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Quarter 2 – Module 1
Observing Language of Research,
Campaigns, and Advocacies

English – Grade 7
English – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 1
Observing Language of Research, Campaigns, and Advocacies
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

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The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education- Region III

Secretary : Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary : Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Author : Maria Theresa E. Celso

Language Reviewer : Josie T. Torres
Content Editor : Josie T. Torres
Illustrator : Lea V. Torres
Layout Artist : Raquel C. Viquiera

Management Team:

Gregorio C. Quinto, Jr., EdD

Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Rainelda M. Blanco, PhD

Education Program Supervisor - LRMDS

Agnes R. Bernardo, PhD

EPS-Division ADM Coordinator

Jay Arr V. Sangoyo, PhD

EPS – English

Glenda S. Constantino
Project Development Officer II

Joannarie C. Garcia
Librarian II

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email address: [email protected]

Quarter 2 – Module 1
Observing Language of Research,
Campaigns, and Advocacies
Introductory Message

For the facilitator:

Welcome to the English 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Observing

Language of Research, Campaigns, and Advocacies!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from
the public schools to assist you, the teacher or facilitator, in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will
help you in guiding the learners

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the English 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Observing Language of Research, Campaigns, and Advocacies!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process
the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

This will give you an idea of the skills or

competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.

This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers

correctly (100%), you may decide to skip
this module.
This is a brief drill or review to help you link
the current lesson with the previous one.
In this portion, the new lesson will be
introduced to you in various ways; a story, a
song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity
or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of
the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.
This comprises activities for independent
practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.
This includes questions or blank
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real-life situations or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning
In this portion, another activity will be given
to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned.
This contains answers to all activities in the

At the end of this module, you will also find:

References- This is a list of all sources used in developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included
in the module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to
consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

The module provides various activities that will help you learn by observing
language of research, campaigns, and advocacies.

At the end of the module, you are expected to:

• define persuasive language;
• identify how persuasive language is used in research, campaigns, and
advocacies; and
• observe the use of persuasive techniques in addressing social issues
through research, campaigns, and advocacies.

Read the given article and answer the questions that follow by choosing the letter of
the correct answer.

Planting the Seed of Hope: Instilling Child’s Rights in Education

“Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan,” is an immortalized line of national hero Dr.
Jose Rizal. However, cliché, the A la juventud Filipina poem line still evokes aspirations to
nurture and protect today’s youth.
But what if the youth themselves have lost their hope because they fall prey to both
institutional and social abuse and violence?
On November 20, 1989, world leaders made a stand to ensure that children around
the globe be allowed to grow, learn, play, develop, and flourish with dignity. The United
Nations General Assembly made a commitment to protect the rights of the next generation,
adopting the monumental Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on that glorious day.
Thirty years later, the CRC – the international human rights treaty most widely ratified by 196
countries, including the Philippines affirms their duty to protect children’s rights.

Rights in Education

The Convention clearly outlined the rights of a child the countries must respect, protect,
and fulfill. It has inscribed and defined the rights a child, or any person under the age of 18,
which cannot be taken away.
Right to education is among these well-defined rights. In the rights-based approach,
the states have the obligation to ensure that access to quality education, as well as respect
in the learning environment, are being enjoyed by children.
By access, educational institutions must be physically and economically accessible
throughout the stages of childhood while being free of social and cultural barriers. Quality
education, meanwhile, pertains to the broad, relevant, and inclusive curriculum learners must
acquire inside a child-friendly, safe, and healthy setting.

Lastly, children must be respected, as well as their identity, views, and physical and
personal integrity in all learning environment. The child’s rights in the context of education are
categorized into four: (1) survival; (2) development; (3) protection; and (4) participation.

In essence, the aim of education is the holistic development of the full potential of the

____1. What descriptions about the cliche’ “Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan.” were
mentioned in the text?
a. We should honor our youth.
b. We should nurture and protect our youth.
c. We should preserve the future of our youth.
d. We should restrict our youth.
____2. The line, “But what if the youth themselves have lost their hope because they fall prey
to both institutional and social abuse and violence?” is an example of __________________.
a. Flattery c. Rhetorical Question
b. Exaggeration d. Facts and statistics
_____3. What does the Convention on the rights of children ensure?
a. That children around the globe be allowed to grow, learn, play, develop,
and flourish with dignity.
b. That children around the world will be allowed to protection, self-discipline
and access to technology.
c. That children around the globe will be allowed for work and self-
d. That children around the world will be allowed to self-expression, arts,
sports, literature and music.
______4. Which of the following statement is not true?
a. The State has obligation to ensure that a child has access to quality
b. The State should value a child’s family than anyone else.
c. The State shoiuld ensure that a good learning environement is enjoyed by
a child.
d. The State should ensure a child’s right to quality education.
______5. Which of the following lines provides a good description about right to education?
a. Educational institution must provide learning to children.
b. Educational institution must be physically and economically accessible
through the stages of childhood.
c. Educational institution should have world leaders to provide learning.
d. Education is a holistic development.

