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You can get everything in life

you want if you help enough
other people get what they want.
Formerly entitled

Illustrated by AI Mayton


To Sugar Baby
The redhead who has been
my wife and my life for
thirty-six wonderful
years-and the best is yet
to come.

Man was designed for accom-

plishment, engineered for suc-
cess, and endowed with the
seeds of greatness.


I t would be impossible to more than scratch the surface in the

form of acknowledgments to the many individuals who have
helped me through the years. However, some have contributed so
much that their names literally jump off the pages of my life and
demand recognition. Heading the list is my "Sugar Baby" who
gives my life meaning while making it fun and worthwhile. Her
love has been the steadying and motivating factor that is and
always has been present regardless of circumstances.
My mother, through her living examples of faith, courage,
common sense, and love gave me the foundation for life and much
material for this book.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Anderson played a prominent role in my
life. Mr. Anderson served as a "substitute father" and treated me
like a son as he blended genuine interest with love and/or
discipline as the situation demanded.
Mr. Walton Haining taught me a lot about "horse sense" and
selling myself to the public. Ditto for Bill Cranford, my first sales
manager, whose patience and personal interest transcended the
normal sales manager-salesman relationship.
For sheer drama the short time I spent with P. C. Merrell is
unmatched. He "turned me on, turned me around, and boosted
me up" with the gift of believing in myself.
Hal Krause gave me national and international exposure
through his company and made the road I traveled as a speaker
and author considerably easier. My colleagues on the platform -
Cavett Robert, Bob Richards, Bill Gove, Dick Gardner, Ken
McFarland, and the late Charlie Cullen - all played an
important part in the areas of encouragement, instruction, and
Bernie Lofchick, "Brother Bern," whose advice, help,
encouragement, and belief in me and the "Zigmanship"
philosophy was vitally important in furthering my career and my
personal life as well.
My friend, former associate, and fellow speaker, Dan Bellus,
whose experience was invaluable in the publication of the
original edition. Carroll Phillips, whose attentiveness to detail

and specifics of instruction contributed greatly to the clarity and

effectiveness of this edition.
Patti Bond, who typed page after page for both editions at an
incredible speed and Jorita Symington, my secretary, who "held
things together" through it all. Both rate reams of praise and a
heartfelt thank you for their contributions.
Ann Anderson of Nashville, Tennessee gets a "special" bit of
gratitude for helping to reopen my eyes to the joy of living a
fuller, richer life on earth while making certain that I spend
eternity with Jesus Christ.
I would be remiss and even ungrateful if I did not
acknowledge the help given me by my brothers and sisters. There
has always been a deep love and strong sense of encouragement
among us. I hope this effort on my part will be meaningful to each
of them.
Finally, there are my children. Each one is unique, different,
and deeply loved in a special way. Suzan, my first born, provides
me with much stimulating conversation and encouragement.
Cindy, the middle child, quietly comes and goes as she makes her
presence felt everywhere. Julie, the little one, is everywhere
doing everything. Tom, the son whose belated but welcome
appearance keeps me young and hopping. Each has given me
much pleasure and occasionally a little pain. Each has con-
tributed immeasurably to family enjoyment and solidarity. Each
was a gift from God for which I thank Him every day.
To all of you whom I have named, please accept my deepest
thanks. To you whom I have not named, please know that even
though you are unnamed in this work, you are not unknown to me
and you are appreciated more than you know.
To all of you, good luck, God bless you, have a good forever, and
I'll see you at the top.

What lies behind us and what lies before us

are tiny matters compared to what lies
within us. Ralph Waldo Emerson

You are the only one who can use your
ability. It is an awesome responsibility.


The word "different" will probably come into your mind every
time you open the pages of See You At The Top. The dust jacket is
different, and to start with "The End" is certainly different. The
book is different in "feel," "subject matter," and "technique." For
example, I will often "shift gears" on you and insert an analogy,
example, one-liner, or power phrase to force you to pause and
hopefully lead you to re-read the material to make certain you got
the message. I will also emphasize a "different" theme in today's
market place as I stress that you can get everything in life you
want only if you help enough other people get what they want.
As the author, I believe that the entire book is different and
effective, but my objective was not to write a book that was
"different." The difference evolved because I wrote the book as I
speak. [I'm like the crosseyed discus thrower. I don't set any
records, but I do keep the crowd alert.] During the past 19 years, I
have given the speech, "Biscuits, Fleas and Pump Handles," the
original title of this book, over 3,000 times. Initially, the material
only covered a forty-five minute presentation. Through the years
that forty-five-minute talk has expanded into this full length
book and the "I CAN" course which is being taught in schools and
churches, and the Richer Life Course which is being taught in
businesses all over America.
I cover a lot of subjects in See You At The Top, but my major
objective is to communicate my feelings on faith, love, optimism,
a~d enthusiasm. This is important because in today's world many
people are confused about what real love and real faith is and are
too "sophisticated" to show their true feelings and display real
enthusiasm for anything.
On love - I plead guilty to loving the Lord, my wife, my
family, my fellowman, and America.
On faith - I don't know what tomorrow holds but I know Who
holds tomorrow so I approach it with confidence and thanksgiv-
ing. My Bible assures me that my past is forgiven and forgotten.
That takes care of my past. Jesus Christ said, "I have come that
you might have life and have it more abundantly." That takes
care of the present. John 3:16 assures me I will have everlasting

life. That takes care of my future. With my past forgiven, my

present secure, and my future irrevocably guaranteed, why
shouldn't I be enthusiastically optimistic?
See You At The Top is a philosophy, but there is little theory
involved. The ideas, procedures, and techniques come from a
lifetime of living. It incorporates thirty years of sales and people-
development experience, as well as personal involvement with
many of the world's top professionals from virtually every field of
endeavor. The utilization of the ideas and techniques in this book
will mean that you're learning from other people's experiences-
not other people's theories. This is the only practical way to grow
because it's too frustrating, too time consuming, and far too
expensive to learn everything from personal experience.
I say with candor and complete conviction that had this
particular book been available when I started competing in the
game of life, my progress would have been faster and my results
better. Obviously, I believe you'll be richer in many ways if you
utilize this philosophy which I spent over 2,000 hours refining
and committing to paper.
Within the body of See You At The Top, I use over 800
analogies, examples, "one liners," power phrases, human interest
stories, and humorous incidents. The purpose is to hold your
interest and keep you involved in the total message. Hopefully
you will be like many readers of the first nine printings who
enthusiastically stress that this is a book you never finish. That
you can pick it up - open it to any page for a mental snack, read a
chapter for a full mental meal, or read it from cover to cover as a
way of life. Then you start over. God bless you and if you utilize
the ideas in this book, I will "see you at the top."


Segment I - Stairway to the Top ............... 14
Purpose ............................................. 14
The End ............................................ 15
Chapter One - The "More" Way of Life ............ 17
Chapter Two - The Time is Now ................... 29

Segment II - Your Self-Image .................. 42

Purpose ............................................. 42
Chapter One - The Thieves ........................ 43
Chapter Two - Causes of a Poor Self-Image ........ 54
Chapter Three - Manifestations of a Poor Self-Image. 64
Chapter Four - Fifteen Steps to a Healthy Self-
Image ............................. 73

Zig's Story ............................................. 94

Segment III - Your Relationship With Others ... 102

Purpose ............................................ 102
Chapter One - The Way You See Others .......... 103
Chapter Two - Good or Bad, You Pass It On .... . .. 118
Chapter Three - The Most Important "Other
Person ............................ 133

Segment IV - Goals ............................. 146

Purpose ............................................ 146
Chapter One - Are Goals Really Necessary? ....... 147
Chapter Two - Characteristics of Goals ............ 160
Chapter Three - Setting Your Goals ................ 168
Chapter Four - Reaching Your Goals .............. 177

Segment V - Attitude .......................... 201

Purpose ............................................ 201
Chapter One - Is the "Right" Attitude Important? . 202
Chapter Two - Insuring Your Attitude ............ 226
Chapter Three - Step Four - Feed Your Mind ..... 244
Chapter Four - Habits and Attitudes .............. 260
Chapter Five - Stop Bad Habits, Start Good Habits 278

Bonus Chapter - The Subconscious Mind ...•........ 293

Segment VI - Work ............................. 303

Purpose ............................................ 303
Chapter One - Workers are Winners .............. 304
Chapter Two - Be Ready ......................... 317
Chapter Three - Priming, Pumping and Producing '. 323

Segment VII - Desire ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... 328

Purpose ............................................ 328
Chapter One - From Mediocrity to Meteority ..... 329
Chapter Two - Intelligent Ignorance .............. 334
Chapter Three - David and Goliath ................. 341
Chapter Four - America the Beautiful ............. 351







William Glasser- REALITY THERAPY


Perhaps an unusual way to start a book - but this is an

"unusual" book. It's about you, your family, your future, and how
you can get more out of all of them by giving more to each of them.
We believe that this is "the end," or at least the beginning of the
end, of negative thinking, negative action, and negative reaction;
the end of defeatism and despondency; the end of settling for less
than you deserve to have and are capable of obtaining; the end of
being influenced by little people, with little minds thinking little
thoughts about the trivia that is the stock and trade of Mr. & Mrs.
Mediocrity. In short, it is the end for you of the world's most
deadly disease - "Hardening of the Attitudes."

Welcome to The Richer Life.




John Jones was in New York City. He wanted to go to Boston,

so he went to the airport and bought a ticket. Having a few
minutes to spare, he walked over to some scales, stepped on them,
inserted a coin and down came his fortune: "Your name is John
Jones, you weigh 188 pounds and you are going to catch the 2:20 to
Boston." He was astounded because all of the information was
correct. He figured this must be a trick, so he stepped back on the
scales, inserted another coin and down came his fortune: "Your
name is still John Jones, you still weigh 188 pounds and you are
still going to catch the 2:20 to Boston." Now he was more puzzled
than ever. Sensing a trick, he decided to "fool" whoever or
whatever was responsible. He went into the men's room and
changed clothes. Once again he stepped on the scales, inserted his
coin and down came his fortune: "Your name is still John Jones,
you still weigh 188 pounds - but you just missed the 2:20 to
This book was written for the people who have missed the 2:20
to Boston or for some reason decided to get off before it reached its
destination. In short, this book is for those who have been
missing much of the good life. It is designed to help you get the
extras you deserve to have and are capable of getting.
Each word has been weighed, each thought has been
evaluated, and each point carefully considered. I have made
every effort to personalize it in a conversational manner so you
would feel that you and I are in a private conference discussing
you and your future. I hope you take this message of hope and
optimism personally because that is the way it was written.
From the beginning I will plant a series of hope, success,
happiness, faith, and enthusiasm seeds. I will "water" and
"fertilize" these seeds and even add a few additional ones. By the
end of the book the crop will be ready for harvesting to the degree,

and in the amount, you have utilized or followed through on the

message in this book. I stress that this is a P.M.A. [positive mental
attitude] book, but it is a great deal more than that. See You At
The Top is a P.L.A. [Positive Life Attitude] book. It's the power of
positive believing which is the necessary ingredient for conver-
ting positive thinking into positive action. Since man is
tridimensional [physical, spiritual and mental], we deal with the
complete person. This is the only way to have complete success,
which I will define as we go along.


One man said that a picture is worth ten thousand words.
Thousands have repeated his words and millions more have
believed them. However, it is my personal belief that the man or
woman who believes this saying has never really read Lincoln's
Gettysburg Address or the Bill of Rights. Neither have they read
and understood the 23rd Psalm or prayed the Lord's Prayer.
These works contain words - just words - but they are words
which have changed the destiny of nations, the course of history
and the lives of millions of people.
Here is a story about how some other words had a dramatic
impact on a life. A number of years ago, the movie, A Man Called
Peter, was produced. I shall never forget one of the scenes. The
actor portraying Peter Marshall was preaching a sermon on
belief and faith. When the scene was over the cameras kept
grinding. Many members of the cast got up from their seats to
walk down to congratulate the actor for a superb performance.
One of the members of the cast who was a member of the
"congregation" was an actress named Marjorie Rambeau. As she
walked down to congratulate the actor, it was obvious she was
emotionally involved in the situation. I say this, and add that it
was fortunate the cameras were still grinding, because Marjorie
Rambeau could not walk. She had been injured in an automobile
accident and for over a year had been unable to take a step. But,
as she listened to those words of faith and encouragement, she
became engrossed in the message contained in those words. So
engrossed, as a matter of fact, she believed the message, got up,
walked and kept on walking.

I'm not implying that the "words" in this book will change the
history of the world or that their effect will be as dramatic as the
story of Marjorie Rambeau. However, I completely believe that
the philosophy contained herein can make a substantial
difference for you. Several thousand unsolicited testimonials
from people in all walks of life attest to the fact that the "Richer
Life" concepts - will work for you - if you work with them.
Now let's look at a thought provoker! How many squares do you

If you said 16, you have lots of company. If you said 17, you
are in a much more select group, but you are still in error. Before
you turn the page to see what the artist has done with these
squares, why don't you take another look and see how many more
squares you can find. Now, turn the page.

As you can see, there are 30 squares. Since you hold the book in
your hands, no one could have added any additional squares. I
simply showed you where they were. This illustrates two
important concepts. First, an in-depth look reveals con-
siderably more than a casual glance, doesn't it? That's true of
the squares and it's also true of you, your potential and your
future. Second, most of us occasionally need someone to point
out the obvious and more often, the not so obvious.
Since to educate is to "pull out" or to "draw out," the purpose of
this book will be to "pull out" the bigger, more capable person
inside you. I'm convinced you will get a great deal out of this book
but more importantly, the book will get even more out of you.


As you read, I would like for you to feel you and I are together
and that I am personally talking with you and asking you
questions. Of necessity, most questions will be of the "Yes/No"
variety. On those occasions when I do ask questions that require
an answer, I hope you will pause and carefully think the answers
through. Hopefully, you are not concerned with how fast you can
read and "get out" of the book, but how much the book can "get
out" of you. Your first reading probably will be the fastest, but
subsequent readings will provide you with additional inspiration
and information which will extend the immediate benefits to a
richer way of life.
The chances are strong that on occasion, while listening to a
speaker, reading a book or listening to a recording, you have
heard or read something which really "triggered" your imagina-
tion. On those occasions you probably thought, "that reminds
me," or "that gives me an idea." Try as you might at a later time,
you often cannot recall the thought or idea that had been so clear
in your mind a short time earlier. Since this is characteristic of
most people, I'm going to urge you to get a "Trigger Page"
notebook. I suggest the standard stenographic pad because it is
approximately the same size as this book and will be easy to
carry. Divide the pages as we have done the sample "Trigger
Page." The arrows would be helpful but they are not critical.


1 2 3 4

17 18
5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

19 23 24

22 20

25 26

27 29

28 30

Keep the "Trigger Page" notebook with your copy of See You
At The Top because as you read the book it will "trigger" many
thoughts and ideas of your own. When it does, let me urge you to
stop reading, turn to a Trigger Page and cal'efully record each
thought or idea as it occurs. This will keep you involved as an
active reader, utilize more of your senses, and enable you to
concentrate more completely. A poet stated it more succinctly
when he wrote, "I hear and forget. I see and hear and I remember.
However, when I see, hear and do, I understand and succeed."
Interestingly enough, you will discover when you read the book a
second time, you will get more thoughts and more ideas than you
did the first time. This is especially true if you read a few minutes
every day before you start your day's activities and just before you
go to sleep.


I suggest you get both a red and a black felt-tip pen to record
your thoughts and ideas. Start by using the red pen at the bottom
of the Trigger Page in Section 1 the first time you read the book.
Use the black pen and move up to Section 2 of the Trigger Page
the second and subsequent times you read it. As you move up the
page, you will be symbolically moving from the "red ink" to the
"black ink" of life.
Let me also urge you to underline and mark the portions of the
book that are meaningful to you. These markings, combined with
the thoughts and ideas you record, will personalize the book and
make it "your" book. It will be so persona.lized that you will keep it
and use it as a constant source of reference.
This is quite important because no one is smart enough to
remember everything he knows. This also means that you and
I will have co-authored the book which also makes it "our" book. It
should be a winner, shouldn't it?


The foundation stones of honesty, character, faith, integrity,
love, and loyalty are necessary for a balanced success that
includes health, wealth, and happiness. As you go onward and

An idea unrecorded
is an idea often lost!

Trigger Page

upward in life, you will discover that if you compromise any of

these principles you will end up with only a beggar's portion of
what life has to offer. If you use dishonesty, deceit, or fraud, you
might acquire money, but you will have fewer real friends and
little peace of mind. That is not success. [I agree with the wit who
said, "You climb the highest by staying on the level."] The man
who earns a million, but destroys his health in the process is not
really a success. The corporate executive who alienates his family
in his climb to the top is not a success. He can't take it with him
and to whom is he going to leave it?
The longer I live and the more successful people I meet, the
more convinced I become that these foundation stones are the
most critical success weapons we have in our arsenal. In any
crisis or emergency, those with whom we deal, and on whom our
health, wealth and happiness depends, will act more readily, and
cooperate'more completely, if our credibility is beyond question.
Ability is important - dependability is critical.
I wish it were possible for me to introduce to you the scores of
personable, persuasive, talented - even brilliant - people I have
met in my travels who are generally just one step in front of the
bill collector and often just two steps ahead of the law. They are
always looking for a "deal" and the "fast buck." They never build
very much or very high, because they have no foundation to build
on. Others with the right foundation end up living in the
basement or building a chicken shack on that foundation. Many
times they don't take all the steps to use the talent they have to get
the richer life. Others don't realize that the real opportunity for
success lies within the person and not in the job; that you can
best get to the top by getting to the bottom of things - and
then climbing those stairs - one at a time. They don't realize that
success and happiness are not matters of chance but choice. You
literally - as you shall see - choose what you want in life.
Now let's make a list of the things you want to be, door have in
the tomorrows of your life. Later, you probably will add
add itional items to this list. As a starter, you probably want more
and better friends, more personal growth, better health, more
money, more happiness, more security, more leisure time,
opportunity for advancement, more peace of mind, more true

love, the ability to be more competent and to contribute more to

your fellow man. On the following page is your personal stairway
to the top with the things you want, or want more of, listed on the
door of your executive suite of tomorrow. We will use this
stairway frequently to help you stay "on track." You might not
need to be told what characteristics and qualities you need to get
the things you want, but I'm betting you are human enough that
you need to be reminded.
There are probably some other things you want but I'm
confident if you had the things we've listed you would have a rich
and rewarding life. Chances are strong that at this moment you
do not have everything you want and expect to have in the
tomorrows of your life. Fortunately, they are all available and
you can get them to a much greater degree than you ever
dreamed possible. I stress their availability, but just as you must
have or develop muscles if you want to be a weight lifter, so must
you have or develop certain characteristics in order to open life's
vault of valuables and extract the things you want and deserve to


I'm convinced the "good" things I've described are available to

you, but I'm even more convinced that if you really want the
things we've listed you must take six specific steps to get them.
I t's critical that you understand this because just as a baseball
player will be "out" if he doesn't touch all the bases, so will you be
"out" if you skip any of the steps.
My good friend, and outstanding motivational sales techni-
cian, Dick Gardner, calls these steps "gradients" and uses these
examples to emphasize the point: The boy who is introduced to a
young lady and immediately tries to kiss her will lose any chance
for serious consideration as a suitor. The student who attempts to
move directly from simple arithmetic to geometry will face a
hopelessly impossible situation. The salesman who introduces
himself to the prospect and immediately starts trying to "write
an order" will miss the sale and create ill will in the process. The
suitor, the student, and the salesman would all have skipped too




Will you stare up the steps

step up the stairs?

many steps or gradients and would have failed. Each of them

would have had infinitely better chances at success had they
taken all the steps. Now obviously some people can take the steps
faster than others, but if you take all the steps you will be far
more certain to get the things you really want.
Next to your stairway to the top is an elevator to the top. As
you can see, the elevator has an out of order sign on it. From
where I stand, the elevator to the top is, has been, and always will
be "out of order." In order to get to the top, according to sales
executive John Hammond - you'll have to take the stairs - and
you'll have to take them one at a time. Fortunately, they are
directly in front of you so you know where they are, what they are
and exactly how many stairs you must climb before you reach the
As you start on your stairway to the top, your first step will be
the development of a healthy self-image. The second step is the
recognition of the worth and ability of other people as well as the
necessity of effectively living and working with them. The third
step is a strong goal orientation. You need a plan to build a house.
To build a life, it is even more important to have a plan or goal.
The fourth and fifth steps are that you must have the "right"
mental attitude and be willing to work. Within the pages of See
You At The Top, you will learn that you really "enjoy" a price
rather than "pay" a price. I say this because the price of success
is much lower than the price of failure. This is obvious when
you compare the failures in life to the successes in life. Don't be
misled however, because you do have to work, but the difference
between work being a drudgery or a joy is an adjustment in your
thinking. The sixth step is that you must also have a burning
desire to excel. You must have lots of "want to" - and, you must
live in a free enterprise system so you can control your own
Fortunately, you already have every characteristic
necessary for success. You have some character, faith,
integrity, honesty, love, and loyalty. You like some things about
yourself and your fellowman. You have some goals, some "right"
mental attitudes, and obviously you do some work and have some
desire. Really, all you need to do is use what you have and give

each characteristic a chance to grow, because the more you use of

what you have, the more you will have to use. Besides, it doesn't
take much of a man or a woman to be successful- it just takes all
of the person and you do have all of you.
The message in two stories will emphasize this point. A young
couple, lost on a rural road, spotted an old farmer so they stopped
the car and asked him a question. "Sir, could you tell us where
this road will take us?" Without a moment's hesitation the old
farmer said, "Son, this road will take you anywhere in the world
you want to go, if you are moving in the right direction." [You can
be on the right road and still get run over if you are standing still.]
A young business executive took some work home to complete
for an important meeting the next day. Every few minutes his
five-year-old son would interrupt his chain of thought. After
several such interruptions, the young executive spotted the
evening paper with a map of the wor ld on it. He took the map, tore
it into a number of pieces, and told his son to put the map together
again .. He figured this would keep the little fellow busy for a long
time and he could complete his work. However, in about three
minutes the boy excitedly told his dad he had finished. The young
executive was astonished and asked the boy how he had done it so
quickly. The little guy said, "There was a picture of a man on the
other side, so I just turned it over and put the man together. When
I got the man right, the world was right." Needless to say, when
you get you right - your world will be right.

Thought: You do have to take all the steps to get to the top but
you don't need to build a nest on them. Like the man said, "There
are two ways to climb an oak tree. You can climb it - or you can
sit on an acorn." This book was written to help you climb it.



A number of years ago oil was discovered on some Oklahoma

property that belonged to an old Indian. All of his life the old
Indian had been poverty stricken, but the discovery of oil
suddenly made him a veryweaIthy man. One of the first things he
did was buy himself a big Cadillac touring car. In those days, the
touring cars had two spare tires on the back. However, the old
Indian wanted the longest car in the territory so he added four
more spare tires. He bought an Abraham Lincoln stovepipe hat,
added tails and a bow tie and completed his outfit with a big black
cigar. Every day he would drive into the hot, dusty, little
Oklahoma cowtown that was nearby. He wanted to see everyone,
and be seen by everyone. He was a friendly old soul, so when
riding through town he would turn both left and right to speak to
everyone in sight. As a matter of fact, he would turn all the way
around and speak to folks. Interestingly enough, he never ran
into anybody or over anybody. He never did any physical damage
or any property damage. The reason is simple. Directly in front of
that big beautiful automobile, there were two horses - pulling it.


Local mechanics said there was nothing wrong with the car's
engine, but the old Indian never learned how to insert the key and
switch on the ignition. Inside the car were a hundred horses -
ready, willing and raring to go, but the old Indian was using two
horses on the outside. Many people make the mistake of looking
outside to find two horsepower when they should look inside
where they have over a hundred. Psychologists tell us this is
about the ratio of the ability we have to the ability we use, 2 to 5%.
Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "The biggest tragedy in
America is not the great waste of natural resources, though this is

tragic. The biggest tragedy is the waste of human resources." Mr.

Holmes pointed out that the average person goes to his grave
with his music still in him. So, unfortunately, the most beautiful
melodies of all are the unplayed ones.
For a long time I thought the most tragic thing that could
happen to man during his lifetime would be to discover an oil well
or a gold mine on his property as he lay on his death bed. Now I
know that it is infinitely worse to never discover the vastly
greater wealth that lies within the individual. As my good friend,
Major Reuben Siverling, says, "a dime and a $20 gold piece have
the same value if they are corroding at the bottom of the ocean."
The difference in value is manifested only when you lift those
coins up and use them as they were intended to be used. Your
value becomes real and marketable when you learn to reach
within yourself and utilize the enormous potential that is there.
To help you more fully utilize your potential, I am writing this
book. With it I hope to enable you to discover and utilize that gold
mine or oil well inside you. Your "natural resources," unlike
the natural resources on planet Earth, will be wasted and
"used up" only if they are never used at all. So my purpose is to
get more of your talent into action so you and others can enjoy
what you have to offer. No doubt about your talent, you've got itin
spades, and now you are going to start using it so that instead of
being bright and broke [if you are broke ]you will be bright - and


A number of years ago I heard a philosopher say, "You are

where you are because that's exactly where you want to be." I
bought that idea and even repeated it to others. Then, late one
night, I, was in Birmingham, Alabama, driving to Meridian,
Mississippi. It was important that I be in Meridian the next
morning. Since the roads were under repair, I stopped at a
service station for assistance. The attendant pointed out the best
route for me and even drew a map. He assured me that if I
followed his map, I would be in Meridian with time to spare. I
followed his directions exactly and yet, one hour later I was 45

miles further from Meridian than I had been when he gave me

the directions. Obviously, I was not there because that's where I
wanted to be. I was there because somebody had given me the
wrong directions.
I might say the same thing to you. If you're broke, despondent
and down in the dumps, if you're not getting along well with your
family or in your career, I just cannot believe that these are the
conditions and circumstances you really want. There is a chance
that maybe - just maybe you have been given the wrong
directions which have influenced you negatively and caused you
to suffer from garbage dump thinking. [Now don't get too cozy
with the thought that any and all of your problems should be
dumped into someone else's lap because as you shall see - if your
past situation could possibly be "blamed" on someone else - your
future growth and progress is placed squarely on your
shoulders. ]
Let me explain: In a large southern city there is a magnificent
new shopping center which stands on the former city garbage
dump. For over a century no one saw this location as anything but
the "garbage dump." About twenty-five years ago, however,
some progressive-minded citizens started "seeing" that location
as a beautiful new shopping center. Immediately they stopped
dumping garbage and started hauling good, clean fill dirt and
dumping it over the century-old garbage. They did this until a
solid foundation was prepared. It was on this foundation that they
built a magnificent new shopping center. But really this
shopping center is built on garbage, isn't it?
I tell this story because the chances are that over a period of
time, people have been dumping "garbage" into your mind. What
you must understand, however, is it doesn't really matter if
garbage has been dumped into your mind in the past. In fact, it
doesn't even matter if others, through either malice or ignorance
have built low ceilings over you. You can overcome all of that
"garbage," so I'm going to say to you, "Happy Birthday," because
today is the first day of the rest of your life. The past is over and
the fact you have read this far indicates you are now in the process
of building a foundation for a greater future.
Warning! "Garbage" has probably been dumped into your

mind for a long time. Realistically we should understand that a

person suffering from malnutrition cannot be restored to
complete physical health by eating one well balanced meal,
regardless of how big or good it might be. So please understand
that for the moment all we can do is cover that "garbage" with a
thin veneer of positive thinking and right mental attitude. The
chances are good that periodically some of that "garbage" will
pop through the veneer and you will suffer again from "stinkin'
thinkin'." However, keep reading because every chapter you
absorb will bury that "garbage" deeper and deeper, until you will
eventually bury the old garbage. However, since we live in a
negative society, we will always have the problem of fresh
garbage being dumped into our minds on a daily basis. A friend,
an acquaintance, or an overheard conversation can drop a couple
of fast loads of garbage into our minds. We switch on the radio or
the television and boom-boom, somebody else dumps fresh
garbage into our minds. Now we have the problem of stinkin'
thinkin' again, so what do we do now, Coach? Keep reading, the
answer is spelled out in minute detail in another Segment. I'll
guarantee it.


An exciting new field of psychology has been developed which
doesn't dig up all the old garbage of the past. It doesn't "saw
sawdust" by harping on the problems of the past. Instead, it deals
with the hope of the future. It is not problem conscious, it is
solution conscious and its results have been tremendous. An
exciting book entitled Schools Without Failure, by William
Glasser, follows the same basic philosophy. In his book, Dr.
Glasser describes the programs that work with youngsters who
have never known anything but frustration, defeat, disappoint-
ment and failure. He deals in the hope of the future and not in the
problems and personalities of the past. By taking the positive
approach and giving students mountains of encouragement, his
results have been astonishing.
Actually, this still puts man 2,000 years behind the advice the
apostle Paul gave us in the Holy Bible when he said, "Forgetting
those things which lie in the past I press forward toward the

mark." Significantly, Paul wrote those words while on death row

in a Roman prison. Paul also emphasized that he fought the battle
of life to win. My approach is similar. I recognize that winning is
not everything, but the effort to win is.


Characteristically, when a person falls victim to Garbage-

Dump Thinking, he develops an assortment of "Loser's Limps."
You know what the Loser's Limp is if you've ever attended a
football game or watched one on television. [Incidentally, the last
time I saw the local team play I knew they were in trouble when
the punter signaled for a fair catch on the snap from center.] The
offensive player slips behind the defensive player, reaches up,
pulls in a pass and heads for the end zone. The defensive man
quickly recovers and takes out in hot pursuit. When the offensive
player gets about 20 yards from the end zone, the defensive
player realizes he's not going to catch the man with the ball.
Everybody in the stands knows it too. So, the defensive player
frequently pulls up limping and the people in the stands say,
"Well, no wonder the poor guy couldn't catch him. Look, he's
crippled." Now that is his Loser's Limp. What is yours?


To utilize the ability you have you must start by getting rid of
any loser's limp you might have. A typical Loser's Limp is, "I'm
not a born salesman, or a born doctor, lawyer, artist, architect,
engineer, etc." I would like to emphasize this point. In my travels,
I have picked up newspapers from the rural villages of Australia
to the bulging metropolises of North America and Europe. I've
read where women have given birth to boys and girls, but thus far
I have never read where a woman has given birth to a salesman,
or a doctor, lawyer, artist, engineer, etc. However, I do read
where doctors, lawyers, salesmen, etc., die. Since they are not
"born," but they do "die," obviously, somewhere between birth
and death, by choice and by training, they become what they wish
to become. [Would you permit a "natural-born" doctor to go

adlibbing through your abdomen? Or a "natural-born" lawyer to

defend you in court?]
As a matter of fact, I've never seen where a woman has given
birth to a success or to a failure. It's always either a boy or a girl.
Occasionally, I've seen a man stand up and say, "I'm a self-made
man." So far I've never seen the guy or gal who didn't make it
stand up and say, "I'm a self-made failure." You know what they
do? They point the index finger and say, "I'm not successful or
happy because of my parents." Some say, "My wife or husband
doesn't understand me." Some blame the teacher, the preacher or
the boss. Some blame everything from skin color and religious
beliefs to lack of education and physical deficiencies. Some say
they're too old or too young, too fat or too slim, too tall or too short,
or that they live in the wrong place.
Incredibly enough, some even say they were born the wrong
month or under the wrong star. [Personally, I have no faith in the
stars, but total faith in the One who made the stars.] I also believe
that Loser's Limps are "garbage." And regardless of your "lot" in
life you can build something solid on it.
Some even pull the reverse and say they are discriminated
against because they are not a member of a minority group or not
a female. Still others point the finger at all of society and blame
everybody for their problems or lack of success. Now I want you
to notice one thing. When you have your index finger pointed
toward someone else, you'll discover there are three times as
many fingers pointed right back at you. Your success and your
happiness start with you. The more involved you become in the
message of this book the happier you will be to know that you do
control your future. Perhaps for the first time, you will recognize
your own enormous potential.


Surely, one of the saddest experiences in life is to hear

someone say, "If I could talk, run, jump, sing, dance, think,
concentrate, etc., like him or her," and the voice trails off into
silence. The message is, "If I just had someone else's ability, what
wouldn't I do?" The answer, my friend, is you would not do a

cotton-picking thing with someone else's ability if you are not

using the ability you already have. You're kidding yourself, and
that's not even being honest. If you're not careful you will become
one of the "Prisoners of Hope" that we meet in Every City, U.S.A.
These Prisoners of Hope are the people who hope that some day
they will walk along the street and kick a box or bag that will
contain their personal fortune. They hope for the big break that
will give them instant fame and fortune. You can also see them at
the seashore, hoping their ship is on its way, but deep down
knowing it has never left port. Yes, they are Prisoners of Hope,
and so are the people who are always dreaming and wishing for
someone else's ability or talent. The truth of the matter is you
already have the ability necessary for success. The story of life
repeatedly assures you that if you will use what you have, you will
be given more to use. Life also tells you if you don't use it, you'll
lose it.


The "jet set", who indulge in questionable moral practices in

their international travels, featuring the "good life" complete
with fun and games, are definitely not the beautiful people. From
my vantage point, the truly "beautiful people" come from every
walk of life and often suffer from everything from polio to total
blindness. They refused to accept a Loser's Limp and became
quite successful, happy and well-adjusted individuals in the
process. They represent every race, creed and color. They have
educational backgrounds that vary from the third grade to Ph.D.
I've seen people who have succeeded sometimes because of, and
many times in spite of almost unbelievable handicaps. Their
stories are the most beautiful stories we can encounter. Without
exception, these people believe that, "man was designed for
accomplishment, engineered for success and endowed with
the seeds of greatness." When you adopt this belief you will
discover that there will be no need to blame anyone for any
problem. In short, you will be on your way because you will have
discovered that you can always find a capable helping hand at the
end of your own sleeve. In my work I often see people who don't

succeed, but I seldom see one who can't succeed. What I'm really
suggesting is that you accept the fact that from this moment on,
your situation - and future - is in capable hands - yours!


Perhaps a parable will help you see my point. High on a hilltop

overlooking the beautiful city of Venice, Italy, there lived an old
man who was a genius. Legend had it he could answer any
question anyone might ask of him. Two of the local boys figured
they could fool the old man, so they caught a small bird and
headed for his residence. One of the boys held the little bird in his
hands and asked the old man if the bird was dead or alive.
Without hesitation the old man said, "Son, if I say to you that the
bird is alive, you will close your hands and crush him to death. If I
say the bird is dead, you will open your hands and he will fly
away. You see, Son, in your hands you hold the power of life and
death." This I say to you without qualification, and with no
mental reservations whatsoever. In your hands you hold the
seeds of failure - or the potential for greatness. Your hands
are capable but they must be used - and for the right things - to
reap the rewards you are capable of attaining.


Throughout this book I'll be telling a lot of stories because I
believe life itself is a continuing story. I'm also going to use every
method at my disposal to hold your attention and keep you on your
The reason is simple. You probably read at the rate of 200 to
400 words per minute, but your mind functions from 800 to 1800
words per minute. The normal tendency is for your mind to fill
this blank time or space with a thousand unrelated thoughts.
Now, combine this with the fact that your reading-learning
attitude varies as much as the kind of day you are having varies,
and you can easily understand how and why your mind wanders.
It's actually possible to read several pages and not absorb
For example, while reading this book you have already left me

a dozen times on brief trips. You've gone everywhere and done

everything from looking in on the kids to teaching a class, making
a sale, attending a football game or going to the rest room. If you
don't believe it, turn back to any page you have already read and
carefully read it again. Odds are you will see several words,
thoughts or ideas you missed the first time. Incidentally, this is
not an insult to your intelligence. As a matter of fact, in most
cases the brighter you are the more likely this will happen. I
might also add that the brighter and more ambitious you are, the
harder you will work to reduce the number of times it happens in
the future. As the author of this book, I have to hope you were not
on one of these ''trips'' during this paragraph. [As a matter of fact
I "dare" you to re-read the last two pages.]
Knowing you may take a brief trip makes it easier for you to
appreciate my earlier advice to use felt-tip pens to underline the
points that grab you. Incidentally, if you also record these
thoughts and ideas in the Trigger Page Notebook, you will truly
be an "active" and not a "passive" reader. This will be helpful for
review purposes. To re-read and review this information is
extremely important. One of America's leading universities
found that people exposed to new material one time will
remember only about 2% of it two weeks later. If they are exposed
to the same material on six consecutive days, they will remember
62% of it two weeks later. But there's something much more
important than that. The more times you are exposed to the same
information, the more likely you are to take action on it - and
action by you is my objective. As a matter of fact, action is the
manifestation of learning. Just as "faith without works is dead,"
learning without action isn't learning.


Many times individuals will indicate with a nod of the head
that they already know or have heard the information as I start to
cover a point in a talk. I'm often tempted to stop and ask what
they've done about it. Unless and until you do something with
what you have learned, you might as well not have learned it. The
person who won't read is no better off than the person who can't
read. The person who knows but won't use success principles and

information is no better off than the person who doesn't know

them. You intend to "do something," don't you? [Say yes!].
Since you answered "yes," let me say, "Congratulations, you
are now successful!" I say that because success is not a
destination, it's a journey, it's the direction in which you are
traveling. Not only have you started, but you're headed in the
right direction. I enthusiastically congratulate you because
you're not like "most people."
Most people wait until everything is just right before they do
anything. They refuse to go out on a limb because they don't
understand that the fruit is always out on the limb. They refuse to
bet on themselves. For them, the ball game of life is already over,
and they've lost it. Their epitaph could well read, "Born 1942,
died 1974, buried 1997," or whenever the heart finally stops
beating. They are the people who end up like the cook's biscuits.
Let me explain. When I was a small boy in Yazoo City,
Mississippi, we lived next door to some rich folks. I know they
were rich because they not only had a cook, but the cook had
something to cook. In the 1930's that was a sure sign of wealth. I
was there for lunch one day, as I tried to be most every day. [Don't
misunderstand, we had plenty to eat at our house. I know we had
plenty because if I ever passed my plate for seconds, they always
said, "No, you've had plenty."] On this occasion, the cook brought
out a pan of biscuits. Since they were no thicker than a silver
dollar, I asked, "Maude, what happened to those biscuits?" She
rared back, laughed and said, "Well, those biscuits squatted to
rise, but they just got cooked in the squat."


Do you know someone who got cooked in the squat? Do you
know someone who is "gonna do something just as soon as the kids
get out of school or the kids get back in school?" Perhaps they
would do it as soon as cold weather gets here or cold weather is
over." Other excuses range from when Christmas arrives or
Christmas is over, John fixes the car, paints the house, cuts the
grass, etc." In a nutshell, those who make a list of "external"
changes that must be met before they take "internal" action will
always end up getting "cooked in the squat."

Well, I'll tell you about those biscuits - they squatted

to rise but they just got cooked in the squat.

Do you know anyone who is "half-a-mind" to lose some weight,

go back to school, take a public-speaking course, beautify the
lawn, get active in church or community affairs, etc.? Unfor-
tunately, both the "half-a-minders" and the "gonna-doers," the
people who wait until everything is "just right" before they do
anything, will never do it. Those who wait until all the lights are
on green before starting, will never leave home. They are the
"half-a-minders" and the "gonna-doers," which means they are
"never-doers" and, as I say, they get cooked in the squat.
Chances are excellent that on occasion you have said to
someone that you were going to do a certain task, embark on a
course of progress and development, or begin to do more things
just as soon as you "get around to it." Since I encounter so many
people who fit this position, and since I don't want a reader of my
book to "get cooked in the squat," I utilize something that is
extremely effective. My business card is round. On one side is my
name, address and phone number. The other side has the word
"TUIT" in large letters. Since the card is round and it is a Tuit,
that makes it "a Round Tuit." Later in the book I will tell you how
to get a Round Tuit. [And I guarantee that I will get around to
telling you how to get a Round Tuit, so keep reading.] When you
get your "Round Tuit," keep it with you at all times and when
someone asks you to do something which you would normally
promise to do as soon as you "get around to it," you will be
reminded that you already have your "Round Tuit," so you can go
ahead and do it.

Throughout this book I'm going to completely refute the idea
that you have to take advantage of people, abuse them and be
dishonest to be successful. As a matter of fact, I'm going to prove
beyond any reasonable doubt that the only way you can really be
successful in all areas of your life, is to be completely honest with
yourself and your fellowman. I will further establish that you
can get everything in life you want, if you help enough other
people get what they want. This is true whether you are a
salesman, doctor, father, mother, businessman, student,

minister, mechanic or even an elected government official.

This story will help you understand that it's not just what you
have in your head that counts.


Several years ago, a balloon salesman was selling balloons on

the streets of New York City. When business got a little slow, he
would release a balloon. As it floated into the air, a fresh crowd of
buyers would gather and his business would pick up for a few
minutes. He alternated the colors, first releasing a white one,
then a red one and later a yellow one. After a time, a little Negro
boy tugged on his coat sleeve, looked the balloon salesman in the
eye and asked a penetrating question. "Mister, if you released a
black balloon, would it go up?" The balloon saleman looked at the
little boy and with compassion, wisdom and understanding said,
"Son, it's what's inside those balloons that make them go up." The
little boy was fortunate indeed to encounter a man who could see
with more than just his eyes. With good eyes you can see to run or
walk, work or play. The person who can see with his heart and his
eyes can also reach out and touch the spirit within another human
being and reveal the good that lies in him. Yes, the balloon
salesman was "right." I'm also "right" when I tell you, it's what's
inside you that will make you go up.
Now, my friends, whether you are in Decision Valley or on
Hesitation Hill, or even if your career or personal life is already in
high gear, let me urge you to fasten your seat belt, because you
are on a trip to the top. It's an exciting trip, with more suspense
than an Alfred Hitchcock thriller, more action than a John
Wayne western, more drama than a Shakespearian play and
more fun than a three-ring circus. It's immersed in love, filled
with laughter and offers more true reward than King Solomon's
Mines. In short, this book is actually the Owner's Manual for your
It's true, you can get what you want instead of having to
want what you have. Success is easy after you believe. But first,
you must believe. So stick around, and keep reading. You're on
your way to believing, which simply means, you're on your way.






Robert Schuller - SELF LOVE

James and Jongeward - BORN TO WIN
Mildred Newman - HOW TO BE YOUR OWN
Bernard Berkowitz BEST FRIEND
Harry Lorayne
(If you have
James Dobson - HIDE OR SEEK children, both
of these books
James Dobson - DARE TO DISCIPLINE are a must.)



The scene is a small neighborhood grocery store and the year

is 1887. A distinguished-looking gentleman in his late fifties or
early sixties is buying some turnip greens. He hands the clerk a
twenty-dollar bill and waits for his change. The clerk accepts the
money and starts to place it in the cash drawer as she made
change. However, she noticed that the ink was coming off on her
fingers, which were still wet from handling the turnip greens.
She was shocked and paused to consider what to do. Mter an
instant of wrestling with the problem, she made a decision. This
was Emmanual Ninger, a long-time friend, neighbor, and
customer. Surely he would not give her a bill that was anything
less than genuine, so she gave him the change and he left.
Later, she had some second thoughts because twenty dollars
was a lot of money in 1887. She sent for the police. One policeman
was confident that the twenty-dollar bill was the genuine article.
The other was puzzled about the ink that rubbed off. Finally,
curiosity combined with responsibility forced them to obtain a
warrant to search Mr. Ninger's home. In the attic they found the
facilities for reproducing twenty-dollar bills. As a matter of fact,
they found a twenty-dollar bill in the process of being printed.
They also found three portraits which Emmanual Ninger had
painted. N inger was an artist, and a good one. He was so good, he
was hand-painting those twenty-dollar bills. Meticulously, stroke
by stroke, he applied the master's touch so skillfully, he was able
to fool everyone until a quirk offate in the form of the wet hands of
a grocery store clerk exposed him.
After his arrest, his portraits were sold at public auction for
$16,000 - over $5,000 each. The irony of the story is, it took
Emmanual Ninger almost exactly the same length of time to
paint a twenty-dollar bill as it took him to paint a $5,000 portrait.
Yes, this brilliant and talented man was a thief in every sense of

the word. Tragically, the person he stole the most from was
Emmanual Ninger. Not only could he have been a wealthy man if
he had legitimately marketed his ability, but he could have
brought so much joy and so many benefits to his fellowman in the
process. He was another in the endless list of thieves who steal
from themselves when they try to steal from others.


