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Oregano Leaves (Origanum Vulgare) as Mosquito Repellent

Mickey R. Montalban

Looc Integrated School

Maila Claire Tejada


Chapter I


Oregano leaves (Origanum vulgare) is a flowering plant. It is also belong to mint family. Oregano is native to

temperate western and southwestern Eurasia and the mediterranian. Oregano leaves is a herb plant.

Oregano is not just a plant it helps us a lot. We can use it as ordinary herb or alternative materials for our

needs. Mosquito (culicidae) is literally known that it is harmful to us.

Mosquitoes are harmful in our environment and also to our health. Since mosquitoes are not good for us

we need to lessen the population of mosquitoes. In this study the oregano leaves will be using against

mosquitoes. We choose oregano to repel mosquito because of the components we can found in this kind of

plant which is oregano. This are the some of components that have ability to avoid or repel mosquitoes it is

the thymol and carvacrol.

Background of the study

For this study which is the oregano leaves will use to make a candle. The candle that made out of oregano

leaves will serve to be an alternative mosquito repellent. I choose this study to lessen the number of

mosquitoes. Because mosquitoes are not just harmful for us it has ability to cause a disease like dengue.

Imagine the possible effect on us if we can’t lessen the population of mosquitoes.

If you are thinking why I use oregano leaves to use as mosquito repellent it’s because oregano leaves has

ability to repel and avoid mosquitoes. The components that oregano have is also the reason why I use it for

my study. If I were you I also think if the oregano is effective for repelling mosquitoes but according to

review of related literature that I find oregano is not use as ingredients, and herbs. As I mentioned earlier

oregano has potential to repel mosquitoes. This simple plant which is the oregano that we can see in the

backyard of our house we can’t deny that this plant was so useful.

Statement of the problem

This study seek to find the answer if oregano leaves can be a mosquito repellent.

The general problem was enumerate below:

1. Is oregano leaves can use to repel mosquitoes?

2. How effective the oregano leaves as mosquito repellent in terms of:

2.1. Ability to kill mosquitoes;

2.2. How long it will take to repel mosquitoes; and

2.3. Numbers of mosquitoes repelled;

3. Does the oregano leaves can lessen the number of mosquitoes?

4. Is the component of oregano leaves can help to repel mosquitoes?

Significance of the study

This study which is “Oregano leaves as mosquito repellent” is make to benefit the following:

The family that have mosquitoes in their house. The study will benefit the family that have

mosquitoes in their house because it will help the family to lessen the mosquitoes on their house.

The environment. The study will benefit our environment because those oregano leaves that falls

down to road we can used them in this study.

The upcoming researchers. The study will benefit the upcoming researchers because they have a

reference if the study of upcoming researchers is related to this study.


Alternative hypothesis

The oregano leaves is effective for repelling mosquitoes.


Null hypothesis

The oregano leaves is not effective for repelling mosquitoes.

Scope and limitation

This study is using oregano leaves as mosquito repellent. The study was conducted and observed

inside of our house, Jan. 6, 2021 the study was started. The study focus on the effectiveness of

oregano leaves as mosquito repellent. The respondents of this research study will consist of people

who have mosquitoes on their area. Also the people who harm by the mosquitoes. The number of

respondents will be limited to ten (10) people who have mosquitoes in their area and harm by the


In addition, the respondents will be on purpose selected base on criteria set by researcher. The

target respondents will be from barangay of Calamba City, Laguna which is Aztec Homes

subdivision. On the other side this study will consist of respondents that have qualification and

accuracy to the study. The experimentation that will performed is to discover the effectiveness of

oregano leaves as mosquito repellent.

Definition of terms

Infused oil- it is one of the ingredients that we will be using for making the candle.

Mosquito- It is one of the different insect that can cause a disease, and can harm the life of

people. We’re going to use the mosquito repellent made out of oregano leaves to mosquitoes. The

mosquito repellent will be test on mosquitoes to prove the effectiveness of oregano as mosquito


Repellent- it is use to avoid something. For example the insects repellent, in this study this

repellent is for mosquitoes in short mosquito repellent. So in my study which is “Oregano leaves as

mosquito repellent” I want to make a repellent out of our natural resources that’s why in terms of

repellent were going to use oregano leaves.