______6. Which among the descriptions is not mentioned about quality education setting?
a. child-friendly c. healthy
b. safe d. protective

______7. What does the line, “Thirty years later, the CRC – the international human rights
treaty most widely ratified by 196 countries, including the Philippines affirms their duty to
protect children’s rights,” show?
a. exaggeration c. personal pronouns
b. facts and statistics d. rhetorical question

______8. Which of the following identifies a description of a child according to the CRC?
a. any person in school
b. any person below 18 years old
c. any person who needs to be nurtured and protected
d. any person who belongs to the 196 countries.
______9. What is the commitment of the United nations according to the text?
a. It is a call to action for children’s rights.
b. It is to call for change to quality education.
c. It is to give protection to the rights of future generation.
d. It is to develop the Convention on Rights of Children.
______10. The line, “ In essence, the aim of education is the holistic development of the full
potential of the child.” is an example of _______________________?
a. a way of the writer to prove something wrong.
b. a way of the writer to call to action.
c. a way of the writer to get people to agree with his point
d. a way for the writer to create interest.
______11. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to inform c. to persuade
b. to explain d. to entertain
______12. Which of the following statements proves true about the CRC?
a. They aim to protect children’s right to quality education
b. They aim to ensure that children get their right through groups and
c. They aim to define children and the organization .
d. They introduce the program of the United Nations Assembly.
______13. Which of the following is an example of exagerration?
a. Children must be respected, as well as their identity, views, and physical
and personal integrity in all learning environment
b. It has inscribed and defined the rights of a child, or any person under the
age of 18, which cannot be taken away.
c. “Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan,” is an immortalized line of national
hero Dr. Jose Rizal
d. The Convention clearly outlined the rights of a child the countries must
respect, protect, and fulfill.

______14. Which of the following lines express call to action?
a. The A la juventud Filipina poem line still evokes aspirations to nurture and
protect today’s youth.
b. Educational institutions must be physically and economically accessible
throughout the stages of childhood while being free of social and cultural
c. Children must be respected, as well as their identity, views, and physical
and personal integrity in all learning environment.
d. On November 20, 1989, world leaders made a stand to ensure that children
around the globe be allowed to grow, learn, play, develop, and flourish with
______15. What is the message of the article?
a. The CRC is developed to ensure that children’s right and protection is given
b. Ensuring a child’s right to quality education is a way of the CRC to protect
c. In CRC, children are given quality education to ensure holistic future from
the government.
d. Through CRC, child’s right to education is emphasized towards survival,
development, protection, and participation.

In the previous lesson, you were able to evaluate texts with cohesion and correctness.
You learned about the importance of presenting thoughts in an organized idea.
Noting the points in organizing ideas, complete the given diagram by relating a
significant experience brought about by the distance learning to your life, connect it to the
realizations you have at present.

This gave me the realization

The new normal in education




The changes in our situation towards the new normal have affected many. One of
which is our educational system. Read the given essay and identify statements used by the
writer to convince readers to agree with a point of view.
For further understanding of the text, be guided by the processing questions that

Education as A Beacon of 21st Century Learners Amidst Crisis of COVID-19 Pandemic

