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Protecting human rights is a big duty. And in particular, the police are the people who
have the obligation to do that. There's an act that was founded before, and this is the Republic
Act No. 6975 established the Philippine National Police (PNP) under a Reorganized Department
of the Interior and Local Government. This law stated that PNP is supposed to have a Maritime
Police Unit, to absorb the police functions of the Coast Guard and to be provided with sea
capabilities. It is clearly stated there that they are the ones who are responsible in maintaining
order and peace.

The country of the Philippines suffers a lot in our unjust government. Even some of the
policemen are included, higher ranks or even just the regular ones. Although misconduct of the
police is one of the most attributed to police organizations, police deviance is not just simple a
result of an organizational characteristics.

The main concern in this case study is that why police officers aren't serving the justice
right. There are times that even those innocent individuals are being accused by them, or simply
just planned the crimes. This study may serve as an eye-opener for everyone, including the
government and/or all of the police. This study is not seeking or finding improper acts of our
policemen. Rather, I am interested and delighted in understanding how to avoid, get rid or it, or
just lessen unconstitutional acts. Because of this, case study appears that it reveals the police
misconduct cases and suitability of control mechanisms to deter police misconduct. There are so
many reported cases here in the Philippines that those who are said to be criminals or law
breakers were just set upped by our lovely police officers.

I still remember the time when a young child died for being accused for some crime that
he didn't do. He was subjected as a drug addict, which turned out, before he died, he spoken a
word that he didn't do anything, saying that those police just planned it. That was so
controversial. And just by recently, a policeman just like proved that some of the police are just
so boastful of themselves that they think they have all the power to get someone's life as if it's

The issue of an old woman together with her son came out, with a living proof where
someone was recording the whole scenario. It appears that a policeman entered a property of the
family and got an argument with them. But later on, with the argument getting unstoppable,
suddenly that police showed that he has a gun with him and without any hesitation, he shoot the
mother and son defenseless. That's just a sad scenario where in you can see that the man looks
like it's a normal thing for him.

We can curb the policemen's misbehavior by simply removing all the officers who are
allegedly being corrupt, or do interrogation with them if they are really doing their duty
responsibly. But first, our society need a great leader, where in for the police's agency, I suggest
that they choose a leader with dignity, and proper leadership. Because I believe that if there's a
great leader, there will be a great subordinate. Those police who are involved in crimes that are
proven that it is just planned, they have to lose their license. In that way, many of them will be
scared of doing such unrightful acts. There are so many solutions to diminish the misconduct of
our beloved policemen, but will they obey? In our part, the best thing to do is choose our leaders
wisely, always be vigilant especially during these times.

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