A second thief I would like to tell you about is a man named
Arthur Barry. He too was an unusual thief. He was a jewel thief
who operated during the "roaring twenties." Barry gained an
international reputation as probably the outstanding jewel thief
of all time. Not only was he a successful jewel thief, he was also a
connoisseur of the arts. As a matter of fact, he had become a snob
and would not steal from just anyone - not Arthur Barry. Not
only must his "prospects" have money and jewels in order for him
to come calling, but their name must also be listed in the top
echelons of society. It became somewhat of a status symbol to
have been called on and robbed by this "gentleman thief." This
feeling, I hasten to add, caused the police force a great deal of
One night, Barry was caught during a robbery and shot three
times. With bullets in his body, splinters of glass in his eyes and
suffering excruciating pain, he made a not too unexpected
statement: "I'm never going to do this anymore." Miraculously,
he escaped, and for the next three years he remained outside the
penitentiary. Then, a jealous woman turned him in and Barry
served an eighteen-year sentence. When he was released, he kept
his word. He didn't go back to the life of being a jewel thief. As a
matter of fact, he settled in a small New England town and lived
a model life. Local citizens honored him by making him the
commander of a local veterans' organization.
Eventually, however, word leaked out that Arthur Barry, the
famous jewel thief, was in their midst. Reporters from all over
the country came to the little town to interview him. They asked
him a number of questions and finally one young reporter got to
the very crux of the matter when he asked the most penetrating
question of all. "Mr. Barry," he queried, "you stole from a lot of

wealthy people during your years as a thief, but I'm curious to

know if you remember the one from whom you stole the most?"
Barry, without a moment's hesitation said, "That's easy. The man
from whom I stole the most was Arthur Barry. I could have been
a successful businessman, a baron on Wall Street and a
contributing member to society but instead I chose the life of a
thief, and spent two-thirds of my adult life behind prison bars."
Yes, Arthur Barry was truly the thief who stole from himself.


A third thief I would like to talk about is obviously you. I'm

going to call you a thief because any person who does not believe in
himself and fully utilize his ability is literally stealing from
himself, from his loved ones and in the process, because of
reduced productivity, he also steals from society. Since no one
would knowingly steal from him or her self, it's obvious that those
who steal from themselves do it unwittingly. Nevertheless, the
crime is still serious because the loss is just as great as if it were
deliberately done.
So the question is obvious: Are you ready to quit stealing from
yourself? I'm optimistic enough to believe that you have started
your climb to the top. For you and many others, this book will
provide the motivation, inspiration and knowledge to take you a
long way. Let me warn you however, your education in this field
isn't complete the minute you finish this book. Your body needs
nutritional food every day and your mind needs mental
nourishment just as often, so keep reading and soon, when you
look into the mirror, you will be looking into the eyes of an ex-


I'm personally convinced that a healthy self-image is the

starting point - the first and most important step to reaching
our objectives. After all, if we don't start, it's certain we can't
arrive. Perhaps this analogy will sell you on that concept.

Let's playa game for just a moment. Your telephone rings and
the voice at the other end says, "Friend, don't be disturbed, I don't
want to borrow any money and I have no favors to ask. I just
thought I would call and tell you that I think you're one of the
nicest persons who ever drew a breath of air. You are an asset to
your profession and a credit to your community. You're the kind
of person I like to be with because every time I'm around you, I
feel inspired and motivated to do a better job. I wish I could see
you every day because you motivate me to be my best self. That's
all I wanted to say, friend. Look forward to seeing you soon." Now,
if a close friend called you and said those things to you what kind
of day would you have? Remember, you know the words are
sincere because they are coming from a close friend.
If you were a doctor, would you be a better doctor? If you were
a teacher, would you be a better teacher? If you were a salesman,
would be you a better salesman? If you were a mother, would you
be a better mother? If you were a father, would you be a better
father? If you were a coach, would you be a better coach? If you
were an athlete, would you be a better athlete? If you were a
student, would you be a better student? Would you be better?
Regardless of who you are or what you do, you know in your own
mind you wouldn't only be better at your job, but you would be
happier, wouldn't you? [Say yes.]
One other question arises at this point. In light of the previous
conversation, how much more would you know about being a
doctor? Or a sales person? A lawyer? A coach? A student? An
athlete? How much more would you know if you had gotten that
phone call? The answer obviously is you wouldn't know any more.
Still, in your own mind you know you would be better and happier
in your job. The reason is simple. You've had a change of image.
You would say, I'm an asset to my community and a credit to my
profession. That old boy said so and he is one more smart cookie."
You wouldn't argue with him for one single moment. You would
see yourself in a different light. Your self-image would change
and at that instant an interesting thing happens. Your confidence
goes up and when your confidence goes up, your competence goes
up at the same time. Simply stated, it means that when your
image improves, your performance improves.

Since you know what this kind of phone call would do for you,
why don't you do the same thing for someone else? Why don't you
put this book down and pick up the telephone [unless it is 2:00
a.m. or some other ridiculous hour]. Call that person you
sincerely like and respect, and tell him or her how much you
appreciate who they are, what they do, and how much they mean
and have meant to you. The person you call will be appreciative
and you will feel good about it. Significantly, you will like
yourself better as a result of helping to build up someone else.
More on this later.
The next story - straight out of life - clearly demonstrates
the importance of a healthy self-image and what happens when
your self-image changes.


When Victor Seribriakoff was fifteen, his teacher told him he

would never finish school and that he should drop out and learn a
trade. Victor took the advice and for the next seventeen years he
was an itinerant doing a variety of odd jobs. He had been told he
was a "dunce" and for seventeen years he acted like one. When he
was 32 years old, an amazing transformation took place. An
evaluation revealed that he was a genius with an I.Q. of 161.
Guess what? That's right, he started acting like a genius. Since
that time he has written books, secured a number of patents and
has become a successful businessman. Perhaps the most
significant event for the former dropout was his election as
chairman of the International Mensa Society. The Mensa Society
has only one membership qualification, an I.Q. of 140.
The story of Victor Seribriakoff makes you wonder how many
geniuses we have wandering around acting like dunces because
someone told them they weren't too bright. Obviously, Victor did
not suddenly acquire a tremendous amount of additional
knowledge. He did suddenly acquire a tremendous amount of
added confidence. The result was, he instantly became more
effective and more productive. When he saw himself differently,
he started acting differently. He started expecting, and getting,
different results. Ah yes, as a man thinketh.


Mildred Newman and Dr. Bernard Berkowitz in their book,

How to Be Your Own Best Friend, ask a penetrating question. "If
we cannot love ourselves, where will we draw our love for anyone
else?" You can't give away something you don't have. The Bible
says, "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
Is self-image important? Dorothy Jongeward and Muriel
James wrote a marvelous book entitled, Born to Win. They point
out that man was born to win, but throughout a lifetime, as a
result of our negative society, he is conditioned to lose. They, too,
stress that a healthy self-image is critical in the success parade.
You cannot consistently perform in a manner that is
inconsistent with the way you see yourself. Your self-image
will lead you to the top of the stairway or put you on an escalator to
the basement. See yourself as a deserving person and you will be
- do - and have. See yourself as nondeserving and you have not~
Fortunately, regardless of how you have seen yourself in the past,
you now have the motivation, method and capacity to change, and
change for the better. Of all the gifts our Creator gives us, surely
the gift of choosing the way we wish to be is one of the greatest.
As we delve into our self-image, let's remember that the mind
completes whatever picture we put in it. For example, a plank
12" wide laying on the floor would be easy to walk. Place the same
plank between two ten story buildings and "walking the plank" is
a different matter. You "see" yourself easily and safely walking
the plank on the floor. You "see" yourself falling from the plank
stretched between the buildings. Since the mind completes the
picture you paint in it, your fears are quite real. Many times a
golfer will knock a ball into a lake or hit it out of bounds and then
step back with the comment, "I knew I was going to do that." His
mind painted a picture and his body completed the action. On the
positive side, the successful golfer knows he must "see" the ball
going in the cup before he strokes it. The good hitter in baseball
"sees" the ball dropping in for a base hit before he swings at the
ball, and the successful salesman "sees" the customer buying
before he makes the calls. Michaelangelo clearly saw the Mighty
Moses in that block of marble before he struck the first blow.

Easily, the most puzzling and disappointing incident in the
sports world occurs in baseball when a batter steps up to the plate
and proceeds to let the pitcher throw three strikes without taking
a single cut at the ball. Three golden opportunities to at least
advance a runner, get on base himself, or maybe even hit a home
run, and he never moves the bat from his shoulder. The reason is
simple. He "saw" himself striking out, being put out or maybe
even hitting into a double play. He left his bat on his shoulder
hoping for a "walk" - a free ride to first base.
Even more disappointing is to see a person in the ball game of
life step up to the plate, and never really take a cut at the ball. He
is the biggest failure of all according to Larry Kimsey, M.D.-
because he doesn't try. If you try and lose, you can learn from
losing, which greatly reduces the loss. Obviously, there is little
you can learn from doing nothing. These people serve as their
own judge and jury and sentence themselves to a life in the prison
of mediocrity. They never really get in the game of life and take
an honest cut at the ball. They serve as their own worst enemy and
the blindest umpire of all. Their self-image is that of falling -
failing - or striking out. Unfortunately, their mind then
completes the picture and another person of ability joins the
scrap heap of "could have been." The late Dr. Maxwell Maltz,
internationally famous plastic surgeon, and author of "self help"
books that sold over 10,000,000 copies, says this is the reason the
goal of any form of psychotherapy is to change the self-image of
the patient.


The starting point for both success and happiness is a healthy

self-image. Dr. Joyce Brothers, well known author, columnist
and psychologist says, "An individual's self-concept is the core of
his personality. It affects every aspect of human behavior: the
ability to learn, the capacity to grow and change, the choice of
friends, mates and careers. It's no exaggeration to say that a
strong positive self-image is the best possible preparation for
success in life."

You must accept yourself before you can really like anyone
else or before you can accept the fact that you deserve success and
happiness. Motivation, goal setting, positive thinking, etc., won't
work for you until you accept yourself. You must feel you
"deserve" success, happiness, etc., before those things will be
yours. The person with a poor self-image can easily see how
positive thinking, goal setting, etc., would work for others, but
not for himself.
Let me stress that I am talking about a healthy self acceptance
and not a super-inflated "I am the Greatest" ego. Of all the
diseases known to man, conceit is the weirdest of them all. It
makes everyone sick except the one who has it. [Actually the
individual with a bad case of "I" trouble is really suffering from
an extremely poor self image.]

Since so many people are unaware of the enormous potential
that lies within even an uneducated mind, I would like to share a
personal experience to illustrate a point. Several years ago, I
picked up a hitchhiker. As soon as he seated himself, I knew I had
made a mistake because he had been drinking a little and was
talking a lot. He soon revealed he had just been released from
prison where he had served eighteen months for bootlegging.
When I asked if he had acquired any know ledge he could use once
he was released, he enthusiastically replied he had learned the
name of every county in every state in the United States,
including the parishes in Louisiana.
Frankly, I thought he was lying so I challenged him to prove
what he was saying. I selected South Carolina as a test state since
I had lived there nearly eighteen years. My rider, who had a
limited education, proceeded to demonstrate that he did know the
names of all the counties in that state and was anxious to prove he
knew the others as well. I have no idea why he selected this
particular project and spent so much time acquiring apparently
useless information. The point, however, is even though he was
formally uneducated, his mind was capable of acquiring and
storing an enormous amount of information. So is yours, but I
hope you concentrate on learning and then applying usable

information to life's daily opportunities. Unfortunately, many

"educated" people never succeed in life because they are not
"motivated" to put their imagination to work to utilize their
One point you need to clearly understand is that education
and intelligence are not the same thing. Three of the most
intelligent and successful people I know finished the 3rd, 5th and
8th grades. Henry Ford quit school at 14 and Thomas J. Watson,
founder of I.B.M., went from a $6.00 a week salesman to
Chairman of the Board. Many of the successful people I mention
through the pages of this book have even less education yet they
made it - and made it big in this highly technical world of the
1970's, so a limited "formal" education is no excuse and certainly
no reason to have a poor self-image. Obviously education is
important, but dedication is even more important. This book was
not written just to "educate" or inform you, though I certainly
expect you to learn a number of things from it. It was written to
help you get rid of excuses for failure, give you reasons and
methods to succeed while urging you to dedicate yourself to
utilizing the potential you possess.


In many ways, things are relevant. One man who earns

$50,000 a year could well be judged a failure if he is capable of
earning five times that amount. On the other hand, one who earns
$10,000 per year could be an overwhelming success, ifhe is using
a high portion of his talents and abilities. I know talents vary and
in the ability department we are not all created equal. I also know
none of us use all our ability. In fact, very few of us even use most
of our ability. One of my goals in this book is to convince you that
you have more ability than you think and then to motivate you to
use more of that ability.
Earlier, I mentioned earnings as a mark of success primarily
because money is a familiar yardstick by which we can measure a
contribution. Regardless of what your occupation might be, there
are others with the same opportunity who earn considerably less
money and still others who earn a great deal more. In the final

analysis, opportunity for growth and service lies with the

individual. Almost without exception you can measure a
person's contribution to society in terms of dollars. The more he
contributes the more he earns.


Now, before you jump more than six feet off the ground, let me
hasten to add I did say "almost." I personally know some teachers
who make very little money and others who earn large amounts.
The same is true of doctors, lawyers, salesmen, ministers, truck
drivers, secretaries, etc. As you view the individual, you discover
that those who are earning the most money are generally making
larger contributions, but there are some obvious exceptions.
The dedicated teacher who chooses to remain in a remote
mountain or rural area or in a tenement area school might be an
example. He or she might be the only hope many of the children
have for raising the ceilings their families might have set for
them. The dedicated minister might remain in a small local area
because he fervently believes God chose him to serve that specific
community. Generally speaking, however, the well-paid minister
is rendering more service to more people. The same is true of the
teacher, doctor, truck driver, salesman, etc.
The oft-repeated philosophy, "You can get everything in life
you want, if you help enough other people get what they
want," is another way of saying if you serve more, you earn more.
From time to time some of my Christian friends ask me how I
reconcile my Christian beliefs with my view on money. I always
smile and tell them that I believe God made the diamonds for His
folks and not Satan's crowd. All you've got to do to verify this is
check the record. Read what God said in Malachi 3-10, Psalms 1-3
and III John 2, and I believe you will agree that money is
scripturally okay. [Solomon was the richest man who ever lived,
Abraham had cattle on a thousand hills, and Job would not have
qualified for food stamps.] The only admonition God gives us is
that we must not make money or anything else our god because
when we do we will never be happy - regardless of how much we
have. We know this is true because in the past two years five

billionaires have died and all five of them were still trying to earn
more money. Someone in Dallas asked how much money Howard
Hughes had left and got this answer: "He left it all." That's the
amount each of us will leave, isn't it? It's all right to get money-
lots of it - as long as you get it the right way and you don't let the
money get you.
Most people don't have money because they don't understand
it. They talk about cold, hard cash and it is neither cold nor hard
- it's soft and warm. It feels good and it's color-coordinated to go
with any color you might be wearing. Not once has my redhead
ever had to change outfits because what she was wearing would
not go with what I was carrying.
Occasionally I will hear someone truthfully say they really do
not want to earn large sums of money [ministers, teachers, social
workers, etc.] but generally speaking any other person who says
this will lie about other things, too.
Yes, a well-paid individual will be quite comfortable in the
philosophy of this book. By the same token, the service oriented
person will also find much encouragement and comfort in the
"Zigmanship" philosophy. So keep reading - regardless of your
status at the moment.





If self-image is so important, why do so many people have a
poor one and what are the causes? I'm convinced that the
beginning of a poor self-image is the fact that we live in a negative
society and deal constantly with negative individuals. Any
scanning of the news will verify this. Typical comments from the
"average home in America" repeatedly reveal that negativism
prevails. An overweight person sits down to the table and says,
"everything I eat turns to fat." A housewife who is a lousy
housekeeper views the "wreck" when she arises in the morning
and comments, "I'll never get this mess cleaned up." [One lady
was so bad Good Housekeeping cancelled her subscription. Her
husband might have been luckier than "this old boy down home,"
though. His wife was so fastidious that ifhe got up for a midnight
snack, when he came back to bed she had it made.]
The businessman walks in his office, or the laborer steps into
his shop, and often comments, "Boy, I'll never get this work done
today." A child comes home from school and says, "Dad, I'm
afraid I flunked that arithmetic test," and his dad might say,
"Don't sweat it son, you've come by it honestly. I never could learn
that stuff either." A mother sends her child off to school and
cautions her, "Now, don't get run over." The weatherman on TV
says we have a 20% chance of rain, or that it will be partly cloudy.
Why doesn't he tell us we have an 80% chance of sunshine and that
it will be mostly fair? Ask the average person how he is doing and
he will make such comments as "Not too bad," or "Since it is
Monday or Friday, I'm doing fine." Easily the most tragic cause
of a poor self image is the influence and impact of some well
intentioned preachers, churches, and good Christian people who
only preach hell, fire, and brimstone. Who preach only God's
judgment with little or no mention of God's love. They stress the
negative and very seldom mention the positive. They dwell on
punishment and forget about rewards. Personally, if I thought
God was "against" me and was out to "get" me it would definitely

give me a poor self-image. The major reason I wrote Confessions

of A Happy Christian was to bring out the positive aspects of
God's love.
The second reason many people have poor self-images out of
proportion to their talent and ability is simple. Their ability,
appearance and intelligence have been ridiculed or questioned
repeatedly by parents, teachers, friends and others in authority.
In many cases, these hurts come in the form of insinuations and
innuendos, but they are just as real and devastating as if they
were true. Many times, even a chance or unintentional remark
starts the negative slide which is then fed by hurts that are real or
imagined. The net result is, we see ourselves through the negative
eyes of others. If your friends, family and associates find fault like
there is a reward for it, you get a distorted picture of the real you.
This segment is written to give you a newer and truer picture of
the remarkable person who is going to take you to the top - you.
In other cases, an unthinking or exaggerated series of
statements has a negative effect on the self-image of a youngster.
A little boy breaks something and one of the parents might
typically shout, "Johnny, you're the clumsiest boy I have ever
seen; you are always dropping things." What a burden for a child
to carry. To begin with, it is not true. There is quite a difference in
"dropping a dish" as versus "always breaking things." Other
times, the child makes a mistake and the parents will make such
ridiculous comments as, "Well, what else can we expect; he is
always doing things like this." The child walks in and drops his
coat or throws his shoes off and one of the parents might be
inclined to say, "Johnny, you are the roughest kid in the
neighborhood. You wear your shoes out faster than anybody."
The child might start for school with his shirt tail out and mom
fusses as she tells him, "You never look nice - you're always a
mess." The destructiveness of this approach should be
obvious but unfortunately it is often anything but obvious.
This information is crucial in child-rearing as well as dealing
with employees. The usual devastating put-downs imply that a
person is basically bad rather than that he is a person who
sometimes does bad things. [Obviously there is a vast difference
between a ''bad'' person and a person who does something bad.]
Combine this with some phase of physical appearance,

[obesity, bad teeth, poor complexion, "weak" smile, bad eye sight,
too tall- too short, "different" voice, etc.], lower I.Q., or learning
difficulty and you have all the ingredients for a low self esteem.
The child then reasons that since he or she is "ugly," "dumb," or
inept he doesn't deserve love from others. Then it follows in
logical sequence that if others cannot, or do not love him, that he
cannot - even should not - love himself.
Societies emphasis on physical appearance is one of the
reasons Bill Gothard, in his week-long seminar on Basic Youth
Conflicts, states that no wise parent will compliment the
appearance of another child in the presence of his own. This
makes the child feel that the parent puts great value on physical
attractiveness and that the parent feels the other child is prettier,
smarter, etc., than he or she, and it tends to create a feeling of
When commenting on another child, the wise parent will say,
"My, what nice manners," or, "He is such an honest boy," or, "Isn't
she helpful?" The wise parent will compliment the trait or
characteristic he would like to see developed more in his own
child. This is critically important because survey after survey
shows that 95% of the youth of America would change their
appearance if they could. In Hollywood, with its stress on
physical appearance, conclusive evidence points out that nearly
100% of the "beauties" would like to alter their own personal
appearance, and many of them do, through plastic surgery.
A poor self-image, more commonly known as an inferiority
complex, is often carried into adulthood and if fed by a negative
mate, the problem is compounded. That's the primary reason the
wise husband never comments about the attractiveness of
another woman in the presence of his wife. This could lead the
wife to feel that he considers the other woman more attractive
than she. This has a tendency to feed an already negative self-
image and helps to put the marriage 9n shaky grounds.
Comments like, "You're always late," "You never do anything
right," "You never cook a decent meal," also compound the
problem. They are not designed to build either confidence or love.
Besides, there is a tremendous difference between "I am a failure
in life," and "I did not get the raise," or "I did not get the job."


Poor self-images of the worst kind are created, or enlarged,
when teachers, people in authority or even the general public
come in contact with the underprivileged or members of a
minority race in a manner that produces inferiority complexes.
For example, I never fully realized the extent of the damage to
the image of the black man until I saw the Xerox series hosted by
Bill Cosby. One scene from a Shirley Temple movie stands out in
my mind.
The scene was a birthday party five-year-old Shirley Temple
was having. The party was nearly over when a 14-year-old black
girl and several of her younger friends came calling with a
present for "Miss Shirley." Here was a five-year-old white girl,
smiling and friendly, accepting a present from a 14-year-old
black girl, obviously awed at the "privilege" of just stopping by.
The black girl is moved to tears when thefive-year-old white girl
invites her to share some of the leftover birthday cake. It doesn't
take much imagination to know that the stereotype portrayed
would lead to a feeling of inferiority.
Fortunately, much of this extreme treatment has dis-
appeared. As a result, the Negro has made more progress in this
generation than any people in recorded history. His progress has
been in direct proportion to the change in his self-image.
Unfortunately, prejudice still exists, but progress is being made
daily. The complete solution will come with education, love and
understanding by both black and white, that skin color and
ability have no correlation. I like what Jesse Owens, the great
Oympic track star says about color, "Black is not beautiful, white
is not beautiful- those are skin colors and anything that doesn't
go beyond skin color is not beautiful."
The third cause of a poor self-image is the tendency to confuse
failure in a project with failure in life. A child who fails a subject
in school or who doesn't make the team, makes the mistake of
identifying a single failure with failure in life itself. This is
tragically reinforced many times by teachers and/or parents.
Once the poor self-image slide starts, the natural tendency is
to feed the inferiority feeling. Many people do this when they
castigate themselves because they can't remember everything

they hear and everybody they meet, which brings us to our fourth
cause, an untrained memory. At the beginning of this Segment, I
listed a marvelous new book which will help you to dramatically
improve your memory in a matter of hours. It was written by
Jerry Lucas and Harry Lorayne. To give you an idea of the
tremendous capacity of the human mind, Jerry is now in the
process of memorizing the entire Bible, and has just completed a
book that will teach you how to do the same thing. Jerry, who
knows where he is going here - and hereafter - is terribly
convincing when he tells you that anyone - even you - can
dramatially improve your memory by using his techniques.
For the moment, here are two warming thoughts which will
give you a lot of comfort. First, a perfect memory doesn't indicate
a great mind any more than a huge dictionary, with all the words
in it, represents a great piece of literature. Second, the person
who can't remember is infinitely better off than the one who can't
forget. Those two thoughts are temporarily comforting, but don't
hang your hat on them. Go buy The Memory Book, I did, and it's
fantastic. Actually, there is no such thing as a "good" memory
or a "bad" memory; it is either trained or untrained. The
choice of whether you train it or leave it untrained is up to you.


The fifth cause of a poor self-image is an unrealistic and

unfair comparison of experiences. We generally make the
mistake of comparing our experience with another person's
experience. We exaggerate their successful experience and
downgrade our own success. Experience has nothing to do
with ability. [Experience can increase skill but that is another
subject.] For example, there are three million Australians who
can do something most of us cannot do. They can drive down the
left hand side of the highway. On the other hand, if you can drive,
the chances are good that you can do something three million
Australians cannot safely do. You can drive down the right hand
side of the highway. This does not mean that either is smarter
than the other. It simply means you have had a different
experience. There are over 200 million Chinese under twenty-one

who can do something you probably cannot do. They can speak
Chinese. Does that mean they are smarter than you? Not at all; it
means they have had a different experience. At this moment you
are doing something that over three billion people cannot do. You
are reading this book in English. Obviously this does not mean
you are smarter than three billion other people. It does mean you
have had a different experience.
Chances are good that you stand somewhat in awe of any
competent doctor as he rattles off those big words describing
your condition. You undoubtedly feel he is truly a brilliant and
remarkable man and he might well be. What about you? The
chances are exceptionally good that your doctor would be lost in
your job, and could not perform nearly as well as you. Chances are
also excellent that if you were to spend the next fifteen years of
your life as your doctor did, learning those big words, studying
diseases, medicines and cures, you could don the white coat and
stethoscope of an M.D. yourself.



This experience will emphasize what I mean. About three

years ago, following an extremely heavy rain, the alley in back of
our home became virtually impassable. However, I had to go
down the alley to reach our garage and in the process, I became
hopelessly stuck directly behind our driveway. I spent about 45
frustrating minutes burning rubber in an effort to get out of that
mud hole. I put bricks, boards, and anything else available
underneath the wheels in an effort to get traction. It was all in
vain, so I finally called the tow truck to pull me out [negative
people would have called the wrecker]. The driver viewed the
situation and asked if he could try to drive the car out of the mud.
I protested that it was absolutely useless, but with a quiet
confidence he asked again if he couldn't "just give it a try." I told
him to go ahead, but assured him that it was no use and besides I
didn't want him burning up my tires. He sat down, turned the
wheels slightly, started the car, jockeyed a couple of times, and
within thirty seconds, slowly but surely drove that car out of the

mud. When I expressed astonishment, he explained that he had

been raised in East Texas and had spent his lifetime driving out
of mud holes. I'm convinced that this man was no "smarter" than
I, but he did have a different experience.
Ironically, many of the people we admire for their skills and
accomplishments also admire us for the same thing. Please don't
misunderstand; I am not saying that some people do not have
aptitudes for various jobs or professions. I am simply emphasiz-
ing that you too have a unique skill, talent, aptitude and
experience. You must recognize that a different experience does
not mean you are less than another, nor that he is less than you.
Instead of feeling inferior because someone else can do
something you can't, why not concentrate on what you can do that
others can't. Admire the skill of others but remember, in most
instances, you could greatly improve your own skill by using the
same amount of time and effort. Experience is often the only


A sixth cause for a poor self-image is comparing your worst

features to someone else's best features. One woman did that and
ended up at age 38, a scrub woman on welfare. Then she read
Claude M. Bristol's The Magic of Believing. She started believing
and looking at her positive qualities, one of which was the ability
to make people laugh. Since that time - even though she still
doesn't compete with the beauties of the world - Phyllis Diller
has earned as much as $1,000,000 in a single year. Eleanor
Roosevelt was a sad combination of homeliness, fright and fear.
Long after she was grown and the "Negative NeIls" of life were
quoting those old cliches about not teaching old dogs new tricks,
Eleanor made a decision. She took stock of her assets, started
seeing herself for her true values and became one of the most
charming and persuasive women in America. Incidentally, she
fainted - passed out cold - at her first public speech. Jimmy
Durante and Humphrey Bogart were not exactly poster
material, but they capitalized on their appearances and decided
they had a place in life if they used what they had. None of these

people "saw" themselves as physically unattractive. They saw the

talent or good qualities they had. They did not "compare" their
"worst" features to someone else's "best" features. Instead, they
took their own best features or talents and used what they had to
get what they wanted. I'm convinced there are hundreds of
glamour girls or matinee idols who would love to have the success
and admiration that these four people achieved.


Surely you remember the story of the talents in the Bible. One
man had one, another had two, still another had five. The Lord
went away for a long time into a far country. When He returned,
He asked the one who had five what he had done. The man replied
that he had taken the five talents, put them to work and now he
had ten talents. The Lord replied, "Well done, thou good and
faithful servant, because you have been faithful in using that
which you have, then I will give you more talents." The one who
had been given two talents, took those talents, put them to work
and multiplied them. Then the Lord went to the one who had one
talent, and inquired as to how he had done. The man replied,
"Lord, you only gave me one talent, while you gave the others
many talents. Besides, I knew you were a hard and cruel master,
that you reaped where you had not sowed, and so I took the one
talent and buried it."
Then the Lord said, "Thou wicked and slothful servant."
[Throughout the entire Bible, Jesus Christ is not this hard on
anyone else, so apparently He expects us to use our talent.] He
then took the one talent and gave it to the one who had ten. Since
that time, the cry-babies of the world have been saying, "The rich
get richer and the poor get poorer," or "Them what has, gets." The
Bible says, "To him who hath, the more shall be given." The
message is clear. Take what you have and use it and your
talent will be increased which brings more rewards, etc.
Many people have poor self-images because they set standards
of perfection that are unrealistic and unreachable. This is the
seventh cause of a poor self-image. When they fail- and fail they
must - they never forgive themselves. They feel they must ei ther

be perfect - the best - or the worst. Since they failed, they

figure they must be the worst. This affects all areas of life and is
an underlying cause of job dissatisfaction, discord in the rearing
of children, unhappiness in a marital relationship, etc. After all,
if a person feels he is the "worst," then surely he cannot believe he
"deserves" a good job, a good mate, good children, or anything of
merit or value.
In my mind the greatest single cause of poor self-images
within the last ten years has been the opening of the flood gates of
pornography, especially child pornography which has to rate as
the most degrading and despicable form of exploitation in
existence. I'll deal with pornography at greater length when we
look at the steps we can take to build a healthy self image.
Og Mandino in his magnificent book, The Greatest Miracle in
the World, points out two additional causes of a poor self-image.
First, Darwin's "theory" of evolution, that man is not from God
but is animalistic in origin, has dealt man's self esteem a serious
blow. I agree with Og. If I thought I came from a monkey, it
would lower my self esteem considerably. This concept has
indirectly helped create a discipline problem. If our young people
act like animals and we follow the dictates of a permissive society
by not disciplining them we really re-inforce the poor self image,
because as Dr. James Dobson so beautifully points out in his book
"Dare to Discipline," discipline, or rather the lack of it, is
definitely a cause of a poor self image. He points out that it is
through the loving control of discipline that parents express
personal worth to a child. Dr. Dobson is simply echoing what God
told us 2000 years ago.
The second point concerns the damage done by Sigmund
Freud. Freud gave us a built-in excuse or "loser's limp" when he
told us our thoughts and actions originated from early childhood
experiences deeply buried in our subconscious mind which we
could neither control nor understand and we're therefore not
responsible for.
With one scientist telling us we came from the lowest form of
animal life and another telling us we are not responsible for our
conduct, it's easy to see how we could see ourselves as "nothing."
Darwin, before his death, acknowledged God as the architect of

the universe and some of Freud's findings are questionable. For

example, John Hopkins Psychologist, Robert Hogan, recently
said: "Freud thought you could study neurotics and learn about
normals. He got it backwards. You have to study the normal to
understand the delinquent." Unfortunately, much damage has
already been done. Einstein pointed out that incorrect input
requires eleven or more correct inputs to negate the erroneous
information. This is another way of saying that it takes a number
of "right thinking" deposits to overcome those "stinkin' thinkin' "
When you combine all these reasons for having a poor self-
image, there is little wonder that so many people are so badly
crippled by this prevalent and contagious disease. Fortunately
you are doing something about yours. As we explore the
manifestations of a poor self-image in the next chapter, you will
be able to identify some personal behavior you had not previously
associated with a poor self-image. It is important to recognize the
manifestations of a poor self-image so that you can more
effectively deal with your own self-image problem [if you have
one]. This will also give you additional insight in living and
working with other people. When we can identify a problem and
face the problem with confidence and enthusiasm, the solution is
on the way.




Those with poor self-images quickly reveal themselves by

their critical and jealous nature. They resent the success and even
the number of friends others have. They are jealous without cause
of wives, husbands, boyfriends or girlfriends. [If a husband or
wife comes in at all hours of the night smelling like a member of
the opposite sex, I'd say there is cause for jealousy.] Since they
don't like themselves, they can't possibly believe that a member of
the opposite sex could love them above all others. Ironically, they
often defend their jealousy by exclaiming to all who will listen
that they love their mate "too much." In reality, they can neither
love nor trust their mate because they neither love nor trust
themselves. They gossip and often keep rumors alive with ugly
and often untrue comments. [They haven't learned that when
they're throwing dirt, they're not doing a thing but losing
ground.] Their insecurity is also evident by their resentment
when someone else receives praises or recognition.
Perhaps the most noticeable manifestation of a poor self-
image is the way a person reacts to criticism and the way he
reacts to laughter. They can't stand it if they suspect that
someone else is laughing "at" them. They can't laugh at
themselves and strongly feel that either laughter or criticism
from others is a "put down," an effort to make them "look bad."
Their reactions are completely out of proportion to the act or
A person with a poor self-image is generally uncomfortable
when alone or inactive. He's gotta be going somewhere and doing
something all the time. When alone, he or she keeps the radio
and/or TV going, even if they are not watching or listening. Some
will even carry their transistor radios with them as they walk,
drive, or fly around the country.
A poor self-image also reveals itself in a breakdown of
motivation. Many times, when a person quits competing and puts
forth the "I don't care" attitude, it is because they can't see

themselves as "winning" the outstanding boy or girl because they

aren't attractive or deserving enough. Then they completely "let
go" and "overdo" their protest in every conceivable way. They are
frequently loud, critical, vindictive and overbearing. Such
people often dress unattractively, forego personal hygiene,
frequently become obese, abandon morality and flaunt immorali-
ty, turn to drugs or alcohol and become vulgar and profane in
speech. Ironically, they often adopt a superior attitude and try to
make others, who don't share their views, feel inferior. It's
distressing to see sloppy, dirty, profane and unkept individuals
because the outward appearance is a dead giveaway to the self-
image, and of course no one has yet established any advantage to
being dirty or unkept.
Interestingly enough, the exact opposite is frequently a
manifestation of a poor self-image. These individuals place too
much emphasis on material things: flashy cars, money, the
current fad, way-out clothes, hairdos or make-up. They also feel
they could never be accepted as they are. In their insecurity they
go to extremes to gain friends and acceptance. They often join
gangs with an "everything goes" approach to life because they so
desperately crave acceptance - "just as I am." Tragically, they
generally end up with pseudo friends and many of the habits and
characteristics of these "friends."
As individuals, we will consistently act according to the way
we see ourselves. This is why you often see people do some
incredibly ridiculous things and take unnecessary risks when
they are on the brink of achieving a life-long dream. For
example, a high percentage of athletes who have spent years
preparing for the Olympics, often have "accidents" in training, or
in a preliminary event before the competition starts. They could
not "see themselves" as deserving a gold medal and subconscious-
ly took the necessary steps to make certain they deny themselves
the reward the world might confer upon them.
Many fighters, football players and other athletes injure
themselves just before the big event. A student trying to gain
entrance to the school of his choice gets drunk or has an all-night
date the night before the entrance exam. A worker seeking a
promotion has a violent argument with his wife or a co-worker

which upsets him emotionally, and he "blows" his chances for

promotion. He might even "accidentally" cross or antagonize the
very person who must recommend him before he can be
promoted. A man on probation will often commit some senseless
deed and end up back in prison. This - in his mind - "proves"
that society is no good and is out to "get" him. Of course, what it
does prove is, he could not "see" himself as a member of a free
society. His self-image was such that he knew he didn't "deserve"
freedom. Since society wasn't going to adequately punish him for
his misdeeds, he must punish himself to make certain he "gets
what he deserves."
The husband or wife with a poor self-image seldom challenges
his mate on anything. Instead, he or she just goes along, becomes
a door mat for the other and builds up a resentment which
inevitably leads to serious marital as well as physical and
emotional problems.
The examples are endless, but I'll leave it by saying that a
major cause of much senseless and erratic action is simply a
manifestation of a poor self-image. These persons will read this
book, agree with some of it, disagree with much of it and proceed
to do little or nothing about any of it. They have made excuses in
the past - and will continue to make them in the future - and
they are all "justified" in their own mind. They seldom "finish"
anything - a book, painting the fence, decorating the house, a
growth course, or school. They say things like, "I'd go back to
college and get my degree, but it would take six years and by then
I'd be thirty-eight." [I wonder how old he will be in six years ifhe
doesn't go back and get his degree?] Others have said, "I'd go to
church but there are so many hypocrites there." [They don't seem
to realize that if a hypocrite is standing between them and God,
the hypocrite is closer to God than they are.]
Fortunately, this does not apply to you. At one time it might
have but not anymore. When you acquired your copy of this book,
you took a big step toward changing your image. The fact you've
come this far indicates you are serious about progress for
yourself. In your mind you know that the pages in front of you and
the years ahead of you are going to be even more exciting -
rewarding - and revealing.


In the sales world a poor self-image is manifested in many
ways, but three of them stick out like a sore thumb. [1] The
salesman won't work nearly as hard. Here's why. He makes a
sales call and is rudely invited to take his sales efforts elsewhere.
The salesman with the poor self-image doesn't like himself and
the prospect [in the salesman's mind] doesn't like him either. Now
the salesman indulges in self-pity and goes through the "Poor
little me - nobody loves me" routine and heads for the coffee
shop, home or office to regroup or lick his wounds. Some take an
hour off and others call it quits for the day. In cases where
supervision is lax, the salesman might well fabricate a dozen
things to do and procrastinate several days before he goes back to
work. The salesman with the healthy self-image - who likes
himself - reacts altogether differently. When he is rebuffed, he
completely understands that the prospect has a problem, so he
immediately and confidently talks to another prospect who
doesn't have a problem.
[2] The salesman with a poor self-image is reluctant to try to
close the sale. He talks on and on with never a suggestion that the
prospect should take action and buy something. You see there is a
certain risk in asking someone to buy. If the prospect says no,
then the salesman's ego suffers so the salesman protects his ego
by not attempting to close the sale. He just talks and hopes the
prospect will finally say, "I'll take it" without the salesman
having to risk an ego injury by asking for the order. I've
personally seen prospects challenge the salesman with a, "You're
not trying to sell me something, are you?" and the salesman
protests with an enthusiastic "Oh, no, no." [If he reacts this way,
as if he's not trying to sell something, then he's just a professional
The salesman with the good self-image makes a sincere effort
to close the sale because he knows the worst that can possibly
happen is a refusal. He also knows that a refusal is seldom, if ever,
fatal and he just might make the sale. As a matter of fact, he fully
expects to make the sale. Why? He believes he deserves the sale -
as well as the success. Besides, he believes in his product. With a

healthy self-image he would not belittle and degrade himself by

selling an inferior product. He feels strongly that he is rendering
a service, so he closes the sale with confidence and conviction. He
knows the Norwegian word for sell is selje, which literally means
to serve.
[3] The salesman or office worker with a poor self-image
doesn't move successfully into management. Again, he fears
rejection by others. In this case, it would be the people over him,
under him, or around him. He generally steps out of character
and dons one of four masks as the situation demands. First, he
becomes "good old Joe" and assures everyone under him that
nothing has changed and he wants more than ever to be "one of
the gang." Second, he might fear rejection by his former peers so
he makes concessions and exceptions that go beyond the
principles of good management. Or he might take just the
opposite approach - an arrogant "I have arrived" approach -
which causes resentment among his former peers. Third, he may
be unduly concerned about his relationship to the management
team. In his anxiety to please and be accepted he becomes too
servile, eats too much humble pie and seeks too much advice. The
paralysis of fear of failure causes him to hesitate too long before
taking action. Fourth, he may assume a know-it-all attitude -
seek ad vice from no one - and set ou t to show everyone how to run
a ship.
The person with a healthy self-image moves into management
very well. He exhibits a cautious confidence that shows he is
qualified and will do the job. He is short on promises but long on
fulfillment. He understands the difference between serving and
being servile. He neither seeks nor avoids confrontations and
meets decision-making head on. He understands that he was
promoted because management has confidence in his ability to
either handle the job or to grow to the job. He knows where to
draw the line between confidence and arrogance. More impor-
tantly, he can be firm on principal but flexible on method. He
understands that ideas don't care who have them and is secure
enough within himself to recognize and give full credit to the
ideas of associates and subordinates. He draws the line between
being friendly and being familiar. He doesn't get "all shook up"

when he makes a wrong decision, because he knows in most cases

the worst decision is no decision, so right or wrong he makes
decisions. Then his self-image is such that he can act decisively
and yet not feel threatened when he is either mistaken,
challenged, or has to ask for help on specific matters.



In the business community a poor self-image is manifested by

spur-of-the-moment "impossible" promises. The new coach,
hoping to gain instant acceptance, promises more than is
expected and more than he can deliver. The manufacturer or his
agent, in order to please the customer because he can't stand even
temporary rejection, will forego reality and make impossible
commitments. In the sales world, we find insecure salesmen with
poor self-images are the ones most guilty of over-selling, over-
promising - and under-delivering. They can't take rejection and
feel these steps are necessary if they make the sale. Once
the sale is made, however, the salesman develops "guilt" feelings
and avoids the customer. With no service the customer grows
unhappy with the product and the salesman. The customer "tells
the salesman off" which compounds the self-image problem. The
office worker with the self-image problem won't assert himself
and seek a raise even when he knows the caliber of his work
warrants more pay. The tragedy here is that the same worker if
he doesn't get the raise and recognition he deserves, will often
become resentful and bitter and feel that "no one understands or
appreciates him or what he does." The net result is a negative
effect on his performance and a reduction in the possibility of a
future raise.
In the family, a poor self-image is manifested by parental
reluctance to discipline the child. The parent hides this under the
mask of, "It hurts me more than him because I love him so much."
Actually the parent is often fearful of turning the child away and
causing the child to withdraw or withhold its love. The
unfortunate truth is, this creates a problem for parents and child.
The parent loses control, respect and some love. The child loses

confidence in the parents and the security that goes with it. This
is the first step in the loss of respect for authority which leads to
rebellion against authority. This rebellion is another manifesta-
tion of a poor self-image and has been instrumental in youngsters
age 18 and under being responsible for commiting 45% of the
serious crime in the U.S. in 1974. The tragedy is that much of this
could be averted if parents and teachers knew enough [and in
some cases cared enough] about how to recognize those
manifestations which so clearly say - notice me - love me - I
want you to care what I do. The student who habitually comes to
class late - makes a grand entrance - forgets his books - talks
loudly or to other students at inopportune times - asks "silly" or
unrelated questions, etc., is acting in perhaps the only way he
feels he can act in order to get the attention he wants and
desperately needs, to prevent even more drastic and erratic
action which could put him behind bars.


Now let's translate these same manifestations of a poor self

image into other professions and areas of life. The student with
the poor self-image will not confront the teacher over a poor
grade even when he knows he deserves a better one.
The manifestation with the greatest long range impact occurs
in the pre-teen or early teen years when Johnny or Mary, who
have not accepted themselves, first discover that boys and girls
are different. The problem arises in the first relationship with a
member of the opposite sex and is especially serious if either or
both parties feel rejection from their own families. It is further
compounded if either, or both of the youngsters, is either
physically unattractive or a little short intellectually [society
does put quite a premium on beauty and brains].
To move from a real or imagined "no acceptance" to an almost
total acceptance from a member of the opposite sex at this critical
time creates a highly volatile situation. The youngsters so
desperately crave acceptance that they will do anything to keep

from losing this one who accepts them "just for me." Combine this
situation with a permissive society, which permits and even
encourages an "honest" relationship of any kind so long as it is
"meaningful", and you have a situation which lends itself to going
steady at an early age. This togetherness, often in front of a
television program or movie screen featuring moral laxity has all
the ingredients necessary for premarital sex, promiscuity,
venereal disease, illegitimate births, and/or an early marriage to
a partner with nothing in common except a biological urge.
If the youngster with the poor self-image doesn't find a
"steady" and "everyone else has someone" then he or she will often
dress in a revealing and provocative manner to "catch" someone
or anyone. Fishermen call this trolling. The problem with this
technique is you generally "catch" everything from gars and
turtles to snakes and stumps, and generally speaking the "catch"
is harder to "throw back" than it is to reel in. Even when you catch
something with this "bait" the chances are good that you will lose
your "catch" to another troller who has more to show or who will
show more. Any relationship primarily built on physical
attractiveness is predestined to be short lived.
The youngster with a healthy self image simply will not get
caught in the trap of an early and/or unhealthy relationship with
members of the opposite sex. He or she is smart enough and has
enough self esteem not to be "used," or fall for the oldest lines -
and lies - of them all, "prove you love me" and "everyone else is
doing it." This youngster understands the difference between
happiness and pleasure and refuses to "sell out" a lifetime of
happiness and virtue for a moment of dubious pleasure and
obvious immorality.
There is evidence that "good old Joe" and his distaff
counterpart actually have a problem which is a common one and
is no respecter of age, sex, education, size, or skin color. He has
the "I must be a nice guy and never offend anyone" kind of self-
image syndrome. As a youngster, he smokes cigarettes he doesn't
want - takes the drink he doesn't like - laughs at dirty jokes
that actually offend him - joins the gang he secretly dislikes and
goes along with conduct and participates in a dress code he
secretly abhors. All because he has never accepted himself and is

terribly concerned that if he asserts himself and "crosses" his

peer group, he will not have any friends.
As an adult he has a tendency to tell people only what he thinks
they want to hear. He would never send an overcooked steak back
to the kitchen and he patiently waits an extra hour while the
doctor sees other patients. He even gives up his place in the
barber shop, lets others take his parking spot or even crash the
line in front of him. He doesn't argue with the boss nor object
when a co-worker takes credit for work he has done.
Don't misunderstand. If you are Joe and your self-image is so
healthy you can conduct yourself in this manner because this is
what you want, that's super good. If you view these incidents as
minor or small stuff that mean nothing in your game plan for life,
then your self-image is in excellent shape. However, if you do
these things to gain acceptance then you are gaining everything
but acceptance. The reason is simple. You are not presenting the
real you. In fact, you are presenting a phony, and most people-
including other phonies - don't like a phony.
It is safe to say that every area of life and every occupation is
affected by a poor self-image. If you fit, or think you fit, into the
group with a poor self-image, let me enthusiastically urge you not
to fume or fret because in the next few pages we will give you
some step-by-step procedures to correct a poor self-image and
make a good one better. You are now ready to start stepping up
the stairs to success. Happily, you will discover it's easier to move
up those stairs faster when you get out of the crowd at the bottom
- and friend, if you were ever at the bottom of those stairs - you
are now moving up.


