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General Concepts and Historical


This module will introduce students to the study of Science, Technology, and
Society (STS). This module will start with the general concepts and historical
development of science and technology and its role in shaping the society, and
how it played a role in the Philippine nation building.

Intended Learning

At the end of this module, the students should be able


1. Demonstrate proficient and effective communication on the history

and evolution of technology and intellectual revolutions that defined

2. Articulate major development programs and agenda of Science and

Technology in the Philippines


Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

- This section introduces Science, Technology, and Society (STS) as a

field of study. After defining science and technology, the section will
trace the historical roots of STS as an academic field. It will also
enumerate emerging ethical dilemmas that reinforce the importance of
the study in an age of scientific progress and technological

Diagnostics. Write TRUE if you think that the statement is true and
FALSE, if otherwise. (Note: for those with the STS textbooks, please see
pp. 2-3)

1. Science is a methodical way of acquiring knowledge.

2. Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
3. Science and Technology can be dangerous.
4. STS is the study of how science and technology shape and are shaped
by social instances.
5. STS deals with the historical development of science and technology
but does not cover their philosophical underpinnings.
6. The study of STS primarily concerns students of science and
technology programs, and not non-science students as much.
7. STS is an important area of study because science and technology
every aspect of everyday life
8. Science and technology are not crucial factors in nation building .
9. History cannot teach people about evaluating present-day science
and technology.
10. STS draws from other disciplined, such as history, sociology,
philosophy, economics, political science, international relations, and
science policy.

Science and Technology: An Overview


- Comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning “knowledge.”

- Refers to a systematic and methodical activity of building and
organizing knowledge about how the universe behaves through
observation, experimentation, or both.
- Involves solving problems through the scientific method.

What are the steps involved in the


“Modern science is a discovery as well

as an

- John Heilbron

John Heilbron

- Famous American science historian

- Considered science as a discovery of regularity in nature, enough
for phenomena to be described by principles and laws.
- Also explained that science required invention to devise
techniques, abstractions, apparatuses, and organizations to
describe these natural regularities and their law-like descriptions.


- Application of scientific knowledge, laws, and principles to

produce services, materials, tools, and machines aimed at
solving real-world problems.
- Comes from the Greek word techne, meaning “art, skill, or
cunning of hand.”
- Things that fulfil our needs and desires, or perform certain functions
- Involves creating and inventing things
“What defines a technological tool – one historical definition –
is something that takes a human’s sense or ability and
augments it and makes it more powerful. So, for example, I
wear contact lenses or glasses; that is a technology that
enhances my human ability of vision and makes it better .”

- Mark Zuckerberg


The Medawar Lecture 1998: Is Science

Dangerous? (Lewis Wolpert)

- Reliable scientific knowledge has no moral or ethical value

- It is meant simply to explain how nature and the universe work
and that the obligations of scientists, besides studying the
nature of the universe, is to explain the possible uses and
applications of such scientific knowledge.
- Science is not the same as technology.
- The very nature of science is that it is not possible to
predict scientific
discoveries and how these discoveries may be applied.

Click the download link to access

the publication:

The roles of Science and Technology

So how are science and technology related?

- Provides fertile source of novel scientific question  justifies the

allocation of resources needed to address these questions in an
efficient and timely manner, extending the agenda of science

- Source of otherwise unavailable instrumentation and techniques

needed to address novel and more difficult scientific questions more

Science, Technology, and Society

- A relatively young field that combines previously independent and

older disciplines, such as the history of science, philosophy of
science, and sociology of science.
- Generally, applies methods drawn from history, philosophy, and
sociology to study the nature of science and technology and ultimately
judge their
value and place in the society.

What is the role of Science and Technology in
your life?

- As an interdisciplinary field, the emergence of STS was a result of

questions about science and technology’s dynamic interaction with
various aspects of society and was thus viewed as a socially embedded

- STS seeks to bridge the gap between two traditionally exclusive

cultures – humanities (interpretative) and natural sciences (rational)
– so that humans will be able to confront the moral, ethical, and
existential dilemmas brought about by continued developments in
science and technology.

Even if science and technology has brought about many useful and
exciting things, there are still drawbacks to these.

