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Cellular injury and adaptation

1. In reversible cell injury all are true except

a. ATP depletion is responsible for acute cellular swelling
b. Can cause myocardial cells to cease contraction within 60 seconds
c. ATP is generated anaerobically from creatine phosphate
d. Mitochondrial swelling and degranulation of ER are hallmarks of irreversible cellular
e. Is associated with myelin figures

2. Metaplasia
a. Is irreversible
b. Is commonly a change from squamous to columnar epithelium
c. An example is the transformation of epithelial cells into chondroblasts
d. Retinoids may play a role
e. Even if the stimuli is persistent it is a benign lesion

3. In apoptosis
a. It involves physiologic and pathologic stimuli
b. Histologically, it involves coagulation necrosis
c. Its DNA breakdown is random and diffuse
d. Its mechanism involves ATP depletion
e. It involves an inflammatory tissue reaction

4. Hyperplasia
a. Occurs after partial hepatectomy
b. Refers to an increase in the size of the cells
c. Is always pathological
d. Often occurs in cardiac and skeletal muscle
e. Usually progresses to cancerous proliferation

5. Metastatic calcification
a. Causes widespread tissue damage
b. Occurs with normal calcium levels
c. Can be caused by systemic sarcoidosis
d. Occurs in hypothyroidism
e. Is caused by drinking large quantities of milk

6. Which is incorrect in regards to apoptosis

a. It may be regarded as a normal physiological process
b. It is characterized by chromatin condensation
c. It often elicits a strong inflammatory response
d. It is the process by which ovaries atrophy in post-menopausal women
e. It is characterized by cell shrinkage

7. Coagulative necrosis
a. Results from necrosis in which cellular enzymatic digestion predominates over
b. Is characterized by marked WBC infiltrate
c. Is uncommon after mi
d. Usually occurs after irreversible ischaemic cellular damage
e. Is not usually seen in association with caseating necrosis

8. Metaplasia is seen in all of the following except
a. Respiratory epithelium of smokers
b. Vitamin a excess
c. Barrett’s oesophagitis
d. Epithelium of a pancreatic duct containing stones
e. Foci of cell injury

9. Anaplasia is not characterized by

a. Pleomorphism
b. Abundant nuclear DNA
c. A nuclear : cytoplasm of 1 : 6
d. Coarsely clumped chromatin
e. Lack of differentiation

10. Apoptosis
a. Is usually stimulated by hypoxia
b. Produces a moderate degree of inflammation
c. Features chromatin aggregates
d. Is the underlying process in caseous necrosis
e. Is stimulated by decreased cytosolic calcium

11. Irreversible cell injury is characterized by

a. Dispersion of ribosomes
b. Cell swelling
c. Lysosomal rupture
d. Cell membrane defects
e. Nuclear chromatin clumping

12. Dystrophic calcification can be caused by

a. Sarcoidosis
b. Multiple myeloma
c. Advanced renal failure
d. Advanced atherosclerosis
e. All of the above

13. Metaplasia
a. Is an increase in the number and size of cells in a tissue
b. Is the process that occurs in Barrett’s oesophagitis
c. Is typically an irreversible process
d. In the respiratory tract preserves mucous secretion
e. Can be caused by Vit B12 deficiency

14. Which is correct

a. Hyperplasia constitutes an increase in the size of cells in an organ or tissue
b. Transudate has a protein level of <30g/dL, SG<1.012 and LDH<200mmol/L
c. Apoptosis is reversible
d. Failure of Na/K ATP-ase membrane transport is an irreversible process
e. Morphological changes evident of irreversible cell injury includes clumping of chromatin

15. Which is correct
a. Metaplasia is irreversible
b. Fibronectin is produced by dying cells and may result in pigmentation
c. Reversibly injured cells are frequently shrunken and pyknotic
d. Lipofuscin is a yellow-brown pigment seen typically after surgical procedures
e. Metastatic calcification refers to deposition of calcium within normal tissues