By Maria Theresa E. Celso

In this day and age, we somehow are forced to exist in a new place. The Earth we are
living in seems like another dimension evolved into a new planet. The concept of what we
call “normal”, all of a sudden vanished and the usual routines we do halted. This crushed our
dreams. For the sake of health and safety, something new has to be dealt with the society.
Living for the better this time of pandemic taught us so much from personal hygiene to valuing
life, to accepting change. We have to embrace change. We have to nurture the long and
painstaking effect of this change.
For the past 8 months of being in quarantine and facing the unseen enemy, various
changes manifested in almost all aspects of our lives and society. New normal—a state of
living that differs from what was used to be prior the pandemic. Unfortunately, the world of
the teaching-learning process was not exempted from that. Education has to adapt to this new
way of living. No noisy students running around the campus, no laughters and tears of friends
along hallways. No morning stories of being in a physical classroom exhausting sweat and
blood to conquer every student-winning moment.
Education must continue. Though many have opposed the idea of continuing the
classes despite the crisis we are experiencing due to health risks it imposes, learning is still
viewed by many as must be pursued despite the struggles we are experiencing today. As
Senator Sonny Angara quoted, “Education
is the key for generations of Filipinos to
become full-fledged, productive members
of society.” Thus, education will still be a
silver lining everyone has been staring from
a gloomy cloud.
It must be strategized. No one will
be left behind— this has been the
educational battle cry of Department of
Education (DepEd) and Commission on
Higher Education (CHED) in administering
this school year 2020-2021 to ensure that
learning will still be fastened in the minds of
every student as we face the challenge of
COVID-19 pandemic. Absurd as viewed
and opposed by many, as most people
think this will only worsen the situation.
However, looking at the other side of the

coin, the continuing of education will actually radiate hope; hope that will be our key to
advance towards development for the 21st century learners, more specifically to the
21,724,454 learners who have enrolled this school year. In connection, according to Vegas
and Winthrop (2020), in this time of uncertainties, education innovation is a leapfrog moment
to fill the gap of inequality in education. Moreover,
it is learning during this time that we can help young
people through the innovative learning styles not
only to remember and understand, but also to
analyze and create. Furthermore, this brought
recognition to new ways of learning, such as the
use of blended learning. Similarly, the smart use of
technology and data among learners had been
substantial for adaptation in the modernity. It is the
changes in their mode of learning in which their
scope of competencies and skills—from literacy to
creative problem solving to collaboration—will
flourish even better.
As to what Hipolito (2020) has stated, majority of the students at this age where
boundless admittance to computerized advances consistently remain associated to gain
knowledge and technical skills. Simultaneously, today’s medium of learning engages learners
to production skills and knowledge-based industries. This actually is more the project-based
learning and field experiences which will be of big importance in the near future. In connection
to that, the sense of socialization is also not lost. The new normal in education has also
established students’ collaboration with their classmates and teachers using the media, they
are more communicative with using various devices that are available. Lastly, this upholds
inter-connection among parents and learners as the seamless shift of learning with parent-
facilitators are encouraged.
Alongside the opening of classes amidst the worldwide crisis is the emergence of
distance and flexible learning which are both crucial in fostering of determination, and
resilience of the learners. The distance learning approach implemented by Department of
Education (DepEd) is surely a challenge; nonetheless, the support and cooperation of the
community can be a binding force that will pave way to better sustainability in the future. This
sudden shift inarguably caused confusion and skepticism to most people, especially to
learners, educators, and parents as they are used to traditional mode of learning inside a four-
cornered classroom. Despite of these, the fact still remains that delving deep to the world of
technologies and internet; this is now our chance to take on virtual communication and online
education platforms as these are seen to be sustainable in the near future in conformity. What
is more as Atty. Alberto Muyot, Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children Philippines have
expounded, “The rights of children to education can still be fulfilled even if schools are closed.
Exploring available learning modalities may not be easy at this point – but is possible.
Taking everything into an account, learning is a ceaseless process. Deprivation of
education in the midst of this pandemic will lead to unpleasant effects not only to the learners,
but also to every sector of society that relates to it. 21 st century learners have to be resilient,
adaptable, and resourceful in this time as digital mediums and various platforms are already
provided for them to use. They must continuously forge themselves as life-long and effective
learners that will bring positive changes to the world. We have already been in the era of
traditional as an old school, now, virtual is in. Yet as we sail to the ocean of new normal, let
us not forget our real purpose as a learner and our commitment to our country—to become
the change and silver lining everyone has staring from a gloomy day.

Processing Questions:

1. What important idea about change is highlighted in the text?

2. What memories about school were mentioned?
3. Why must education continue? Cite one reason given in the essay.
4. How did distance learning bring innovation in the Philippine education system?
5. In your opinion, how important is education during this time of the pandemic?

