Writing A Lab Report

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MYP Lab Report

Science MYP
Parts of a lab report
1. Problem or question to be testec
2. Hypothesis and explanation
3. Variables and data collection
4. Method
5. Results
6. Interpretation and explanation of results
7. Hypothesis evaluation
8. Method evaluation
9. Suggested improvements and/or extensions
Objectives B & C
Brief paragraph about the investigation and the investigation topic.
Research must be referenced.
Defining the Problem or Question: What question(s) are you trying to answer? Write one to two sentences explaining why
we are doing this lab- what we were trying to find out, what question we were trying to answer, or what problem we were
trying to solve? Communicate what you want to learn about the effect of the independent variable on the dependent
variable. The question should be testable.

Variables are the part of your experiment that you will change and measure. In a scientific
inquiry you will change only one type of thing, and only measure one type of thing. The
independent variable is the one you purposely change and the dependent variable is what
changes and is measured.

Dependent variables (DV) are what is measured or observed by the scientist. ("what you are
going to measure"). These measurements will often be repeated because repeated measurements
makes your data more reliable.

The independent variable (IV) is a variable that scientists decide to change to see what effect it
has on the dependent variable. (What are you going to change”). Only one is chosen because it
would be difficult to figure out which variable is causing any change you observe.

Controlled variables are quantities or factors that scientists want to remain the same throughout
the experiment. They are controlled to remain constant, so as to not affect the dependent variable.
Controlling these allows scientists to see how the independent variable affects the dependent
variable. ("what you are going to keep the same")
If the (independent variable) is (describe how you changed it), then the
(dependent variable) will (describe the effect) because (state the reason).
Explanation/Justification(referenced if appropriate)

If the temperature is increased, the enzyme activity increases because

………………………………… However, enzymes are denatured at
Write a possible solution for the problem, this is your prediction. This is written as
a complete sentence. Make sure the statement is testable. A typical hypothesis is
an “If ….then” statement. The statement should reference the independent and
dependent variables: such as “The plant group receiving fertilizer (independent
variable) will produce more fruit (dependent variable) than the plants that did not
receive fertilizer (independent variable)

Hypothesis: IF ____________________ the __________________ THEN the

______________________will ___________________________ Because

Look up safety precautions

How is the IV manipulated?

How do you keep the control variables constant?

How is the DV measured?

Processing data
If you need to carry out calculations with your data then it is good to show at least 1 example of how
you did it. You can do this underneath the table of data.
Calculate averages, percentages etc…..
Use formulas ……..
Show sample calculations
Provide short statements on key points, anomalies, trends, etc. in the tables and graphs.
How are the variables related or not related? Is there a relationship? Is the dependent variable increasing or
There are two types of errors in a method: reliability and validity

Reliability - how dependable or trustworthy, or consistent a test is in measuring

the same thing each time

Validity- does your method actually measure what you are trying to measure?
Evaluating the method


Consistency Measuring
Evaluating the method


Proper Tools
You may need to do a bit of research to find suggestions.


When you conduct repeated trials you test each level of the independent variable several times. A major way to
improve an experiment would be to add more trials. Repeated trials are used to reduce the effects of chance
errors and to increase confidence in the findings. Because the data are quantitative, calculate the mean.

Using more accurate measuring equipment

In proper MLA format

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