STEP ONE. Take inventory - you are far from bankrupt.

Realistically, your net worth - if you should decide to "sell out"-
is several million dollars. When you complete the inventory, you
will come to the full realization that no one on the face of this
earth can make you feel inferior without your permission,
and you will like yourself too much to give that permission. I love
what the immortal Booker T. Washington [the ex-slave who
founded Tuskegee Institute at a time when racial prejudice was
almost total] said, "I will permit no man to narrow and degrade
my soul by making me hate him."
To begin with there are three reasons why you should like you
as you are. First reason - COMMON SENSE DEMANDS IT.
Recently a woman in Gary, Indiana, received $1,000,000 because
a drug had caused her to lose her sight. She had taken the drug to
clear up a rash on her face and it settled in her eyes, causing her to
lose approximately 98% of her vision. Would you swap places with
her? In California, another woman was awarded $1,000,000
because of a back injury received in an airplane accident. Doctors
say she will never walk again. Would you swap places with her?
The chances are a thousand to one that if your vision is normal
and your back is strong, you wouldn't consider swapping places
with either of these ladies. The chances are even greater that if
you made the offer to either lady, they would gladly make the
exchange and throw in a heartfelt thank you.
Deep down in your own mind you know that regardless of your
financial position and regardless of how deep your interest in
money might be, you would refuse the offer to "swap." If you are a
normal human being, you would like to have the money but not in
exchange for one of your greatest assets, your health.
Betty Grable, the famous pin-up queen of World War II, was
best known for her "million-dollar legs," so named because they
were insured for $1,000,000. How would you like to see another
pair of million-dollar legs? If you will look down at your own, you

will be looking directly at a pair of legs that, if they will move you
around, you would not sell for the million dollar price tag placed
on Betty Grable's legs. Since you would not take a million dollars
for your eyes, a million dollars for your back or a million dollars
for your legs, you are already worth over three million dollars
and we just started on your personal inventory. Like yourself
better already, don't you!
Fortunately, you don't have to swap one asset [your health] for
another [money]. By developing the positive characteristics we
cover in this book and building on the foundation of character,
faith, integrity, love, loyalty and honesty, you can have them alL
[Health, wealth, happiness, peace, friends, security, etc.]

A few years ago, I read in a Dallas paper that a Rembrandt
painting had sold for over one million dollars. As I read the
article I thought to myself, "What in the world would make some
paint on a canvas worth so much money?" Then a couple of
thoughts occurred to me. First, this was obviously a unique
painting. As a matter of fact, of all the billions of paintings
painted since the beginning of time, this was the only one exactly
like it in existence. It was a Rembrandt original. Its rarity gave it
value. Second, Rembrandt was a genius. He had a talent that
occurs only once every hundred years or more. Obviously, it was
his talent that was being recognized.
Then I started thinking about you. Since the beginning of
time, billions of people have lived on the face of tl:is earth. There
are several billion people on earth today, but there never has been
and there never will be another you. You are a rare, exclusive,
different and unique being on the face of this earth. These
qualities give you enormous value. Please understand that even
though Rembrandt was a genius, he was a mortal. The same God
who created Rembrandt created you, and you are as precious in
God's sight as Rembrandt or anyone else. In addition to having a
rare talent, Rembrandt used that talent by lifting his paint brush
every day. Since his birth there have probably been hundreds of
Rembrandts in every field of endeavor who have never lifted
their paint brushes or gotten off their seats to make their marks.

Let's pursue this thought just one more short step. If you had
the only car in town you would have an extremely valuable
possession unless you parked it in the garage and left it there.
Since you do have the only you in existence, you are valuable, so
take you and your talent and use it. Just remember, God created
you and gave you talent for you to use and not to bury.
Second reason - SCIENCE EXPLAINS IT. Most people
have a lot of confidence in science, so let's take a look at you
scientifically. You have the capacity between your ears to store
more information than can be stored in dozens of man's most
sophisticated computers. In your mind, you can store more
information than you will find in the millions of volumes in the
Library of Congress. Scientists tell us that ifman were to attempt
to create a human brain, it would cost billions of dollars, would be
larger than the Empire State Building and would require more
electricity than a city of thousands. Its construction would
involve the most brilliant men in the world and yet with all of this
size, cost and power requirements, this man-made brain couldn't
originate a single thought, which you can do in the flash of an eye.
Your remarkable mind brings seventy-two muscles into
perfect coordination each time you utter a word. [As much as I
talk, some of my friends figure I have a muscle-bound mouth.]
Seriously now, you wouldn't try to convince me, yourself, or
anyone else that you're not a remarkable person with more than
enough capability to climb the stairway to the top - would you?
[I'll bet you know other people with less ability who are climbing
to the top - don't you?]


You might say, "Well, if I'm so smart, how come I'm broke, or
at least badly bent?" That's a good question. Here's at least a
partial answer. Unfortunately, you came equipped at birth with
your mind. Both of us would be better off if I owned your mind. I
would sell it to you for, let's say $100,000, so I would profit
enormously. However, you would have made the bargain
purchase of all time. Never again would you look in the mirror
and make any deprecating comments. As a matter of fact, you

would give yourself quite a little pep talk. I can almost hear you
say, "Now look friend, I have a hundred thousand bucks invested
in you and you are really something. Yes indeed, you can do it."
Never again would you say anything unkind about a mind worth
so much money. Nor would you believe it if anyone else said
anything unkind about your $100,000 mind. Let me again stress,
as we talk about a healthy self-image, that I'm not talking about a
super inflated "I'm the Greatest" ego. All I'm talking about is
developing a simple healthy self-acceptance.


Third reason - BIBLE VERIFIES IT. The most important

reason you should like you appeared on a bumper sticker the
other day. It said, "God loves you - whether you like it or not!"
The Holy Bible tells us that man was created in God's own image,
only slightly less than the angels. Jesus Christ said, "What I have
done, ye can do also and even greater works than these." He put no
age, education, sex, size, color, height or any other superficial
qualifications as a requirement to attainment. He didn't leave
you out. This is the faith we mentioned in the very beginning.
Success is easy - after you believe - and since you are on your
way to believing, you. are on your way to succeeding.
Look at it this way. If you are a parent with growing children,
how do you feel when one of your children says degrading things
about himself or herself? I am a "nothing," a "nobody" or, "I can't
do anything right." Do statements like that make you happy? Do
they cause you to swell with pride or do they break your heart and
make you shake your head in despair? How do you think our
Heavenly Father feels when we who are His say ugly,
deprecating things about ourselves? In reality, we have no right
to belittle ourselves, or any other human being, do we? Actually,
God would be pleased if you were to take one last look in the
mirror before you start your day and say, now remember,
_ _ _ _, God loves you - and so do I.
Since you probably advise others to be a little more patient
and allow more time to accomplish certain objectives why don't
you take the advice Bill Gothard gives when he reminds us that

God is not through with us. Bill explains that we are prescription
babies made according to God's formula. Next he reminds us
that, if we are not satisfied with ourselves we should get back up
on God's easel and let Him finish the job.


I love what Ethel Waters said at the Billy Graham revival in

London several years ago. Someone expressed amazement and
asked why Dr. Graham was getting such a tremendous response
from thousands upon thousands of Britons. Ethel just smiled that
big beautiful smile of hers and answered, "Honey, God don't
sponsor no flops."
Mary Crowley, well known Dallas businesswoman and an
outstanding Christian, expresses it equally as well when she says,
"You are somebody because God doesn't take time to make a
nobody and once you learn how much you matter to God, you don't
have to go out and show the world how much you matter." Then,
with a twinkle in her eye she smiles and says, "God made man,
took one look and said, 'I can do better than than' - and made
woman." Speaking from the male side of the table, I agree with
her one hundred percent.
Now that we've partially completed your personal inventory,
you definitely like yourself better, don't you. [Careful now - don't
get smug about it.]


The way you look on the outside has a definite bearing on how
you feel and see yourself on the inside. The following article is
taken from the February 6, 1974 edition of the Dallas Morning
News. It relates this point very well.



A group of Dallas' more senior women are beaming with pride

over their "new look."

Once a week they file through the halls of Golden Acres in

wheelchairs or with the assistance of canes and walkers to meet
for their weekly facial.
"It's been such an uplift," one 81-year-old awaiting her
cleansing and beautifying process claimed Tuesday. "You know
you have something to do in the morning ... you have a goal. My
skin has been thriving. Would you guess that I am 81 years old?"
she asked while rubbing her hand across her check. "Yet, I have
the skin of a 50-year-old." The woman is in ill health and legally
blind, yet fastidiously applies makeup each morning before
leaving her room.
The program is funded through the Dallas Geriatric Institute
with Mary Kay Cosmetics furnishing needed supplies. The
average age of the participants is 83 years. After six months and
more than 21,400 treatments, the institute noticed a definite
improvement in the self-images of the elderly ladies.
Fifty women - ages 57 to 94 - were given weekly facials as
well as makeup applications in the morning and an evening
cleansing of day time cosmetics.
"The point we have tried to prove is that older women are still
interested in how they look," said Marvin Ernst, director of the
institute. "The better they look, the better they feel." The
preliminary findings showed participants increased their self-
esteem scores while non-participants remained the same.
"Assistance in personal grooming has a positive effect upon how
one feels about one's self and has a general effect of making
people happier in their situations," Ernst said.
Every husband in America says his wife is happier, friendlier
and more productive after she comes home from a trip to the
beauty shop or after she has gotten all dolled up in a new outfit.
Teachers will tell you that Johnny and Mary put their best foot
forward when they show up for school in new clothes. Jim Moore
and Joe Graham, principals at Calhoun High School in Port
Lavaca, Texas and Bay City High School in Bay City, Texas, as
well as many others, verify this by pointing out that conduct is
considerably better on "picture taking day" when the students
"dress up." The cliche that clothes don't make the man is another
of those half-truths that create problems - especially if you grab

the wrong half. The truth is, your outward appearance does
affect your image and your performance. The outside
appearance is enhancing - or crippling - the potential of the
person on the inside. Employers note that employees do better
work, all other things being equal, when they are neatly or
sharply dressed. Even the computers agree with this. A six year
study of two identical groups of male managers revealed that
computer dressed business men earned $4,000 a year more than
their counterparts, hold better positions and were more
enthusiastic about their work.
So to improve your self-image, make up or dress up the
outside. Throughout the rest of this book I will make reference to
this fact, particularly in the areas of goal-setting, attitudes and
habits. In the Attitude and Habit Segments the "how to" of
creating that physical change will be treated.

STEP THREE. Regularly read Horatio Alger stories. Read the

biographies and the autobiographies of the men and women of
every race, creed and color who used what they had and got a
great deal out of life by making contributions to life. It would be
difficult, if not impossible, to read the life stories of Henry Ford,
Walter Chrysler, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Andrew
Carnegie, Booker T. Washington, etc., and not be inspired. I
challenge anybody to read the story of Eartha White, daughter of
an ex-slave, which appeared in the December 1974 issue of
Reader's Digest, and not be inspired to do more with their life. We
relate to these stories and when we see them succeeding, we
visualize ourselves doing the same thing.

STEP FOUR. Listen to the speakers, teachers and preachers

who build mankind. When you hear people like Norman Vincent
Peale, W. A. Criswell, Paul Harvey, Ken McFarland and Robert
Schuller, you will get a lift in many ways, I'll say more about this
in the attitude segment of the book. As a rule of thumb, you are
safe to assume that any book, speaker, movie, T.V. program,
individual or recording that builds mankind will build you and
your self-image.

STEP FIVE. Build a healthy self-image with a series of short

steps. One reason many people never attempt new things is
their fear of failure. If possible, start any new venture with a
phase or portion you are confident you can handle, then transfer
that initial accomplishment from one area of success to another.
The child who multiplies 2 x 2 transfers that to bigger success
and multiplies 3 x 4, 5 x 6, etc. He "sees" himself as capable of
mastering mathematics. The young girl who "survives" the first
batch of oatmeal cookies "sees" herself as being capable of baking
better things. The high jumper who is capable of clearing six feet
starts each session with the bar considerably lower, when this is
done the jumper can and will jump higher. For example, at
Calhoun High School in Port Lavaca, Texas, a high jumper
jumped four inches higher than ever before and their pole vaulter
set the national record. All of this after our "I CAN" course for
schools was introduced. Both of these young men credit an
improvement in self-image with their improvement in perfor-
mance. As he "warms up" he "sees" himself successfully clearing
the lower heights until he "sees" himself clearing greater ones.
The point I wish to make in building your healthy self-image is
this: start in an area where you know you can succeed. Once
success is accomplished there, move another step, and another
and another. Each step gives you added confidence and your self-
image improves your performance which improves your self-
image which improves performance which improves . . .
[Harvard Psychologist, David McClelland, calls this "ac-
complishment feedback."]
In the sales-training world we have simulated or practice
runs in the training room before we send a salesman out to make
his first call. We know if our fledgling salesman goofs or has a
"sales wreck" in the classroom, the experience won't be
shattering because very little is at stake. In addition, we will urge
him to practice on his family and in front of the mirror. The late
Maxwell Maltz called this "practice without pressure" because
the salesman had nothing to lose.
One sensible word of caution about self-confidence is
appropriate at this point. Remember, you have probably been
making an overdraft on the bank of confidence all of your life.

Realistically, you cannot expect to bring your account up to date

in one day or by reading this book just one time. The longer and
more regularly you take the necessary steps and follow the
recommended procedures, the bigger your account in the
confidence bank of a healthy self-image will be and the bigger the
confidence account the greater the accomplishment.

STEP SIX. Join the smile and compliment club. When you smile
at someone and they smile back, you automatically feel better
[and it definitely increases your "face" value]. Even if they don't
smile back, you will feel better because you know the most
destitute person in the world is the one without a smile. You
immediately become richer by giving that person yours. Ditto for
the compliment. When you sincerely compliment a person or
extend him a courtesy he is going to receive a direct benefit and
like himself better. It is impossible for you to make someone feel
better and not feel better yourself.
One of the best ways to make anyone else feel better is to
spread optimism and good cheer. You can do this almost instantly
in your daily exchanges with associates and family. When
someone says, "hi, how ya doing?", give them a big cheerful,
"Super good - but I'll get better." If you don't feel that good it's
safe to say you want to feel that way and even safer to say that if
you claim the feeling you will soon have the feeling. In the attitude
segment you will learn why this is true.
Another way is to "properly" answer the phone. Many people
answer the telephone with a gruff "hello" or an even more gruff
"Yes" as if the caller had committed a dastardly sin. My personal
approach is this. When I answer the telephone at home, I answer
it by singing a little ditty, "Oh, good morning to you," or I might
say, "Howdy-Howdy-Howdy," or "good morning, this is Jean
Ziglar's husband, or "good morning, we're having a great day at
the Ziglar's and hope you are too." I do this because that is
generally the way I feel. However, I answer my phone this way-
regardless of how I feel. Again - the reason is simple, if I don't
feel good, but act that way, I will soon feel that way. Also, I have a
responsibility to the person who is calling. If I am optimistic and
cheerful, the chances are much stronger that I will give a lift to

the person calling, and the truth of the matter is, I am my

brother's keeper. The Bible says, "a merry heart hath a continual
feast" and this approach guarantees a "merry heart".
At our company, our secretaries answer the telephone just as
enthusiastically by saying, "Good Morning, it's a great day atZig
Ziglar's." Our company is The Zig Ziglar Corporation.
I'm convinced that everyone, including you, just naturally
feels better when exposed to a cheerful optimistic individual
almost regardless of the nature or length of the contact.

STEP SEVEN. Do something for someone else. Visit a shut-in or

someone in the hospital. Bake a cake for an invalid. Participate in
a reading or visitation program for the aged or senile. Go
shopping for a shut-in. Baby sit for a young mother who needs to
get out of the house. Spend a few minutes on a regular basis
teaching a functional illiterate to read. Become a volunteer with
the Red Cross, or a den mother, or help little ones cross a
dangerous intersection to and from school. Be a big brother to an
orphan. Take some fatherless kids on a hike in the woods or spend
time with them in a guidance role. For a hundred different ideas
and suggestions along these lines, let me urge you to read Try
Giving Yourself Away by David Dunn. There are two major
considerations you must make, however. You must accept no
compensation, and the person or persons you assist should not be
in a position to do anything for you in return.
This I guarantee. If you will do something for someone who is
unable to return the favor, you will get a lot more than you can
possibly give. In so many cases, what you give will mean much to
the recipient, but the feeling you get when you do something for
someone who cannot do for themselves is indescribable. You will
realize that you are truly fortunate, that you do have a lot to be
thankful for, that you can make a contribution and that you are in
fact somebody. In short, you will stand tall in your own eyes,
which is the bonus you get because you took what you had and
unselfishly used it for someone else's good. Charles Dickens said
it best. "Noone is useless in this world who lightens the
burden of it to anyone else."

STEP EIGHT. Be careful of your associates. Deliberately

associate with people of a high moral character who look on the
bright side of life, and the benefits will be enormous. As an
example, I'm convinced that if every doctor, teacher, lawyer,
policeman, politician, civil service employee, military person,
etc., had to sell for a living for three months and then had to
attend an enthusiastic sales meeting once a week, our great
country would be even greater. Over the years, I have seen
hundreds of men and women from all walks of life enter the sales
world as shy, introverted, incompetent individuals and within a
matter of weeks become confident, competent, and far more
productive people. Here's why. In many cases these people had
lived in a negative environment, surrounded by people who
dumped negative garbage into their minds and told them what
they could not do. Their entry into the sales world meant a
dramatic change in environment and associates. Now everyone
started telling them what they could do. They heard positive
statements from trainers, managers and associates. They saw
daily results on all sides as a result of this approach. Since it was
more fun and more profitable for them to like themselves they
almost immediately started changing their self-image.
My point is this. If every person were regularly exposed to this
kind of environment and to people like this, just think what it
would do to their self-image and to their attitude. Obviously, we
can't require others to change their associates, but you can choose
to associate with people like this. Do it and the results will be
fantastic. Pick out those people who are optimistic and
enthusiastic about life and I'll guarantee you some of it will "rub
off' on you. Remember, you acquire much of the thinking,
mannerisms and characteristics of the people you are
around. This is true whether the people around you are good or
bad. Even your I.Q. could be affected by your environment and
associates. [July, 1976, Success Unlimited, tells the story.] In the
Kibbutz in Israel, evaluations revealed that the average I.Q. of
the Oriental Jewish children was 85 and 105 for the European
Jewish children. This "proves" that the European Jewish
children were "smarter" than the Oriental Jewish children - or
does it? After four years in the Kibbutz, where the environment

was positive, the motivation excellent and dedication to learning

and growth was substantial, the average I.Q. levelled off to the
same thing - 115. That's exciting. When you associate with the
"right" people with a positive, moral outlook on life you greatly
enhance your chances of winning.
Unfortunately, your associates also affect you negatively. A
youngster [and ad ults too] who associate with others who smoke is
far more likely to take up the habit than he would ifhe ran with a
non-smoking group. The same is true for drug usage, drinking,
immorality, profanity, lying, cheating, stealing, etc. Fortunate-
ly, you can choose your associates.

STEP NINE. To build your self-image, make a list of your

positive qualities on a card and keep it for handy reference. Ask
your friends to list the things they like about you, and keep that
list handy. As you and your friends make that list you might get to
be like "this old boy down home." He was walking down the street
talking to himself and someone stopped and asked him why he
did this. He replied that he enjoyed talking to intelligent people,
and more importantly, he enjoyed listening to intelligent people
talk. I'd say he had a healthy self-image. Brag on yourself from
time to time. Get in your own corner.

STEP TEN. Make a victory list to remind you of your past

successes. The list should include those things that gave you the
most satisfaction and confidence. This list should extend from
childhood to the present time. It can cover everything from
whipping the school bully to making an "A" in a difficult course.
As you periodically review this list, you will be reminded that you
have succeeded in the past and that you can do it again. This
builds confidence, which builds image, which builds success,
happiness, etc. Actually, these last two steps reaffirm the fact
that you are for you instead of against you.
As you make your list, please remember, many of the qualities
so vital for the balanced success we are talking about do not show
up on the talent educational charts. Think in terms of your
dependability, stickability, and availability for service. Accept
as fact that you can be just as honest as anyone, just as

conscientious and just as dedicated. Know that you too can work
as hard and that you can pray as hard. Know also that you are
loved by God as much as anyone else.

STEP ELEVEN. To build a healthy self-image, there are some

things you must avoid. Pornography is the primary one. Literally
everything that goes into your mind has an affect and is
permanently recorded. It either builds and prepares you for the
future or it tears down and reduces your accomplishment
possibilities for that future. Psychologists say that three viewings
of a Deep Throat, The Last Tango in Paris, The Exorcist or any of
the "X-rated" films or television programs have the same
psychological, emotional, destructive impact in your mind as one
physical experience. The people who have seen these "shows" are
in agreement; they were sexually stimulated and viewed
themelves with less respect. The reason is simple. These films or
programs present mankind at its worst and when you see your
fellow man degraded, you, in effect, see yourself degraded. It is
impossible to view mankind at its worst and not feel that your
own value has diminished and you can neither be nor do any
better than you think you can or are. Ironically most X-rated
films are advertised as "adult" entertainment for "mature"
audiences. Most psychologists agree they are juvenile entertain-
ment for immature and insecure audiences.
This same imagination of yours, when applied to the daily
soap opera is devastating because over the years the "soaps" have
progressively featured everything from incest and adultery to
trial marriage and wife-swapping. Combine this with the
enormous waste of time and the "drug-like ability" to hook you
into tuning in tomorrow to see what happens, and it spells bad
news with a capital Bad. For your information, tomorrow the
star of the soap opera, and at least one of his or her buddies, will
either be in trouble, headed for trouble or just getting out of
trouble. When you view life in this negative perspective over a
long period of time, you identify with the situations which most
nearly parallel your own. After a time you will even find yourself
thinking, "I know exactly how 'he' or 'she' feels, because that's
exactly the way my 'John' or 'Sue' has done me, 'the dirty dog'."

The horoscope "hooks you" in a similar fashion and with an

even more devastating effect. Many people think it's "harmless"
to read the horoscope because they "don't believe any of it;" it's
just something to do. The truth is, you will eventually become
fatalistic as a result of it. [The chapters on habits will explain
why.] Incredibly enough, some people will not make decisions or
take trips if their "horoscope" is not in tune. The Bible says the
horoscope is Satan's, so when you read the daily horoscope, you
are reading Satan's Daily Bulletin. If you don't believe in God
and/or the Bible let me point out that the "science" of astrology
was founded on the assumption that the sun revolves around
the earth. Some science!

STEP TWELVE. To improve your self-image, learn from the

successful failures. Like Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth. Ty Cobb was
thrown out more times trying to steal than any man in baseball
history. Babe Ruth struck out more times than any man in
baseball history. Hank Aaron, who broke Babe Ruth's record, has
struck out more times than 99% of the players who make it to the
major leagues. Nobody - but nobody - considers them failures
and few people even remember their failures. Virtually everyone
remembers their successes. Enrico Caruso's voice/ailed to carry
the high notes so many times his voice teacher advised him to
quit. He kept singing and was recognized as the greatest tenor in
the world. Thomas Edison's teacher called him a dunce and he
later failed over 14,000 times in his efforts to perfect the
incandescent light. Abraham Lincoln was well known for his
failures but nobody considers him a failure. Albert Einstein and
Werner von Braun both flunked courses in math. Henry Ford
was broke at age 40. Vince Lombardi became the most revered
coach since Knute Rockne, but at age 43 he was a line coach at
Fordham University.
The odds are strong that the leading salesman in 90% of the
sales organizations in America misses more sales than most
salesmen with the company. Walt Disney went broke seven times
and had one nervous breakdown before success smiled on him.
Actually these people succeeded because they kept at it. As a
matter of fact, the major difference between the big shot and the

little shot is - the big shot is just a little shot who kept on

STEP THIRTEEN. One of the best, quickest and most effective

ways to improve your image and your performance is to join an
organization with worthwhile goals that requires you to
participate by speaking. Many people can express themselves
reasonably well in private conversation but are frozen with
fright at the thought of standing up and making a speech to a
group of any kind. They "see" themselves as falling flat on their
faces and looking foolish.
One of the fastest ways to change that image is to join Toast
Masters or Toast Mistresses, International, or take our four day
Richer Life Seminar or The Dale Carnegie Leadership Course.
As a former instructor for Carnegie, and now for our own
company, I have seen some remarkable image changes take place
as individuals acquired the ability to stand up and express
themselves. It's not necessary to become an orator, though I've
seen a number of former wallflowers develop considerable
ability as speakers. Initially, we had difficulty getting some of
these people to stand up and speak up. As their confidence grew,
however, we had another problem. That's right, we had difficulty
getting some of these same people to "sit down" and "shut up."

STEP FOURTEEN. Look you - and them - in the eye. Almost

without exception the man on the street as well as the highly
educated professional will tell you they like people who will "look
them in the eye." I plead guilty to this feeling and chances are
strong that you feel the same way. There are many people who are
unaware of the other person's reaction to people who avoid eye
contact and hence they don't look directly at another person even
when engaged in direct conversation. There are even more people
whose self image is such that they feel "unworthy" and "are not
good enough" to look directly into the eyes of another.
To overcome this feeling [if you have it] start with the process
of looking yoursel/in the eye when you have any occasion to be in
front of a mirror. You should also set aside a few minutes each
day for the sole purpose of deliberately looking yourself in the

eye. As you do this, repeat some positive affirmations of the things

you have done [use your victory list from step ten]. Then repeat
many of the things other people have said to you or about you that
were positive. Concentrate on comments regarding your integri-
ty, cheerfulness, honesty, character, compassion, persistence,
thoughtfulness, good nature, spirit of cooperation, etc.; and not on
physical appearance unless you feel you are unattractive. In that
event those compliments become valuable image builders.
The second phase of "eye contact" for image building involves
small children. When the opportunity presents itself talk and
play with the small fry and look them in the eye as you do so. One
enormous fringe benefit here is that the children will love you
more and their acceptance enhances your self acceptance.
The third phase of step fourteen is to concentrate on looking
your peer group and associates, as well as those who might work
at a lesser position, in the eye at every opportunity. This gives you
even more confidence for the final phase which is to look
everybody you meet or greet, directly in the eye. [I'm obviously
not talking about a "staring" contest.] Overall this procedure does
a great deal to build your self-image and it is a tremendous
"friend maker."

STEP FIFTEEN. Alter your physical appearance when

possible, practical and desirable. Formerly obese people
constantly tell me how much their image improved with the
weight loss which enabled them to wear attractive clothing,
participate in group activities, get active in sports, run up two
flights of stairs and escape those constant digs ["friendly" of
course] about their weight. My own image improved when I lost
thirty-seven pounds.
There are also occasions when plastic surgery can be quite
helpful in building the self-image. This is especially true in case
of an unusually large or long nose, protruding ears, hare lip,
grossly oversized or undersized breasts, etc. This area, however,
often involves psychological considerations which have to be
dealt with on an in-depth and personal basis. Caution and counsel
are the watchwords but I have seen some dramatic personality
changes take place when this type surgery is performed.

As you review the do's and don'ts of the Fifteen Steps to

Building a Healthy Self-Image, let me remind you that all of
these steps are designed to help you accept yourself. Once you
accept yourself, it will no longer be a matter of life or death for
others to accept you. At that point you will not only be accepted by
them, but you will be welcomed wherever you go. The reason is
simple. They will be accepting the real you and the real you is
much nicer than the phony conformist who tries so desperately
hard to become somebody he isn't. When the real you is accepted,
a lot of things happen. Your conduct changes for the better and
your morals improve. Much of your tension disappears because
you are secure within yourself and the little things that formerly
"bugged" you will be put in perspective. In short, you "won't
sweat the small stuff." Your bank account in self-confidence will
grow, communication barriers will be removed and your family
relationships will improve.
Once you have accepted yourself, it's so much easier to accept
other people and their points of view. Please note I said "accept."
This doesn't necessarily mean you agree with them. It does mean
you can accept and even understand why they feel the way they
do. When that happens, you will find it easier to get along with
others, regardless of race, creed, color, ethnic background or
occupational interest.


It is beyond a doubt that most problems, whether they be
economic, social, marital, etc., are not problems but symptoms of
problems. Drugs, alcoholism, pornography, homosexuality,
obesity, and in most cases vulgarity, profanity and promiscuity
are merely symptoms of deeper difficulties. Many other fads are
also symptoms of real problems, particularly when it's obvious
the fads are related to people doing "their thing" in defiance of
parents or the so-called "establishment." The small boy or girl
inside of each social rebel says, "You wouldn't notice me before, so
I'm going to do some things that will make you notice me. They
might be foolish and you might not like what I do, or me for doing
them, but you'll know I'm around." In my work with the schools
around the country I am constantly told that the students who are

regularly late to class, "forget" their textbooks, provoke

arguments, give "smart" answers, try to be "cute" in everything
they say or do, etc.; are simply demonstrating or manifesting a
poor self-image. What these kids are really saying is "Notice me
please, love me please, accept me, recognize me - I'm a people."
In many cases, if such a person fails to gain sufficient
acceptance and recognition as he is, he will start making
adjustments and compromises. In fact, he may begin to act like
someone else. This is unfortunate because if a person can't make
it in life being himself, he will really foul things up trying to be
someone else. You will make a lousy anybody else, but you are
the best "you" in existence. Once a person accepts himself, it
isn't imperative that others accept him. He is not "destroyed" if
others reject him. He can be his own man or woman without
being overly concerned about the reaction of others. Does this
sound self-centered? Actually, just the opposite is true.
Shakespeare said it, "This above all, to thine own self be true. And
it must follow as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to
any man." Once you accept yourself for your true worth, then the
symptoms of vulgarity, profanity, sloppiness, promiscuity, etc.,
disappear. There, my friend, goes your problem.
Just for an example, look at the drug problem. Almost without
exception those who get hung up on drugs, or alcohol, have a poor
self-image. They don't like the way they are and figure others
couldn't like them that way either. They seek an easy way to
change, and drugs or alcohol seems to be the answer. Thousands
of cases tragically prove that drugs and alcohol compound
problems, create confusion and frequently destroy life.
The new you - with your healthy self-image, will not have to
worry about these problems in your future. You have done and
are doing something about your image, so now let's look at a
choice you can make.

The Japanese raise a tree. It's called the Bonsai tree. It's
beautiful, and perfectly formed although its height is measured
in inches. In California, we find a forest of giant trees called
Sequoias. One of these giants has been named the General

Sherman. Extending into the heavens 272 feet and measuring 79

feet in circumference, this magnificent giant is so large that if it
were cut down, it would produce enough lumber to build 35 five-
room houses. At one time the Bonsai tree and the General
Sherman were the same size. When they were seeds, each
weighed less than 1/3000 of an ounce. The size difference at
maturity is considerable to say the least, but the story behind that
difference in size is a lesson in life. When the Bonsai tree stuck its
head above the earth, the Japanese pulled it from the soil and tied
off its tap-root and some of the feeder roots, thus deliberately
stunting its growth. The result is a miniature; beautiful, but still
a miniature. The seed of the General Sherman fell into the rich
soil of California and was nourished by the minerals, the rain and
the sunshine. The giant tree was the result. Neither the Bonsai
nor the General Sherman had a choice in its destiny. You do. You
can be as big, or as little, as you wish to be. You can be a Bonsai or
a General Sherman. Your Self-Image - the way you see yourself
- will determine which one you will be. The choice is yours.


I close this chapter the same way I opened it - by reminding

you that nobody on the face of this earth can make you feel
inferior without your permission. You are fast reaching the
point where you refuse to give that permission to anyone. When
you reach that point you will have accepted yourself. As you
accept yourself, you will see yourself as a person who truly
"deserves" the good things in life. This results in your removing
those limiting ceilings and obtaining the good things in life.
Before you go on to the third Segment of this book, let me urge
you to do the following things:
(1) Look at the next Stairway To The Top diagram and in big
bold letters, write the word "good" opposite Self-Image
and draw a box around it.
(2) Close the book, and your eyes. Now relax for a moment
and see yourself as already possessing that good healthy
self-image and everything else necessary for success.
(3) Review this section and place emphasis on the portions

you have underlined as well as the comments you made in

your Trigger Page steno pad.
(4) "It's true if you take care of your car, it will take you
places, and if you take care of your self-image, it will take
you places too."
Now, get ready for the next exciting step on your stairway to
the top.






As you take this first step up the Stairway To The

~op, please know that you are stepping out of the
crowd at the bottom. The next step will now be
easier and the view will be better.


I recognize it's a little unusual for the author to insert his own
story. I'm doing this because I honestly believe my story is your
story. I believe I have felt your feelings and that my early fears,
failures and frustrations are shared by so many people that my
story will give many of you real hope - with believability.
In the original edition of this book I placed my story in the
Self-Image Segment. As the months went by, however, it became
more and more evident that the story would "fit" better between
the Self-Image and Your Relationship with Others Segments.
My climb up the ladder started when my self-image changed
because another person provided the spark. I'm persuaded this
story will serve as a bridge between your self-image and your
relationship with others.
I was one of twelve children. My dad died in 1932, the heart of
the depression, leaving Mother with five children too young to
work. Fortunately, Mother was a dedicated Christian who gave
us unconditional love and taught us that if we trusted the Lord,
worked hard and did our best, things would work out all right.
She finished the 5th grade as far as formal education is
concerned, but without a doubt she graduated magna cum laude
from the University of Life. She became one of the most loved and
respected people in the little town of Yazoo City, Mississippi.
Long after she was too old to earn money, she could still go to the
bank and borrow any amount she needed on her signature. She
never com promised her love for the Lord or her love for the truth.
It was either black or white. There were no areas of gray. She
often said an egg was never "almost" fresh. It was either fresh or
it was rotten. It was either the truth or it was a lie. For her there
was no compromise with truth or principle. She often saturated
us with little sentence sermonettes including such gems as, "It's
not who's right that is important - it's what's right," "The person
who won't stand for something will fall for anything," "Tell the
truth and tell it ever, costeth what it will, for he who hides the
wrong he did - does the wrong thing still." After our children
were born her favorites were, "Son, your children more attention
pay - to what you do than what you say," and "if you set the
example you will not have to set the rules."


One simple story will illustrate her philosophy. As a young

boy working in a grocery story on Saturdays from 7:30 in the
morning until 11:30 at night, I earned the magnificent sum of 75
cents. After a few months I was offered a job at a local sandwich
shop. On this job I would start at 10:00 in the morning and work
until midnight. The hours would have been shorter and the pay
would have been $1.15 for the day. I wanted to make the change.
In this day and time it would be impossible for you to imagine
the value of that other 40 cents, but in a rural Mississippi town in
1939 it represented a lot of money to a small boy. My Mother
never considered letting me make the change and I might add, I
never considered going against her wishes because Mr. John R.
Anderson, a dedicated Christian and a positive thinker [he once
sent me to a drawing for a cow, with a rope to lead the cow home]
owned and managed the grocery store. As my Mother expressed
it to me, the 40 cents wasn't important. The influence of a John
Anderson could never be measured in money. She emphasized
the fact she did not know the man who ran the sandwich shop. He
might be all right, but she loved her boy too much to let him work
in a place where the boss was of unknown quality. She had also
heard it rumored they sold beer in the sandwich shop. She made
her decision, and it was final as far as she was concerned. Since
she had demonstrated love and instilled obedience from birth, it
was natural for me to respect her wishes.


With a Mother who loved me enough to say "No" to my whims,

I had the the advantage of not only having a loving Mother, but
having a concerned, caring, substitute father in Mr. Anderson.
This is the background from which I came. I worked in the
grocery store from the time I was in the 5th grade until after I
finished the 11th grade. I started in the store as a "teller." Don't
be too impressed with that title, however, it just meant I "told"
people to move while I swept.
During my senior year, I moved next door and worked for the
man who had been the manager of the store under Mr. Anderson.

His name was Walton Haining. He too was a fine man who took a
personal interest in me. He had bought the meat market in the
store next door. Soon after graduation, I was headed for the U.S.
Navy. The night before I left, Mr. Hainingcalled me in for a final
"Dutch Uncle" talk. He invited me to come back after I was
discharged and work for him again. Frankly, I could not get too
excited about the idea because I was working about 75 hours a
week and earning the grand total of thirty dollars. Mr. Haining
explained that if I would come back and work two years for him
and thoroughly learn the business, he would help me get my own
meat market. The thing that turned me on, however, was his
showing me his net earnings for the previous year, $5,117.
Remember, things in 1944 were not the same as they are today.
I couldn't believe anyone could earn that much money in just
one year. He assured me it was true and I could do the same thing.
On July 1, 1944, I left Yazoo City, Mississippi, to enter the Navy.
When the war was over I was going to return to Yazoo City, open a
meat market and earn $5,117 in a single year.
While in the Navy, I met and fell in love with the former Jean
Abernathy of Jackson, Mississippi. She has been my wife and my
life for 31 wonderful years. After I was discharged, I entered the
University of South Carolina and earned money by selling
sandwiches in the dormitories at night. I did quite well during
the regular school year, but during the summer months business
was slow. One day, Jean saw an ad in the newspaperfor a $10,000-
per-year salesman. I felt it was more than a coincidence that they
wanted a $10,000 a year salesman because we certainly wanted
the $10,000. I called for an appointment and went for an
interview. I returned home extremely excited and told my wife
that we had a job and would be making $10,000 a year. She got
excited too and wanted to know when we started. I explained that
the man said he would "be in touch."
At this stage of my life, I was so naive, I honestly believed the
job was mine and did not realize that I had been "turned down."
One month later, when I still had no word concerning the job I
wrote a letter restating my interest and inquiring when I was
going to start. Their reply was plainly stated; they didn't feel I
could sell. I persisted, and finally after another month they

agreed to put me through training school. However, they made it

clear they weren't obligated to give me the job if at the end of the
school they didn't feel I could sell. The job was selling cookware
and pay was on a commission basis. After training, they gave me
the opportunity. For the next two-and-one-half years, despite a
lot of help from my sales manager, Bill Cranford, all I did was
prove they had been right all along. Don't misunderstand; this
doesn't mean I didn't sell much, because I did. I sold my car and
my furniture. The only thing that keeps this last line f:rom being
truly humorous, at least to me, is its close kinship to the truth.


I don't care how broke you are or have been, I honestly believe
I've been "broker." I don't care how despondent or down in the
dumps you are, or might have been, I honestly believe I've been
more despondent and further down in the dumps. My good
friend, Cavett Robert, whose ability as a speaker and sales
trainer is overshadowed only by his characteristics as a human
being, says much in this observation, "You don't down by falling
into water, you only drown if you stay there." He also says, "It's all
right to get down, but don't get down on yourself."
You're not beaten by being knocked down. You're only beaten
if you stay down. Personally, I believe I quit my sales career [in
my own mind] as many times as anybody who will ever read this
book has thought about quitting whatever he's doing. It was
discouraging to be broke, in debt, uncertain of what I was doing
and not really knowing from one day to the next whether I would
sink or swim. It's times like this when faith in something bigger
than yourself is so extremely important. Also of infinite value to
me was my Mother's example of courage, dedication, and
persistence which served as a wonderful, inspirational guide.
I'll have to admit it was sometimes tough, and discourage-
ment was a frequent companion. I often had to buy 50 cents worth
of gasoline at a time and if I made a mistake in addition, I would
have to return one or two items at the grocery store. When our
first daughter was born, the hospital bill was only $64. The
problem was, we didn't have the $64. I had to make two sales in
order to get the money together to pay the bill.

We were broke because my image was poor and my skills as a

salesman were questionable, at best. To illustrate the point and to
give all floundering salespeople encourgement, here's a true
incident from my book of ineptness which should give anyone
with enough gumption to get out of a telephone booth without
written directions, a lot of encouragement.
Some experienced salesmen were conducting dinner parties
which were group demonstrations, so I decided to try the same
thing. My first "dinner demonstration" was with Mr. B. C. Moore,
who lived at 2210 High Street, Columbia, S.C. Two prospects,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Spence and Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Gates,
were present. When I completed the demonstration, both
prospects gave a dozen reasons why they shouldn't buy, but both
ended up saying, "I'll take it." At this point, any sane salesman,
especially if he's broke, would have written the orders and
collected his commission; but, I walked out of the house because "I
had another appointment and was running late." Later I made
the sale, but I just wonder how many of you, on your dumbest,
greenest day, would have done such a foolish thing. Yes, my
reading friend, I'm convinced that there is hope for you.


After two-and-one-half years of less than overwhelming sales
success [to be honest I wasn't even a whelming success], the
picture changed dramatically and my career did a 180 degree
turn. Here's the story. I attended an all-day training session in
Charlotte, North Carolina, conducted by P. C. Merrell of
Nashville, Tennessee. It was a good session, but I have long since
forgotten the specific techniques I learned. Later that evening I
drove back home to Lancaster, South Carolina, to conduct a
dinner demonstration. I was late getting home and even later
getting to bed; then the baby kept us up most of the night. At 5:30
a.m. the alarm sounded and force of habit rolled me out of bed.
Welived in a small upstairs apartment over a grocery store. More
asleep than awake, I looked out the window and saw snow falling.
There was already about 10 inches of snow on the ground and I
was driving a heaterless Crosley automobile. I did what any
intelligent human being would do that morning, that's right, I

crawled back into bed.

As I lay there, it dawned on me that I had never missed or ever
been late for a sales meeting. Mother's words also came back to
me. "When you work for someone - work for them all the way. If
you are in something, get all the way in and if you can't get all the
way in - then get all the way out." The Bible says, "I would that
you were cold or hot, but because you are lukewarm, I will spue
you out of my mouth." I stumbled back out of bed and made that
cold drive to Charlotte, and a whole new way of life.
When the training session was over, Mr. Merrell quietly took
me aside and said, "You know, Zig, I've been watching you for
two-and-one-half years and I have never seen such a waste." [Now
friends, that will get your attention.] Somewhat startled, I asked
what he meant. He explained, "You have a lot of ability. You
could be a great one and maybe even become a national
champion." Naturally, I was flattered, but a little skeptical, so I
asked if he really meant it. He assured me, "Zig, there is no doubt
in my mind if you really went to work, and started believing in
yourself, you could go all the way to the top."
To tell you the truth, when those words really soaked in I was
stunned. You have to understand my background to appreciate
what those words meant to me. As a boy I was rather small,
weighing less than 120 pounds fully dressed when I entered the
senior class in high school. Most of the time since the fifth grade I
had worked after school and on Saturdays and hadn't been active
in sports. In addition to being little and slow, I was also scared. I
never dated a girl until I was 17 and that was a blind date
someone else had "fixed" for me. My self-image was that of the
little guy from the little town, who some day was going to go back
to that little town and earn $5,117 in a single year. Now, all of a
sudden, here's a man whom I admired and respected telling me,
"You could be a great one." Fortunately, I believed Mr. Merrell
and started thinking like a champion, acting like a champion,
seeing myself as a champion - and performing like a champion.


