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Name______________________________ Period________ Date Given________________ Due Date_____________

Mitosis Verses Meiosis

Directions: Write answers next to the question. Draw pictures on the back of this page, in order.

It is important for asexual reproduction that maintains the survival of species, it helps organisms grow and
1. Describe the purpose of mitosis develop
and reproduce by making new cells and repair by replacing dead or damaged cells

2. How many times does the cell divide during mitosis? _________________________________
Cell divides once to form two daughter cells

3. What kind of cells are produced at the end of mitosis? _________________________________

2 identical daughter cells genetically identical cells

When DNA replication occurs, two identical chromatids connects through the centromere are formed.
4. What are sister chromatids? _____________________________________________________
two chromatids with identical genetic information
Chromosomes condensed, nucleolus start to dissolve, centrosomes move to opposite sides of the
5. Briefly describe what happens during prophase ______________________________________
cell, mitotic spindle begins to form, sister chromatids form

6. Draw and label picture of what a cell looks like during prophase. Draw on the back of page.
spindle pole microtubules bind to chromosomes through kinetochores, sister chromatids align parallel to
7. Briefly describe what happens during metaphase _____________________________________
the metaphase plate, nuclear envelope is dissolved,

8. Draw and label a picture of what a cell looks like during metaphase. Draw on the back of page.
sister chromatids are being pulled towards the opposite poles for segregation by spindle microtubules,
9. Briefly describe what happens during anaphase spindle
poles generate force that pull the chromosomes towards the poles, dividing cell has a elliptical
10. Draw and label a picture of what a cell looks like during anaphase. Draw on the back of page.
11. Briefly describe what happens during telophase _____________________________________
Nucleolus and nuclear envelope starts to reform, chromosomes begin to decondense,

12. Draw and label a picture of what a cell looks like during telophase. Draw on the back of page.
yes No, it is just seperation of cytoplasm material
13. Is cytokinesis part of mitosis ____________________________________________________
The parent cell divides itself into two identical daughter cells, also dividing the cytoplasm, organelles
14. Briefly describe what happens during cytokinesis ____________________________________
and other materials equally, cleavage furrow is formed, contractile ring contracts to pinch the cells
away from each other(in animal cells)
15. Draw a picture of what a cell looks like during cytokinesis. Draw on the back of page.
it allows sexual reproduction for diploid organisms and produce gametes, enables genetic diversity, reduces
16. Describe the purpose of meiosis __________________________________________________
number of chromosomes to create genetically different sex cells

17. How many times does the cell divide during Meiosis? _________________________________
cell divides twice to produce four cells

18. What kind of cells are produced at the end of meiosis? ________________________________
4 haploid daughter cells that are not genetically identical

In prophase 1, homologous chromosomes are involved, diploid cells are present and genetic material
19. Briefly describe the difference of prophase I & II. ____________________________________
exchange happens through cross over and chiasmata. While in prophase 2, individual chromosomes are
involved, haploid cells are present and there is no cross over nor chiasmata
20. Draw and label a picture of prophase I & II. Draw on the back of page.
In metaphase 1, tetrads are independently aligned at the metaphase plate, homologous
21. Briefly describe the difference of metaphase I & II. ___________________________________
chromosomes are the ones to be segregated. In metaphase 2, chromosomes(not
homologous) are arranged.
22. Draw and label a picture of metaphase I & II. Draw on the back of page.
In anaphase 1, homologous chromosomes are separated and centromeres are not separated. But
23. Briefly describe the difference of anaphase I & II. in____________________________________
anaphase 2, sister chromatids are pulled apart and centromeres of each chromosome seperate

24. Draw and label a picture of anaphase I & II. Draw on the back of page.
In telophase 1, each daughter nuclei consists of a single set of chromosomes of the species and
25. Briefly describe the difference of telophase I & II. ____________________________________
at the end 2 cells are formed. While in telophase 2, each daughter nuclei consists of sister
chromatids from each chromosome of the species and at the end 4 cells are formed.
26. Draw and label a picture of telophase I & II. Draw on the back of page.
27. What would happen to cell division if a chemical was put in the cell that did not allow for cell division to occur?
It wouldn’t divide, there will be no new daughter cells, and the cell could die. Copyright 2008, Denece R. Newsom

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