Oregano leaves- we all know that this is a herb plant. But in this study this will be our main

ingredient in making the candle. Also in this study oregano leaves will not going to use as

alternative medicine for cough because it will use to repel mosquitoes. To see if oregano leaves is

not just a herb plant but can be a mosquito repellent.

Conceptual framework

Input Output
How does the oregano 1. We need to perform a
effective for repelling experimentation; We can use our natural
2. Observe if the oregano is
resources for repelling
1. Population of mosquitoes can repel mosquitoes; mosquitoes. The people
have been lessen; who have or harmed by
3. Create a survey based on mosquitoes is can use this
2. Number of mosquitoes performance to repel
oregano to have a solution
repelled; mosquitoes;
on their problems.
3. How long it takes to repel

Figure 1. Input Process Output research paradigm

For the input it is our problem in our research that’s why I put if the oregano is effective for repelling

mosquito because that’s our problem. We need to know if the oregano has an ability to be a mosquito

repellent. So we can see the next is process, in the process that’s were going to do to give a solution to our

input. As we can see I state that we need to perform an experimentation to know if it can be a mosquito

repellent. Last is the output I just state here the outcomes that we can get if we give the solution for the


Chapter II

(Deziel, 2008) has stated that some of the gardener’s plants oregano leaves in their Garden area. When it

is time to harvest their oregano plant they using it to repel pest like mosquitoes. We are all know that

oregano leaves is usually used for repelling mosquitoes. Because oregano leaves have components that

can repel insects such as mosquitoes. The scientific evidence to support this claim is scarce, but oregano

leaves have two chemicals with known repellent properties, and that’s because oregano is generally

recognized as safe.

Studies conducted at the University of Lowa showing the effectiveness of thymol. Thymol is one of the

main component of garden thyme (thymes vulgaris) hardy in zones 5 to 9 in controlling housethes. Lutgen

also notes the effectiveness of another compound in thyme and it is carvarcrol. Carvacrol is effective for

insects control and tells that the oil of oregano haves contain both of these compousnds in concentration of

38.8 and 32.9 percent respectively.

Type of source: webpage

Title: Oil of oregano as a mosquito repellent

Author: Chris Deziel

Place of publication: Hunker.


Publisher: Leaf group lifestyle

(Hazzit, 2006) has stated that the essential oil of origanum vulgare and thymus was determine. Origanum

and thymes is a one of the species that regulated in Algeria and North Africa region. Antioxidant and

antibacterial is a activities of the isolated essential oil it is also defined. You can get oil from oregano and

the oil from oregano plant were strongly distinguish by p-cymene (16.8-24.9%) gamma-terpinenc (168-

24.9%) thymol (8.4-36.0%) and carvacrol (1.1-29.1%). A thymol rhemotype for origanum floribundum and

the alphaterpinrol chemotype for thymes homidies being classify for the first time. The case of listeria

mooonocytogenes was tested proportionately appose to the action of essential oil whether origanum or

thymes species. All the essential oil possessed antioxidant activity, but this was depending on chemical

composition and the method working to determine such activity.

Type of source: webpage

Title: Composition of the essential oils of thymus and Origanum species from algeria and their antioxidant

and antimicrobial activities

Author: Mohamed Hazzit 1, Aoumeur Baaliouamer, M Leonor Faleiro, M Graça Miguel

Place of publication:


(Algeria, 2008) has stated that oregano is one of the member of plants called lamiaceae that known to be a

natural insecticide. The researcher said the first time oregano oil is has been used as alternative synthetic

insecticides. The component in oregano oil that combat pests and found the greater concentration of the oil

that used. It is said that it was more effective. It is workable and in the near future the natural insecticides

will replace synthetically insecticides. This oregano insecticide made by oil of the oregano will considerably

to more environmentally friendly insecticide.

Since oregano plant is known to be a natural insecticide, it can be your alternative insecticide it can also

use to repel mosquito because it is one of the insects. Using oregano plant as your repellent is not different

to those insecticides that can buy in markets. Oregano is effective to use as insecticide because of its

component. This components are thymol and carvacrol. So it is effective to use as your insecticide.

