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PID: P1690
SPN: 1078
FMI: 2

Engine Synchronization Error Circuit

The electronic control module (ECM) receives a signal from the
engine speed/position sensor. This signal is then sent to the fuel
pump to indicate where top dead center is for each cylinder.
The VP44 pump controller monitors/processes 10- to 12-VDC
square wave signals at pin 8 (engine harness pump end). The leading
edge of this wave is the top dead center reference for the pump.
The reference signal must occur within a defined window. If an
engine pulse is not recognized within a window, the pump
controller sets an error (bit 12). If a final error (bit 13) is set, Fault
Code 369 is triggered after 10 seconds while the engine is running.
If Fault Code 368 occurs along with Fault Code 369, verify the
engine static timing. Most occurrences of this fault are due to
improper wiring by OEMs or to grounding issues, loose/shorted
wires, or electrical noise.
The engine speed/position sensor is located on the fuel-pump side
of the block, behind the starter.
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Step 1A) Turn key switch ON and check to see if fault code is active at engine start-up. Read the fault codes
using the diagnostic tool.
NOTE: If Fault Code 369 is inactive, but other fault codes are active, troubleshoot the active fault codes. If
Fault Code 115 has logged, troubleshoot it first.

Fault Code 369 inactive?

Yes - Go to applicable fault code(s) No - Go to 2A

Step 2A) Disconnect the engine harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Turn key switch ON and measure the
supply voltage to the fuel pump while cranking the engine. Measure the supply voltage from pin 7 of the
VP44 fuel pump harness connector using pin 6 as ground.

8 to 18 VDC during cranking?

Yes - Go to 3A No - Check VP44 supply and ground circuits

Go to 9A

Step 3A) Disconnect the engine harness from the fuel pump and turn key switch OFF. Check the VP44
connector pins using inspection tool, Part Number 3164980.

Tool can not be inserted into any terminal?

Yes - Go to 4A No - Replace the damaged terminals

Go to 9A

Step 4A) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine harness from the fuel pump. Check the pump
controller circuit resistance. Measure the resistance from pin 7 to pin 8 of the VP44 fuel pump controller.

5k to 7k ohms?

Yes - Go to 5A No - Replace the VP44 injection pump

Go to 9A

Step 5A) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine harness from the ECM. Disconnect the engine
harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Disconnect the battery cables. Flush and clean the connector pins using
electrical contact cleaner, Part Number 3824510. Inspect the engine harness and fuel pump and ECM
connector pins, and fuses, and relay for the following:
• Loose connectors
• Corroded pins
• Bent or broken pins
• Pushed back or expanded pins
• Moisture in or on the connector
• Missing or damaged connector seals
• Dirt or debris in or on the connector pins
• Wire insulation damage
• Connector shell broken
• Damaged locking tab connector
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No damaged pins or blown fuses?

Yes - Go to 6A No - Flush the dirt, debris, or moisture from the

connector pins. Replace any blown fuses. Repair or
replace the engine harness, fuel pump, or ECM,
whichever has the damaged pins.
Go to 9A

Step 6A) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine harness from the ECM. Disconnect the engine
harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Check for an open circuit. Measure the resistance from pin 8 of the VP44
fuel pump harness connector to pin 7 of the ECM harness connector.

Less than 10 ohms?

Yes - Go to 6B No - Repair or replace the engine harness

Go to 9A

Step 6B) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine harness from the ECM. Disconnect the engine
harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Check for a short circuit to ground. Measure the resistance from pin 8 of
the VP44 fuel pump harness connector to engine block ground.
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More than 100k ohms?

Yes - Go to 6C No - Repair or replace the engine harness

Go to 9A

Step 6C) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine harness from the ECM. Disconnect the engine
harness from the VP44 fuel pump. Check for a short circuit from pin to pin. Measure the resistance from pin
8 of the VP44 fuel pump harness connector to all other pins in the connector.

More than 100k ohms?

If resistance is more than 100k ohms, then go to 7A. If resistance is less than 100k ohms, then repair or
replace the engine harness. Go to 9A.

Step 7A) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the engine speed sensor from the engine harness. Inspect
the sensor for loose or intermittent connection. Remove and inspect the sensor.
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No loose connections?

Yes - Go to 7B No - Replace the engine speed sensor

Go to 9A

Step 7B) Install breakout cable, Part Number 3824775, between the engine speed sensor and the engine
harness. Turn key switch ON and check for a signal from the engine speed sensor.
NOTE: The negative (-) multimeter leads should be connected to pin B and the positive (+) lead to pin C.
Measure the voltage from pin C to pin B of the breakout cable while barring the engine over. If the signal is
present, the voltage will fluctuate between less than 0.5 VDC and greater than 4.5 VDC as the engine is
slowly barred over.

Signal present?

Yes - Go to 8A No - Replace the engine speed sensor

Go to 9A

Step 8A) Turn key switch OFF and inspect the engine, battery, and chassis ground connections. Check the
engine, battery, and chassis ground connections for loose connectors.

No loose connections?

Yes - Go to 8B No - Clean, tighten, and/or repair all loose

Go to 9A

Step 8B) Turn key switch OFF and inspect the OEM power distribution box fuses and wires.

No loose wires or shorted plugs?

Yes - Go to 8C No - Repair damaged or loose wiring and replace

shorted plugs
Go to 9A
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Step 8C) Turn key switch OFF and remove the alternator belt and run the engine to see if Fault Code 369
Fault code is still active or goes active when running?

Yes - Go to 8D No - Inspect charging system and associated wiring

Go to 9A

Step 8D) Turn key switch OFF and disconnect the lift pump engine harness connectors from the lift pump.
Unplug the fuel lift pump and start engine to see if Fault Code 369 goes inactive.

Fault code is still active or goes active when running?

Yes - Go to 8E No - Replace the fuel lift pump

Go to 9A

Step 8E) Turn key switch OFF and check all accessories in the vehicle for electrical noise interference.
NOTE: ECM and VP44 power supply circuits should be uninterrupted and directly from battery.

No interference from accessories?

Yes - Go to 9A No - Go to 9A

Step 9A) Connect all components. Turn key switch ON and disable the fault code. Start the engine, and
road-test for 30 minutes. Verify Fault Code 369 is inactive.

Fault Code 369 inactive?

Yes - Go to 9B No - Return to the troubleshooting steps, or contact a

Cummins Authorized Repair Location if all the steps
have been completed and checked again
Go to 1A

Step 9B) Connect all components. Turn key switch ON and clear the inactive fault codes using the
diagnostic tool.
All fault codes cleared?

Yes - Repair is complete No - Troubleshoot any remaining active fault codes

with appropriate troubleshooting steps.
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