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Guided Tutorial for Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL

In the data integration assignment, you will use the Pentaho Data Integration tool to transform
two data sources and load data into a MySQL fact table. You will perform transformations to
parse date strings, combine fields, and perform validation checks. Before starting this tutorial,
you need to install necessary software, download data sources, and create tables used in the

1. Tutorial Prerequisites
Before starting this tutorial, you should download and install the server and client for MySQL.

You also need to install Pentaho Data Integration before starting this tutorial. After installing
Pentaho Data Integration, you need to install the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver for
MySQL. This tutorial demonstrates the community edition of (7.0) of Pentaho Data Integration.

After installing Pentaho Data Integration, you need to obtain the data sources used in the
tutorial from slate or email.

 Excel file used in part 1 of the tutorial

 Access database used in part 2 of the tutorial

The tutorial uses the Store Sales (SS) data warehouse as depicted in Figure 1. Sales is the fact
entity type surrounded by 1-M relationships with dimension entity types, Item, Customer,
Store, and TimeDim. The schema design has a snowflake for the 1-M relationship from Division
to Store. In the table design, table names have been preceded with the prefix “SS” to avoid
conflicts with other tables. Thus, the fact table is SSSales, not Sales as shown in the ERD of
Figure 1.

Google Classroom or Email contains script documents for MySQL. You need to create and
populate the tables using these documents.
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Figure 1: Snowflake Schema for the Store Sales Data Warehouse

2. Creating your First Transformation

The Data Integration component of Spoon allows you to create transformations and jobs.
Transformations involve data flows such as reading from a source, transforming data and
loading it into a target location. Jobs coordinate transformations such as defining dependencies
among transformations and execution conditions such as, “Is my source file available?” or
“Does a table exist in my database?

This exercise will step you through building your first transformation with Pentaho Data
Integration introducing common concepts along the way. Follow the instructions below to
create a new transformation.
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1. After starting Pentaho Data Integration, you will see the opening window (Figure 2) and the
Spoon window (Figure 3).

2. Click (New) in the upper left corner of the Spoon window.

3. Select Transformation from the list of components (Figure 4) displayed after selecting the
New button.

Figure 2: Pentaho Data Integration Welcome Window

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Figure 3: Spoon Opening Window

Figure 4: Spoon Transformation List

3. Load the first data source from Excel

Make sure that you have downloaded the Excel input file from slate. You need to know the
location of this file in Step 4 below.

Step 1 – In the View tab, right click the new transformation 1 and select “settings…”
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Step 2 – Set the Transformation name for the new transformation as: SSTORETEST and click OK.

Step 3 – Save the transformation following File  Save. You will see the empty transformation
window in the Spoon (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Empty Transformation Window

Step 4 – Create the Excel Input step:

o Under the Design tab, expand the Input node (Figure 6).
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Figure 6: New Microsoft Excel Input Node

o Select and drag a Microsoft Excel Input step into the canvas on the right.
o Double Click on the Microsoft Excel Input step. The edit properties dialog box (Figure 7)
associated with the Microsoft Excel Input step appears. In this dialog box, you specify
the properties related to a particular step.
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Figure 7: Files Window for Microsoft Excel Input Property Editing

o Set name for the Excel Input as SSExcelData and specify the Excel data source path in
the Files tab.
o In the tab named Files, click the button “Browse…” and locate the Excel file that you
downloaded from slate. Then, Click “Add” to add the file to the selected files area.
o In the tab named Sheets, click the button “Get sheetname(s)…”. There will appear an
Enter List (Figure 8) to choose sheets. Select Sheet 1, press “>” to move it into the right
area. Click OK.
o In the tab names Fields, click on “Get fields from header row…” You need to change the
data types, length, and precision as the specification in Figure 9.
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Figure 8: Sheet Specification Window

Figure 9: Fields Window for Microsoft Excel Input Property Editing

o Click OK at the bottom of the window. The input icon will change to the SSExcel icon
displayed in Figure 10.

Step 5 – In this part of the tutorial, you will add constraint checking for null values and
appropriate data types for the Excel data source.
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o Add a Filter Rows step to your transformation. Under the Design table, go to Flow 
Filter Rows (Figure 10).

