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Investigate (15 pts)

What is your understanding about European and English Literature? Cite at least
three notable characteristics of these literature. (15 pts.)
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
(15 pts) (12 pts) (10 pts) (8 pts)
Responses with Responses with Responses with Responses with
this score did all of this score did at this score did at this score did at
the following: least two of the least two of the least one of the
following: following: following:

 The essay is  The essay is  The essay is  The essay is

composed of composed of composed of composed of
three or more exactly two exactly one exactly one
paragraphs. paragraphs. paragraph. paragraph.

 The essay is  The essay is  The essay is  The essay is

composed of at composed of composed of composed of
least three only two only two only one
notable notable notable notable
characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
of European of European of European of European
and English and English and English and English
Literature. Literature. Literature. Literature.

 All the  One of the  Two of the  All of the

characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
are explained was not was not was not
well and given explained well explained well explained well
examples as or even given or even given or even given
well as examples like examples like enough
supporting supporting supporting examples like
evidences. evidences. evidences. supporting

 No major  There are three  There are six  Major

grammatical to five minor to eight minor grammatical
issues. Words grammatical grammatical issues were
used are issues. Words issues. Words found. Words
appropriate. used are still used are still used are still
appropriate. appropriate. appropriate.
Answer the following questions. (5 points each item)
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
(5 pts) (3 pts) (2 pt) (1 pt)
Short answers with Short answers with Short answers with
this score did all of this score did all of this score did all of
the following: the following: the following:

 The response  The response  The response

answered the answered the answered the
question with question but question but
enough having only does not have
supporting one to two any supporting Did Not Reach
ideas or supporting ideas or Any of the Given
evidences. ideas or evidences. Standards

 No major  There is two to  There are at

grammatical three minor least four minor
issues. Words grammatical grammatical
used are issue. Words issues. Words
appropriate. used are still used are still
appropriate. appropriate.
Choose one character every story, present a situation where they were in, and
write what you would do in that situation if you are that character. (5 pts each character)
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
(5 pts) (3 pts) (2 pt) (1 pt)
Response with this Response with this Response with this
score did all of the score did at least score did at least
following: two of the following: two of the following:

 The chosen  Two of the  Two of the

three chosen chosen
characters characters characters
came from the came from the came from the
three different same story. same story.

 The situations  One of the  Two of the

of every character’s character’s
character are situation is not situation is not
well-explained explained and explained and
and presented. presented well. presented well. Did Not Reach
Any of the Given
 The actions to  One of the  Two of the
be done are actions to be actions to be
well-explained done is well- done is well-
with enough explained but explained but
supporting lacking with lacking with
ideas and supporting supporting
evidences. ideas and ideas and
evidences. evidences.

 No major  There are two  There are at

grammatical to four minor least five minor
issues. Words grammatical grammatical
used are issues. Words issues. Words
appropriate. used are still used are still
appropriate. appropriate.

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