As mentioned in the previous text, there is a significance for education to continue

despite the difficulties in our situation. Pursuing learning for a better future is needed for every
nation. We must never cease to learn.
Therefore, in our everyday activities, we also develop the habits and become familiar
with many things, one of which is to understand language to communicate better. We are
exposed to different types of reading materials, and languages for communication , whether
in school, or while doing our every day routine. These may also be for academic or for leisure
The language we read, speak and understand vary in purpose. They may be for
explaining a discovery such as research materials. They may also be for promotional
campaigns. Nonetheless, there are several techniques in language we use to promote
advocacies in forms of arguments, or for the development of a cause. How we utilize language
is essential for us to understand the message and the purpose the people around us convey.
Read and analyze the discussion below to identify one type of language which is
commonly used in developing reading materials especially in research, campaigns, and
A. Persuasive Language
Persuasive language refers to the language the author uses to persuade either through
speaking or writing. In writing, this includes the techniques the author utilized to convince the
reader to believe his ideas or point of view about an issue.
Through persuasive language, conviction of one’s belief is done, therefore making
others agree with our opinion. These are established through our presented facts, shared
values, accepted arguments, and concluded ideas. With the use of persuasive language in
writing, we make people adopt our way of thinking.
B. The Power of Persuasion through Language
Indeed persuasion is powerful, however what are the purposes of persuasion? Why is
it an essential part of establishing conviction?
Let us remember that the main aim of persuasive language is to convince the reader
to agree with one’s point of view. To be more specific, persuasion is intended for the following
1. Call to action – It refers to using language in doing something to achieve a goal
or deal with an existing problem.

Example: Let us work together in nurturing the youth in our community for a better
future. Decide for the younger generation.
2. Make a change – It is the use of language to make people realize make something
out of the usual.
Example: Look at the effects of illiteracy among people, we certainly do not want
the future of the Filipinos to suffer from ignorance.
3. Prove something wrong – It refers to how you prove your stand by contradicting
the opposition.
Example: Education in the new normal may be different, but it will surely develop
a better generation who is willing to adapt and to adjust to specific circumstances.
4. Create interest – It is using persuasion to spark interest and attention to the
writer’s point.
Example: The distance learning has promoted digital awareness among the young
and young and old.
5. Get people to agree with your point – It is when a writer uses language to
persuade and convince people to agree with his point.
Example: We are optimistic that the learners will realize that this new normal in
distance learning will put their generation in history.
C. Techniques in Persuasion
With the many purposes of persuasion, it may be identified that persuasion can be an
excellent tool in creating a stand in writing. Accordingly, writers adopt several persuasive
techniques in writing.
1. Flattery – It is a persuasion technique developed by complimenting your audience.
Example: The determination of learners to pursue education despite the challenges
surpasses many expectations.
2. Opinion – To state one’s opinion or stand is a persuasive technique of putting a
personal viewpoint often given as a fact.
Example: In my perspective, quality education is a right of every child.
3. Emotive language – The writer’s vocabulary plays an important part in
persuasion. Words in forms of descriptions are used to relate a particular emotion
for the audience/reader to feel. This may also include words that appeal to the
senses or imagery. In this technique the words create interest and excitement in
order to persuade the audience.
Example: Though classes are done virtually, every child awaits learning something
new with much joy and excitement.
4. Exaggeration – This technique includes use of exaggerated language for effect
and appeal.
Example: Many people with big hearts willingly shared their blessings for the
5. Groups of three – It is believed that our minds process information in patterns.
With these descriptions, statements, example etc. that come in threes are said to
be more persuasive. This is how the use of three points or reasons to prove your
argument becomes a persuasive technique.
Example: Most children are willing to defy the odds, to take the challenge, and
to surpass their limitations to continue learning.

6. Personal pronouns – It is the use of personal pronouns such as “I”, “we”, and
“you” to make the connection to your audience. This manifests person’s
involvement as opinions or point of views are stated. This is also referred to as the
inclusive language.
Example: I am conviced that you, the young ones, are the asset of this nation. We
rely on your decisions.
7. Repetition- Repeating words to emphasize a point is one kind of persuasive
technique. It reinforces the ideas as well as produces recall among the audience.
Example: As what Edward Murrow had said, “To be persuasive, we must be
believable; to be believable, we must be credible; to be credible, we must be
8. Rhetorical questions – A rhetorical question is a question which is asked not for
answers but for the effect it will create to the audience. It is used to give emphasis
and to make the audience think about the topic.
Examples: How many years do we have to wait for this to end?
Who else will accept these challenges for the sake of learning?
9. Facts and statistics - Factual data in forms of statistics, research findings, and
credible sources are used in a persuasion shows a strong support to one’s belief
or opinion.
Example: On November 20, 1989, world leaders made a stand to ensure that
children around the globe be allowed to grow, learn, play, develop, and flourish
with dignity.

