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Cassava anatomy.....................................................................................................................................1
Importance of Cassava.............................................................................................................................2
Goal and objective of study.....................................................................................................................2
Literature Review........................................................................................................................................4
Conditioning and Calimate for Cassava...................................................................................................4
Nutrition contains in cassava...................................................................................................................7
Cassava is consumed in Asian country....................................................................................................8
Financial Impact of Cassava..................................................................................................................11
Cassava in Laos economic and its development....................................................................................14
Technology Used in Cassava Production...............................................................................................18
Cassava product ( Ethanol production study ).......................................................................................19
Farming of Cassava...............................................................................................................................20
Problems of farmer................................................................................................................................21
Cassava Storage.....................................................................................................................................25
Area of Study.........................................................................................................................................27
Cassava Starch Cake..............................................................................................................................27
Cassava Cake Manufacturing Process...................................................................................................28
Factor Involved in Demand of Cassava Cake........................................................................................28
ELASTICITY AND MARGINAL REVENUE.....................................................................................29
Demand Estimation...............................................................................................................................31
Regeression Analysis.............................................................................................................................32
Demand Forecasting..............................................................................................................................38

Cassava anatomy

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a small perennial shrub that grows to be about 2 to 3

meters tall and develops thickened roots that are mainly starch. In Latin America, Africa, and

Asia, this crop is widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Cassava is the world's

seventh most important food crop in terms of planted area, trailing only wheat, maize, and rice. It

is a major food crop in some areas and a major industrial crop in others; in Thailand, it is rarely

eaten directly but is a major industrial crop used primarily for the production of dry chips and

starch for both domestic and export markets. Cassava is now being used to make bioethanol,

which can be blended with gasoline and used as a fuel in many Asian countries (Howeler, 2014).

Depending on the genotype, a cassava plant can produce up to 14 storage roots per plant. Plant

propagating material may come from three different places to start a storage root. Direct

embryonic root formation at seed germination to form a single-tap SR, leaf axillaries bud in stem

cuttings to form a single SR, a number of nodal callus from the bases of stem cuttings to form

more than one SR, and buried nodes at the base of stem cuttings to form SR or induced "in vitro"

plants are among these (Luiz JCB Carvalho, 2017).

Rateaver was the first to characterise the anatomy of the cassava storage root, and more recently

at. At least 12 cell types in the storage root associated with secondary tissues can be identified

from the simple secondary growth of CSR shown in, including primary meristem cells,

secondary meristem cells, vessels, primary xylem, secondary xylem, primary phloem, secondary

phloem, parenchyma cells, and sclera cells (Luiz JCB Carvalho, 2017). Cassava storage roots

extend from the apical meristem, forming new cells on a regular basis, as seen in other plants

with secondary root growth. The secondary tissues of the cassava storage root, in addition to the
primary tissues, add thickness to the primary root.

Importance of Cassava

The "poor's grain" has evolved into a multipurpose crop that responds to developing country

priorities, global economic developments, and the threat of climate change. Cassava, also known

as manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), is a New World perennial shrub that feeds more than 500

million people in tropical and sub-tropical Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Resource-

constrained small farmers for its starchy roots, which are consumed fresh when low in cyanogen

or in a variety of refined forms and products, primarily starch and flour, as well as for animal

feed primarily grow it. It is often considered a food security source against famine, requiring

minimal resources due to its inherent resistance to stressful conditions where other food crops

will fail. Due to its high yield potential, it compares favorably in energy production to most other

major staple food crops under ideal environmental conditions. Cassava's ability to assimilate

carbon at very high rates under high levels of humidity, temperature, and solar radiation has been

demonstrated in recent research at Colombia's Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

(CIAT), which correlates with productivity in all conditions, whether dry or humid (El-

Sharkawy, 2004).

Goal and objective of study

The aim and objective of this research is to study the cassava in Asia and specifically in south

east asia country like philpine and loas, secondly the purpose of this research is to study the

production techniques of cassava in Laos, third aim of this study is problem faced by farmers of

Laos relating the production of cassava, fourth purpose of this study is to study method of

cassava storage process in Laos, fifth purpose of study is about customer demand of cassava

starch in Laos market, sixth aim of this thesis is research the main products of cassva starch in
market and last but not the least seventh purpose of the study is to impact of cassava strch on the

econmic and financial condition of South East Asia and specially Laos.
Literature Review

Conditioning and Climate for Cassava

Many smallholder cassava growers already follow main “Save and Grow” guidelines such as

reduced or zero tillage, organic cover to protect the soil surface, and crop diversification. Three

primary recommendations underpin farming systems. . First and foremost, farmers should strive

to preserve soil structure, organic matter, and overall soil health by minimising soil mechanical

disturbance. That means reducing “conventional tillage,” the practise of ploughing, harrowing, or

hoeing land before and during the growth of each crop. Farmers are advised to use conservation

tillage instead, which avoids inverting the soil and burying crop residues. Strip or minimal

tillage, which disturbs only the portion of the soil that will contain the seed row or planting hole,

and zero tillage, which eliminates ploughing or hoeing, are two common types of conservation

tillage. In addition to conservation tillage, the FAO suggests that land be kept in good condition.

a protective organic cover on the soil surface, such as crops and other natural materials mulches

to prevent soil erosion, preserve soil water and nutrients, and protect the environment.

Weeds are suppressed. Organic soil cover not only enhances the physical properties of the soil,

but it also promotes the proliferation of soil biota, such as earthworms and beneficial protozoa,

fungi, and bacteria, which improve soil health and crop production. Crops are planted directly

through a mulch created by the residues of previous crops or cover crops in zero tillage systems.

Third, farmers can grow a broader variety of plant species, including trees, shrubs, and pasture,

in partnerships, sequences, and rotations. Diversifying production through mixed cropping

reduces risk, allows farmers to react to changes in market demand, and allows them to adapt to

external shocks such as climate change. Rotating or associating nutrient-demanding crops with
soil-enriching legumes, as well as shallow-rooting crops with deep-rooting crops, helps to

preserve soil fertility and crop quality while also interrupting pest transmission (Howeler, 2013).

Weather is one of the most powerful influences on agricultural development, and understanding

it ahead of time helps farmers to make the best decisions possible to maximise their harvest or

minimise their losses. Weather patterns used to be cyclical and predictable, but as a result of

climate change, they are changing now.

Cassava is grown between 30o north and south latitudes, and up to an altitude of about 1800

masl near the equator. The crop is usually grown in marginal areas with poor soils and/or a high

risk of drought due to its drought tolerance and low soil fertility. Cassava grows best in

temperatures ranging from 25 to 29 degrees Celsius, with a soil temperature of around 30

degrees Celsius; below 10 degrees Celsius, the plant stops growing. Although the crop thrives in

areas with an annual rainfall of 1000-1500 mm that is evenly distributed, it can withstand semi-

arid conditions with rainfall as low as 500 mm and may have a competitive advantage over other

crops in those conditions. Cassava can grow in a variety of soils, but it thrives in well-drained,

light-textured, deep soils with intermediate fertility levels. Top growth can be stimulated at the

detriment of root growth under high fertility conditions. Soil pH should be between 4.5 and 6.5.

In poorly drained soils, gravelly or saline soils, or soils with a hardpan, the crop does not thrive

(Onwueme & Sinha, 1991).

