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What is Filter Feeding?

In zoology, filter feeding is a method of obtaining food in which food particles

or microscopic creatures are randomly filtered from the water. Filter feeding is
mostly found in small to medium-sized invertebrates, although it can also be
seen in a few large vertebrates (e.g., flamingos, baleen whales).

The gills of bivalves like the clam, which are larger than required for breathing,
also serve to strain suspended particles from the water. Cilia, which are
hairlike filaments, create a water stream across the gills, and other cilia carry
trapped food particles over the gill face and into food grooves. Many bristle
worms, such as the Sabella fan worm, have ciliated tentacles near their
mouths that catch passing food particles. Certain crustaceans, such as the
brine shrimp Artemia, have hairlike setae on their limbs that filter microscopic
creatures as they swim.

The blue whale's teeth are replaced by baleen or whalebone. The shrimp-like
krill ingested by the whale in a mouthful of water is trapped by these narrow
vertical plates, which dangle inside the mouth cavity and are fringed on the
inner edges.

Filter Feeding Meaning - Feeding by filtering out plankton or nutrients

suspended in the water.

Filter Feeding Animals

Clams, krill, sponges, baleen whales, and a variety of fish are among the filter
feeding animals (including some sharks). Some birds, such as flamingos and
certain duck species, are filter feeders as well. Filter feeders play a vital role in
water clarification and are hence classified as ecosystem engineers.

Types of Filter Feeders 

There are Two Types of Filter Feeders:
Internal Filter Feeders - Internal filter feeders have a basket-like filter inside a
body cavity with two syphons that open to the outside. Water is brought in by
one hole (the incurrent syphon), pumped through the filter to remove minute
food particles, and then discharged via another opening (the excurrent
siphon). Food particles are moved from the filter to the animal's mouth via
External Filter Feeders - All barnacles, both acorn and goose, as well as
various types of polychaete worms, adopt this method. Barnacles are
crustaceans that have been considerably changed, standing on their heads
and sifting with their legs. Instead of pushing water over the filter, these
animals utilise a grabbing motion, extending their feet upwards into the water
in a rhythmic manner and then quickly bringing them back within the shell,
along with any collected food.

The tube-dwelling polychaete worms, sometimes known as feather dusters,

use a similar external but retractable filter. Some dwell in mucus and sand
tubes, while others dwell in a harder, calcified tube. When challenged by low
tide or predation, they can retract and close a door (operculum).

Filter Feeding in Mollusca

Filter feeding in molluscs feeds by filtering suspended debris and food
particles from water using their gills. The majority of bivalves are filter feeders,
as evidenced by their clearing rates. Environmental stress has been shown to
affect bivalve eating through modifying animals' energy budgets, according to

Filter Feeding in Polychaetes 

The phylum Annelida is divided into four main classes, one of which is the
Polychaeta class. Filter feeders include several sedentary and tubicolous
polychaetes (such as Sabella). Polychaetes have long bipinnate filaments or
tentacles called radides on their heads, with a ciliated groove running along
their oral surface. Filter feeding in nereis diversicolor is used to gather food
particles that have sunk to the bottom of a container of water.

Filter Feeding in Echinoderms 

All echinoderm species are found in the sea. Filter feeders that collect food
particles filtered from seawater, deposit feeders that sift through sediments at
the ocean's bottom to acquire food particles, predators, and scavengers are all
examples of echinoderm eating.

Filter Feeding Mechanisms in the Sponges 

Sponges are inanimate, yet they have a water current system composed of
canals and chambers that allow them to pump in water, filter food, and
consume a large amount of it. The sponge gets water through a pore called
the ostra. The meal is subsequently captured by collar cells as it moves
through the system. The water is ejected from the sponge through an orifice
known as the oscula.

Do You Know?
What do filter feeding whales use to catch prey?
Filter feeders include blue and humpback whales, as well as other baleen
whales. They take in large gulps of krill-infested saltwater, squeezing the
water through their baleen, and swallowing their catch.
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1. Why is Filter-Feeding Important?

Answer. When small prey densities are high, filter-feeding allows individuals to
capture and process huge amounts of prey in a single mouthful, allowing them to
gain energy at high rates.

2. How Do Filter Feeders Clean Water?

Answer. Shellfish such as oysters, clams, and other shellfish are effective filter
feeders, absorbing extra nitrogen into their shells and tissue as they grow. When the
shellfish are picked, this reflects how much nitrogen is removed from the water.