Persuasive language
Remember! deals on choosing the
right words or phrases at
the right time and for the
Strong words, emphasis, right audience.
and effective use of techniques in
persuasion are essential keys in
making your audience agree with
your point.

Persuasion is around us. It is

not limited to writing, nor other
communicative skills. However,
persuasion to be achieved
successfuly must be grounded on
utilizing it in our own lives, and way
of thinking.

Independent Activity 1
Read and analyze the given statements about persuasive language. Write TRUE if the
statement is correct, write FALSE if it states otherwise.

______1. Persuasive language is used to convince readers to believe the writer’s opinion.
______2. We use persuasion to call for change,but we do not do it to stir up sympathy.
______3. We try to prove something by presenting facts that support our opinion.
______4. Persuasive language may be used to promote campaigns.
______5. Persuasion entails credibility through research and shared values.
______6. Facts and statistics are important in persuasion.
______7. Repetition is used in persuasion for flattery.
______8. We use persuasive language to call on people to join us and make a change
______9. When persuading the audience, your opinion may just be a point of view with truth
as basis.
______10. Rhetorical questions have strong persuasive power.

Independent Assessment 1
Go over the essay, “Education as A Beacon of 21 st Century Learners Amidst
Crisis of COVID-19 Pandemic,” then complete the given graphic organizer by supplying five
persuasive lines/sentences used by the writer.

Persuasive Language:
1. ______________________________________
as A
Beacon of
2. _____________________________________
Century 3. _____________________________________
Amidst 4. _____________________________________
Crisis of
COVID-19 5. ______________________________________

Independent Activity 2
Match the statements in Column A with the purpose of persuasion stated in Column B. Write
only the letter of your choice on the space before each number.

___1. I stood speechless and almost died at A. Call to action
the moment I heard the news. B. Make a change
___2. The results of the survey is very C. Prove something wrong
agreeable. The data is well explained, and D. Create Interest
findings are relevant. E. Get people agree with your point
___3. Stand firm with your decision to
pursue education. It will be your first step to
___4. Let us walk hand in hand towards
surviving this new normal in learning.
___5. On the contrary, we must view
distance learning as an opportunity to
innovate learning.

Independent Assessment 2
In the box below choose the letter of the persuasive technique used in the given
statements. Write your answer on the space provided.

A. Flattery B. Opinion C. Facts and Statistics

D. Emotive E. Repetition F. Exaggeration
G. Groups of Three H. Rhetorical Questions I. Personal Pronouns

_____1. My eyes widened in amazement, every thing seems to be delusional.

_____2. You and I will never run out of reasons to reach our dreams. Together, we can make
our lives better.
_____3. We will have better lives, better dreams in the years to come with hard work and
_____4. Why would you not believe that dreams do come true?
_____5. Our sacrifices are undoubtedly hard. The path we take is long and winding. It is our
great reward to see a pot of gold at the end of it all.
_____6. More than 27 million learners are enrolled this school year despite the pandemic.
_____7. Love your work, love what you do. In the end this love will lead you to your goal in
this world.
_____8. You are indeed a genius in this field.
_____9. I view it to be a great example of determination.
_____10. With this work, we will all be joyous, triumphant, and satisfied to have reached our
goals in life.

Independent Activity 3
Test your power of persuasion. Complete the table below by supplying at least three
persuasive techniques and their examples.

Techniques in Persuasion Example




Independent Assessment 3
Observe the ordinances and rules implemented within your community. Create a
signage about it, and using persuasive techniques, explain in three to five (3-5) sentences
why these rules or ordinances should be adopted by other communities in your municipality.

Your work will be graded using this rubric:

Criteria 5 points 4points 2 points

Creativity The signage is creatively The signage is The signage is not
done. It shows originality somewhat creative. It creatively done. It
and appeal. shows originality but shows originality but
lacks appeal lacks appeal

Content The ideas are presented The ideas are The ideas are not
clearly. They are also very presented clearly. clear. Persuasive
convincing and the They are also language used is
persuasive language used convincing but also limited.
is effective. contains weak
persuasive language.
Mechanics Sentences and ideas are Sentences and ideas Sentences and
cohesive and have no are cohesive but have ideas are not
errors. minimal errors. cohesive and has
many errors.