Type of source: webpage


Title: oregano oil work as an insecticide

Author: Algiers Algeria

Place of publication: Upi

Publisher: United Press International, Inc.


(Mullen, 2014) has stated that we can use our natural resources to repel mosquitoes one of this is oregano

plant. We are trying to convince to use oregano leaves as mosquito repellent instead to those chemical

repellents. Oregano leaves is effective for repelling. It is nice to our health because it’s natural. Instead of

buying chemicals repellent you can keep the money for its and oregano leaves.

So let’s use oregano as mosquito repellent. Using oregano plant to repel mosquito isn’t bad. Actually it is

good and effective at all. Oregano as mosquito repellent is a nice repellent. Because oregano is not just

type of plant, it has an activity to repel mosquitoes.

Type of source: webpage

Title: oregano as a mosquito coil

Author: Erin mullen

Place of publication: Scribd

Publisher: Scribd Inc

(Silva, 2020) has stated that dengue, zika, chikungunya, yellow fever and malaria case is one of the disease

that can get from mosquito bites. This cases from mosquito bite has increased. To avoid the mosquito bites

and the fever also from mosquito bites using repellents is one of the nice way to lessen the mosquitoes and

also the mosquito bites. The interest of people using our plants as mosquito repellent has been easily

spread. In this review, the bibliographic has survey about to those active repellents. We can use our natural

plant as a effective mosquito repellent. Oregano is belong to our natural plant. Oregano is can use as our

natural mosquito repellent the reason behind that is because of the thymol and carvacrol that can found in

oregano. And mosquitoes hates the smell of aromatic.

Type of source: webpage

Title: Synthesis and Chemometrics of Thymol and Carvacrol Derivatives as Larvicides against Aedes


Author: Viviane Barros Silva 1, Daniele Lima Travassos 1, Angelita Nepel 2, Andersson Barison 2, Emmanoel

Vilaça Costa 3, Luciana Scotti 4, Marcus Tulius Scotti 4, Francisco Jaime Bezerra Mendonça-Junior 5, Roseli

La Corte Dos Santos 6, Sócrates Cabral de Holanda Cavalcanti 1

Place of publication:


(Silva & Junior, 2019) has stated that the activity of larvicidal in opposition to aedes aegypti (diptera

culicidae) has been shown in thymol and carvacrol. Due to the fact that our interest to acquire synthetic

descendants and assess their activity which is larvicidal on aegyptic larvacade. The improvement of

structural modification were performed in thymol and carvacrol. It is because have knowledge in functional

group. That is needed for regulating their activities and to lead to way hopefully to more effective larvae

control agents.

Type of source: webpage


Title: An approach to natural insect repellent formulations: from basic research to technological


Author: Márcio Robert Mattosda Silva, EduardoRicci-Júnior

Place of publication: Sciencedirect

Publisher: Elsevier B.V.

(Bautista, 2019) has stated that origanum vulgare or also known as oregano. This plant which is oregano is

defined that has a strong aromatic characteristic, has a heart shape of leaves, plump stems, toothed edges

and it can grow up to 9 meter in length. Although in our country which is Philippines, oregano is defined as

herbal medicine because of the strong antioxidant properties. Oregano is accommodate of rosmarinic acid

compound, thymol, and carvacrol that are accountable for its anti-infammatory, anti-bacterial, antioxidant,

ant-fungal and anti-viral properties. The phytochemical is plant produced which is used for insecticides for

repelling larvae or adult mosquitoes.

Type of source: webpage


Title: Effectiveness of mosquito killer out of oregano leaves

Author: Jayson Bautista

Place of publication: scribd


Publisher: scribd inc

(Govindarajan et al., 2016) has stated that the mosquitoes have disease that can get from them. There’s a

million of people who died because of the disease from mosquitoes. Although the advantage and use of

synthetic insecticides is to control culicidae may lead to resistance. These days natural plant is qualify to

use to repel mosquitoes. It can also serve as our alternative to use against mosquitoes. Oregano or

origanum vulgare is has a activity of mosquito larvicidal.

Type of source: webpage

Title: Larvicidal potential of carvacrol and terpinen-4-ol from the essential oil of Origanum

vulgare (Lamiaceae) against Anopheles stephensi, Anopheles subpictus, Culex

quinquefasciatus and Culex tritaeniorhynchus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Author: Marimuthu Govindarajan, MohanRajeswary, S.L.Hoti, GiovanniBenelli

Place of publication: Sciencedirect

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.

