Advance Montessori Education Center of Isabela, Inc.: E-Mail

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Advance Montessori Education Center of Isabela, Inc.

Maligaya, Tumauini, Isabela

E-mail: amecimontessori@gmailcom


S.Y. 2021-2022
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ________________
Grade & Section: ____________________________________ Score: _______________

DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of your answer. Write your answer in CAPITAL letter on the
space provided before the number.
1. What do you call to the foundation of the study of mechanics?
a. Newton’s Laws of Motion c. Becquerel’s Law
b. Hooke’s Law d. Galileo Galilei Law
2. What law pertains to a gravitational attraction between any two objects?
a. Law of Gravitation c. Law of Acceleration
b. Law of Inertia d. Law of Interaction
3. What is your weight on the moon, given that your weight on earth is 70 kg?
a. 690 N c. 890 N
b. 790 N d. 990 N
4. What law states that planetary orbits are elliptical?
a. Kepler’s First law c. Newton’s Second law
b. Newton’s First law d Kepler’s Second law
5. The Earth completes one orbit about the Sun in 1 year and has an orbital radius of 1.50 x 10 11m. if
the orbital radius of Neptune is 4.50 x 1012m, what is the period of Neptune’s orbit?
a. 160 years c. 170 years
b. 180 years d. 190 years
6. What do you call to a type of motion in which an object moves along a repeating path over and over
a. Harmonic motion c. Elasticity
b. Laws of motion d. systematic
7. If a pendulum swing on a playground has length L= 3.0m, what are the frequency and period of the
swing? Assume the pendulum angle is small?
a. 0.29 Hz, 3.4 s b. 0.29 Hz, 3.5s c. 0.29 Hz, 3.6s d. 0.29 Hz, 3.7s
8. What law state that it relates the timing of an orbit to the size of the orbit?

a. Kepler’s third law c. Kepler’s first law

b. Kepler’s second law d. None of the Above

9. Consider two cars that are on course for a head-on collision. If they have masses m 1 = 1200 kg and
m 2 = 1800 kg and are both traveling at 30 m/s, what is the magnitude of the total momentum?
a. 90,000 kg.m/s c. 70,000 kg.m/s
b. 80,000 kg.m/s d. 60,000 kg.m/s

10. Two particles of mass m1 = 1.2 kg and m2 = 2.9 kg are traveling as m1 = 5.0 m/s and m2 = 3.0 m/s .
What is the total momentum of this system? Be sure to give the magnitude and direction of the
a. 8.70 kg.m/s c. 8.40 kg.m/s
b. 8.60 kg.m/s d. 8.50 kg.m/s
11. A constant force of magnitude 25 N acts on an object for 3.0 s/. What is the magnitude of the
impulse? The magnitude of its x component of velocity at the initial point is smaller than its
magnitude of the y component of velocity at the final point.
a. 7.5 N/s b. 7.4 N/s c. 7.3 N/s d. 7.2 N/s
12. If the initial speed of a projectile is doubled, what will happen to its range?
a. Its range will double. c. Its range will quadruple.
b. Its range will be decreased by a d. Its range will decrease by a factor
13. A bowling ball whose mass is 40kg is rolling at a rate of 2.5m/s. what its momentum?
a. 1,000 kg.m/s b. 1,500 kg.m/s c. 2,000 kg.m/s d. 2,500 kg.m/s
14. A skateboard is rolling at a velocity of 3.0m/s with a momentum of 60kg.m/s. What it’s mass?
a. 20 kg c. 40 kg
b. 30 kg d. 50 kg
15. A pitcher throws a baseball with a mass of 0.5kg and a momentum of 10kg.m/s. What is its velocity?
a. 20 m/s c. 40 m/s
b. 30 m/s d. 50 m/s
16. If a 30kg boy riding bicycle has a total momentum of 115kg-m/s. What is the velocity of the boy and
the bicycle put together?
a. 3.83 m/s b. 3.84 m/s c. 3.85 m/s d. 3.86 m/s
17. What is centripetal acceleration?
a. The acceleration of the object in non-uniform circular motion directed outward the circle
b. The acceleration of the object in non-uniform circular motion directed inward the circle
c. The acceleration of the object in uniform circular motion directed parallel to the path of the
d. The acceleration in uniform circular motion directed tangent to the path of the circle
18. What is the tangential velocity of an object moving in a circle with the radius of 15 meters in
constant angular velocity of 12 rad/s?
a. 180 m/s c. 1.25 m/s
b. 0.8 m/s d. 9.6 m/s
19. What is the centripetal force exerted to a 400 kg jeep with a velocity of 25 m/s taking its turn to the
curved road with a radius of 350 m?
a. 29 kg.m/s2 c. 30 N
b. 192 kg.m/s d. 714 N
20. Two small objects of mass 20 kg and 30 kg are a distance 1.5 m apart. What is the gravitational force
of one of these objects on the other?
a. 1.78 x 10-8 b. 1.68 x 10-8 c. 1.88 x 10-8 d. 1.98 x 10-8

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher Science Coordinator

Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Head, SHS Dep’t. School Principal

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School Director

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