Cassava is normally propagated vegetatively by planting a 15-20 cm long stem cutting (also

known as a "stake" or "set"), which is cut from the mature and woody stem of an 8-12 month old

mother plant. Cassava's multiplication rate is about 1:10, which is very low. Each mother plant

can produce about 10 stem cuttings on average. Maize has a ratio of around 1:300. These

cuttings are planted by pressing them into the soil, either vertically or inclined (slanted), to a
depth of 1012 cm, after clearing the field and preparing the land to loosen the soil and eradicate

weeds. Cuttings may also be planted by burying them at a depth of 5-10 cm horizontally in the

soil. Planting vertically or inclinedly is somewhat more difficult since the cuttings must be

planted vertically or inclinedly (Howeler, 2014).

Cassava needs a wet, humid climate to thrive. Cassava roots develop quickly if the rainy season

is long. Cassava is also a drought-resistant herb. The yield is low when there is less rain. Cassava

stems are soft and brittle, and they hate strong winds. Cassava is a very hardy plant. It can thrive

in even the most arid conditions. Cassava, on the other hand, thrives in permeable, not too

compacted soil with good air and water circulation. The roots then thicken and do not rot.

Cassava depletes the soil. Many small roots, in addition to the fat roots that store food, take water

and mineral salts from the soil. After a crop of cassava, the field is very poor and must be left

fallow (Kumar1, 2016).

Cassava is one of the most important food crops on the planet, providing high-quality

carbohydrates in tropical areas where grains and potatoes grow poorly or not at all. The roots,

also known as manioc or yucca, can be preserved in the field for long periods of time as a famine

hedge. When other green vegetables are unavailable, the leaves can be eaten as a nutritious green

vegetable. Cassava comes in two varieties. The term "sweet" cassava refers to one of the two

main cassava varieties. This is not due to the fact that it contains more sugars than other

varieties, but rather that it is less toxic. Cassava tubers contain significant amounts of cyanide

compounds, which must be processed out before they can be consumed safely. The sweet variety

of cassava contains less of these compounds and needs less processing. Bitter cassava is very

similar to sweet cassava in terms of cultivation and appearance, but it contains much more

cyanide compounds. Bitter cassava varieties can have as many as 490 parts per million, while
sweet cassava varieties can have as few as 40 parts per million. A concentration of cyanogens

greater than 50 parts per million is considered hazardous. Some farmers delibrate in unsettled

areas (Decker, n.d.).

Prussic acid is a toxin found in cassava roots. The bitter tubers, in particular, contain a significant

amount of poison. Others, such as sweet tubers, are poison-free. The toxin may be extracted by

washing the root thoroughly, drying it, or thoroughly cooking it. Cassava must always be

thoroughly cooked before being fed to humans or livestock (Kumar1, 2016).

Nutrition contains in cassava

Cassava is a calorie-dense vegetable that is high in carbohydrates as well as essential vitamins

and minerals. Vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are all found in abundance in cassava.

The leaves, which can also be cooked or dried in the sun, can contain up to 25% protein. The

cassava root, on the other hand, does not have the same nutritional value as other tuber

vegetables. Cassava contains resistant starch, which scientists believe can improve gut health by

encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria. When they pass through the digestive tract,

resistant starches remain largely unchanged.

The nutritional profile of 1 cup of raw cassava from a trusted source is as follows:

 calories: 330

 protein: 2.8 grams (g)

 carbohydrate: 78.4 g

 fiber: 3.7 g

 calcium: 33.0 milligrams (mg)

 magnesium: 43.0 mg

 potassium: 558.0 mg
 vitamin C: 42.4 mg

 thiamine: 0.087 mg

 riboflavin: 0.048 mg

 niacin: 0.854 mg

Cassava only has trace quantities of proteins and fats. As a result, people who eat cassava as their

main source of protein may need to eat more protein or supplement their diet with protein

supplements to prevent malnutrition. People in some parts of the world emphasize combining the

roots and leaves of the plant to overcome this problem since cassava leaves are a source of

protein (Kathy W. Warwick, 2021).

The majority of crops are grown in areas where the soil and climatic conditions are ideal for their

development. Cassava, on the other hand, thrives in areas where it has a competitive advantage

over other crops, i.e. where other crops' production is limited more than cassava's by unfavorable

soil or climatic conditions. Cassava is well known for being a drought-tolerant and water-saving


Cassava is consumed in Asian country

Cassava is both a food and an industrial crop in Southeast Asia. This distinguishes the plant,

which is grown for its seeds, as a key to food security as well as a source of income for the two

million smallholder farmers who grow it throughout the country. SEA had the benefit of not

getting any significant cassava problems at the start of the cassava boom in the early 1990s. The

cassava mealybug was the first major invasive biological restriction to arrive in Asia, causing

substantial losses. In collaboration with Kasetsart University, the International Center for

Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the

Thai Tapioca Development Institute (TTDI) deployed a parasitic wasp, Apoanagyrus lopezi, as a
biocontrol agent. Unfortunately, a second disease, first identified in 2015, has arrived in the area.

Cassava mosaic disease (CMD), which reduces yields by reducing the size of the plant's root and

has previously caused significant losses in India and Sri Lanka, is threatening the livelihoods of

SEA cassava farmers (Release, 2019).

The outbreak of CMD is threatening the lives of people who have escaped poverty over the last

10 to 20 years because of the good income they receive from cassava,” said Eric Huttner,

ACIAR's Research Program Manager. “It's critical to address the threat. Mealybug and cassava

witches' broom disease (CWBD), which is slowly spreading and can reduce yields by up to 90%,

have long been a concern for cassava growers in Southeast Asia. Although the mealybug has

been effectively eradicated, the CWBD is still a work in progress with several unanswered

questions (Release, 2019).

Cassava, scientifically known as Manihot esculenta, is a root vegetable used in both cooking and

traditional medicine. It is nutrient-dense and, after rice and corn, has the highest carbohydrate

content. Cassava is a root vegetable that is used to make tapioca, animal feed, and even laundry

starch. It is thought to enhance immunity and regulate digestion. The plant's root is high in

vitamin C, and its leaves are high in beta-carotene, lysine, and other compounds that are good for

the skin and metabolism. Cassava, a popular food in many countries, is thought to be anti-

inflammatory and antioxidant. These properties are said to help with the treatment or prevention

of a variety of illnesses. Cassava has been shown to have many health benefits when used in a

well-balanced healthy diet.

In Mozambique, cassava is grown as a reserve crop and is regarded as a woman's crop. Since the

crop is drought-tolerant and disease-resistant, it requires little care and, as a result, little labour.

This paper looks at how rural people in Mozambique can use cassava, their current reserve crop,
to fulfil their energy and food needs while also increasing their annual income. Cassava

processing chains were modelled to determine I the impact of introducing an anaerobic digester

for the digestion of cassava peels and other materials (dung, kitchen waste, and maize residues)

at the family level (BAU + family digester) and (ii) the impact of introducing an ethanol plant

with stillage treatment and electricity production (BAU + community ethanol) (Ednah

Zvinavashe, 2011).

