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Case File

Geeta Chopra and Sanjay Chopra Kidnapping and Murder Case

 Geeta Chopra-16 years of age
- Female
- 2nd year student at the Jesus and Mary College, New Delhi
 Sanjay Chopra- 14 years of age
- Male
- Student of 10th standard in Modern School, New Delhi
Overview of the Case:
 The Geeta and Sanjay Chopra kidnapping case (also known as the Ranga-Billa case) was
a kidnapping and murder crime in New Delhi in 1978. It involved the kidnapping and the
subsequent murder of siblings Geeta and Sanjay by Kuljeet Singh (alias Ranga Khus) and
Jasbir Singh (alias Billa). The children were kidnapped for ransom, but on learning their
father was a naval officer, both were killed. Geeta was allegedly raped before being
murdered, but forensic evidence could not confirm it. The kidnappers had initially
admitted to raping her, but later retracted the statement. The two kidnappers were
convicted and sentenced to death. The execution was carried out on the 26th of August,
What Had Happened:
 On 26th August 1978, 16-year-old Geeta Chopra and her 14-year-old brother Sanjay,
whose father was a captain in Indian Navy, left their homes to reach All India Radio
office on Sansad Marg, New Delhi. The siblings were to participate in Yuva Vani, a radio
show. They left their homes at around 6:15 PM for the 8 PM show. They were spotted at
Dhaula Kuan roundabout by one Kula Nand. Since it was drizzling, one M S Nanda gave a
lift to the children to Gole Dak Khana from Dhaula Kuan. At around 6:30 PM, one
Bhagwan Das noticed that sound is coming from the mustard yellow Fiat car next to him.
He stopped his scooter and approached the car. He saw that a girl was pulling hair of the
driver and another boy was trying to fight off the man sitting in the passenger seat.
However, the car sped away. One Babu Lal tried to stop the car but it sped away. Das
informed the police of what he saw. Unfortunately, the police control room wrote down
the wrong number of the car. Instead of HRK 8930, the operator noted it as MRK
8930.One Inderjeet Singh spotted the same car at Baba Kharak Singh Marg and saw the
children struggle with the driver and the man next to him. He drove next to the car. The
boy showed his bleeding shoulder and cried for help. He followed the car, but lost it
when the car jumped a signal. He then reported the same to police. This time, police
noted down correct number. At 8 PM when the parents tuned in to listen to their
children, they were surprised to see another girl was given the slot. At 8:45, the father
reached All India Radio office to pick up his children, only to find out they had never
reached. He called up home and his relatives to see if they had gone there. At 10:15 PM,
one of the kidnappers took the car with number plate changed to DHI 280 to tend to his
cut injury. They gave false names and told the injury was due to fight with thieves. Police
constable on duty took their statement and informed Mandir Marg Police Station. At
10:50, two more policemen were sent to hospital for further information. At 11:10, they
left hospital against doctor’s advice. They asked the duo to take them to place of
incident. The policemen did not notice any signs of struggle in the car. They asked the
duo to take them back to police station and asked to report to police station in morning.
When they failed to turn up, the police investigated and found that they had given
wrong names and addresses and the car number was also wrong. Meanwhile, Geeta and
Sanjay’s father informed police at 10:15 PM on the day they went missing and even
went to Wellington Hospital, thinking the children might have even gone there. He
returned home at 11:30 PM, worried. On 28th August, 1978, two days after they went
missing, the bodies of Geeta and Sanjay were discovered by a cowherd, Dhani Ram. He
informed a patrolling constable. Parents were called to the site and they identified their
children. Due to advanced stage of decomposition of body, sexual assault could not be
established in autopsy. However, the girl had multiple stab wounds and a broken jaw
and the boy too had multiple stab wounds. The father decided to go to the media. Some
newspapers published the photographs of children. M S Nanda, who had given lift to the
children came forward and gave a statement. The police now suspected the duo which
had gone to Wellington Hospital to be suspects. Their photographs were released.
Mumbai Police was informed too. The car was found abandoned with another name
plate on 31st August, 1978 at Majlis Park, Delhi.


 Geeta and Sanjay Chopra kidnapping case - Wikipedia

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