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Question No.

1 ##SURE
An organization has an established mechanism to get access to an enterprise
report with multiple approval workflow. Once an individual gets access, she can
download and distribute the report to her sub-ordinate. Is this practice right?
O. Yes. The individual needs to be responsible enough to share the data with the
right people.
@. No. Data once available through email in editable form cannot be traced and
can be vulnerable.

Question No. 2 ##SURE

Does data acquisition, communication and stakeholder relationship fall under
Chief Data Officer's preview?
@. Yes
O. No

Question No. 3 ##SURE

Cloudification takes advantage of.
O. Unclear requirements
@. Unanticipated workloads
@. Unstructured data processing
O. Unnecessary regulations

Question No. 4 ##SURE

What is important to measure Data Quality of unstructured data?
O. Data Volume
@. Validation Context
O. Type of Data Store
O. Currency of Data

Question No. 5 ##SURE

“Big Picture" gets created during the Strategy phase with process maps and KPI
trees. Which architecture discipline would this fall under?
O. Information Architecture
@. Business Architecture
O. Application Architecture

Question No. 6 ##SURE

“Benefit realization is responsibility of the PMO team" - Do you agree with this
O. Yes
@. No

Question No. 7 ##SURE

Which of this is not an Anonymization technique?
O. Tokenization
O. Encryption
@. Auditing
O. Masking

Question No. 8 ##SURE

In which service model would business take ownership of the complete delivery
O. Factory
O. Work Package
@. Agile
o. Self-service
O. Service as an Intelligent Software

Question No. 9 ##SURE

“To achieve level 2 in DATOM maturity model, business users must have to
constantly pursue innovation-led analytics and understand the potential nsk of
failure and mitigating the same.”
Do you think the above statement is right?
O. Yes
@. No

Question No. 10 ##SURE

Which TCS accelerator enables data control digitization?
O. Vitellus
O. Master Craft
O. Ignio

Question No. 11 ##SURE

An organization is planning to implement a Data Hub on cloud. The plan is to
publish Data & Insight as services. There is a regulatory requirement that the
data within the Data Hub should physically reside within a specific geography
only. Which KRA of DATOM would evaluate the maturity of processes to ensure
O. Data
O. Process
@. Technology
O. People

Question No. 12 ##SURE

Which stakeholders should be part of the Data Governance Council?
@. CDO
@. Data Domain Owners
@. System Owners
@. Information Architects

Question No. 13 ##SURE

Identify the key features of Data Virtualization
@. Keep the data where it is and build a harmonized semantics
O. Enable Self-Configurable Data Services
@. Balance the workload within data stores
@. Enable enterprise view of data in a virtual way
@. Enable real time data visibility at lower costs

Question No. 14 ##SURE

It is seen that the various departments in an organization are trying to
manually derive competitor insight from government published imports/exports
data in the event of unavailability of structured competitor insights for the
industry. What is true for them?
O. Since they are taking data based decision they should be rated high on
decision management
O. Manually looking at some generic data does not qualify for scores on decision
management capability
@. The attempt to look at such a data in absence of structured information
indicates that data centric culture exists. The organizational infrastructure
though is not sufficient to support this process.

Question No. 15 ##SURE

Do you think that CoE knowledge repository map should cover data quality
patterns as part of Information Delivery?
O. Yes
@. No

Question No. 16 ##SURE

When software is able to perform operations without human intervention through
cognitive computing, which service model does this refer to?
O. Work Package
O. Agile
O. Self-service
@. Service as an Intelligent Software

Question No. 18 ##SURE

Service as an Intelligent Software involves a paradigm shift in the way
softwares are put into production. What is that?
O. Human controlled Operational Push
@. Software controlled Operational Pull
O. Just in Time Implementation

Question No. 19 ##SURE

What could be the primary responsibilities of a Program Management Office?
@. Demand Management
@. Change Management
@. Project Planning & Tracking
O. Knowledge Management
O. Operations Management

Question No. 20 ##SURE

Choose the activities involved in formation of a Master
@. Data Unification
O. Data distribution
@. Data Attribution
@. Hierachy and Network Formation
O. Data masking

Question No. 21 ##SURE

While deploying Self Service delivery pattern you should be cautious of.
O. Metadata
@. Reformat
@. Restructure
O. Audit controls

