Unit-IV-Shear Reinforcement and Bond by Limit State Method

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Design of Steel and RCC Structure

Chapter No-4
Design A Shear Reinforcement
And Bond

Created By


Lecturer and Head Of Civil Department
K.K.Wagh Polytechnic,Nashik-03
What is shear reinforcement?
• Shear reinforcement is designed to resist shear forces in
excess of the shear strength of concrete.
• They are provided in forms of vertical or inclined stirrups or
longitudinal reinforcement bent up at 45 degrees at locations
where they are no longer needed to resist bending.
What are the different types of shear failure?
The different types of shear failure in beam are given below,
1) Diagonal tension failure
This types of failure occur at the support of the beam where shear
force has a high value and moment has a low value as compared
to the shear. The crack formed due to this failure makes 35
degrees with the horizontal.
2) Shear Compression Failure:
➢ This type of failure occurs at the span between support and
mid-span. At this span shear force and moment show
approximately equal importance and values. This type of failure
makes 45 degrees to 90 degrees with horizontal
➢ This is crushing of concrete near the tip of the inclined crack in
compression zone. This is caused by inadequate concrete
3) Shear Tension Failure:
This failure occurs due to diagonal crack propagating
horizontally along the longitudinal tensile reinforcement. This
occurs due to inadequate anchorage of reinforcement.
1) Nominal Shear stress-: (τʋ )
it is the shear force due to design load(Vu) acting per unit cross sectional
area(b x d)
there for τʋ =
Where, bd
τʋ =Nominal Shear stress in N/mm2
Vu = Shear force due to design factored load in N
b= Breadth of section in mm
d= effective depth of section in mm
2) Design Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete
➢ Reinforced concrete in beams has shear strength even without any shear
➢ This shear strength (τc) depends on the grade of concrete and the percentage
of tension steel in beams. On the other hand, the shear strength of reinforced
concrete with the reinforcement is restricted to some maximum value τcmax
depending on the grade of concrete. These minimum and maximum shear
strengths of reinforced concrete (IS 456, cls. 40.2.1 and 40.2.3, respectively)
are given below:

2.1.Design shear strength without shear reinforcement (IS 456, cl.40.2.1)

Table 19 of IS 456 stipulates the design shear strength of concrete τc for
different grades of concrete with a wide range of percentages of positive tensile
steel reinforcement. It is worth mentioning that the reinforced concrete beams
must be provided with the minimum shear reinforcement as per cl. 40.3 even
when τv is less than τc given in Table Below .
❖For solid slab
the design shear strength of concrete shall be k.τc
where k has the value given in table.
Summary of Shear stresses
• Nominal Shear stress-: (τʋ )
➢ It is occurs due to External Force
• Shear Strength of Concrete τC
➢ It is Occurs due to Grade of Concrete and
Tension Reinforcement
• Maximum Shear Strength of Concrete τC max
➢ It is Occurs due Grade of Concrete and
Tension Reinforcement and All Shear
Reinforcement (Total Reinforcement in
Design a shear Reinforcement
• When τʋ > τc < τc max shear reinforcement is provided in the beam.
• Shear reinforcement is provided in the following form
a. Vertical stirrups
b. Bent Up bars
c. Combination of (a) and (b)
When bent up bars are provided, their contribution towards shear resistance
shall not be more than half of total shear reinforcement
Shear reinforcement shall be provided for the following shear force
Vus = Vu – τC bd
Stirrups, For Vertical Stirrups, spacing (Sv) is
0.87fy Asv d
(Sv) =
Vu𝑺 𝒐𝒓 Vu𝒅
Sv=Spacing of Stirrups
Asv=Total cross sectional area of of stirrups legs
d=Effective depth of beam
fy= Characteristics strength of steel
Bent Up bars, Shear taken by bent-up bars is calculated as follows
Vusb = 0.87fyAsv sinα
Asv =Area of bent up bars
α = angle between bent up bars and axis of members but not less than 45֯
fy= Characteristics strength of steel
Step by step procedure for design of shear reinforcement
in Beam
Step-1 Calculate shear force
Step-2 Calculate Design or Factored shear force
Vu =V x ϒf
Step-3 Calculate Nominal shear stress
τʋ = it should be less than τc max
Step-4 Calculate Percentage of steel
Percentage steel
% Pt = st x100
Ast=Area of main steel in tension at support
b= width of beam
d=effective depth
Step-5 Calculate shear strength of concrete τc
τc is depends on the grade of concrete and percentage steel at support (% Pt)
(Tension reinforcement ) Refer Table No-19,IS 456-2000.

