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Name Solution

EE 4702
Take-Home Pre-Final Questions
Due: 9 December 2013

Please work on this exam alone. You may use references for OpenGL,
CUDA, and similar topics.

Problem 1 (20 pts)

Problem 2 (30 pts)
Problem 3 (15 pts)
Problem 4 (20 pts)
Problem 5 (15 pts)

Alias 0x5e1f Exam Total (100 pts)

Good Luck!
Problem 1: [20 pts]The code below is the data_unpack routine from the Homework 3 solution. Recall
that the code in Homework 3 requires that the number of threads must be no smaller than the number of
balls (the value of chain_length).
Re-write the routine so that it works correctly even if the number of balls is greater than the number of

 Re-write so number of threads can be fewer than chain length.

 Compute the number of threads using CUDA-provided variables such as blockDim.
 Array dc.d pos must be accessed efficiently.
The solution appears below. The code writing ball->position is now in a loop. The loop starts with the same ball index (bi)
in the pre-solution code, which was set equal to the global thread id (shown as tid in the solution). The solution code computes the
total number of threads and assigns it to num threads. The increment for the loop is num threads, that will guarantee that
we get a value of bi that no other thread has.
Access is efficient because consecutive threads will have consecutive values of bi. We know that because bi was initialized to
threadIdx.x + SOMETHING (where something is the same for all threads in a warp).

__global__ void data_unpack_mb() {
const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
const int num_threads = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
for ( int bi = tid; bi < dc.chain_length; bi += num_threads )
Ball* const ball = &dc.d_balls[bi];
ball->position = dc.d_pos[bi];

Problem 2: [30 pts]Recall that the code for Homework 3 simulated a chain of balls (or string of beads). In
this problem we’ll extend that code by giving the balls electric charge, either positive or negative. The balls
are sealed in a special coating that retains the charge.
The CUDA kernel below applies the force due to these charges. Like the penetration routine it must consider
nearly all possible pairs. The code is written to optionally use shared memory when accessing the “b” object.

__global__ void time_step_gpu_sol_part_m(float delta_t) {

const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
const int threads_per_object = num_threads / dc.chain_length;

const int a_idx = tid % dc.chain_length;

const int b_idx_start = tid / dc.chain_length;

__shared__ float4 c_pos[1024];

float4 pos_a = dc.d_pos[a_idx]; // Global Access A

float3 force = make_float3(0,0,0);

for ( int j=b_idx_start; j < dc.chain_length; j += threads_per_object )

if ( use_cache )
if ( a_idx == 0 ) c_pos[b_idx_start] = dc.d_pos[j]; // Global Access B

if ( a_idx != j )
float4 pos_b = use_cache ? c_pos[b_idx_start] : dc.d_pos[j];// Global Access C
pNorm a_to_b = mn(pos_a,pos_b);
const bool repel = ( a_idx & 1 ) == ( j & 1 );
force += ( repel ? -0.15f : 0.15f ) / a_to_b.mag_sq * a_to_b;

const float3 delta_v = delta_t * dc.d_balls[a_idx].mass_inv * force;

atomicAdd(&dc.d_vel[a_idx].z,delta_v.z); }

Questions are on next page.

Problem 2, continued:
(a) In this part assume that use_cache is false, and so shared memory won’t be used. Compute the amount
of data requested due to accesses to d_pos and compute how much of that data is actually used. Do this for
the following configuration: chain_length=256, a block size of 1024 threads, and a grid size of 16 blocks.
The code runs on an NVIDIA Kepler GPU which has memory request sizes of 32, 64, and 128 bytes. For
your convenience, comments show where global memory can be accessed. (Array c_pos is not in global
memory, and is anyway won’t be needed until the next subproblem.)

 Total size of requests (in bytes) to d pos considering all threads.