Question No. 22 ##SURE

What are the different aspects that need to be covered under Data planning?
@. Business Case, Business & Approvals
O. Interfacing
@. Data Demand Forecasting
@. People, Process, Technology
@. Strategy

Question No. 23 ##SURE

Which of the below experts can fit into a Data & Analytics program?
@. Neuroscientist
@. Psychologist
@. Economist
@. Analyst
@. ETL lead

Question No. 24 ##SURE

What does front room metadata stand for?
@. Metadata linking business terms back to the physical elements in the Data
store/Data Hub from where they are reported
O. Metadata linking physical elements in the System of Origin to physical
elements in the Data store/Data Hub from where they are reported
O. Metadata linking business terms back to the physical elements in the System
of Origin
O. Business Metadata

Question No. 25 ##SURE

Who defines Data Governance Metrics and Measures?
O. Executive Sponsors
@. Steering Committee
O. Data Governance Council
O. Data Stewards
O. Data Governance System Implementation

Question No. 27 ##SURE

A manufacturing company wants to monitor downtime of operations and receive
alerts. Which type of data should it typically consider?
@. Real time data from assembly line sensors
O. Data maintained by operators in manual log books
O. Data received from security software regarding recent threats

Question No. 28 ##SURE

What ts technology rationalization?
O. Selecting latest technologies and prioritize based on cost
O. Building a technical architecture with minimum technical components
@. Identifying legacy technologies and creating a roadmap for upgradation or

Question No. 29 ##SURE

Solution Anchoring, Advisory & maintaining Knowledge Repository is part of
Solution Assets building exercise of Technology CoE. Is it true?

Question No. 31 ##SURE

In DATOM, what does Orthogonal data set refer to?
O. Data that is generated from sensors in real time
O. Data available in the Marketing department of an organization
@. Data that Is not directly associated with a given domain, but available in
political, economic, social and environmental context

Question No. 32 ##SURE

Decision made based on individual insight and experience are referred to as
evidence based decision making. State true or false

Question No. 33 ##SURE

Competency on demand program takes care of :
@. Process for Economy of Scale
@. Competency Progression Map
@. Mentoring Program
@. Learning Labs
O. Reuse Program

Question No. 1 ##SURE

Which of these could be an integrated feature of a digitized governance
@. Search
O. Calendar
@. Workflow
@. Dashboard
O. Email

Question No. 2 ##WRONG SURE

What are the roles must be there in an organization's data office?
@. Data Strategy & Data governance team
@. Data architect
O. Data scientists
@. Database Administrator
O. Visualizers

Question No. 4 ##SURE

Is it desirable to business owns the update process of the Knowledge Repository
along with IT?
@. Yes
O. No

Question No. 6 ##SURE

Which of this qualifies as a probabilistic decision making approach?
O. Simulation
@. Cognitive Learning
O. Pattern Matching

Question No. 7 ##WRONG SURE

In the context of DATOM, Tech Centricity measures
@. Effective use of technologies in Data & Analytics space
@. Quality of technology investments in Data & Analytics space
@. Extent of standardization achieved in Data & Analytics space
O. Extent of quality data being used for decision making
@. Planning effectiveness in terms of inducting new technologies

Question No. 8 ##WRONG SURE

Who should promote the culture of data driven decision making in an
O. IT Team
O. Infrastructure Team
@. Business Unit Heads
@. CEO/CxOs
O. Board Members

Question No. 9 ##SURE

IT team has received a number of requirements from business. Before starting the
development work, what should the team check?
O. Requirements have a solution built into it
@. Requirements have acceptance criteria defined
O. Requirements are written in English with proper grammatical syntax
@. Requirements are prioritized

Question No. 10 ##SURE

Authorization is posible to be set on job and query level both. State True or

Question No. 11 ##SURE

In the Integration Fabric, the following are generally included:
@. ETL
@. ESB
@. Data Quality
O. Data Governance
O. Machine Learning

Question No. 12 ##SURE

In a data marketplace, credit rating companies typically provide these technical
services to other financial institutions:
@. API services
O. Voice services
O. KYC services

Question No. 13 ##SURE

Is it desirable that business representatives are conversant with DevOps tools?
@. Yes
O. No

Question No. 14 ##SURE

What should be the team composition of a Data Office?
O. Business Analysts with in-depth understanding of the domain
@. Cross-functional team of Business and IT under a Chief Data Officer
O. Technical experts with ETL and Reporting skills under a Scrum Master

