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VERSIÓN: 01 Código: SGOECCT-FO-EA-13 Página 1 de 2


ESTUDIANTE: Duilio Dávalos Salirrosas_________CÓDIGO: _________ FECHA: 16/11/1021______


You will hear a conversation between Natalie and John. Listen and complete the sentences with a word or
short phrase. [Track 5]

1 John thinks that all the people who are really competitive play football and rugby.
2 John likes Mrs Peters because she doesn’t shouts.
3 Natalie has to faster than other girls in PE lessons.
4 According to Natalie, the school has three new table tennis tables.
5 Only twelve people can play table tennis.
6 In the end, John decides to play table tennis.
You will hear six short extracts about holidays. For questions 1-6, choose the correct answer, A, B or C. [Track 7]

1 The entertainment finished

A about an hour after the ferry had set off.
B before England was out of sight.
C about an hour before they set off in the car.

2 The man will have to pay extra because

A one of his bags is too heavy.
B all his luggage together weighs too much.
C he has too many bags.

3 Choose the correct statement.

A Beth has been on a school trip and is telling her dad what she did.
B Beth is on holiday and is telling her dad about what has happened so far.
C Beth is on a school trip and is explaining to her dad that he might have to collect her.

4 The speaker is
A recommending a tent to some customers.
B talking about a tent he has used in the Himalayas.
C talking about a tent that he is going to buy.


VERSIÓN: 01 Código: SGOECCT-FO-EA-13 Página 2 de 2

5 From St Agnes
A you can easily get to the Isles of Scilly.
B you can admire the Atlantic Ocean.
C you can take a boat trip to Canada.

6 The man who has been on holiday

A spent the whole time skiing.
B visited two different countries.
C did three different activities.

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