Antibiotics Overuse/ misuse of

TOP 10 Ethical Dilemmas (2020)

- The pseudoscience of - Grinch Bots

skincare. - Project Nightingale
- AI and Gamification in - Student Tracking Software
Hiring - The Corruption of Tech Ethics
- Predatory Journals - Deep Fakes
- Class Dojo and Classroom Source:

For further reading, visit:

What moral, ethical, and existential dilemmas brought about by
S&T do you know?
Exercise 1. Reflection (Individual Activity)

Instructions. Find an image that depicts an issue or problem in science

and technology. Then, answer the following questions.

1. What is the issue or problem depicted in the image?

2. How does this particular issue or problem impact the well-being of
humans today?
3. Why is it important for people to study and learn about STS as an
academic field, especially in addressing the issue or problem depicted
in the image

Exercise 2. Issues in Science and Technology

Instructions: Form groups with 3-4 members. From the list presented previously
in the module, choose one emerging ethical dilemma in science and
technology. Research about the nature of the dilemma assigned to your group
and be prepared to report the highlights of your research in class. Create a
PowerPoint presentation (no more than 5 slides) to highlight of the summary (if
you have the textbook, go to p. 11). Use the guide questions below:

1. What is the emerging ethical dilemma about?

2. What factors or events led to this dilemma?
3. What are the societal implications of this dilemma?
4. Why is it important to question the moral and ethical issues
surrounding innovations in science and technology?
5. In the face of this dilemma, why is it important to study STS?

Read Lewis Wolpert’s The Medawar Lecture 1998 Is Science Dangerous?
Take note of the key points in the article and prepare for class discussion
Section 2

Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology

- This section tackles how social contexts shaped and were shaped by
S&T across three historical periods – ancient period, middle ages, and
modern ages. It provides a historical context on the beginnings of S&T
through the ages. Furthermore, this section also includes a brief history
of S&T in the Philippines, as well as important inventions and
innovations done by Filipino scientists.

Diagnostics. Watch an 18-minute TEDx talk by Hannu Rajaniemi, The Big

History of Modern Science (link:
v=ZcWsjlGPPFQ&t=104s). Write a short essay on the topic, “Why is it important
to study the history of Science
and Technology?” based on what you have learned from the

One of the key interests of STS as an academic field is the history of science and
Technology. As a strand of STS, the history of S&T focuses on how it changed
across time. It also explores the impacts of scientific and technological
innovations on the prevailing social, cultural, political, and economic contexts
throughout history.


The rise of ancient civilization paved the way for advances in science and
technology. These advances during the ancient period allowed civilizations
to flourish by looking for better ways to communicate, transport, self-organize,
and enhance their way of life, in general.

The Ancient Times were divided into three


1. Stone Age (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic)

2. Bronze Age
3. Iron Age

Some Technologies or Inventions from the Ancient

Period include:

1. Ancient Wheel
2. Paper
3. Shadoof
4. Antikythera Mechanism
5. Aeolipile

Between the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5 th century AD and the colonial
expansion of Western Europe in the late 15 th century AD, major advances in
scientific and technological development took place.

These include the steady increase of new inventions, introduction of innovations

in traditional production, and the emergence scientific thinking and the
scientific method.

Some Technologies or Inventions from the Middle Ages include:

1. Heavy Plough
2. Gunpowder
3. Paper Money
4. Mechanical Clock
5. Spinning Wheel


As the world population steadily increased, people of the Modern Ages realized
the utmost importance of increasing the efficiency of transportation,
communication and production. Industrialization took place with greater risks in
human health, food safety and environment which had to be addressed as
scientific and technological progress unfolded at an unimaginable speed.

Some Technologies or Inventions from the Modern Ages include:

1. Compound Microscope
2. Telescope
3. Jacquard Loom
4. Engine-Powered Airplane
5. Televisions

Inventions of Filipino

Our country also has its own history and tradition of scientific and technological
innovations. It is very known that Filipinos are innovative and ingenuous –
making something out of simple things that are available around them. As
with other inventions, for Filipinos, necessity is also the mother of Philippine
Throughout the Philippine history, Filipinos are responsible for developing
many scientific and technological innovations focused on navigation,
traditional ship building, textiles, food processing, indigenous arts and
techniques, and even cultural inventions. The following are some of inventions of
Filipino scientists and inventors:

1. E- Jeepney
- Jeepneys are one of the most recognized national symbols of the
Philippines. It is also one of the most common mode of transportation
for Filipinos.
- The assembly and conversion of “jeepneys” for transport and utility
from scraps of American military jeeps left from World War 2
showed the ingenuity and innovativeness of Filipinos.
- However, as the demand for more environmentally friendly
transportation arose, e-jeepneys were introduced as an alternative
to the traditional jeepney This is because jeepneys were reported to
be one of the root causes of air pollution especially in urban areas.
Their safety was held in question, as well.
- E-jeepneys are designed to be environment-friendly, eliminating noise
and air pollution because they run on electricity.
2. Erythromycin
- One of the most well- known antibiotics in the market.
- Invented by an Ilonggo scientist, Abelardo Aguilar, from a strain
Streptomyces erythraeus.
- However, Aguilar was not credited for this discovery because he
was under the employment of an American company, Eli Lilli Co.
The company eventually owned the merits for this discovery.
3. Bamboo Incubator
- World renowned Filipino paediatrician, Dr. Fe Del Mundo, was credited
for the invention of the incubator and jaundice removing device.
- Her original design consisted of two native laundry baskets of different
sizes that are placed one inside the other. Warmth was generated by
bottles with hot water placed around the baskets. A makeshift hood
over the baskets allows oxygen to circulate inside the incubator.
- Was used to aid the regulation of body temperatures of newborn
babies, especially in areas with no electricity.
4. Mole Remover
- Invented by Rolando dela Cruz in 2000.
- Used for removal of moles and warts, the invention was made
from cashew (Annacardium occidentale) nut extracts which are very
common in the Philippines.
- Dela Cruz won a gold medal for this invention in the
International Invention, Innovation, Industrial Design, and Technology
Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2000.
5. Banana Ketchup
- Invented by the Filipino food technologist, Maria Orosa.
- Was invented to be used as an alternative to tomato ketchup during
the backdrop of the World War 2 when there was a shortage of
- Orosa developed banana ketchup made from mashed banana, sugar,
vinegar and spices. Red food coloring was added so that it
would resemble tomato ketchup.

Assignment. If I were an

For this assignment, address the question: “If you were an inventor, what would
you invent?” In thinking about an invention, make sure that you come up with
one that has not been invented yet but is possible to be invented in the near

Sketch a draft of the invention and then answer the following


1. What is your invention? What does it do?

2. How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools or

technologies in terms of function?

3. Why is there a need for this invention? How will this invention make the
world a better place to live in?
Section 3

Intellectual Revolutions and Society

- This section reviews the intellectual revolutions that shaped the society
by means of science and technology. It focuses on three of the
most important intellectual revolutions: Copernican, Darwinian, and
- The section also engages students in a critical analysis of
ongoing intellectual and scientific revolutions, which they may find
themselves a part of.

In S&T, intellectual refer to the series of events that led to the emergence of
modern science and the progress of scientific thinking across critical
periods in history. Although there are many intellectual revolutions, this section
only gives focus on the three most important intellectual revolutions that
altered the way humans view science and its impacts on the society.
These are: Copernican, Darwinian, and Freudian revolutions. According to
the French astronomer, mathematician, and freemason, Jean Sylvain
Bailley, these scientific revolutions involved a two-stage process of sweeping
away the old and establishing the new.

It is also worth noting that, by themselves, these intellectual revolutions are also
paradigm shifts. These paradigm shifts resulted from a renewed and enlightened
understanding of how the universe behaves and functions. Furthermore, they
also challenged the long-held views about the nature of the universe, thus,
garnering huge resistance and controversy.

1. Copernican Revolution

- The Copernican Revolution refers to the 16 th-century paradigm

shift named after the Polish mathematician and astronomer,
Nicolaus Copernicus.
- Copernicus formulated the heliocentric model in the publication of
his paper, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (The Revolution
of the Celestial Spheres ), in 1543.
- Challenged the previous belief that the Earth was the center of
the universe (geocentrism) proposed by Claudius Ptolemy (Ptolemaic
Heliocentric Model the Sun is at the center of the universe

Geocentric model vs. Heliocentric model of the solar system.