Question No. 15 ##SURE

Which roles should be covered by Business streams of Data & Analytics Competency
@. Functional Analyst
@. Solution Consultant
@. Business Analyst
O. Designer
O. Solution Architect

Question No. 17 ##SURE

Which of the aspects should be covered by a process that governs the induction
of new technology ?
O. Atechnology landscape should exist across the organization
O. Business & IT roadmaps feeds to new technology evaluation
O. Technology landscape also feeds into enterprise architecture
@. All of these

Question No. 19 ##WRONG SURE

What aspects need to be covered under Data Governance?
@. Metadata Management
@. Data Quality Management
@. Data Consumption Mechanism
@. Data Modeling
@. Data Monetization

Question No. 18 ##SURE

How could an organization maintain knowledge about subject areas and their
relationships across its ecosystem partners?
O. Big data management
@. Metadata management
O. Business Rule Engine

Question No. 21 ##SURE

Is it necessary to have Human Computer Interface skills to achieve level 4 of
DATOM maturity level?
O. Yes
@. No

Question No. 20
What determines the decision management capability in an organization?
@. Data Governance Council
@. Data Centric Culture
@. Automation
@. Analytics Adoption

Question No. 22
If you want to empower business users with self-service, what would you enable?
O. Dedicated IT team to serve business users
@. Cutting-edge technology
@. Platform or sandbox to perform self-service
@. Ability to leverage data from internal/external sources to perform cross-
domain analytics
O. Business users should not get full control of IT

Question No. 23 ##SURE

DevOps pattern typically constitutes the following:
@. Configuration Management
@. Automated Build
@. Continuous Integration
@. Automated Test
@. Continuous Deployment

Question No. 24 ##SURE

An enterprise has a SAS based finance data mart, cloud based pricing analytics
and competitor performance, big data based customer analytics and lot of end
user applications for data crunching. What is true for this organization?
@. There is a likelyhood of absence of end to end data view. Data is repetitive
and hence quality related issues are likely to occur.
O. It is a well established data architecture with multiple technologies based
on use case.

Question No. 25 ##SURE

Who is responsible to define Rules for Information Life Cycle Management?
O. Business Owners
@. Data Stewards
O. Business Analysts
O. System Owners

Question No. 26 ##WRONG SURE

What are the various mechanism available through which teams can collaborate on
information assets?
@. Collaboration portal
@. Regular KSS sessions
@. Case Study/Paper Presentation in Industry forum
@. Monthly News Letter
O. “Word of mouth"

Question No. 28 ##SURE

When we find tactical capabilities built within certain departments in an
organization, they are referred to as:
@. Pockets of Excellence
O. Pockets of Governance
O. Pockets of Discipline

Question No. 32 ##SURE

Which one of the below is not part of INTEL of DATOM?
O. Information Landscape
O. Infrastructure Fabric
O. Talent
@. Integration Fabric
O. Ecosystem Process

Question No. 33 ##SURE

Customer wants to put in a team for bug fixes and small enhancements that are
mostly repetitive in nature. Which service model would best fit the scenario?
@. Factory
O. Work Package
O. Agile
O. Self-service

Question No. 3 ##SURE

Which of this qualifies as a deterministic decision making approach?
O. Text Analytics
@. Rules Engine
O. Context Sensitive Search
O. Case Based Reasoning

Question No. 6
What should drive prioritization of requirements?
@. Latest technology adoption
@. Business benefit
@. Al and ML requirements
@. Alignment with business strategy
@. Criticality

Question No. 7 ##SURE

What Master Data Strategy will work for a large organization that has many
synchronized System of Records?
O. Analytical Master Style
O. Virtual Master (Registry) Style
@. Copies of Master (Coexistence) Style
O. Federated Master (Transaction) Style
O. Centralized Master (Consolidation) Style

Question No. 8 ##SURE

While defining the Data & Analytics technology components of an organization,
appropriate choices need to be made from the relevant fabrics (Data Integration,
Data Storage, Data Delivery) after careful consideration of the organizational
needs. State whether True or False.