Figure 10: Excel Input Node and Filter Node in Spoon

o Create a “hop” between the SSExcelSource (Excel file input) step and the Filter Rows
step. Hops are used to describe the flow of data in your transformation. To create the
hop, click the SSExcel Source (Excel file input) step, then press the <SHIFT> key down
and draw a line to the Filter Rows step (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Hop connecting an Excel Input Node Connected to a Filter Node

o Alternatively, you can draw hops by hovering over a step until the hover menu (Figure
12) appears. Drag the hop painter icon from the source step to your target step.
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Figure 12: Hover Menu

o Double-click the Filter Rows step. The Filter Rows edit properties dialog box appears
(Figure 13).

Figure 13: Property Edit Window of Filter Node

o The Step Name field is Filter rows by default.

o Under The condition, click <field>. A dialog box that contains the fields you can use to
create your condition appears.
o In the Fields: dialog box (Figure 14) select SalesUnits and click OK.
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Figure 14: Condition Fields Selection Window

o Click on the comparison operator (Figure 15) (set to = by default) and select the IS NOT
NULL function and click OK.

Figure 15: Comparison Operator List

o Click the button . A new condition row appears with null = [ ] as a default.
o Click on the expression and add constraints for the next column similarly to what you
did for “SalesUnits”
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o Click on UP. This will allow you to see both conditions joint by AND

o Click the button again. Another new condition row appears with null = [ ] as a
o Keeping repeating these steps for all fields.
o The final view of filter conditions is shown by Figure 16.

Figure 16: Filter Conditions Window

16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 13

o Save your transformation.

Step 6 – Create a step to sort the result of the Filter Rows step.

o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Transform node.
o Click and drag a Sort Rows step into your transformation; create a hop between the
Filter rows and Sort Rows steps. Select Result is TRUE in the filter results selection list
(Figure 17).

Figure 17: Filter Results Selection List

o Double-click the Sort Rows step to open its edit properties dialog box (Figure 18). Click
“Get Fields” to obtain the fields. Delete other fields except the Day, Month and Year
fields. Then click Ok.
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Figure 18: Property Edit Window of Sort Rows Node

4. Using a Database Connection to Lookup Columns from MySQL tables

Pentaho Data Integration allows you to define connections to multiple databases provided by
multiple database vendors (MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, and many more). Pentaho Data
Integration ships with the most suitable JDBC drivers for supported databases and its primary
interface to databases is through JDBC. Vendors write a driver that matches the JDBC
specification and Pentaho Data Integration uses the driver. Unless you require extensive
debugging or have other needs, you won’t ever need to write your own database driver.

When you define a database connection, the connection information (username, password,
port number, and so on) is stored in the Pentaho Enterprise Repository and is available to other
users when they connect to the repository. If you are not using the Pentaho Enterprise
Repository, the database connection information is stored in the XML file associated with a
transformation or job.

Connections that are available for use with a transformation or job are listed under Database
Connection node in the explorer View in Spoon.

There are several ways to define a new database connection:

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o In Spoon, under View in the navigation tap, right click Database connections and choose
o In Spoon, under View in the navigation tap, right click Database connections and choose
New Connection Wizard.
o In the Table input configuration box, click on New.

This part of the tutorial involves looking up the date from the SSTimeDim table to check the
validity of dates in the Excel data source. In addition, you will lookup primary key columns from
other MySQL tables to ensure loaded data does not contain invalid foreign keys.

Step 1 – Access the SSTimeDim table from MySQL database.

o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Input node.
o Click and drag a Table Input step into your transformation.
o Double-click the Table Input step to open its edit properties dialog box (Figure 19).
o Rename your Table Input step to SSTimeDim.
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Figure 19: Property Edit Window of Table Input Node

o Click “New…” next to the connection field. You must create a connection to the
database. The Database connection dialog box appears.
o Provide the settings for connecting to the database as shown in Figure 20.
o IMPORTANT: Before setting the connection information, you should first configure the
JDBC driver according to the instructions described in Section 1. Also, if you are using a
remote database make sure you are connected through the VPN prior to testing the
connection. Figure 20 shows the details to connect to the MySQL server.
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Figure 20: Database Connection Window

o Connection Name: MySQL5.6DB

Connection Type: MySQL
Access: Native (JDBC)
Host Name: localhost
Database Name: (This should be your database name)
Port Number: 3360
User name: (This should be your user name)
Password: (This should be your password)
o Click “Test” to test the connection. Then success test result is shown by Figure 21.
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Figure 21: Database Connection Test

o Type in “SELECT * FROM SSTimeDim” in the SQL section (Figure 22). You can click the
Preview button to view the database. Click Ok, to exit the Database Connection dialog