The most significant tropical root crop is assava. For more than 500 million people, its starchy

origins are a significant source of dietary energy. Among staple crops, it is known for producing

the most carbohydrates. Cassava is the fourth most important food crop in developing countries,

after rice, corn, and wheat, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

(FAO). The leaves have a pleasant scent. the FAO estimated that 172 million tonnes of cassava

were produced worldwide. Africa accounted for 54% of total global demand, followed by Asia at

28% and Latin America and the Caribbean at 19%. Nigeria was the world's largest producer in

with 33 million tonnes made. Cassava was cultivated on a total of 16.8 million hectares around

the world.

Each year, about 120,000 hectares of agricultural land in the Philippines was planted with

cassava, yielding about 1.8 million tonnes of cassava roots. Food, dried chips, and starch are the

main products of the manufacturing industry. Cassava, on the other hand, contributes just about

2% to gross value-adding in agriculture as a traded commodity. The following factors are

favourable to the industry's expansion: a) developments in related commodities, b) diminishing

prime agricultural land, c) growing demand for cassava products, and d) improved technology

availability. Demand for cassava as a food crop is that, and this trend is expected to continue as

the world's population grows and techniques for converting cassava roots into more durable,
easy, and appealing products improve. Cassava has gradually gained acceptance in commercial

feed formulations as a high-energy component. Chronic shortages and the resulting high price of

domestically produced maize are fueling this trend. Farmers in some areas are now realising that

intercropping cassava with maize, when done properly, is economically equivalent to two maize

monocrops. In the Philippines, the cassava starch industry has a gloomy outlook. The sector's

sustainability is threatened by trade liberalisation and a lack of genuine government assistance in

improving productivity and production. The agricultural modernization programme, which is

supposed to mitigate the effects of trade liberalisation, received practically no funding within the

first two years after it was passed, and has yet to produce anything useful.

With the Philippines' sugar industry facing a bleak future, cassava has emerged as the most

viable alternative source of raw material for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. Since 1995,

San Miguel Corporation has made significant investments in plant construction and supply base

production. The most difficult task in the future would be to put in place a system that ensures a

sufficient and reliable supply all year.

Financial Impact of Cassava

Cassava is among the top ten crops in terms of producing carbohydrate per unit area per unit

time, despite a lack of development support. The crop's adaptability makes it a crucial

component of cropping systems in newly opened forest areas and farms with severely degraded

soils. Farmers in forest margins and marginal lands have a close economic relationship with the

crop. As a result, any cassava production would have an effect on food security, poverty

alleviation, and the conservation and exploitation of marginal lands in the Philippines, which

currently contribute little to agriculture (Farmers in forest margins and marginal lands have a

close economic relationship with the crop. As a result, 2001).

Cassava is widely grown in the Philippines, but it is usually grown in small patches for

subsistence. Cassava is, however, grown as a cash crop and on a commercial scale in some parts

of the world. Bukidnon, Lanao del Sur, and the Negros Occidentales are among these places.

Cassava is typically grown with few inputs and with little treatment, as evidenced by the low

national average yield of about 8.0 t/ha, which is among the lowest in Southeast Asia. The

average yield in areas where cassava is grown for starch and dried chips is around 20 t/ha. The

introduction of high-yielding varieties and slightly improved cultural practises are largely

responsible for the increase in yield.

Rice is the main and preferred food in the Philippines, as it is in most Asian countries. People

rely heavily on root crops such as cassava on some islands in the Visayas and Mindanao, where

narrow coastal plains make it difficult to grow cereals. The Muslim population of Lanao del Sur,

Lanao del Norte, and Cotabato eats a lot of cassava. The islands of the Sulu Archipelago (south

of Mindanao), where cassava is the staple food, have the highest per capita intake of cassava in

the Philippines (Farmers in forest margins and marginal lands have a close economic relationship

with the crop. As a result, 2001). Root crops are consumed or sold as boiled roots and processed

items such as fried chips, cookies, and sweet porridge in many rural communities. Cassava

shoots are also a common vegetable among Filipino Muslims.

Even though dried cassava chips had become a major export commodity for Thailand and

Indonesia in the 1980s, there was no trading of dried cassava chips in the Philippines. Following

a long drought at the end of the 1980s and a favourable export price, three companies (Capicor,

Guani Marketing, and San Miguel Corporation) began a campaign to fill an unfilled popular

quota of GATT member countries. Growers suffered widespread losses as a result of the

resulting decline in export prices, effectively killing a burgeoning industry. San Miguel
Corporation (SMC) and its subsidiary recently restored widespread cassava planting in the area

as part of a supply base development for feeds and alcohol.

It quickly became the preferred cash crop, especially in the arid and non-irrigated northeastern

part of Thailand at the time. Through the processing of cassava to cassava starch, the technology

later allowed the transformation of agriculture into agro-industry. As a result, cassava is

becoming a common cash crop among many farmers due to its low input and investment

requirements compared to other crops such as rice, sugarcane, or perennial fruits. New cassava

root can now be transformed into a variety of other items and uses. Dried cassava pellets and

chips, native starch, modified starch, biomass for bioethanol, and other refined cassava products

are used. With the price of cassava fluctuating, we see the need to begin by identifying the

seasonality, trending, and cyclical patterns in the first level. We use the approach in identifying

the causes of market volatility and price surge through demand and supply factors in the second

level, given multiple possible factors that could cause cassava price volatility. Agricultural

commodity supply can be influenced by a number of factors. Planted area, harvested area, yield,

weather, production enhancing factors (such as technology, fertiliser and chemical use), and

agricultural practises are some of the most common. Other factors that are less common but

potentially just as important are the nature of the cultivated area (soil) and government policy.

Vietnam produces about 2 million t year of cassava each year, harvested from an area of about

230,000 ha. Yields are low, averaging about 8 t ha, but with the recent introduction of improved

cultivars, these yields are expected to improve. Cassava production occurs in all parts of the

country, but with a greater con- centration in the northern, mountainous region and the central

parts of the country

In the Philippines, cassava ranks third among the food crops after rice and maize. The country

produces 1.8–2.0 million t year of cassava on a harvested area of 210,000–240,000 ha.

Production and area under cassava declined between 1998 and 1999 but average yield increased

Cassava's effectiveness as a famine-prevention crop is contingent on consumers eating it on a

daily basis, i.e., including it in their diet. This will ensure that supplies are available when they

are most needed. Despite anecdotal evidence that consumers perceive cassava as an inferior

product, there is very little information on market demand for it in a major urban city like

Lusaka. As a result, the study's justification was formulated. The following was the study

question: What are the crucial factors that influence cassava demand? Since quality is such an

important factor in demand, it makes sense to add value to cassava by processing it in order to

maintain its quality in the supply chain. It would also make sense for the government and those

concerned to engage in intense marketing and promotion to raise consumer awareness of

cassava's superior quality to other starchy grains.