 Amount of data in those requests that was needed.
First consider the assignment of pos a. Let c be the value of chain length and n be the number of threads.
We’ll start with something simple: computing the total amount of data written to pos a (not requested) by all the threads. The
type of pos a is a float4, which has a size of 16 bytes. The total number of threads is the product of the block size and grid size
which is n = 1024 × 16 = 210 24 = 214 = 16384 threads. Since each thread accesses 16 bytes the total data written to pos a
is 16n = 214 24 = 218 = 262144 bytes.
This would be the total size of all requests if each byte in every request is used exactly once. If some bytes are used zero times the
total request size will have to be larger than the amount of data written. If some bytes are used multiple times (because two threads
in the same warp want the same data) the total request size can be smaller.
Remember that instructions in NVIDIA GPUs (so far up to CC 3.5) execute in groups called warps. When they need to load data all
the threads in a warp (actually a half warp, but we won’t consider that here) present an array index (actually a memory address and
size) to the multiprocessor hardware. Essentially the 32 indices will be sorted, duplicates will be removed, and the remaining indices
will be partitioned into requests. A request is a command to read memory and consists of a starting address and a size. The size
can be 32, 64, or 128 bytes (for CC 2.X and 3.X devices). The goal of the multiprocessor hardware is to partition the indices so as
to minimize the number of requests.
To see how this works, consider the following examples. If each thread accesses 1 byte (which does not apply to our code) and the
indices are consecutive then a single 32-byte request will be sufficient for a warp. If the threads each accesses an 8-byte quantity and
the indices are consecutive, the total the 32 × 8 = 256 bytes can be satisfied by two requests. If all threads access the same
8-byte quantity there will be a single request of size 32 bytes and three quarters of the request will go unused.
For Kepler (CC 3.5) devices there is no global L1 memory cache, so all requested memory must be used by the requesting warp or it
will be lost. That is, if two warps access the same data, then that data must be requested twice.
Getting back to Global Access A. It should be easy to verify that consecutive threads will have consecutive values of a idx and that
with a 16-byte element size there is enough data to fill exactly four 128-byte requests. So each requested data item is used exactly
once. Therefore for pos a the total amount requested and needed data is 16n or 262144 bytes.
Since use cache is false Global Access B does not occur. The load at Global Access C is to an element at index j, which starts at
b idx start. It should be easy to verify that for the first 256 threads b idx start is zero, for threads 256 to 511 it is one, and
so on. Therefore, within a warp all threads will have the same value of j and so they will all be requesting the same 16-byte value.
A single 32-byte request will be dispatched.
For those following what the code is doing should see that the total number of iterations, counting all threads, will be c2 , since we
are doing an all-to-all computation. Even without that leap of insight, by examining the j loop bounds we can see that the number
of iterations is c/(n/c) = c2 /n. Since n threads execute the loop, the total number of executions of the body is c2 .
Each warp (or thread) executes c2 /n iterations of the loop requesting cn 32 bytes of data but using only half of it. The total number
n c2 2 1 2
of warps is n/32 so the total data requested is 32 n 32 = c bytes, the amount of data needed is 2 c bytes.

Combining the contributions from the two global accesses (ignoring Global Access B since use cache is off): Total data requested
is 16n + c2 = 218 + 216 = 262144 + 65536 = 327680 bytes. The amount of data needed is 16n + 21 c2 = 218 + 215 =
262144 + 32768 = 294912 bytes.

(b) Repeat the problem above for the case when use_cache is true. Remember that memory requests are
not generated when reading or writing c_pos itself.

 Total size of requests (in bytes) to d pos considering all threads.

 Amount of data in those requests that was needed.
The amount of data accessed by Global Access A will be the same as the use cache=false case, 16n bytes. The amount of
global data accessed for Global Access C will be zero (since it is now accessing shared memory rather than global memory).
We need to think about Global Access B, in which data from global memory is written to shared memory. As with Global Access C,
this one uses index j. However because of the if statement it is not being executed by every thread. In fact a idx==0 will only be
true for threads in which tid is a multiple of c, which will be for n/c = 214 /28 = 26 = 64 threads. It should be easy to verify
that a idx==0 for at most one thread in a warp. Therefore the request size will be 32 bytes (of which 16 are needed). The total of
all requests will be 32 × nc = 32 × 64 = 2048 bytes per iteration or 32 × nc cn = 32c = 8192 bytes. The total data needed
will be half that, 4096 bytes.
In summary, total size of all requests: 16n + 32c = 262144 + 8192 bytes, amount needed is 16n + 16c = 262144 + 4096

(c) The d_pos accesses that are used to fill shared memory, c_pos[b_idx_start] = dc.d_pos[j];, are
wasteful (though the waste is small in proportion to the total amount of data accessed). Explain why the
accesses are wasteful and fix the problem.

 Fix problem.
 Why are these accesses wasteful?
The accesses are wasteful because at most one thread in a warp is active, and so half the request goes unused. (See the solution to
the previous problem.) The code below fixes the problem by having the first few threads load shared memory.

const int b_idx_start_thd_0 = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x / dc.chain_length;
const int threads_per_object_per_block = blockDim.x / dc.chain_length;
int b_to_shared_idx =
b_idx_start_thd_0 + threadIdx.x % threads_per_object_per_block;

for ( int j=b_idx_start; j < dc.chain_length; j += threads_per_object )

if ( use_cache )
if ( threadIdx.x < threads_per_object_per_block )
c_pos[b_idx_start_thd_0+threadIdx.x] = dc.d_pos[b_to_shared_idx];
b_to_shared_idx += threads_per_object;
} }

(d) The amount of memory read when assigning pos_a can be reduced by using shared memory. Modify the
code to do so.