Figure 22: SQL Edit Section in Property Window of Table Input Node

o Add another sort rows component Sort rows 2, and a hop connecting the SSTimeDim
step. In the field specification (Figure 23), delete other fields except TIMEDAY,
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 19

Figure 23: Property Edit Window of Sort Rows 2 Node

o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Joins node.
o Click and drag a Merge Join step into your transformation; create a hop between the
Sort rows, Sort rows 2 and Merge Join steps (Figure 24).

Figure 24: Two Sort Rows Nodes Connected to Merge Join Node

o Double-click the Merge Join step to specify its properties (Figure 25). Set First step as
Sort rows, Second step as Sort rows 2, and Join Type as INNER. Click both of the “Get
key fields” at left and right to get the possible fields to join. In the left table, delete
other fields except Day, Month and Year fields. In the right table, delete other fields
except TIMEDAY, TIMEMONTH, and TIMEYEAR fields. Then click OK.
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Figure 25: Property Edit Window of Merge Join Node

o Now, we have finished inner join between Excel input and SSTimeDim table.

Step 2 – Inner join the SSItem, SSCustomer, and SSStore tables.

Similar to getting data from the SSTimeDim table in the previous section, inner joining these
tables requires Table Input components. First, we set the connection and query properties for
the SSItem table. Note that these tables should exist in your MySQL schema before these steps.

o Drag and drop the Table Input 2 into the design pane.
o Double click on the newly created component to open its Basic Settings pane. Specify
the connection as shown in previous figure.
o Use “SSItem” as the Table Name value and “SELECT * FROM SSItem” as the Query value.
o Create two sort rows components: Sort rows 3 and Sort rows 4, connecting Merge Join
and SSItem respectively. See the field to be sorted as: ItemID and ITEMID respectively.
o Drag and drop the Merge Join 2 into the design pane. Connect Sort rows 3 and Sort
rows 4 to Merge Join 2. Set the field to be joined as Item ID and ITEMID.
o The global view of all nodes and connections after Step 2 is shown by Figure 26.
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Figure 26: Global View of All Nodes and Connections after Step 2

Step 3 – Inner join the tables.

o Inner join the tables named SSCustomer and SSStore in your transformation using the
same method described previously.
o For the SSCustomer step, connect the CustID (from Excel file) and CUSTID (from
Database) fields.
o For the SSStore step, connect the StoreID (from Excel file) and STOREID (from Database)
o The global view of all nodes and connections after Step 3 is shown by Figure 27.

Figure 27: Global View of All Nodes and Connections after Step 3
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 22

5. Insert data into the SSSales table

o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Output node.
o Click and drag an Insert/Update step into your transformation; create a hop between
the Merge Join 4 and Insert/Update steps (Figure 28).

Figure 28: Connect Insert/Update Node to Last Merge Join Node

o Double click the Insert/Update component, to specify its properties (Figure 29). Set the
step name as SSSales. Select the connection as MySQL5.6DB. Type in the Target table
as SSSales. DON’T click the button “Get fields”. Instead, select the names from the two
table fields and set the comparator between them to “=”. The final window should look
like Figure 29.
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Figure 29: Property Edit Window of Insert/Update Node

o Click the button “Get Updated fields” and then click on “Edit mapping” button to edit
mapping. The mapping edit window is shown by Figure 30. Select the fields named
SalesUnits, SalesDollar, SaleCost, CustID, StoreID, ItemID and TIMENO into the
mappings field. Pentaho will automatically match the corresponding name in the Target
field. Then click OK.
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Figure 30: Mapping Edit Window

o The final view of the SSSales step will look like Figure 31
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 25

Figure 31: Final view of the SSSales step

o Select the SSSales step and run a preview by clicking on . In the transformation debug
dialog click on Quick Launch (Figure 32).
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Figure 32: Transformation Debug Dialog

o The Examine preview data window is displayed by Figure 33.

