gonzaga Maribel Russiana

• Presidents of PAVA from 1961 to 2014:

Supt. Tomas de Castro 1961-1964 One Term
Justice Roman Nolasco 1965-1968 One Term
Supt. Tomas de Castro 1968-1971 2nd Term
Supt. Tomas de Castro 1972-1975 3rd Term
Mayor Nemesio I. Yabut 1976-1979 One Term
Mr. Godofredo Camacho 1979-1982 One Term
Col. Mariano Santiago 1982-1985 One Term
Cong. Victorio Chavez 1986-1989 One Term

• Elected Presidents of PAVA after the EDSA Revolution:

Cong. Victorio Chavez 1990-1994 2nd Term
Mr. Benigno Gopez 1995-1998 One Term
Mr. Luis Gepuela 1999-2002 One Term
Mr. Roger Banzuela 2003-2006 One Term
Mr. Generoso M. Dungo 2011-2014 One Term

• World Grand Prix, 1994 – so far, the biggest volleyball event ever held in the Philippines. The
World Grand Prix was made possible thru the effort of Cong. Victorino Chavez – Member of
the FIVB Board of Administration, and Mr. Ramon Suzara – Member of the FIVB Management


A. Filling the blank.

Direction: Choose from the roster of answers below the right answers to the
given blank. Write your answer in a separate answer sheet (refer to answer sheet
for module 4).

_________ 1. The year when volleyball was introduced in the Philippines.

_________ 2. The American YMCA PE Director who introduced volleyball in the
_________ 3. In the Philippines, volleyball started in what type of sports?
_________ 4. When was the first volleyball association in the Philippines organized?
_________ 5. The first president of Philippine Amateur Volleyball Association (PAVA).
_________ 6. The famous Sorsoganon volleyball player.
_________ 7. The biggest volleyball event held so far in the Philippines.
_________ 8. The biggest contribution of the Filipino in the modern volleyball known as
the “Filipino Bomb”.
_________ 9. The two Filipino members of FIVB Board who initiated the holding of the
_________ 10. biggest volleyball event in the country last 1994.


Research for the following situation (volleyball case) then give your interpretation
by applying the New Rules in Volleyball. You can research in the internet for your
referral, open FIVB 2017-2020 Rules in Volleyball.
Case No. 1
Is a player allowed to play wearing a ring likely to cause injury?

Case No. 2
If a player’s foot is in contact with the opponent court at the service hit, is this a fault?

Case No. 3
The 1st hit flew outside of the antenna. The setter pursued the ball into the opponent’s
free zone and tried to play it back - but the ball went towards the court and net on the
opponent’s side. The 1st referee whistled and signalled "ball out". At what moment does the
ball become "out"?




FIVB Official Volleyball Rule 2017 - 2020


(Please use this form in answering the pre-test, activities, assessment, & assignment). Due date is
Oct. 23, 2021, 11:00pm).


NAME: _____________________________________

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________


1. _____ 6. ______
2. _____ 7. ______
3. _____ 8. ______
4. _____ 9. ______
5. _____ 10. ______


Case No. 1

Case No. 2

Case No. 3

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