Question No. 9 ##SURE

Which teams in the organization are best suited for driving analytics
O. IT Team
@. Business Teams
@. Cross functional Teams
O. None of them

Question No. 12 ##SURE

When there is a need to document and standardize technology patterns that an
organization intends to use, what would we usually recommend?
O. Solution Architecture
@. Reference Architecture
O. Design Pattern

Question No. 14 ##SURE

Lambda architecture considers the following types of data:
@. Data at Rest
O. Data in Transit
O. Data in Speed
@. Data in Motion

Question No. 13 ##SURE

An organization has recently embraced Machine First Delivery Model, and
implemented cognitive capabilities in IT Service Management to manage their IT
Estate including both OSS & DSS stack. Which Sub-KRA would evaluate the maturity
of processes in this regard ?
O. Tech Landscape
O. Non-functional
O. Tech Partnership
@. Estate Modernisation
O. Data Governance

Question No. 16 ##SURE

Why ts it important to create a stakeholder strategy for organization change
O. Ensure stakeholders are updated on resource requirements
@. Understand stakeholder interest, feedback analysis and resistance management
O. Communicate training programs on a regular basis

Question No. 18 ##SURE

To gain a strategic visibility, an organization should have focussed approach
@. Data Architecture & Modeling
@. Change management
@. BPM
O. Integrated historical data
O. All of the above

Question No. 22 ##SURE

Which one of the below functions is not covered by Technology COE?
O. Advisory from Analysts-Experts-Academia, Industry Insights
O. Conceptualize- Build-Update Solutions, NextGen/R&D/Strategic Solutions, Track
O. Competency Definition, Development, Tracking
@. Configuration Management
O. Branding

Question No. 23 ##SURE

State true or false. It is always essential to have a metadata solution
implemented to score high in this sub- KRA.

Question No. 24 ##SURE

What does back room metadata stand for?
O. Metadata linking business terms back to the physical elements in the Data
store/Data Hub from where they are reported
@. Metadata linking physical elements in the System of Origin to physical
elements in the Data store/Data Hub from where they are reported
O. Metadata linking business terms back to the physical elements in the System
of Origin
O. Business Metadata

Question No. 25 ##SURE

What is the role of Competency Center in a Data & Analytics program which runs
by a work package based delivery model?
O. Proof of Concepts are delivered by Competency Center
@. Competency Center team ensures Standard Technology and Design Practices
O. Competency Center team Engaged in advisory capacity: Avoid solution
redundancy, poor environment checks, improper access control
O. Competency Center team writes ETL code and ersponsible for dashboarding

Question No. 26 ##SURE

What would a mature organization do for new technology induction?
@. Technology evaluation team exists that constantly monitors and evaluates new
O. CTO takes suggestion from peers and takes a decision
O. Migrate to Cloud so that any technology can be easily selected and

Question No. 27 ##SURE

In a migration program which teams (Competency center) play the anchor role?
@. Unified Assembly Line Service Team
@. Work Package Delivery team
O. Domain Knowledge Center
@. Technology COE
O. Source system team

Question No. 28 ##SURE

State true or false. A single vendor Business Application System indicates that
the data quality will be good.

Question No. 30 ##SURE

“Maintaining knowledge repository is the responsibility of the developers &
testers only." Is the above statement true?

Question No. 33 ##SURE

What does counterpoint metadata stand for?
O. Metadata linking business terms back to the physical elements in the Data
store/Data Hub from where they are reported
O. Metadata linking physical elements in the System of Origin to physical
elements in the Data store/Data Hub from where they are reported
@. Metadata linking business terms back to the physical elements in the System
of Origin

Question No. 35 ##SURE

An organization has invested in a state-of-the-art public cloud technology.
Unfortunately the alliance with the product vendor is pretty weak resulting in
restricted information flow with respect to available new features and
capabilities and their optimum usage strategies. Which Sub-KRA would evaluate
the maturity of processes in this regard ?
O. Estate Modernisation
@. Tech Partnership
O. Tech Centricity
O. Data Governance
O. Tech Landscape

Question No. 36 ##SURE

You have worked with a customer and built a pilot product to address few of
their concerns. Now customer decided to take the pilot in Production. Which
delivery pattern will you follow to do that?
O. Agile
O. Work-package
@. Factory
O. Self Service

Question No. 37 ##SURE

Organizations are rapidly transforming themselves by taking advantage of
technological enhancements to handle complex data management needs. Identify
some of the "modern data management" considerations from the provided list.
@. DaaS
@. Cloudification
O. Metadata Management
@. Data Fabric

Question No. 38 ##SURE

What can improve the speed of execution of a data and analytics program?
O. Design thinking
@. Re-use capability
O. High use of freeware

