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To fulfill the assignment of Reading Academic Context

Lecture: Anisa Alawiyyah, S.S., M. Pd

Arranged by:

Selma Karami (60403100318022)

Siti Novia Andrianti (60403100318026)




First of all, we thank to Allah SWT. until we can solve this problem by the tittle

“INTENSIVE READING ”. Formulating this paper in order to fulfill one of the courses. We

hope, we can add insight and knowladge, especially in the field of English.

Realizing a lot mistakes in making this paper. Because of that, we really expect

criticism or suggestions from readers to complete all teh short coming and errors of this


That's where all of this success begins, hopefully all this can give you a little

happiness and lead to a better step. Although the author hopes the contents of this paper are

free from shortcomings and errors, but there is always something lacking.

The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect. This is solely because of the

limitations of the author's own abilities. Therefore, the authors really expect positive and

constructive suggestions and criticisms from all parties so that this paper will be better and

more efficient in the future.

Sukabumi, Novenber 2019


Table of Content

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................1


Problem Formula....................................................................................................................2

Purpose of Writting................................................................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISSCUSSION...................................................................................................3

Definition of Intensive Reading.............................................................................................3

Characteristics, Materials and activies of Intensive Reading.................................................4

Advantages and Disavantages of Intensive Reading..............................................................5

Method of Intensive Reading.................................................................................................9

CHAPTER III CLOSING........................................................................................................10






A. Background

Reading is importand an inceasingly complex community life, every espect of

life requires reading activities. Reading is a learning milestone thet will last for life.

Therefore, reading skills may be the key to success in education and a broader life

than the ability to read does not appear by itself in us. The ability to shape through

practice. Needed the right way for reading learning activities. Proper stimulation is

needed in order to get the messages or the purpose of reading itself.

The level of interest in reading will also affect the reading skiils of someone

who will learn from reading. In order not to overdo our students, we must also help

dterminine the future level of our nation’s future. It needs to be kept in mind really

Reading is also not free from reading skills. Reading skills are strongly related

between speaking and reading, and the relationship between oral speaking and

expressing writing. Reading is a skill in which there is an aspect of reading. Reading

must also provoke developments in reading techniques.In this discussion reading

skills will be discussed. In the reading lesson there are many parts that read. The skills

are intensive reading.

Reading is very important for human life, but in reality many adults and

children who have not made reading a habit. We have not made reading a necessity or

culture. The low interest in reading in the community, related to language skills which

include aspects of listening, reading, writing, speaking and level of understanding.

With a low reading ability does not rule out the possibility that the reading interest

they have is also low.

B. Problem Formula

a. What Is The Definition of Insentive Reading?

b. What are The Characteristic, Materials and Activities of Intensive Reading ?

c. What are The Advantanger and Disavantanges of Inte sive Reading ?

d. What is The Method of Intensive Reading ?

C. Purpose of Writting

a. To Know What is The Definition of Intesive reading.

b. To Know What are The Characteristics, Materials and Activities of Intensive


c. To Know What are The Advantanges and Disavantanges of Intensive Reading.

d. To Know What are The Method of Intensive Reading.




A. Definition of Intensive Reading

Reading intensively is the greatest requisite for succes. The teaching of

content areas makes reading a more flexible, interactive and reflective process that

involves a bond between reading strategies and technique, and the critical thinking

skills for better exsploration of contens to construct meaning.

Richard & Achmidt (2002:194) explains that intensive reading : “ Refer to it as a kind

of reading done slowly and demanding a higher level of understanding information.

Gonzalez (2011:35) explain that intensive reading :” also says it is a lenguage

teaching strategy to make students develop their reading comprehension ability and

the understanding of concept.

Brown (1989) explains that intensive reading "calls attention to grammatical forms,

discourse markers, and other surface structure details for the purpose of understanding

literal meaning, implications, rhetorical relationships, and the like." He draws an

analogy to intensive reading as a "zoom lens" strategy .

Long and Richards (1987) say it is a "detailed in-class" analysis, led by the teacher, of

vocabulary and grammar points, in a short passage."

Intensive Reading, sometimes called "Narrow Reading", may involve students

reading selections by the same author or several texts about the same topic. When this

occurs, content and grammatical structures repeat themselves and students get many

opportunities to understand the meanings of the text. The success of "Narrow

Reading" on improving reading comprehension is based on the premise that the more

familiar the reader is with the text, either due to the subject matter or having read

other works by the same author, the more comprehension is promoted.

B. Characteristics, Materials and activies of Intensive Reading


1. Usually classroom based

2. Reader is intensely involved in looking inside the text

3. Students focus on linguistic or semantic details of a reading

4. Students focus on surface structure details such as grammar and discourse markers

5. Students identify key vocabulary


1. Usually very short texts - 2. Not more than 500 words in length

3. Chosen for level of difficulty and usually, by the teacher

chosen to provide the types of reading and skills that the teacher wants to cover in the



Intensive reading exercises may include:

1. Looking at main ideas versus details

2. Understanding what is implied versus stated

3. Making inferences

4. looking at the order of information and how it effects the message

5. identifying words that connect one idea to another

6. identifying words that indicate change from one section to another

The four learning goals for intensive reading are (macalister,2011):

1. Focusing on new leanguage such as vocabulary and grammar

2. Focusing on ideas such as themes and topics

3. Learning new skills such as making inferences and identifying main idead

4. Paying attention to text features such as genre stucture and cohesion

C. Advantages and Disavantages of Intensive Reading

Advantages of Intensive Reading are :

1. It provides a base to study structure, vocabulary and idioms.

2. It provides a base for students to develop a greater control of language

3. It provides for a check on the degree of comprehension for individual students

Disadvantages of Intensive Reading are :

1. There is little actual practice of reading because of the small amount of text.

2 In a class with multi-reading abilities, students may not be able to read at their own

level because everyone in the class is reading the same material.