Cassava in Laos economic and its development

Agriculture is the primary source of income for Laos's smallholder farmers, who account for 75

percent of the country's population. In addition, three-quarters of Laos's population lives in rural

areas and relies on agriculture for a living. Household income is calculated by multiplying family

farming income by family non-farming income using the following formula:

Household Income = Farming Income + Other Sources of Income Non-farming earnings

The average age of the respondents is 49 years old. Farmers in the active and non-productive age

groups make up the majority of the respondents. With a ratio of 92 percent in the productive age

group (15-65 years). Cassava output averages 28,966.03 kg per hectare, with a selling price of

IDR 1,093.08 per kilogramme. IDR 25,128,646.18 per hectare was received. Cassava farming is

profitable and feasible to cultivate if the R/C value is greater than one. This supports previous
studies, which found that cassava farming, whether done in a partnership or not, is a profitable

and viable farm sector. Cassava farming activities produced 86 percent of household income in

1998, followed by non-cassava income of 3%, off-farm income of 7%, and non-farm income of

4%. Cassava farming's economic contribution to farm households decreased to 43.39 percent in

2019, with non-cassava income accounting for 39.13 percent, off-farm income accounting for

8.52 percent of farmer income, and non-farm income accounting for 8.9 percent (Zakaria1,


Cassava is also important in a variety of ways, not only as a food crop but also as a major source

of income for rural household farmers. Cassava is a valuable crop for small farmers with access

to marginal lands all over the tropical world. Its high tolerance to seasonal low rainfall, high

temperatures, and intermediately fertile soils, relative to other crops, makes it an important

source of food security and cash income in areas where there are few alternatives.

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, cassava was introduced to much of Asia. India, Java,

and the Philippines were among the first countries to receive cassava. The majority of these

introductions were made by European explorers who had brought cassava from South America.

The first part: will use a formal questionnaire research design to estimate cassava (root crop)

demand because it better served the questions and goals of the report. Furthermore, the

manufacturers of cassava goods, specifically cassava cake, are the target population for this


The second part: After the collection of data, linear demand curve analysis will be applied on

data. The negative sign in the price coefficient equation indicates an elastic relationship, meaning

that as prices rise; demand for cassava (root crop) falls, and vice versa. Furthermore, the positive

sign in the income coefficient means that cassava (root crop) is a normal good, as the Nilupak
and cassava cake maker can afford more cassava if their income rises.

Malaysia harvests about 400,000 t year1of cassava from an area of about 39,000 ha. In

Peninsula Malaysia, production is concentrated in the state of Perak, with Ultisol soils.

There is also potential for cassava production in the peat soils (Histosols) of Malaysia

The third part: the main supporting technique of regression analysis to find the correlation

between different factors affecting the demand of cassava. Find the correlation between price and

non-price factor on cassava demand.

The fourth part: in this part to find the forecasting of cassava starch and predict annual revenue

for the next five years, will be used the arithmetic straight-line method.

Based on the information gathered through surveys and questionnaires, the researchers

concluded that the primary factors influencing cassava demand 

Indonesia had the highest per capita consumption, with a daily intake of about 135 kcal

(FAOSTAT). Cassava consumption patterns are nearly identical to maize consumption patterns

at various income levels. Rice consumption plummets at the bottom of the income scale, while

cassava and maize consumption rises. Thailand, the region's largest producer, has almost no

demand. Cassava is eaten in small amounts in the Philippines and Vietnam. In both India and

China, consumption is concentrated in the south. Cassava continues to play a minor role as a rice

backup crop in much of tropical Asia; if rice is scarce, cassava would likely provide some relief.

Cassava cropping systems differ greatly from one region of Asia to the next. Sole cropping is the

most common method of commercial production, particularly in Thailand, Malaysia, and

Sumatra. Groundnut, rice, maize, and vegetables are common intercrop combinations where

cassava is intercropped. Cassava is also grown in parts of Kerala, the Philippines, Thailand, Java,

and Malaysia among coconut and rubber plantations. In these cases, yields are typically poor.
Almost all Asian cassava is grown under rain-fed conditions, with the exception of Tamil Nadu,

where irrigation is used .

The flexibility of starch influences demand. Since starch is used in almost every major industry,

industrialization usually coincides with a large increase in demand for this raw material.

Unmodified or native starches (UMS), modified starches (MS), and sweeteners are the three

primary types of starch-based items. Starches that have had one or more of their physical and

chemical properties altered slightly are known as modified starches.

After maize, rice, wheat, and potato, cassava is the world's fifth most valuable food crop.

Cassava is a root vegetable that originated in South America and was later spread to Africa and

Asia. The crop is now grown in 105 countries, with temperatures ranging from 30°N to 30°S. For

many poor farm families around the world, this crop is a staple food crop. It's also a source of

commercial and on-farm animal feed. Global cassava production was around 232.95 million

tons, with Africa accounting for 51%, Asia for 34%, and Latin America and the Caribbean

accounting for just 15%. Cassava production in Asia grew at a rapid rate of 3% per year during

the late 1970s and early 1980s, slowed during the 1990s, and then accelerated again at 3.3

percent per year over the last ten years.

Food, flour, animal feed, alcohol, starches for sizing paper and textiles, sweeteners, prepared

foods, and bio-degradable products are all made from cassava. The products are made from a

variety of cassava sources, including fresh leaves and roots as well as modified cassava starch.

From the fres to the fres, the degree of processing and technological specifications tend to

increase. All of the products mentioned above have the potential to expand cassava's business.

Although some cassava is sold as fresh roots or leaves, even these items are normally subjected
to some kind of post-harvest treatment or handling before being eaten. Processing is critical in

the future of cassava since it usually needs some sort of processing before it can be consumed or

sold. Although the market potentials are exciting, it's important to note that these opportunities

are limited to a particular location and time frame. It is difficult to compile a list of priority

business opportunities due to the specificity of market opportunities. The following portion, on

the other hand, tries to illustrate some of the advantages and challenges that may be faced while

attempting to build various types of software. Fresh roots and leaves are mainly consumed by

humans. Because of their perishability, most roots are eaten or sold near to the places where they

are grown. Packing roots in moist mulch or cutting leaves two weeks prior to harvest to extend

root shelf life to two weeks are two traditional methods for preserving fresh roots. Preservative

treatments such as dipping fresh roots in wax or paraffin and storing them in plastic bags

decreased vascular streak and extended storage for 3 to 4 weeks, according to CIAT researchers

in Colombia. For specialist markets, roots can be sliced, cut into chunks, and frozen. Cassava

leaves can be eaten raw, ground fresh and frozen in plastic bags, or dried and ground for a

variety of uses. The leaves have a better nutritional balance than the roots, and they can help

avoid deficiency diseases. Hydrocyanic acid (HCN) levels in leaves can be high, but in most

situations, the HCN can be reduced to safe levels by squeezing out the liquid after grinding and

evaporation during cooking (Cassava, 2014).

Technology Used in Cassava Production

Sustainable agricultural production is critical for reducing food insecurity, hunger, and impacting

smallholder farmers' livelihoods. Cassava is one of six commodities identified by African Heads

of State as strategic crops for the continent, owing to its importance to African farmers'

livelihoods and its ability to turn African economies. Conventional breeding has been successful
in supplying a steady supply of improved cultivars, resulting in a significant increase in yield for

most major crops. The generation of full-sib and/or half-sib progenies is followed by successive

clonal selection stages, including single row trials, preliminary, advanced, and standardised yield

trials, in traditional cassava breeding. New tools and technologies have the potential to improve

the efficiency of traditional breeding, especially when multiple traits are being selected

simultaneously. Modernizing breeding programmes through the use of innovative technologies is

critical for more productive agriculture, especially in light of climate change, dwindling

resources, land scarcity, and rising food demand. Biotechnology and modern genomic methods

have the potential to improve genetic benefit, accelerate the production of better cultivars, and

affect smallholder farmers' livelihoods (Edwige Gaby Nkouaya Mbanjo, 2020).