3. What is the Difference Between Suspension Feeders and

Filter Feeders?

Answer. Suspension feeders, on the other hand, eat items that are suspended in
water, whereas filter feeders eat items that are so big that they aren't properly
"suspended" in water. This distinction, though, isn't often very strong.

4. What is the Filter-Feeding Mechanism?

Answer. Filter feeding is a type of aquatic feeding in which the animal consumes a
large number of small prey pieces at once. Filter feeding, in contrast to predators
that seek specific food items, entails just opening your mouth and taking in whatever
is available while filtering out the undesired bits.
Filter Feeding

 In Polychetes

 In Molluscs

 In Deuterosmia

 In Crustaceans Respiration

 Physical factors

 Pigments

 Gills and Lophophores in Polychetes

 Gills and Lungs in Molluscs

 Gills and Trachea in Arthropods Syllabus

Filter Feeding This type is found only in aquatic animals

It is disappeared from the terrestrial animals due to the lower density of air

It is occurred in small aquatic animals

It takes place through special organs

 Filter Feeding in Polychetes

The simple and good examples occur among the polychaetes

 These worms are free-moving

 Macrophagous and microphagous

 Most have an eversible pharynx

 Pharynx is used for burrowing and feeding

Filter Feeding in Polychetes

The simple and good example occur in Nereis

 It produces over its body surface a mucous secretion into a net which protects the surface and
forms temporary linings to burrows.

 Water can pumped through this net

.  Food particles collect in the mucus secretion in the bag and is swallowed

 This feeding mechanism have been aided by the presence of head tentacles and palps

Filter Feeding in Polychetes

 The previous structure has given rise in sedentary worms to tentacular outgrowths (gills or
branchial crowns)

 These structures use in respiration but they also use in mechanisms for the collection and
sorting of food particles

.  These structures also produce mucus which distributed over the ciliated surfaces

 This feeding mechanism have been aided by the presence of head tentacles and palps
The second example occurs in Terebellid worms

 Ciliary feeding mechanisms occur in the sedentary polychaetes

 These worms live in permanent tubes in mud

 Food particles enter the mouth opening by

 Extending the long ciliated tentacles from the head over the surface of the substratum

 Food is trapped in mucus and swept along ciliated grooves into the mouth Filter
Feeding in Polychetes

The second example occurs in Terebellid worms

 Tentacles are highly mobile

 They vary at different pointes

 At one point a tentacle will be flattened to form a zone of attachment

 Distal of this point the remainder of the tentacle explores the substratum

 Proximal the attachment point, the surface of the tentacle will be folded to form a ciliated
groove in which the food is propelled.

Filter Feeding in Polychetes

The third example occurs in Chaetopterus

 This worm lives in sand or mud a U-shaped tube

 There is no branchial crown

 There are three pairs of fans that are modified parapodia

 Water is drawn through the tube by the beating of these fans

 There is another pair of outgrowths forms two wings in front of the fans

 They are pressed against the wall of the tube

 They secrete mucus

 Mucus is drawn backwards by cilia in a ventral groove to a conical bag

 There is a small cup surrounded the conical bag

 Food particles are strained out by this mucous bag

 Food particles are rolled up into a pellet in the cup

 At intervals the secretory process stops and the cilia in the ventral groove move in reverse 
Therefore the pellet of food is transported from the cup to the mouth and swallowed. Filter
Feeding in Polychetes
Molluscs: Feeding mechanisms
Molluscs have a variety of different feeding mechanisms. The bivalve molluscs can filter-feed
fine particles form the water. Some of the single-shelled molluscs (limpets) possess a ribbon-
shaped tongue or radula, covered with rasping teeth, which enables the animal to scrape
algae from the rock. Whelks have a radula on a stalk that can extend beyond the shell and be
used to bore into the shells of other molluscs. Through these holes that they have bored they
poke the tip of the radula and suck out the flesh of the victim. The cone-shells also have a
stalked radula which is modified into type of harpoon with which they secure their prey before
injecting it with poison. In still more active carnivores the heavy shell is reduced in size and
may even be lost as has occurred in the sea-slugs which have an upper surface covered with
tentacles. One species of sea-slug actively hunts jelly fish and ingests these animals stinging
cells which it then concentrates in the tentacles and uses them for protection.

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