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Introduction ....................................................................... 2
Adventure Content ..................................................................... 2 Designer: Michelle Churchill
Chapter 1: A Visit to the Yawning Portal .......................... 2 Editor: A.J Ryan
Chapter 2: Homeward Bookshop ...................................... 2 Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura Hirsbrunner
Chapter 3: The Cat Came Back ........................................... 2 Cover Illustrator: Lilian Cheviot
Chapter 4: Rescuing Laela .................................................. 2 Cartography: Created with Dungeon Scrawler
Interior Illustrators: John Henry Dolph Playing Kittens public domain,
Chapter 1: A Visit to the Yawning Portal ........................... 3
Arthur Rackham from Hansel & Grethel & other tales 1920 public
Searching for the owner ...................................................... 3
domain, Fedor Finzer Kitten reading book 1873 public domain, Karl
Trip through Manycats Alley ............................................. 3
Gussow Old Man’s Treasure 1876 public domain, Coffret 1873-1874
Chapter 2: Homeward Bookshop ...................................... 4 from Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'époque
Caring for the Animals ........................................................ 4 carlovingienne à la Renaissance (1873-1874), tome 1.djvu public
New Homes for Kitties .............................................................. 6 domain (image modified) Howard Pyle from Otto of the Silver hand
Magical Assistance ............................................................... 6 1914, Octavie Rossignon Cat and her Kittens public domain, Howard
Chapter 3: The Cat Came Back ........................................... 7 Pyle from Otto of the Silver Hand 1914 public domain (image
That Should Have Been Our Treasure .............................. 7 modified), Emile Munier Favourite Kitten 1874 public domain.
Return of the Kitten ............................................................. 8
Searching the Room ............................................................. 8
Something About That Cat ................................................. 8
Chapter 4: Rescuing Laela ................................................. 9
Fundraising for Spellcasting Services ................................... 9
Seeking out the Watchful Order ........................................ 9
Seeking out a Cleric .............................................................. 9
Getting Funds ........................................................................ 9
Finding an Antimagic Field ..................................................... 11
Conclusion .................................................................................. 11
Appendix: Maps ................................................................. 12
...................................................................................................... 12


Credit: Three kittens playing in a basket with grass. Chromolithograph

after a painting by Lilian Cheviot. Public Domain

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product
names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Michelle Churchill and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

This adventure takes place over four parts, the length of
This is a short adventure for characters of 1st-5th level. It is each section varies depending on the level of social
written with suggestions for a group of four 3rd level interaction players wish to engage in.
characters, with additional scaling suggestions for higher
or lower level groups. Waterdeep: Kitten Rescue relies
primarily on social and exploration with some combat CHAPTER 1: A VISIT TO THE
encounters. YAWNING PORTAL
Inspiration for this one shot comes from Waterdeep: Call to Action- Characters meet Casia, an adventurer, who
Dragon Heist and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. has been exploring Undermountain. She gives the
While players do not need to be familiar with these story characters a kitten that she found in her room at the inn,
lines some of the locations, and NPCs such as Durnan and requesting they find its owner. Unknown to Casia the
Volo also appear in those adventures. kitten is her girlfriend Laela who has been transformed by
a True Polymorph spell.
Dungeon Masters can also re-set this adventure in any

urban or rural location of their choosing.

Characters are suggested to visit Homeward Bookshop in
the North Ward. The shop is run by Abena a member of the
Emerald Enclave. She sells books but also rescues and
rehomes Waterdeep’s stray cats. Characters have the
option to help care for some of the resident cats and help
them find good homes.


The characters cross paths with some Zhentarim rivals of
Casia and Laela. Later the kitten finds the characters again
and guides them to Casia. Back at the Yawning Portal Casia
reveals that her girlfriend is gone, and it becomes clear

this kitten may not be a kitten after all.

This adventure can be run as a one shot adventure or tied CHAPTER 4: RESCUING LAELA
in with an on-going campaign. Content includes: Discovering that the kitten is really Laela transformed,
 Stray cats and kittens- Characters are given a kitten and characters must find a way to reverse the effects of the
asked to find who it belongs to. There is also the True Polymorph spell. They have the option to seek out
opportunity for characters to interact with cats and spellcasting services and raise money to cover the costs, or
kittens that are in a cat rescue. find an antimagic field.
 Magical transformations- The NPC Laela has been
turned into a kitten against her will by a trap set within a
treasure chest.
 Rivalries- Some encounters feature members of the
Zhentarim faction who work against Casia and Laela. In
addition there is an optional encounter where Casia
suggests stealing from Istrid Horn who runs a money
loan business.