(Baguino, 2016) has stated that the purpose of the study is to lessen the number of mosquitoes. And also

to prevent the disease from mosquito called dengue. Out of our natural resources in our community we can

make a mosquito repellent. These mosquito coil made out of oregano leaves that found in our community.

One of the advantage of using our natural resources which is the oregano leaves as a mosquito coil is

being safe because it is all natural unlike to those mosquito coils that have a chemicals.

The mosquito coil that can buy in supermarket is not totally safe for us because of the chemical substance

found in this coil. When we inhale the smoke from the coil that can but in supermarket it can affect to our

health because of the hazardous effect. Oregano is much better to use because it is safe, natural and

effective as mosquito coil. Oregano plant is not pricey for us. You can easily find it. The money that you’re

using to buy a coil it you can keep it. Instead of buying a coil use it to buy your essential needs.

Type of source: webpage


Title: natural mosquito coil made from oregano and charcoal

Author: Rochelle baguino

Place of publication: Prezi

Publisher: Prezi inc

(Simangan, 2016) has stated that oregano leaves is scented green herb. The stems of oregano leaves is

plump. It is also a Eurasian plant species that found a colorless crystalline solid and aromatic compound

(Phenolic). As indicate a strong insecticidal, antimicrobial, antifungal activity (karnountsis et al. 2010).

Oregano is an upright, develop, rather than coarse and the strong larvicidal (alternatively larvacide). It is an

insecticide that is specifically target against the larva life storage of an insect. It is mostly used against


Type of page: webpage

Title: The wonder of oregano against mosquitoes

Author: Roxanne simangan

Place of publication: Prezi

Publisher: Prezi Inc


Chapter III


 Stirring rod  Beaker

It is used to stir or mixed the mixtures Beaker is used to contain and

in experimentation. measure liquids.

 Tripod  Alcohol lamp

It supports or hold the glassware such as Alcohol lamp is used for heating like
beaker and Erlenmeyer flask. melting beeswax.

 Candle molder  Weighing scale

It is used to mold the Used to measure, like measure

melted mixtures as candle. the amount of beeswax.
Requires the use of a wire gauze to diffuse
Were going to put candle wick in the the heat, helping to protect the glassware.
 Candle wick  Wire gauze
middle of candle.

 Tongs  Erlenmeyer flask

It is used to pick up the glassware or other Erlenmeyer flask is used to

apparatus with a hot temperature. contain liquids and mixing.

 Scissors  Container

Used to cut the leaves It is where going to put our some

into smaller pieces. ingredients like oregano leaves.

 Cheesecloth

It is used to separate the

leaves to the infused oil.


 Beeswax  Infused oil of oregano leaves

 Oregano leaves  Palm oil



 Prepare all the materials and ingredients that are needed in making candle.

 Wash first the oregano leaves and after that using a scissor cut it into smaller pieces.

 After cutting the oregano leaves, get the container and pour the palm oil.

 When there’s palm oil in the container put the smaller pieces of oregano leaves and soak it for

24 hours or more.

 Use the cheesecloth to filter and separate the oregano leaves to it’s extract.

 Set aside the extract of oregano and get the weighing scale to measure the amount of


 By using the beaker measure the amount of infused oil (oil of oregano leaves). Prepare the

tripod, alcohol lamp, and wire gauze.

 Fire the alcohol lamp then put the tripod and also put the wire gauze on the top of tripod.

 Put the measured beeswax on the Erlenmeyer flask then put the Erlenmeyer flask with

beeswax on the top of wire gauze.

 Wait until the beeswax melts then after it melts put it with care the infused oil together with

melted beeswax.

 Mix well the melted beeswax and the infused oil by using of stirring rod.

 Turn off the fire of alcohol lamp by covering it using the cap of itself. Use a tongs to get the

Erlenmeyer with melted beeswax.

 Prepare the molder for the candle and place the candle wick on the center of candle.Then

quickly put the melted mixture which is the melted beeswax and the infused oil to the molder.

 Let it dry and clean the area you work at.

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