Cassava product ( Ethanol production study )

Ethanol is widely used as a solvent in the production of varnishes and perfumes; as a biological

specimen preservative; in the preparation of essences and flavourings; in many medicines and

drugs; as a disinfectant and in tinctures (e.g., iodine tincture); and as a fuel and gasoline additive.

In the past, ethanol was made from a variety of sources. Cereal grains such as corn, wheat, rye,

barley, milo (sorghum grains), rice, potatoes, apple wine, and others are commonly used as raw

materials in the manufacture of alcohol from starch. When compared to food crops like sugar

cane and cassava, the use of nonfood sources like microalgae to produce ethanol yielded low

ethanol yields. The highest ethanol yield was achieved by fermenting spirogyra algae with Z.

Using spirogyra algae fermented with S. cerevisiae, mobilis was 9.70 percent ethanol (v/v) with

addition of -amylase enzyme at 0.09 grammes for 96 hours. cerevisiae produces the most

ethanol. As a result, as global stocks dwindle, cassava starch remains a lucrative renewable

resource for centuries to come. Nigeria's national target is to achieve a 10% blend, which would
necessitate 1.27 billion litres of ethanol per year. Brazil produces more than 120 million litres of

ethanol per year from sugar cane and cassava, making it the world's leading producer. The

demand for cassava in energy and alcohol production has been boosted by promising ethanol

returns coupled with higher crude oil prices for most of the year. Cassava also has a higher

carbohydrate content than other root crops such as potato (Mepba, 2013). Ethanol production

through fermentation has been widely researched for decades. Simultaneous Scarification

Fermentation (SSF) and Separate Hydrolysis and Fermentation (SHF) processes, both of which

have excellent potential for ethanol production from starchy materials and lignocellulose

biomass, have been used in recent years.

Starch content and fresh root yields varied between the three locations On Rayong 11 recorded

the best results on average. KM21-12 had the highest average yields. the smallest yields It's

worth noting that Starch is not reflected in farm-gate rates. are mainly focused on quality the

weight of the roots as a whole. Because the local population eats cassava, especially in

Viengthong, which lacks rice, the best varieties for direct human consumption were evaluated.

The Lao People's Democratic Republic's government Lao People's Democratic Republic

(LaoPDR) tries

Farming of Cassava

to meet the Millennium Development Goals By ensuring food security and achieving the

Millennium Development Goal (MDG1), improving the rural community's living conditions via

modernization and commercialization production of agriculture. There have been implemented

programmes to promote commercial crop production in order to increase farmers' incomes in the

hope of better livelihoods and sustainable farming. As a result, Lao farmers have been introduced

to a variety of common cash crops, including maize, cassava, rubber, Job's tears, banana, and
sugarcane. Cassava farms, for example, have recently expanded in Lao PDR, owing to high

demand for raw cassava for bio-ethanol fuel production in China, Thailand, and Vietnam, as well

as domestic flour demand. Cassava farms are needed not only for food crops, but also as a

significant source of income for rural households. Between 2005 and 2012, 12 domestic and 11

foreign companies were registered to operate cassava plantations in the country, with a total

registered capital investment of USD 64.76 million covering 11,428 hectares of concession land.

In Laos, average cassava farm sizes and productivity have increased dramatically over the last

five years. Cassava farm sizes increased from 0.1 hectares in 1998/99 to about 0.4 hectares in

2010/11 (MAF 2014), while productivity increased from 17.47 tonnes per hectare to about 20

tonnes per hectare. If farm sizes continue to grow at this pace, people will assume that large

farms are more productive than small farms in the long run. Small-scale cassava farmers, who

are important players in the agriculture sector, will be left behind and ultimately replaced by

large-scale cassava corporations. Small-scale farmers are also widely acknowledged as being

marginal and having low agricultural productivity. Farmers' income and livelihoods can be

improved by rising production and quality, which can help them escape poverty.

Problems of farmer

In general, the challenges faced by small-scale cassava farmers in Lao PDR are similar to those

faced by farmers of other crops. First, most small-scale farmers lack production expertise and

technologies; they use basic methods and often have poor land preparation; they have little

knowledge of planting materials; and they have little cassava farming experience. Second, small-

scale rural farmers do not have access to financial assistance to purchase the necessary inputs

and equipment. Finally, since farm size is limited, the harvested cassava yield does not reach its

maximum potential. Many opportunities for former of Laos has increased to achieve high
productivity of cassava starch and earn high profit because of increasing demand of cassava

starch in the area including china.

Small-scale farmers must use restricted resources optimally and effectively in order to achieve

maximum yield and production efficiency. Cassava farmers' ability to embrace new technologies

and achieve long-term sustainability is determined by their level of production quality, which is

largely determined by variable input factors. Farm-specific factors such as farmer characteristics

and farm management systems, farmer experience, and farm distance from market can all

influence farm productivity. Farmers must extend their farm plots, learn more about new

technologies, and preserve soil fertility, which is affected by land use and forest cover change, in

order to increase their degree of productive efficiency. This is particularly true for farmers in

rural areas near forest frontiers. As a result, increasing the technological efficiency of production

is the key to improving productivity (Thanongsai Soukkhamthat, n.d.).

Lao Indochina, CP Lao, and Hang Nga export cassava and maize to Thailand, Vietnam, and

probably China. Since the company's contracts with its customers are for five years, the

agreements are for the farmer's labor and property. If a farmer withdraws early, the production

agreement allows the company to use the farmer's land for its own labor before the agreement

expires. In addition to inputs, the company would ask for more land from farmers who do not

have enough land to generate a sufficient amount of production. To fund its support for

production agreements with farmers, the company borrows money from a bank. Since 1994,

when the state chose or ordered them to take up their position in development, the investors have

been involved in production agreements. For corn, rice, peanuts, and, as of this year, cassava, the

investors have written agreements with members who make their own verbal or written

agreements with farmers. Each investor works with Mr. Lan, a maize producer in Bokeo, through
their representatives. He, like many other producers, prefers to spend on their own and sell on the

open market. Lao PDR's smallholder production agreements: 30 households qualify, ranging

from 200 to 500. The agreements cover input supply and crop distribution at market prices. With

the recent rise in demand for cassava roots, dry chips, starch, and ethanol, a new trend toward

large-scale cassava plantations has emerged, primarily in Indonesia, Cambodia, the Philippines,

and Myanmar, and to a lesser extent in Thailand and the Lao People's Democratic Republic.

Cassava is a smallholder crop in most parts of the world, grown primarily for personal

consumption or for sale in nearby markets. The crop has also been grown in large plantations

owned and operated by starch factories in some parts of Indonesia and the Philippines. During

the processing and marketing of cassava, farmers face numerous challenges. Due to marketing

constraints, farmers' share of crop value is currently low. There is a need to provide farmers with

critical knowledge about cassava processing so that processors can produce high-value goods

that meet consumers' needs. Other cassava uses would necessitate. Cassava waste has risen in

volume over time, as anticipated given the rise in cassava demand. However, the proportion of

cassava wasted out of total consumption has decreased by nearly 1%, from 12.27 percent to

11.47 percent, and the rate of increase in quantity-wasted year over year has slowed. For

smallholder farmers in Laos, cassava is becoming an economically important crop. This crop not

only provides food, feed, and income to poor farmers, but it also acts as a catalyst for

transforming subsistence farming into income-generating agriculture, allowing smallholder

farmers to participate in the market economy. Cassava production systems in Laos are hampered

by a lack of improved varieties and proper agronomic practices, as well as degraded soils and

limited market access. Increased yields, improved production sustainability, and lower

production costs are all urgently needed, all of which will have a significant positive effect on
smallholder farmers' livelihoods. Cassava farms are required not only for food crops, but also as

a significant source of income for rural households. Between 2005 and 2012, 12 domestic and 11

foreign enterprises were registered to manage cassava plantations in the country, with a total

registered capital investment of USD 64.76 million covering an 11,428 hectares (ha) concession

land area. There has been a decrease in the number of growers of nine crops, including cotton

(16%), yam (6.8%), sweet potato (5%), sugar cane (4%), and cassava (4%). (3 percent). In the

case of sweet potatoes, despite a decrease in the number of farmers, the cropped area increased

by 11%.