 Use shared memory to reduce redundant global accesses to initialize pos a.

Solution appears below. The values of a idx are already consecutive, but they repeat four times (for the sample values given for
the problem) within a block. Because of this repetition each position is loaded from global memory four times. In the solution each
position is loaded only once, a position is written to shared memory by one thread and then read by all the threads that need it.

__shared__ float4 c_pos[1024];
if ( threadIdx.x < dc.chain_length ) c_pos[threadIdx.x] = dc.d_pos[a_idx];
float4 pos_a = c_pos[a_idx];

Problem 3: [15 pts]Consider the following excerpt from the Cone code from the Homework 2 solution.
(File or visit

void render_probb(pCoor base, float radius, pVect to_apex) {

if ( opt_lod != bo_lod ) { // If needed lod != stored lod.
bo_lod = opt_lod;

/// Code for computing coordinates and normals omitted.

if ( !buffer_obj_coords ) {
glGenBuffers(1,&buffer_obj_colors); } /// SOLUTION

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_obj_coords);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, coords.occ() * sizeof(float),
coords.get_storage(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_obj_norms);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, norms.occ() * sizeof(float),
norms.get_storage(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);


PStack<float> repcolors;
for ( int i=0; i<num_coords; i++ )
{ repcolors += color.r; repcolors += color.g; repcolors += color.b; }
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_obj_colors);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, repcolors.occ() * sizeof(float),
repcolors.get_storage(), GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Transform computation and modelview update omitted.
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_obj_colors); /// SOLUTION
glColorPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL ); /// SOLUTION
glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); /// SOLUTION

// Tell OpenGL to get coordinates and normals from buffer objects.

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_obj_coords);
glVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL);

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_obj_norms);

// Draw the cones. (There will be minor flaws since 1 strip used.)

// Cleanup code omitted.

Questions are on next page.

Problem 3, continued:
(a) The code uses buffer objects for vertex coordinates and normals. Why doesn’t it also use a buffer object
for color?

 Why doesn’t color need a buffer object?

Because all vertices are assigned the same color. The way OpenGL works, that one color is sent to the GPU just once (rather than
once for each vertex), and so there would be little benefit to using a buffer object.

(b) Modify the code so that it uses a buffer object for color, even if that’s not a good idea.

 Modify code so color does use a buffer object for color.

Solution appears on the previous page. First, a buffer object was prepared which contained multiple copies of color.
In the rendering code function glColorPointer was used to indicate that colors would be specified in an array. The function
glColorPointer was never used in class, but could be found in the OpenGL 4.3 specification section 10.3.2. That section also
gives the constant to use with glEnableClientState, GL COLOR ARRAY.

(c) Suppose that each time the routine above was called opt_lod had a different value. Also suppose that
if ( !buffer_obj_coords ) were somehow changed to if ( true ).

 What would eventually happen?

By changing the if condition to always be true, a new buffer object name is created each time the code is called. The old buffer
objects are not destroyed, they continue to hold their data. So the system would eventually run out of memory. (With the if
condition as it was, the old buffer object name would be re-used on a second call so the data in the old buffer object would be replaced
by the new data.)

Problem 4: [20 pts]Consider another excerpt from the Cone code from the Homework 2 solution. (File starting at line 266. or visit

// Compute transform moving and positioning code from local to global

// space.
const float to_height = to_apex.mag();
pVect from_apex(0,0,1);
pNorm rn(from_apex,to_apex);
const float rot_angle = pangle(from_apex,to_apex);
pMatrix_Translate trans_transl(base);
pMatrix_Rotation trans_rot(rn,rot_angle);
pMatrix_Scale trans_scale(radius);
trans_scale.rc(2,2) = to_height;
pMatrix xform = trans_transl * trans_rot * trans_scale;

// Specify our transformation to OpenGL.


if ( !dont_set_color ) glColor3fv(color);

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_obj_coords);
glVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, NULL);

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_obj_norms);

The code at the top of the excerpt computes a transform matrix that will position and scale the cone to the
desired location. The transform is computed in terms of coordinate base, scalar radius, and vector to_apex.
The command glMultTransposeMatrixf takes the transform matrix we computed and multiplies it by the
existing modelview matrix. The resulting matrix is written as an OpenGL Shading Language uniform with
name gl_ModelViewMatrix.
In this problem we’ll consider computing the transform on the GPU instead. The GPU code will compute
the transform in terms of base, radius, and to_apex.

