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Black Orcs

Smarter, stronger,
more vicious and better Special rules
equipped than the normal Animosity:
Animosity Standard rules for Animosity (as per the
Orc (and that’s saying something Orc Mob Rules in the Mordheim Annual 2002).
about Orcs). Black Orcs are amongst
some of the worst foes anyone can face Let the goons do the work:work Black Orcs rely on
in single combat and a band of them is themselves to do the killing and do not ride mounts
certainly something to put the fear into the of any kind. Only normal Orcs may ride a boar or
hearts of men. They do appear more built than other such mount.
born and it is little wonder that there are many Da Boss is Dead!
Dead!:If the Boss should be killed a Black
rumours regarding their origins. Orc will always assume leadership of the warband
Since the Storm of Chaos there are many, many more before any other type, irrespective of relative
of these monsters now wandering the Empire, having experience. The replacement will automatically
followed Grimgor Ironhide in his Waaagh! Where acquire the "Oi Behave!" skill.
once the forces of the Empire could have tracked
down warbands in a matter of weeks, now there is
no means or enough men to perform such a task and
Choice of warriors
thus the Black Orcs roam freely. A Black Orc warband must include a minimum of
What aims do the Black Orcs have? What is the point three models. You have 500 Gold Crowns with which
of a tornado? It is meaningless to ponder such you can use to recruit your initial warband. The
matters because all the Orcs want is to fight and that maximum number of warriors in the warband may
means attacking whoever crosses never exceed 12.
their path. Whatever they gain from Black Orc Boss:
Boss Each Black Orc warband must have
such battling is simply one Black Orc Boss.
that they get to fight. Black Orcs:
Orcs Your warband may include up to 2 Black
There is no logic Orcs.
from them nor can Young’uns:
Young’uns Your warband can include up to 2
any be expected. Young’uns.
Orc Boys:
Boys Any number of models may be Orc Boys.
Orc Shootaz:
Shootaz You may only have as many Shootaz as
the warband has Boyz.
Orc Nuttaz:
Nuttaz Your warband may include up to 4 Orc
Troll: You may include a single Troll in the warband.

Starting Experience
A Black Orc Boss starts with 20 experience.
Black Orcs start with 8 experience.
Young’uns start with 0 experience.
All Henchmen start with 0 experience.

Characteristic Increase
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Black Orc 4 7 6 5 6 3 5 4 9
Orc 4 6 6 4 5 3 5 4 9
Black Orc Skill Table
Combat Shooting Academic Strength Speed Special

Black Orc Boss √ √ √ √ √

Black Orc √ √ √ √ √
Young’uns √ √ √

Black Orc equipment list

The following lists are used by Black Orc warbands to pick their equipment:


to-hand combat weapons Hand
Han d-to-
to-hand combat weapons
Dagger...................................................1st free/2 gc Dagger...................................................1st free/2 gc
Axe...................................................................... 5 gc Axe...................................................................... 5 gc
Sword ............................................................... 10 gc Sword ............................................................... 10 gc
Choppa (counts as a Morning Star)................ 10 gc Choppa (counts as a Morning Star)................ 10 gc
Spear ................................................................ 10 gc Spear ................................................................ 10 gc
Two-handed weapon....................................... 15 gc Two-handed weapon....................................... 15 gc
(Boyz and Nuttaz only)
Missile weapons
Bow .................................................................. 10 gc Missile weapons
Crossbow ......................................................... 25 gc Bow .................................................................. 10 gc
Crossbow ......................................................... 25 gc
Armour (Shootaz only)
Light Armour.................................................... 20 gc
Heavy Armour .................................................. 50 gc Armour
Shield ................................................................. 5 gc Light Armour.................................................... 20 gc
Buckler ............................................................... 5 gc Shield ................................................................. 5 gc
Helmet.............................................................. 10 gc Helmet.............................................................. 10 gc

Black Orc Special Skills

Black Orc Heroes may use the following Skill list instead of the standard skill lists available to them.

proven warrior waaagh!