Figure 33: Execution Report Window

o Connect to your MySQL account so you can verify the number of rows in the SSSales
table. You should see 104 rows with 8 new rows added to the 96 rows in the sample
data (Figure 34).
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Figure 34: Inserted Data in Oracle Database

o If you do not see the extra rows, the MySQL output component had a failure. To see the
error, check the Execution Results section.

6. Load second data source from Access

The next part of the exercise involves creation of a new transformation to process the Access
data source. Make sure that you have downloaded the Access database file from slate and
noted its location on your computer. You will begin by loading the data from a table in this

Step 1- Add the Access Input Step

o Under the Design tab, expand the Input node. Figure 35 shows the Design table and
input node.
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Figure 35: New Microsoft Access Input Node

o Select and drag a Microsoft Access Input step onto the canvas on the right;
o Double Click on the Microsoft Access Input. The edit properties dialog box associated
with the Microsoft Access Input step appears (Figure 36). In this dialog box, you specify
the properties related to a particular step.
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 29

Figure 36: Property Edit Window of Microsoft Access Input Node

o Set name for the Access Input as Sales and specify the Excel data source path in the Files
o In the tab named Content, click the button “Get tables” of table section. There will
appear a window (Figure 37). Select Sales as the table name, click OK.

Figure 37: Table Selection Window

16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 30

o In the tab named Fields, click the button “Get fields”. There will appear a list (Figure 38)
showing the fields in the table named Sales.

Figure 38: Fields Window for Microsoft Access Input Property Editing

o Click the button “Preview rows” to preview the database (Figure 39). When asked for
the number of rows type 12 and click OK.

Figure 39: Examine Preview Data Window

16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 31

o Click OK at the bottom of the window. The input icon will change to the shape shown by
Figure 40.

Figure 40: Sales Node Icon

Step 2 –You will add constraint checking for null values using the Filter Rows step.

o Add a Filter Rows step to your transformation. Under the Design table, go to Flow 
Filter Rows (Figure 41).

Figure 41: Access Input Node and Filter Node in Spoon

o Create a hop between the Sales (Access file input) step and the Filter Rows step. Hops
are used to describe the flow of data in your transformation. To create the hop, click the
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 32

Sales (Access file input) step, then press the <SHIFT> key down and draw a line to the
Filter Rows step.
o Alternatively, you can draw hops by hovering over a step until the hover menu appears.
Drag the hop painter icon from the source step to your target step.
o Double-click the Filter Rows step. The Filter Rows edit properties dialog box appears.
o In the Step Name field type, Filter rows.
o The configuration of this step is similar to what you did in the previous excel
o The final view of filter conditions is shown by Figure 42.

Figure 42: Filter Conditions Window

16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 33

o Save your transformation.

7. Separate SalesDay fields into Day, Month, Year fields

In this part of the tutorial, you will use the Select Values step to change the format of the
myDate field and the Split Fields step to parse the field into date components.

o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Transform node.
o Click and drag a Select values step into your transformation.
o Create a “hop” between the Filter rows step and the Select values step (Figure 43).
Select Result is TRUE in the filter results selection list

Figure 43: True Filter Results Connected to Select Values Node

o Double-click the Select values step to open its edit properties dialog box.
o In the tab named Metadata, click the button “Get fields to change”, to get the fields to
change, which is shown by Figure 44. Change the Type of field myDate as String, change
its Format as dd-MM-yyyy. Click OK.

Figure 44: Meta-data Tab of Select Values Property Edit Window

o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Transform node.
o Click and drag a Split fields step into your transformation (Figure 45).
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 34

Figure 45: Create Split Fields in Spoon

o Create a “hop” between the Select values step and the Split fields step.
o Double-click the Split fields step to open its edit properties dialog box (Figure 46).
o Select myDate in the Field to split, type “-” as the Delimiter. Type in Year, Month and
Day in the Column named New field, and set their Type as Number.

Figure 46: Property Edit Window of Field Splitter Node

o Click OK.
o Click , to preview this transform (Figure 47). Make sure that Split Fields step is
selected from the left side panel of the transformation debug dialog and click on “Quick
Launch” button.
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 35

Figure 47: Examine Preview Data Window

8. Lookup Columns from the MySQL tables

This part of the exercise involves looking up the date from the SSTimeDim table to check the
validity of dates in the Access data source. In addition, you will lookup primary key columns
from other Oracle tables to ensure loaded data does not contain invalid foreign keys. This part
of the exercise is similar to Section 3.