Step-6 Calculate Shear Reinforcement Requirement

i) τ τ τ
If ʋ < c< c max...... Shear Reinforcement is not required provide
minimum shear reinforcement.

ii) If τʋ >τc< τc max...... Shear Reinforcement is required .

Step-7 Calculate shear force for which shear reinforcement is required.
Shear force to be resisted by vertical stirrups Vus
There fore,
Vus =Vu - τc bd ........(Clause 40.4 of 456:2000)

shear force to be resisted by vertical stirrups Vus
if bent up bars are provided then, shear resisted by bent-up bars.
Vusb= 087fy Asv Sinα ……. α =45°(Clause 40.4 of IS456:2000)

Shear force for design
Vud = Vus – Vusb > 0.5 Vus

If Bent Up bars are not provided then

Vud = Vus
Step-8 Spacing
0.87fy Asv d
For Vertical Stirrups (Sv) =
When bent up bars are provided, then spacing
0.87fy Asv d
(Sv) =
Where Asv = n x x ϴ2
n=number of legs of stirrups in section
ϴ= diameter of stirrups bar
Spacing of Vertical Stirrups (Sv)
Spacing shall be least of following
i) Sv= as calculated in step 8
iii)Sv=300mm(As per clause
Draw the longitudinal and cross section of the beam
Numerical No-1
A beam 250mm x400mm deep effective is reinforced with 3 bars of 16mm
diameter of grade Fe415.The shear Force at the support is 60kN.Design
the shear reinforcement if grade of concrete used is M-20.Use 6mm or
8mm diameter vertical Stirrups.


Step No-1 :Give Data

a) Width of Beam (b)=250mm
b) Depth of Beam (d)=400mm
c) Diameter of Main steel ϕ =16mm
d) Number of main steel bars n=3
e) Shear Force V=60kN
f) Characteristics for M-20 Garde Concrete fck=20 N/mm2
g) Characteristics for Fe415 Garde Steel fy=415 N/mm2
Step No-2 Preliminary Data Calculations
a) Ast = n x x ϕ2
Ast =3 x x 162
Ast =603.2mm2
b) % Pt = x100
% Pt = x100
250 x 400
% Pt = 0.60 %
Step No-3 Factored Load
Factored S.F.=1.5 X Shear Force
Vu=1.5 X V
Vu=1.5 X 60
Vu=90 kN
Vu=90 x 103 N
Step No-4 Calculation of Nominal Shear stress
Vu 90 x 103
τʋ = b d =250 x 400
τʋ = 0.9 N/mm2
Step No-5 Calculation of Design Shear stress in concrete (τc )
It depends on
Percentage of Steel=0.6%
Grade of Concrete M-20

% Pt τc

0.50 0.48

0.75 0.56

By Interpolation
τc =0.48+[ ] x (0.6-0.5)
τc =0.512 N/mm2
Step No-6 Calculation of Maximum Shear stress in concrete (τc max )
It depends on
Grade of Concrete M-20
τc max =2.8 N/mm2

Step No-7 Check for Shear Reinforcement

Since, τʋ >τc< τc max...... Shear Reinforcement is required

Step No-8
Shear force to be resisted by vertical stirrups Vus
There fore,
Vud = Vus =Vu - τc bd ........(Clause 40.4 of 456:2000)
Vud = Vus = 90 – (0.512 x 250 x 400)
Vud = Vus = 38.8 kN
Step No-9 Calculation of Shear Reinforcement
Provide 6mm ϕ-2 legged
Area of Vertical stirrups
Asv = n x x ϴ2
Asv = 2 x x 62
Asv =56.55mm2
Step No-10 Spacing for Vertical Shear Reinforcement
Spacing shall be least of following :
0.87fy Asv d
i. Sv =
0.87 x 415 x 56.55 x 400
Sv =
38.8 x 103
Sv =210.5mm says 210mm
ii. Sv = 0.75d=0.75 x400
Sv =300mm
iii. Sv =300mm
Which ever is less take as spacing of stirrups. Hence Sv =210mm
Step No-11 Draw Shear Reinforcement detailing diagram
Provide vertical stirrups of 6mm-2legged at a spacing of 210mm C/C
Numerical No-2
A beam 230mm x450mm deep effective is reinforced with 4 bars of 18mm
diameter of grade Fe415.The shear Force at the support is 80kN.Design
the shear reinforcement if grade of concrete used is M-25.Use 6mm or
8mm diameter vertical Stirrups.
Numerical No-3
Design the shear reinforcement in the form of 2 legged 10mm diameter
vertical stirrups for a beam section 300mm x 600mm deep effective
subjected to ultimate shear force of 300 kN. Assume M25 concrete and
,Fe415 steel,τc max=3.1 Mpa and τc =0.65Mpa

