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Contact Information:
Does not include full name

Does not include complete contact information (address, phone and email)


Objective (optional but encouraged):

Does not target specific position or career field

Needs more specific fields which match the targeted position


Does not include the full name/location of the institution

Does not list degree accurately (ex: Bachelor of Science in Psychology)

Needs to include the date of graduation

Does not include the complete title of majors, minors, licensures, and certifications

Check GPA; Include if 3.0 or higher

Do you have any additional honors and awards (can be a separate section, if substantial)

Entries are not listed in reverse chronological order (if more than one educational experience is listed


Does not include the full name/location of the company or organization

Does not list the dates the position was held (years or month, years only-choose a format and be consistent

Does not include the title of the position held

Does not use statements emphasizing relevant skills and accomplishments

Each action skill statement doe not begin with an action verb.

For further suggestions, see

Phrases are not in the appropriate tense - present tense for current positions, past tense for prior positions

Entries are not listed in reverse chronological order


Career and Experiential Education Center

5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233
[email protected] Page 1 of 2
Activities and Memberships (College and/or Community):
Does not include the full name of the organization

Does not list the dates the position was held (years or month, years only-choose a format and be consistent)

Does not include the title of the position held, if applicable

Does not include pertinent memberships and affiliations

Do you have any additional honors and awards (can be a separate section, if substantial)

Entries are not listed in reverse chronological order


Software/Computer Skills:
Do you have proficiency in any computer or software programs? i.e. Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe In Design


Overall Appearance:
Does not include the name and page number on all pages if more than one page in length

Areas for possible formatting changes


Font sizes

Bullet points



Review grammar and spelling for errors

Formatting needs to be adjusted for ease of review


Additional Comments/Suggestions:

Career and Experiential Education Center

5701 Delhi Road
Cincinnati, OH 45233
[email protected] Page 2 of 2

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