KK Bindu #250

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Sri Krishna Kathamrita

Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa(

tava kathämåtaà tapta-jévanam
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications

Issue No. 250 Çré Varüthiné Ekädaçé 28 April 2011 Circulation 3,950

• Only One Qualification

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
• Two Types of Sannyasis

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada

• Ten Symptoms of the Non-envious
• Nama-tattva — Shattering the Tree of Existence
Srila Sridhar Swami
• Offering Mundane Activities
Srila Jiva Goswami page one top collumn two

Only One Qualification

His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada
The first condition is that anyone who comes
to Krishna consciousness as a bona fide initiated
member, he gives up all these abominable habits:
no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no
intoxication. They have given up even smoking
cigarettes and drinking tea and coffee. After being
qualified, they are accepted as vaiñëavas and
properly initiated. So they cannot be neglected as
not being brahmins. According to çästra, they are
qualified. Perhaps due to some past habits they may
commit some mistake unconsciously. Consciously,
no vaiñëava commits mistakes, but maybe due to
habit. That is also protected by Krishna. api cet
su-duräcäro bhajate mäm ananya-bhäk, sädhur
eva sa mantavyaù [Bg. 9.30]. Even there are some
discrepancies, if the single qualification is there
that he’s sticking to Krishna consciousness rigidly, His Divine Grace A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
then he is a sädhu — sädhur eva sa mantavyaù.
So according to the explanation given by Rupa devotees are regularly initiated vaiñëavas. They
Goswami, as supported by Lord Krishna himself, should not be neglected. That will be vaiñëava-
as supported by Shukadev Goswamé, as supported aparädha, offense unto the vaiñëavas.
by Sanatan Goswami, as ordered by Chaitanya Out of all kinds of offenses, vaiñëava-aparädha
Mahaprabhu, these European and American is the most dangerous. Vaiñëava-aparädha is
next column  
Issue Two Hundred Fifty, Page — 2 Top right 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu
not excused by Vishnu. Because Durvasa Muni former are superior to the latter because they
offended Ambarish Maharaja, he was not excused had the experience of family life and thus had
even by Vishnu. He had to fall down at the feet of tasted the danger. ·
Maharaja Ambarish. So vaiñëava-aparädha is the — Çrémad Bhägavat Tätparya, Lecture 26, pp. 166-167.
Translated by Bhumipati Das, edited by Purnaprajna Das.
greatest offense. Even a great sage like Durvasa was
Rasbihari Lal and Sons, Vrindavan.
not excused. Durvasa was so powerful that by his
yogic power he could personally go to all planets — Ten Symptoms of the Non-Envious
brahma-loka, çiva-loka, and viñëu-loka. He saw Lord 1) A non-envious person never criticizes sädhus.
Vishnu face to face and requested him for protection
from the sudarçana-cakra. Vishnu refused, “I cannot 2) He does not consider demigods to be indepen-
give you protection because you are an offender to dent lords, for his intelligence is only absorbed in
a vaiñëava. Only Ambarish Maharaja can give you Sri Krishna. Yet he does not disregard the demigods.
protection.” He was such an exalted yogi that he 3) He has faith in Sri Guru and all other superior
could personally see Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, and devotees as befits each of them.
Lord Vishnu, but still he was not excused on account
4) He offers respect to the bhakti scriptures.
of his offense to a vaiñëava. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
has warned very severely: tära madhye vaiñëava- 5) Abandoning meaningless arguments, he
aparädha häté mätä — vaiñëava-aparädha is acknowledges that the holy name is the topmost
the greatest offense. We should be very careful. meaningful attainment. His perception is rooted in
According to our Vedic civilization, a vaiñëava, a the perfect conviction that the holy name (näma)
saintly person, was never under the government and its owner (nämé) are one and the same.
laws. Why only government laws? Even Yamaraja
warned his servants not to approach vaiñëavas. The
vaiñëava’s position is so great. · Näma-tattva
— Lecture on Nectar of Devotion, Vrindavan, 6 November 1972.
The Tree of Existence
Srila Sridhar Swami
sadä sarvaträste nanu vimalam ädyaà tava padaà
tathäpy ekaà stokaà na hi bhava-taroù patram abhinat
kñaëaà jihvägra-sthaà tava tu bhagavan-näma nikhilaà
sa-mülaà sambhäraà kañati katarat sevyam anayoù

