Topic 6 Medical Vocabulary

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Nama : Forida Angelina Sihaloho

NIM : 193302040087
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II

Unit association 2: partnerships

Exercise 1.
Link each verb on the left with a noun on the right to make 10 'partnerships'. The first
one has been done for you as an example.

Verbs Nouns

1. administer an improvement
2. analyze a baby
3. arrange antibiotics
4. burp the treatment
5. catch some infections
6. detect an appointment
7. discontinue a sample
8. ease the pain
9. resist a drug
10. prescribe a cold

Exercise 2.
Complete these sentences using the partnerships from Exercise 1. You may have to
make some changes to fit the grammar of the sentences. The first one has been done
for you as an example.

1. The doctor will administer a drug to the patient.

2. She was resist antibiotics .

3. As soon as the patient reported severe side-effects, the doctor discontinue the treatment .

4. I've catch a cold from one of my colleagues at work.

5. The laboratory analyze a sample of the food and found traces of bacteria.

6. A healthy body can detect some infections .

7. I would like to arrange an appointment with the dental hygienist for 10.00am tomorrow.

8. She had an injection to ease the pain in her leg.

9. The health visitor advised the new parents to burp a baby after feeding.

10. The nurses prescribe an improvement in the patient's condition.

Unit 0000
There are 20 nouns connected with medicine in the box below. Use them to complete
the sentences - in some cases you will need to make them plural. The first one has
been done for you as an example.

accident allergy ambulance biopsy consent course examination excess

exercise injection intake overdose paroxysm progress rash recurrence
surgery tendency treatment vaccination

1. He developed an allergy to penicillin.

2. He suffered recurrence of coughing in the night.

3. She went into a coma after an overdose of heroin.

4. The patient will need plastic surgery to remove the scars he received in the accident.

5. She took a injection of steroid treatment.

6. He had a paroxixsm of a fever which he had caught in the tropics.

7. There is a course to obesity in her family.

8. From the examination of the X-ray photographs, it seems that the tumor has not spread.

9. The doctor gave him an intake to relieve the pain.

10. He doesn't take enough Exercise : that's why he's fat.

11. The injured man was taken away in an ambulance .

12. She was advised to reduce her tendency of sugar.

13. The biopsy of the tissue from the growth showed that it was benign.

14. The parents gave their consent for their son's heart to be used in the
transplant operation.

15. The doctors seem pleased that she has made such good progress since her operation.

16. This is a new Treatment for heart disease.

17. Her body could not cope with an excess of blood sugar.

18. Three people were injured in the accident on the motorway.

19. Vaccination is mainly given against cholera, diphtheria, rabies, smallpox, tuberculosis
and typhoid.

20. She had a high temperature and then broke out in a rash .
Unit 00001
Complete the sentences using the adjectives in the box. Use each adjective once only.
The first one has been done for you as an example.

awarecompatibleconfuseddelicate depressed hoarsehygienic

inactiveinfectious inoperable insanitary lethal
motionless poisonous predisposed regular safe severe

1. This is a safe painkiller, with no harmful side-effects.

2. Some mushrooms are good to eat and some are poisonous .

3. The surgeons are trying to find a donor with a compatible blood group.

4. The surgeon decided that the cancer was severe .

5. These fumes are inoperable if inhaled.

6. The body has an predisposed tendency to reject transplanted organs.

7. The tests detected incipient diabetes mellitus.

8. The serum makes the poison inactive .

9. A lethal outbreak of whooping cough occurred during the winter.

10. Old people can easily become confused if they are moved from their homes.

11. Catatonic patients can sit motionless for hours.

12. Don't touch food with dirty hands: it isn't hygienic .

13. All the members of the family are inborn to vascular diseases.

14. She is not aware of what is happening around her.

15. The bones of a baby's skull are very delicate .

16. Cholera spread rapidly because of the insanitary conditions in the town.

17. He was depressed after his exam results.

18. He was advised to make regular visits to the dentist.

19. This strain of flu is highly infectious .

20. He became hoarse after shouting too much.

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