Mr. Merrell didn't teach me a lot of sales techniques but


before the year was over, I was the number two salesman in
America in a company of over 7,000 salesmen. I moved from a
Crosley to a luxury car and qualified for a fine promotion. The
next year I was one of the highest paid managers in the States.
Later, I became the youngest Division Supervisor in the country.
Mter my encounter with Mr. Merrell, I did not suddenly
acquire a whole new set of sales skills. Nor did my I.Q. jump 50
points. Mr. Merrell convinced me that I had the ability to
succeed, gave me something to live up to and the confidence to use
what I already had. Had I not believed him, his message would
have had no impact on me. I hope you believe me when I tell you
that you too are someone special. That you were put here to
succeed, be happy, be healthy and accomplish worthy objectives.
Many things have happened since that long ago encounter
with Mr. Merrell, but that occasion was a turning point in my life.
This is not to imply that things have always gone my way since
that memorable day, because they haven't. There was a time
when I became a "wandering generality" with more than my
share of ups and downs.
During one of my "downs" I picked up Dr. Peale's "Power Of
Positive Thinking" and my career, which was in trouble again,
surged forward. Dr. Peale helped me identify the real source of
my problems. Needless to say it was me. Many other good books
and good people have been "life savers" at other "down" times.
That's why I encourage you to deliberately seek the company of
good people and good books. While there have been some "downs"
after Mr. Merrell there have been more "ups", especially since
July 4, 1972, when I committed my life to Jesus Christ.
This book, and The Richer Life Course which is built on the
book, has been the highlight of my professional life. But it has also
been my privilege to see some of my works translated into
French, German, Japanese, Spanish and Braille. I have traveled
over two million miles speaking to audiences as large as 16,000,
ranging from student groups and sales organizations to
churches, professional athletic teams and Chambers of Com-
merce. I have appeared with such outstanding Americans as Dr.
Peale, Ronald Reagan, General "Chappie" James, Art Linkletter,
Paul Harvey, Olympic Star Bob Richards, Dr. Ken McFarland,

W. Clement Stone, Pat Boone and others.

I mention these things not to impress you with what God has
permitted me to do, but to encourage you as to what you do with
what you have. I don't believe there has ever been a more
"average" guy as far as size, strength, intelligence or ability is
concerned. I believe that if I can - you can.
Many factors and people are involved in anyone's life story but
the special impact P. C. Merrell had on my life cannot be
overstated. Incredibly [at least to me] our entire converstion
lasted less than five minutes and involved only a few dozen words.
That's one reason I know that one picture is not worth 10,000
words. That is also the reason I ask God before each talk to "make
me a P. C. Merrell today." That was my prayer during the entire
time I spent writing this book. P. C. helped me stop seeing myself
as the little guy from the little town struggling to get along. He
led me to see myself as somebody special who had something to
offer others.
What a privilege it would be to play just a small but similar
part in your life. I just happen to believe than when I share
thoughts or ideas that make your life more rewarding on planet
earth, I am doing God's work. It is my hope and prayer that this
book - and specifically - this chapter will be the bridge that
will enable you to easily move from accepting yourself to
accepting others. If that happens, then my rewards will be great
- my cup truly will be running over.








Mary Crowley - THINK MINK



Several years ago, an analysis was made of 100 self-made

millionaires. They ranged in age from about 21 to well over 70.
Their educational experiences extended from grade school to the
Ph.D. level. Other traits and characteristics also varied con-
siderably. Seventy percent of them, for instance, came from
towns of 15,000 people or less. Nevertheless, they did have one
thing in common. All of them were "good finders." They could see
the good in other people - and in every situation.
I'm confident you've heard the story of the little boy, who in a
fit of anger shouted to his mother that he hated her. Then,
perhaps fearing punishment, he ran out of the house to the
hillside and shouted into the valley, "I hate you, I hate you, I hate
you." Back from the valley came the echo, "I hate you, I hate you, I
hate you." Somewhat startled, the little boy ran back into the
house and told his mother there was a mean little boy in the valley
saying he hated him. His mother took him back to the hillside and
told him to shout, "I love you, I love you." The little boy did as his
mother said and this time he discovered there was a nice little boy
in the valley saying, "I love you, I love you."
Life is an echo. What you send out - comes back. What you
sow - you reap. What you give - you get. What you see in others
- exists in you. Regardless of who you are or what you do, if you
are looking for the best way to reap the most reward in all areas of
life, you should look for the good in every person and in every
situation and adopt the golden rule as a way of life.
It's a universal truth that you treat people exactly like you
see them. It's also true that all you have to do to find "good" or
"ability" in a person is to look for it. Once you find that "good" or
"ability" in the other person you treat him better and he performs
better. So it's good "business" and good "humanness" to be a "good


Mter you have "found" the good, be sure to do some good by
spreading the word.
Many times people see the good and then keep it a secret. This
isn't true at Bay City High School in Bay City, Texas. In October
of 1976, with the full support of principal Joe Graham, Barry
Tacker started a recognition program for students who deserved
praise and recognition but generally went unnoticed even though
they displayed positive, responsible behavior and attitudes.
During the school year over 500 students were recognized by the
teachers and "sent" to the office. Mr. Tacker reports these results:
(1) Good students were recognized. (2) Students learned they
could be recognized for positive behavior not just negative
behavior. (3) The Principals got to know many students by first
names instead of faces. (4) Student attitudes improved, they
appreciated the recognition. (5) Teachers were forced to look for
the positive characteristics of students in their classes.
When students came into Mr. Tacker's office the first reaction
was generally, "What have I done?" expecting bad. Curiosity
turned into smiles as he described "What they had done."
About four years ago I met Walter Hailey, a successful and
dynamic man from Dallas, Texas. I v/ill never forget our
meeting, because Walter and I established an immediate
rapport. After a short visit, he wanted to show me one of his
unique ventures. He is in the insurance business and has
conceived a new idea for merchandising insurance to thousands
of independent grocers throughout the country, using grocery
warehouses as a base.
We visited one of these mammoth warehouses and as we
entered, he paused in front of the switchboard operator and said,
"I want to tell you what a beautiful job you are doing on the
switchboard. You make people feel as though you are delighted
they called." The switchboard operator smiled broadly and said,
"Thank you, Mr. Hailey, that's what I try to do." Next, we walked
into the office section. As we passed one department, Mr. Hailey
said, "Excuse me, Zig, let's go in here. I want you to meet this
man." He walked in, introduced himself and said, "You know, I
haven't gotten to know you, but I know your department and I

just wanted you to know I'm aware of what is happening. Since

you have taken over this department, we haven't had the first
complaint, which is a tribute to you." The man grinned and said,
"Well, thank you, Mr. Hailey, I'm doing the best I can."
We went upstairs and, as we started to walk into the inner
office, he stopped and said, "Zig, I want to introduce you to the
greatest secretary who ever sat behind a desk." Then to the
secretary , "You know, I don't think I have ever told you this, but
my wife thinks you hung the moon, and she believes you can go
take it down, any time, so I'm going to ask you not to do that." She
smiled and said, "Well, I appreciate hearing that." We walked
into the insurance office, and he said, "Zig, shake hands with one
of the greatest insurance men who ever put on a pair of shoes."
The entire trip took less than 3 minutes but Walter Hailey
gave each of these people something to live up to. He left them
better than he found them. He gave them some sincere
appreciation, which built enthusiasm for their jobs and their
company. As a result, I can assure you they worked more
effectively and efficiently. I can also assure you Walter Hailey
felt better as a result of the trip - and so did I. It is impossible to
influence someone else for the good and give them a boost without
gaining a benefit yourself.

As a young salesman, I read a story that made a lasting
impression. A five-year-old girl made her musical debut in a
church contata. She had a beautiful voice and from the beginning
a great career was predicted for her. As she grew older she was
more and more in demand for church, school and social functions.
Recognizing the need for professional voice training, the family
sent her to a well-known voice teacher. The teacher knew his
music as perhaps few others did. He was a perfectionist who
demanded top performance at all times. Any time the girl would
waiver a bit or miss her timing in the least, he carefully pointed
out her errors. Over a period of time, her admiration for her
teacher deepened. Despite the age difference and the fact he was
more critical than complimentary, she fell in love with him and
they were married.

He continued to teach her, but her friends started detecting

changes in her beautiful natural voice. It took on a strained
quality and no longer had the clear excitement that it formerly
possessed. Gradually, invitations to sing came less frequently.
Finally, they virtually stopped. Then her husband-teacher died
and for the next few years she did little or no singing. Her talent
was hardly used, and lay dormant until an exuberant salesman
began courting her. On occasion, when she would hum a little
tune or a melody would burst forth, he would marvel at the
beauty of her voice. "Sing some more, Honey. You have the most
beautiful voice in all the world," he would say. Now the fact of the
matter is, he might not have known whether she was good, bad or
indifferent, but he did know he liked her voice very much. So, he
showered her with praise. Not too surprisingly, her confidence
returned and she began to receive invitations to sing again. Still
later, she married the "good finder" and went on to a successful
career of her own.
Some say compliments are just so much air, but! would like to
emphasize that the salesman's praise for her was totally honest,
sincere and much needed. In fact, a sincere compliment is one
of the most effective teaching and motivational methods in
existence. They may seem to be just so much air, but like the air
we use to fill the tires on our automobiles, they can really ease us
along life's highway.


A New York businessman dropped a dollar into the cup of a
man selling pencils and hurriedly stepped aboard the subway
train. On second thought, he stepped back off the train, walked
over to the beggar and took several pencils from the cup.
Apologetically, he explained that in his haste he had neglected to
pick up his pencils and hoped the man wouldn't be upset with
him. "After all," he said, "you are a businessman just like myself.
You have merchandise to sell and it's fairly priced." Then he
caught the next train.
At a social function a few months later, a neatly-dressed
salesman stepped up to the businessman and introduced himself.
"You probably don't remember me and I don't know your name,

but I will never forget you. You are the man who gave me back
my self-respect. I was a "beggar" selling pencils until you came
along and told me I was a businessman."
A wise man said, "A lot of people have gone further than
they thought they could because someone else thought they
could." How do you see others? The greatest good we can do for
anyone is not to share our wealth with them, but rather to reveal
their own wealth to them. It's astonishing how much talent and
ability rests inside a human being. We devoted considerable time
in the first two Segments selling you on you. Just as the first step
to success is knowing your own potential, the second step is
knowing the potential of others. Fortunately, as we recognize our
own ability, it's easy to recognize the ability of others. Once we see
it, we can help them discover it for themselves.


By bankers' guidelines and business logic, they should have.
The applicant did not have banker's collateral [she couldn't prove
she didn't need the $6,000], she wanted to inject more capital into
a new business, had no experience in running a company, had
parted company with her former employer over a disagreement
in philosophy, the economy wasn't exactly booming and besides
all that she was a woman. Worse still she had the peculiar notion
that you could build a business on Christian principles.
Incredibly enough she even had the idea that the customer, the
company, and the sales person could benefit when a sale was
made. To compound the "problem" she believed in paying bills
and bonuses when they came due and not when it was convenient.
But if you think that was bad [in bankers' eyes] keep reading
- it gets worse. Mary Crowley even believed that you should open
a sales or training meeting with prayer. Later she and her son,
Don Carter, who works beside her in the business, had the
revolutionary idea that it was good business to hire the
handicapped. Good for them - good for you. Additionally, the
business was already "out of control" with a mushrooming sales
force selling, building, and recruiting so fast the company could
scarcely keep up with the orders. [Interestingly enough, it is still
out of control in the eyes of some of their competitors who drool

with envy at the fact that Home Interiors and Gifts stops
recruiting on October 10 each year because they need to "catch
their breath" and be able to give continued good service through
the increased Christmas business.] To the best of my knowledge,
they are the only sales company in America who do this.
It's clear, however, that two bankers were wrong and the one
who said yes was right, because Home Interiors and Gifts,
formed by Mrs. Mary Crowley of Dallas, Texas, is truly one of the
Horatio Alger stories of this century. Starting from scratch -
and she provided the scratch - Mary Crowley through the
utilization of all the principles for outstanding and lasting
success has built a company that has become a model in the direct
sales world. Built on a bed rock of faith in Almighty God and the
conviction that not only could a business be built on faith,
integrity, hard work and equal opportunity for all, but it must be
built that way for permanence. Being a woman - and grateful
for it - Mary felt the sting of prejudice and discrimination
keenly enough to know that it must not exist in Home Interiors
and Gifts.
The question most people ask is why and how has Mary
Crowley and her company achieved such remarkable success
since it was founded in December 1957. The answer is simple, but
it goes far below the surface. If I had to sum up Mary Crowley and
her success in a few words, I would say that she has reached the
heights because of the depth of her beliefs. She believes that "one
person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have
only interest." She believes in the enormous potential in everyone
and is determined to give her sales ladies an unlimited
opportunity for growth and financial success. She believes that if
you build people mentally, morally, physically, and spiritually
that they will build the business on the same foundation. By any
standard, Mary Crowley is a "rich" woman, but she's rich - not
because of what she has [and that's a bunch] - but because of
what she gives away [that's an even bigger bunch].
Mary says it beautifully in her book, "Think Mink." A few of
her real gems include, "don't get the rabbit habit - think mink,"
"people need loving the most when they deserve it the least,"
"worry is a misuse of the imagination," "God will mend even a

broken heart if we give Him all the pieces," "don't be an 'if'

thinker, be a 'how' thinker," "you may give out but never give up,"
"develop a swelled heart, not a swelled head," "I love God's
mathmatics. Joy adds and multiplies as you divide it with
others," "Be somebody - God doesn't take time to make a
The story of Mary Crowley and Home Interiors hasn't been all
sunshine and roses. There has been much blood, sweat, and tears,
but never any shortage in the important things - plenty of love,
faith, enthusiasm, compassion, determination, and plain hard
work. That, my friends, gives you all the good things life has to
offer. Mary's story is the classic case and it's one any lawyer could
use in court to prove that you can get everything in life you want if
you just help enough other people get what they want.

Several years ago, at Harvard University, Dr. Robert
Rosenthal conducted an intriguing series of experiments
involving three groups of students and three groups of rats. He
informed the first group of students, "You're in luck. You are
going to be working with genius rats. These rats have been bred
for intelligence and are extremely bright. They will get to the end
of the maze in nothing flat, and eat lots of cheese, so buy plenty.
The second group was told, "Your rats are just average, not too
bright, not too dumb, just a bunch of average rats. They will
eventually get to the end of the maze, and eat some cheese, but
don't expect too much from them. They're "average" in ability
and intelligence, so their performance will be average.
He told the third group of students, "These rats are really bad.
If they find the end of the maze, it will be by accident and not
design. They are really idiots, so naturally they will be low in
performance. I'm not certain you should even buy any cheese.
Just paint a sign at the end of the maze that says cheese."
For the next six weeks, the students conducted experiments
under exacting scientific conditions. The genius rats performed
like genuises. They reaches the end of the maze in short order.
The average rats - well, what do you expect from a bunch of
average rats? They made it to the end but they didn't set any

speed records in the process. The idiot rats, oh brother, were they
ever sad. They had real difficulty and when one did find the end of
the maze it was obviously an accident and not a "plan."
Here's the interesting thing. There were no genius rats or
idiot rats. They were all average rats out of the same litter. The
difference in performance was the direct result of the difference
in the attitude of the students conducting the series of ex-
periments. In short, the students treated the rats "differently"
because they saw them "differently" and different treatment
brings on different results. The students didn't know rat
language but rats have attitudes, and attitude is a universal

Here's a question for you. What kind of children do you have?
If you're a salesman, what kind of prospects have you been
seeing? If you are a sales manager, what kind of salesmen do you
have? If you are a doctor, what kind of patients have you been
treating? If you are an employer, what kind of employees do you
have? If you are a husband, what kind of wife do you have? If you
are a wife, what kind of husband do you have?
You might say, "Wait a minute, Ziglar, doggone it all, one
minute you're talking about those rats and the next minute you're
talking about my kids, my wife, my husband or my prospects.
Can you be a little clearer?" Obviously, I'm talking about attitude
and the effect your attitude has on the people whose lives you
touch. Let's take our story about the rats another step, because
the experiment was taken one more step and extended to a local
grade school.
One teacher was told, "You're in luck. You will be working
with the genius kids. These students are so bright it's frighten-
ing. They are going to be giving you answers before you ask the
questions. They are extremely intelligent kids. One word of
caution, however; they are so bright they will try to fool you. Some
of them are lazy and will try to con you into giving them less work.
Don't listen to them. These kids can turn out the work. Just put it
to them. Some of them will even say, "Teacher, that's too hard."

Don't listen to them and don't worry about the problems being too
hard. These kids can and will solve the toughest ones if you give
them your vote of confidence along with some daily injections of
love, discipline and genuine interest.
A second teacher was told, "You have the average kids.
They're not too bright nor too dumb. They have average I.Q.,
background and ability, so we expect average results."
Naturally, the genius students did better than the average
students. As a matter of fact, at the end of the year, the genius
students were one full year ahead of the average students. I'll bet
you don't have to be a genius to figure out the end of this story, do
you? You're right. There were no genius students. They were all
average students. The only difference was in the attitude of the
teacher. The teacher thought the average students were
geniuses, so they were treated like geniuses, expected to perform
like geniuses, and they did. They were given something to live up
to and not something to live down to. It's true the way you see
"them" is the way you treat them and the way you treat them
is the way they often become.
Here's another question. Have your kids gotten any smarter
the last five minutes? What about the sales people in your
organization? Did your employees or associates become more
productive, wiser, more professional and more skillful during
those few minutes? How about your wife? Has she gotten prettier
and more interesting? Or, did your husband grow in stature? If
these things didn't happen, let me urge you to turn back the pages
and read again, because you missed the point, and your family,
friends and associates have a problem - it's you.
The poet expressed it beautifully when he said, "If you take a
man as he is, you make him worse than he was, but if you see him
as being the best person possible, then he, in fact, becomes the
best person possible." If your kids, while you were reading these
words have suddenly gotten smarter, if a husband, wife or
associate improved, let me say, "Congratulations, you are the one
who is making progress."
An excellent example of this philosophy, of seeing the good in
the other person, is retired U.C.L.A. coach John Wooden, who by
the way is the perfect answer to Leo Durocher's famous and

obviously wrong statement that "nice guys finish last." Wooden

saw the total person in his basketball players and was just as
concerned with their morals as with their quickness. He also
believed and taught that everything in life was enhanced by
working with consideration for the other person. Team spirit,
dedication, loyalty, enthusiasm, poise and condition were all
trademarks of his teams. Since his teams won 10 out of 12
national championships, including seven in a row, there isn't
much way we can disagree with his philosophy. It might surprise
you to learn that this winner of all winners didn't consider
winning the most important thing. As a matter of fact, he never
mentioned winning to his players. He stressed "best effort" for
everybody and felt that a player should feel badly only if he didn't
give it his all.


During a practice session for the Green Bay Packers, things
were not going well for Vince Lombardi's team. Lombardi
singled out one big guard for his failure to "put out." It was a hot,
muggy day when the coach called his guard aside and leveled his
awesome vocal guns on him, as only Lombardi could. "Son, you
are a lousy football player. You're not blocking, you're not
tackling, you're not putting out. As a matter of fact, it's all over
for you today, go take a shower." The big guard dropped his head
and walked into the dressing room. Forty-five minutes later,
when Lombardi walked in, he saw the big guard sitting in front
of his locker still wearing his uniform. His head was bowed and
he was sobbing quietly.
Vince Lombardi, ever the changeable but always the
compassionate warrior, did something of an about face that was
also typical of him. He walked over to his football player and put
his arms around his shoulder. "Son," he said, "I told you the truth.
You are a lousy football player. You're not blocking, you're not
tackling, you're not putting out. However, in all fairness to you, I
should have finished the story. Inside of you, son, there is a great
football player and I'm going to stick by your side until the great
football player inside of you has a chance to come out and assert
himself." With these words, Jerry Kramer straightened up and

felt a great deal better. As a matter of fact, he felt so much better

he went on to become one of the all-time greats in football and was
recently voted the all-time guard in the first 50 years of
professional football.
That was Lombardi. He saw things in men that they seldom
saw in themselves. He had the ability to inspire his men to use the
talent they had. As a result, these players gave Lombardi three
consecutive world championships at Green Bay. Later, when he
moved to Washington, many people wondered how he would
handle Sonny Jurgensen, the talented but undisciplined quarter-
back. They didn't wonder very long. On the first day of practice
one of the reporters baited him with a question about Jurgensen.
Lombardi called Sonny to his side, put his arm around him and
said, "Gentlemen, this is the greatest quarterback to ever step on
a football field." Is it any wonder that Jurgensen had his best year
ever? Lombardi saw the good in others, treated them like he saw
them and helped develop the "good" that was inside of them.

A number of years ago, in a mental institution just outside
Boston, Mass., a young girl known as "Little Annie" was locked in
the dungeon. This institution was one of the more enlightened
ones for the treatment of the mentally disturbed. However, the
doctors felt that a dungeon was the only place for those who were
"hopelessly" insane. In Little Annie's case, they saw no hope for
her, so she was consigned to a living death in that small cage
which received little light and even less hope.
About that time, an elderly nurse in the institution was
nearing retirement. She felt there was hope for all of God's
creatures, so she started taking her lunch into the dungeon and
eating outside Little Annie's cage. She felt perhaps she could
communicate some love and hope to the little girl.
In many ways, Little Annie was like an animal. On occasions,
she would violently attack the person who came into her cage. At
other times, she would completely ignore them. When the elderly
nurse started visiting her, Little Annie gave no indication that
she was even aware of her presence. One day, the elderly nurse
brought some brownies to the dungeon and left them outside the

cage. Little Annie gave no hint she knew they were there, but
when the nurse returned the next day, the brownies were gone.
From that time on, the nurse would bring brownies when she
made her Thursday visit. Soon, the doctors in the institution
noticed a change was taking place. After a period of time, they
decided to move Little Annie upstairs. Finally, the day came
when this "hopeless case" was told she could return home. But
Little Annie did not wish to leave. The place had meant so much
to her she felt she could make a contribution if she stayed and
worked with the other patients. The elderly nurse had seen and
brought out so much in her life that Little Annie felt she could see
and help develop something in others.
Many years later, Queen Victoria of England, while pinning
England's highest award on a foreigner, asked Helen Keller,
"How do you account for your remarkable accomplishments in
life? How do you explain the fact that even though you were both
blind and deaf, you were able to accomplish so much?" Without a
moment's hesitation, Helen Keller said that had it not been for
Anne Sullivan (Little Annie), the name of Helen Keller would
have remained unknown.
It's not too well known, but Helen Keller was a normal,
healthy baby before some mysterious disease left her almost
helpless and hopeless. Anne Sullivan saw Helen Keller as one of
God's very special people - treated her as she saw her - loved
her - disciplined her - played, prayed, pushed and worked with
her until the flickering candle that was her life became a beacon
that helped light the pathways and lighten the burdens of people
all over the world. Yes, Helen Keller influenced millions after her
own life was touched by "Little Annie?"


A number of years ago in Northern Virginia, an old man stood
on a river bank waiting to get across. Since it was bitterly cold
and there were no bridges, he would have to "catch a ride" to the
other side. After a lengthy wait, he saw a group of horsemen
approaching. He let the first one pass, then the second, third,
fourth, and fifth. Finally, there was only one rider left. As he
drew abreast, the old man looked him in the eye and said, "Sir,

would you give me a ride across the river?"

The rider, without a moment's hesitation said, "Why
certainly, get aboard." Once across the river, the old man slid to
the ground. Before leaving, the rider said, "Sir, I could not help
but notice that you permitted all the other riders to pass without
asking for a ride. Then, when I drew abreast, you immediately
asked me for a ride. I'm curious as to why you didn't ask them and
why you did ask me?" The old man quietly responded, "I looked
into their eyes and could see no love and knew in my own heart it
would be useless to ask for a ride. But, when I looked into your
eyes, I saw compassion, love and the willingness to help. I knew
you would be glad to give me the ride across the river."
With this the rider very humbly said, "You know, I'm very
grateful for what you are saying. I appreciate it very much."
With that, Thomas Jefferson turned and rode off to the White
House. It has truly been said that our eyes are the windows of our
souls. In this particular case, the old man read them correctly.
Question: If you had been the last rider, would the old man have
asked you for that ride "across the river?" It's important that he
would have because there is a vast difference between giving
advice and lending a hand. You and your encouragement might
well be, for one or more people, that all important ride across the
river. Harvey Firestone, who helped people climb the mountains
of accomplishment expressed it beautifully when he said, "You
get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself."


The story of LaVon and Vern Dragt is one of unique courage,
dedication to principle and a firm beliefthatfaith and hard work
answer most of life's problems. Vern was a well paid plasterer
and the father of three small children when polio struck. A
valiant struggle for life itself was followed by four and a half
years of convalescence. Today Vern and LaVon are managing a
business which includes over 1,000 Tupperware Dealers doing
over $8,000,000 annually.
What happened between the time polio struck and the
situation that exists today, is quite a story. When Vern was
stricken and the savings were gone, LaVon sought outside

employment. However, her job drained her physically and kept

her away from Vern and the children ten hours a day. She
responded to the Tupperware appeal, fell in love with the
business and after her second party, decided to sell on afull-time
basis. The work was fun and profitable and she could arrange her
schedule of work around the family instead of having to arrange
her family around her schedule as she had formerly done. Almost
immediately she recognized that other men and women faced
similar problems so she started extending a helping hand to
them. The result is the number one distributorship in the entire
country, financial security for the Dragts and an opportunity to
contribute to their community, to their fellowman and to their
church work.
In the process of accomplishing some of their objectives, Vern
and LaVon made it possible for 125 of their managers and
countless dealers to drive beautiful new cars and accomplish
objectives of their own. They have given the opportunity for
growth to hundreds of others, including Hal Empey who is today
a Vice President with Tupperware. Their remarkable success is
the result of seeing the needs of others and doing something about
those needs. You do treat people as you see them and if you see
others as Vern and LaVon do, then you too will be getting a lot
because you will be giving a lot.


A man was given a tour of both Heaven and Hell so he could
intelligently select his final destination. The Devil was given first
chance, so he started the "prospect" with a tour of Hell. The first
glance was a surprising one because all the occupants were
seated at a banquet table loaded with every food imaginable,
including meat from every corner of the globe, fruits and
vegetables and every delicacy known to man. With justification,
the Devil pointed out that no one could ask for more.
However, when the man looked carefully at the people he did
not find a single smile. There was no music or indication of gaiety
generally associated with such a feast. The people at the table
looked dull and listless and were literally skin and bones. The
tourist noticed that each person had a fork strapped to the left

arm and a knife strapped to the right arm. Each had a four-foot
handle which made it impossible to eat. So, with food of every
kind at their fingertips, they were starving.
Next stop was Beaven, where the tourist saw a scene identical
in every respect - same foods, knives and forks with those four-
foot handles. However, the inhabitants of Heaven were laughing,
singing and having a great time. They were well fed and in
excellent health. The tourist was puzzled for a moment. He
wondered how conditions could be so similar and yet produce
such different results. The people in Hell were starving and
miserable, while the people in Heaven were well-fed and happy.
Then, he saw the answer. Each person in Hell had been trying to
feed himself. A knife and fork with a four-foot handle made this
impossible. Each person in Heaven was feeding the one across the
table from him and was being fed by the one sitting on the
opposite side. By helping one another they helped themselves.
The message is clear. The way you see situations and people is
extremely important because you treat people and situations
exactly as you see them. That's one reason I keep reminding you
- you can get everything in life you want - if you help enough
other people get what they want.





Let me tell you a personal and embarrassing story. When our

family consisted of three daughters, we had a problem. Our
middle daughter was about five years old. As everybody knows,
the middle child is "different" and is often the "problem" child.
We knew in advance we would have problems with our middle
daughter because all our friends and relatives assured us the
middle child is "different."
This difference is supposed to be the result of not having the
security and independence of being the oldest child, nor the
affection and attention generally accorded the youngest.
Children, contrary to what you might believe, do want to
cooperate. If parents think the middle child is going to be
different they invariably treat them differently. When this
happens, just as certainly as God made those little green apples,
the middle child "cooperates" and turns out to be different. What
everyone did not tell us was that the "difference" is positive or
negative depending on the way you treat the child.
In my particular case, I handled our middle daughter in a
classic manner. If I commented once, I must have commented a
thousand times, "Why does Cindy whine so much? Why can't she
be like Suzan and Julie? Why is she different? Why isn't she
happier and more cheerful?" Cindy responded in the only way she
could, she whined, complained, fussed, and generally followed
the detailed instructions I was giving to her. She wasn't different
when she started, but we made her different. Then, the family
started a study of the way the mind works. We finally learned
what the Bible so clearly says, "As ye sow, so also shall ye reap."
We learned you can't plant negative instructions and raise a
positive child anymore than you can plant beans and raise
We made some significant changes in our approach. Each

time we had a visitor, my wife and I would introduce Cindy in a

special way: "This is the little girl everybody loves because she is
so happy. She laughs and smiles all the time." Then, "Baby, tell
these folks your name." she would always give us her two-front-
teeth-missing grin, and say, "It's Tadpole." [What a name for a
pretty little girl.] Then we would repeat, "This is the little girl
who is always smiling and laughing. She'.g happy and friendly
and cheerful, aren't you, Baby?" She would just grin and say
"Yes, sir," or "Yes, Ma'am." [We believe one of the most useful and
important traits you can develop in your children is genuine
courtesy and respect for the authority of the parents. We believe
children feel more secure knowing they have someone to respect
as parents rather than just a friend or buddy. We required Yes,
Sir and Yes, Ma'am.]
We had been following this procedure only a month when we
had one of those truly exhilerating experiences that gladdens any
parent's heart. Someone came to see us and, as was our custom, I
called Cindy over and said, "This is our little girl that everybody
loves. Tell them what your name is, Baby." She grabbed my coat
sleeve and said, "Daddy, I've changed my name." Somewhat
surprised, I said, "What is your name now, Baby?" Smiling
bigger than ever, she responded, "I'm the Happy Tadpole."
The neighbors on both sides of us wanted to know what had
happened to Cindy. Well, something had happened to Cindy, but
it didn't happen until Mother and Dad started seeing her as a
child who deserved the best we had to offer. When we saw her in a
new light we treated her like the cheerful, happy girl she was
entitled to be - and that's the kind of girl she became, so today we
call her "Sweetning." Yes, you treat people like you "see" them so
it's extremely important that we learn to "see" others properly.


A number of years ago, when we lived in Stone Mountain,
Georgia, I had my office in the nearby town of Decatur. One day, a
friend of mine in the insurance business stopped by for a visit. He
brought his three daughters who were about three, five and seven
years of age. They were dressed in pretty dresses and looked like
little dolls. Incredibly enough, this is the way he introduced them:

"This is the one who won't eat, this is the one who won't mind her
mother, and this is the one who cries all the time."
There is no question in my mind about this man's love for those
three little ones. It showed all over his face and in his eyes as he
petted and played with them. Unfortunately, he was giving them
something to "live down to." The way he saw them was the way he
was treating them. He was giving powerful, negative instruc-
tions to each one. Chances are he often lamented the fact that he
had one little girl who "wouldn't eat," and one who "wouldn't
mind her mother," and one who "cried all the time." Tragically,
the odds are a thousand to one he never knew why. It's true we
reap what we sow-aswell as what others sow in our minds. That
makes it doubly important to see our little ones properly, because
the way we see them determines what we sow in them, which to a
large degree determines what they become.
Linda Isaac's family, friends and teachers "saw" her as a
"dwarf" of limited mental capabilities, so that's the way they
treated her. Her teachers in the Special Education classes in
Italy, Texas didn't think she could learn, so they didn't attempt to
teach her much. They passed her from one grade to the next until
she "graduated" from high school. Now we have a four-foot, 80 lb.
black high school graduate who functions at a first grade level.
Under these circumstances, Linda had two chances in life - slim
and none. Then her mother contacted Carol Clapp at the Texas
Rehabilitation Commission at Goodwill Industries. As a result,
Linda moved to Dallas to live with a sister and start an extensive
three week vocational evaluation program. She was placed in a
work adjustment program where a different crop was planted or
"sowed" in her mind. As a result, she quickly outgrew that
program and was transferred to the Industrial Contract Center.
Today she takes telephone messages, keeps time cards and checks
each day's progress. Her personality changed as her confidence
grew under this "new" treatment. She has joined the Little
People of America and wants to be a secretary; she loves life, likes
what she is doing and her image is such she no longer minds being
called "Shorty." Linda Isaac's story is one that will probably have
a happy ending but it does make you wonder how many people
have been consigned to mediocrity by someone who "saw" them in

an inferior light and treated them accordingly.

Even as late as college, many students are inhibited by some
pompous professor who proudly announces that a certain
percentage of his class "always fails" and no one makes an "A". It
apparently never occurs to these professors that they may be
hiding their inability to teach behind a false display of academic
baloney. Personally, I think the professor should work harder so
he could say he was such a good teacher many of the students
would make "A's" and everyone would learn in his course. Don't
misunderstand. I'm not hinting that a teacher should brag on the
students and tell them they are doing well regardless of how they
actually are doing. That approach leads to academic suicide. As a
matter of fact, a recent study in San Francisco reveals that
members of minority groups have repeatedly been told how well
they are doing, when in fact the individuals involved might be
doing poorly. This is the cruelest treatment of all, because it
produces diploma-bearing functional illiterates who cannot
compete in the market place for jobs. This produces a disillusion-
ed, bitter individual who, when encouraged just slightly with
some radical rhetoric, will make society "pay" for its failure to
give him an education that would make him competitive.
So, what's the solution? I have no single answer to such a
complex educational problem but this I do know. We need to look
for the total ability of the student, develop more patience,
compassion and firmness in dealing with them, and be more
analytical of what the student does and not so critical of the
student. Criticize the performance - not the performer. In
short, when dealing with students, give them lots of encourage-
ment, but don't lie to them or mislead them by telling them they
are doing well when they are not. Encourage them by letting
them know they can do better work - that their assignment or
performance is not up to their standards. When their image
changes, so will their performance.
Over 27 years of teaching experience, much of it of a highly
concentrated nature, convinces me that this is the most effective
way to get maximum performance from the individual. In short,
give them something to live up to. Convince them they can- and
they will.

Employer feeds: loyalty, total effort, dedication, etc.

Proper dieting Is a lifetime proposition.


Mary Kay Ash, Chairman of the Board for Mary Kay
Cosmetics, totally understands the value and importance of
seeing the good and the potential in others. She knows the value
from both sides of the fence. With two young children to support,
she began working with Stanley Home Products. She got off to a
miserable start but as she watched other girls doing well, she
knew in her own mind her time would come, so she simply re-
doubled her efforts.
A short time later, a national convention was scheduled for
Dallas. Mary Kay borrowed $12.00 to pay for her transportation
and the hotel room. That was all the money she had, and the
$12.00 didn't include meals. She took along cheese and crackers
to eat for the three days. The convention was tremendously
inspiring. On the final night, when Mr. Stanley Beverage placed
the "Queen of Sales" crown on a tall slender brunette, Mary Kay
made the decision that started her on the road to success.
When she walked down the receiving line to shake hands with
President Beverage, she looked him squarely in the eyes and said,
"Mr. Beverage, you don't know who I am tonight, but this time
next year you will because I am going to be the Queen of Sales."
Stanley Beverage could have casually commented on the matter,
but he didn't. He apparently saw that special "something" in
Mary Kay as he looked her in the eye and shook her hand, because
he said to her, "You know, somehow I think you will." She did.
Later, she went on to an outstanding career with that company
and another one as well.
Then, one day she "retired," but her retirement lasted about a
month with twelve hour work days. After a day or two of
meditation to collect her thoughts, she took a yellow pad and
started "figuring." She listed all the things she liked about the
companies she had represented. She put down the things she
considered important to a woman seeking a career in selling. She
wrote down the things she wanted to do, be and have as she was
building her own career. She decided to start her own company
and build it on a basis that would permit her people to utilize the
beauty and ability she saw in every woman. She felt it was far
better and more important to reveal to the person what

they already had than it was to give that person part of what she
Mary Kay saw women as capable of earning large sums of
money and having the luxuries of life, including Cadillac
automobiles. With limited finances but unlimited faith, Mary
Kay Cosmetics began in August, 1963. Before the calendar year
ended they had sold roughly $60,000 in retail products. In 1976,
Mary Kay Cosmetics sold approximately $88,000,000 and nearly
40,000 Consultants and Directors tell the Mary Kay story in every
state in the Union.
There are many reasons for this success story, but it all started
when someone "saw" something special in Mary Kay. It
continued and grew because she kept things in proper perspec-
tive. She teaches her people that God comes first, the family
second and Mary Kay Cosmetics third. She also "saw" and "sees"
enormous abilities in her people and treats them accordingly. As
a result, she "sees" them all over the country, driving around in
Mary Kay pink Cadillacs.


An incident in a department store in Columbia, S.C.,
illustrates a similar point. It was Christmas time and the crowds
were huge. A mother and her little five-year-old girl were
watching a demonstration. The mother was engrossed with the
event and took her eyes off the child who then drifted a few feet
away. Soon the mother missed the child and glanced around for
an instant before she spotted her. Then, as she leaped like an
animal for her child, she exclaimed, "You come here to me, you
know how scared you are of people!"
Can't you just imagine how many things the child is going to
be "scared of" before she is grown? It seems so simple - after we
have learned. However, as we read the words on this page, I'll
have to plead guilty, as I did in the story of my middle daughter,
to much of the same thing until someone taught me better. Then I
was astonished that I hadn't thought of those things myself. Just
good old common sense I said - after I learned.
Many times I've heard it said there were two things about
"hindsight." No.1, it was always right, and No.2, it was never

worth anything. That's only partially true. Hindsight is worth a

lot if you learn from it and it's worth even more if it's another's
hindsight you are learning from. If it wasn't this way, we would
have to re-invent the wheel every generation.

Major Anderson, of Revolutionary War fame, owned a
library. He was an unselfish man who opened his library to the
young men of the area who wanted to acquire more knowledge.
One of the young boys who came to Major Anderson's home every
Saturday morning was a Scottish lad who was extremely
grateful for the opportunity to spend the day reading. Apparent-
ly, he learned a great deal in the process, because Andrew
Carnegie went on to become one of the most productive and
wealthy men America has ever produced. He created forty-three
millionaires when millionaires were truly rare individuals.
Carnegie passed this kindness on in another way. He created the
Carnegie Libraries all over the United States. Untold thousands
of people still benefit from his generosity.
Yes, when you see ability in others and then help nourish and
develop that ability, you make some remarkable contributions.
Of course, the most remarkable thing is the more you "pass on"
to others, the more you keep for yourself. A case in point is
Charles Percy, who was made president of Bell and Howell at the
age of 39. He had worked up through the ranks of the company
and acquired both fame and fortune. Today he is an outstanding
United States Senator. Interestingly enough, the one comment
most often made about Senator Percy is his uncanny ability to see
the potential in another person and then persuade that person to
use his ability.
Occasionally, this philosophy will temporarily move you into
the shadow instead of the spotlight. A case in point is Chris
Chattaway, the "pacer" who played a key role in the first four
minute mile. Chattaway burned himself out the first three laps
setting a fast pace for Roger Bannister, so Bannister could break
the "unbreakable" 4 minute barrier. Bannister broke the barrier
and achieved international fame while Chattaway dropped into
relative obscurity. Since that time, however, there have been

some 500 races run in less than four minutes but Chattaway is
and always will be the only one who gave of himself by setting the
pace so the unbreakable barrier could be broken.


An obscure college professor had a wife who was hard-of-
hearing. His dream was to perfect a hearing device so his wife,
whom he loved very much, could hear. He devoted every spare
dollar and every spare moment he had to working on his dream.
History books tell us he failed in his venture, but he was far from
being a failure. Alexander Graham Bell missed one goal, but
mankind benefited enormously because he dedicated himself to
seeking a solution to someone else's problem. He aimed to help
one and missed. Instead, he helped millions.
Several years earlier, a German inventor named Wilhelm
Reiss had perfected a device for transmitting sound over wires.
As a matter of fact, had Reiss moved two electrodes just one
1/1000 of an inch, so they would touch each other he would have
invented the telephone. Ironically, Reiss missed immortality by
the slimmest of margins. His near-miss makes us wonder what
might have happened if Reiss had been working with the same
motive as Bell? Is there a chance those electrodes would have
"accidentally" touched each other? We'll never know.


Several years ago, a friend of mine, David Smith, called and

asked if I would serve as the substitute Master of Ceremonies for
an Elks Club Annual Ball. I facetiously commented that I had
always wanted to be a substitute master of ceremonies. "Well," he
explained, "it is our big annual event and a local politician has
promised to come, but we are not certain he can make it."
It was a gala event, complete with tux, tie and dance band. My
wife and I arrived early for the event and as we watched David
dance we were astonished at his grace and skill. He was obviously
pleased, but a little embarrassed about our enthusiastic
compliments. He reluctantly told us he taught ballroom dancing.
It occurred to me that even though I had been seeing him for

several years, I didn't really know him. With a little persuasion,

he shared part of his life story.
He told how he had been forced to drop out of school at age 16
in order to help support his family. He had returned to school at
age twenty-two and finished high school at twenty-five. He told
us he had three daughters, two of whom were school teachers and
one of them had her Master's Degree. He was obviously, and
justifiably, proud of his family.
The most intriguing thing about David, however, was his age;
he was 66 years old and one of the hardest-working men I have
ever seen. Incidentally, he is our yard man, and his story has
several lessons. It reaffirms that we can't judge a book by its
cover. His story also proves how you do what you do gives
dignity to any honest labor. Being a yard man might not be
lucrative for some people, but it enabled David Smith to support
himself and to educate three daughters. In addition, it establishes
the fact that the opportunity lies in the man and not in the job.
He does good work and is able to sell his service to others. The
major point, however, is that David Smith wanted his daughters
to have "more," so he gave more of himself for them. As a result,
everybody won. It's exciting to think of the kids who will get more
out of life because David Smith educated himself and then
educated his daughters who educate the kids who ...


Our society has an interesting concept of justice. We say when
someone commits a crime he should pay a penalty. I agree with
this approach for several reasons. However, society goes one step
beyond in its treatment of those who have paid for their crimes. In
spite of the fact we say to the man or woman, "Okay, we are now
even, you broke the law, you have paid the price so it's all over,"
the truth is, in most cases it is not all over. Society continues to
deal, either through malice or ignorance, with the ex-con in such
a way that in many states over 80% of the convicts return to
prison. I find it difficult to believe that these men and women
return because they prefer life behind bars over freedom.
If an ex-con tells the truth to a prospective employer, the vast
majority of them won't give him that second chance. If he ,doesn't

tell the prospective employer the truth, inevitably the truth will
come out and the man will often lose his job almost regardless of
his performance. The reason for this is simple. We have a natural
tendency to see the "con" and forget the "ex". We look at him or
her and a message goes through our minds a thousand times:
"Here is a jailbird, a thief, liar, forgerer, etc." Remember, we
treat people as we see them. So, if we see ex-cons as thieves, we
communicate that fact. Combine that with over-sensitivity to
every hurt, real or imagined, and you have an explosive situation.
After a series of frustrations, when they have honestly made
efforts to adjust, they frequently begin to rationalize their
situations. Their reasoning goes something like this: "Everybody
knows I'm an ex-con, so nobody trusts me. They think I'm going to
slip again, so they're watching me very carefully. At the first
stumble they're going to give me a shove back down. I can only go
so long before I have to have some money and there's only one way
to get it. Besides, it will serve them right." This reasoning leads
them back to crime and prison.
That's the problem; now let's look at a solution. First,
concentrate on preparing him for a successful return to society
[I'm prejudiced but I think he should be taught The Richer Life
Course based on this book ], instead of just punishing him for the
mistake he made while a member of society. Second, let's go to the
source we can depend on to solve all problems - the Holy Bible.
In the Gospel of Luke 17:3, Jesus tells us if our brother trespasses
against us, we should rebuke [punish] him and if he repents
[recognizes his error], we should forgive him and treat him
The rest of the solution is found in the first few verses of the
8th chapter of the Gospel of John. The scribes and Pharisees had
taken a woman in the act of adultery. They knew that Moses' law
explicitly stated she was to be stoned. They brought her to Jesus
to find out what he would do with her.
At first Jesus did not answer them; instead he stooped down
and wrote something in the sand. The woman's tormenters
persisted. They asked what he would do. Jesus then stood up and
said to them, "He that is without sin among you let him first cast a
stone at her." Again he stooped down and continued to write on

the ground. Then, the Bible in beautiful simplicity says, "And

they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience,
went out one by one." Surely you have heard you can only see in
others what is inside of you. Look for the good in others - that's
the best way to find the good in yourself.


A baker suspected that the farmer who was supplying his
butter was giving him short weight. He carefully checked the
weight and his suspicions were confirmed. Highly indignant, he
had the farmer arrested. At the trial, the judge was satisfied and
the baker chagrined at the farmer's explanation. He [the farmer]
had no scales, so he used balances and for a weight he used a one
pound loaf of bread bought daily from the baker.
The major difference between a lot of men and women who
have served time, as opposed to those who have not, lies in the
matter of getting caught. Many more people would have the ex-
con label hung on them if they had been caught cheating on their
income tax. Many would be without a driver's license if they had
been caught exceeding the speed limit [unfortunately with the
aid of a C.B. radio kids are being taught the "smart" way to
circumvent the law] passing on a hill or curve, running a stop
sign or driving under the influence. Let me again stress that I
believe the penalty should be paid when the law is broken, but in
all fairness we should then mark the offender's account "paid in
full". This gives him our vote of confidence which will help
restore his self-confidence. When this happens, chances are much
better the offender will become self-supporting and contribute to
society. A lot depends on how we see him. In reality the ex-con is
ahead of many of us because in some ways he has paid his debt
while ours is unpaid because we were not caught.
I'm convinced that the strongest possible deterrent to a life of
crime for youthful first time offenders is the imposition of a work
or incarceration penalty of some kind.
This basic concept is strongly vindicated by the American
Institute for Character Education. Their course, designed as an
aid for teachers, is based on a theory that "school-age children
who are taught to consider the likely consequences of their

behavior will behave themselves." The course covers

kindergarten through the fifth grade and has been tested in over
500 schools. Public School #63 in Indianapolis provides an
excellent example of the effectiveness of this approach. Prior to
1970 - [U.S. News and World Report, June 14, 1976] - "the
building resembled a school in a riot area. Many windows had
been broken and the glass replaced with Masonite." "Most of the
pupils were rude, discourteous and insolent to members of the
faculty ... The children had no school pride."
"Since September 1970, there has been less than $100 of glass
breakage, and this has been accidental ... Students are now
respectful and cooperative with the teachers, and there is a
feeling of one for all and all for one."
The philosophy, whether it's applied to the kindergarten child
or an "older" 16 year old offender, will work. I hasten to add that
this practical approach would reduce crime even further if it
were started in the home, by the parents, at an early age. This can
be done, as Dr. James Dobson so convincingly points out in his
book, Dare to Discipline, by understanding that discipline is
something you do for a child and not to a child.
William Glasser, the father of Reality Therapy, stresses that
parents should understand that discipline is directed at the
objectionable behavior of the child and is regarded as corrective
love so it is accepted by the individual. Punishment is a response
that is directed at the individual and is regarded as a hostile
thrust so it is deeply resented. To make certain the child
understands the difference, Dr. Glasser suggests a loving
conclusion to the disciplinary session. This loving control enables
a parent to express personal worth to the child.
You do affect others either for good or for bad, positively or
negatively. That's one reason it's so important to maintain a
proper perspective and a good attitude toward others. We playa
role in the life of each person we touch. As a matter of fact we may
well hold the key to one's future. The next story says it beautifully
as it demonstrates both opportunity and responsibility.