Step No-1 :Give Data

a) Width of Beam (b)=300mm
b) Depth of Beam (d)=600mm
c) 2 Legged 10mm dimeter stirrups
d) Ultimate Shear Force =300kN
e) Characteristics for M-25 Garde Concrete fck=25 N/mm2
f) Characteristics for Fe415 Garde Steel fy=415 N/mm2
g) τc max=3.1 Mpa
h) τc =0.65Mpa
Step No-1 Calculation of Nominal Shear stress
Vu 300 x 103
τʋ = b d =300 x 600
τʋ = 1.67 N/mm2

Step No-2 Calculation of Design Shear stress in concrete (τc )

τc =0.65 N/mm2………….Given in the numerical

Step No-3 Calculation of Maximum Shear stress in concrete (τc max )

τc max =3.1N/mm2………….Given in the numerical

Step No-4 Compare τʋ ,τc , τc max

Since, τʋ >τc< τc max...... Shear Reinforcement is required

Step No-5
Shear force to be resisted by vertical stirrups Vus
There fore,
Vud = Vus =Vu - τc bd ........(Clause 40.4 of 456:2000)
Vud = Vus = 300 x 103 – (0.65 x 300 x 600)
Vud = Vus = 183 x 103 N

Step No-6 Calculation of Shear Reinforcement

Provide 10mm ϕ-2 legged
i) Area of Vertical stirrups
Asv = n x x ϴ2
Asv = 2 x x 102
Asv =157.08mm2
Step No-7 Spacing for Vertical Shear Reinforcement
Spacing shall be least of following :
0.87fy Asv d
i. Sv =
0.87 x 415 x 157.07 x 600
Sv =
183 x 103
Sv =186 mm hence say 180mm
ii. Sv = 0.75d=0.75 x600
Sv =450mm
iii. Sv =300mm
Which ever is less take as spacing of stirrups. Hence Sv =180mm
Design Bond Stress τbd and Development Length
(a) Definition
➢ The design bond stress τbd is defined as the shear force per unit
nominal surface area of reinforcing bar. The stress is acting on
the interface between bars and surrounding concrete and along
the direction parallel to the bars.

➢ This concept of design bond stress finally results in additional

length of a bar of specified diameter to be provided beyond a
given critical section. Though, the overall bond failure may be
avoided by this provision of additional development length Ld,
slippage of a bar may not always result in overall failure of a
Development Length (Ld)
➢ A development length can be defined as the amount of
reinforcement(bar) length needed to be embedded or projected into the
column to establish the desired bond strength between the concrete
and steel.

➢ For example, if you have to joint a beam with a column then the steel
bars of the beam should be embedded somewhat into concrete to
make a bond between them. This embedded length of steel bars is
known as development length.

➢ It is, thus, desirable to provide end anchorages also to maintain the

integrity of the structure and thereby, to enable it carrying the loads.
Clause 26.2 of IS 456 stipulates, “The calculated tension or
compression in any bar at any section shall be developed on each side
of the section by an appropriate development length or end anchorage
or by a combination thereof.”
Development formula (Ld)
ϕ σ𝑠 0.87 f𝑦 ϕ
Ld required = or Ld =
4 τ𝑏𝑑 4 τ𝑏𝑑
Φ =Nominal diameter of bar
σs = Stress in the bar at the considered section at design load
τbd=Permissible stress In bond

Available Development Length: As per clause no.44) of IS

456:2000 available development length is calculated by using

𝟏.𝟑 𝐱 𝐌𝟏
Ld available= + 𝐋𝐨
𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐖𝐝 𝒍𝟐
M 1= x Mmax …………. (Mmax = )
𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞 𝟖
𝐖 𝒍
Vo = 𝐝
Lo = Anchorage beyond support (assuming 90֯ bend is 8ϕ)