All participants in the game are encouraged to discuss the

content of the adventure and utilize safety tools that are
best suited to the needs of the group. Dungeon Masters
(DMs) are empowered to make any alteration to the
adventure so that it is enjoyable for everyone at the table.

CHAPTER 1: A VISIT TO Throughout the alley the characters encounter 1d6+2 cats
(MM p. 320) these are used to having food scraps left out


for them, but they are cautious around strangers and
unsure of this kitten the characters bring with them. If
startled or surprised they may hiss or attempt to scratch a
No trip to Waterdeep is complete without a stop to the passing character before running away.
Yawning Portal. In this fabled inn adventurers gather to
raise glasses in celebration, recuperate from past One of the carved cat heads whispers to one of the
adventures, or plan further expeditions within the city or characters as they walk past.
down into the huge well in the tavern common room that
leads deep underground into Undermountain. C RYPTIC M ESSAGE
This day begins like any other day, the characters have d100 Message Meaning (For DM only)
gathered at their usual table sharing a morning meal and 01-25 “Beware the winged Warns of Zhentarim rivals
plan their day. snake”

26-50 “Abandoned blades spell Warns of Flying Swords

Read or summarize the following: doom” in the Antimagic field of
the old tower
51-75 “Lost love is never far Hints that the kitten in
away” Laela

76-100 “Keep an eye on the cat” Hints that the kitten is


Dungeon Master Tip- If using this as part of a larger

This is Casia Fairweather (she/ her) a human Scout (MM campaign you can have this carved head whisper
p. 349) who has been exploring the Undermountain with additional clues related to events or NPCs in the ongoing
her girlfriend Laela Berevan (she/ her) a half-elf Scout. campaign.
Casia is in a hurry and she hasn’t had any luck finding
the kitten’s owner, she gives the characters 5gp each if
they agree to take the kitten off her hands and find its


Asking or searching around the tavern common room
quickly reveals that no one has seen this kitten or its owner
Durnan the owner and bar tender of the Yawning Portal
or another NPC offers the suggestion that there is a
bookshop in the North Ward that houses stray cats and
helps them find good homes if anyone is looking for a lost
cat that is a good place to start. Durnan or another NPC
can provide clear directions to Homeward Bookshop.


The fastest way to get to Homeward Bookshop is through
Manycats Alley. Upon arriving at the alley…

Read or summarize the following:


The cats in the reading room are used to being around
people but the cats in the kennels are a bit shy. To care for
a cat in the kennels requires a successful DC 12 animal
handling check to care for a kitten requires a successful DC
A small townhouse near Manycats Alley in the North Ward
10 animal handling check. On a successful check the
has been converted into a second-hand bookshop. The
character is able to feed and care for the creature without
shop is owned by Abena Kerla (she/her) a human
any difficulty.
Commoner (MM p. 345). Abena is part of the Emerald
Enclave faction. Much of her work is to house and manage
On a fail check roll a d100 to determine how the cats (MM.
the stray cat population within Waterdeep.
P 320) react.

Area 1 of the shop has shelves of gently used books for C AT R EACTIONS
sale. Area 2 is a room with large windows so it is possible
d100 Result
to see into the room or into the shop. Inside are
comfortable chairs for reading and cats roam freely, 01-25 The cat bites or scratches for 1 piercing
playing with customers or sleeping on chairs or cat-beds. damage
Area 3 is a smaller room adjoined to area 2. Within are
comfortably sized kennels each with cats that are a little 26-50 The cat escapes the cage and runs to hide a
too shy to interact with people. All of these cats are DC 12 acrobatics is needed to catch the
available for adoption. animal as it bounds and leaps around the

51-75 The cat hisses startling the other animals,

further animal handling checks will be at
disadvantage for the next minute

76-100 The cat hides in its kennel and is afraid of you

for 1 minute.

Read or summarize the following: OPTIONAL SHOPPING

Entering the shop you are greeted with the smell of old books B OOK P RICES
and the sounds of content cats and kittens. A young human
Book Price range
woman sorts books on a trolley, casually leaning on a pink forearm
crutch as she ponders the placement of a book. After a moment Children’s books 2cp
she turns, smiling
“Welcome to Homeward Bookshop, feel free to look around and
Novels, books of poetry, plays, and 5cp-5sp
if you wish to see the cats just ask and I’ll help you with the door.”