An old man sat in a cathedral playing the organ. It was the end

of the day and the setting sun shining through the beautiful
stained-glass windows gave the old man an angelic appearance.
He was a skilled organist playing sad and melancholy songs
because he was being replaced by a younger man. At dusk, the
young man rather brusquely stepped in the back door of the
cathedral. The old man noted his entrance, removed the key from
the organ, put it in his pocket and slowly made his way to the back
of the cathedral. As the old man drew abreast of him, the young
man extended his hand and said, "Please, the key." The old man
took the key out of his pocket and gave it to the young man who
hurriedly walked to the organ. He paused for a brief moment, sat
down on the bench, inserted the key and started to play. The old
man had played beautifully and skillfully but the young man
played with sheer genius. Music such as the world had never
heard came from the organ. It filled the cathedral, the town, and
even the countryside. This was the world's first exposure to the
music of Johann Sebastian Bach. The old man, with tears
streaming down his cheeks, said, "Suppose, just suppose I had not
given the master the key."
It's obvious the old man did give the young man the key. It's
also obvious the young man made full use of that key. It's a
sobering thought, because we hold the key to the future of others.
We don't live alone. Our actions and deeds affect other people,
many of whom we will never know. That's the reason our
obligation and responsibility for doing the best we can with what
we have goes beyond our own personal lives.

Zig and "Sugar Baby"




Many years ago I had a friend who was constantly in hot water
because of his extra marital affairs. He appeared to be a happy
man about town, but in reality he was anything but happy. Our
paths separated for several years and the next time we met, I saw
a different man. He was happier, more relaxed, and considerably
more successful. So, I asked the obvious question, "What
happened?" Enthusiastically he told me about finding a beautiful
but lonely and misunderstood little housewife who was married
to a heel. He explained that he had "moved in," was avidly
courting her and that things had never been better. Thoroughly
enjoying my consternation, my friend finally explained that the
girl was his wife of 15 years. Substantially relieved - but more
puzzled than ever - I asked him to "explain" himself. His
explanation was simple but it offers the solution to most marital
problems today. He said, "You know, Zig, I discovered that if I
was as thoughtful and considerate of my wife, that if I courted her
as carefully, said and did as many nice things for her as I did the
"other" girls, that I had both pleasure and happiness at home. He
told me that the greatest thing in the world was to have someone
excl usively for your own - to love, to trust, and to honor. To thatI
say, "Amen!"
That kind of love is demonstrated by a total, "blind" loyalty to
your mate. I'm convinced that happiness, security, peace of mind,
etc. is wrapped up in loyalty. My wife and I both feel that we
would be completely miserable if there was any doubt about our
total loyalty to each other.
Unfortunately, many husbands and wives are pleasant and
considerate to associates, clerks, secretaries, postmen, and even
strangers, but are often either short and abrupt with each other
or take each other for granted. The question is, "Why?" I will
attempt to answer the question and offer some suggestions based

on the 31 wonderful years I've had with the beautiful woman God
gave me to love and honor. She is the most important person in my
life and we grow closer by the day. I mention this because I'm
hopeful the thoughts I express will be meaningful to you and
yours. It's difficult to believe that any responsible married person
can be fully effective or happy without a harmonious relationship
with his or her mate.
Since the marriage is the family and the family is the
foundation of this country, this chapter might well be the most
important one in this book. [Dr. Paul Pspense, Time Magazine,
December 29, 1970 said, "It can be demonstrated from history
that no society has ever survived after its family life
deteriorated."] The way you see your mate, treat your mate and
get along with your mate is tremendously important. As a matter
of fact, this relationship has more to do with your success and
happiness than your relationship with any other person. How do
you see your husband or your wife? How do you see each other as a
couple? Or as a family?
I don't pretend to be an expert, but from experience and
observation I offer three possible reasons for most marital
difficulties. First, most husbands and wives, over a period of time
grow accustomed to having their mate around. They assume
everything is fine and that the mate will always be with them.
Obviously, they assume too much, because four marriages in ten
end in divorce, while many other marriages exist in name only.
Second, the environment in which we live feeds the problem.
Many of our associates consider it corny or mushy to show
genuine love and affection for their mates. Comedians and would-
be comedians have a field day lambasting the institution of
marriage, with special jabs reserved for the wife and mother-in-
law. Third, the changing morality, which recognizes free love,
trial marriages, extra-marital affairs, wife swapping and the
shedding of a mate for no reason other than boredom, breeds
insecurity and uncertainty. There is even a movement underway
to give women the right to maintain their maiden name after
marriage so if the couple is later divorced, the wife won't have so
much "trouble" changing her bank accounts, credit cards, etc.
Talk about planning for failure.


Since love is the strong foundation upon which any good
marriage is built, let's look at love for a moment. Poets write
about it, singers sing about it, everybody talks about it and
virtually everyone has his own idea of what it's all about. This,
obviously, includes me. The thirteenth chapter of First Cor-
inthians gives a beautiful picture of what genuine love is really
like. The Book of Proverbs teaches that love covers all sins. Jesus
Christ said, "First love the Lord thy God, second love thy
neighbor as thyself." John 3:16 describes love at its infinite best.
Psychologists and marriage counselors maintain that the most
important thing a father can do for his children is to love their
mother and the most important thing a mother can do for her
children is to love their father. They stress that children are
much more secure if they know their parents love each other even
if that love is not extended to the child. This way the child feels
mother and dad will be together to provide security and he will
never have to face the trauma of having to choose between mother
and dad.
In our generation, we see love and sex mentioned in the same
breath so often, many think they are synonymous. Obviously, this
isn't so. Love is a completely unselfish feeling you have for
another. Lust is totally selfish. Not once does the Bible put them
together, but modern man, for selfish and commercial reasons
constantly makes the association.
Despite the universal recognition of the importance of love,
[by theologians, scientists and the man on the street] there is very
little information on the subject of how to perpetuate a marriage
which God proclaimed as the ideal man-woman relationship.
Many couples who proclaim their undying love at the time they
exchange their wedding vows are soon at each other's throat. I'm
personally convinced that many times their love in the beginning
was genuine. However, love will die through neglect just as
will a flower, tree or bush.
I believe a happy marriage makes a better teacher, doctor,
minister, coach, housewife, truck driver, secretary, salesman,
etc. I also believe an unhappy marriage hampers the full efforts
and productivity of each member of that marriage. George W.

Crane, the imminent psychologist, says that love is nurtured by

acts and expressions of love. I agree, like sterling silver, love will
tarnish unless it is polished with daily applications of interest,
involvement and expressions of love. Unfortunately, many
couples take each other so much for granted that boredom, the
greatest marriage killer of all, results.


Dr. Crane explains that many times couples, after they reach
an impasse, fall in love again. If they are morally responsible
people who wish to save their marriage, they undertake a new
courtship process as a feeling of responsibility. He points out that
the responsibility of physically expressing and showing love will
literally bring love into, or back into their lives. Dr. Crane is
telling us, if we feed our love often enough, firmly enough, and
long enough, the positive aspects of our marriage will grow
stronger, while the negative aspects get weaker. I can
enthusiastically Amen that statement. We will emphasize in
later Segments, William James' statement, "You do not sing
because you are happy, you are happy because you sing." He
asserts that physical expressions feed mental acceptance. Dale
Carnegie says, "act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic."
What I am really getting at is this: act like you are in love and the
first thing you know, you will be in love.
My first exposure to married life at its most beautiful best
came about thirteen years ago in the front yard of my minister
brother's home. Jewell, his childhood sweetheart who had been
his wife for 33 years, was returning from a ten-day trip. She had
been to Michigan City, Indiana to be with their daughter to help
with her first baby. This was the first time my brother and his
wife had ever been separated. When Jewell got out of the car and
started toward the house, my brother, having heard the car,
quickly walked out the door. They met in the front yard -
warmly embraced each other - and cried like babies as they
expressed their love for each other - and their determination to
never again be separated.
I'll have to confess my eyes were leaking pretty badly too, as I
viewed real love spontaneously expressing itself. What a shame

this scene between a little country preacher and his helpmate of

all those years could not have been captured on film and piped
into every home in America. How beautiful it would have been to
let everyone see what love - real love - is all about. Love that
had been born in adolescence, nurtured in young adulthood,
matured in middle age, and reached its full and beautiful zenith
in the golden years of their life.
Real love is a growing and developing process that involves
every emotion, problem, joy and triumph known to man. It's often
harder than easy, more demanding than rewarding, more
confining than freeing, and frequently involves more problems
than pleasure. Such was the case with Huie and Jewell Ziglar.
They started on a shoestring and often reached what appeared to
be the end of their rope. When this happened - and happen it did
- they just tied a knot at the end of that rope and held on. She
bore his children, cooked and ironed for the family and supported
him with total faith and love in everything he did. He gave her his
best - his all. He loved her, respected her, petted her, and
courted her like the "Jewell" she is. Five boys and a girl required
lots of money, lots of time, and lots of loving discipline, but
together, through their unshakeable faith in Almighty God, they
raised a beautiful family.
It would be an inspiration to anyone to watch the obvious love
this devoted couple and the entire family has for each other.
Never have I seen so much love or so much fun in one circle. No
outside entertainment is necessary when the children and
grandchildren get together. Huie takes the floor and even though
I'm supposed to be the word merchant in the Ziglar clan, I'll be
the first to admit when brother Huie starts telling us about "Old
Bullet" his "talking" dog, I take a back seat. He entertains old and
young alike by the hour. Through it all comes the light of love
shining like a beacon beckoning a bewildered world to re-explore
its value system. It urges us to assume both the opportunity and
responsibility God intended when He sanctioned the family as a
unit and proclaimed that it was not good for man to be alone.
You see you truly can get everything in life you want if you
help enough other people get what they want. We all want to be
genuinely loved as well as genuinely loving someone else, don't

We often see or hear a love story advertised as "the most
beautiful love story ever told". Obviously all of those claims are
not true, but just as obviously, someone, somewhere at sometime
has told or will tell the most beautiful love story ever told.
However, I am totally convinced that the really beautiful love
stories have never been and never will be - told. They have been
and will continue to be -lived - and lived away from the printed
page, the TV set and the silver screen. The reason is simple. No
husband and wife, who deeply care for each other, who put their
mate above anyone and everyone else, would dream of sharing
the details of their life and love. There is simply no way that a
sensitive, loving husband or wife would consider revealing, to
even one other person, much less the world - the countless ways
they have of sharing with each other and showing to each other
the depth ofthat love they feel for each other. To do so would make
an intimate, personal and beautiful relationship a community or
public property which would degrade and make common a
relationship which God Almighty has decreed as holy. True love
is truly beautiful and very private.
By now, you know I'm one of these old-fashioned guys who
believes in God, family and country, and those vows - for better
or worse - are not just words. They are opportunities to stay and
grow together. Just as fine steel can be truly tempered only with
the use of heat and cold, and highways can only be made safe by
adding hills, valleys, and curves, so must love and marriage be
built in the crucible of trials and tribulations. That's why it's so
distressing to see young men and women flaunt the laws of God
with trial marriage or communal living. Or for that matter,
calling it quits at the first straw in the windstorm before they
have time to know each other, much less to love each other. They
have no concept of what love between two responsible people is all
about. They haven't learned to differentiate between love and sex
- they can be in the same ball park or two entirely different ones.
When sex is a manifestation of love and consumated in holy
matrimony it is truly beautiful and as God intended. When it is an
expression of lust, it is animalistic and selfish.
Love - contrary to what the poet and the TV writer might say

- is not an instant emotion. Personally, I was attracted to my

beautiful redhead the first time I saw her. I thought I loved her
during our courtship and early years of our marriage, but to be
completely honest, I didn't know what real love was until after we
had been married over 25 years. As we head for another wedding
anniversayon November 26th, that love is still growing daily.
She is far and above the most beautiful, most fascinating and
exciting woman I have ever seen. When I have a choice of
spending five minutes with her or doing something else, she wins
every time.
This is not to imply we agree on everything because we don't.
Nor does it mean there are no arguments because there are. It
does mean there is never any maliciousness or bitterness in our
differences. It does mean each is willing to admit a mistake and
apologize if he or she is wrong. It means we enjoy each other, and
love each other enough to put the other one first. We never part
company or go to sleep without settling our differences and
reaffirming our love. We're both grateful that God has let us
spend enough years together to develop a relationship and
discover what real love is all about. Our prayer is that God will
permit us to have many more years together before we start our
walk through eternity - together.


Let's look at a step-by-step procedure we can follow in
building or rebuilding a happy marriage.
1. Remember what you did before you married each other?
Remember how you kept your best foot forward at all times,
showed your best side, were on good behavior, were thoughtful,
courteous, considerate and kind? That is an excellent procedure
to make certain your marriage stays solid. Even if it is in trouble
at the moment, you can bring it back to its original bloom.
2. Read Mary Crowley's book, Moments With Mary. In this
beautiful little book, the author points out that marriage is not a
50/50 proposition, it is a 100%/100% proposition. Husbands give
100% to the marriage and wives do the same.
3. Start and end every day with a declaration of love for
your mate, and during that day, if it's feasible, take three minutes

to telephone just to chat and express your love. After all, the best
time to express love for your mate is before someone else does.
Occasionally drop a "love letter" in the mail. It's a small
investment with great rewards.
4. Surprise him or her with an occasional gift or card. It
obviously isn't the gift itself, but the thought behind the gift. As
Sir Lancelot said, "The gift without the giver is bare." Another
poet expressed it rather eloquently when he said, "Rings and
jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a
portion of one's self."
5. Spend some QUALITY time together. Remember how
you courted each other so avidly and how you had so much time
just for courting before marriage? Repeat the process. Go for a
walk or simply turn off the TV and make your mate feel as if he or
she is the most important person in your Hfe. He or she is,
whether or not you realize it at this moment.
6. Be a good listener. As a wise man once said, "Talking is
sharing but listening is caring." Listen to the myriads of detail
and small talk that make up your mate's day. Always remember
that duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them
beautifully. I emphasize again that what occasionally starts out
as duty turns into complete love. Interestingly enough, you will
be amazed at how exciting some of those details can be.
7. Don't make your husband or wife compete with the kids
for your attention. Reserve time just for him or her.
8. When you disagree, remember, you can disagree without
being disagreeable. However, you must never go to sleep at night
with unresolved differences. You will not sleep as well and these
differences will settle into both of your subconscious minds and
will be a recurring source of problems. You can be honest and yet
sensitive to each other.
9. Remember, our creator decreed that the man is the head
of the household. Perhaps this should have been step number one.
A woman is infinitely more secure knowing she has a man to
handle the major decisions. I have seldom, if ever, seen a truly
happy marriage where the husband was not the head of the
family. If the husband then makes certain that Almighty God is
his master, then it insures the relationship with certainty.

However, the husband must remember he can fill this role with
love and kindness and yet with authority and firmness. God also
teaches us that man is to honor his wife and to love her as his own
body (Eph 5:28). Remember God took the woman from under
Adam's arm, not from his head so she could rule over him, nor
from his foot so he might trample her. He took her from his side,
from a secure and protected position, so husband and wife could
walk down life's highway together. For an in-depth look at the
true concept of what this means, read The Christian Family by
Larry Christanson.
10. Remember, you will often have to "bend over
backwards" to please or understand your mate. That position
might be a little uncomfortable but it makes it difficult for you or
your marriage to fall on its face.
11. Try this recipe guaranteed to cook up a happy
1 Cup - Love 5 Spoons - Hope
2 Cups - Loyalty 2 Spoons - Tenderness
3 Cups - Forgiveness 4 Quarts - Faith
1 Cup - Friendship 1 Barrel - Laughter
Take Love and Loyalty and mix it thoroughly with Faith. Blend it
with Tenderness, Kindness and Understanding. Add Friendship
and Hope. Sprinkle abundantly with Laughter. Bake it with
Sunshine. Serve generous helpings daily.
12. Use Ephesians 4:32 (And be ye kind one to another,
tenderhearted, forgiving one another) as your daily guide.
13. Pray together. Evidence is substantial that husbands
and wives who pray together on a daily basis have a divorce rate
of less than 3%.
14. Remember, when the inevitable disagreement takes
place, who makes the move to "make up" isn't important.
However, the one who makes the move demonstrates the greater
maturity and love.

1. Show her those little courtesies which mean so terribly

much to a woman. Open her car door, hold her chair, walk on the
traffic side when you are going down the sidewalk holding her

hand. Stand up when she re-enters the room or restaurant when

you are out to dinner.
2. Bring her the details of the good news or the exciting
things that happen in your business life.
3. When you attend a social function of any kind, stay with
her. Remember how proud you were to be with her before you
married. Show her the same attention now.
4. Never, oh never, indulge in telling wife jokes. It is in
exceptionally poor taste. After you have gotten a nervous laugh
from someone else, your pleasure will be ended but the hurt will
linger with her. And if you think for one minute you don't "pay"
for those cute little "wife" jokes it just means that you don't
understand the female of the species. Take the opposite approach
and compliment her as you like to be complimented.
- 5. Women are security conscious to a much larger degree
than men. Remind her over and over she is not only wanted but
needed and appreciated. Her feeling and security is greatly
increased with the repeated use of the word -love. She needs and
wants to hear it far more often than the average man is normally
inclined to use it. Use it often and she will be happier and more
secure which means a better marriage.
6. Separate some of the jobs around the house. Women's lib
notwithstanding, I believe our very natures demand certain
separation of responsibilities. For example, when your wife
returns from a shopping trip for groceries, if you are home, bring
them in for her. The man should do the heavy work around the
house and if you are there, you should take out the garbage for
her, cut the grass and do any work which is essentially masculine.
Just remember, the home is your castle but it is not a castle
without a king, and no king is complete without his queen. Your
wife will be delighted to be your queen if you treat her like one.


1.Start every day by telling him how much you love him
and end every day the same way_
2. Remember that the natures of men and women are
considerably different. A man needs his ego fed regularly,

especially if he is the breadwinner. A simple assured expression

of your confidence in him and the way he is doing things means
much. This is especially so when the one he loves praises him for
what he does. Make your husband know what he does, is
important and that he is important. Repeatedly tell him that you
are proud of him and what he does.
3. If you are not employed outside the home, stop a few
minutes before he is scheduled to arrive. Take a quick bath, slip
into a clean dress and add a touch of cologne or perfume. Devote a
few minutes to catching your breath so you will be refreshed
when you see him.
4. On occasion, bake him a cake or prepare a special dish
you know he enjoys. Whether you or the kids enjoy the dish or not
is unimportant. Do it just because you love him. If you send him to
work with a "cold" lunch, be sure to include a "warm" note to
warm it up.
5. Be agreeable and develop a good disposition [the same
applies to you, husband]. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived,
said, "It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contenious
woman." In modern society, a man who has an angry of
contentious woman for a wife will make her pay for it. He spends
unnecessary time on his job and wastes time at the local bar with
male and unfortunately female friends.
6. You do the jobs that are essentially feminine. I'm
convinced that a contributing factor in many of our problems
today is the lack of a clear distinction between male and female.
Men should look, dress, act, think and talk like men. Woman
should look, dress, act, think, and talk like women. Any time we
have to pause and wonder if it's male or female, that's sad. I
believe under normal conditions the wife should wash dishes and
make up the beds. Obviously there are circumstances which
dictate that the loving husband dig in and help. Generally
speaking, though, I don't believe it is a good idea for a little boy to
see Dad in the dish pan, nor do I believe little girls should
consistently see Mom assuming a male role and performing
masculine chores. As my mother often said, "Your children
more attention pay, to what you dothan to what you say." Let
the little boy see the male role and he will grow up to be a man
with a natural affection for the opposite sex. Let the little girl see

the role of the female and she will grow up to be a woman with the
natural affection for the opposite sex.
7. Do you want to be a queen? Treat your husband like a
king and you will give him no choice, because no king is complete
until he has his queen.
I repeat, marriage is not a 50/50 proposition. It is 100%/100%.
I'm convinced it is impossible to make your mate happy and not
benefit tremendously yourself.
Again, I wish to emphasize you can get everything in life
you want, if you help enough other people get what they
want. This is especially true between husbands and wives. Try it,
you'll love it. If you really try it, you fully qualify to take that next
step up the stairway. Take a good look. There you are with the
biggest smile of your life on your face, ready to take step number
two because you are making the most important person in your
life truly happy.




This second step is truly the fun step because you

discover that life is more fun when you're working,
playing and living with a mate who truly cares
about what happens in every area of your life.










To many people the name Howard Hill rings a bell. He was

probably the greatest archer who ever drew a bowstring. He was
so accurate he killed a bull elephant, a Bengal tiger, and a Cape
buffalo with a bow and arrow. In newsreels I have seen Howard
Hill repeatedly hit the target dead center. After sending the first
arrow to the center of the bull's eye, he would then literally split
that arrow with his next shot.
When I make this next statement, your eyebrows will
probably shoot up about six inches. You, if your health is good,
could out shoot Howard Hill on the best day he ever had. You
could hit the bull's eye with more consistency than Howard Hill
and you might never have shot anything other than a child's bow
and arrow. Obviously, it would have been necessary to blindfold
Howard Hill and turn him around a time or two. Then I
guarantee that you would have hit the bull's eye more consistent-
ly than he.
I hope you think the analogy is ridiculous and that you are
saying, "Of course I could; how could a man hit a target he
couldn't see?" That's a good question. Now here's another one for
you. If Howard Hill couldn't hit a target he couldn't see, how can
you hit a target you don't have?
Do you have a target or goal? You must have a goal because it's
just as difficult to reach a destination you don't have, as it is to
come back from a place you've never been.
Unless you have definite, precise, clearly set goals, you are not
going to realize the maximum potential that lies within you.
You'll never make it as a "wandering generality." You must be a
"meaningful specific." What about you and your goals? Are they
clearly in focus, or still pretty fuzzy?


A man or a woman without a goal is like a ship without a

rudder. Each will drift and not drive. Each will end up on the
beaches of despair, defeat and despondency. John Henry Fabre,
the great French naturalist, conducted a most unusual experi-
ment with some Processionary Caterpillars. These· caterpillars
blindly follow the one in front of them. Hence, the name. Fabre
carefully arranged them in a circle around the rim of a flower
pot, so that the lead caterpillar actually touched the last one,
making a complete circle. In the center of the flower pot he put
pine needles, which is food for the Processionary Caterpillar. The
caterpillars started around this circular flower pot. Around and
around they went, hour after hour, day after day, night after
night. For seven full days and seven full nights they went around
the flower pot. Finally, they dropped dead of starvation and
exhaustion. With an abundance of food less than six inches away,
they literally starved to death, because they con/used activity with
Many people make the same mistake and as a result reap only
a small fraction of the harvest life has to offer. Despite the fact
that untold wealth lies within reach, they acquire very little of it
because they blindly, without question, follow the crowd in a
circle to nowhere. They follow methods and procedures for no
other reason than, "It's always been done that way."
In this respect, they are as bad as "this old boy down home."
His wife sent him to the store for a ham. After he bought it, she
asked him why he didn't have the butcher cut off the end of the
ham. "This old boy" asked his wife why she wanted the end cut off.
She replied that her mother had always done it that way and that
was reason enough for her. Since the wife's mother was visiting,
they asked her why she always cut off the end of the ham. Mother
replied that this was the way her mother did it; Mother, daughter
and "this old boy" then decided to call grandmother and solve this
three-generation mystery. Grandmother promptly replied that
she cut the end of the ham off because her roaster was too small to
cook it in one piece. Now grandma had a reason for her actions,
what about you?


Do most people have goals? Apparently not. You can stop a
hundred young m~~ on any street and ask each one, "What are
you doing that will absolutely guarantee your failure in life?"
After recovering from their initial shock, each one will probably
say, "What do you mean, what am I doing to guarantee my
failure? I'm working for success." Tragically, most of them think
they are. Almost everyone believes he will make it, but the odds
are against him. I say this with emphasis because, if we follow
those hundred young men until they are sixty-five years old, only
five of them will have achieved financial security. Only one will
be wealthy. Odds are better than that in Las Vegas.
I can't believe that failure is caused by lack of opportunity,
because America offers many unique opportunities. For exam-
ple, several years ago a wealthy prisoner was released from the
Federal Prison in Atlanta, Georgia. He had a built-in [pun
intended] Loser's Limp. Nevertheless, he accumulated a small
fortune by operating a tailor shop in prison. After his big mistake
had landed him in prison, he was determined not to make a
bigger one by "serving time". He made "time" serve him. In a real
sense you have the same choice.
Do the people in life who don't succeed actually plan to fail? I
don't think so. The problem is they don't plan anything. Since
goals are so important, why do only 3% of the American people
specifically commit their goals to paper? There are four basic
reasons. First, they have never been "sold". Told yes - sold no.
Second, they don't know how. Third, they fear they won't reach
the goals they set and will be embarrassed. Fourth, poor self-
image. They don't think they deserve the good things life has to
offer so why bother to write down what you want since you don't
"deserve" to have it, which means [in their mind] that they won't
have it. Now get ready for a strong statement. The philosophy
and procedures outlined in this book will take care of all four of
these reasons if you really dig in.
Throughout this Segment I will be "selling" you on goals and
telling you exactly how to set them. The second Segment, and for
that matter the entire book, dealt with self image so you should
already like yourself better. You have all the steps and

procedures you need to build your image to the point that you
know you deserve the good things life has to offer, so it's now up to
you on that one.
This brings us to fear, so let's rationally lock at that one. If fear
is your problem, it simply means that you do not want to be wrong
in front of your friends so you do not make a commitment. By the
way you are "half right" in this approach, you should never share
your goals with anyone unless you know they not only believe you
can reach these goals but they want you to reach them. Others
decide not to commit their goals to paper so if they don't quite
"make it", they will have the built in explanation that they didn't
really fail because they never set those goals. This is a safer and
even a "no risk" approach for them.
U sing that line of reasoning, I could point out that it would be
"safer" for a ship to stay in the harbor, "safer" for a plane to stay
on the ground and "safer" for a house to stay empty because a ship
encounters "risk" when it leaves the harbor, a plane encounters
"risk" when it leaves the ground and a house invites "risk" when
someone moves in. But the ship would collect barnacles and
become unseaworthy even faster in the harbor. The plane will
rust much faster on the ground and the house would deteriorate
much faster standing empty. Yes, there is danger in setting goals
but the risk is infinitely greater when you don't set goals. The
reason is simple. Just as ships are built to sail the seas, planes to
fly tl,.e heavens, and houses for living, so is man created for a
purpose. You are here for a reason. That purpose is to get
everything out of you that is humanly possible so you can make
your contributions to mankind. Goals £:nable you to do more for
yourself and others, too.
Since the first and most obvious step is to "sell" you on doing
something now about your goals, I'm flat gonna do exactly that.
[In all fairness I feel I should issue this "warning" since you are
obviously interested in "buying" or you wouldn't have gotten this
far in the book.]


Suppose you were to receive a phone call tomorrow from an

old and respected friend who enthusiastically says, "Friend, I

have good news for you. You can take a three-day trip to Acapulco
with our group and it won't cost you a dime. We leave tomorrow
morning at 8:00 a.m. and we have room for two more people. The
boss is flying us down in his private jet and we will all stay at his
Villa right on the beach." Your first reaction might be, "That
would be wonderful, but I have so much to do, I don't see how I
could get ready and do the things I need to do before I could go
Before you can answer, your good wife tells you she has an idea
and suggests you tell your friend you will call him back in a few
minutes. The minute you hang up you and your wife start
thinking and planning. First you ask, "What do I have to do?" Out
comes pen and paper, and you commit to writing all the things
you must get done. Next, you list them in order of their
importance. Finally, you delegate some of the responsibilities to
others. Then you call the friend back and say, "Hey, you know,
I've been checking the schedule, and we can make that trip after
I'll guarantee that you would do more in the next 24 hours
than you normally do in several days. Wouldn't you?
Since you had to say yes to that question, let me ask you
another one. Why don't you go to Acapulco tomorrow -
everyday? Why don't you list the things you need to do during the
next three days. Then act as if you only had one day to do three
days work. As my boss in the grocery store used to say, "that will
force you to put your thinking cap on". You will use your mental
capacity to think, plan and delegate before you start working.
This will enable you to accomplish so much more, that you can
literally go to Acapulco - or anywhere else you wish to go - in
the tomorrows of your life. Reason: You will have changed from a
"wandering generality" to a "meaningful specific". Your life will
have direction.
People often complain about lack of time when the lack of
direction is the real problem. Many "experts" say we should be
arrested for murder when we kill time. Close examination,
however, makes it obvious that killing time is not murder - it's
suicide. Time can be an ally or an enemy. What it becomes
depends entirely upon you, your goals and your determination to
use every available minute.

Let me illustrate the importance of goals by looking at a scene
of the deciding game of a basketball championship. The teams
have taken their warm-up shots and are physically ready for the
game. The adrenalin is flowing and it's obvious the players feel
the excitement that goes with a championship game. They return
to their dressing rooms and the coaches give them the last "shot in
the arm" before action begins. "This is it, fellows. It's now or
never. We win or lose it all tonight. Nobody remembers the best
man at a wedding, and nobody remembers who came in second.
The whole season is tonight.
The players respond. They're so charged up they almost tear
the doors off the hinges as they rush back to the court. As they get
to the court they stop short and, in complete confusion which
gives way to frustration and anger, they point out that the goals
have been removed. They angrily demand to know how they can
playa game without the goals. They know that without goals,
they would never know the score, never know whether they hit or
missed, never know how they stacked up against competition and
never know whether they were on or off the target. As a matter of
fact, they wouldn't even attempt to play the basketball game
without the goals. Those basketball goals are important, aren't
they? What about you? Are you attempting to play the game of
life without goals? If you are, what's the score?


An interesting phenomenon takes place in the rest homes and

the homes for the aged around our country. The death rate
declines dramatically before holidays and special days, such as
wedding anniversaries and birthdays. Many of the people set a
goal to live for one more Christmas, one more anniversary, one
more Fourth of July, etc. Immediately after the event, when the
goal has been reached, the will to live declines and the death rate
shoots upward. Yes, life is valuable and is sustained only so long
as life has something valuable as its object. Goals of life are
important and virtually everyone knows this. However, by choice
- or is it indifference - the average man on the street continues

to meander through life following the lines of least resistance as

"wandering generalities" rather than as "meaningful specifics."
The late Maxwell Maltz wrote a book, which I don't
recommend you read; I suggest you devour it. Make it a part of
you and your way of life. The title is Psycho-Cybernetics. That's an
awesome title, but in reality it's a simple, beautifully written and
easily understood book. Maltz says man is functionally like a
bicycle. Unless he's moving onward and upward towards an
objective - a goal - he's going to falter and fall.


Julie loved her horse, Irish, but at the moment she was mad,
hurt, disappointed, frustrated, tired, discouraged and heartsick.
For weeks she had cleaned, groomed, worked and trained that
horse for the big show. She had gotten up at 3:00 a.m. on the big
day and had groomed Irish down to the final detail. Irish's mane
was perfectly braided, her tail was a work of art, her coat
glistened like burnished steel and her hooves sparkled in the
sunlight. The bridle, halter and saddle had been cleaned and
polished and Julie, impeccably attired, looked like the little doll
she is as she entered the arena for the big event. So what
happened? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Irish, who was supposed
to be a jumper wouldn't jump. As a matter of fact, she wouldn't
even hop. Hundreds of hours of hard work and the dream of a
ribbon all ended for Julie when her horse refused the first jump
three times and was disqualified.
As I point out in another section, when you're frustrated, you
can either wring your hands and lose what you have or roll up
your sleeves and get what you want. Julie Ziglar, age 16 and
weighing in at less than 100 lbs., decided to roll up her sleeves and
get what she wanted - a horse that was a winner. She seta price
on Irish, ran an ad in the paper, resisted bargaining and "horse
trade" talk until she got her price. She put her money into a
savings account and started her search for another dream horse.
She visited the local stables, attended local shows, read every
available horse publication until finally she found Butter Rum, a
beautiful but "green" two-year-old thoroughbred gelding. It was
an unadulterated case of love at first sight on the part of Julie and

Butter Rum - but there was a small problem. Butter Rum cost
considerably more than Julie had gotten for Irish and she
stubbornly refused to let mom and dad finance the difference.
This situation only slowed her to a fast run however, because
Julie is a girl who believes if you want something you must do
something. She also believed the basic goal-reaching principle
that you go as far as you can see and when you get there, you
will always be able to see further. Using her money from Irish
as the down payment and working out a payment plan for the
balance, she bought Butter Rum. Then she got a job to earn
money to make the payments. She also sought and personally
paid for professional help in training Butter Rum. She worked
him - and herself -hard and often. Soon Butter Rum and Julie
began winning ribbons. Julie's wall is covered by ribbons of all
colors, and she has been offered four-and-a-half times as much for
Butter Rum as she paid for him.
The exciting thing about this story, aside from the fact it is
about my little girl, is it tells us again that if we want something
badly enough, we must make it our definite goal. When we go
after it as if we can't fail, many things will happen to help make
certain we won't.


Several years ago it was my privilege to fly over Niagara
Falls for the first time. As we approached the Falls, the
captain of the aircraft announced over the intercom, "Ladies
and Gentlemen, on your left is Niagara Falls. Those of you who
have never seen the Falls from the air should move to the left
side of the aircraft. It's an awesome sight." I took his advice
and even though the Falls were several miles away, I could see
and feel the enormous power of Niagara as I viewed the spray
rising hundreds of feet into the air.
As I watched the spray and looked at those Falls, a thought
ran through my mind. For thousands of years untold trillions of
tons of water had gone over that 180 foot drop and drifted into a
comparative nothingness. Then one day, a man - with a plan-
harnessed a portion of that awesome power. He directed a portion
of the falling water at a specific target and created billions of

kilowatt hours of electricity to turn the wheels of industry.

Thousands of homes have been lighted, tons of food harvested,
numerous products manufactured and distributed. Jobs have
been created, children educated, roads built, buildings and
hospitals constructed as a result of this new power source. The list
of benefits is almost endless, and it all came about because a man
with a plan took part of the power of Niagara and directed it
toward a specific target or goal. That's what I'm asking you to do.
The dictionary says a goal is an aim or purpose. It's a plan.
Something you expect to do. Without any reservation, I'm going
to say that whoever you are, wherever you are and whatever you
do, you should have goals. J. C. Penney expressed it beautifully
when he said, "Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I will give
you a man who will make history. Give me a man without a goal,
and I will give you a stock clerk." Mothers should have goals.
Sales people should have goals. Housewives, students, laborers,
doctors and athletes should have goals. You might not, like
Niagara, light up a city, but with definite goals you release
your own power, and things start happening.
To stress the necessity of goals, can you imagine Sir Edmund
Hillary, the first man to climb Mount Everest, explaining how he
was able to accomplish that feat? Suppose he explained he was
just out walking around one day when he happened to find himself
at the top of the tallest mountain in the world. Or the Chairman of
the Board of General Motors explaining that he got his position
because he just kept showing up for work and they just kept
promoting him until one day he was Chairman of the Board.
Ridiculous - of course - but no more ridiculous than your
thinking you can accomplish anything significant without
specific goals.


There are seven different kinds of goals: physical, financial,

spiritual, career, family, mental, and social. Throughout the book
I weave all the goals into the examples, but space limitations
demand that I concentrate on only part of them. Since my

You know better-the only way to get to the top

is to have a goal.

philosophy could, with some justification, be described as

idealistic, you might be a little surprised at the space I give to
financial goals. You shouldn't be. Money, assuming it is
legitimately earned, is a yardstick that simply measures the
service you have rendered. You are obligated to earn more than
you need because in so doing you create job opportunities for
those less talented than you. Many people, misquoting the
Scriptures, as is frequently done, say money is the root of all evil.
Not so, the love of money is the root of all evil.
Having said these things, let me now stress that God's first
commandment is that we have no other God before Jehovah God
- that includes money. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived,
tells us in Ecclesiastes, "he who seeks silver will never be satisfied
with silver." Meaning simply, if money becomes our God, it will
never satisfy us regardless of how much we have. We know this is
true because in the last two years five billionaires have died and
all five were striving at the end, to earn more money. Someone
asked this old boy down home how much money he thought
Howard Hughes left and this old boy said, "He left it all." If
someone asks you how much you are going to leave, just tell them
"the same as Howard Hughes."
Money, however, is a marvelous measurement of service
rendered. Regardless of your profession, almost without excep-
tion, the more service you render, the greater the financial
rewards. One thing you have already discovered, when money is
needed, there are very few substitutes. Every thing else being
equal, I can assure you it is better to have it than not to have it.
Besides, it is beautifully colored and goes with anything.


For centuries "word merchants" have sold the idea of having
dreams. Just a few years ago Martin Luther King gave those
words added significance when in his famous "mountain top" talk
he stirred America's conscience and set a million feet to
marching when he exclaimed, "I have a dream." Another man
who had a dream and saw it come true is a short, cigar smoking,
bundle of energy, whose well-spring of love never runs dry. His
name is Dexter Yager, a man with deep family ties and strong

religious convictions.
Dexter turned down a scholarship to Yale because he was in a
hurry to get started on the road to success. His free enterprise
dream started with a jug of Kool-Aid which rapidly grew to a
lucrative pop stand. This early taste of success completely sold
him on the free enterprise system. Dexter was also quite
successful as a car salesman, as an inside salesman for Sears and
other ventures, including a stint with a construction company.
However, Dexter and his devoted helpmate, Birdie, never really
"hit their stride" until a series of circumstances, which they know
were God directed, led them to join the Amway Corporation of
Ada, Michigan on November 1,1965. Their growth and success
has been steady and even spectacular [I did not say easy]. Today
they rate near the top with the rank of Triple Diamond
Long hours of hard work with a tremendous amount of
enthusiasm enabled the Yagers to realize their dream which had
been stymied by broken promises in the past. Today the Yager
organization is world wide and world famous and numbers in the
tens of thousands. Dexter's Amway success, however, is not due
just to what he did after he joined Amway. His success is due to
the years of foundation building on the pillars of honesty,
character, love, loyalty, integrity, and faith in Almighty God. His
success had long been a reality in his own mind and his dream
came into being when preparation met opportunity. It became a
reality as Dexter knew it would because he had given birth to his
dream as a youngster. Then he fed and watered it as a young
adult until it developed and hardened in manhood.
In the success process the Yagers gave the business and life
their all [effort, dedication, etc.] so it was inevitable that they
would get a lot of things [financial security, beautiful 11,000 foot
home with seven bedrooms, swimming pool, big cars, motor
home, diamond rings, etc.] Birdie sums up their commitment and
success this way. "When you set a limit on what you are going to
give and do, you set a ceiling on how high you are going and what
you will have when you get there." Since Dexter set no limits on
what he was going to give, he has removed the ceilings on what he
is getting.

It might not be original with Dexter, but ifhe didn't coin the
phrase, "Don't let anyone steal your dream" he has come to be
closely identified with it as he challenges audiences all over the
country to be careful of their associating with other people so that
none could or would steal their dreams. As for Dexter and Birdie
Yager, they long ago set their own dreams in steel.
This philosophy will work for you as it did for Dexter Yager.
His story in so many ways epitomizes the philosophy of SEE
YOU AT THE TOP because Dexter is getting everything our
artist identified on the Stairway to the Top pages. He made it to
the top because he dealt with the physical, mental and spiritual
man. He's staying there because he built on a solid foundation and
because he recognizes the space limitations at the top [not enough
room to sit down]. He's getting everything in life he wants
because he's helping hundreds of other people get what they
want. More importantly, he's closer than ever to his beautiful
wife and their seven happy, healthy, well adjusted kids. That's
Dexter Yager, the "steel" dreamer.
By now you should be "sold" on doing something about your
own goals so let's move forward and identify the characteristics
of goals, explain how to set them and how to reach them.





When you set goals, something inside of you starts saying,

~'Let's go, let's go," and ceilings start to move up. In the following
Segments and chapters we will look at people from virtually all
walks of life who have succeeded. Each one had goals and did
some fabulous things. I want you to read their stories carefully,
because in each example I'm going to be speaking directly to you.
You need to interpolate and put yourself in their shoes. By
adopting their dedication to reach your goals, some wonderful
things can and will happen to you - and that's a promise.
In order for goals to be effective they need to be big, because it
takes a big goal to create the excitement necessary for
accomplishment. There's no excitement in mediocrity or in
keeping up with anybody. There is no excitement in making a
house payment, a car payment or just getting along. The
excitement comes when you do your best, which you can do only
with the proper goals.
It's an established fact in the sports world that an athlete will
perform better against tough competition than against mediocre
competition. The golfer, tennis player, football player, fighter,
etc., will have a tendency to loaf against mediocre or poor
competition. This is one of the reasons so many "upsets" occur in
the world of sports. The same is true in politics. Now, if the goal,
which is really the "competition," you have set for yourself is big
[tough], it will bring out your best effort. It will create excitement
and it's that excitement which permits you to perform at your
best and to reach your goals.
When you are at your best and do your best, you can lay down
at night and truthfully say, "Today I did my very best." The result
will be a rewarding and satisfying night of sleep, because you
recognize you're doing your best toward reaching that big goal.
It's exciting to know that as long as you're reaching for the stars

[your big goal] you won't end up with a handful of mud. You need
to see life as something big and exciting and your goals as big
ones. A wise man once said, "Make no small plans for they have
no capacity to stir men's souls."
The way you see life will largely determine what you get
out of it. Take a bar of iron and use it for a door stop and it's worth
a dollar. Manufacture horseshoes from that iron and they're
worth about fifty dollars. Take the same bar of iron, remove the
impurities, refine it into fine steel and manufacture it into
mainsprings for precision watches and it's worth a quarter of a
million dollars.
The way you see the bar of iron makes the difference, and the
way you see yourself and your future will also make the
difference. You need to have a big goal. I don't care whether you
are a beautician; housewife, athlete, student, salesperson or
businessman, you must have a big goal. Obviously, the size of
goals will vary with individuals. Booker T. Washington said,
"You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you
have to overcome to reach your goals." I agree with him, for, "Of
whom much is given, much shall be required."


N ext door to the grocery store where I worked as a boy was a
combination coffee shop and peanut stand. The owner was simply
known as "Uncle Joe." The smell of roasting coffee and peanuts
was very tantalizing and attracted a crowd virtually every time
Uncle Joe was doing any roasting. He roasted the peanuts in a
coal-burning, hand-turned roaster. When he finished roasting
some peanuts, he would dump them into a large cardboard box.
He filled bags with those peanuts. At that time, they sold for a
nickel a bag. After he filled a bag, he would remove two peanuts
and place them in a small box. When he had completed the job of
filling the bags, he would always have several bags left in this
"bonus box." Uncle Joe was born a poor man. He lived a poor
man's life and he died a poor man. He thought a lot about peanuts,
but peanuts were not his problem.
I shall never forget a sign I saw as I entered Columbia, South
Carolina, to attend the University of South Carolina. The sign

simply said, "Cromer's Peanuts - Guaranteed Worst in Town."

Curiosity demanded I inquire about it. I was told when Mr.
Cromer started his business, he had a small sign painted with
that message on it. People grinned when they saw the sign, but
they bought the peanuts. Later, he added the slogan to the bags of
peanuts. People smiled even more broadly, but they bought the
peanuts. As time passed, Mr. Cromer employed a large number
of boys to sell peanuts on the streets of Columbia on a commission
basis. His signs got bigger and his business got better. Soon, he
acquired rights to sell his peanuts at the South Carolina State
Fair and at the local athletic events, including the games played
at the University of South Carolina. His fame and business grew.
Today, Mr. Cromer is a successful and wealthy man. He too,
though,t a lot about peanuts.
Here are two men who sold the same product in essentially the
same type area. One poor and remained that way. The other
was poor but wasn't content to stay that way. They sold the same
product, but their individual goals for that product were seen in a
different light.