Questions are on next page.

Problem 4, continued:
(a) Declare base, radius, and to_apex as uniforms as they would be in an OpenGL SL source file. Hint: Use
the demo-10 (Vertex and Geometry Shaders) code as an example, and look for wire_radius. The demo-10
code can be accessed from the repo or (CPU code), (simple shaders), and (more elaborate shaders).

Solution appears below. Notice that the names of the vector data types in OpenGL shading language and CUDA differ, so base is
vec4, not float4.

layout ( location = 1 ) uniform vec4 base;
layout ( location = 2 ) uniform float radius;
layout ( location = 3 ) uniform vec3 to_apex;

(b) Write code to send the uniforms from the CPU to the GPU. Hint: See the previous hint.
The solution appears below. The command glUniformX writes a value into a uniform declared in an OpenGL shading language
program (as was done for the previous part). The first argument specifies the location, see above. The remaining arguments are the
values. Note that the digit near the end of the command specifies the number of arguments and that the last letter specifies the data
type, float in this case.

glUniform4f(1, base.x, base.y, base.z, base.w );

glUniform1f(2, radius);
glUniform3f(3, to_apex.x, to_apex.y, to_apex.z);

(c) Suppose that xform is computed in a vertex shader making use of the enormous floating-point capability
of the mighty GPU. Do you expect execution to be faster or slower than using the CPU to compute xform?
Slower than the CPU. An individual GPU thread is slower than a CPU thread. The CPU computes the transform once for use by
all vertices, so the GPU’s parallelism is no advantage. Each vertex shader would need to compute the transform and would take more
time to do so than the CPU.

(d) Suppose that xform is computed in a geometry shader. Will execution be faster or slower than using the
vertex shader when we are rendering quad strips? (That is, the systems we are comparing both use quad
strips, one uses the vertex shader to compute the xform, the other uses the geometry shader.) Explain.
Note: I should have asked about triangle strips.
Assuming that lighting and other calculations performed by the vertex shader to not take much time, the geometry shader will be
faster. With quad strips, most vertices are shared by two quads and so the number of vertices is twice the number of quads. That
means the transform would be computed twice as many times if the vertex shader were used. (The answer would be the same number
of times if triangle strips were used.)

(e) Suppose that xform is computed in a geometry shader. Will execution be faster or slower than using the
vertex shader when we are rendering individual quads? (That is, the systems we are comparing both use
individual quads, one uses the vertex shader to compute the xform, the other uses the geometry shader.)
With individual quads the geometry shader has a big advantage, since the vertex shader is called four times for each quad and so the
transform would be computed four times as often if the vertex shader were used.

Problem 5: [15 pts]Answer each question below.
(a) Texture access is performed in the fragment shader. Suppose texture access was performed by the vertex
shader and the texel values were interpolated, the same way other attributes such as color were.

 What impact would that have on appearance?

Yuck! Suppose the texture image was of a house, and the whole house was supposed to appear on the primitive. Since texels are
grabbed at the vertices, only three texels would be retrieved and their colors would be interpolated. Unless the triangle were small
the image of the house would be unrecognizable.

 What impact would that have on performance?

Performance would be alot higher since texture access and filtering is computationally costly and the fragment shader is called many
more times than the vertex shader for typical primitives.

(b) Inputs to a fragment shader have interpolation qualifiers, they are flat, noperspective, and smooth.
Why are they not needed for the inputs to the geometry shader?

 Interpolation qualifiers not needed for geometry shader inputs because:

Interpolation only has meaning for fragments. (The points that fill the area of a primitive.) The geometry shader operates on
primitives, say the three vertices of a triangle. So there is nothing to interpolate.

(c) The OpenGL command glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW), used in setting the modelview matrix, is depre-
cated. (Meaning that its use is discouraged and that it may be removed from the language.) Why was the
command once essential but now considered unnecessary?

 glMatrixMode now unnecessary because:

Because parts of the rendering pipeline are now programmable, including the vertex shader. The vertex shader is supposed to
transform object-space coordinates to clip space. The fixed-functionality used to do that using, in part, the modelview matrix. Since
the fixed functionality no longer computes clip space coordinates there is no need to have a way of specifying a modelview matrix.
The use can pass the model view matrix (or the user’s equivalent) as a user-defined variable.


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