Complete the statements below.

From this lesson, I I will also use

discovered that… persuasive language

In the previous activities, you were able to identify the different purposes of
persuasive language as well as techniques in persuasion. We were able to see the
power in persuasion. Using this new information, write a short message of five to seven
(5-7) sentences addressed to your fellow students on how studying can be fun and
effective in this new normal using distance learning (online and modular learning).
Write it on a separate sheet of paper.

Make your essay convincing and persuasive using the following criteria:
Criteria Excellent (5 points) Satisfactory (3 points) Needs
(1 point)
Content Presents the ideas Presents the ideas Presents the ideas
related to the topic given related to the topic related to the topic
in an excellent manner. given in a satisfactory given in a
The message is also manner. The message satisfactory manner;
creative and interesting. is also creative but not but the message is
It also uses strong very interesting. It uses not creative nor
persuasive techniques minimal persuasive interesting. It does
language not make use of
Organization The ideas are organized The ideas are organized The ideas are not
and presented in a very and presented in a organized and
coherent manner. The coherent manner. The coherent. It also has
audience can easily audience can easily limited use of
follow through the use of follow through but has persuasive
persuasive techniques limited use of techniques
persuasive techniques
Mechanics Sentences and ideas Sentences and ideas Sentences and ideas
have no errors. Proper have minimal errors. In have many errors.
punctuation and some parts of the essay Proper capitalization,
capitalization are proper punctuation and and punctuation was
observed very well in capitalization is not also not observed in
the entire essay. observed. most part of the

Directions: Read the following statements below. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the primary purpose of persuasive language.
a. To explain
b. To convince
c. To educate
d. To entertain

2. It used by the author to persuade the audience by making them agree with his belief.
a. Argumentative Essay
b. Persuasive language
c. Facts and statistics
d. Research campaigns
3. It is the purpose of persuasive language where the audience are given a spark of idea
on a new knowledge.
a. Groups of three
b. Make a change
c. Prove something
d. Create interest

4. It refers to how you defend your stand by contradicting the opposition.
a. Get people agree with your point
b. Prove something
c. Call to action
d. Make a change.
5. It is a technique used to show emphasis by repeating words in a text or statement.
a. Exaggeration
b. Flattery
c. Repetition
d. Facts and statistics
6. It refers to the use of words in forms of descriptions to relate a particular emotion for
the audience/reader to feel.
a. Opinion
b. Personal pronouns
c. Emotive language
d. Rhetorical questions
7. It is a technique used by posing a question that implies its own answer.
a. Exaggeration
b. Repetition
c. Emotive language
d. Rhetorical questions
8. It is a persuasive technique developed by complimenting your audience.
a. Emotive language
b. Opinion
c. Flattery
d. Repetition
9. It is the persuasive technique which includes use of a pattern through series of three
or more words.
a. Grouping of three
b. Groups of three
c. Groups of three or more
d. Group three

10. All of the following statements tell how persuasive language can be established except:
a. Accepting arguments
b. Presenting facts
c. Shared values
d. Shared opinions

For numbers 11-15. Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.

We are committed in making learning important for many people during this time of
the pandemic. We view this distance learning program as an opportunity to prove our
ability to cope and innovate. This may be new to us; but this is one way on how we,
Filipinos help ease the burden of this society through education. Our task may be
challenging however, we will always have many ways and reasons to continue. We must

continue for ourselves, our family, and our nation; they rely so much on us and on what
we can do. Moreover, we must take note that we are not alone in this journey. Even the
Department of Education sought ways to offer different distance learning modalities to
more than 27 million learners. They tried to find ways for the continuity of learning for all
eager and hopeful learners across our archipelago.
Undoubtedly, as learners, we are definitely facing a gigantic foe, yet we must
remember that we have bigger dreams. We will chase these dreams even if it requires
crossing the oceans and climbing every mountain. We are Filipinos, we are more and
greater than this pandemic and the challenges it imposed to our education system.
Education is our right, fight for it through commitment despite the difficulties we have at
the moment.