Abena does not know the owner of the kitten, but she
delights in the animal’s rambunctious personality.
History books, technical manuals, 2sp-1gp
She asks if the characters have a name for the kitten. If the educational textbooks, and how-to books
characters seem particularly interested in the bookshop
cats she invites them to help her for the morning. (If the
characters are not interested in assisting with the cats skip
ahead to chapter 3)
Abena will also purchase used books should
Read or summarize the following: characters wish to sell. Her shop does not deal in
spellbooks or spell scrolls but she can recommend a
shop in Trollskull Alley (see chapter 2 of Waterdeep:
Dragon Heist for details) should characters wish to buy
or sell magical texts.

d100 Cat Personality d100 Kitten Personality
01-08 Kippers Brother to Quippers. 59-64 Durnan Friendly but will scratch and bite if startled
Small male short Playful and friendly. Long hair
hair brown male tuxedo
tabby. cat that looks
like it had a

09-13 Quippers Brother to Kippers. 65-74 Jenkins Friendly and mischievous, loves attention
Small male short Playful and friendly but is a biter. Short haired from people and loves to steal food.
hair brown male grey
tabby. tabby

14-19 Bluebell Loves to sleep in a sunny spot. 75-78 Lady Likes to explore and pounce on things
Large female Indifferent towards people but likes to Silverhand
long hair grey be a housecat. Short grey

20-22 Dale Doesn’t like people but gets along with 79-80 Fireball Very active likes to play fight with other cats
Large male other animals. Hates being in a house. Short male
longhair orange dilute orange
tabby tabby

23-27 Duchess Loves attention and treats and a warm 81-83 Cormyr Friendly to other cats and people, loves to
Medium female bed to sleep in. Doesn’t like other Long hair Practice hunting.
tortoiseshell animals or children male white
and black
28-42 Magic Missile Runs around constantly. Seems to get 84-85 Volo Meows all the time.
Medium female along with people, but hard to say because Long hair
all white she doesn’t stop running and climbing male Tabby

43-44 Treasure Very timid but friendly once he opens 86-92 Bag of Beans Friendly one minute, then hissing and
Large male up. Tends to hide under things. Short hair scratching the next. Very cautious around
longhair all female calico people.
45-53 Caltrop Likes to lie on the floor or hide under 93-94 Wish Very friendly to children. Loves to cuddle and
Small female furniture and attack feet. Short hair play quietly.
long hair calico female grey
54-56 Zariel Likes to rule the roost. She will tolerate 95-96 Ranger Climbs and explores everything.
Medium female other cats and kittens as long as they Short hair Loves to climb up legs of furniture or people.
short hair black know their place. She insists on sleeping male tabby
and white near a warm fire.
57-58 Mirt Very friendly loves to sit in laps and 97-00 Imp Scratches everything in sight to shreds. Always
Large male long adores attention. Loves treats. Short hair Appears as if out of nowhere.
hair tabby female ginger

Once all the animals are fed and cared for people begin
Each of these individuals have been pre-approved to adopt
arriving looking to adopt cats. Each individual is looking
a cat or kitten having completed application forms Abena
for a different type of cat. Characters can help find the
previously provided that were vigorously background
perfect cat for each person.
searched by other agents of the Emerald Enclave

To take a cat out of a kennel to show a potential adopter

requires a DC 10 wisdom (Animal handling) check.
Characters can make a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check to
determine which cat’s personality is best suited to which

Dungeon Master Tip- If using this as part of a larger

campaign you can use this encounter to introduce or
revisit important NPCs.

If characters appear to be struggling with the task of caring
for the rescue’s cats. Abena may offer one of two magical
items to help.


Wondrous item, common
This cloth mouse has button eyes, felt ears and a ribbon for
a tail. It emits a scent that cats find irresistible
 You have advantage on animal handling checks towards
any cat or cat-like creature CR rating ½ or lower for 1
d100 Adopter
01-25 An older Ships Captain in need of a cat for GLOVES OF CAT HANDLING
their ship to help keep the rodent population Wondrous item, uncommon
at bay
These thick hide gloves provide additional protection
against cat related injuries, and make it easier to handle
stressed animals.
26-50 A family with three young children eager to
 You have advantage on all acrobatic rolls.
add a pet to their family  You have resistance to piercing damage.