Question No. 39 ##SURE

What could help in understanding the type of visualization suitable to the data
at hand?
O. Visualization Patterns
@. Visualization Guidelines
O. Visualization Frameworks

Question No. 45 ##SURE

“Internal branding for data & analytics is not Technology CoE's job, it is the
responsibility of Chief Marketing Officer's office." Do you think that the above
statement is right?
O. Yes
@. No

Question No. 47 ##SURE

What is the best use case for Analytical Master Style Master Data Management
@. Best fit if one has to harmonize and build complex hierarchies, segments, and
O. Best fit in large organizations with many synchronized System of Records
O. Best fit in global / large organizations with federated System of Records
O. Best fit for a Merger& Acquisition

Question No. 50 ##SURE

Identify the key benefits of Data Virtualization
@. Faster Time To Market
@. Minimal Replication
O. Improved Data Quality
@. Ease Of Use for Business
@. Cost Effective

Question No. 51 ##SURE

An organization in Retail domain is implementing a Data Hub that would include
customer sensitive data. Which Sub-KRA would evaluate the maturity of processes
to handle the security requirements of such data?
O. Tech Landscape
@. Data Security
O. Estate Modernisation
O. Tech Partnership

Question No. 52 ##SURE

Power Users should be able to publish self-served components to production
within community
@. Yes
O. No

Question No. 54 ##SURE

Which of these could be the constituents of Information Radiator in agile
delivery methodology?
@. Burn Up Chart
@. Burn Down Chart
@. Parking Lot Report
O. Sprint Plan
@. Task Board

Question No. 56 ##SURE

State true or false. A single vendor Business Application System indicates that
the Master Data will be unique.

Question No. 57 ##SURE

Is the below statement true? "Instructor Led Training (ILT), Virtual Training
(WBT, Webinar), Physical / Virtual Labs, Self Paced Learning programs are parts
of Competency baselining."

Question No. 59 ##SURE

What is Data Wrangling?
O. Identifying the data required for creating a report
@. Transforming and mapping data from raw data form into another format that is
more appropriate
O. Profiling the data to find out mismatches

Question No. 60 ##SURE

What is the role of Competency Center in a Self-served Data & Analytics
program ?
O. Proof of Concepts are delivered by Competency Center
O. Competency Center team ensures Standard Technology and Design Practices
@. Competency Center team Engaged in advisory capacity: Avoid solution
redundancy, poor environment checks, improper access control
O. Competency Center team writes ETL code and ersponsible for dashboarding
Question No. 48 ##SURE
Watermark used in ETL is an example of
O. Control Metadata
O. Process Metadata
O. Technical Metadata
@. Business Metadata

Question No. 58 ##SURE

What parameters determine the completeness of data architecture?
@. Coverage for all processes and functional areas
@. Coverage for all KPIs
@. Coverage for external data
@. Availability of granular information

Question No. 1##SURE

What typically accelerates the Innovation process?
@. Small Group Activity
O. Medium Group Activity
O. Large Group Activity

Question No. 3##SURE

How would you recommend engaging business if your team is delivering solution in
agile methodology?
O. Business would conduct user acceptance testing
O. Business Is engaged at regular touchpoints during requirement and review
@. Business has assigned a product owner and controls the delivery cycle

Question No. 8 ##SURE

Which of these metrics can be considered as Usage Statistics?
O. On Time Delivery
@. Usage Analysis
@. Concurrency Trends
O. Number of Customer Complaints
@. Report Distribution Analysis

Question No. 11 ##SURE

For high volume real time decision making, which technology is recommended?
O. Pair programming
O. Extreme programming
@. Socket programming

Question No. 12
What all aspects are covered under data demand forecasting?
@. Cost of aquiring data
@. Cost of cleaning data for required quality
@. Cost of building reports and dashboards
@. Cost of managing the storage tier

Question No. 18 ##SURE

Business users of an organization only provide requirements and then test the
deliverables. In your opinion, in which maturity level the organization belongs
@. 1ml. Tactical Capability
O. 2ml. Strategic Visibility
O. 3ml. Operational Excellence
O. 4ml.Ecosystem Intelligence
O. 5ml. Universal Intelligence

Question No. 21 ##SURE

Comprehensive data ingestion capability for semi-structured and unstructured
information is available at Enterprise Intelligence Maturity Level. State True
Or False.

