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HOMEROOM GUIDANCE (Learning Activity Sheet)


Let’s Try This

The last time I felt valued: The last time I made others felt valued:
Incident: As I look in the mirror, I see Incident: It was past midnight around 1 A.M when
that no changes are happening within Mary called me. As I answered the call, I heard the
my body even though I am following my sound of sobbing. "Hey, what happened?" I asked.
workout plan. And out of nowhere, a But she didn't reply and started crying. "Okay, let it
friend of mine messaged me. She said out. Tell me what happened when you're calm and
that she had observed that I was looking ready." I added. Three minutes have passed, Mary
gloomy and becoming fit. began to talk and tell me the problem. After knowing
what happened, I comforted her and gave her a piece
Thoughts: At first, I thought that my
of advice to ease the situation. After an hour, she
workout plan isn't working nor suitable
thanked me for listening and being there for her.
for me. But when my friend commended
me for how I looked, I have decided that Thoughts: Listening and being there for a friend in
my workout plan has a good effect on difficult situations is indeed a noble act.
me. And I will continue doing it.
Feelings: I feel lucky and happy because my friends
Feelings: I feel happy and motivated. consider me as a person that they can trust with their
problems and emotions.
Behavior: Until now, I feel energized and
inspired when performing my workout. Behavior: I will always be a good and caring person
for my friends.

Processing Questions:
1. Did you find it difficult/easy to answer? Why?
-No, because I consider those incidents as memorable and unforgettable ones.

2. What do you notice with your answers?

-My answers where all based on my emotions or how I feel about the particular scenario.

3. What is your reaction upon seeing all your answers?

- We can make an individual's emotions, feelings or their individuality itself feel valued by just doing
small acts of listening, accompaniment and commendation.

Let’s Explore This


Friend: Mary Grace Alicante

Teacher: Mrs. Marjorie Joy Relavo
Sister: Jewel Serrano
Parents: Salve Serrano and Randy Serrano
Please talk to yourself and say that “I am proud of you because you are learning, doing your best,
persevering, striving and improving yourself for the better.”
Then, your friends pop up in the mirror (post the name of your friends in the mirror), please tell your
friends that “You should be happy with me because I’m loyal, trustworthy, honest, supportive and
will push you to do things that will improve your individuality.”
Then, your teachers pop up in the mirror (post the name of your teachers in the mirror), please tell
them that “You should be happy with me because I’m participating, exerting effort, eager to learn
each day, interested with your discussions and giving my best in creating your assigned tasks.”
Then, your brothers/sisters pop up in the mirror (post the name of your brothers/sisters/cousins),
please tell them that “You should be happy with me because I’m supportive, will help you with your
studies, will serve you when our parents are gone for work, play with you when your friends are not
there and guide you in the near future.”
Then, your parents pop up in the mirror (post the name of your parents/guardian or whom you
consider as your parent in the mirror), please tell them that “You should be proud of me because I’m
doing my responsibilities, giving my best not only on studies but also as the eldest daughter of the
family, helping you in chores and other tasks, and developing myself to be a better individual."

Processing Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
- The activity was engaging and heart- touching.
2. How do you feel about talking to yourself? Your friends? Teachers? Family?
-I feel optimistic about my skills and capabilities in life as an individual.
3. What have you discovered about yourself during your self-talk?
-I was able to evaluate my competency towards different situations and people.
4. How is the activity helping you enhance your self-worth?
-This activity made me feel proud about myself. As it enables me to identify the things that I can
perform efficiently and be familiar with my capacities.

You can do it
Self-affirmation Exercise

1. My proudest moment was to receive a grade of 95 after struggling and experienced difficulties
before complying all the requirements.
2. My strengths are looking for alternative solutions when things didn't go with the intended plan,
being resourceful and maintaining a positive attitude.
3. My source of joy is/are my family, friends, time for myself, eating, dancing and watching anime.
4. My friends really appreciate me as a trustworthy and truehearted friend.
5. I can overcome all the challenges in life because I am competent, optimistic and wanting the best
for myself.
6. I will reach my dreams because I am inspired and devoted to attain the life that I deserve.
What I have Learned

One day, a man approached me and asked for a favor. He told me that he was applying for a
job and a 2 by 2 picture is one of the requirements for the application. So, he asked me to take a picture
of him, edit and print the picture. He also said that he'll pay for it after the job. So, I accept the favor
however, I told the man that I cannot rush the job for I have tasks to submit. So, I said him to come
back at 7 p.m. The man agreed and told me that he'll be back later. After submitting my tasks, I started
editing the picture. At that time, I am confidently editing the picture of the man. Honestly, I love editing
and I assure that I will give a clean edit even the price is low. Later on, the man came back earlier
before the time agreement and he was asking where the picture was. I said that I'm still printing the
picture. I was shocked when he said that he was waiting for a long time and maybe the picture has low
quality. I did not respond to the man and immediately finish the job. He paid for the price and leave our

As I have said, I really do love editing and I assure that my customers will receive a clean edit
at low cost. I am fully confident at that time but, I receive a negative comment. However, such instance
didn't affect me. I know that I accordingly accomplish the task and gave the picture that the man needs.
The criticism given by the man was nothing for me; for I know myself and my capacities.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings

The Covid 19 virus is still wandering on the Earth for nearly three years. And our country
undergoes many stages of development, transforming our normal lives into a different one. Some
traditions, practices, and the way we interact with other people were followed and based on the new
set of policies proposed by the government. Such transformation enables our country to cope up with
the impact brought by the Virus.

In the education field, Covid 19 virus has modified the education system of our country.
From face-to-face learning where teachers and learners interact physically to modular, radio-based,
and online learning. As a student, learning in amidst of pandemic was difficult. But, I'm still striving to
achieve my dreams and desires in life. I consider each day as a new challenge. And three months have
passed, I'm very proud of myself because I’m overcoming and winning these challenges. I experienced
joy, failure, breakdown, and instability. Yet, I take these as a ladder for my self-development and
improvement. Each challenge assists me in discovering and honing my skills, capabilities, and outlook
in life.

I'm fully aware that being a student and teenager is not a smooth sailing venture. Others tell me
that this virus has contributed a lot of negativity to our lives. But for me, it allows me to know and
improve myself physically, mentally, and emotionally. It also allows me to explore, discover, and be
open to what the world may offer for my awaiting future. Disasters, pandemics, plagues, and crises will
surely come. It is a natural phenomenon where no one can stop its occurrence. And similar to my
dreams, I know it will happen and no one can stop me from achieving it.

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