It doesn't make any difference what your occupation might

be. Whether you are a doctor, businessman, lawyer, salesperson,
minister, etc., there are wealthy people who do whatever it is you
do for your living. I know some wealthy people who run service
stations and I know some service station owners who are broke.
There are wealthy people who sell and there are poor people who
sell. There are rich educators and there are poor educators. There
are rich lawyers and there are poor lawyers. The list is endless.
The opportunity lies with the individual first and then with the
occupation. The occupation provides the opportunity only if the
individual does his part.
Whatever it is you do, there are many people in the same
profession who are making significant contributions to that
profession and are making a lot of money as a result. It's not the
occupation or profession that makes you succeed or fail, it's
how you see yourself and your occupation. Big goals are
necessary, ''You must see it big before you can make it big."


Without long-range goals, you are likely to be overcome by

short-range frustrations. The reason is simple. Everybody is not
as interested in your success as you are. You might occasionally
feel that some people are standing in the way and deliberately
slowing your progress, but in reality the biggest person standing
in your way is you. Others can stop you temporarily - you are
the only one who can do it permanently.
Occasionally, circumstances arise that are beyond your
control. If you don't have long-range goals, then temporary
obstacles can be needlessly frustrating. Family problems,
sickness, an automobile accident or circumstances over which
you have no control can be big obstacles, but they need not be. In a
later chapter, I will teach you how to react positively to the
negative as well as to positive situations. You will learn that a
setback - regardless of the severity - can be a stepping stone
and not a stumbling block. When you have that long-range goal
it's easier. Why? Because you go as far as you can see and when
you get there you will always be able to see farther. Thought:
If you wait until all the lights are "green" before you leave home,
you'll never get started on your trip to the top.

As I write these words, I am aboard a DC-10 from Los Angeles
to Dallas. Our scheduled departure was 5:15 p.m. Unavoidable
delays held us until 6:03 p.m. When we left the Los Angeles
airport, we were headed for Dallas, but within 20 minutes the
situation had changed. The cross-wind currents were slightly
different from those predicted before takeoff, so we were slightly
off course. The captain made a slight adjustment and we were
again headed for Dallas. My point is this: when we were a little off
our course, the captain didn't turn the plane around and return to
Los Angeles to make a fresh start. Even so, as you head toward
your goals, be prepared to make some slight adjustments in
your course.
As you set your long-range goals, let me urge you not to
attempt to overcome all the obstacles before you start. Nobody,

but nobody would ever attempt anything of significance if all

obstacles had to be removed before they started. If you had called
the Chief of Police before you left for work this morning to
inquire if all the lights were on green, he would have thought you
were "under the influence." You know perfectly well you deal
with the lights one at a time until you arrive at your destination.
As you deal with obstacles of any kind in the same manner, one
day you will arrive at your destination. Yes, you just go as far as
you can see, and when you get there you can always see farther.


If you don't have daily objectives, you qualify as a dreamer.

Dreamers are fine, provided they build a foundation under their
dreams by working daily towards realizing them. The late
Charlie Cullen expressed this idea in a meaningful way. He said,
"The opportunity for greatness does not come cascading down
like a torrential Niagara Falls, but rather it comes slowly, one
drop at a time."
Frequently, the difference between the great and the near
great is the realization that if you expect to make it big, you
must work toward your objectives every day. The weight
lifter knows that if he is going to accomplish a big objective, he
must strengthen and expand his muscles every day. The parent
who would raise a disciplined, loving child of whom he can be
truly proud knows that character and faith are built by daily
injections of teaching by example. If the "more" way of life is our
purpose, then our daily objective should include an honest effort
to improve on yesterday. If we expect to change and improve our
circumstances then we must change and improve ourselves -
because we must be something before we can do anything.
The daily objectives are the best indicators - and the best
builders - of character. This is where dedication, discipline and
determination enter the picture. Here we take the glamour of the
big, long-range goal or dream and get right down to the nitty-
gritty of foundation building that will help make certain that
your dream becomes your destiny. The chapters on habits in the
next Segment will be especially helpful in building daily habits
that build.


Earlier I used the phrase, you had to be a "meaningful

specific" and not a "wandering generality." Here's why. Take the
hottest day the world has ever known, the most powerful
magnifying glass you can buy in a store and a box of newspaper
clippings. Hold the magnifying glass over the newspaper
clippings. Even though you magnify the power of the sun through
the glass, you will never start a fire - if you keep the glass
moving. However, if you hold the glass still, and focus it on the
paper, you harness the power of the sun and multiply it through
the glass. Then you can start a roaring fire.
I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if
you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it
there you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability
warrants. The hunter who brings back the birds doesn't shoot the
covey, he selects one quail as a specific target.
The art of goal setting is to focus on one specific, detailed
objective. A "lot" of money, a "nice" or "big" house, a "high-
paying" job, "more" education, "selling more," "doing
something," "more for the community," or being a "better"
husband, wife, student, person, is too broad a goal. In general,
they are not specific enough.
For example, instead of a "big" or "nice" home, your goal
should be spelled out in minute detail. If you don't know the exact
details, then start accumulating magazines with pictures and
floor plans of the homes that appeal to you. Combine ideas and
concepts that are presented when subdivisions open or when
builders or realtors hold an open house. Inspect a lot of "open
houses," but don't mislead real estate agents into thinking you are
a "now" prospect, so he will spend a lot of time showing you the
different homes. That's not only unfair, it's dishonest and will
slow you down in your quest for the details of your goal.
Take this assortment of ideas for your home and commit them
to paper. How many square feet, what size, type and kind of lot,
location, number of rooms, style, color, etc. Then get a local artist
to make a sample drawing [an art student can probably handle it
for a minimal fee]. This is particularly important as you will
discover in a later Segment of the book.

I hope you fully understand that you must take the general
information on goal setting and specifically apply it to your own
situation. Later, I will give you a number of specifics which will
apply to your situation. Whatever you want - if you expect to
reach full effectiveness - must be specific in detail.


The answer is emphatically "Yes." Goals can be negative if one
of three conditions exist. First, your goal can be negative if you
don't accept the fact that you must be the architect of
accomplishment and that "luck" is not involved. Second, your
goal can be negative if it is unrealistically big. Third, it can be
negative if it is outside your area of interests or was set to please
someone else.
Let's deal with the biggest problem of them all- the too big or
unrealistic goal. Many times the "too big" or unrealistic goal is
deliberately set so the individual can have a ready-made excuse
for failure. The individual who does this is instinctively planning
for failure and is actually seeking the understanding of others by
knowing they will not "blame him" for failing to do the
impossible. The young man in this story could have had that
Several years ago, while speaking in Detroit, Michigan, a
young man in his twenties, poorly dressed, and with a limited
education, approached me with a startling statement. "Mr.
Ziglar, you've turned me on so, I want to shake your hand and tell
you what you have done for me today." Naturally, I encouraged
him to continue [I couldn't have stopped him if! had wanted to].
"What have I done?" I asked. He enthusiastically replied, "You
made me a million dollars." "Well, that's fantastic," I responded.
"I hope you will be willing to share it with me." Looking a little
annoyed, he said, "No, seriously, I'm going to earn a million
dollars, and I'm going to do it this year."
Now I'm faced with a small problem. Do I take a chance on
killing this enormous enthusiasm now, or do I let him go on
laboring under the illusion of an improbable goal and suffer
complete defeat? I say improbable because a million dollars in a

year is nearly $20,000 per week. This is a considerable sum of

money for a broke, unskilled and uneducated young man to earn
in one year, especially since he didn't have the $2,000 needed to
buy the initial inventory to start his business. In approximately
25 years he had been unable to accumulate $2,000. Now, in just
one year, his goal was to earn 500 times that amount.
Let me further illustrate the magnitude of the task. Had he
taken just three weeks to raise the $2,000, he would already have
been $60,000 behind schedule. Conservatively speaking, I
figured if he had been unable to raise $2,000 in 25 years, it would
probably take him three to six weeks longer to accumulate the
money. In six weeks he would have been $120,000 behind. By then
he would have been subjected to the laughter and ridicule of his
friends and relatives. He probably would have already thrown in
the towel and might well have tried to stop the world in order to
step off. He possibly would feel foolish and defeated. Then he
could honestly say, "Everybody is laughing at me," or
"Everybody is against me." This same thing can happen to each of
us when we set goals that are unbelievably and overwhelmingly
If the goal is unrealistically big, and you miss it by a ridiculous
amount, the size of the failure would have an emotional impact
for future accomplishments that could be extremely negative. It
could even affect a person to the degree that he would no longer
really make an effort of any kind. For this reason it is wiser to set
the goal high but reachable.
A goal will also be negative if it is out of your field of interest
and you are only trying to please someone else. If someone else is
directing your goal setting, it is highly unlikely you would be
completely free of resentment, which would definitely hamper
your efforts.
Another indication of a negative goal is the belief that luck is
involved. [Substitute the word "pluck" for "luck," then I'll buy it
100%.] Successful people get to the top because they identify their
objectives, use their talents and constantly sharpen them by
dedication and hard work. Their "breaks" come with commit-
ment and objectives - and so will yours.



By now your question should be, "How do I set goals? You've

convinced me I should set them, but you haven't told me how, or
what kind." Good point. Actually, as you will discover, it's easier
to reach goals than it is to set them. A goal properly set is partially
reached because it is a strong statement of your belief that you
can and will reach it. As I stated earlier, success is easy after
you believe.
I'm going to use a sales example at this point, but! stress again
these examples and procedures can be translated to your job or
profession - regardless of what it might be.
As a salesman, if you want to sell more effectively, you must
set your goals. It's helpful if you have some working experience
with your present company. However, regardless of your
experience, you're going to need some records to set a big but
sensible goal. The most complete map in the world won't take you
anywhere unless you know where you are. You need to have a
starting place. Records will help you establish that starting
place. Keeping records a few minutes per day for 30 days will
enable you to get a true picture of your production capability,
your work capacity and the effective use of your time. You will
discover that you will produce more the last 15 days than you did
for the first 15 as a direct result of keeping records. For this 30-
day period you need to be brutally honest. After all, you're
dealing with your future. This record is for your eyes only.
There are several steps you must take in order to keep an
adequate record. First, keep a record of when you wake up, when
you get up and when you get into productive work. Second, keep a
record of personal time you use during the day for lunch, coffee
breaks, personal phone calls and attending to other personal
matters. Third, keep a record of phone calls for appointments,
unexpected drop-ins, service calls, reference calls,

demonstrations, time spent in eyeball-to-eyeball contact with the

buyer, and the sales volume you generate. Finally, keep a record
of your "twilight" time. This is time spent in outer offices, the last
30 minutes of that sales call, the extra time you spent shuffling
your prospect cards, etc. The first few days this will be tough, but
it gets easier when it becomes a habit and your production starts
to climb.
Once you have established your pattern, it's easy to make
improvements. By studying your past records, you can find your
best day, best week, best month and best quarter. Compare your
best record with your new efficiency schedule. You'll probably
see that you can take your best quarter and duplicate it only once
and still have your best year. This will obviously vary agreal deal
according to your product. "Low ticket" items will not produce
the daily, weekly and monthly variations "high ticket" items
produce [brushes or cosmetics as opposed to computers and
commercial real estate]. Make your goal specific and in most
cases bigger. But remember, it's better to revise a goal upward in
a month than to have to dramatically reduce it.
A built-in competitiveness is often extremely helpful, so let's
look at a "challenge" system. First, the don'ts. Don't bite off more
than you can chew. Don't challenge the champ at the outset if
you've been an "average" producer. Second, challenge the man in
front of you and not the champion. That's a good procedure,
especially if you make it a "double" challenge. A double challenge
is one to beat the man ahead of you as well as your own best. With
this approach, you won't win any victories by "fluke" of default.
Each victory will make you stronger for the next challenge.
Regardless of how many people are currently in front of you, if
you are constantly striving to "beat your best," you will be
making a lot of progress, a lot of sales and a lot of money.
Obviously, if you continue to beat the one in front of you, it will be
just a matter of time before no one will be in front of you.


Let's look at the physical, financial, spiritual, career, family,

mental and social goals. Here are some rules that will enable you
to more accurately zero in on those goals. Of necessity, you should

remember, these rules must be quite general in nature.

Obviously, you must take these examples and translate them to
fit your own situation.
You should commit to paper the things you want and expect.
You might well say, "It will take me three days to write down all
of the things I want." You're going to be surprised to discover it
isn't going to take you nearly as long as you think. Write them
down and list them in the order of their importance. Obviously,
you will be working on several goals at the same time. You might
have a physical goal of being the club golf champion, the
company sales leader, the president of the PTA and a lay leader
in your church or synagogue all at the same time. In this event,
you'll have to decide the order of importance to you because each
one requires time and will require adjustment as you work. You
might have to compromise and settle for acquiring an 8 handicap
instead of becoming club champion and being active in the PTA
instead of president. At any rate, in order to accomplish these
objectives, you'll have to be organized.


Once you've arranged your goals in the order of their

importance, you should list the obstacles that stand between you
and your objectives. If there wasn't something between you and
your goals, you would already have everything you want. After
you've listed your obstacles, you can formulate a plan to overcome
them and set a time schedule. Most management authorities
believe that when you properly identify a problem you have it
half solved. You'll be amazed how much faster you overcome the
obstacles once you identify them. As you overcome the obstacles
on your way to one goal, the obstacles on the way to other goals
will fall more easily.
In the preceding chapter I discussed a young man who had set
what I considered to be the unrealistic goal of earning one million
dollars in a single year. My advice to him in goal setting was,
instead of challenging for the financial championship of the
world that first year, why not approach it on the same basis a
fighter would approach his quest for the championship of the
world. When a man enters the professional ranks as a fighter, he

starts by challenging the man above him. After each success, and
as he gains confidence and experience, he moves up the ladder.
Many promising fighters have destroyed their careers by getting
over their heads against competition that was too tough before
they had gained the necessary experience.
"In reaching and achieving your goals," I advised the young
man, "take it on a more gradual basis." In essence, I advised him
to find out what the top man was earning. This would enable him
to know what his target actually was. Then I urged him to
research the average earnings of the people within his company. I
further advised him to select a figure slightly lower than the
average and set this as his goal for the first month. I felt he could
do better, but I wanted him to have the initial confidence that
goes with reaching a first objective. Confidence is the hand-
maiden of success. Once success to any degree is yours, it's easier
to achieve greater success [do something well, then it's easy to
excel] I then urged him to select targets within the organization
and start beating the man above him. Following this procedure
he would eventually be the number one producer and could then
set much higher monetary goals. To accomplish this he had to lay
out his schedule on a daily basis.
Whether or not he would have reached his target of $1,000,000
in a -single year is academic. With the proper approach to goal
setting, I'm convinced the young man will go farther, faster and
be happier in the process. Having said these things, let me
remind you that I did not say his goal was impossible. I have a
certain amount of courage but not enough to place an absolute
ceiling on the potential of a dedicated man.


Several years ago in Columbia, South Carolina, a young

cookware salesman sat in my office. It was in early December and
we were talking about plans for the next year. I asked him "How
much are you going to sell next year?" With a big grin on his face
he said, "I'll guarantee you one thing; I'm going to sell more next
year than I sold this year." My comment and question was,
"That's wonderful. How much did you sell this year?" He smiled
again and said, "Well, I don't really know." Interesting, isn't it?

It's also quite sad. Here was a young man who didn't know where
he was and had no idea where he'd been but, with the confidence
that generally goes with ignorance, he knew where he was going.
Unfortunately, most people are in about the same condition.
They don't know where they are, have no idea where they've been,
but they invariably think they know where they're going. Am I
talking about you? If I am, then you might have acquired this
book just in time.
I challenged the young salesman with a question: "How would
you like to become an immortal in the cookware business?" Now,
the word immortal is a pretty challenging word. He took the bait
and responded enthusiastically. "How?" "Easy," I answered,
"just break the all-time company record." This time his response
was considerably less enthusiastic. He said, "That sure is easy for
you to say, but nobody, including me, will ever break that
record." Naturally I was curious, so I asked what he meant by "no
one will ever break that record." He informed me rather
emphatically that the record was not "honest" because the man
who set it had his son-in-law selling cookware in his name.


This young man's Loser's Limp was, "I can't do it because the
record isn't honest." I reassured him the record was legitimate
and challenged him by saying, "If one man set the record another
can break it." Since incentive is the soul of success, I dangled
some rewards before him. First of all, I assured him that if he
broke that all-time record the company would hang his picture in
the home office along with the president's. He liked that. Then, I
told him his picture would be used in national ads and articles
and he would become famous as the best "pot" salesman in the
world [that was before marijuana was a problem, and "pot" was
something you used for cooking]. He really liked that. Finally, I
told him they would make him a "gold pot" or at least one that
looked like gold. That did it as far as motivation was concerned,
but he still had some doubt about how much he could sell.
I reminded him he could break the record by taking his best
week and multiplying it by 50. He grinned and said, "Boy, that's
easy for you to say ... " I interrupted, "Yes, and it's easy for you to

do, if you believe you can." He still wasn't convinced he could, but
he promised to give it serious thought. That's an important point,
because a goal casually set and lightly taken is freely
abandoned at the first obstacle.


On December 26th, he called me from his home in Augusta,

Georgia. Never before, nor since, have I participated in a
telephone conversation that could compare with this one. The
wires must have gotten hot. You could feel the excitement from
Augusta to Columbia, South Carolina. He brought me up to date.
"You know, since our visit earlier this month, I've kept exact
records of everything I've done. I know how much business I get
when I knock on a door, make a telephone call, conduct a
demonstration or open my sample case. I know how much I sell
every week I work, every day I work and every hour I work."
With a tremendous burst of enthusiasm, he added, I'm going to
break that record!" I squeezed a word in to the conversation to
say, "No, you're not 'going' to break the record. Youjust broke the
I did this because not once did he use the word "if." It wasn't an
"if" decision. Take the word "life" and look at it. The two center
letters in the word "life" are "if." Many people go through life
making nothing but "if" decisions. These are not decisions for
success but preparations for failure. Not this guy. He didn't say,
"I'm going to break this record if I don't wreck my car." It's good
he didn't because that's what happened. He didn't say, "I'm going
to break this record if there is no illness in my family." There was.
He didn't say, "I'm going to break this record if there are no
deaths in my family." He buried two loved ones, including a
brother. He didn't say, "I'm going to break this record if I don't
lose my voice." It's good he didn't because in December, with the
goal literally within his reach, 'his voice was in such bad shape his
doctor ordered him to stop talking so he did the only thing he
could do - he changed doctors. No, his decision was laboriously
arrived at but simply stated: I'm going to break that record,
We need to look at his target in order to really appreciate the

size of the undertaking. Never before had he sold over $34,000 in

a single year, which wasn't too bad at the time. However, the next
year, selling the same product, in the same area, at the same
price, he delivered and paid for, after all cancellations and credit
rejections, over $104,000 worth of cookware. He sold over three
times as much as he had ever sold in a single year. As a result, he
broke the all-time record. Incidentally, the company did follow
through on the reward he and I had discussed. He got the
publicity and the gold "pot."


Many people ask if he got that much smarter. I pointed out he

did get some smarter because he now had eleven years
experience instead of ten. Many ask if he worked that much
harder. I assured them he worked some harder and certainly
smarter. He organized his time and learned the value of a minute.
He found that 10 minutes here and 20 minutes there soon added
up to from one to two hours per day. This was eight to ten hours
per week or, incredibly enough, 400 to 500 hours a year. That was
the equivalent of over fifty full eight-hour days in a year. In short,
he discovered that everyone doesn't have 60 minutes in every
hour, 24 hours in every day or even seven days in every week.
Each man only has as many minutes, hours and days as he uses.
When he quit counting time and started making time count,
he was able to produce considerably more business and still have
more time for himself and his family.
He started by finding out, through keeping records, exactly
where he was. [You - if you're a salesman, must do the same
thing. Find out how many prospects you must approach to secure
an appointment. How many appointments you must make in
order to tell your story. How many presentations you must make
in order to make a sale. Combine this information with the
knowledge of how much time it takes to secure an appointment
that sticks. How much time it takes to make a presentation and
complete a sale, including driving time, service time, paperwork
time, etc. With this information you will know where you are.
Then it's simply a matter of arithmetic. With this information
you will know what happens for every hour you work, but hold the

phone. You will almost immediately have to revise your goal

upward - and often dramatically, because your confidence,
bolstered by these facts, will make you much more productive.]
As we break this story into parts, we realize the young man
involved all the principles of goal setting as well as the principles
of "goal reaching."
( 1) He kept records to find out where he was.
( 2) He committed to paper the goals he wanted to achieve on
a yearly, monthly, and daily basis.
( 3) He was very specific [$104,000].
( 4) He set the goal big - but reachable - to create
excitement and a challenge.
( 5) He made the goal long-range [1 year] so he would not be
overcome by daily frustrations.
( 6) He listed the obstacles between him and his goal and
formulated a plan to overcome the obstacles.
( 7) He broke his goal into daily increments.
( 8) He was mentally prepared to discipline himself to take
the necessary steps to reach his goals.
( 9) He was absolutely convinced he could reach his goals.
(10) He visualized himself as already reaching his goal
before the year started.
To reinforce an idea expressed earlier in this Segment, you
should be careful about sharing your goals with others. If you are
confident and need to put yourself on the spot by sharing your
goal with others, then go ahead. However, you will be wise to be
very selective about sharing your goals. It's helpful if you have
associates or loved ones who will share your optimism and give
you added confidence that you can reach your goals. It's definitely
harmful if you share your dreams with a wet blanket who
ridicules your ideas and belittles your efforts.
The young man in the story [I'll identify him later] shared his
goals with his family who believed in him and gave him support.
He also shared his goals with other people because he knew
himself well enough to know that he would be more likely to reach
his objective if he put himself on the spot.
I recognize the examples I use in goal setting will not fit each
individual case, but the principles will fit your situation. At some
time in the future perhaps you will be in one of our Richer Life

classes or courses around the country and can work direcly with
one of our instructors in setting your specific goals. In the
meantime, here are some other thoughts which should be helpful.


Let's take the case of the mother who said, "How can I set a
series of goals?" First of all, a mother should have a big goal. One
of the biggest goals any mother can have is to teach her children
how to live in a complex society and pay their own way. To raise
her children to be happy, healthy, morally and emotionally sound
is a big goal for any mother. A long-range goal could be to teach
her children to be contributing members of society. She can also
teach them enough by word and deed that they will have an
honest shot at spending eternity with Jesus Christ.
One of the finest daily goals we can set is to teach our children
how to do things for themselves. The Chinese say it well, "If you
give a man a fish, you feed him for the day, but if you teach him
how to fish, you feed him for life." Teach your children how to do
things, how to be self-supporting and self-sustaining. What could
be a better daily goal for a mother than that?
Everybody's daily goals should be to do the best they can today
while preparing for a better tomorrow. The future is the place
where you're going to spend the rest of your life. Daily
accomplishments are bricks leading to that place. If you
regularly and firmly put the bricks into place with proper goal
setting procedures, you will eventually build your stairway to the
top. In order for you to properly set your lifetime goals as stated
earlier, you must clearly understand that the elevator to the top is
"out of order." You're going to have to take the stairs - one at a
time. Fortunately, they are clearly marked and are beckoning
you to climb them - all the way up.



When I started this book, the words were flowing easily and
coming out well, at least in my mind. When I wrote the words,
"You can go where you want to go, do what you want to do,
have what you want to have, and be what you want to be," I'll
have to confess I held those words out in front of me and with a
degree of satisfaction said to myself, "That's good." U nfortunate-
ly, I had to hold the words some distance away, because there was
a 41" waistline and 202 lbs. between me and those words. As I
read the words, I started thinking and talking to myself. [It's not
bad to talk to yourself. It's not even bad to answer - however, if
you ever catch yourself saying "Huh?" to the answer, you're in
trouble. That's the position I found myself in.]
The thought occurred to me that eventually some reader
would ask if I really believed what I had written. Since honesty
starts within, I was led to re-evaluate every word I wrote. In a
nutshell, it boiled down to this - if I believed it, I should live it
and if I didn't believe it, I shouldn't write it. With this in mind I
asked myself, "Are you really like you want to be, Zig?"
As I wrestled with this question, it became more and more
obvious that I was either going to have to delete this portion of the
book or have difficulty living with myself. It was also inevitable
that I would be confronted with people who ask embarrasing
questions. In addition, my son was eight years old and I felt very
strongly that a father should be able to whip his children until
they are at least 12 years old. At the rate I was going, I wasn't
even going to be able to catch mine. The thing that sent me
looking for help though, was my redhead who kept telling me to
hold my stomach in - and I already was.
Fortunately, Dallas is the home of the world famous Aerobics
Center founded by Dr. Kenneth Cooper. Dr. Cooper is variously
described as either the Air Force Doctor or the Running Doctor.

He has done considerable research into the effect of Aerobic

conditioning on the body. When you see anyone jogging, he is
probably jogging because of the direct or indirect influence of Dr.
Cooper. I secured an appointment and went down for the five
hour examination. They started by taking two quarts [at least it
looked like two quarts] of blood. They just kept filling those little
vials. I thought they were starting a blood bank with me as the
major supplier. Next they dunked me into a tank of water and
completely immersed me three times to determine the amount of
body fat I had. They discovered I was 23.9% pure lard, which
wasn't exactly ideal. Next, they put me on a treadmill and wired
me to a machine so they could monitor my heart and check my
pulse as I walked. The length of your walk revealed your physical
condition, so I was chagrined when I only walked long enough to
get four seconds out of "horrible" into "just awful."
When the examination was completed and the figures
compiled, Dr. Randy Martin, the examining physician, had me
come into his office to go over the results. With a big smile on his
face, Dr. Martin explained to me that they used computers to
compile their information and the figures proved I was not
overweight. However, I was exactly five and one-half inches too
short. I commented that this was really bad, but Dr. Martin
explained that actually I was in remarkably good physical
condition - for a 66-year-old man. When I reminded him that I
was 46, his expression made a dramatic change. "You're in awful
shape," he said, "As a matter of fact, if you were a building, I'd
condemn you." Naturally, I wanted to know what I should do, so
Dr. Martin laid out a precise schedule, detailed in black and
white and threw in a "pep" talk for a bonus. Before he finished
telling me what I should do, I was kinda like the little boy who
asked his daddy a question. His dad responded, "Why don't you
ask your mother?" The little boy replied, "I just didn't want to
know that much about it."


When I got home, my wife commented, "Well, I suppose you're

going to be out running all over the neighborhood." I replied in
the affirmative so she said, "If I'm going to have a 46-year-old fat

boy running all over the neighborhood, I want to have you looking
as good as possible." Down to the store she went to buy me some
fancy running shirts and shorts to go with the running shoes Dr.
Martin had advised me to buy.
While in Dr. Martin's office, I did something that was ugly,
but I'll use the excuse that I had not read Ann Landers at the
time. Ann says it is not nice or honest to take pages out of
magazines belonging to someone else. Actually I knew that, so I
can't honestly hide behind her. I took the page advertising jockey
shorts. If you don't read the jockey short ads, let me suggest that
you at least look at the picture the next time you see one. You will
discover they don't put jockey shorts on fat boys. At least they
don't have a "Good-Year."
The next morning when the alarm sounded, I hopped out of
bed, slipped on those fancy running clothes and shoes, tore out the
front door - and ran a block, all by myself. The next day,
however, I did considerably better. I ran a block and a mailbox.
The third day it was a block and two mailboxes, then a block and
three mailboxes, until finally one day I ran all the way around the
block. When I passed that milestone I woke up the entire family
and told them what "Dad had done."
Then one day I ran a half-mile, then a mile, then a mile-and-a-
half, then two miles. I started on the calisthenics bit. I did 6 push-
ups, then 8, then 10, then 20, then 30, then 40. Today I can even do
the G.!. push-up, which simply means I push myself into the air
and slap my hands at the same time. I started doing sit-ups and
the first day I did 8, then 10, then 20, then 40, then 80, then 120.
The net result was the weight and waistline started coming
down. I was also dieting religiously during this period of time [I
quit eating in church]. Seriously, I did diet and I'll have more to
say about that in a moment. My weight came down from 202 -
first to 200, then 190, 180, 170 and 165. My waistline dropped
from 41 to 40,39,38,37,36,35,34. Ten months from the day, after
I had written that I weighed 165 and had a 34-inch waistline, it
came to pass.


I give you these details because this story involved every


principle of goal setting and goal reaching. The goal was mine
and since my credibility was at stake, the incentive for reaching
the goal was built in when I set the goal. The goal was big. Big
enough that it represented a real challenge and forced me to
reach deep into the wellspring of my resources to reach the
objective. Yet it was neither irresponsible nor impossible. Had I
elected to lose only five pounds, then no one, with the possible
exception of my redhead, would have known I had lost any
weight. As the pounds melted off [actually when you are sweating
them off, you don't think they are melting] and my waistline
started moving down, my family and friends bragged on me a lot.
That really helped. I started feeling better and my energy level
rose. The time I spent on the running program was returned with
a bonus in the form of greater work endurance.
The size of the goal is enormously important. In a preceding
chapter, I emphasize that a goal can be too big, but please
remember this one was under the direction of a skilled physician.
The goal was clearly defined - very specific. The target was in
distinct focus. The goal was long-range. [As a practical matter it
was actually an intermediate one but for purposes of illustration
I'm going to use it as a long range one.] Ten months was the time
remaining from the day I made the decision until the book was to
be published. Thirty-seven pounds is a lot of weight to lose -
maybe an impossible amount - until you divide by ten, and
realize it is only 3.7 pounds per month. With this realization, I
became quite optimistic, which is important if you expect to
reach your goal. Unfortunately my optimism turned to con-
fidence and then to overconfidence with the net result that I
didn't bother to get started the first 28 days. [You're right - I
was about to get cooked "in the squat."]
This weight loss goal really became reachable when I broke it
into daily increments. When it dawned on me that in order to lose
37 pounds in ten months all I had to do was lose 1.9 ounces a day, I
really got excited. Thirty-seven pounds is a lot, 3.7 pounds is not
really that much, but 1.9 ounces is such a little bit. I put the
weight on a bite at a time and I had to take it off the same way.
The old adage that by the mile it's a trial but by the inch it's a
cinch, is certainly true because of what the psychologists call
"achievement feedback." Each step forward - each accomplish-

ment - or in my case, each bit of measurable weight loss

increased my enthusiasm and bolstered my confidence that I
could succeed again and again. Yes - success begets success.
That's why it is Sf) important as you set and seek any goal, to
arrange it so you can enjoy some success of some kind virtually
every day. This "positive feedback" increases your confidence so
you begin to "expect" and "see" yourself as accomplishing more
and more, which means you will do and be more and more. The
only way to reach your long-range goals is through achieving
short-range objectives. Keep your eye on your major objective,
but remember as you reach your daily objectives you are getting
closer and closer to those long-range ones.
In order for the goal to have significance I had to set a
reasonable time limit. Had I planned to lose 37 pounds in 37 years
or even 37 months, the time involvement would have been too
lengthy. On the other hand, had I attempted to lose 37 pounds in
37 days, that would have been even more ridiculous. Not only
would it have bordered on the impossible, but the effect on my
health could well have been disastrous. My time schedule was
ambitious yet reasonable and attainable.


Before we continue I have a question for you. Have you ever

seen a living, breathing, real, live martyr? At one time I at least
felt like one. Let me explain. When the alarm sounded off each
morning I would often think to myself, "What's a 46 year old fat
boy doing getting up and running all over the neighborhood
while his buddies are sound asleep." Then I would look down at
my 41" waist line and ask a question, "Ziglar, do you want to look
like you or like the guy in the jockey shorts?" Since I didn't want to
look like me, I'd hop out of bed and start running.
However, just because I had made the commitment to run and
lose the weight didn't mean I had to like it. As a matter of fact, I
"fussed" every step I took. I ran in the snow of Winnipeg, the sand
of Acapulco, the rain of Minneapolis and the orange groves of
Florida. And don't you think for one minute that I ever missed an
opportunity to tell friend, foe, family and even complete
strangers about this enormous "sacrifice" I was making because I

had made this commitment to lose the weight. I must have been
quite a bore and am a little surprised that I was able to keep
either friend or family. Incidentally, this was in character,
because for years I had told audiences literally hundreds of times
that if you wanted to accomplish anything worthwhile that you
had to "pay the price." [I could even put a strain in my voice and a
pained expression on my face when I said you had to "pay the
price" that would bring tears to the eyes of all but the strongest.]
Then one day I was running on the Portland State University
campus in Portland, Oregon. It was a beautiful spring day. The
temperature was about 75° and many of the students were
relaxing, studying or courting and here comes Zig jogging along.
The sweat was running down my back and legs, ~uton this day as
I felt the ground and concrete flowing beneath my feet, it dawned
on me that this run was "different". Suddenly I knew that I was
having the time of my life. Today at age 50, armed with the
knowledge that I am physically in better shape than I was at age
25, that I can out-run 98% of the college students in America over
a two mile run, it is obvious to me that you don't "pay the price"
you enjoy the price.
To emphasize my point, when I was within seven pounds of
reaching my goal my gall bladder ruptured. It was four days
before the doctor discovered the problem. During those four
days, I probably hurt as much as I had all my life combined. By
the time they got inside to correct the problem, an abscess had
formed under the liver and I was full of poison. My doctor told me
my excellent physical condition at that time played an important
part in my recovery. As a matter of fact, my redhead was
somewhat astonished that I was not even sore as a result of the
operation. No, I am totally convinced you don't pay a price, you
enjoy a price. This is applicable to all areas of life. You don't pay
the price for, success [now remember, success is acquiring a
reasonable or large amount of all the good things], you enjoy the
price. You pay the price for failure.
Now - if you have a weight problem you would like to
permanently solve, here are some basics to follow. First, make
certain it is your idea and your decision to lose the weight and that

you have not been pressured into action by someone else. Second,
go to a skinny doctor for an examination. An overweight one
either doesn't know, doesn't believe, or doesn't understand the
devastating effect of carrying a lot of excess weight. He cannot
convey the conviction nor give you the psychological reinforce-
ment you will need to sustain a weight reduction program. Third,
don't use pills as a crutch to lose weight. You didn't get fat [doesn't
sound good, does it? - doesn't look good either] taking pills, and
you won't get permanently slim by taking pills. [If "pills" worked
there would be no overweight doctors, would there?l
Fourth, make certain your doctor is a positive thinker and
doesn't tell you what you can't eat. Why should you clutter your
mind with negatives? Your concern and concentration should be
on what you can eat. Make that list and keep it in front of you. Use
the good old C.S. [Common Sense] diet principle. Don't - oh,
please don't get involved in the roller coaster "fad" diets that
promise dramatic weight loss "without getting hungry." [All you
will permanently lose on those 30 day diets is a month.] In most
cases one thing put that weight on: [Habit - a bad one ]. You ate
too much, and one thing is going to take it off: [Habit - a good
one]. Eat less food, and maintain a balanced diet over a period of
time. You didn't gain "forty 'leven' " pounds in one weekend. It
was "one more bite" that "done you in."
My next observation is not scientific but I advise you to stay
away from cottage cheese. Based on my personal observation, I
have come to the conclusion that cottage cheese is fattening. I say
this because nobody but fat folks eat cottage cheese. [Dr. Martin
told me I could eat anything I wanted - then he gave me a list of
the things I was going to want.]
On the serious side, there are two things wrong with roller
coaster dieting. First, to lose weight and then gain it back is
destructive to your self-image. Second, it is hard on your physical
body and puts a strain on your entire system [ask your skinny
doctor why].
Let me also tell it like it is. If you are going to lose weight you
are going to get hungry- and that's a fact. It will help if you guys
will take a 3x5 card and print these words on it. "Hungry? You
bet I am, but it's worth it to change from 'lard'to'hard'."Thegirls
should print: "Hungry? You bet I am, but I'm changing from

'poundcake' to 'cheesecake'." You will still be hungry, but you'll

be laughing about it instead of crying.
Dr. Bruno's book, Think Yourself Thin, will be helpful as you
get serious about doing something about you - for you. I also
urge you to turn back to the Self-Image section and remind
yourself that you deserve to be slender and healthy. Remember,
pleasure [eating too much for you] is very short lived, but
happiness [being pleased with your slimmer, healthier, extended
life - five to twenty years longer] is of much longer duration.
The fringe benefits that go with weight loss are too numerous
to enumerate, but this I stress. When you reach the weight loss
goal you set, your self-image and self confidence will grow by
leaps and bounds and will spread to many other areas of your life.
Remember - success begets success.
Don't get the wrong idea. I tell the story in detail, not in an
effort to get you to lose weight but because it involves every
principle of goal setting and goal reaching. First of all, the goal
was mine. Neither my red head nor my doctor had "talked" me
into going on a diet or losing weight. Second, my credibility was
at stake since I had said you could be like you wanted to be and I
obviously wasn't like I wanted to be. Third, it represented a
strong commitment which you must have if you are to reach your
goal. I committed to paper the fact that I weighed 165 when in
reality I weighed 202. This was ten months before we went to
press and since no publisher would publish the book [until the
fourth printing when they decided it would sell], I financed and
published it myself. My initial order was for 25,000 copies. [Can
you imagine me with 25,000 copies in my warehouse saying I
weighed 165 and I go waddling around at 202? Now friends,
that's a commitment.] Fourth, the goal was big-lose 37 pounds.
The rule is simple. If the goal is to be effective it must affect
change. Fifth, the goal was specific [37 pounds] because you must
be a "meaningful specific" and not a "wandering generality."
Sixth, it was long range - 10 months [or as explained earlier,
intermediate]. Seventh, it was broken into a daily goal of losing
1.9 ounces. Eighth, I had a plan to overcome the surplus weight
[diet and jogging]. Ninth, a thorough physical examination had
established precisely where I was [37 pounds overweight], which
you must know in order to start in the right direction.


In Chapter Three of this Segment on Goals, I shared with you

the story of the cookware salesman who jumped from $34,000 to
over $104,000 in sales in just one year. Here is the rest of the story
on how he reached that objective.
The thing that made the difference is the reason I tell the
story. He learned one thing that enabled him to multiply his
business. He learned how to "train fleas." Do you know how to
train fleas? I'm serious. It's critically important that you know
how, because until you do, you will never make it big. I'll
emphasize that statement. You are not going to make it big,
success-wise or happiness-wise, until and unless you know how to
train fleas. [Talking about fleas, did you hear the one about the
two fleas at the bottom of the hill trying to decide if they should
walk or - take a dog?] That is a fact. Now, I'll bet you want to
know how to train fleas, don't you? Say Yes.
You train fleas by putting them in a jar with a top on it. Fleas
jump, so they will jump up and hit the top over and over and over
again. As you watch them jump and hit the top, you will notice
something interesting. The fleas continue to jump, but they are
no longer jumping high enough to hit the top. Then, and it's a
matter of record, you can take the top off and though the fleas
continue to jump, they won't jump out of the jar. I repeat, they
won't jump out because they can't. The reason is simple. They
have conditioned themselves to jump just so high. Once they
have conditioned themselves to jump just so high, that's all
they can do.


Man is the same way. He starts out in life to write a book,

climb a mountain, break a record or make a contribution.
Initially, his dreams and ambitions have no limits but, along the
roadway of life, he bumps his head and stubs his toe a few times.
At this point his "friends" and associates often make negative
comments about life in general and him in particular and as a
result he becomes a SNIOP. A SNIOP is a person who is
Susceptible to the Negative Influence of Other People. That's the

reason we suggest you be careful about who you share your goals
with. Interestingly enough, we can also be "snioped" by the most
positive people in the world. For example, when Joe Louis was
Heavyweight Champion of the world, he "snioped" his opponents
time after time. They were often so paralyzed with fright they
were easy victims for his awesome skills. When John Wooden sent
his UCLA Bruins onto the basketball court, his opponents were so
"snioped" that the issue was often settled before the opening
buzzer sounded. That's part, but just part, of the reason UCLA
won 10 national championships in 12 years.
That's also one of the reasons coaches repeatedly teach an
athlete to fight his own fight or play his own game and not let the
opposition force him to play their game.
I have a close friend with the Kirby Company whom I often
accuse of "snioping" his fellow Divisional Supervisors into
fighting for second place. He just grins, but Jim Sperry has been
first for fifteen consecutive years and every year he has had an
increase in business. Fortunately, Jim is aware of the fact his
fellow Supervisors have taken dead aim on his spot and are after
him. Actually Jim encourages the other Supervisors in every way
possible because he knows the tougher the battle for first place -
the more productive his own Division will become.
The "sniop" listens to the negative garbage from the "prophets
of doom," who give him excuses for failure instead of methods for
success. In the process, he acquires his own Loser's Limp. Not so
with our enthusiastic cookware salesman. Not only was he not a
"sniop," but he had gotten rid of his Loser's Limp and had set a big
goal. He had a long-range goal: to break the record and become
the best "pot" salesman in the world. He had a daily goal: to sell
$350 per working day. He also had a result: he tripled his
business in one year. Incidentally, I know the young man's story
quite well because he's my younger brother, Judge Ziglar. I'm
also proud that he applied these same "goal reaching," flea
training principles to become one of the top speakers and sales
trainers in America. He now teaches others how to reach their
goals, in seminars all over America. As an officer in our company
and as an instructor for The Richer Life Course he is busy
teaching others how to set records - and train fleas.

AT T-H£ TO"?.'



The most outstanding example of a flea trainer is Roger

Bannister. For years athletes tried to run a mile in less than four
minutes. The barrier seemed unbreakable because the athletes
were "sniops." An athlete might say to the world, "I'm going to
run a four-minute mile." But when he would toe the mark the
voice of the coach would echo in his ear, "The best you've ever
done is 4:06. You can't break the barrier. As a matter of fact, I've
figured it out scientifically and I doubt if the barrier will ever be
broken." The voice of the doctor with stethoscope in hand would
also haunt him saying, "You run a four-minute mile? Why, your
heart will come right out of your body. You can't do it." The news
media speculated at length over the four-minute mile and the
general opinion was that the four-minute mile was beyond the
physical capacity of a human being. As a result, the athlete was
"snioped" right out of the four-minute mile.
Roger Bannister wouldn't be "snioped." He was a flea trainer.
So he ran the first four-minute mile. Then athletes the world over
started running four-minute miles. John Landy of Australia ran
it less than six weeks after Bannister broke the barrier. To date
there have been over 500 races run in less than four minutes,
including one by a 37-year-old man. At the NCAA track meet in
Baton Rouge, Louisiana in June 1973, eight athletes ran the mile
in less than four minutes. The four-minute barrier was broken,
but rwt because man became that much faster physically. It was
broken because the barrier was a mental obstacle and not a
physical impossibility.
In case you missed the point, a flea trainer is a person who
jumps out of the jar. He's driven from within and is not
"snioped" by the negative outside influences. To fully explain and
identify flea trainers, I'm including a "Flea Trainer" certificate
in the book. The only way you will succeed in all areas of your life
is to become a full-fledged flea trainer, so I want to make certain
you know what a flea trainer is. Incidentally, if you would like a
beautiful autographed parchment Flea Trainer Certificate
suitable for framing, and the plastic "round tuit" we mentioned
earlier, just send your request to: The Zig Ziglar Corporation,
12011 Coit Road, Suite 114, Dallas, Texas 75251.


Goals in all areas of life might be overwhelming for an

individual who has never set even one goal to do anything
significant. To make certain we don't overwhelm you, let's look at
the advice Judge Ziglar gives to sales people in his seminars. "If
you have never set goals before, let me suggest that you start with
one goal of a short-range nature. Select the best month you have
had, add ten percent and make that your one-month goal. Take
your best day during that month, write it down and keep it in
front of you. Underneath that best day, put the average you will
have to reach each day to break your one-month goal. Your
'average' day will be so much smaller than the best day you have
had that you will be confident you can reach your one-month
At the end of the month if you reached your goal, then you
should set a quarterly goal. If you did not reach the one-month
goal, then set the monthly goal again. It is important that you
reach the first goal before you move to the second one. After
reaching your monthly goal, then multiply that goal by three and
add ten percent for your quarterly goal. This time keep your best
sales week in front of you, divide the quarter into thirteen
segments and place the average you must maintain each week in
front of you in order to break your quarterly record. Your
average week will be substantially lower than your best week,
but by maintaining the average, you will reach your goal.
At the end of the goal reaching quarter, you will be in position
to set your yearly goal by taking your quarterly results, multiply
by four and add ten percent. This ten percent procedure is
reasonable and reachable but the consistency gives you substan-
tial increases. Basic procedure is the same as before. Take your
best month, write it boldly on a card, then take the average you
must produce each month in order to reach your yearly goal. This
will represent a substantial increase in business and yet the
monthly average is so much less than your best month, that you
will have the confidence that you can do the job.
I am aware of the fact that there are circumstances over
which you truly have no control. For example, the toy, swimsuit,
nursery, lawn furniture business, etc., are to a large degree

seasonal. You will have to make adjustments to compensate for

these changes over which you have no control. Once you have
made your commitments, however, you will discover that many
of the "seasonal" businesses are not quite as seasonal as you
thought and you will be producing more business during "the off
season" than ever before.
By the time the first quarter is well under way you will be
motivated to set some goals in other areas of your life. Success
begets success, so getting started is obviously the first step in
getting there.


