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Lesson I.

Morality and the Foundational Moral Principle

Lesson II. Teacher as a Person of Good Moral Character


Test Your Understanding

Directions: Answer the following with a YES or NO. If your answer is NO, explain your
answer in a sentence.

NO 1. Is morality for persons and animals?

 No, animals have no morals.
 No, It is only for persons because only persons have intellect and will.

NO 2. Is the natural law known only by the learned?

 No, everyone at a right age have a sense of good or evil.
 No. Even the unschooled have a sense to do good and to avoid evil.

YES 3. Did the primitive people have a sense of the natural law?

NO 4. Is an animalistic act of man moral?

 No. an animalistic act can never be human and to be moral is to be human.
 No. To be moral is to be human. Any act that brings down man to the level of
the brute like any animalistic act is, therefore, not moral.

NO 5. Is it right to judge a dog to be immoral if it defecates right there in your garden?

 No, animals have no morals.
 No. Morality applies only to persons and not to animals because animals
have no choice. They are bound by their instincts.

NO 6. Is the foundational moral principle sensed only believers?

 No, because even unbelievers have sense of good or evil because this
natural law is written in every human heart.
 No. Even unbelievers have a sense to do good and avoid evil because this
natural law is written in every man’s heart.

NO 7. Is the foundational moral principle very specific?

 No, it is in a general statement.
 No. It is a general statement. “Do good and avoid evil.”

YES 8. Is the foundational moral principle the basis of more specific moral principles?

YES 9. Is the foundational moral principle so called because it is the basis of all moral

YES 10. Are the Ten Commandments for Christians more specific moral principles of the
foundational moral principle?

NO 11. Is the natural law literary engraved in every human heart?

 No, not literally, for human have the sense of good or evil.
 No, not literally. But it is written or engraved in every human heart in the
sense that every man has a sense of the principle “Do good and avoid evil.”

YES 12. Are the Five Pillars of Islam reflective of the natural law?

YES 13. Is the Buddhists Eightfold Path in accordance with the natural law?

YES 14. Is the Golden rule for Christians basically the same with Kung-fu-Tzu’s Reciprocity

(What is your score? Refer to the key to correction. If your score is below 12, I suggest you read
the text again then take a re-test).

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