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Biology is the study of living things. The words came from Greece bio and logos which means life and
study so the study of life. The new biologists come with new hypothesis and new ideas. The make a
research and on special magazine called journals.

Hypothesis :-means a new idea that explain from observation facts and predict a new out comes.

Journals:-means a regular publication presenting an article in the subject.

Peer review:-evaluate of a person work done by others in the same field.

Renowned biologists in Ethiopia

1, Doctor Aklilu Lemma- the battle with schiosomiasis or bilaharziasis. Bilaharziasis is a common
parasitic flat worm . He get the medicine from endod that kills the snails. Dr Aklilu Lemma began his
work in 1964. It Has scientists got the same result. WHO get the moluscide that also kill the snails
but that is so expensive. While the pyhtolaca dodcandera are cheap and environmental friend. That
invest ballader,kidney,liver,blood vessel and .....

Immune reaction biological response that involving in the production of antibodies etc. And the
reaction of bacteria or other transparented organ.

Treated water safe to consumption.

2, Dr Tewolde Brhan Gebre egizabiher- an ardent lover of nature was born 1940 and award the
livelhood(alternative Nobel prize) in2000 because of his exmplary work on safe guard biodiversity
and taditional right of farmers on their genetic resource. During 1999,participate in different
negotiation. Including CBD(convention of biological diversity), FAO and he was instrumental
securing in OAU. Also he wan United nation of top environmental prize in 2006.

3.proffessor tilahun yilma his vaccine .

developed the vaccine of rinder pest. This disease come to here in 1888 in Italian soldiers by 3
cattle. And 90 % are died. After auears in 1980 it becomes the major disease of cattle in Ethiopia. He
used genetic engineering and make simple scratched on abdomen or neck Part with out any
injection vaccine. Also he is working on HIV/AIDS vaccine and he encourages new scientists and
established to make a high quality research. Also he won many awards.

4. Professor yalemethehay mekonnen -the first female professor from Addis Ababa university. She
get her PHD from Heidelberg Germany in human physiology. She worked at the head of biology
department (1993-1995) and the director of Dr Aklilu Lemma pathobilogy department. She works a
research on different areas. The first is the hazard of pesticides on human being,

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