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Dashboard / My courses / ELSC-111 / Week 20: Second Quarter Exam / Second Quarter Exam

Question 1
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Who advocated for catastrophism?

Select one:
a. Darwin

b. Linnaeus

c. Lyell

d. Cuvier

Question 2
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Genetic engineering may also be called as new genetics

Select one:


Question 3
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Nucleic acids are recovered through

Select one:
a. Cooling

b. Spinning

c. Centrifugation

d. Shaking
Question 4
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Direct reciprocity occurs when two organisms gain from helping each other.

Select one:


Question 5
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This is where the lateral roots originate from.

Select one:
a. Central Core

b. Pericycle

c. Root hairs

d. Cortex

Question 6
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A snake's pelvis is an example of a vestigial structure.

Select one:


Question 7
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The xylem and phloem in stems and leaves are collectively called a stele.

Select one:

Question 8
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All plants have secondary growth.

Select one:


Question 9
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These are all mechanisms which cause microevolution, except

Select one:
a. Natural selection

b. Gene flow

c. Mutations

d. Genetic drift

Question 10
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This secretes polysaccharides to protect the young part of the plant.

Select one:
a. Apical meristem

b. Root cap

c. Root hair

d. Stem
Question 11
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These cells function in photosynthesis

Select one:
a. Companion Cells

b. Guard Cells

c. Collenchyma

d. Parenchyma

Question 12
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If a cat always eats the white colored mouse, then there brown colored mouse will increse in

Select one:


Question 13
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How many reactions are there in the Sanger-Coulson method?

Select one:
a. 5

b. 3

c. 6

d. 4
Question 14
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According to fossil records, these evolved from land vertebrates as well.

Select one:
a. Reptiles

b. Birds

c. Amphibians

d. Fish

Question 15
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What can be used to further digest DNA after deproteinization?

Select one:
a. Phenol

b. DNAse

c. Rnase

d. RNA polymerase

Question 16
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If a G gene codes for green eyes and a g gene codes for blue eyes, and G is dominant, then a girl
with Gg genes will have green eyes.

Select one:

Question 17
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Who was the first one to propose a mechanism for evolution?

Select one:
a. Lamarck

b. Lyell

c. Darwin

d. Hutton

Question 18
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Carrots have fibrous roots

Select one:


Question 19
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The cuticle, or the wax, functions to protect against insects and pathogens.

Select one:


Question 20
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These cells are fibrous.

Select one:
a. Collenchyma

b. Sclerenchyma

c. Guard Cells

d. Parenchyma
Question 21
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Where did Lindeman study the ecosystem concept?

Select one:
a. New York

b. Wisconsin

c. Texas

d. Nevada

Question 22
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These are all heterozygous genes, except

Select one:
a. Ab

b. aa

c. AA

d. Aa

Question 23
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Who coined the term "ecology"?

Select one:
a. Eton

b. Hutton

c. Lindeman

d. Tansley
Question 24
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Generation internal is inversely proportional to genetic gain.

Select one:


Question 25
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An organism is said to be homozygous if it carries two of the same genes.

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Question 26
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What are pharyngeal pouches?

Select one:
a. Neck pouches

b. Back pouches

c. Stomach pouches

d. Throat pouches

Question 27
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The vascular cambium can store water as well aid in wound repair and store carbohydrates.

Select one:

Question 28
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Apical meristems are located at the stems of plants.

Select one:


Question 29
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PAGE is suitable for RNA sequencing

Select one:


Question 30
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Affinity chromatography removes all of the following, except

Select one:
a. tRNA

b. DNA

c. RNA

d. rRNA

Question 31
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You can a leaf belongs to a _____ because it has parallel veins.

Select one:
a. Angiosperm

b. Eudicot

c. Gymnosperm

d. Monocot
Question 32
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Phenotype refers to an organism's genetic makeup.

Select one:


Question 33
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A260/280 for pure RNA shoul be

Select one:
a. 1.9

b. 1.8

c. 2.0

d. 2.1

Question 34
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The vascular cambium in woody plants consists of a layer of this type of cell

Select one:
a. Collenchyma

b. Sclerenchyma

c. Parenchyma

d. Guard Cells
Question 35
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The stomata allow the uptake of this gas.

Select one:
a. Carbon dioxide

b. Helium

c. Nitrogen

d. Oxygen

Question 36
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Gene stacking is the presence of more than one gene in more than one plant.

Select one:


Question 37
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What is the ratio used for the precipitation of nucleic acids?

Select one:
a. 2:1

b. 2:5

c. 2:4

d. 1:2

Question 38
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The Continental Drift theory provides evidence for evolution.

Select one:

Question 39
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Ecosystem ecology is the implementation of

Select one:
a. Autecology

b. Organismic

c. Individualism

d. Synecology

Question 40
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The Phelloderm is a thin layer of this type of cells.

Select one:
a. Guard Cells

b. Collenchyma

c. Parenchyma

d. Companion Cells

Question 41
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How many phalanges do we have?

Select one:
a. 6

b. None

c. 3

d. 5
Question 42
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Trichomes function as true roots.

Select one:


Question 43
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Evolution moves towards order.

Select one:


Question 44
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This can form a lateral shoot

Select one:
a. Axillary bud

b. Branch

c. Apex

d. Apical meristem

Question 45
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Point mutations will always be harmful.

Select one:

Question 46
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Calcium chloride is used in DNA insertion.

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Question 47
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Microbes that become resistant to an antibiotic are an example of microevolution.

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Question 48
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Nucleic acids are polyionic at neutral pH

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Question 49
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Enzymes that catalyze reactions will perish at temperatures below 250 K

Select one:

Question 50
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There must be a balance between order and entropy.

Select one:


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