Step 1 – Access the SSTimeDim table from MySQL database.

o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Input node.
o Click and drag a Table Input step into your transformation.
o Double-click the Table Input step to open its edit properties dialog box.
o Rename your Table Input step to SSTimeDim.
o Click “New” next to the connection field. You must create a connection to the database.
The Database connection dialog box appears.
o Provide the settings for connecting to the database as shown in the Figure 20.
o Connection Name: MySQL5.6DB
Connection Type: MySQL
Access: Native (JDBC)
Host Name: localhost
Database Name: (This should be your database name)
Port Number: 3360
User name: (This should be your user name)
Password: (This should be your password)
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 36

o Click “Test”, to test the connection.

o Type in “SELECT * FROM SSTimeDim” in the SQL section. You can click the Preview button to
view the database. Click Ok, to exit the Database Connection dialog box.
o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Transform node.
o Click and drag a Sort Rows step into your transformation; create a hop between the
Split fields and Sort Rows steps.
o Double-click the Sort Rows step to open its edit properties dialog box. Click “Get fields”
to obtain the fields. Delete other fields except the Day, Month and Year fields. Then click
o Add one more sort rows component Sort rows 2, and a hop connecting the SSTimeDim
step. In the field specification, delete other fields except TIMEDAY, TIMEMOHTH,
TIMEYEAR fields.
o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Join node.
o Click and drag a Merge Join step into your transformation; create a hop between the
Sort rows, Sort rows 2 and Merge Join steps.
o Double-click the Merge Join step to specify its properties. Set First step as Sort rows,
Second step as Sort rows 2, and Join Type as INNER. Click both of the “Get key fields”
at left and right to get the possible fields to join. In the left table, delete other fields
except Day, Month and Year fields. In the right table, delete other fields except
TIMEDAY, TIMEMONTH, and TIMEYEAR fields. Then click OK.
o Now, we have finished inner join between the Access table and SSTimeDim table.
o Figure 48 shows the global view of all nodes and connections after Step 1.

Figure 48: Global View of All Nodes and Connections after Step 1
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 37

Step 2 – Inner join SSItem, SSCustomer, and SSStore to Access table.

o Inner join the tables named SSItem, SSCustomer, and SSStore in your transformation
using the same method described before.
o For SSItem step, connect ItemID (from Excel file) and ITEMID (from Database) fields.
o For SSCustomer step, connect CustID (from Excel file) and CUSTID (from Database) fields.
o For SSStore step, connect StoreID (from Excel file) and STOREID (from Database) fields.
o Figure 49 shows the global view of all nodes and connections after Step 2.

Figure 49: Global View of All Nodes and Connections after Step 2

9. Insert data into the SSSales table

o Under the Design tab, expand the contents of the Output node.
o Click and drag an Insert/Update step into your transformation; create a hop between
the Merge Join 4 and Insert/Update steps. Figure 50 shows the connection.
o Double click the Insert/Update component, to specify its properties. Set the step name
as SSSales. Select the connection as MySQL5.6DB. Type in the Target table as SSSales.
DON’T click the buttons “Get fields”. Instead, select the names from the two table fields
and set the comparator between them to “=”. The final window should look like Figure
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 38

o Click the button “Get Updated fields” and then click on “Edit mapping” button to edit
mapping. The mapping edit window is shown by Figure 32. Select the fields named
SalesUnits, SalesDollar, SaleCost, CustID, StoreID, ItemID and TIMENO into the
mappings field. Pentaho will automatically match the corresponding name in the Target
field. Then click OK.

Figure 50: Connect Insert/Update Node to Last Merge Join Node

o Select the SSSales step and run a preview by clicking on . In the transformation debug
dialog click on Quick Launch (Figure 32).
o The Examine preview data window is displayed like Figure 33.

Connect to your MySQL account so you can verify the number of rows in the SSSales table. You
should see 112 rows with 8 new rows added to the 104 rows in the sample data (Figure 51).
16 December 2021 Guided Tutorial Pentaho Data Integration using MySQL P a g e 39

Figure 51: Inserted Data in Oracle Database

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