This young warrior has proven himself worthy of his Orcs are aggressive creatures and some are experts at
Black Orc heritage. This skill may only be taken by a bulldozing charges. The warrior may add +D3" to his
Young’un with the Black Orc blood ability and 25 charge range.
experience. Once he gains this skill, the model is now
considered a full Black Orc Warrior (yet still retains ’ere we go!
the title of Young’un). He follows all the rules for
Black Orcs and uses their equipment list and has Orcs often charge even the most fearsome opponents.
access to the same skill lists as a Black Orc. The model may ignore Fear and Terror tests when
’ard ead da cunnin’ plan
The warrior has a thick skull even for an Orc. He has a
special 3+ save on a D6 to avoid being stunned. If the Only the Boss may have this skill. The warband may
save is made, treat a stunned result as knocked down re-roll any failed Rout tests as long as the Boss is not
instead. If the Orc also wears a helmet, this save is 2+ out of action.
instead of 3+ (this takes the place of the normal
helmet special rule). ’eadbasher
Orcs have massive physical strength and some of them
even learn to aim their blows at the heads of their
opponents, with obvious results. Any knocked down
results which the Orc causes in hand-to-hand count as
stunned results instead.
1 Black Orc Boss 0 – 2 Young’uns
90 Gold Crowns to hire 25 Gold Crowns to hire
Amongst some of the toughest of the tough, a Black Keen eager and, above all, green recruits to any
Orc Boss has fought in numerous battles and proven warband, these lads haven’t seen anywhere near as
to the gods just how truly powerful they can become. much action as the others in the warband and they’re
Taking a warband is the start of their ambitions as plenty keen to get in there and do some damage. Of
they will seek victories to meld the Boyz into larger course one day, they know it’ll be their warband.
and larger warbands until they have a Horde at their
beck and call. Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 2 2 3 4 1 2 1 6
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 4 4 4 4 1 3 1 8 Weapons/Armour:
Weapons/Armour Young’uns may be equipped with
weapons and armour taken from the Henchmen
Weapons/Armour A Black Orc Boss may be equipped Equipment List.
with weapons and armour chosen from the Black Orc
Black Orc Blood:
Blood One Young’un may be upgraded to
SPECIAL RULES a Black Orc Young’un for 10gc. This upgrade allows
Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Boss may use his him to take the ‘Proven Warrior’ skill upgrade, thus
Leadership characteristic when taking Leadership making him a fully-fledged Black Orc Warrior.
Black Orc
Orc: Model starts with a natural 6+ Armour
Save. This save may be combined with other
equipment to improve it.
Oi Behave!: If any Henchman fails his Animosity test
within 6” of the Boss, the player may opt to have the
boss stamp his authority (and clenched fist) on the
The misbehaving Henchman will receive an automatic
hit at the strength of the Orc player’s choosing. If the
Henchman is still on his feet after his slap, he may
add a number equal to the strength of the slap to his
subsequent roll to determine the effects of Animosity.
E.g. The player decides that the Boss will hit a
misbehaving Henchman with a S2 slap. If the slap fails
to Knock Down, Stun or Out of Action the
Henchman, then he adds +2 to the Animosity Effect

0 – 2 Black Orcs
60 Gold Crowns to hire
In it for the mayhem, maybe even some loyalty to the
Boss of the warband, these Black Orcs lead the charge
at every turn, knowing that killing is only at arm’s
reach all the time and they don’t care what the target
is, some Imperial peasant, herd of Beastmen or even
the Boyz in the warband. The Black Orcs just don’t

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armour Black Orcs may choose any
equipment from the Black Orc equipment list.

Black Orc:
Orc Model starts with a 6+ Armour Save. This
may be improved upon by other equipment.
Orc Boyz 0 – 4 Orc Nuttaz
25 Gold Crowns to hire 40 Gold Crowns to hire
No warband would be complete without the warm These are Orcs who have been left a little bit…
bodies to makeup the number and thus the Boyz are unstable by the Storm of Chaos. They ain’t right in the
essential, purely because the Black Orcs need head, I tell you, especially by Orc standards.
someone to kick around when they can’t find Eventually they’ll kill themselves, but only after
anything else to do it too. they’ve killed everyone else.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 6 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 1 5*

Weapons/Armour Boyz may choose equipment from Weapons/Armour
pons/Armour Nuttaz may choose weapons and
the Henchman equipment list. armour from the Henchman equipment list.