Laos has one of Southeast Asia's fastest-growing economies. Since 2000, the country's economy

has grown by 7.5% per year on average, while trade has grown by 17% per year, demonstrating

the importance of trade as a key driver of growth. Though Laos is on the verge of graduating

from the category of "least developed country," the country still faces macroeconomic and

structural challenges. Rice continues to be the most common temporary crop, accounting for

nearly 80% of all land used for temporary crop production, despite a substantial increase in

maize cultivation, with the area devoted to maize growing at a rate of 15% per year on average.

Cotton, yam, sweet potato, sugar cane, and cassava farmers, on the other hand, are in short

supply. Depending on the topography of the land, most farm households use a mixed farming

method. During the rainy season, farmers in the Northern provinces cultivate rice alongside other

crops such as maize, cassava, and vegetables. Farmers grow vegetables, groundnuts, and other

rain fed crops, including tropical fruits, in the rain fed paddy fields of the Central and Southern

provinces. Commercial crop production, such as rubber, sugar cane, cassava, and maize, has

recently grown in several parts of the region.

Between the two periods, the average cropped area per grower increased, especially for crops
other than rice, such as maize (0.2 ha to 0.7 ha), sugar cane (0.1 ha to 0.5 ha), sesame (0.03 ha to

0.4 ha), cassava (0.1 ha to 0.4 ha), groundnut (0.23 ha to 0.29 ha), and soybean (0.17 ha to 0.28

ha). This may be because, despite the decrease in grower numbers, the remaining farmers have

expanded their land holdings. Although many growers grow other important crops such as

cassava, sugar cane, soybean, and groundnut, these crops do not occupy a significant share of

land area across provinces, with a few exceptions – namely, Vientiane Capital, Borikhamxay,

Sekong, and Sarvane – where the percentage of land area allocated for growing cassava

exceeded that allocated for maize.

Cassava Storage

One of the most important refined by-products from cassava root is high-quality cassava flour. A

gluten-free flour is useful to coeliac patients. Cassava flour is a high-calorie food with a high

carbohydrate (CHO) content. Cassava-based foods have been shown in studies to benefit the

nervous system and alleviate stress, anxiety, and irritable bowel syndrome. The high energy

value and CHO material are responsible for this. Carotenoids are abundant in flour made from

improved cassava varieties (biofortified with high carotenoid pigment crops), making it a strong

and inexpensive source of vitamin A. The nutritive value of carotenoid plants is due to its ability

to convert to vitamin A, as in -carotene, as well as its antioxidant properties. As a result,

preserving the bioactive components of cassava flour requires an optimal postharvest handling

operation. Consumers and food producers have been increasingly concerned about the nutritional

quality and protection of food (free of any environmental, chemical, or microbial contamination)

in recent years, rather than the quantity of the commodity. As a result, preserving desirable food

quality attributes requires optimal packaging and storage conditions. A previous study found that
food powders (wheat flour, tea powder, and whey permeate) exposed to 20°C and 66 percent

relative humidity (RH) had an increase in moisture content (MC), resulting in increased wall

friction and caking of the flour. The hygroscopic existence of food powders was blamed for the

situation. However, storing soybean flour at 40°C and 90% RH had a major impact on flour

consistency, as the decrease in fat content was greater at the higher storage temperature than the

ambient temperature (25–35°C) over the 75-day storage period (Amarachi D. Uchechukwu-

Agua, 2015).

Sorted, washed, peeled, and re-washed lean cassava root (without breaks/cuts) with flowing tap

water. Electric stainless steel chips-making machines (YS QS400, Shandong, China) were used

to slice the roots into 2–3 cm long chips, which were then sun-dried for 3 days at a temperature

of about 40 2°C to achieve a steady MC of about 13%. Dried cassava chips from the two

cultivars were packed separately in sterile polyethylene bags and transported at room

temperature to Stellenbosch University's Department of Food Science. A Cyclone Laboratory

milling machine was used to grind the chips into flour. Equipped with a 0.5 mm sieve Prior to

packaging and storage, both cultivars were subjected to a baseline study of cassava flour quality

attributes. Both cultivars' refined cassava flour was packed in separate brown paper bags (200 g)

under aseptic conditions. Using a test chamber, the packed flour was stored under specific

environmental conditions. For 12 weeks at ambient temperature (23 2°C, 60% RH) and higher

temperature (38 2°C, 60% RH). Every four weeks, cassava flour was taken from each treatment

for analysis until the 12-week period had passed. On each sampling day, all physicochemical

properties, proximate composition, and selected bioactive components were analyzed in

triplicate. It is essential to understand the postharvest behavior of fresh cassava roots in order to

store them. Any storage device must meet two requirements: (1) the product must lose as little
weight as possible during storage, and (2) the product must be of sufficient quality after storage.

Of course, the ITIcthods developed to meet these criteria should be designed to yield the highest

possible returns on investment. Since the majority of the world's cassava is provided by small

farmers, who are often working under severe economic and organizational constraints, an

emphasis on easy, low-cost techniques should be imposed.


Area of Study

There have been a few reports of fresh cassava roots being successfully stored using high-cost

systems such as refrigeration and waxing (Singh and Mathur, 1953; liT, 1973). However, given

the conditions under which much of the world's cassava is cultivated, such techniques cannot be

regarded as being commonly applicable at parcel. Using a microwave, small amounts of roots

can be preserved for many days. There are a few accounts of cassava preservation for long

periods of time using simple techniques, such as burying the roots in a trench or covering them

with straw soil and storing them within a building. Any of the carIy successes may have occurred

as a result of the roots being put in curing conditions. It is well known, however, that the

conditions needed for rapid curing of other root crops may not be optimal for storage. This is

most likely true for cassava, so the postharvest cycle can be divided into two major stages:

curing and storage.

In the Philippines' food industry, cassava is used to make cassava cake or budin, Nilupak or
Niyubak, cassava chips, and other dishes. Budin, or cassava cake, is a popular Filipino

pasalubong. It's one of the most widely consumed kakanin, especially in the provinces. There is a

street called Budin in Quezon, specifically in the town of Tayabas, that is literally lined with

stores selling kakanin and other pasalubong.

Cassava Starch Cake

It's one of the most widely consumed kakanin, especially in the provinces. There is a street called

Budin in Quezon, specifically in the town of Tayabas, that is literally lined with stores selling

kakanin and other pasalubong. The golden brown crust of cassava cake is topped with a fluffy,

creamy white honeycomb crumb. Food dyes can be used to color it, and dried fruit or nuts can be

added. Under proper storage conditions, the shelf life is many days. It is served as a dessert or as

a snack. The quantity of a product or service that consumers are willing and able to buy over a

given period of time and under a given set of economic conditions is referred to as demand.