51-75 A priest of Gond looking for a pet to keep

them company in their workshop

76-100 A retired tavern server looking for a house cat

CAME BACK If the characters decide to confront the spies read or
summarize the following

When characters are ready to depart Homeward Bookshop

Abena takes the kitten promising to find its owner or a
good home for it (if a home hasn’t previously been found)


d100 Scene Andry and Eloise are very upset about not finding treasure.
01-25 High above the Griffin Calvary performs A DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) is enough
dramatic inflight stunts to a cheering crowd to convince them to go away otherwise they will demand
watching from the street. Unfortunately a the characters tell them what Casia gave them. If the
merchant’s mule is startled by the events and characters refuse, one of the spies shows off a winged
breaks away from the cart running down the snake tattoo a symbol of the Zhentarim faction. They
road. A DC 15 Wisdom (Animal Handling) threaten the characters with trouble if they do not listen
but do not otherwise act hostile.
check is needed to calm the animal.

OPTIONAL COMBAT: If the players wish to engage in

26-50 A family of goblins from Undermountain and a combat the characters can fight the Spies. For stronger
family of halflings from Daggerford are parties add 3 spies. For weaker parties remove 1 spy.
waiting for a dray to go back to their inn. The
families both have children close in age and If the characters offer any information about the kitten,
they’ve spend most of the day together Andry and Eloise listen then go about their business. They
shopping and sightseeing. The youngest of are only interested in treasure not lost kittens.
each family has gone missing and the parents
are worried. A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
check finds the two little kids hiding behind a
sidewalk sign, giggling and thinking it all a
great game.

51-75 Three priests of Ilmater are having a

fundraiser for the Hospice of St. Laupsenn
selling donated baked goods. There are a
variety of cookies, cakes, and breads each for
sale by donation. When buying an item roll a
d20 on a 10 or higher the baked good acts as a
goodberry spell.

76-100 It suddenly starts to rain heavily. A DC 12

dexterity saving throw is needed to get out of
the rain without getting soaked. The heavy
rain only lasts 1 minute.


As the characters depart the bookshop a DC 12 Wisdom
(perception) check reveals Andry (she/her) a halfling, and
Eloise (she/her) a human, who are Spies (MM p. 349) have
been following. A DC 15 Intelligence (History) check is
enough to remind a character that these two individuals
were also at the Yawning Portal earlier.

Following the encounter with the spies the kitten that was
turned over to the characters at the Yawning Portal
returns. The kitten is meowing insistently trying to gain
the characters attention then starts running towards the
Yawning Portal.

If the characters ignore it, the kitten will return, meowing

and pulling at the characters to come with it.

At the Yawning portal the kitten quickly finds Casia sitting

at a table alone surprised by the return of the kitten.
The kitten tries to climb up in Casia’s lap, but she doesn’t
want the kitten.

Read of summarize the following: SEARCHING THE ROOM

Characters who ask to investigate Casia and Laela’s
“I thought I paid you to find the cat’s owner. Get it away from me, I
room at the Yawning Portal are led there by Casia.
have bigger problems right now.”
The room is a standard inn room with double bed, small
wardrobe for belongings and a night table. Everything
about the room is neat and tidy. There is a small chest in
If asked about her problems Casia reveals the following
the corner the lid is closed but the lock has been opened. If
 She and her girlfriend Laela were exploring opened the chest is empty and a DC 17 Intelligence
Undermountain when they found a small (investigation) reveals a small carved message written in
treasure chest. elvish
 They left in a hurry because Undermountain
was filled with tourists and treasure hunters Whomever dare steal from me shall quiver and bow
and they didn’t want to lose what they found. For instead of your screams all we’ll hear is meow
 They had a disagreement when they got to the
Yawning Portal about whether or not they A DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) reveals that inside of the
should open the chest or wait until the chest is a powerful glyph of warding. The glyph has been
morning. expended and contained a powerful spell (9th level)
 Casia is worried because when she woke up
Laela was gone, she has asked around at all
their usual places but no one has seen her. She SOMETHING ABOUT THAT CAT
is hoping Laela will return soon and they can
Characters who choose to investigate the kitten can make a
talk about their disagreement and make
DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) or DC 17 Intelligence (Nature)
check to determine that the kitten isn’t acting like a kitten
at all. It seems to know Casia even though Casia doesn’t
have a cat.
If asked about Andry and Eloise, Casia reveals the
Casting Detect Magic on the kitten will reveal a spell has
 Andry and Eloise are members of the
been cast upon it from the school of transmutation (True
Zhentarim who have been exploring levels of
Polymorph) a DC 17 Arcana Check or Identify reveals it to be
True Polymorph.
 They once tried to get Casia and Laela to join
the faction but that wasn’t something that
Having the kitten examined by a mage can also confirm
interested them.
that the kitten became a kitten through True Polymorph.
 Laela likes to play pranks and pick on the spies,
which rarely goes well.
Once characters realize that the kitten isn’t really a
 The Zhentarim can be a dangerous enemy to
kitten, it will likely become clear that the kitten is Laela
cross, best be careful.
transformed by the True Polymorph spell. If characters do
not catch on to this Casia will make the observation both
relieved to finally know where her girlfriend is but also
very worried and anxious to have her turn back into