Question No. 29 ##SURE

Who is owns the Physical data Model?
@. DB Architect
O. Data Stewards
O. Business Analysts
O. System Owners

Question No. 30 ##SURE

Who could decide in selecting a suitable service model for a given scenario?
@. Data Governance Council
O. Data Office
O. Program Management Office

Question No. 35 ##SURE

Which service models would you usually recommend for a migration program?
@. Factory
@. Work Package
O. Agile
O. Self-service

Question No. 39 ##SURE

When should you consider crowd sourcing in a diminished context?
O. When planning the team upfront
O. Midway into a program to put specially skilled resources
@. As a last resort when other avenues have failed

Question No. 40 ##SURE

An organization is storing all information since go-live of its Data Hub in the
same database for past 10 yrs. How would you assess the situation.
O. It is okay to do so if licensing cost is not an issue.
@. If it is not a regulatory requirement, then older data needs to move to an
inexpensive storage to manage TCO.

Question No. 52##SURE

Business users are quite capable of handling end-to-end development. They can
break down the requirements and deliver solution to business without much
intervention from IT. What would this typically accelerate?
@. Productivity
O. Innovation
O. Time to Market

Question No. 58
Call center voice analytics can help in the following:
@. Managing complaints
O. Analysing call drops
@. Implementing best practices
@. Finding most frequent callers
@. Identifying training needs

Question No. 16 ##SURE

Which organization is responsible for Issue & Risk Management with respect to
@. Governance Council
O. Users

Question No. 27 ##SURE

Can different service models co-exist within an organization?
@. Yes
O. No

Question No. 10 ##SURE

Who is responsible to identify data Issues and develop root cause analysis?
O. Executive Sponsors
O. Steering Committee
O. Data Governance Council
@. Data Stewards
O. Data Governance System Implementation

Question No. 52 ##SURE

Who is responsible to define Data Governance Organization structure; Identify
and define roles & responsibilities?
O. Executive Sponsors
O. Steering Committee
@. Data Govemance Council
O. Data Stewards
O. Data Governance System Implementation

Question No. 20 ##SURE

Is Technology CoEs job to actively participate in technology standardization,
design assurance and reuse enablement?
@. Yes
O. No

Question No. 24 ##SURE

“Training Dashboard is one of the change management tool” - is it a right
@. Yes
O. No

Question No. 31 ##SURE

Is the below statement true? “Business process and KPI maps falls under
competency management.”

Question No. 57 ##SURE

To become a level 3 organisation is it must to have a common repository where
people can look for Standards and Guidelines around Information Management?
@. Yes
O. No

Question No. 3 ##SURE

How do you measure the effectiveness of data and analytics programs?
O. Business users provide feedback on the effectiveness
O. Compare against previously implemented programs to denive a value
@. RoI ts evaluated at the start, and KPls defined and monitored throughout the

Question No. 13 ##SURE

What value does a digitized estimation model create?
@. Builds trust and transparency in estimation process between Business and IT
O. Estimate accurately with defined accountability
O. Helps breaking down a complex problem into smaller solution modules

Question No. 29 ##SURE

Resilience in an integration process can be monitored through analysis of
O. Storage patterns
@. Failure patterns
O. Routing patterns

Question No. 49 ##SURE

What ts the advantage of using adaptive data cleansing rules?
@. Enhances process efficiency
O. Provides better cleansed data

Question No. 34
What are the key outcomes of Factory Model?
@. Standardization
@. Repeatability
@. Flexibility
@. Cost optimization
@. Easy fault identification

Question No. 44 ##SURE

How can system efficiency be enhanced using Rule usage patterns?
@. If a rule is giving more than 90-95 % failure then it’s a ideal candidate to
get capabilities added upstream to control the data quality.
@. If a rule is giving 0% failure then possibly control has been introduced at
the source level and this rule is no longer needed.
O. A frequent running rule is a candidate for performance tuning.

Question No. 1 ##SURE

What can be considered as the primary responsibilities of a Data Office?
@. Publish a list of available and reliable data to the business
O. Start a system rationalization program
@. Plan and budget any new data requirement
O. Evaluate latest technologies to propose the most suitable cloud platform
@. Bring data related organization roles under a governance

Question No. 9 ##SURE

When an organization wants to achieve strategic visibility, it would establish
technology and infrastructure keeping in mind the following:
O. Best of breed
@. Scalability
O. Durability
@. Sustainability
@. Low TCO

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