2. Darwinian Revolution

- The publication of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species ushered a

new era in the intellectual history of humanity.
- Considered to be one of the most controversial intellectual revolutions
of its time.
- Completed the Copernican revolution initiated three centuries
earlier, and thereby radically changed our conception of the universe
and the place of humanity in it.
- Charles Darwin is an English naturalist, biologist and geologist;
he introduced the theory of evolution where population pass
through a process of natural selection in which only the fittest would
survive (natural selection).
- The organisms have the ability to adapt to their environment and
would gradually change into something that would be more
competitive to

“One general law, leading to the advancement of

all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let
the strongest live and the weakest die.”
― Charles Darwin, The Origin of
3. Freudian Revolution

- Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud is credited for stirring a 20 th

century intellectual revolution named after him – the Freudian
- Psychoanalysis as a school of thought in psychology is at the center of
this revolution.
- Psychoanalysis  a scientific method of understanding inner and
unconscious conflicts embedded within one’s personality, springing
from free associations, dreams, and fantasies of the individual. It
immediately shot into controversy because it emphasized the
existence of the unconscious where feelings, thoughts, urges,
emotions and memories are contained outside of one’s conscious mind.
Amidst controversy, Freud’s psychoanalysis is widely credited
dominating psychotherapeutic practice in the early 20th century.

Exercise. Aside from the three intellectual revolutions discussed in this section,
other intellectual revolutions also took place across history in many parts of the
world ( North America, Asia, Middle East, Africa). Find a partner among your
classmates and research on a particular intellectual revolution that took place in
any of the four geographical locations mentioned. Prepare a five-slide
PowerPoint presentation and report the highlights of your chosen intellectual
revolution. Use the following questions to guide you:

1. What is the intellectual revolution about?

2. Who are the key figures in the revolution?
3. How did the revolution advance modern science and scientific thinking
at the time?
4. What controversies did the revolution meet?
Section 4

Science and Technology and Nation Building

- This section situates STS in the context of the Philippine nation

building. It initially surveys contributions of Filipino scientists to
science and technology. It then traces the historical development
and impact of science and technology on the various segments of
Philippine society. These discussions are geared toward engaging
students in a critical analysis of science and technology as a tool for
nation building.

Pre-colonial Times

- Science and technology in the Philippines had its beginnings during the
pre-colonial times.
- People used herbal medicine to treat illnesses.
- Filipinos used writing, numerical treatment, measurement, and
calendar systems to facilitate trading.
- Farming, fishing, mining, and weaving was developed by Filipinos
during this period ( the Banaue Rice Terraces was built during this

Spanish Colonial Period

- Science and technology was developed through the establishment

of formal education institutions and the launching of scientific
- Schools were mandated to teach religion, reading and writing, music
and arts, and health and sanitation.
- Medicine and biology were taught in different educational and training
- The natives were trained to use innovative approach in farming;
engineering was also introduced for constructing buildings,
churches, bridges, roads, and forts.
- Rapid development of scientific principles influenced by Western culture
during the Spanish colonial period was short-changed.
- Trade was more prioritized compared to agriculture and industrial
development because its potential to gain large profits.

American Period

- Reorganized institutions for science and technology were reorganized.

o Laboratorio Municipal  Bureau of Government Laboratories (under
US Department of Interior).
o The Bureau of Government laboratories was established for
the purpose of studying tropical diseases and pursuing other
related research projects; eventually became Bureau of Science
which became the main research center of the Philippines.


- The National Research Council of the Philippines was established.

- Development during the American regime was focused on agriculture,
medicine and pharmacy, food processing, and forestry.


- The Bureau of Science was replaced by Institute of Science.

Ferdinand E. Marcos

- During the time of the former President Ferdinand E. Marcos, the role
of science and technology in national development was emphasized.
- Mandated the Department of Education and Culture, now known as the
Department of Education (DepeD), to promote science courses in public
high schools.
- Additional budget for research projects in applied sciences and science
was granted.
- In 1968, Taguig was proclaimed as the Philippine Science
Community, now the site of Department of Science and Technology.
- The Philippine Coconut Institute (PHILCORIN) was tasked to
promote modernization of the coconut industry.
- Several institutions were also established. The following were:

1. Philippine Textile Research Center

2. Philippine Atomic Energy Commission  Philippine Nuclear
3. National Grains Authority  National Food Authority
4. Philippine Council for Agricultural Research  Philippine Council
for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research
and Development (PCAARRD)
5. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Administration (PAGASA)
6. Philippine National Oil Company
7. Plant Breeding Institute
8. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
9. Bureau of Plant Industry
10. Bureau of Forest Products
11. National Committee on Geological Sciences

- The National Science Development Board was reorganized as the

National Science and Technology Authority
- In 1976, the National Academy of Science (NAST) was established to
be the reservoir of scientific and technological expertise in the country.
Corazon Aquino

- NSTA was renamed as DOST in 1986 under President Corazon Aquino.