16. Metaplasia
a. Involves an adaptive response of individual cells
b. In Barrett’s oesophagitis, involves a change from columnar to squamous cells
c. Involves a neoplastic transformation of stem cells
d. Vit A deficiency suppresses respiratory epithelial keratinisation
e. Is reversible

17. Regarding atrophy and hypertrophy

a. Hypertrophy refers to an increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue
b. The phenotype of an individual cell may be altered in hypertrophy
c. Atrophy is always pathological
d. In the heart, trophic triggers are the only factors that cause hypertrophy
e. The colour of brown atrophy is due to melanin pigmentation

18. Cytosolic calcium in cell injury

a. Only enters by active transport
b. Partially derives from mitochondria
c. Increases ATP
d. Inactivates phospholipase
e. Inactivates protease

19. Metaplasia (2 correct)

a. Is usually a premalignant condition
b. Is due to genetic reprogramming of cells
c. May be regulated by Vit B12
d. The most common type is from squamous to columnar epithelium
e. Is irreversible
f. Does not occur in mesenchymal cells
g. May progress to cancer transformation
h. Is usually accompanied by hypertrophy

20. Hypertrophy
a. Occurs after partial hepatectomy
b. Is triggered by mechanical and trophic chemicals
c. Increases function of an organ exponentially
d. Is usually pathological
e. Occurs after denervation

21. Dystrophic calcification

a. Is formed only in coagulative necrosis
b. Is formed by crystalline calcium phosphate mineral
c. Is rarely found in mitochondria
d. Rarely causes organ dysfunction
e. Does not occur on heart valves

22. All of the following are morphological features of apoptosis except
a. Cell swelling
b. Chromatin condensation
c. Lack of inflammation
d. Phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies
e. Formation of cytoplasmic blebs

23. Irreversible cell injury is characterized by

a. Loss of functional polarity in polarized epithelium
b. Detachment of ribosomes from ER
c. Acute cellular swelling
d. Severe mitochondrial vacuolization
e. Formation of membrane blebs

24. Features of reversible cell injury include all except

a. Swelling of the cell
b. Clumping of nuclear chromatin
c. Autophagy by lysosomes
d. Nuclear karyorrhexis
e. Ribosomal dispersal

25. Metaplasia is
a. Reversible change from one cell type to another
b. Irreversible change from one cell type to another
c. Reduced function of cell
d. Increase in the number of cells
e. Increase in the size and function of cells

26. In necrosis
a. The nuclear changes are due to non-specific breakdown of DNA
b. Karyolysis and pyknosis are the only 2 types of nuclear changes
c. In caseous necrosis the basic outline of the cells is preserved
d. There is a decreased eosinophilia in the necrotic cells
e. Liquefaction necrosis is characteristic of hypoxic injury

27. Dysplasia
a. Is a feature of mesenchymal cells
b. Inevitably progresses to cancer
c. Is characterized by cellular pleomorphism
d. Is not associated with tissue architectural abnormalities
e. Is the same as carcinoma in situ

28. Regarding atrophy, which is false

a. Persistence of residual bodies
b. Decrease in myofilaments
c. Decreased rough ER
d. Decreased autophagic vacuoles
e. Decreased smooth ER

29. Which of the following is an example of hypertrophy
a. Increase in liver size after a partial hepatectomy
b. Increase in the size of the female breast
c. Increase respiratory epithelium in response to Vit A deficiency
d. Increase in size of the female uterus in pregnancy

30. Regarding fatty change, which is false

a. May result from protein malnutrition
b. Fatty acids are oxidized in the mitochondria
c. May result from diabetes mellitus
d. May represent unmasking of normal cell fat content

31. Examples of hyperplasia include

a. Glandular epithelium of pubertal breasts

32. Metastatic calcification occurs in

a. Old LN
b. Gastric mucosa
c. Atherosclerotic vessels
d. Damaged heart valve


1. D 12. D 23. D
2. D 13. B 24. D
3. A 14. B 25. A
4. A 15. E 26. A
5. C 16. E 27. C
6. C 17. B 28. D
7. D 18. B 29. D
8. B 19. B+G 30. D
9. C 20. B 31. –
10. C 21. B 32. B
11. D 22. A

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