Animosity: At the start of every turn, every Boy must
Animosity Unstable:
Unstable These Orcs are not quite all there. They do
take a Ld Test for Animosity, as per the rules in the not suffer from Animosity, but instead have a host of
Mordheim 2002 Annual. their own issues to deal with.
Crazy Nuttaz always pass any Leadership-based Tests
Orc Shootaz they have to take. A side effect of this is that their
minds are too far-gone and they may never learn
25 Gold Crowns to hire Academic Skills should they become a Hero on an
Not all Orcs enjoy getting into a fight straight away. Advance Roll.
Some are hunters, tracking prey and shooting it down Savage:
Savage Nuttaz must always run or charge their
from a distance, others recognise that sometimes you maximum distance towards the nearest opponent
need to soften up a really tough foe from a distance they can see. Friendly models do not block line of
before moving in to finish them off. This is the closest sight. Additionally they fight with an extra attack
Orcs come to outright cowardice. whilst in combat. This does not appear on their
profile nor does it count towards the racial maximum.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld If no enemy is visible they are moved under the
4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 6 player’s control. They can never use any form of
armour or ranged weapons. Nuttaz
Weapons/Armour Shootaz may choose equipment are also too unstable for other Boyz and
from the Henchman equipment list. can never have the Leader ability or
use their Ld stat for rout tests, excepting
SPECIAL RULES them as being the only models left on
Animosity At the start of every turn, every Shoota the board.
must take a Ld Test for Animosity, as per the rules in
the Mordheim 2002 Annual.
Uncommon A warband may not
hire more Shootaz than they
have Boyz. If a boy dies and
the Shootaz outnumber the
Boyz, the next hire must be
a boy so that the balance
is restored.
enemy successfully inflicts a wound on a Troll roll a
0 – 1 Troll D6, on a result of 4 or more the wound is ignored
and the Troll is unhurt. Trolls may not regenerate
200 Gold Crowns to hire. wounds caused by fire or fire-based magic. Trolls
Trolls are not intelligent enough to recognise the never roll for Injury after a battle, unless they were
value of gold, but large amounts of food can often taken Out of Action by a Flaming weapon or spell.
instil a certain loyalty in them. Black Orc Boss like Then they roll after the battle as a normal Henchman.
having Trolls in their bands because it’s good to have
someone who’ll follow any order, no matter how Dumb Monster:
Monster A Troll is far too stupid to ever learn
stupid or suicidal. any new skills. Trolls do not gain experience.
Always Hungry:
Hungry A Troll requires an upkeep cost. This
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld upkeep represents the copious amounts of food that
6 3 1 5 4 3 1 3 4 must be fed to the Troll in order to keep him loyal to
the warband. The warband must pay 20 gold crowns
Weapons/Armour Trolls do not require weapons to after every game in order to keep the Troll. If a
fight but often carry a big club. In any event, Trolls warband lacks the gold to pay the upkeep, the Boss
can never be given weapons or armour. has the option to let him count as 2 members, letting
the Troll cost only 5 crowns. However this does
SPECIAL RULES effectively drop your maximum warband size down to
Fear: Trolls are frightening monsters, which cause
Fear 11 models).
Fear. Vomit Attack
Attack: Instead of his normal attacks, a Troll
Stupidity A Troll is subject to the rules for stupidity. can regurgitate its highly corrosive digestive juices on
an unfortunate hand-to-hand combat opponent. This
Large Target
Target: Trolls are large targets with regards to is a single attack that automatically hits with a
being targets for shooting. Strength of 5 and ignores armour saves.
Regeneration Trolls have a unique physiology that
allows them to regenerate wounds. Whenever an

Bogrutz looked at the various Orcs stood in front of him and then rolled his eyes. Not a
veteran amongst them. Oh they had weapons that looked rusty, blood-stained and
used, but you could nab such weapons from any battlefield.
He looked down on one of the ‘volunteers’. “Boy, wos yer doin’ ‘ere? ‘Ever sliced a ‘umie
from belly to skull?”
The Orc nodded with a large smile and shook his cleaver. “Wid dis fing. Gots seven o’
“Course yer did, boy an’ ah’m Grimgor hisself.” Bogrutz took a step away and a deep
breath. He’d seen worse in his years, but you could never fault dedication. He just
wished that there were more experienced warriors there.
“Right, ‘ere’s wot we be doin’. Goin’ down dis ‘ill, hit anyone hoo stands in front o’ us,
batter everyt’ing we like an’ den we be doin’ somet’in’ impertent. Gots it?”
The Boyz nodded and even cheered a little. It was always good to do subtle and easy
stuff with new warriors. Get some action under their belt before throwing them at the
enemy or something really big. Bogrutz had a good feeling about them and if they did
fail him, there were plenty more from where they came from.

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