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Lesson Class # 2: Boom City Course Physical Education -

Title/Focus Grade 2/3


Grade 2:

Grade 3:

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate throwing skills in a new game environment.


- Foam balls
- Bean bags
- Pinnies


● As the students are warming up I will get the equipment ready.
● After doing their laps around the gym the students will sit down in their squads - as this
is the first class sitting in squads in a while they might need reminders about where
their spots are.
● While students are doing the activities I will be assessing them on my rubric.

- Students who don’t do as well with competitive/fast paced games can play pass with
each other. They can practice their different throws with each other, focusing on proper
form and good catching.
- This game is suitable for both grade 2s and 3s.
- Some students with gross motor difficulties would also benefit from throwing with a
partner, or at a target on the wall.

Introduction Time
● As students come into the gym they will run three laps and then sit
down in their squads. 5 min
● We will do some warm-ups: students will give me an exercise and then
they will do 10 reps of those exercises.
● Students can throw a ball with a partner for a couple minutes.

Body Time

Topic 1) Now that we have practiced throwing, we are going to

start playing games that involve throwing.
Intro to throwing 2) What kinds of throws can we do? 5 min
games - Underhand
- Overhand
- From chest
- Overhead

Topic - Boom City:

- 3 positions: thrower, catcher, blocker
Game explanation - The throwers and blockers are on your side and
the catchers are on the other team’s side
5 min
- The catchers stand on the other team’s side
behind the throwers and blockers.
- The goal is that the throwers are trying to throw
the balls to the catchers, and the blockers are
trying to stop that from happening.
- If they catch a ball they take a ring out of the
other team’s bucket (which will be behind the
catcher) and they will run it over to their own
bucket and then return to their position as catcher.

Topic 1) Students can now play the game. We won’t have a lot of
time for playing today because I have to explain but once
Play we play a bit today and understand it better we will be 10 min
able to spend the majority of the next class playing the

Closure Time

● Have students throw the balls into the bin - picking one of the four throws that
we’ve practiced. 5 min
● Show me the movements for overhand throws, show me the movements for
overhead throws.
● Line up at the door.

- Today students will be assessed on the outcome: “play body and space awareness
games” (A2-10/A3-10)

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