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This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into by and between:

________________, Filipino, of legal age, single and a resident of

________________________________ referred to as FIRST PARTY.

- and -

_________________, Filipino, of legal age, single and a resident of

________________________________ referred to as SECOND PARTY.


WHEREAS , the FIRST PARTY is the authorized supplier of

________brand name_______ solar panels, cables, batteries and materials as
retailer and contracts to supply prospective buyers.

WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY is the prospective buyers of the

above-said solar materials;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing, the

FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY agree, stipulate and undertake the
following terms and condition , to wit:

1. The FIRST PARTY will supply the said solar materials at a price of
Php_______________ per set, net of all expenses such as installation, wiring
and maintenance will be shouldered by the SECOND PARTY;

2. The SECOND PARTY agrees to pay thirty percent (30%) of the

total expenses of the of the above project;

3. The SECOND PARTY agrees not to directly contact the

_______company_______ without prior notice to the FIRST PARTY.

That we, the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY hereby Certify that
this terms and conditions confirms the truth of our agreements, and our
awareness of the foregoing duties and responsibilities among others.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands

this ____ day of August 2021 at ________________, Philippines.

____________________ ______________________
First Party Second Party
ID No._______________ ID No._________________

Signed in the presence of:

________________________ ________________________


Republic of the Philippines )

_____________________ ) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a notary public for and in the ______________,

personally appeared the above named parties and exhibited their proof of
identities, all know to me and to me known to be the same persons who
executed the foregoing instrument consisting of two (2) pages including
this acknowledgement and acknowledge to me that the same are their free
acts and voluntary deed.

WITHNESS my hand and notarial seal on the date and place ut


Doc. No.:___________
Page No.:___________
Book No.:___________
Series of 2021.

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