Many involved in the cassava industry use cassava (root crop) as a commonly consumed

commodity. Its popularity is growing because of the numerous benefits and applications it offers.

A well-known commodity has been around for a long time. For the accuracy of the study, the

researchers gathered historical data on cassava (root crop) demand from the municipal office of

Tayabas City.

Cassava Cake Manufacturing Process

Because of the irregular shape of the cassava root, manual peeling reduces the high peeling loss

associated with mechanical peelers. To extract sand, gravel, and other contaminants, the peeled

root is washed with enough potable water. To make cassava mash, the root is grated. Combine

the milled cassava with the remaining ingredients. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes then cooled it and

send to packing.
Factor Involved in Demand of Cassava Cake

The price of the commodity is the most important factor influencing its demand. If other

variables remain constant, the law of demand states that as the price of a commodity rises,

demand falls. In addition, as the price falls, demand rises. The law of demand states that the price

of a product or service is inversely proportional to the demand for it.

There is a positive (direct) relationship between a consumer's income and the amount of the good

that he or she is willing and able to purchase for most goods. In other words, as income

increases, so does demand for these goods; as income falls, so does demand for these goods.

While this is a less tangible commodity, it can still have a significant effect on demand. There

are a number of variables that can alter a person's tastes or desires, leading them to choose to

purchase more or less of a commodity. When a well-known artist endorses a product or new

research arises from a rigorous analysis that indicates a certain item, the market for that product


The price of the good in question, the prices and availability of related products, price

expectations, consumer incomes, consumer tastes and preferences, advertisement budgets, and so
on are all factors to consider. We determined the intercept for the equation using the demand

equation and the data provided. It is Cassava (root crop) quantity decreases by for every rise in


. Many involved in the cassava industry use cassava (root crop) as a commonly consumed

commodity. Its popularity is growing as a result of the numerous benefits and applications it

offers. It is a well-known commodity that has been around for a long time. For the accuracy of

the study, the researchers gathered historical data on cassava (root crop) demand from the

municipal office of Tayabas City.


Elasticity is a measure of how sensitive a variable is to changes in another variable. The degree

to which individuals, customers, or suppliers adjust their demand or the amount supplied in

response to price or income changes is referred to as elasticity in business and economics. It is

also used to figure out how much a shift in a product or service's price affects customer demand.

Elasticity, which is defined as the percentage change in a dependent variable, Y, as a result of a

percentage change in the value of an independent variable, X, is a measure of responsiveness

used in demand analysis. The higher the elasticity of a specific economic variable, the more

sensitive consumers are to changes in the price of a commodity or/and changes in other market

determinants. Mostly grown for industrial purposes like starch and alcohol. For smallholder

farmers, cassava has become a "cash crop." Farmers are still not using the best inputs for long-

term cassava production.

D = 41.9619 – 0.8409P + 0.004224I is the general equation for calculating demand, and the

demand equation is

D = 41.9619 – 0.8409P + 0.004224I

when I = 1,000.

D = 41.9619 – 0.8409P + 0.004224(1,000)

D = 46.1859 – 0.8409P

P = 54.9244 – 1.1892D

When the price (P) is Php20, the quantity requested (Q) is 29.3679 kilograms per day, or 29

kilogrammes per day of (cassava root crop). If, on the other hand, the Q = 33.5724 kg/day or 34

kg/day of cassava (root crop). The price elasticity can be calculated as follows:

The demand for cassava (root crop) is an inelastic demand since it does not easily reacts to

changes in price. The computed elasticity is 0.4676. This means that for each 1 percent change in

price, the quantity demanded for cassava (root crop) will change by 0.4676 percent.

Marginal revenue is the additional income generated from the sale of one more unit of a good or

service. Computing for the marginal revenue:

P = 54.9244 – 1.1892D


TR = (54.9244 – 1.1892D)D

TR = 54.9244D – 1.1892D

MR = 54.9244 – 2.3784D

Demand Estimation
Research design to estimate cassava (root crop) demand because it better served the questions

and goals of the report. Furthermore, those who manufacture cassava products, specifically
cassava cake or budin and nilupak from Tayabas district, are the target population for this study.

The data that are gathered from the respondents are show in the table below.

Demand per
Kilo (D) Price Income
1 15 25 700
2 45 25 1150
3 15 25 1000
4 15 25 900
5 25 25 1000
6 25 25 850
7 15 25 900
8 45 25 2400
9 15 25 1100
10 45 25 800
11 25 25 1200
12 15 25 800
13 45 25 700
1 15 20 800
2 45 20 1000
3 25 20 700
4 15 20 800
5 25 20 700
6 25 20 1300
7 15 20 1400
8 45 20 2800
9 15 20 1500
10 50 20 700
11 35 20 1200
12 25 20 900
13 45 20 750
1 25 15 900
2 50 15 1200
3 35 15 1000
4 25 15 900
5 35 15 700
6 35 15 1500
7 25 15 1600

The table above depicts the accumulated demand for cassava in relation to price and income


D = 41.9619 – 0.8409P + 0.004224I

We calculated the intercept for the equation using the demand equation and the data provided. It

is 41.96. Cassava (root crop) quantity decreases by 0.8409 for every rise in price, according to

research. On the other hand, as income rises, the quantity of cassava (root crop) required rises by


The negative sign in the price coefficient equation indicates an elastic relationship, meaning that

as prices rise, demand for cassava (root crop) falls, and vice versa. Furthermore, the positive sign

in the income coefficient means that cassava (root crop) is a normal good, as the nilupak and

cassava cake maker can afford more cassava if their income rises.

Regeression Analysis
A collection of statistical methods for estimating relationships between a dependent variable and

one or more independent variables is known as regression analysis. It can be used to determine
the strength of a relationship between variables and to predict how they will interact in the


There are many types of regression analysis, including linear, multiple linear, and nonlinear.

Simple linear and multiple linear models are the most common. Nonlinear regression analysis is

widely used for more complex data sets with nonlinear relationships between the dependent and

independent variables.

