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History of Pakistan MCQs Notes pdf

History of Pakistan MCQs Note PDF

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History of Pakistan MCQs Note PDF

Indian Continent Pakistan History Movement

1. In 1858 A.D, the person who was appointed the first British viceroy in India
was: Lord canning
2. In Jhansi, the Muslim revolutionaries were led by: Rani Lakshmi bai
3. After the war of Independence the last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar
was exiled to: Rangoon

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4. Syed Ahmed khan founded “Scientific Society” in the year of: 1864 AD
5. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan founded ” Patriotic Association ” to: Counter anti
Muslim propaganda of hindus
6. The Muslim institution which was established by Syed Ahmed khan to create
political awareness among the Muslims was: Muhammadan Educational
7. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan gave an effective reply to Sir William Muir’s work
“Life of Muhammad” through his treatise entitled: Khutbat-i-Ahmadyah
8. The issue which made Syed Ahmed Khan to conclude that Hindus and
Muslims could not work together anymore was: Hindu-Urdu controversy
9. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk became secretary of board of Trustees Aligarh in year
of: 1907
10. The Muslim Deputation met the Viceroy in 1906 in: Shimla
11. The Shimla Deputation consisted of: 35 members
12. The Muslim Shimla Deputation of 1906 was led by reowned Muslim leader
named:Sir Agha Khan
13. The Shimla Deputation presented its demands to the British Viceroy named:
Lord Minto
14. The main demand of Shimla Deputation which was accepted in the Minto-
Morley Reforms of 1909 was about: Separate Electorates
15. All India Muslim League was established in : Dec 1906
16. All India Muslim League was established in the City of: Dhaka
17. Muslim league was established as a result of the resolution presented by:
Nawab Salim Ullah
18. Muhammad Ali Jinnah joined All India Muslim League in the year of: 1913
19. From 1937 to 1944 all the eight annual sessions of All India Muslim League
were presided over by: Muhammad Ali Jinnah
20. Muslim league observed ” Day of Deliverance ” after the resignation of
Congress Ministers in the year of: 1939
21. All India Muslim League passed the historic Lahore Resolution in its 27th
annual session held in Minto Park, Lahore on: 23rd March 1940
22. In 1942, Muslim league did not take part in: Quit India Movement
23. The step which ignited the war of Independence was the: Introduction of
greased cartridges
24. The British general who recaptured Delhi from Bakht khan was: Sir John
25. After the war of independence the British Government assumed control of

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India through: Queens proclamation of 1858

26. In the Provincial Assembly elections held in 1946 the Muslim League won:
428/492 Muslim seats
27. In the interim government formed in India in 1946 the Muslim League was
given: Five Ministries
28. Who was the main Architect of the joint meeting of congress and League in
Lucknow in 1916? Muhammad Ali Jinnah
29. The Muslims of the Sub continent launched the Khilafat Movement in the
year of: 1919

30. In 1919, the Khilafat Conference held its first meeting in the city: Amritsar

31. At the time when Khilafat delegation visited England in 1920, the British PM
was: Lloyd George
32. The congress launched Non-cooperation movement in: sep 1920

34. In 1920, the historic Non- Cooperation resolution was moved by: k Ghandi
35. Mahatma Gandhi called off Non- Cooperation Movement when a violent mob
attacked a police station in Chauri Chaura and killed 21 policeman. This
incident took place on: 5th feb 1922
36. The Statutory Commission of 1928 comprised of seven members and was
headed by: Sir John Simon

36. The Simon Commission visited India in: 1928

37. When Simon Commission visited India Jinnah league and Congress boycotted
the Commission because: No Indian had been included in it
38. Simon commission’s report was published in the year: 1930

40. In 1935 Sindh was separated from Bombay due to: Simon commission
41. The recommendations of the Committee under Motilal are called ” Nehru
Report” which was submitted in: Aug 1928
42. According to the Nehru Report, the parliament was to be consisted of : Two

42. Accordion to the Nehru Report, the Governors of Provinces were to be

appointed by: King of England

43. Jinnah’s 14 points were formulated in: March 1929

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44. Jinnah’s 14 points were the Muslim’s reply to the: Nehru Report

45. The Fourteen points of Jinnah demanded reforms in the provinces of:
Balochistan and kpk

46. According to the 14 points of Jinnah no bill or resolution could be passed in

any legislature until it was approved by: Three-fourth members of
concerned community
47. The Muslim representation in Central Legislature demanded in the 14 points
was: One third

48. Jinnah’s 14 points were the Muslim’s reply to the: Nehru Report

49. From 1930 to 1932 the British government convened in London: Three
Round Table Conference

50. The First Round Table Conference lasted from: 12th Nov 1930 to 19th Jan

51. The renowned Indian leader who did not take part in the First Round Table
Conference was:Gandhi

52. The First Round Table Conference conducted its Business through: Eight
sub committees

53. The Second Round Table Conference lasted from: Sep 1931 to Dec 1931

54. In the Second Round Table Conference the Hindu leader who claimed to
represent all india was: Gandhi
55. The Minorities Committee failed to reach an agreement because Gandhi
wanted the acceptance of: Nehru Report
56. The Third Round Table Conference lasted from: 17th Nov to 24th Dec

57. Due to the failure of the second Round Table Conference the British govt.
announced its own Communal Award in: Aug 1932
58. In March 1933, the British govt. issued this document which served as
guideline for the Act of 1935: White Paper
59. Allahabad speech by Allama Muhammad Iqbal was made in: Dec 1930
During his Allahabad address Allama Muhammad Iqbal said that the
principal of european democracy could not be applied to India without

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recognizing the fact of: Communal groups

60. At Allahabad address Allama Muhammad Iqbal siad, “I would like to see the
Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and Balochistan amalgamated into a”: Single State

61. All india Muslim League passed the historic Lahore Resolution in its 27th
annual session held in Lahore on: 23rd March 1940
62. The Lahore Session of Muslim League held in 1940 was presided over by:
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
63. On 23rd March 1940, the Lahore Resolution was seconded by: Khaliq uz

67. “Geographically contiguous units are demarcated into Region which should
be so constituted with such territorial adjustments as may be necessary”:
These lines have been taken from the text of: Lahore rasolution
68. At its annual session in Lahore the Muslim league adopted the idea of
partition as its final goal in the year of : 1940
69. The famous August Offer was made in August by the British Viceroy:Lord
70. The August offer offered the Indians: Establishment of a War Advisory
71. The 3rd June 1947 plan was announced by: Lord Mountbatten

69. In March 1947, Lord Wavell was replaced by the new British Viceroy in India
named:Lord Mountbatten

70. The 3rd June Plan partitioned the Sub-continent into : Two states

71. According to 3rd June Plan the British rule in India was to end: 14th Aug

74. The Shahi Jirga was to decide in favor of India or Pakistan in: Balochistan
75. The member of Shahi Jirga and Municipality of Quetta decided in 1947: To
join Pakistan
76. In Punjab and Bengal, Radcliffe gave an unjust award. He unjustly included
in India the Punjab Tehsils of: Gurdaspur, Pathankot and batala
77. On 14th Aug 1947 Pakistan emerged on the map of the world as an
Independent state as a result of: Indian Independence Act, 1947
78. Quaid e Azam was sworn in as the first Governor General Of Pakistan on:
15th Aug 1947

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79. The first PM of Pakistan was: Liaqat Ali khan

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