In order to reach your goals, you must understand the story of

Houdini. Houdini was a master magician as well as a fabulous
locksmith. He boasted that he could escape from any jail cell in
the world in less than an hour, provided he could go into the cell
dressed in his street clothes. A small town in the British Isles
built a new jail they were extremely proud of. They issued
Houdini a challenge. "Come give us a try," they said. Houdini
loved the publicity and the money, so he accepted. By the time.he
arrived, excitement was at a fever pitch. He rode triumphantly
into town and walked into the cell. Confidence oozed from him as
the door was closed. Houdini took off his coat and went to work.
Secreted in his belt was a flexible, tough and durable ten-inch
piece of steel which he used to work on the lock. At the end of 30
minutes his confident expression had disappeared. At the end of
an hour he was drenched in perspiration. After two hours,
Houdini literally collapsed against the door - which opened. You
see it had never been locked - except in his own mind - which
meant it was as firmly locked as if a thousand locksmiths had put
their best locks on it. One little push and Houdini could have
easily opened the door. Many times a little extra push is all you
need to open your opportunity door.
In the game of life you will discover, as you set your goals and
unlock your own mind, that the world will unlock its treasures
and rewards to you. Realistically, most locked doors are in your
mind. Oops, I should have said were in your own mind because
you are opening yours wider by the page - aren't you?

DALLAS. TEXAS, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lq _ _

Let the whole world know that is

a fully qualified - dedicated - "Flea Trainer."By jumpingoutofthejarand refusing
to get cooked "in the squat." he is earning the rights and privileges this world has to
Flea Trainers are people who are driven from within and are not "SNIOPS"
[Susceptible to Negative Influence of Other People]. They have removed their own
ceilings and are teaching others to do the same.
Flea Trainers work at seeing people through - instead of seeing through people. They
teach others how to "get on" - instead of telling them where to "get off." They are
confident but not arrogant and know how to serve without being servile.
Flea Trainers seek "total" success and a well balanced life by building on honesty. love,
character, loyalty, faith and integrity. They know that dedicated effort is its own
reward and that what you get by reaching your objective is not as important as what
you become by reaching that objective.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is going up with the knowledge that "he climbs
highest who helps another up."

Zig Zi\llar
America's No.1 Flea Trainer




Major Nesmeth was a week-end golfer who generally shot in

the nineties. Then he completely quit playing for seven years.
Amazingly enough, the next time back on the course he shot a
sparkling 74. During the seven-year sabbatical, he took no golf
lessons and his physical condition actually deteriorated. As a
matter of fact, he spent those seven years in a small cage
approximately four-and-one-half feet tall and slightly over five
feet long. He was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.
His story illustrates that we must "see the reaching" if we
expect to "reach the reaching," and accomplish our goals in life.
Major Nesmeth was in isolation for five-and-one-half years of the
time he was confined as a prisoner of war. He saw no one, talked
to no one and was unable to perform a normal routine of physical
activities. For the first few months he did virtually nothing but
hope and pray for his release. Then he realized he had to take
some definite, positive steps if he was going to retain his sanity
and stay alive. He selected his favorite golf course and started
playing golf in his cage. In his own mind, he played a full 18 holes
every day. He played them to the last minute detail. He "saw"
himself dressed in his golfing clothes as he stepped up to the first
tee. He completely visualized every weather condition under
which he had played. He "saw" the exact size of the tee box, the
grass, the trees, the birds and all of the embellishments on a golf
course. He "saw" in minute detail the exact way he held his left
hand on the club and the way he put his right hand on the club. He
carefully lectured himself on keeping his left arm straight. He
admonished himself to keep his eye on the ball. He cautioned
himself about taking the back swing slowly and easily while
remembering to keep his eye on the ball. He instructed himself
about a smooth down swing and follow through on his shot. He
then visualized the flight of the ball down the center of the
fairway. He watched it fly through the air, hit the ground and roll
until it came to a stop at the exact spot he selected.
He took the same length of time in his own mind he would have
taken on a golf course, taking each step to the ball he had just hi t.
In other words, he decided to become a meaningful specific
rather than remain a wandering generality.


Seven days a week for seven full years he played 18 holes of

perfect golf. Not once did he ever miss a shot. Not once did the ball
ever stay out of the cup. Perfect. In the process of shooting mental
golf the Major was able to occupy four full hours of every day and
maintain his sanity as a result. He was also able to do a great deal
with his golf game. His story illustrates the point I want you to
see. If you want to reach your goal, you must "see the
reaching" in your own mind before you actually arrive at
your goal.
If you want a raise, a bigger opportunity with your company,
better grades, a better cake, a better mouse trap, the home of your
dreams, etc., then let me urge you to reread this story very
carefully. Follow the exact procedure a few minutes every day
and the day will come when you will not only "see the reaching,"
you will have "reached the reaching" - you will be there.
As we mentioned earlier this is "practice without pressure."
This is a situation where little or nothing is at stake before the
main event. It occurs with the basketball player shooting
practice goals, the field-goal kicker kicking field goals before the
game, the young doctor practicing on the cadavers in medical
school and the salesman going through his demonstration in a
training class. Enough "practice without pressure," regardless of
your field of endeavor, will lead to a better performance when
there is pressure.
In my own case, as far as losing weight is concerned, I "saw the
reaching" by taking a picture of a skinny guy and fixing it clearly
in my mind. I was determined to look like him. I quit seeing
myself as a friendly fat man, I became a friendly slim man.
The same principle applies in our business and professional
lives. Bette Sundin, the only female Zone Manager with World
Book Encyclopedia, epitomizes this "Flea Training" and "Seethe
Reaching" philosophy. Early in her business career, Bette was
told by her employer, a major steel company, that despite her
competence and dedication to the job, she could never be
promoted because she was a woman. For a person who was
destined to jump "out of the jar," this was unacceptable, so
without malice, but without hesitation or regret, she resigned.

Bette worked two years with the Girl Scouts of America

before her mother saw the ad in the newspaper that was to
change her life. The ad was for a person of good character who
was ambitious to perform a service and it was placed by Marshall
Field of Field Enterprises. Bette answered the ad and after
vacillating several times, she agreed to take the training to sell
World Book Encyclopedia.
She started like a house-a-fire and has been successful in
every phase of the business. She became a Branch Manager in
1960. At that point, Bette had no ambitions to go any higher. She
had a superb income, was home every night, doing exactly what
she loved to do [share opportunity and build people] and she did
not want to "hit the road" and work out of the home office.
Her goals changed because in 1974 the company restructured
their field force and moved the Zone Vice Presidency to the field.
This excited Bette because it meant she could work in the field
with a minimum amount of travel. She took dead aim on the
position of Zone Manager which is a field Vice Presidency. Not
just any Zone, but Zone 5, which was the Midwest. Less than a
year later, she got the job she had "aimed" for.
Bette Sundin points out two things that are especially
significant. She deals with life with less tension and more
confidence because she has her hand - in The hand that rules the
world. Also, in every case she "saw herself" in the next position
before she got there. She stresses that she was a Branch Manager
for 15 years because she saw herself as a Branch Manager and not
as a Zone Manager. After she saw herself as a Zone Manager-
she became a Zone Manager. Yes, you must "See the Reaching"
before you can - "Reach the Reaching."


Heartsell Wilson, a top platform speaker, tells how as a boy in

East Texas he played on an abandoned section of railroad tracks
with two friends. One friend was average size. The other friend's
weight indicated that he had seldom, if ever, missed a meal. The
boys would challenge each other to see who could walk the track
the farthest. Heartsell and one friend would walk a few steps and
fall. The overweight boy would walk and walk and not fall off the

track. Finally, in exasperated curiosity, Heartsell demanded to

know the secret. His overweight friend pointed out that Heartsell
and his other buddy were looking down at their feet and, hence,
they kept falling. He then explained he was too fat to see his feet,
so he picked out a target down the tracks [a long-range goal] and
walked toward that spot. As he got close, he selected another
target [go as far as you can see and, when you get there, you'll
always be able to see farther] and walked toward it.
Here's the irony. The fat boy-turned-philosopher pointed out
that if you look down at your feet, all you see is the rust and
stinkweed. On the other hand, when you look for a distance down
the track you will actually "see the reaching." How true it is.
I would like to make one other point. Had Heartsell and his
friend joined hands from opposite tracks, they could have walked
indefinitely without falling. That's cooperation - not only with a
fellowman, but with the laws of the universe. As George Matthew
Adams said, "He climbs highest, who helps another up." You can
get everything in life you want if you help enough other
people get what they want. I'll say this many times throughout
the book, because many young people have been sold the garbage-
dump idea that you have to step on, abuse and take advantage of
others in order to get to the top. In reality, just the opposite is true.
Canadian geese instinctively know the value of cooperation.
You have undoubtedly noticed that they always fly in a V
formation and one leg of the V is longer than the other. [In case
you've wondered, I should explain that the reason one leg of the V
is longer than the other is because it has more geese in it.] These
geese regularly change leadership because the lead goose, in
fighting the head wind, helps create a partial vacuum for the
geese on his right as well as the geese on the left. Scientists have
discovered in wind tunnel tests that the flock can fly 72% further
than an individual goose can fly. Man, too, can fly higher, further
and faster by cooperating with, instead of fighting against, his
One of the best sources of help [and unfortunately the most
neglected one] is the family, especially the mate. If the wife or the
husband is "working with you" instead of just "going along for the
ride," you can reach your goals faster and easier and have more
fun on the trip. Don't be too surprised or disappointed if your

mate doesn't initially share your enthusiasm. However, if you do

a good job of selling your idea and let your mate know how
important it is to have his or her cooperation and interest, both of
you will gain considerably in the process. This close association
and mutual interest is extremely important because it will
enable you to establish a more meaningful relationship. That in
itself is a beautiful goal within the goal. As the two of you start
toward your goal, neither of you may be able to see the end of the
tunnel. But the world has a way, not only of stepping aside for
men or women who know where they are going, but it often joins
and helps them reach their objective.
During World War II, the United States developed a torpedo
with a brain in it. It was a powerful weapon of destruction. Our
nation was in a life-and-death struggle for survival, so this
torpedo created a lot of excitement. When the torpedo was aimed
at the target and fired, it would establish a "fix" on that target. If
the target moved or changed directions, the torpedo would
change its direction. Interestingly enough, the torpedo was
designed after the human brain. Inside your brain there's
something that enables you to "zero in" on a target. Even if the
target should move, or you should be side-tracked, once you have
gotten your "fix" you will still hit the target.
The "professional" in every field of endeavor will tell you he
"see's the reaching" before he - shoots the basketball- putts the
golf ball - makes the sales call - etc. In short, he gets a "fix" on
the target before he fires the shot.
If you're a mother and want to be a better mother, then get a
"fix" and "see the reaching." See yourself doing those things that
make you a better mother. If you're a doctor and want to be a
better doctor, see yourself doing those things that will make you a
better doctor. If you're a Christian and want to be a better
Christian, the same thing applies. If you're a student and want to
be a better student, start seeing yourself as a better student. If
you want to be a top salesperson, then see yourself as already
being that top salesperson. By doing this, the unseen forces inside
of you start "putting it all together" and they propel you toward
your destination.


A few years ago an international expedition was organized to

climb the north wall of the Matterhorn, a feat never before
accomplished. Reporters interviewed the members of the
expedition who came from all over the world. A reporter asked
one member of the troop, "Are you going to climb the north wall
of the Matterhorn?" The man replied, "I'm going to give it
everything I have." Another reporter asked a second member,
"Are you going to climb the north wall of the Matterhorn?" The
climber answer, "I'm going to do the very best I can." Still
another was asked if he were going to climb the north wall. He
said, "I'm going to give it a jolly good effort." Finally, a reporter
asked a young American, "Are you going to climb the north wall
of the Matterhorn?" The American looked him dead center and
said, "I will climb the north wall of the Matterhorn." Only one
man did climb the north wall. It was the man who said, "I will."
He "saw the reaching."
In every field of endeavor, whether we seek a better job, more
material goods, a closer walk with God, more loving children, a
permanent and happy marriage or all of these things, we must
"See the Reaching" before we can "Reach the Reaching."


I think it's significant that Muhammad Ali, earlier known as

Cassius Clay, had lost only two fights at the time of this writing. I
think its also significant that in only two fights did he ever use the
word "if." "If I should lose this fight" - there was something
prophetic in what he said. He prepared the way in the event he
failed. From a negative point of view he "saw the reaching."
The Apostle Peter walked on water for a short distance before
he started to sink. The Scriptures clearly state, "When he saw the
wind boisterous he was afraid. At that instant, he started to sink."
Why did he see the wind? Why did he sink? Obviously, because he
took his eyes off the goal, which was Jesus Christ. When you
take your eyes off your goal, you too will start to sink. Yes, when
you "see the reaching," whether it is positive or negative, you will
then "reach the reaching."

When you keep your eyes on the goal, the chances of reaching
that goal are immeasurably better. This is true whether you see
victory [climbing the north wall of the Matterhorn] or defeat
[Muhammad Ali or the Apostle Peter].


Back in the days of sailing ships a young sailor went to sea for
the first time. The ship encountered a heavy storm in the North
Atlantic. The sailor was commanded to go aloft and trim the sails.
As the young sailor started to climb, he made a mistake and
looked down. The roll of the ship combined with the tossing of the
waves made for a frightening experience. The young man started
to lose his balance. At that moment, an older sailor underneath
him shouted, "Look up, son, look up!" The young sailor looked up
and regained his balance.
When things seem bad, look to see if you're not facing the
wrong direction. When you're looking at the sun, you see no
shadows. Look back and you build an Edsel, look forward and you
build a Mustang. When the outlook isn't good, try the uplook-
it's always good. Apply the principles I have already presented,
add to them the ones I will discuss, and you will reach your goals.


I want to emphasize - what you get by reaching your goals

is not nearly as important as what you become by reaching
them. What about you? Are you sold on the necessity of having
goals? Have you started your record keeping so you can find out
where you are? Have you taken the first step toward setting your
goals? Have you started listing the obstacles that stand between
you and your goals? Can you at least partially "see the reaching?"
If you answered, "Yes," to all of these questions, draw a bold
square around the word "goal" on the "stairway" page. Then,
make a note on your Trigger Page to complete the record keeping
on your goal setting commitments in thirty days. At that time
turn again to this page and encircle the word "goal."
Commit your goals to writing on one or more 3x5 cards. Make
certain you print or type clearly so you can easily read every word

in every line. Seal the card or cards in plastic [it costs a quarter]
and keep these goals with you at all times. Review them daily. In a
later chapter you'll understand more fully why this is so
important. For the present, action is our objective. Remember,
the largest locomotive in the world can be held in its tracks while
standing still simply by placing a single one-inch block of wood in
front of each of the eight drive wheels. The same locomotive
moving at 100 miles per hour can crash through a wall of steel
reinforced concrete five feet thick. That's the way you are when
you're in action. Start now and get up that head of steam. Crash
through those obstacles that stand between you and your goals.
With the completion of this Segment you are on step number
three. As you can clearly see it is not designed for sitting. You
hold your foot on it only long enough to step up to step number
four. With this in mind take your felt-tip pen and on the third step
write in big bold letters: "ME - ON MY WAY."




When you know where you are going, you are half
way there.






W. Clement Stone and
Sammy Hall and
Charles Paul Conn - HOOKED ON A GOOD THING



Would you like to make more money, have more fun, enjoy life
more, reduce fatigue, increase effectiveness, get along better
with your neighbors, contribute more to society, enjoy better
health and improve your family relationships? No, you are not
reading the script from your daily soap opera. Nor is it Hadicol
reborn. Nevertheless, all of these things are not only possible but
entirely probable with the right mental attitude.
In America today, there are over 30,000 schools that will teach
you how to do everything from trimming toenails and operating
heavy machinery to removing tonsils and curling hair. However,
there is not a single school in existence that will teach you how to
be any better than mediocre unless you have the right mental
attitude. This is one thing about which everybody agrees,
whether they are doctors, lawyers, teachers, salespeople,
parents, kids, Democrats, Republicans, coaches or athletes. They
all share the opinion that your attitude, as you undertake a
project, is the dominant factor in its success. In short, your
attitude is more important than your aptitude.
Despite the overwhelming evidence which supports the
importance of the right mental attitude, our entire educational
system from kindergarten through graduate school virtually
ignores or is unaware of this vital factor in our life. 90% of our
education is directed at acquiring facts and figures with only 10%
of our education aimed at our "feelings" or attitudes. And even
than 10% is a little misleading because much of it is aimed at
athletic events and their related activities [band, pep squad,
cheerleader, etc.]
These figures are truly incredible and distressing when we
realize that our "thinking" [facts] brain is only 10% as large as our
"feeling" [emotion-attitude] brain. Keep reading - it gets worse.
A study by Harvard University revealed that 85% of the reasons
for success, accomplishments, promotions, etc. were because of

our attitudes and only 15% because of our technical expertise

[facts]. Simply stated this means we are spending 90% of our
educational time and dollars developing that part of us which is
responsible for 15% of our success. We spend 10% of our time and
finances developing that part of us which accounts for 85% of our
success. And this doesn't take into account the happiness and
enjoyment factors. That is the prime reason See You At The Top
and the course based on the book [The Richer Life Course], which
deals with this tremendous need in our educational system, has
been so effective. Students and teachers are literally starved for
guidance in building the proper attitude foundation.
As a matter of fact, William James, the father of American
psychology, stated that the most important discovery of our time
is that we can alter our lives by altering our attitudes.
In layman's language we are not "stuck" with the attitude we
have. Whether it's good, bad, or indifferent, it can be - it will be
changed - and this book provides some of the answers about how
to change to the P.L.A. [positive life attitude.]
There are many facets to this fascinating subject we call
attitude. One of them concerns optimism. An optimist, as you
probably know, is a person who, when he wears out his shoes
just figures he's back on his feet. I love the way Robert Schuller
differentiates between the optimist and the pessimist. The
pessimist says, "I'll believe it when I see it." The optimist says,
"I'll see it when I believe it." The optimist takes action - the
pessimist takes a seat. An optimist takes a look at a half glass of
water and says it's half full. The pessimist looks at the same half
glass of water and says it's half empty. The reason is simple. The
optimist is putting water in the glass. The pessimist is taking
water out of the glass. It's almost a universal truth that the person
who is taking from society with no real effort to contribute to
society is pessimistic and often fatalistic because he fears there
won't be enough for him. The person who is doing his best and is
making a contribution is optimistic and confident because he is
personally working on the solution. In life the difference between
success and failure is often only an inch or two.
For example, the great race horse Nashua won over a million

dollars on the race track in less than one hour of actual racing.
Hundreds of hours of training were involved, but only an hour of
competitive racing on the track. Obviously, Nashua was worth at
least a million dollars and a million-dollar horse is truly a rare
animal. You can buy 100 ten-thousand-dollar race horses for a
million dollars, and that's a mathematical fact. The reason is
obvious. The million-dollar horse can run 100 times as fast as a
ten-thousand-dollar horse. Right? Wrong! He can run only twice
as fast. Right? Wrong again! As a matter of fact, he can run only
25%, or is it just 10% faster or 1% faster? Wrong on all accounts.
How much faster can a million-dollar horse run than a ten-
thousand-dollar horse? Several years ago at the Arlington
Futurity, the difference between first and second place was
$100,000. The Arlington Futurity is a race of one and one-eighth
miles, which as you well know is 71,280 inches. [You did know
that, didn't you?] The difference between first place and second
place was just one of those 71,280 inches. That's right. There was
1/71,280th difference between first and second place, and I might
repeat that other inch was worth $100,000.
The winning jockey in the 1974 Kentucky Derby was paid
$27,000. Less than two seconds later, the jockey who brought his
horse home in fourth place crossed the finish line. He was paid
$30. Now whether that is right or wrong is beside the point.
That's the way the game of life is played and we cannot change
the rules of the game. What we can and must do is learn the rules
well and then play them to the best of our ability.
Attitude is the "little" thing that makes the big difference.
The story of life proves that it is often the minute things that spell
the differences between triumph and tragedy, success and
failure, victory or defeat. For example, if you call a girl a kitten,
she will love you. Call her a cat and you're in trouble. Say she's a
vision and you score points. Call her a sight and you've got a
problem. It's the part of the blanket that hangs over the bed that
keeps you warm. [If you don't believe this, it just means that
you've never been in the service and been "short sheeted."] A
watch that's four hours off is no problem because anyone will
instantly know the watch is wrong and make the necessary
corrections. One that is four minutes wrong - especially if it's
slow - can create all kinds of problems. For example, if I'm

scheduled to catch a flight at 10:00 a.m. and I get there at 10:04

I'm in serious trouble because of the arrangement I have with the
airline. The deal is simply that if I'm not there when they get
ready to go that they are just to go ahead without me. I found out
last summer that they live up to their end of the agreement. I also
found out that airplanes are much easier to catch - before they
leave the ground.


In your race to the top in the game of life, the difference

between success and failure is frequently measured in minute
amounts. The difference between happiness and unhappiness,
making or missing a sale, being champion or an also ran is often
measured in inches, but the difference in the rewards for the
winner and the also ran is enormous.
There is no commission on the sale you almost make, no fun on
the trips you almost take and no security in the promotion you
almost get. There is no thrill in "almost" doing anything in the
game of life. The thrill comes from the accomplishment, and
many times the difference between accomplishment and failure
is having the right mental attitude.
Attitude has many facets, and that's one of the reasons we
cover it in such detail in this book. Take, for instance, your own
attitude. If you are a student and you study for grades, you will
get them, but if you study for knowledge, you will get even better
grades and considerably more know ledge. If you strive to make a
sale, you will probably make it. Strive to make the sale in such a
way that you build a career and you will sell even more and build
your career in the process. If you work only for a salary, you will
get one, but it will probably be small. If you work for the
betterment of the company you represent, not only will you get a
bigger salary, but you will get personal satisfaction as well as
respect from your colleagues. Your contribution to your company
will be infinitely greater which means that your personal and
professional rewards will be greater; This story says it quite well.
Several years ago on an extremely hot day, a crew of men were
working on the road bed of the railroad when they were
interrupted by a slow moving train. The train ground to a stop

and a window in the last car - which incidentally was custom

made and air conditioned - was raised. A booming, friendly
voice called out, "Dave, is that you?" Dave Anderson, the crew
chief called back, "Sure is, Jim, and it's really good to see you."
With that pleasant exchange, Dave Anderson was invited to join
Jim Murphy, the president of the railroad, for a visit. For over an
hour the men exchanged pleasantries and then shook hands
warmly as the train pulled out.
Dave Anderson's crew immediately surrounded him and to a
man expressed astonishment that he knew Jim Murphy, the
president of the railroad as a personal friend. Dave then
explained that over 20 years earlier he and Jim Murphy had
started to work for the railroad on the same day. One of the men,
half jokingly and half seriously asked Dave why he was still
working out in the hot sun and Jim Murphy had gotten to be
president. Rather wistfully Dave explained, "twenty-three years
ago I went to work for $1.75 an hour and Jim Murphy went to
work for the railroad."


Say the word "attitude," and most people think in terms of the
positive and negative mental attitude. Although there are many
facets to attitude, as you are discovering, I would like to discuss
the most familiar one for a moment. Let's look together at the
positive aspect of attitude. The best definition of "positive
thinking" I know came from my daughter, Suzan, when she was
ten years old. I had just returned from Pensacola, Florida, where
I conducted a series of seminars for the U.S. Navy. The family
had picked me up at the Atlanta Airport and we were driving
toward our home in Stone Mountain, Georgia. I was quite excited
about the trip and was giving my redhead some of the details. I
overheard Suzan's girl friend ask her what her daddy did for a
living. Suzan told her I sold that '~positive thinking stuff."
Naturally the little friend wanted to know what that "positive
thinking stuff' was. Suzan explained, "Oh, you know, that's what
makes you feel real good even when you feel real bad." I've never
heard positive thinking explained any better. How you think does
determine what you become.


I'm confident you have known someone who has been married
anywhere from ten to twenty-five years and have no children.
Then they adopted a baby, and within a year or two they had one
of their own. Don't misunderstand; there are thousands of people
who for physiological reasons cannot have children, but there are
even more who for psychological reasons do not have children.
Many times, if a baby is not immediately forthcoming, the
couple grows unduly concerned and are soon expressing the fear
that they cannot have a family. Then they decide to adopt a baby
"before it is too late." When the baby arrives, they are invariably
approached by numbers of "friends" and relatives who tell them
essentially the same thing, "Wouldn't it be funny if the same
thing happened to you that happened to my cousin, sister, friend,
neighbor, acquaintance, etc. ? The doctor told them they could not
have children so they adopted a baby, and within a few months
they discovered they were going to have one all on their own."
The mind is a dutiful servant and will follow the instructions
we give it. For years the couple had been negatively instructing
their minds, "We cannot have a baby," and the body followed the
mind's instructions. Later when their friends gave them positive
examples of others with the same situation, invaribly the
husband and wife said to each other, "Wouldn't it be funny if that
happened to us?" Now you can finish the story, can't you?


A few years ago I was in Flint, Michigan speaking at a

luncheon for the Flint Board of Realtors. I'll never forget the
experience. Before I spoke, I was visiting pleasantly with the
gentleman on my left, when I made the most serious mistake of
the day. I asked him about his business expecting to get an
enthusiastic response, but for the next ten minutes he elaborated
on how bad business really was. He informed me General Motors
was on strike and when General Motors was on strike, nobody
bought anything from anybody. He assured me things were so
bad that the people were not buying shoes, clothes, cars, or even
food so they certainly were not buying houses. "I haven't sold a

house in so long I honestly don't believe I would know how to fill

out the contract," he said. "If it doesn't end in a hurry, I'm going to
go bankrupt." He really labored the point. His attitude was so
contagious and he was so negative he could have brightened up
the whole room - by leaving it. As "this old boy" down home
would say, "He is the kind of guy who can be frequently
overheard saying nothing."
Finally, somebody saved my day by diverting his attention
with a question. I quickly turned to the little lady on my right and
asked, "Well, how is everything?" Now, I think you'll agree a
question like that gave her all kinds of leeway. She could go in any
direction she desired and talk about any subject she wished.
Guess what she said? "Well, you know, Mr. Ziglar, General
Motors is on strike ..." I thought to myself, "Oh no, not again."
Then she broke out in a big beautiful smile and finished the
sentence by saying, "So business is fantastic. For the first time in
months, these people have plenty of time to go shopping for the
home of their dreams." "Why," she said, "some of them will spend
half a day looking at one house. They start in the attic and check
the insulation. They measure every square inch and check
everything from closets and cabinets to the foundation. I even had
one couple do their own title search on a piece of property. These
people know the strike is going to end and they have faith in the
American economy, but the most important thing is this, they
know they can buy a home cheaper right now than they will ever
be able to buy one again. So, business is really booming." Then she
got quite confidential as she said, "Mr. Ziglar, do you know
anyone in Washington? [Now remember, this was before
Watergate.] I said, "I sure do. I have a nephew in school down
there." Then she said, "No, no, I mean do you know anyone in
Washington who has some political influence?" I said, "No, I'm
afraid not, but why do you ask?" She replied, "I was thinking. If
you knew someone who could keep this strike going for six more
weeks, that's all I would need - just six more weeks and I could
quit for the year."
One person was going broke because of the strike and another
was getting rich because of it. The external conditions were the
same, but their attitudes were enormously different. I'm
convinced your business is never either good or bad - out there.

Your business is either good or bad between your ears. If your

thinkin' is stinkin', your business is going to be the same. If your
thinking right, your business is going to be right.


In the 1930's, minor league baseball was truly outstanding,

and it was especially so in the Texas League. In those years, for
instance, the San Antonio team had seven batters who hit over
300. During the 1976 major league season, only 10 American
League batters hit that well and only 14 were able to accomplish
it in the entire National League. At any rate, everybody was
confident San Antonio would win the pennant, especially with its
abundance of outstanding hitters. However, as is often the case on
"sure things," a funny thing happened on the way to the pennant.
San Antonio lost its first, second and third game. They lost the
fourth and the fifth and the sixth games, too. As a matter of fact,
at the end of 21 games, the San Antonio baseball team, power
laden though it was, had lost 18 games.
The pitcher was blaming the catcher, the catcher was
blaming the shortstop, the shortstop was blaming the first
baseman, the first baseman was blaming the outfielder. As a
matter of fact, everybody was blaming everybody else and the
results were obviously and understandably disastrous.
And then one day - this talent-laden, but slump ridden San
Antonio team played Dallas, the weakest hitting team in the
league, in an afternoon game and Dallas won the game, 1-0.
San Antonio got only one hit. Josh O'Reilly, the outstanding
manager of the San Antonio team knew that his team was
physically sound. The problem was "a lousy mental attitude. "In
short - they were suffering from "stinkin' thinkin'," so O'Reilly
looked around for a "cure" for the disease. At this time there was a
faith healer in Dallas named Slater who had gained a reputation
as a miracle worker, so O'Reilly devised a plan.
The second game of the series was just one hour away when
O'Reilly took action. He came into the clubhouse with a burst of
enthusiasm and said, "Fellows, I've got the answer to our
problems. Don't worry about a thing. Give me your two best bats
and I'll be back with you before game time. We're going to win

this game today and we're going to win the pennant." He took
each man's two best bats, put them in a wheelbarrow and left. He
returned about five minutes before game time afire with
enthusiasm as he spoke to his team. "Fellows," he said, "we've got
the problem solved. Don't worry about a thing. I've been to Mr.
Slater, and he's put his blessings on these bats. He says all we
have to do is step up to the plate, take a cut and we'll hit the ball.
We're going to win this game and we're going to win the pennant.
Don't worry about a thing. Just "go get 'em tigers."
And what did his tigers do? Remember now, this is the team
that had been beaten a day earlier by a score of 1 to O. But as the
song goes, ''What a Difference a Day Makes." The San Antonio
team that had only gotten one hit the day before scored 22 runs
and got 37 hits, including 11 home runs. I don't think it's
necessary to point out that they won the game. Not only did they
win the game, but they also won the pennant.
Some intriguing thoughts come to mind from this story,
especially since Slater bats sold at a high premium throughout
the Texas League for several years. First of all, no one ever
established whether Slater had actually seen those bats. But
suppose he had, what could Slater do to the pile of wood from
which the bats were made. I'm sure you'll agree there was
nothing Slater could have done to that pile of wood. However, I'm
personally convinced there was a great deal he could do with the
attitude of the men who were swinging the bats. Yes, indeed,
something did happen to the minds of the men, and that's why
they got all the hits that won the game and the pennant.


A positive attitude will have positive results because

attitudes are contagious. One such attitude is enthusiasm.
Elbert Hubbard said, "Nothing great has ever been ac-
complished without enthusiasm." The difference between the
good preacher and the great preacher, the good mother and the
great mother, the good speaker and the great speaker or the good
salesman and the great salesman is often enthusiasm. The word
"enthusiasm" comes from the Greek words en theos and simply
means "God within." If you look at the word "enthusiasm" the last

four letters form an acrostic, "Iasm," which can stand for "I am,
sold, myself." If you are sold yourself and if you truly believe in
your cause, your company and your product, then you don't have a
"teeth-out" enthusiasm. You have an enthusiasm that comes from
the wellspring of all the resources within you.
Real enthusiasm is not something you "put on" and "take off"
to fit the occasion, it is a way of life and not something you use to
impress people. It has nothing to do with being loud or noisy; it is
an outward expression of an inner feeling. Many extremely
enthusiastic people are fairly quiet, yet every fiber of their being,
every word and action, attest to the fact they love life and what it
means to them. Some people who are enthusiastic are obviously
loud, but loudness is neither a requisite for, nor is it necessarily
an indication of enthusiasm.


According to Allan Bellamy, who personifies enthusiasm,

most people let conditions control their attitude instead of using
their attitude to control conditions. If ''things'' are good, their
attitude is good. If "things" are bad, their attitude is bad. Allan
believes that's the wrong approach. He believes you should build
a solid attitude foundation so when "things" are good your
attitude is good and when "things" are bad your attitude is still
good, which means that soon "things" will be good. His own story
supports this point.
When Allan returned from the Korean War, his mother
invited him to join her in a "Mom & Pop" grocery store. Allan says
it was so small, when you opened the front door it bumped against
the meat counter - which was at the back door. Business was
good - real good for Allan and his mother in Pine Bluff,
Arkansas. This wasn't surprising because any mother who can
raise her family from the dirt floor of a tent, when left on her own
during the depression, and give them an education, has a lot
going for her.
Since he was raised on the "someday we'll make it big"
philosophy, Allan wasn't the least bit bashful about talking to the
local banker about a loan - a big one, to expand the store. With
limited capital but unlimited enthusiasm he persuaded the bank

to loan them $95,000 to build a supermarket. Opening day was

chaotic - [lots of rain on an unpaved parking lot] but highly
successful. His business grew and prospered - and then word
leaked out that Pine Bluff, Arkansas was the place to build a
supermarket. During the next six months, ten major chain
competitors opened a store in the area. Every opening took a little
more of the Mad Butcher's business. [He got that name when a
salesman told him it was madness to buy neck bones for 15 cents a
pound and sell them for 10 cents. Allan assured him it was all
right because he was the "Mad Butcher" - and the name was
born.] Pretty soon Allan was doing less business in the big store
than he had in the little one; and things looked pretty bleak. Then
Allan and four of his people signed up for a public speaking
course which places considerable emphasis on the right mental
attitude. The fifth session was on enthusiasm which is, after all,
an attitude. After that night Allan decided he and his people
would be five times as enthusiastic as ever before. Now everyone
in Pine Bluff knew he was mad. His customers were met at the
door with an enthusiastic welcome and the entire attitude from
top to bottom and front to back changed dramatically - and so
did the results. In just four weeks the business jumped from
$15,000 per week to $30,000 per week - and it hasn't fallen below
that amount since.
Please understand, Pine Bluff didn't suddenly increase its
population nor did the competition close their doors [though
seven of them have now thrown in the towel.] The only change
was the addition of enthusiasm. Since it worked so well on a
temporary basis, Allan decided to leave it in permanently. Since
that date, nearly seventeen years ago, the Mad Butcher has
expanded into 26 highly successful stores. In 1974, in the face of a
declining economy, The Mad Butcher, Inc. had the largest dollar
and percentage increase in its history. 1976 was even better with
sales in the neighborhood of $35,000,000 [that's a nice
neighborhood]. The enthusiasm is so contagious that personnel
turnover is practically zero. Since people are the prime reason for
any business success or failure, Allan Bellamy - The Mad
Butcher - is enthusiastically in the people-building business. He
believes - as do most successful business people - that if you
build your people, your people will build your business.


In today's world we hear so much about the go-getter we often

overlook the go-giv~r. Don't misunderstand. I'm 100% for the go-
getter. I feel "this old boy down home" was right on target. In the
days of yesteryear, he ferried passengers across the Yazoo River
which flows along the outskirts of Yazoo City, Mississippi. It was
on this river - within the city limits, that the first torpedo was
used in actual warfare. It happened in the War of Northern
Aggression which is referred to in some Yankee history books as
the Civi I War. [That Iurn p you see in my cheek is my tongue.] This
old boy charged ten cents for each trip across the river. Once
when asked how many trips he made each day, he answered, "As
many as I can because the more I go, the more I get and if I don't
go, I don't get."
Yes, I believe in the go-get attitude and the go-give attitude.
As a matter of fact, I don't believe you can separate them, as the
story of Israel, which is the most exciting story of the 20th
Century, so clearly demonstrates. Born in adversity in 1948 - as
the Bible had prophesied - the Israeli have created prosperity
and a veritable oasis, in a sea of sand and poverty, among their
Arab neighbors. [Don't be misled by those wealthy oil sheiks, the
vast majority live in unbelievable poverty and ignorance.]
Although Israel was terribly short in many resources, the Israeli
did not let what they did not have, prevent them from using what
they did have. When you've waited 2,000 years to come back home
and have suffered persecution and discrimination all over the
world, you can rest assured that every man, woman and child
returned to his homeland with a tremendous amount of zeal and
determination. Each came bringing the pent-up frustration of
2,000 years of being denied freedom and equal opportunity. Each
one came to carve for himself a place in his homeland, and he was
not only willing, he was anxious to give something in return.
The results have been the wonder of this century. He added
water by irrigating the desert - and created high producing
vineyards. He added ingenuity to hard work and attracted
business and tourists from all over the world. He added
commitment, pride, and the go-give spirit to a population of less
than 3,000,000 people. This commitment and dedication in

building a free and prosperous land, has enabled Israel to more

than hold her own against the combined forces of the 100,000,000
Arab people who surround her. Yes, Israel is quite a story. They
came to give - and get. They did both. Incidentally, Israel has
the lowest crime rate in the Western world and vandalism is
virtually nonexistent.
It's universally true; when you build something with your
own blood, sweat and tears, it's highly unlikely you will tum
around and tear it down. Builders are not destroyers - and
destroyers are not builders.


You are what you are and where you are because of what has
gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where
you are by changing what goes into your mind. In late 1979, we
invested a considerable sum of money in a computer. I told
everyone about this marvelous machine which would handle
our inventory, payroll, mailing list, labeling and do everything
up to and including making our morning coffee and cleaning
the kitchen. I was really excited about that computer! Six
months later I would have sold it for a fraction of its price tag.
Today, if I could not replace it, I would not take ten times what
I paid for it. What's the difference? The answer is simple. The
first people we hired to program the computer could have fouled
up a two-car parade. (As a matter of fact, that's what they did!)
Then one day, Marilyn and Dave Bauer walked in the front door
and assured us they could make that computer laugh and talk and
whistle and sing and even do some work. We eagerly put them to
work and in short order the computer was doing everything we had
hoped it would-and a lot more. That computer is truly amazing-
but its "output" is determined by its "input." It is no better and
no worse than the person or persons who "program" it. That's the
way you are. To a large extent you will act, think and perform as
you have been "programmed" to do.
A major difference between you and the computer is that you
can choose the program and programmers for your mind. If you
are not as far down life's highway as you would like to be, maybe
you have been following the wrong program. Maybe-just maybe-

the input into your mind has been negative and, hence, has held
you back instead of propelling you forward. One other purpose
of See You A t The Top is to help you with an "input" program
which will help you do what you want to do - have what you
want to have - and be what you want to be.



The way you see things - your attitude - is the most

important factor in its success. It's always been that way, as
this story which happened thousands of years ago proves.
I love the Bible and believe it should be made available as a
course in every school, because God so clearly demonstrates the
difference between positive and negative thinking. The story of
David and Goliath is one of my favorites and clearly emphasizes
the point. The 9-foot, 400-lb. Goliath is challenging the children
of Israel and blaspheming Almighty God. David, a 17-year-old,
fuzzy-cheeked lad who came to see his brothers, demanded to
know why they weren't accepting the challenge. [The rest is
scripturally accurate but slightly Ziglarized.] The brothers ex-
plained that you could easily get hurt by fighting fellows like
Goliath. They felt certain Goliath was just too big to hit. David
knew Goliath was too big to miss. Next, David wanted to know
where the King was and the brothers explained that the King
didn't feel so good. When David told the brothers he would fight
Goliath, they figured he was crazy. Obviously, the brothers were
comparing their size to Goliath's and that made the 9-ft. Goliath
pretty big. David was comparing Goliath's size to God-and that
quite obviously made Goliath pretty small. [In case you haven't
heard - David and God won.]
I also love the Bible because of its beautiful simplicity and
clarity. Many people say they don't read the Bible because they
don't understand it. I'm convinced their problem is not what
they don't understand but what they do understand. Personal-
ly, I feel God speaks quite clearly. I'm sure you've noticed He
didn't call the Ten Commandments the Ten Suggestions.
The "right" mental attitude encompasses so many areas that
it would be difficult to decide which is the most important one.
The next story zeroes in on one of the most neglected areas.


When I was an instructor for the Dale Carnegie Institute in

New York City, it was my privilege to meet an outstanding
salesman who was over 60 years of age. His name was Ed Green,
and he sold real "pie in the sky" advertising. His income was
reputed to be in excess of $75,000 a year, which would be the
equivalent of something like $125,000 in today's economy. One
night, after one of the classes, I engaged Ed in conversation and
asked him quite frankly what he was doing in a class being
taught by three men who had a combined income less than his. He
smilingly replied "Zig, let me tell you a little story. When I was a
boy, my dad took me on a trip through our garden. Dad was
probably the best gardener in the community. He worked at it,
loved it and was proud of it. After we finished the trip, Dad asked
what I learned from the tour." Ed smiled as he continued, "The
only thing I could see was that Dad had obviousy done a lot of
work in the garden. At this point Dad became somewhat
impatient and said, "Son, I had hoped you would observe that as
long as the vegetables were green, they were growing, but when they
got ripe, they started to rot."
Ed finished the story by saying, "And you know, Zig, I've
never forgotten that story. I came to this class because I figured I
would learn something. To be completely honest, I did learn
something in one of the classes that enabled me to close an
account worth many thousands of dollars in commissions. I'd
tried for over two years to make that sale. The commission from it
has paid for all of the sales training I've taken all of my life."
Naturally, it was exciting to get a testimonial from a man like
Ed Green. We continued the conversation, and I pointed out how
pleased I was at his response. I also mentioned that one of the
younger members of the class complained he "had heard all of
these things and wasn't getting a thing out of the class." Ed
observed that the young man had an attitude problem. Then he
drew an interesting analogy, "Zig, I've been married over 40
years and when my wife puckers up for me to kiss her, I know
exactly how it is going to be, but I still enjoy it."
In the game of life, you retain that zest for living and for
learning by constantly seeking to put into your mind the things

which will result in growth. Peter Drucker expressed it this way,

"Knowledge has to be improved, challenged and increased
constantly or it vanishes."


The next example might make the most important point in

this book.
Mr. B wasn't satisfied with the way things were going in his
company. He called a meeting and said, "Now, folks, we have to
get organized. Some of you come to work late and some leave
early. Why, some of you don't even accept the full responsibility of
your jobs. Now, as President of this company, I am going to
reorganize it.Since I should set the example for you to follow,
here's what I'm going to do. From now on, I will be here early, I
will stay late. In everything I do, I intend to be an example. If my
example is good, you'll be expected to follow it. If it isn't good, I
would understand if you followed it. We have a fine company and
the future looks great if each of us properly handles his job and
does his "best."
Like a lot of people, Mr. B's intentions were good, but a few
days later he became engrossed in conversation during a
luncheon at the country club and forgot the time. When he finally
looked at his watch he was so startled, he almost dropped his cup
of coffee as he said, "Oh, my goodness, I'm due back at the office in
10 minutes." He hopped up, made a mad dash to the parking lot,
jumped in his automobile, scratched off and burned rubber like
nobody you have ever seen. He was doing about 90 miles per hour
down the freeway when the long arm of the law entered the
picture and gave him a blistering tongue lashing and a ticket.
[Hope this doesn't bring back painful memories.]
Mr. B was furious. Muttering to himself, he said, "This is
really something. Here I am, a peaceful, tax-paying, law-abiding
citizen, minding my own business, when this guy comes along
and gives me a ticket. What he should be doing is spending his
time looking for criminals, thieves and robbers. He should leave
us tax-paying citizens alone. Just because I was going fast doesn't
mean that I wasn't safe. This is ridiculous."


When he got back to the office, to divert attention from the fact
that he was late, he called his sales manager in for a conference,
Angrily, he asked if the Armstrong sale had been finalized. The
sales manager said, "Mr. B, I don't know what happened but
something did and we lost the sale." Now, if you think Mr. B was
upset before, you should have seen him now. He hit the ceiling as
he read the "riot act" to the sales manager. "You know, I've had
you on the payroll for eighteen years. During that time, I've
depended upon you to produce business. Now, at last, we have an
opportunity to make the big deal that would have enabled us to
expand our product line, and what do you do? You blow it. Well,
let me tell you something, friend. You are either going to replace
that business, or I'm going to replace you. Just because you've
been here 18 years doesn't mean you have a lifetime contract." Oh
boy, he was really upset.

But, if you think Mr. B was upset, you should have seen his
sales manager. He charged out of the office muttering under his
breath, "Isn't this something? For 18 years I've given this
company my 100% effort. I'm the one responsible for the success
and growth of the company because I create all the new business.
I'm the one who holds the company together and keeps it
functioning. Mr. B is just a figurehead. This company would go
down the tube in nothing flat if it weren't for me. Now, just
because I miss one sale, he uses a cheap, lousy trick and threatens
to fire me. This isn't right."
Still talking to himself, the sales manager calls his secretary
in and demands, "Did you finish those five letters I gave you this
morning?" She said, "No, don't you remember, you told me the
Hillard account took precedence over everything else? That's
what I've been doing." Now the sales manager exploded. "Don't
give me any lousy excuses," he barked, "I told you I wanted those
letters out, and if you can't get them out, I'll get someone who can.
Just because you have been here seven years doesn't mean you
have a lifetime contract. I want those letters mailed today, and I
want them mailed without fail." Oh my, he was upset.