11. What technique in persuasion is used in the line, “We must continue for ourselves, our
family, and our nation?”
a. Emotive language
b. Personal pronouns
c. Groups of three
d. Exaggeration

12. What technique in persuasion is used for the line, “We will chase these dreams even
if it requires crossing the oceans and climbing every mountain?”
a. Rhetorical question
b. Exaggeration
c. Groups of three
d. Opinion

13. Which of the following techniques in persuasion is not used in the paragraph?
a. Rhetorical question
b. Facts and statistics
c. Emotive language
d. Personal pronouns
14. How were facts and statistics used in the paragraph?
a. The writer gave the qualities of a Filipino learner.
b. The writer described how we are willing to achieve our dreams.
c. The writer mentioned the number of enrolled learners and the solutions of
d. The writer stated how his commitment to education will pursue despite the
pandemic we have.

15. What point or argument is the writer trying to prove in the paragraph?
a. We must continue learning because we need it for work and employment later
in life.
b. We must continue learning because our economy needs it.
c. We must continue learning because it is needed during this pandemic.
d. We must continue education because we have hopes we want to achieve.

Assume that you are an educator in your community, how would you promote the value
of education 10 years from now? Using persuasive language, create a 2-paragraph letter of
3-5 sentences for the youth, and explain your advocacy for the children of the future.
Your work will be graded using this rubric.

Criteria Excellent (5 points) Satisfactory Needs Improvement

(3 points) (1 point)
Relevance and Presents the ideas Presents the ideas Presents the ideas
Content related to the topic related to the topic related to the topic
given in an excellent given in a satisfactory given in a satisfactory
manner. The message manner. The manner; but the
is also creative, message is also message is not
interesting, and creative, interesting, creative, interesting,
convincing. but is not convincing. nor convincing

Organization The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are not
organized and organized and organized and
presented in a very presented in a coherent. It also has
coherent manner. The coherent manner. limited use of
audience can easily The audience can persuasive
follow through the use easily follow through techniques
of persuasive but has limited use of
techniques persuasive

Mechanics Sentences and ideas Sentences and ideas Sentences and ideas
have no errors. have minimal errors. have many errors.

