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Rick Simpson Oil Protocol ​Florida Medical Cannabis Clinic

What is RSO?

Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO, is a concentrated form of full extract cannabis oil prized for it’s medical benefits,
especially for cancer patients. It is meant for oral consumption ONLY, and not to be inhaled or used for
dabbing like other concentrated oils. Unlike distillate and isolate oils used for vaping, RSO/FECO retains more
of the phytochemicals present in the cannabis plant which adds to the therapeutic value.

After reading an article from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute about THC killing cancer cells in mice,
Rick Simpson made the decision to attempt to treat his own Basal Cell Carcinoma topically with cannabis oil.
After four days of bandaging his cancerous spots with cannabis oil, he removed the bandage to find the spots
had disappeared. Unable to keep his success a secret, and despite legal risks, Rick has personally helped
treat over 5000 patients with RSO and shared his knowledge with countless others. There are numerous
anecdotal reports of successful outcomes utilizing his methods.

RSO Suggested Protocol

The goal of a RSO protocol is to consume 60 grams of Rick Simpson Oil in 90 days. This is a very large
amount of cannabis oil and should be taken with caution, increasing the dose gradually to avoid adverse
effects. Below is a suggested outline for increasing the dose until the recommended 1 gram per day dose is

Week 1​: Start with 3 doses per day (morning, midday, before bed) every 8 hours
Half of a grain of rice per dose

Week 2-5​: Double your dose every 4 days, maintaining the 3x per day schedule

Week 5-12​: 1 gram per day (split across 3 doses) until the entire 60 grams of oil is consumed

Week 12+​: Reduce to a maintenance dose (1-2 grams total per month)

Side Effects

Patients starting a RSO protocol should plan appropriately as the potential for side effects is greater during the
first three to four weeks of the protocol. Once a tolerance is built most patients report few to no negative side
effects. The most common side effect is sleepiness and sedation, with quality sleep being an important aspect
of the healing process. High doses of THC can also cause increased heart rate, anxiety, dizziness, nausea,
and difficulty with concentration.

CBD can be used to counteract the psychoactivity or negative side effects of THC. Patients new to cannabis or
concerned about psychoactivity may want to pair their RSO protocol with equal or greater doses of CBD oil to
reduce the potential for negative side effects.
RSO Topical Use

Like Rick’s original success, many patients use RSO topically for skin cancers. To do this, place a small
amount of RSO on the affected area and cover with a bandage, changing the bandage and applying more oil
every 1-3 days. Many patients report that over time the cancerous spots will dry, crack, and diminish. After the
area has healed, it’s recommended to continue applying RSO for at least two weeks.

Where to Purchase

RSO is currently available at ​Trulieve​ and M

​ uv​ dispensaries.

Both companies offer bulk pricing when purchasing in sets of 10 grams. Take advantage of rewards points and
sales for additional savings.

Further Reading

Rick Simpson’s Official Website

How to Use Medical Marijuana for Cancer

CBD, THC, and Cancer

The Current State of Research

Animal and lab studies have demonstrated THC and other cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth, reduce
spread, and/or cause death to certain type of cancer cells.

Published in 2006 in the ​British Journal Of Pharmacology, ​a team of Spanish researchers administered pure
THC into the tumors of 9 patients with glioblastoma who had failed to respond to traditional therapies. This first
of its kind clinical trial, found that THC treatment was associated with significantly reduced tumor cell
proliferation in every test subject.

Mounting evidence demonstrates the impact cannabis has on helping to manage cancer related pain, fatigue,
nausea, appetite loss, and other side effects.

Some research suggests that cannabinoids are most effective when paired with traditional cancer therapies.

This information is for educational purposes only and not to be construed as medical advice.

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