- This was done in order for the S&T sector to be represented in the
- The Science and Technology Master Plan by the DOST aimed to update
the production sector, improve research activities, and
develop infrastructures for the science and technology sector.

Fidel V. Ramos

- During the time of President Fidel V. Ramos, the Philippines had

approximately 3000 competent scientists and engineers.
- The Doctors to the Barrio program made health care accessible even in
far-flung areas.
- The National Program for Gifted Filipino Children in Science and
Technology was created for high school students who wanted to major
in science and engineering in college.
- Several laws and statutes related to the science and technology sector
were mandated:

1. R.A. 8439 ( Magna Carta for Scientist, Engineers, Researchers and

Science and Technology Personnel in Government)
2. R.A. 7687 (Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994)
3. R.A. 7559 (Inventors and Inventions Incentive Act)
4. R.A. 8293 (The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines)

Joseph Ejercito Estrada

- R.A. 8749 (Clean Air Act of 1999) and R.A. 8792 (Electronic Commerce
Act of 2000) were both signed and mandated during the term of
President Joseph Estrada.
- Responsible for implementing cost-effective irrigation technologies
and providing health care services for those who could not afford them.

Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo

- Filipinnovation was coined to refer to the Philippines as an innovation

hub in Asia.
- Promulgation of R.A. 9367 (Biofuels Act) to utilize indigenous materials
as sources of energy; was not successful due to the lack of technology
to source raw materials.
- R.A. 10601 (Agriculture and Fisheries Mechanization Law) was passed
to modernize agricultural and fisheries machinery and equipment.
Benigno Aquino

- New National Scientists were named in 2014. The following were:

1. Gavino C. Trono (Marine Biology)

2. Angel C. Alcala (Biological Science)
3. Ramon C. Barba (Horticulture)
4. Edgardo D. Gomez (Marine Biology)


- Science and Technology sector is seen to be a priority based on

the budget for research and Development (R&D) that grew by nearly
six times over the same period.
- DOST focus was set to put results of R&D into commercialization in
order to gain new intellectual properties.
- Philippine Space Technology Program  launched Diwata- 2 in 2018
after the launch of Diwata-1 in 2016 that displayed the Philippine flag
in space.

Science and Technology in the Philippines and the Environment

S&T has brought about numerous contributions the society. This is especially
true in the agricultural sector and food production. These include:

1. Mechanization of Farming
- Tools such as pumps and sprinklers help in managing the
damaging effects of heat brought about by the changing climate
2. Genetically Modified Crops
- Grow faster and are resistant to pests
3. Fertilizers
- Increase nutrients in the soil; enhances growth and yield of crops

However, these technologies may also affect the environment negatively.

For example, research has shown that pesticides contain chemicals that
are not environment-friendly. In case of GM crops, only a few studies have been
published in terms of their long-term effects on the environment partly because
it is still a relatively new technology.

Science and technology has improved transportation by land, air, and sea.
Communication has also improved through technological advancements.
These contributions of S&T always come with adverse impacts including
resource depletion.

The increasing number of new and advanced technologies in the production and
manufacture of different goods and services result in the depletion of the planet’s
natural resources. Furthermore, wastes are also generated as these technologies
are developed, eventually contributing to increased air, land, and water pollution.
Think about a situation where S&T has caused negative
impacts to the environment. Present key points and discuss
different these situations with one another

Related Readings and Videos

1. The shrinking of the Aral Sea - "One of the

planet's worst environmental disasters"

2. Flint Water Crisis: Everything You Need to Know


3. The Impact of Technology on the Environment and How

Environmental Technology Could Save Our Planet

Module 1 References:

Quinto, EJM & Nieva, AD. 2019. Science, Technology and Society –Outcome-
Module. C & E Publishing , Inc. pp 1-pp217.

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