LAELA Volo can be found at the Yawning Portal. A DC 12
Charisma (persuasion) is enough to convince him to help
out with the event.
Having uncovered that the kitten is really Laela under a
True Polymorph spell there are a variety of options on how Abena can provide flyers to distribute for the event. A DC
the characters can proceed. 10 Charisma (persuasion) or a DC 15 Charisma
(intimidation) is needed to spread the word for the event.
Each character must successfully convince at least one

FUNDRAISING FOR person to attend.

SPELLCASTING SERVICES During the event Volo signs books and meet with fans. The
bookshop is fairly crowded with customers coming and
Spellcasting services can be purchased in a number of
locations throughout the city. The cost of these services going throughout the event. Characters can encourage
may be a little out of the character’s reach. Casia can come more generosity from the crowd by engaging in their own
up with half the price from her savings and will implore performances with a DC 10 Charisma (performance) check
the characters help in finding the rest either through or by telling the crowd about Laela’s fate with a DC 10
fundraising efforts or through thievery. Charisma (persuasion or deception) check.


The Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors are a group d100 Adopter
of mages and other magical users who help maintain order
within Waterdeep. Travelling to Castle Waterdeep 01-25 A commoner (MM p. 345) who detests Volo’s
characters can find a member of the order Kava Mystan books arrives and complains loudly about the
(she/her) a silver dragonborn Mage (MM p. 347) whole event.

Kava is willing to reverse the spell effects for 500gp to 26-50 A Zhentarim Spy (MM p. 349) arrives
cover the cost of the time and resources that are needed. attempting to intimidate people into leaving
the event.


Waterdeep has temples and sites dedicated to just about 51-75 Three of the cats get out of their room and
every deity known to Toril. Characters who are clerics, run around the book shop, they scratch books
paladins or have the acolyte background may already know and climb book cases.
where some of these places are in the city.
Any priest in any of these temples are able to be hired to
assist. The price for these spellcasting services is 500gp. 76-100 A Bandit (MM p. 343) attempts to steal the
donation box.

If characters are unable or unwilling to contribute to the
At the end of the event Volo bids the characters well on
cost of the spellcasting services they may opt to help Casia
their endeavor to rescue their friend. Characters can make
find enough money.
a group DC 17 Charisma (performance) check on a
successful check they have raised enough to pay for spell
If characters struggle to come up with a fundraising idea
casting services. If characters fail to raise enough funds
Casia or another NPC may suggest the following:
they may opt to steal money from the Zhentarim or seek
 Return to Homeward Bookshop and ask for a
out an antimagic field
contribution or help
 Steal money from the Zhentarim


Abena is willing to help restore Laela, however she doesn’t
quite have enough funds to loan the characters. She
suggests to the characters that they hold an event at the
shop. She can have a donation box and bring in
refreshments. She suggests the characters to approach
Volothamp (Volo) Geddarm the author of Volo’s Guide to
Monsters (For more information on Volo see Waterdeep :
Dragon Heist) about hosting a reading at the bookshop for
a charity event.

Casia knows where Istrid Horn, a member of the
Zhentarim, operates her loan business out of a warehouse
in the Dock Ward. She suggests sneaking in and stealing
what they need after the business closes.

The outside of the warehouse appears rundown. The

large door is bolted with an iron chain and lock. The door
has an AC of 20 and the lock requires a DC 17 Dexterity
(Slight of hand) with thieves’ tools to unlock. After hours
there are no lanterns lit in the building. There are windows
that lead into area 1 and 2 as well as a door. There are 3
Thugs (MM p. 350) guarding area 1, and 2 Thugs guarding
the main door. They will become hostile towards the
characters if alerted to their presence.