A model that assesses the relationship between a dependent variable and an independent variable

is known as simple linear regression. The following equation expresses the basic linear model:

Y = a + bX + ϵ
Multiple linear regression analysis is essentially similar to the simple linear model, with the

exception that multiple independent variables are used in the model. The mathematical

representation of multiple linear regression is:

Y = a + bX1 + cX2  + dX3 + ϵ

The association between independent variables should be as low as possible. It would be difficult

to determine the true relationships between the dependent and independent variables if the

independent variables are strongly correlated with each other.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.20866
R Square 0.043539
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error
Observations 32

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 300306.9 300306.9 1.365628 0.251767
Residual 30 6597115 219903.8
Total 31 6897422

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%
Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept 864.5613 216.6227 3.991093 0.000391 422.1588 1306.964 422.1588 1306.964
15 7.961741 6.813053 1.168601 0.251767 -5.95237 21.87585 -5.95237 21.87585


Predicted 700Residuals
Standard Residuals Percentile 700
1 1222.84 -72.8397 -0.1579 1.5625 700
2 983.9875 16.01253 0.034711 4.6875 700
3 983.9875 -83.9875 -0.18206 7.8125 700
4 1063.605 -63.6049 -0.13788 10.9375 700
5 1063.605 -213.605 -0.46304 14.0625 700
6 983.9875 -83.9875 -0.18206 17.1875 750
7 1222.84 1177.16 2.551758 20.3125 800
8 983.9875 116.0125 0.251483 23.4375 800
9 1222.84 -422.84 -0.9166 26.5625 800
10 1063.605 136.3951 0.295667 29.6875 800
11 983.9875 -183.987 -0.39883 32.8125 850
12 1222.84 -522.84 -1.13337 35.9375 900
13 983.9875 -183.987 -0.39883 39.0625 900
14 1222.84 -222.84 -0.48305 42.1875 900
15 1063.605 -363.605 -0.78819 45.3125 900
16 983.9875 -183.987 -0.39883 48.4375 900
17 1063.605 -363.605 -0.78819 51.5625 1000
18 1063.605 236.3951 0.512439 54.6875 1000
19 983.9875 416.0125 0.9018 57.8125 1000
20 1222.84 1577.16 3.418847 60.9375 1000
21 983.9875 516.0125 1.118572 64.0625 1100
22 1262.648 -562.648 -1.21967 67.1875 1150
23 1143.222 56.7777 0.123078 70.3125 1200
24 1063.605 -163.605 -0.35465 73.4375 1200
25 1222.84 -472.84 -1.02499 76.5625 1200
26 1063.605 -163.605 -0.35465 79.6875 1300
27 1262.648 -62.6484 -0.1358 82.8125 1400
28 1143.222 -143.222 -0.31047 85.9375 1500
29 1063.605 -163.605 -0.35465 89.0625 1500
30 1143.222 -443.222 -0.96078 92.1875 1600
31 1143.222 356.7777 0.773395 95.3125 2400
32 1063.605 536.3951 1.162756 98.4375 2800

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.057642
R Square 0.003323
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error
Observations 12

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 7281.909 7281.909 0.033336 0.858774
Residual 10 2184385 218438.5
Total 11 2191667

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept 1066.667 134.9193 7.905963 1.31E-05 766.0478 1367.286 766.0478 1367.286
25 0 0 65535 #NUM! 0 0 0 0


Predicted 700Residuals
Standard Residuals Percentile 700
1 1066.667 83.33333 0.186693 4.166667 700
2 1066.667 -66.6667 -0.14935 12.5 800
3 1066.667 -166.667 -0.37339 20.83333 800
4 1066.667 -66.6667 -0.14935 29.16667 850
5 1066.667 -216.667 -0.4854 37.5 900
6 1066.667 -166.667 -0.37339 45.83333 900
7 1066.667 1333.333 2.987087 54.16667 1000
8 1066.667 33.33333 0.074677 62.5 1000
9 1066.667 -266.667 -0.59742 70.83333 1100
10 1066.667 133.3333 0.298709 79.16667 1150
11 1066.667 -266.667 -0.59742 87.5 1200
12 1066.667 -366.667 -0.82145 95.83333 2400

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.209019
R Square 0.043689
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error
Observations 12

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 170705.6 170705.6 0.456849 0.514427
Residual 10 3736586 373658.6
Total 11 3907292

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept 1145.833 176.4602 6.493436 6.95E-05 752.6554 1539.011 752.6554 1539.011
20 0 0 65535 #NUM! 0 0 0 0


Predicted 800Residuals
Standard Residuals Percentile 800
1 1145.833 -145.833 -0.24469 4.166667 700
2 1145.833 -445.833 -0.74805 12.5 700
3 1145.833 -345.833 -0.58026 20.83333 700
4 1145.833 -445.833 -0.74805 29.16667 750
5 1145.833 154.1667 0.258672 37.5 800
6 1145.833 254.1667 0.426459 45.83333 900
7 1145.833 1654.167 2.775477 54.16667 1000
8 1145.833 354.1667 0.594246 62.5 1200
9 1145.833 -445.833 -0.74805 70.83333 1300
10 1145.833 54.16667 0.090885 79.16667 1400
11 1145.833 -245.833 -0.41248 87.5 1500
12 1145.833 -395.833 -0.66416 95.83333 2800

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.209756
R Square 0.043998
Adjusted R Square
Standard Error
Observations 6

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 27058.57 27058.57 0.18409 0.68998
Residual 4 587941.4 146985.4
Total 5 615000

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept 1150 156.517 7.347446 0.001827 715.4392 1584.561 715.4392 1584.561
15 0 0 65535 #NUM! 0 0 0 0


Standard Residuals
Predicted 900Residuals
Standard Residuals Percentile 900
1 1150 50 0.142566 8.333333 700
2 1150 -150 -0.4277 25 900
3 1150 -250 -0.71283 41.66667 1000
4 1150 -450 -1.2831 58.33333 1200
5 1150 350 0.997965 75 1500
6 1150 450 1.283098 91.66667 1600
Demand Forecasting

Year Annual Sales

2015 2,385,000

2016 2,425,000

2017 2,495,000

2018 2,565,000
The data on the table represents annual cassava (root crop) revenue, which will be used to
estimate sales for the next five years. The data for 2018 was compiled by combining the sales of
each budin and nilupak vendor, multiplying it by the price of cassava (root crop), which is Php
15.00, and multiplying it by 360 days. The same procedure is followed in order.
In order to predict annual revenue for the next five years, the researcher used the arithmetic
straight-line process. This method's formula is as follows:
Yn - Yc
Yc = a + Y i N
–1-1 where: a =

Where: Yc = initial value (1st year)

Yn = final value

(last year) N =

number of years

Yi = value for the year past

Year Actual (Y) a + Yi - 1 = Forecast (Yc)
2015 2,385,000.0

2016 2,425,000.0 60,000.00 + 2,385,000.00 = 2,445,000.00


2017 2,495,000.0 60,000.00 + 2,445,000.00 = 2,505,000.00


2018 2,565,000.0 60,000.00 + 2,505,000.00 = 2,565,000.00


2019 60,000.00 + 2,565,000.00 = 2,625,000.00

2020 60,000.00 + 2,625,000.00 = 2,685,000.00

2021 60,000.00 + 2,685,000.00 = 2,745,000.00

2022 60,000.00 + 2,745,000.00 = 2,805,000.00

2023 60,000.00 + 2,805,000.00 = 2,865,000.00


The researchers concluded that the primary factors affecting the demand for cassava (root crop)

used to make budin and nilupak are the price of the commodity, the income of the sellers, and

their taste and preferences, based on the data gathered and collected through surveys and

questionnaires. The demand is supported by the responses and demonstrates fascinating

outcomes, as shown by the survey and questionnaire results, as well as the various scenarios

enlisted. According to the sellers of cassava cake and nilupak, as well as the researchers'

findings, the price of the cassava (root crop) itself is the most important factor influencing

demand. According to the market report, this aspect accounts for a significant amount of

consumption. The researchers predicted and measured the forecasted revenue for the next five

years using forecasting techniques, specifically regression analysis. According to the data

collected, the demand for cassava (a root crop) is expected to increase significantly over the next

five years. And, in terms of the cassava industry's future prospects, particularly if large-scale

development continues, the budin and nilupak industries will expand in line with the researchers'

forecasted sales.
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