O Lord, is your impersonal spiritual effulgence

not always present everywhere? Even so, it has
not been able to break even a single small leaf
Original wooden shoes of Srila
from the tree of repeated birth and death. On the
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, at Radha Kund
other hand, the moment your holy name is taken,
uttered by the tongue, it thoroughly shatters the
Two Types of Sannyasis
tree of birth and death down to its roots. Of these
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta two (the spiritual effulgence and the holy name),
Saraswati Thakura which should be served? ·
There are two kinds of renunciates — those — Rupa Goswami. Çré Padyävalé, text 28. English translation by
Kusakratha Das. Krishna Library. Culver City, California. 1989.
who enjoyed family life and then took to the
path of renunciation and those who had never
entered family life but directly took to the path
of renunciation. Although both of them are
situated in the principle of renunciation, the
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Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu top right 3 Issue Two Hundred Fifty, Page — 3
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Offering Mundane Activities
From the Bhakti Sandarbha
of Srila Jiva Goswami
tasmät laukika-karmädy-arpaëam idaà, yathä-
kathaïcit tad-dharma-siddhy-artham evocyate
It is therefore recommended in the scriptures
that everyone offer all their mundane activities
to the Supreme Lord in one way or the other.
Such offering of activity enables one to attain the
perfection of all religion.
arthaç cäyaà öékäyäm—ätmanä cittenähaìkäreëa
vä anusåto yaù svabhävas tasmät. ayam arthaù—
na kevalaà vidhitaù kåtam eveti niyamaù
svabhävänusäri laukikam apéti.
In this regard, Srila Sridhar Swami says in his
commentary on Çrémad Bhägavatam (11.2.36)
that one should offer all activities that are
motivated by one’s consciousness and ego.
Activity in this context does not mean only those
Mahaprabhu's prema-näma saìkértana activities that are sanctioned by and enjoined
6) He never engages in wickedness while de- in the scriptures. Rather, one should offer all
pending on the protection of the holy name.
7) He does not consider the auspiciousness of ordi-
nary piety — such as social dharma, religious vows,
or renunciation — to be comparable in any way to
the auspiciousness of chanting the holy names.
8) He tries to inculcate faith in the faithless, but
he never grants them the holy name until that faith
has awakened.
9) He believes completely in the glories of the
holy name as described in çästra.
10) He is devoid of any sense of I and mine.
Oh readers! Non-enviousness alone is the cause
of liberation for the living being, and envy is his
only bondage. In Çré Caitanya-caritämåta (mad-
hya 9.361) it has therefore been said:
caitanya-carita çuna çraddhä-bhakti kari’
mätsarya chäòiyä mukhe bala ‘hari’ ‘hari’
Please hear the transcendental pastimes of Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with faith and devotion!
Giving up envy of the Lord, everyone chant the Lord’s
holy name, ‘Hari’ ‘Hari’!
— Attributed to Bhaktivinode Thakur, from Çré Gauòéya Patrikä,
Year 5, Issue 5. From http://vinacc.blogspot.com/2011/01/ten- Srila Jiva Goswami
symptoms-of-non-envious.html. Unknown translator.
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Issue Two
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activities arising out of one’s nature, even though my sense of speech, or performed using my hands,
such activities may be mundane. legs, stomach and genitals, I offer all that to Lord Sri
Krishna in sacrifice. Everything I possess, including
çré-gétäsu ca — yat karoñi yad açnäsi yaj juhoñi dadäsi my own self, I now offer to Lord Hari.
yat / yat tapasyasi kaunteya tat kuruñva mad-arpaëam.
ity eñä. In this context, there are two ways of offering sinful
The Bhagavad-gétä (9.27) also speaks about the activities rooted in one’s inherent nature. The first way
same principle — “Whatever you do, whatever is adopted and practiced by those aspiring to be jïänés,
you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and who do not distinguish between so-called good and
whatever austerities you perform — do that, O bad activities. They deal with sinful activities by being
son of Kunti, as an offering to me.” indifferent to them and not seeing themselves as the
itaù pürvaà präëa-buddhi-dharmädhikärataù doer of such activities. The second way is adopted and
ity-ädi-mantraç ca tathä. atra sväbhävika- practiced by those aspiring for devotional service. The
karmaëo ’rpaëe duñkarmaëo dvividhä gatiù. devotees see the inherent suffering present within such
jïänecchünäm aviçeñeëa. bhaktécchünäà tv sinful activities and cry out to the Lord, requesting him
anena durväsana-duùkha-darçanena ca sa to be merciful on them. Thus, they pray as follows:
karuëämayaù karuëäà karotv iti vä.
yä prétir avivekänäà viñayeñv anapäyiné
A similar understanding is given by: tväm anusmarataù sä me hådayän näpasarpatu
itaù pürvaà präëa-buddhi-dharmädhikarato Unintelligent persons have unflinching affection for the
jägrat-sväpna-suñupty-avasthäsu manasä väcä objects of sense gratification. Similarly, may I always
karmaëä hastäbhyäà padbhyäm udareëa çiñëä remember you, so that that same attachment, applied
yat småtaà yad uktaà yat kåtaà tat sarvaà çré- to you, never leaves my heart. (Viñëu Puräëa 1.20.19)
kåñëärpaëaà bhavatu svähä. mäà madéyaà ca
yuvaténäà yathä yüni yünäà ca yuvatau yathä
sakalaà haraye samarpayämi
mano ’bhiramate tadvan mano ’bhiramatäà tvayi
In relation to my life airs, intelligence, body and
As the minds of young girls take pleasure in thinking
religious knowledge, whether in dreams, deep sleep
of a young boy and those of young boys take
or in a fully awakened state of existence, whatever
pleasure in thinking of a young girl, may my mind
I have thought of using my mind, or spoken using
take pleasure in you. (Padma Puräëa 6.128.258)

iti pädmokta-prakäreëa ca mama sukarmaëi
duñkarmaëi yad räga-sämänyaà tat sarvato-
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu bhävena bhagavad-viñayam eva bhavatv iti
A free bi-monthly service provided by: samädheyam. käminäà tu na sarvathaiva sarva-
Gopal Jiu Publications duñkarmärpaëam
c/o Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir
In this way, the devotee prays, “Whatever
National Highway No. 5, IRC Village
attraction I have for pious or sinful activities, let
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 751015
all that attachment be wholeheartedly redirected
Phone: (0674) 2553250, 2557026 towards the nectarean topics of the Supreme Lord.”
Email: [email protected] In this way, those who are still within the grips
Website: www.gopaljiu.org of mundane desires should by all means offer their
Subscriptions: [email protected] sinful activities to the Supreme Lord. ·
Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the International — Anuccheda 217.
Society for Krishna Consciousness, Founder-Acharya: His
Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Divine Grace A.
C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
International. All other materials, unless specified, © ISKCON
Bhubaneswar/Gopal Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket
permission is given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print
form provided no changes are made to the contents.

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