In area 1 there are crates and barrels that contain trade

goods. In the back there is an office (area 2) with a desk,
chairs, and a locked cabinet. Behind a map of Waterdeep
there is a secret door to area 3, a vault dug underground.

The cabinet has an AC of 17 or can be unlocked with a DC

12 Dexterity (Slight of hand) using thieves tools. Inside are
ledgers that contain information on loans and when they
are due. There is also a Wand of Secrets.

Characters who make a DC 15 Intelligence

(Investigation) check or use the Wand of Secrets find a
hidden door behind the map of Waterdeep. The door has an
AC of 20 and is locked but can be unlocked with a DC 15
Dexterity (Slight of hand) check with thieves’ tools. Inside
the secret room is a locked chest filled with gold. The total
amount housed in the room is 1,000gp. The lock has an AC
of 17 or can be opened with a DC 15 Dexterity (sleight of
hand) with thieves’ tools.

The stairs lead up to area 4 which is more storage and

some smaller side rooms that are empty.

COMBAT: The thugs will investigate any suspicious

sounds they hear while on watch and attack if they catch
the characters in the warehouse. For weaker parties
remove 3 thugs, for stronger parties add a Gladiator (MM
p. 346)

There are said to be some permanent Antimagic Fields in If the characters are successful in rescuing Laela from
Waterdeep. Any character who is familiar with Waterdeep being a kitten either by paying for spellcasting services or
can make a DC 15 Wisdom (History or Arcana) to see if they using the antimagic field, both she and Casia are thankful
to the characters. The couple laugh about their past
know of any Antimagic Fields within the city.
disagreement over the treasure chest and are very relieved
If characters are unsuccessful they can ask around. Casia is that the magical mishap is resolved.
not aware of any antimagic fields, but she knows someone
who might. If the characters did not opt for spellcasting services Casia
gives the group 250gp as a thank you for their help.
Basilia Wands (she/her) a human Noble (MM p. 348)
If the characters opted for spellcasting services Laela
Basilia is on a break from studies at Blackstaff Academy
and makes a side income helping buy and sell magical gives the characters her necklace which contains a gem
items. Casia has worked with her frequently in the past. worth 250gp.
Basilia lives in the family home a tower in the Castle Ward.

Basilia is willing to help for a fee of 25gp. The fee can be CONTINUED ADVENTURES
waived with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) If characters continue their adventures in Waterdeep
check. either through Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Waterdeep
Dungeon of the Mad Mage, or another ongoing campaign
Read or summarize the following:
both Laela and Casia offer to further assist the characters if
“There is an old wizard tower in the Dock Ward. They say it is they need their help.
haunted or whatever. I heard a sorcerer was living there and kept
having trouble with wild magic, so they set up an Antimagic field or Help can come in the following ways
something or other inside.”  They can cover one debt or expense up to 100gp.
 They can spy on Zhentarim agents on behalf of
the characters for a ten-day reporting back their
For additional information on the old tower see Chapter 4 findings.
 They can act as guides for the first level of
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.

Basilia can give clear directions to the location. The tower

is abandoned, and parts are starting to crumble. The door
has an AC20 and is locked but a DC 12 Dexterity (sleight of
hand) with thieves’ tools can open it.
Inside the tower is covered in cobwebs and dust. Near
the door are 6 beautifully crafted short swords neatly
stacked against the wall. These are Flying Swords (MM p.
20) but are inactive in this Antimagic Field. In some
cobwebs is a wand. Inside the room the wand does nothing
but outside of the room it is a Wand of Magical Detection.

The moment the kitten enters the room the True

Polymorph is dispelled and a very relieved Laela is in its

If the characters decided to take the Flying Swords out

of the tower the constructs regain their abilities and attack.

Using the Wand of Magical Detection outside of the tower

reveals that the group has been followed by Zhentarim
agents, 4 Spies (MM p. 349) and 4 Scouts (MM p. 349) all
invisible from an Invisibility spell. They attack either on
detection or as the characters pass to leave.
COMBAT: The spies and scouts attack when their
invisibility is detected or as the characters prepare to leave.
On their attack they become visible. For weaker parties
remove 2 spies. For stronger parties add a Mage (MM p.


1 square =5ft

1 square = 5ft


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