3. The text may or may not interest the reader because it was chosen by the teacher.

4. There is little chance to learn language patterns due to the small amount of text.

5. Because exercises and assessment usually follow intensive reading, students may

come to associate reading with testing and not pleasure.

Intensive Reading

To read intensively is to completely deconstruct a text, with the goal of absorbing as

much meaning from it as possible. This is done by taking a text, and systematically

looking up every word, phrase, or collocation that you do not understand.

This is an activity that requires great mental effort and focus. Because of this, the

learner who engages in intensive reading must be careful to follow specific

guidelines, or else risk boredom and burnout. Specifically, if you wish to read a text

intensively, you must take care to read texts that are interesting and short, to read only

for brief periods of time, and to do so when you have the most mental energy.

Let's explore these concepts in further detail:

•Texts for intensive reading must be interesting, because if you do not enjoy what you

read, you will quickly forget the content, and have more mental resistance to the

intensive reading process.

• Texts for intensive reading must be short, because the end goal is to understand the

text down to the most minute detail. The longer a text is, the more laborious it is to

complete such a deep analysis, so it is better to stick to shorter texts in order to avoid

mental exhaustion.

Ideal learning materials for intensive reading include:

1. News articles

2. Wikipedia articles

3. Short stories

4. Blog posts

5. Intensively read for brief periods of time specifically to avoid the mental

exhaustion that is described above. It takes much focus and effort to go from zero (or

partial) understanding of a text to complete understanding, so it is best to limit

intensive reading sessions to 30-35 minutes maximum.=

6. Intensively read only when you have the most mental energy, in order to further

boost your capacity for learning, and to reduce the risk of mental exhaustion that

comes with deep analysis of even the shortest texts. Of course, mental energy levels

fluctuate throughout the day—and even differ greatly from person to person—so

exactly you should intensively read is something you need to determine for yourself.

D. Method of intensive Reading

Intensive Reading Method (PQ4R) the PQ4R learning method is an intensive

reading method used to help students remember what is read. P stands for preview

which means to read cursory quickly, Q stands for question means to ask, and 4R

stands for read means to read, reflecty means reflection, recite means question and

answer itself, review means to repeat thoroughly.

The steps that must be taken in the PQ4R learning strategy are as follows.

1. Preview

Students skim through quickly before starting to read reading material.

Students can start by reading the main subtopic topics of headings and subtitles,

beginning or ending sentences of a paragraph or summary at the end of a chapter. If

that is not available, students can check each page quickly, read one or two sentences

here and

there so as to get a little picture of what will be learned. Pay attention to the main

ideas that will be discussed in the student reading material.

2. Question (Ask)

The second step is to ask yourself questions for each article in the reading

material. Use "main titles and subtitles or topics and sub-topics". Begin the question

by using the words "what, who, why and how". For example: What problems are

discussed in the chapter and in its subtitles? What problem is this chapter thinking and

answering? Thus, you have been involved and entered the essence of the chapter. If at

the end of the chapter there is a list of questions made by the author, read them first.

Experience has shown that if someone reads to answer a number of questions, it will

make them read more carefully, carefully, and can help remember what they read.

3. Read

Now read the essay carefully and carefully paragraph by paragraph. Perform

the activity quickly and comfortably. If the main thoughts as a whole are combined

into a single unit it will reflect the main ideas of a series of paragraphs in a chapter.

You must be able to get to know the main thoughts in order to follow the author's

sequence of thoughts.

4. Reflect

Reflect is an essential component of the third step. During reading students not

only simply memorize or memorize, but try to understand the information read. You

do this by (1) linking the information with things you already know, (2) linking

subtopics in the text with key concepts or principles, (3) trying to solve the

contradictions in the information presented and, (4) try to use the material to solve

simulated and recommended problems from the subject matter.

5. Recite (retell it in your own words)

Students are asked to reflect on the information they have learned. Write a

summary of all the parts that are read in your own sentence. This is important because

you have captured the essence of reading by stating important points aloud and asking

and answering questions. You can review the notes that have been made and use the

words highlighted in the reading.

Look again at the notes that have been made and keep in mind the main ideas

that he has suggested. Review the chapter and make sure that you can state precisely

the contents of each of the parts. From the notes that have been made in the previous

step and based on existing ideas, you are asked to make the essence of the material

from the reading.

6. Review

Students are asked to read the short notes they have made repeating the entire

contents of the reading if necessary and once again answer the questions asked.

Previewing and asking questions before the reader activates the initial knowledge and

begins the process of making connections between new information and what is

already known. Studying the major titles and topics helps the reader become aware of

the organization of these new materials so that they can be easily transferred from

short-term memory to long-term memory.





Intensive Reading, sometimes called "Narrow Reading", may involve

students reading selections by the same author or several texts about the same topic.

When this occurs, content and grammatical structures repeat themselves and students

get many opportunities to understand the meanings of the text.


Jacobs, George & Renadya, W. & Baford. J. (2000) “annatated, Bilbiography of Works on

Intensive Readin in a second Language”, Reading in a foreign Language, Vol.13.


Macalister, J. (2011). Today’s teaching, To,orrow’s text : “ Exploring the teaching of

reading”. ElTJournal, 65(2), 161-169.

Dole, J.A. Duffy, G.G., Roehler, L.R., and Pearson, D.D. (1991). Moving from the old to the

new: research on reading comprehension instuction. Review of Educitional Research 61.


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