What I Know
1. B Independent Activity 2. POWER OF PERSUASION!
2. C 1. D
2. E
3. A 3. B
4. B 4. A
5. B 5. C
6. D
7. B Independent Assessment 2. A KICK WITH TECHNIQUE!
1. D 6. C
8. B
2. I 7. E
9. A 3. E 8. A
10. B 4. H 9. B
11.C 5. F 10. G
13. D Independent Activity 3. TEST OF POWERS!
14. C Possible answers
Techniques in Persuasion Example
15. D
1. flattery Your ideas are brilliant and well-
What’s In Possible Answer thought of.
2. repetition We are the hope of this nation; the
hope that will bring innovation.
The new normal in This gave me the realization
education taught me that learning independently 3. exaggeration I love you to the moon and back.
how to learn can bring good effects and
independently and make me develop proper study Independent Assessment 3. PERSUADE A COMMUNITY!
use technology for habits. It also made me realize Possible answer
learning. to take advantage of Waste Segregation Campaign.
technology in studying. Our Baranggay implemented the waste segregation campaign. They have also been
very efficient in conducting trainings in different communities on waste segregation
and composting. I think this ordinance should be implemented in other communities
because aside from the fact that practicing proper waste segregation is in accordance
What’s New with Republic Act No. 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act, this will
1. We have to accept and embrace change because we need help us lessen waste disposal at the same time save our environment. During this
this to become better persons. time of pandemic, we should never, never forget the importance of keeping our
2. The noise inside the campus, the laughter and tears of environment clean and saving it. We are already experiencing a great change in our
having friends along the hallways, the morning stories of community let us not suffer from more because of being irresponsible in disposing our
every students’s success and perseverance. trash.
3. - Education is the key for generations of Filipinos to become What I Have Learned
full-fledged, productive members of society. education will Possible answers
still be a silver lining everyone has been staring from a From this lesson, I discovered that persuasive language is useful in
gloomy cloud. convincing people to believe our point of view. I also learned that we have different
- Continuing of education will actually radiate hope; hope purposes in persuasion.
that will be our key to advance towards development I will also use persuasive language to convince people to believe my
opinion, which will be based on facts and statistics. I will also use persuasive language
for the 21st century learners. to ebcourage people to make a difference in our society today.
4. It was learning during this time that we can help young
people through the innovative learning styles not only to What I Can Do
remember and understand, but also to analyze and create. Possible answer
5. Possible answer: Education during this time of the pandemic The new normal in education has been very challenging for all of us. Our self-
discipline, determination, and focus as learners were tested by this continuity in
education will help us focus more and divert our attention
learning brought about by the dreadful Covid -19 pandemic. Yet as so-called 21st
away from the difficulties we are expereincing. It also helps century learners, we have proven that no pandemic can stop us from learning. Our
us to value learning and appreciate the opportunity of having online classes, virtual performance tasks, and our vibrant chat groups with teachers
technology and resources available around us. and classemates are examples of how innovative, and flexible we are as learners. In
the span of 8 months, have we not learned to embrace the changes happening around
What’s More us? Indeed, we all deserve a tap at the back, we have learned new skills that made
Independent Activity 1. TRUE TO THAT! us become better learners. As it is often said, our dreams are bigger than this
pandemic. We are doing well, enjoy the change, learn despite the challenges.
2. FALSE Assessment
3. TRUE 1. B 9. B
4. TRUE 2. B 10. D
5. TRUE 3. D 11. C
6. TRUE 4. B 12. B
5. C 13. A
7. FALSE 6. C 14. C
8. TRUE 7. D 15. D
9. TRUE 8. C
10. TRUE
Additional Activity
Independent Assessment 1. STATE AND PERSUADE! Possible answer
Dear Filipino youth,
Possible answers: It was 10 years ago, when the world had faced another
1. The continuing of education will actually radiate hope; hope great foe. It was a virus that shook the world, and caused eveything to
that will be our key to advance towards development for the stop, even the school system. Year 2020 had introduced a new normal
21st century learners. in learning among teachers, learners, and communities. During this time,
2. In connection, according to Vegas and Winthrop (2020), in everyone was challenged to avoid the spread of the virus, and chose to
this time of uncertainties, education innovation is a leapfrog continue learning. It was a struggle, yet it was a triumph, success, and
inspiration for the many.
moment to fill the gap of inequality in education. I am now sharing this to you for you to see the value of
3. For the past 8 months of being in quarantine and facing the education. Despite the hardships during that time, many still opted to
unseen enemy, various changes manifested in almost all continue learning because this had been a vision of hope that will take
aspects of our lives and society. them away from the difficulty they are in. The virus never stopped them
4. It is the changes in their mode of learning in which their in pursuing their dreams. Similar to this, we should realize the value of
education given to you. Education is your right, take advantage of it; use
scope of competencies and skills—from literacy to creative
it to become better citizens of this nation. Just like the learners 10 years
problem solving to collaboration—will flourish even better. ago, there will be many viruses that may stop you from learning. Will you
5. 21st century learners have to be resilient, adaptable, and give in to it, or will you choose to have hope despite the pandemic?
resourceful in this time as digital mediums and various
platforms are already provided for them to use. Yours Truly,
Ma’am/ Sir __________
BBC Bitesize. “Literary techniques.” BBC, Accessed October 22, 2020.

Course Hero, Inc. “Persuasive techniques. ” Accessed October 23, 2020.

Department of Education. “Planting the Seed of Hope: Instilling Child’s Rights in Education.”
Accessed October 20, 2020.
of-hope-instilling-childs-rights-in-education/ accessed October 20, 2020.

Li, Cathy and Farah Lalani. “The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This
is how.” World Economic Forum. April 29, 2020
onlinedigitallearning/?fbclid=IwAR1zZXT931htonX9w15hTh92Yom bCFKR

LSBF Staff. “6 positive benefits of the new normal.” London School of Business, September 4,
newnormal?fbclid= Iw

Mawter, Jeni. “Persuasive Texts: The language of persuasion by Jeni Mawter”.
February 6, 2013, accessed October 22, 2020.

Montemayor, Ma. Teresa. “21.7M learners enrolled for incoming school year: DepEd.”
Philippine News Agency, July 21, 2020.

Northcraft Mathew. “Persuasive Writing. Copyright 2007 Washington OSPI”

Accessed October 23, 2020.
?fbclid=IwAR3Dp6_ tnkclVpoq9quRJeg4QBk8CFNlR85IH38A74-

SunStar Pampanga. “Save the Children Philippines: Learning must continue.” May 31, 2020,
accessed October 23, 2020.

Vegas, Emiliana and Winthrop, Rebecca. “Beyond reopening schools: How education can
emerge stronger than before COVID-19.” Brookings, September 8, 2020, research/beyond-reopening-schools-how-education-can-

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System
(LRMDS) Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan

Email Address: [email protected]

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