Anchoring Reinforcing Bars

A. Anchoring bars in tension
i. Deformed bars may be used without end anchorage
provided development length requirement is satisfied.
ii. Hooks should normally provided for Plain bars in
B. Anchoring bars in Compression
i. The Anchorage Length of straight bars in compression shall
be taken as Ld. The projected length of hooks, bend and
length beyond the bends, if provided for a bar in
compression shall be considered for development.
C. Anchoring bars in Shear Reinforcement-Vertical Stirrups
lap splice
➢ A lap splice is when two pieces of rebar overlap to form a
continuous reinforcement. This helps transfer loads properly
throughout the structure. There are two types of lap splices:
contact lap and non-contact lap splices.

Most Important Point of Lap / Maximum Manual Lapping
➢ Lap splices shall not be used for bars larger than 36 mm; for
larger diameters, bars may be welded; in cases where
welding-is not practicable, lapping of bars larger than 36 mm
may be permitted, in which case additional spirals.(Is Code
456:200 Page-45, Cl-
➢ Tension –Ld or 30ϕ whichever is greater
➢ Compression –Ld or 24ϕ whichever is greater
➢ Lap length is shown in fig. Note that mild steel bars are
hooked at the end and deformed bars are kept straight or bent
as shown

Development formula (Ld)
ϕ σ𝑠 0.87 f𝑦 ϕ
Ld = or Ld =
4 τ𝑏𝑑 4 τ𝑏𝑑
Φ =Nominal diameter of bar
σs = Stress in the bar at the considered section at design load
τbd=Permissible stress In bond

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝛕bd Values for plain bars in Tension

Grade of M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40

𝛕bd 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9


➢ For deformed bars confirming to IS 1786 these value shall be increased

➢ For bars in compression, the value of bond stress for bars in tension
shall be increased by 25%.
State the factor affecting on Development Length
1. Grade of steel
2. Grade of Concrete
3. Diameter of the bar
4. Design bond stress
5. Nature of stress
Numerical’s How Development Length
Question No-1
Define Development Length and calculate development length required
for 16mm diameter bar in tension and Compression. Use M-20
Concrete and Fe500 Steel
➢ Answer-:

For M-20 Concrete τbd =1.2 N/mm2 for plain bars in tension
i. Bond stress for deformed bars under tension
0.87 fy𝜙 0.87 x 500 x 16
Ld= = = 906.25mm
4 X τbd 4 x 1.6 x 1.2

ii. Bond stress for deformed bars under Compression

0.87 fy𝜙 0.87 x 500 x 16
Ld= = = 725mm
4 X τbd 4 x 1.25 x 1.6 x 1.2
2. Determine the development length for 16mm ϕ bar of grade
Fe415 is in Tension. Take τbd =1.4 N/mm2 for plain bar in tension
Step No-1 List the Given Data
a) Bar diameter ϕ=16mm
b) Steel Fe415,fy=415 N/mm2
c) Design Bond Stress τbd =1.4 N/mm2

Step No-2 Development length for tension steel

𝟎.𝟖𝟕 𝐟𝐲ϕ
𝟒 𝐗 𝛕𝐛𝐝
𝟎.𝟖𝟕 𝐱 𝟒𝟏𝟓 𝐱 𝟏𝟔
𝟏.𝟔 𝑿(𝟒 𝐗 𝟏.𝟒)
A 16mm diameter bar of grade Fe415 is used for resisting
compression. Calculate the development length if the design bond
stress is 1.4 N/mm2 for plain bar in tension.
Step No-1 List the Given Data
a) Bar diameter =16mm
b) Steel Fe415,fy=415 N/mm2
c) Design Bond Stress τbd =1.4 N/mm2

Step No-2 Development length for compression steel

𝟎.𝟖𝟕 𝐟𝐲ϕ
𝟒 𝐗 𝛕𝐛𝐝
𝟎.𝟖𝟕 𝐱 𝟒𝟏𝟓 𝐱 𝟏𝟔
𝟏.𝟔 𝐗 𝟏.𝟐𝟓 𝑿(𝟒 𝐗 𝟏.𝟒)
Thank You…..

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