But if you think he was upset, you should have seen the
secretary. She really blew her stack as she stomped out of the
sales manager's office talking to herself. "How about that? For
seven years I've given this job my very best. Hundreds of hours of
overtime work and never a dime in overtime pay. I do more work
than any three people around here. As a matter of fact, I'm really
the one who has kept the company together. Now, just because I
can't do two things at the same time, he threatens to fire me. This
isn't right. Besides, with all the things I know about him, who
does he think he's kidding?" She walked out to the switchboard
operator and said, "I have some letters I want you to type. Now, I
know that ordinarily this isn't your job, but you don't do anything
anyway except sit here and occasionally answer the telephone.
Besides, this is an emergency and I want these letters mailed
today. If you can't get them, let me know and I'll get somebody
who can." Oh, she was upset and she let everyone know it.


But if you think she was upset, you should have seen the
switchboard operator. She just about hit the ceiling. "This is
really something," she said, "Here I am, the hardest-working
member of the staff and the lowest paid. I have to do four things at
once and they don't do a thing in the back but drink coffee, gossip
and talk on the telephone. Only occasionally do they do any work,
and every time they get behind they call on me to bail them out. It
just isn't fair. This garbage about replacing me is really a joke
because I'm the only one who has any idea about what is going on
around here. If it hadn't been for me the company would have
gone down the tube long ago. Not only that, but they know they
couldn't find anyone to do my work at twice my salary." She got
the letters out, but she really was burning as she did.
When she got home, she was still fuming. She walked into the
house, slammed the door and proceeded into the den. The first
thing she saw was her 12-year-old son lying on the floor watching
television. The second thing she saw was a big rip across the seat
of his britches. Highly provoked she said, "Son, how many times

have I told you to put on your play clothes when you come home
from school? Mother has a hard enough time as it is just
supporting you, sending you through school and running this
entire household. Now, you go upstairs right now. There's going
to be no dinner for you tonight and no television for the next three
weeks." Oh, she was upset.


But if you think she was upset, you should have seen her 12-
year-old son. He stomped out of the den saying, "This isn't fair. I
was doing something for mother, but she didn't even give me a
chance to explain what happened. It was an accident, and could
have happened to anybody." About that time, his tomcat walked
in front of him. That proved to be a mistake. The boy gave him a
big boot and said, "You get out of here! You've probably been up
to some no good yourself."
Obviously, the tomcat was the only principal involved in this
series of events who couldn't have altered the events, and this
leads me to ask a very simple question. Wouldn't it have been
much better if Mr. B had just gone directly from the country club
to the switchboard operator's house and kicked that cat himelf?
Now, for a more important question. Whose cat have you been
kicking lately? In order to help you answer my question, let's look
at a series of reactions to situations. How do you react to humor?
How about a smile? A compliment? How do you respond to
agreeable people? How do you react when you make a sale or
when people are nice, pleasant and courteous to you? How do you
respond to a beautiful day or to a waitress who looks after your
needs in a courteous manner? I'll bet you're pleasant, smile back
and are courteous. I'll bet you appreciate all these things and they
make you a friendly person. But for this you don't get a nickel's
worth of credit. You see, anybody can respond favorably to
circumstances like those we just described.


How do you react to rudeness, anger, sarcasm, rejection or a

slow, rude waitress? How do you respond to a traffic delay or a



Don't be a cat kicker.

React positively to negative situations.

cold, dreary day? When somebody gives you an undeserved

verbal blast, do you blast right back? Do you let others pull you
down to their level or do you recognize that the incident probably
has nothing to do with you; someone else may have just stopped by
and "kicked their cat." You just happened to be the next one in
line. When the driver behinds you lets go with a blast of the horn,
despite the fact traffic is stalled a mile in either direction, what
do you do? Do you turn around and shake your fist at him while
giving him a dirty look? Do you let him pull you down to his level,
or do you smile and say, "Just because somebody kicked his "cat"
is no reason for me to let him kick mine." When your wife, or
husband, takes some pent-up frustration out on you, how do you
react? How do you react to being passed over for a promotion,
getting a "e" instead of an "A," missing a big sale, being slighted
by Mr. Big, not being invited to the senior prom, failing to make
the team or being elected to the club presidency? Your response
to the negative "cat kicking" situations will largely determine
your success and happiness in life.
The bum in the Bowery, the community leader, the top
student, the self-made millionaire and the Mother of the Year all
have a great deal in common. Each one faces frustration,
heartache, disappointment, despondency and defeat. The
difference in accomplishment is the result of a different reaction
to the negatives of life. The bum reacted by saying "poor me" and
in an effort to drown his problems by drinking - drowned in his
drink. The successful person took similar and often greater
problems - reacted positively - sought the benefit in the
problem and came out stronger and more successful as a result.
We can't tailor-make the situations of life, but we can tailor-
make the attitude to fit them - before they arise. That's
attitude control, and you will learn "how" in this book. You will
learn in most cases, when somebody gives you an undeserved
verbal blast it is because somebody else kicked his "cat." You will
learn that it has nothing to do with you. More importantly, you
will learn how to react positively to that negative and to other
negatives as well.
As a starter, let me suggest the next time someone [start with
a loved one] lowers the boom on your innocent head [be careful
now and know you are innocent], smile and say, "Honey, has

anyone been kicking your "cat" today?" If you survive that one
[you will], you can move to the general public with a slight
variation. When a stranger or casual acquaintance "chews you
out" for no reason [again be careful and know you are innocent],
just smile and say, "I have an unusual question to ask you - has
anybody been kicking your "cat" today?" This brings on a variety
of responses, but remember at this point you are behind in the
ballgame. [Don't be surprised if he tells you, probably with some
disgust, that he "doesn't have a cat."] This really means you are
reacting positively to the negative and pleasantly to the
unpleasant. It's natural and human to feel that the other person
doesn't deserve such nice treatment from you. And you might be
right, but this response is best for you and you deserve the best
treatment you can give you.


Now, let's take a positive look at some negative thinking. My

friend and colleague, Cavett Robert, takes a philosophical,
refreshing and common-sense approach to a journey into
Negativeville as he observes, "Nobody fails by falling down or
getting despondent. They only fail if they stay down or negative."
Cavett stresses that you should be like a leaky tire. A defeat
should take something out of you and deflate you a bit. If it didn't,
it would be a strong indication you not only didn't mind losing,
but you weren't emotionally involved in wanting to win.
Let me add, however, I'm talking about your internal reaction
to defeat. Obviously, I don't feel you should pout, throw a temper
tantrum, be a poor sport or indulge in any other childish
behavior. Be gracious and mature and remember, if you learn
from a defeat, you haven't really lost. With this new attitude,
the chances are good you will enter the winner's circle after the
next encounter.
You must be capable of getting emotionally high in order to
fully utilize the talent you have. Frankly, it's always been a
puzzle to me why anyone would think they've done something
terribly wrong and have feelings of guilt, doubt and self-
incrimination whenever they get a little despondent. This is a
natural state of affairs, and it's perfectly all right. Let me

emphasize, however, while it might be normal and all rightto

"get down," it is neither normal nor all right to stay that way.
Sooo - how do you get up when you are down? First -
recognize that you are "down." Second - understand that there
are seldom, if ever, any "hopeless" situations. Third - know
that the condition is temporary and fourth - set a time limit on
how long you plan to stay down. Example: I'm not a member of an
organized political party - I'm a Republican. When Jimmy
Carter defeated Gerald Ford for President, I was terribly
disappointed. I was confident Mr. Ford would be a better
president. After the election I had to decide whether I would try
to help - or hurt Mr. Carter, America, and myself. I knew what I
should do and what my Bible told me to do, but I was disappointed
and felt that I had "earned" a few days of misery so I set
November 15 as my "get up" day. In the interim period I said and
thought negative things about Mr. Carter. On November 15, I
started reading "good things" about Jimmy Carter. I listened to
Carter fans, sought background material, followed his thinking
on cabinet appointments, and studied some of his procedures for
trimming fat from the bureaucracy. In a matter of days, I was
amazed at how much he had changed.
On matters of lesser significance surely two hours is long
enough to stay "down," but you follow the same procedure. In
most cases your contacts with others will probably go like this:
Other person - "How ya doing?" You - "Super good after 11:30."
Other person - "Why after 11:30?" You - "I just suffered a
disappointment and I'm being negative until then." Other person
- "You mean you are going to be negative until 11:30 and then
you will be positive?" You - "That's right." Other person -
"That's silly, if you are going to be positive at 11:30 why not be
positive right now?" You - "O.K. You talked me into it." Silly-
yes and even ludicrous, but it works because you are laughing at
your problems instead of crying about them.
I believe this example will help you accept my statement that
there are no hopeless situations. A famous painting shows the
Devil across a chess board with a young man. The Devil has just
made his. move and the young man's king appears to be
checkmate. Total defeat and despair are registered on the young
man's face. One day the great chess genius, Paul Mercer, stood

looking at that painting. He carefully studied the positions on the

board and suddenly his face lighted up as he shouted to the young
man in the painting, "Don't give up, you still have a move." You
too will always have "one more move"
Let me emphasize a point. Attitude is catching. It's like the
flu. If you wanted the flu, you would go to someone who has it and
become exposed to it. Any time you want to "catch something,"
just go where it's prevalent. If you want to catch the right mental
attitude, go where that attitude exists. Start by going to the
people who have the right mental attitude. If the right people
aren't always available, then go to the right book, or to the
recording of a dynamic speaker.
In today's world, virtually everyone agrees on what I've been
"selling" you. Teachers, coaches, doctors, sales managers,
mothers, etc., all agree that the right mental attitude is
important. The question, Coach, is: "How do we get - and then
keep - the right mental attitude, regardless of "outside"
conditions, people, weather, etc.?" Glad you asked. The answer is
in the next two chapters.



Most successful, happy, well adjusted people I know, want to

know the whys and hows of life. Give them reasons for doing
things when you tell them what to do and they will feel they are
part of the project and not just employees following orders.
Results are definitely better. Since this chapter might be the
most significant one in the book [it is definitely the one which will
produce the fastest results.] I want to explain in lay language the
way the mind works so that you will understand why we suggest
taking certain steps and following the procedures we recom-
mend. Then we get into a very specific procedure which will
enable you to "insure" your attitude and build a foundation so
solid that your attitude controls your circumstances instead of
your circumstances controlling your attitude.
The mind works like a garden. Everyone knows if you plant
beans you won't raise potatoes - you will raise beans. Obviously
you don't plant a bean to raise a bean - you plant a bean to raise
lots of beans. Between planting and harvest there is a tremendous
increase in the number of beans. That's the way the mind works.
Whatever you plant in the mind is going to come up-multiplied.
Plant a negative or a positive and you reap in multiples because
between planting and harvest, imagination enters the picture
and multiplies the result.
In some ways the mind also works like a money bank, but in
other ways, it is quite different. For example, anybody and
anything [radio-T.V., etc.] can make either positive or negative
deposits in your mind bank. Generally speaking, you are the only
one who makes deposits in your bank account and all bank
deposits are positive.
You are the only one who determines who will make
withdrawals from either the bank or the mind. All withdrawals
from the money bank reduce the account. Withdrawals from the

mind increase its strength if you use the right "teller."

In your mind bank there are two tellers - both of whom are
obedient to your every command. One teller is positive and
handles positive deposits and positive withdrawals. The other
teller is negative and will accept all negative deposits and
provide you with negative feedback.
As the owner of your mind, you have complete control over all
withdrawals and most deposits. The deposits represent your total
experience in life. The withdrawals determine your success and
happiness. Obviously, you can't withdraw anything that hasn't
been deposited. [That's true in the cash bank too, isn't it?]
Each transaction involves a choice of which teller to use.
Confront the negative teller with a problem and he will remind
you of how poorly you performed in the past. He will predict
failure with your current problem. Confront your positive teller
and he will enthusiastically tell you how you successfully dealt
with far more difficult problems in the past. He will give you
examples of your skill and genius and assure you that you can
easily solve this problem. Both tellers are right because: Whether
you think you can or think you can't - you are right.
Obviously you know you should deal only with the positive
teller, but can you and will you? The natural tendency is to make
your withdrawals from the latest deposits in your mind
regardless of whether it was powerful and positive or critical and
negative. I emphasize that you have a tendency to withdraw the
latest deposit. Obviously the total deposits in your mind will
dominate the withdrawals.
Question please? Have the deposits been predominately
honest - or dishonest? Moral or immoral? Conservative or
liberal? God-directed or self-centered? Wasteful or saving? Bold
or cautious? Lazy or industrious? Positive or negative? Free
enterprise or socialism?
This I stress. Lots of negative garbage is and has been dumped
into your mind but a lot of good, clean, powerful deposits and
affirmations of "you can do it" have also been injected into your
mind and more are on the way. Now we get into the specifics on
how to bury the negative with even more positive deposits so that
your positive teller is always armed with positive answers when
you approach him for a withdrawal.



If I were to come into your home with a pail of garbage and

dump it on your living room floor, we would have problems -
fast. One of three things would happen. You would either whip
me physically, call the police to have me arrested or get your gun
and say, "Now, Ziglar, I'll just bet you can clean that garbage off
the floor." I'll just bet I could, too. As a matter of fact, I would
probably do it so well there wouldn't be a trace of garbage left.
Interestingly enough, however, you would probably continue to
tell your friends and neighbors about the guy who came in and
dumped garbage on your floor. For months you would probably
say, "I started to shoot him and now I kinda wish I had." You'd
make a big deal of the garbage on the floor.
What do you do to the people who dump garbage into your
mind? How do you respond to those people who come along and
tell you the things you can't do as they build ceilings over your
capability? How do you respond to the people who say unkind
things about your product, your community, your church, your
country, your family, your boss or your school? What do you do to
those people who dump their negative garbage into your mind?
Perhaps you just grin and say, "That's right, this isn't really
going to hurt me. It doesn't bother me to dump the garbage in."
Let me tell you something, my friend, that's where you're just as
wrong as you can be. If you dump garbage in, garbage will come
out. The person who dumps garbage into your mind will do you
considerably more harm than the one who dumps garbage on
your floor.
Every thought that goes into your mind has an effect to some
degree. For example, exhaustive research concerning the
common cold has resulted in almost no reliable data on either the
cause - or the cure for the cold. However, it has been
conclusively established that you are far more likely to "catch"
the cold when you are emotionally down or depressed. "Stinkin'
thinkin' " does cause problems, doesn't it?
On the other side of the ledger, "positive thinking," like Dr.
Norman Vincent Peale has been saying for years, produces
positive results. In 1969 Charles Ritter of Sac City, Iowa had

cancer and one kidney had to be removed. Three months later a

malignancy was discovered in each of his lungs. Since Charley
was physically unable to undergo surgery, the doctors at Mayo
Clinic asked him if he would be willing to try an experimental
drug. With nothing to lose and a life to gain, Charley Ritter
agreed to give it a try. This particular drug apparently works
only on people over sixty years of age and it only works in about
10% of the cases. It worked on Charley. He lived six more years
and then died of a heart attack. The autopsy revealed no trace of
his ever having had cancer. Incidentally, the doctors at Mayo
Clinic have discovered that the cancer victims on whom the drug
works have two things in common. They all have a tremendous
desire to live and they all believe the drug will work on them.


I'm constantly amazed at the inconsistencies concerning our

thinking about the relative value of what goes into our minds. It is
the unanimous opinion of serious students of progress that
education is important. They quote study after study that
"proves" the value of an education and they present irrefutable
evidence for their case. They "prove" that what you learn - what
you put in your mind, does have an effect - a positive one.
Ironically, many of these same people will vehemently argue that
we shouldn't worry about pornographic filth being printed and
circulated or shown on TV because this material which you put in
your mind couldn't possibly have any effect on you. I hope you
agree that thinking like this is a little inconsistent. Obviously, you
can get information from the printed page, the spoken word, or
the TV screen, that inspires you to greater heights - or
negatively affects both motivation and morals.
I hasten to add this is not an opinion. In 1972, the Surgeon
General of the United States, after a two-year study, declared
that evidence showed a definite casual relationship between
televised violence and antisocial behavior. Dr. Albert Benduraof
Stanford and Dr. Leonard Berkowitz of the University of
Wisconsin produced studies which show that people who see
violence portrayed will behave nearly twice as violently as people
who have not seen it. Presentations of violence can cause anyone

to become more aggressive. Children, being more suggestible,

are even more vulnerable. According to Dr. Berkowitz, "It's
pretty certain that people who watch sex movies are going to be
sexually active afterward." Since the average American
youngster spends approximately 15,000 hours watching TV by
the time he graduates from high schools, what he views will
definitely affect his thoughts and, hence, his actions.


Unfortunately, because of our negative environment, most

people expect the worst and they're seldom disappointed. They
plant the negative, so they reap the negative. Here's an example.
Tomorrow morning when you report for work, imagine you see a
note on your desk from the boss saying, "See me as soon as you
arrive." You head for his office, but his secretary intercepts you
and explains he is on long distance for a few minutes, and you'll
have to wait. Now the thought process starts. "I wonder what he
wants. Could he have seen me leave early yesterday? I wonder if
he knows about Joe and me having that argument in front of the
staff? Or is it ... ?" On and on the thoughts go. It's true, we plant a
negative seed and all too often reap a negative harvest.
Let me give you another example. Little Johnny comes home
from school with a note from his teacher suggesting a conference.
Your first thought is, "I wonder what the problem is?" Perhaps
you ask, "I wonder what he has done this time?" It's unfortunate
that we put so many negatives into our minds, because whatever
we put into our minds is going to come out of them. It's like the
story of Teresa Jones, from Wilmington, Delaware. She had a
serious kidney infection. An operation was scheduled to remove
one of the kidneys. After they put her to sleep, they ran the final
test, and discovered that the operation was not necessary. They
didn't remove the kidney, but when she awoke, the first thing she
said was, "Oh, my back. Oh, I hurt. Oh, I feel so bad. Oh, it hurts."
When Teresa was told they had not performed the operation, she
was slightly embarrassed. Obviously, she went to sleep expecting
to wake up hurting, and that is exactly what she did. In her mind,
her pains were just as real as if the operation had been

Whatever you put into your mind becomes a part of the total
you. For example, had you been born in China, spoken the
Chinese language, and listened to Chinese ideology all of your
life, you would in fact be Chinese because you are the sum total
of what goes into your mind. The statement, if you do not live
the life you believe - you will believe the life you live, is far more
than just a cliche. Every action you take and every thought you
put into your mind is going to have its effect.


When I was a child, polio was .a dreaded disease that took a

heavy toll each year as it reaped havoc in the form of crippled
legs, twisted bodies and untimely deaths. Then Dr. Jonas Salk
and his colleagues developed the Salk Vaccine and polio's
devastation was largely curtailed. However, there is still an
occasional incidence of polio when a parent or guardian, for
whatever reason, does not get a youngster inoculated against the
disease. When this happens, and thank God it is a rare occasion,
many people shake their heads and wonder why anyone would
neglect so simple a thing when the procedure is almost 100% safe
and effective. Incredibly enough, however, there are ap-
proximately 20,000,000 youngsters today who have not taken the
Salk Vaccine and some health officials believe there is a real
danger of a new outburst of the disease.
To tell the truth, I can't understand why this condition exists,
1lutlet me tell you about another disease which is infinitely worse.
It affects people of all ages and crosses all race, creed and color
lines. It causes more physical and emotional problems than all
other diseases combined. It sends more people to an early grave,
breaks up more marriages, orphans more children, causes more
unemployment, sends more people to the welfare rolls, creates
more drug addicts and alcoholics and causes more crime than all
other diseases combined. Additionally, it is the most contagious
disease known to man.
This dread disease is "hardening of the attitude" and it's
caused by "stinkin' thinkin'." Fortunately, there is a cure for the
disease if you already have it, and the cure is effective for both
mild and very severe cases. And that's not all. We have now

developed a 'vaccine' procedure which reduces to almost zero the

possibility of acquiring this dread disease if you don't already
have it.
Now before we proceed, let me ask you a question. What would
you think of a person who is in daily contact with polio but refuses
to take the vaccine to protect himself against the disease?
Remember now, the vaccine is free, painless and available, and
the "boss" has promised him a raise if he will just take this simple
step to protect himself and his fellow workers from this highly
contagious disease.
Careful with your answer because I'm obviously setting you
up and "leading" you. However, it's not "down the primrose
path," it's up the stairway to the top.
Realistically, you'd probably be pretty critical of that person,
wouldn't you ? You might even say he was crude, thoughtless and
not exactly a mental giant.
Now for the next obvious question. What would you think of
the person who refused to vaccinate or protect himself against
"hardening of the attitudes" despite the fact the inoculation was
painless and fun, adding that it would not only protect his mental
and physical health but would improve it? Furthermore, it would
increase his job and guarantee a raise while improving his zest
for living and his relationship with friends, family, associates
and even strangers. Just what would you think of anyone who
refused such a vaccine?
You probably smiled gently [if you are not already afflicted
with hardening of the attitudes] and in essence said, "a person
would be doubly foolish to refuse such a treatment." I hope that's
what you said because you are now going to be given an
opportunity to say yes to the vaccination which will eliminate the
stinking thinking and help you avoid the hardening of the
attitudes which we discussed on the dust jacket of this book. This
treatment is really an insurance policy which is unique in every
way imaginable. It costs no money, is guaranteed renewable, and
benefits increase in direct proportion to the number of times you
use it. It is a personal policy since the benefits are personal, but is
also a "group" policy since you can extend the benefits to other
people and increase your own benefits at the same time. If you're
concerned about "what's involved" let me put your mind at ease

by assuring you that time, effort and dollar cost are all less than
zero. Every moment invested is returned many fold in increased
effectiveness. The financial investment will be so small it could
not possibly affect your standard of living while the results will
change your way of life and bring substantial financial returns.
Every ounce of energy you "spend" on this policy will be returned
in greater energy, enthusiasm and zest for living. I will state
without equivocation that if you will "buy" the policy and follow
the formula for just 21 days that all the benefits I've discussed
and promised you will be yours. Direct Question. Will you buy the
policy and accept the benefits with no strings attached? If you
answered "yes" then I'm certain you would be willing to sign the
following policy. [Remember, from the beginning I assured you
that this is an action course which requires commitment if you are
going to get results.]




Being of sound and ambitious mind and having an intense

desire to live a long, happy, useful, productive, fun-filled,
rewarding life, I hereby agree to accept all the joys and benefits
of this Lifetime Insurance Policy which is designed to eliminate
stinking thinking and avoid the deadliest of all diseases -
Hardening of the Attitudes.
Because I am a mature and responsible person who wishes to
live until I die, I understand that by accepting the benefits, I fully
expect to "enjoy the premiums" by accepting the opportunities
and responsibilities which are an integral part of the policy.
Since I know the skeptics and critics are neither secure, happy
or even welcome in most places and since faith is the cornerstone
of happiness, I hereby, in faith, affix my signature which
guarantees that I will follow through on the procedures Zig
Ziglar is going to outline so that I might enjoy all the benefits
herein described.


Date ______
your signature

I guarantee the validity of this policy if you follow it exactly as

we suggest. It will work regardless of your age, sex, creed, size, or

Now that you have signed the policy, I must confess that along
with all those promises there is one thing I "forgot" to tell you.
[Now, dear reader, please slow down to about twenty words per
minute for the rest of the paragraph.] After you read the
preceding sentence and saw that I had "forgotten" to tell you
something, what was your instant thought? If it was along the
lines of "just as I figured, there's always a catch," then I'm going
to really urge you to be especially careful in following through on
every phase of the formula because you have a need which this
formula can fill.
If you want to get enthusiastic about anything, whether it's
life, a job, a sport, our country, etc., you dig in and get some
information and knowledge about the matter. It's generally true
that people are down on the things they're not "up on." Learn
something about the new town, your neighbors, or the sport in
which your son or daughter is interested. This is a starting point,
but let's see how we can develop enthusiasm for all that life has to
offer. Psychologists have long known you will be enthusiastic if
you act enthusiastically. Assume a trait or characteristic, and
later you will possess it. You grab it - and then it will grab you.
This formula will not only enable you to develop instant
enthusiasm and the right mental attitude, but it will be "on call"
24 hours every day. It will result in your being so charged up,
motivated, excited, and turned on you will be able to multiply
your effectiveness. Now let me warn you about something I
touched on in the last paragraph. Enthusiasm gets to be a way of
life, and it's tough to be enthusiastic about just one thing . You're
going to discover that as you generate enthusiasm, you are going
to have so much fun, attract so many good things and accomplish
so much more, that you might have some happy financial
problems. Good things and good people will be attracted to you
and you'll have more fun and achieve more total success.
Not only will you receive substantial benefits - some of which
will start the first day - but your friends, associates, relatives,
and even complete strangers will benefit. I realize I'm making
some strong claims, but literally thousands of testimonials - all
say the same thing~ It works.


If you want to develop enthusiasm and the right mental

attitude about all life has to offer, you'll need to reverse the way
you get out of bed. No, I'm not talking about getting out of bed
backwards, I'm talking about reversing the way most people
start their day, which is either in neutral or in reverse.
When the alarm sounds off, they moan a bit, slap their faces
and say, "Oh no, don't tell me it's time to get up already - 1 feel
like 1 just laid down." Many people start each day like it's going to
be another yesterday - and they didn't like yesterday. With this
kind of start, is it any wonder one "bad" day follows another bad
day? There is a better way to start your day, and it will produce
dramatically better results for you. Follow this procedure and
you'll acquire enthusiasm as a permanent way of life.
Now 1 want to give you some bad news and some good news.
Bad news first. By following this procedure you'll probably feel
foolish and perhaps even childish. This will be somewhat
diminished by the fact that your mate [if you have one] will be the
only one who'll know about it. Now for the good news. First, you'll
get more enjoyment out of life for yourself and for those with
whom you work, live and associate. Then, you'll earn more
money. You might not receive it immediately, but you will earn
it, and that means very shortly you'll receive it. [Seriously now,
you would be willing to feel slightly ridiculous five minutes each
day if it meant more fun and more money, wouldn't you?]
Tomorrow morning when the alarm clock goes off, reach over
and shut it off. [I think that's important.] Then, immediately sit
straight up in bed, clap your hands and say, "Oh boy, it's a great
day to get out and take advantage of the opportunities the world
has to offer." Now, 1 want you to see the picture before you
continue. You're sitting on the side of the bed, two-thirds asleep
with hair in your face. Not only that, but you're slapping your
hands like a 9-year-old child saying, "Oh boy, it's a great day to
get out and face the world." If you live to be a hundred, you'll
never tell a bigger one than that. But let me emphasize something
important. You're up, and that's where you wanted to be when
you set the alarm and you're taking control of your attitude.

I emphasize this with the full realization that this book will be
read [already has been] by successful men and women of all ages
and from every walk of life. I'm fully aware that some of you will
think this is a little juvenile. If that is the way you feel then I
especially urge you to give it an honest try, because your need is
great. After all, you have nothing to lose - and a lot to gain.
Incidentally, it's super good if you have a big mirror, to see
how totally ridiculous you look. It's a one-act comedy in full color
and no normal human being can view this scene without
breaking into hilarious laughter. It's ridiculous and absurd, and
that's what makes it exciting. You're now laughing at yourself
and as long as you're doing this, you have no real problems that
can't be solved. It's the person who can't laugh at himself that
can't tolerate someone else laughing at him. It's a sign of
emotional maturity and stability to be able to laugh at yourself. It
works even better if husband and wife "get up" together, because
now you have a double comedy. As a couple you end up laughing
with each other rather than at each other. This immediately
makes life more fun.
When you start the day with a lot of excitement and
enthusiasm you're on target according to the Bible. Psalm 118:24
says, "This is the day which the Lord has made. I will rejoice
and be glad in it." I wish I had the space to share with you the
number of phone calls and letters I've gotten from husbands and
wives who say, "You know, because of this we did start laughing
together again, and it turned our marriage around."


Now that you're up, take a shower and, if there are no small
children asleep, sing a loud cheerful song. Now, don't give me this
old jazz about, "Yeah, but I can't sing." Listen, I once got a letter
from Mitch Miller asking me not to "sing along with," and my
own children ask me not to sing in Church. Neither the tune nor
your talent for singing is important. The idea is the thing. The
concept of singing in the shower is simple.
You can't be negative at the top of your voice. William James
said, "We do not sing because we are happy. We are happy
because we sing." [Besides, it's your "bath right"]. Along the same

lines, "We do not stop working and playing because we grow old,
we grow old because we stop working and playing."
For the man of the house there are some extra benefits if you
take one more step. When you walk into the breakfast room, slap
the table a couple of times and say, "Honey, I see you've cooked
bacon, eggs and grits for breakfast. That's what I was hoping you
were going to prepare." Even if you've had the same meal every
day for the past 622 days, an interesting thing takes place. First
of all, she looks at you in shocked surprise and the shock value
alone is worth a great deal. Chances are, even if the breakfast
isn't really that good, she'll be motivated to do better the next day.
This means you can't lose.
Now let me explain what this procedure accomplishes. Since
thought precedes action, you plan the action at night in order to
execute it the next morning. This sets up a habit of planning
positively, and it has far-reaching results because, "When you
sow an action, you reap a habit; when you sow a habit, you
reap a character; and when you sow a character, you reap a
destiny." The reason is simple. Logic will not change an emotion
[like being negative], but action will. Or as my good friend Bruce
Norman, Principal of Magnet High School for Health
Professions in Dallas, Texas, likes to say, ''you can't 'feel' your
way into a new way of acting, but you can 'act' your way into a new
way of feeling."
The end results of these actions will be a greater - more
vibrant enthusiasm, and history conclusively proves that your
destiny is greater with the attitude of enthusiasm. When you get
up with enthusiasm and go to breakfast with enthusiasm, you're
beginning to set the stage for a good day. A day is a miniature
lifetime, and with lots of good days - you have a good life. This
also benefits family and friends because enthusiasm is more
contagious than the measles. Once you have it, it will spread to
your family and associates and everybody benefits.
These actions also have an additional benefit because they
provide an effective frontal assault on one of man's greatest
stumbling blocks in the climb to the top of the stairway, namely,
procrastination. If procrastination is one of your problems, these
simple procedures could well be the starting place for over-
coming that problem. This will become even more evident when

we get into the section on habits. For the moment, it should be

obvious that before you can go anywhere you must first get
started. It should be just as obvious that how you get up in the
morning will playa big part in how high you go up in life.
At this point, I'll just observe that this getting up in the
morning procedure is a "good" habit and every good habit has to
be "grabbed" and held on to for dear life. An encouraging note,
however, is the fact that from the beginning, maybe even from
the first day you will receive some "interesting" benefits and in
just 21 consecutive days the changes will be dramatic.
On the other hand, every "bad" habit is sneaky and will slip up
on you so gradually that before you realize you have the habit -
the habit has you. I devote two full chapters to habits at the end of
this Segment, so let's get on with the formula.


In America today, we live in an essentially negative society.

For example, the tens of thousands of appliances that hang on
street corners in every town, city and crossroad around the
country are referred to as "red," "stop," or "traffic" lights. This is
obviously negative, because in reality the lights are "go" lights. If
you don't believe this, just watch what happens any time one of
the lights is not working. Traffic will back up for several blocks.
It isn't because a "red," "stop," or "traffic" light has been cut off,
but because a "go" light is out of order. Why then do people call
them "stop" lights? It's simple, they are SNIOPS. They hear
others refer to the "red" lights, so they follow suit.
The unfortunate fact about this is, the average American
spends something like 27 hours every year in front of these "go"
lights waiting on the right color, so they can "go." How do most
people spend the 27 hours? Generally speaking, they do three
things. First, they get a firm grip on the steering wheel to make
absolutely certain the car doesn't run off with them. Second, they
firm their lips and tighten their mouth in such a way that they
can talk to the "go" light if need be. Third, and most importantly,
they sit in their automobiles pressing their foot on the
accelerator. They apparently feel if they race their engines the
light will change faster. Do you plead guilty to doing this?

Chances are strong that you are guilty, without realizing it. If you
are - and if you thought it was silly to start the day by slapping
your hands, what do you think about racing your car engine to
change a light?


Let's think this through together. Instead of using that

procedure while waiting at the light, give it an entirely different
treatment. Two things can be done constructively. First, as you
sit there waiting on the right color, you want to personalize the
light. Look at it and say, "That's mine. It was put there for me. It
has my name on it. It was put there so I can go further, faster,
easier and more safely to my destination. You see, in reality, it is a
"go light." Second, when you're involved in such a way that you
can talk about the "go" light. Here's where the fun begins. I
challenge you, whoever you are, whatever you do, and wherever
you might be, to use the word "go" light in a conversation and
maintain a straight face. I just don't believe you can do it. The
very instant you say "go" light, two things will happen. First of
all, you will break out in a big smile and the person with you will
also smile. Secondly, the instant you say the word "go" light, your
attitude will start to change. You will come back to the pages of
this book and recognize the practicality of what I'm saying. As
you look at the positive aspects of life, one word or action will
precipitate a series of positive thoughts, which are the
forerunners of positive actions, which produce positive results.


I have a close friend in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Really, he's more

like a brother than just a friend. His name is Bernie Lofchick and
he is easily the most positive man I have ever met. He is so positive
that not once has he ever had a cold, although he will admit he
occasionally does have a "warm." He is so positive he never refers
to the "weekend" because that's negative. He calls it the "strong
end." As you read these words, you might well think, is all of that
really necessary? I say, "No, you can be mediocre without those
little things." But I hope I'm talking to the ''you'' who has already

testified that you want to get more out of life. You do, don't you?
[Say "Yes."] Again, I want to emphasize, it's not the big things
that make the difference, it's the little things.
When you start adding things like "go lights," "warms" and
"strong ends" to your conversation and your life, a dramatic
change will occur. You'll enjoy life more and have more fun
which means you will be healthier and live longer because this
procedure will bring a smile to your face and laughter to your
heart. This is verified in the book of Proverbs, "a merry heart
has a continual feast." With this approach to life, the third step
toward controlling your attitude becomes easy and simple.


Several years ago, an episode on "Candid Camera" made an

indelible impression on my mind. A movie star was stationed in
the corridor of an office building. She had a large, heavy suitcase
with her and was looking for someone to carry it into an office a
short distance down the corridor. Each time a man appeared, she
would ask for help. In each instance, the response was favorable.
As he would lift the suitcase and start down the corridor with the
movie star, they would engage in small talk. The movie star
would show him which office was hers, but when the man would
attempt to carry the suitcase into the office he would find it a
difficult task. He could go into the office himself but the
gyroscope inside the suitcase was set to go straight ahead and it
strongly resisted turning from its set direction.
Inside of every creature on the face of the earth there is a
gyroscope which comes as standard equipment at birth. Take a
young squirrel located a thousand miles from any other squirrel.
When cold weather approaches he will store nuts for the winter,
although he might never have lived through a winter. This is the
law of self-preservation. It is his built-in gyroscope. Likewise, a
young duck who has never lived through a winter will fly south
even if he is totally isolated from all other ducks. The law of self-
preservation demands it. That is his built-in gyroscope.
Man, too, has a gyroscope, but with a difference. The
difference is, man can set his own gyroscope. Go to a lake or the

seashore and look at the sailing boats. You'll notice they will be
going in 360 directions, and you'll notice that the wind is blowing
in only one direction. So, if the wind is only blowing in one
direction, how can the boats be going in so many different
directions? The answer is simple. There is a human being on the
boat who has set the sail. It's the set of the sail that determines the
direction of the boat. It's the way you set your sail [gyroscope]
that's going to determine the direction you will go - and
direction determines destiny.


Remember the cookware salesman I mentioned in an earlier

chapter? Every day he set his gyroscope. As a matter of fact, he
set the gyroscope several times during the course of each day.
This was necessary for his success and it is for yours too. As I
indicated earlier, there are going to be numerous diversions and
occurrences over which you have no control. You can't predict
with certainty what things stand between you and your
destination. I would emphasize, however, when something
throws you slightly off course, it isn't necessary for you to go all
the way back to your original departure point. You simply make
a slight adjustment and continue on toward your goal.
Remember, go as far as you can see, and when you get there
you will always be able to see farther.
How can you set your own gyroscope? The answer is simple,
but first let me ask a question. When you're involved in a lengthy
telephone conversation, are you guilty of doodling? Do you draw
squares, rectangles and circles? If the conversation is quite
lengthy, do you start the shading process and add designs within
the shading? How do you rate yourself as a doodler? As you might
know, some advanced doodlers leave the doodles around hoping
they will "be discovered." What is the highest price you've ever
received for a doodle?
During all my years of working with many, many people, I've
never met anybody who has sold a doodle. With this in mind, I'm
of the firm opinion that the doodle market is limited. Instead of
doodling, which is non-profitable, take a clean sheet of paper and
start writing, "I can, I can, I can ..." Then spell out specifically

what you can do. Write your objectives over and over on a sheet of
paper and on your bathroom mirror. Then at the bottom of your
sheet of paper or mirror, write I will - I will - I will. This
process will "set your gyroscope" by burning your objectives
indelibly into your subconscious mind.
For many people, See YouAt The Top has been the road map to
greater accomplishment and this simple formula has been the
catalyst that started them. It could well be the catalyst you seek
but I must warn you, there is a certain danger involved in
following the formula. When you buy the ideas, adopt the attitude
and follow the procedures I recommend, you'll encounter some
interesting reactions. Some will criticize you and say you're
different, and of course they'll be right. You'll be so different
you'll be one of the few people in the game of life who will be able
to open life's vault of valuables and get what you want instead of
having to want what you have. For what it's worth, I wouldn't be
overly concerned about the critics. Since the beginning of
recorded history, no one has erected a statue to a critic. So, they
must not be held in too much esteem.
Some people will laugh at you, but let me emphasize a point. It
will be the little world and the little people who are missing the
good things in life who will be doing the laughing. It should be
quite satisfying to know that the little world laughed, but the big
wor ld gathered on the banks of the Hudson River to watch Robert
Fulton go steaming past. The little world laughed, but the big
world was tuned in when Alexander Graham Bell made his
historic telephone call. The little world laughed, but the big
world was at Kitty Hawk when the Wright Brothers got off the
ground that first time. The little world might well laugh as you
start your journey, but I assure you the big wor ld will be gathered
at the finish line cheering you across. Best of all, what you get by
reaching your destination isn't nearly as important as what
you become by reaching that destination.


The first three steps of the formula to control your attitude are
extremely simple. To review the formula: Step 1 - Get up in the
morning with the enthusiastic hand-clapping; Step 2. - Adopt
the symbols, "Go Lights," "Warms," and "Strong Ends;" Step 3-
Set your gyroscope with positive "I Can's."
Step Four is more involved so I'm devoting this entire chapter
to it. I assure you the subject matter deserves every line of space.


Question, please! Did you eat anything last month? What

about last week? Yesterday? Today? Chances are you are quite
puzzled at these questions. Of course you ate last month, last
week, yesterday and today. Do you plan to eat tomorrow? If you
do, does that mean what you ate today was no good? Absolutely
not. It simply means what you ate today is for today. The average
person in America not only eats every day but, generally
speaking, he eats his meals on schedule. I've observed if a person
gets busy and misses a meal, he generally tells anyone who will
listen, "You know what? I was so busy yesterday I didn't have
time to eat lunch." Then he repeats it to make certain his listener
got the message. To him, it's a big deal to miss a meal and he
wants others to be aware of his "sacrifice." Suppose the same
individual was asked about his mental appetites? "When is the
last time you deliberately, on a pre-determined schedule, fed
your own mind?" What do you think his answer would be? For
that matter - what is your answer? Your answer is important
because you have mental appetites just as you have physical


People are funny. I've never met an individual who was

hungry and heard him say, "I'm about to starve. I wonder what I

should do? Do you have any suggestions? Can you give me any
idea how to solve this problem?" I probably never will be
confronted with that particular situation. The hungry person
knows if he's hungry, he can solve that problem by eating.
From the neck down, very few people are worth more than
$100.00 a week. From the neck up, there is no limit to what an
individual is worth. So what do we do? We feed our stomachs, the
$100.00 part below our necks, every day. How often do we feed
our minds, the part that has no limit to its value, earning and
happiness potential? Most of us feed it accidentally and
occasionally, if it's convenient or we don't have anything else to
do. The excuse we often give is our lack of time. This is ridiculous.
If you have "time" to feed the $100.00 part of you every day,
doesn't it make sense you should take time to feed the part which
has no ceiling to its potential?
On many occasions, I have encountered people who are
despondent, negative, defeated, down on themselves, broke,
unhappy and you name it. If it's on the negative side, it will fit
them. The funny thing about these people is that they're the ones
who resist to the bitter end any feeding of their minds or their
attitudes. They badly need inspiration and information but they
consistently refuse to attend seminars or get involved in reading
good books or listening to motivational recordings. It's really
funny to listen to some of these people talk - perhaps I should use
the word "tragic?" When we refer to extremely successful people
and mention how optimistic and positive they are, the failure will
say, "No wonder they're positive and have good attitudes, they're
earning $50,000 a year. If I were earning $50,000 a year, I would
be positive too." The failure thinks successful people are positive
because they earn $50,000 a year. This obviously is in reverse.
Successful people earn $50,000 a year because they have the right
mental attitude. Wouldn't it be marvelous if it had been arranged
so that an empty head, like an empty stomach, wouldn't let its
owner rest until its owner put something in it.
It's true in every field of endeavor, whether it's law, medicine,
sales, teaching, coaching, science, or the arts; the top people - or
those who are headed for the top - are the ones who regularly
show up for seminars at their own expense. They read good books
and regularly listen to motivational recordings. They deliberate-

ly seek information and inspiration and, as a result, they are

constantly on the grow.


Why are successful men positive? To reverse it, why are

positive men successful? They're positive because they
deliberately feed their minds with good, clean, powerful, positive
mental thoughts on a regular basis. They make them a part of
their daily diets just as surely as they make food a part of their
physical diets. They know that if they feed their bodies above
their necks they'll never have to worry about feeding their bodies
below the neck. They won't have to worry about the roof over their
heads, or the financial problems often associated with old age. As
we dig into the learning process and look at some real life
examples it will become obvious why this is true.
Virtually everything we learn, we learn consciously. But it's
only when we do it subconsciously that we do it well. You learned
how to drive a car consciously. Remember? If your car had a
clutch do you remember the instructions you gave to yourself?
Push in the clutch. Press the accelerator - just a little. Careful
now - push the gearshift lever. Now, let the clutch out - easy
does it. Pull the gearshift lever. Do you remember? Do you also
remember you would buck and jump and probably kill the
You were a menace to society and a candidate for the morgue
because you were learning to drive consciously. Some time later,
you could press the accelerator, shift the gear, let out on the
clutch, unwrap a piece of gum, roll down the window and talk
about your neighbor all at the same time. You could do these
things with complete safety because you moved the driving
process from the conscious mind into the subconscious mind. You
learned to drive consciously and later it became "unconscious" or
automatic. It was almost a reflex action.
Every musician - regardless of the instrument - went
through the slow and often painful process of learning to
consciously play that instrument. During this learning process
friends and relatives studiously avoided listening to the efforts of
the aspiring Ignace Paderewski. The musician plays skillfully

only when he plays instinctively or subconsciously. Then

everyone wants to listen - free, of course.
Do you remember when you learned how to type? You had to
concentrate on every stroke as you beat out about ten words per
minute. You were typing consciously and you were doing a
miserable job. Later, you no longer thought about the key you
were going to hit, you just typed. You were then doing it
subconsciously and doing it well.
Once you learn to do something consciously, you can move it
into the subconscious and do it well. Everything you do well will
be done subconsciously. This includes your attitude. You can
move your attitude reactions into the subconscious. You can do
this so completely you will instinctively react positively to
negative situations as well as positive ones. That's a promise. It
takes dedication, work and practice, but it can be done. A positive
response to any stimulus can become something like a reflex-
action or a conditioned response.
In the bonus chapter at the end of the Segment we give more
insight on the subconscious mind and its instinctive or con-
ditioned use.


By feeding your mind over a period of time with the good,

clean, powerful information you can even develop an attitude like
"This Old Boy Down Home." He was caught by a flash flood and
ended up on his rooftop. One of his neighbors came floating by on
his house. In this dire state of affairs he quipped. "John, this flood
is just awful, isn't it?" John replied, "No, it's not so bad." The
neighbor, somewhat surprised, retorted, "What do you mean, it's
not so bad? Why, there goes your hen house floating
downstream." John simply commented, "Yeah, I know, but six
months ago I started raising ducks and there they are, everyone
of them just swimming around. Everything is going to be all
right." "But, John, this water is going to ruin your crops," the
neighbor persisted. Still undaunted, John replied, "No, it's not.
My crops were already ruined and just last week the county agent
told me my land really needed more water, so this solved that
problem." The pessimist tried one more time to get to his cheerful

friend. He added, "But look, John, the water is still rising. The
first thing you know, it's going to be up to your windows."
Grinning wider than ever, our optimistic friend replied, "Man, I
hope so, they are powerful dirty and need washing."
O.K., it's a joke. But, as is often the case, there is much truth in
humor. It's obvious our hero had decided to react to the situation
in a positive manner. After all, the dictionary says that attitude
is a posture or position assumed to serve a purpose. Over a
period of time you can so condition your mind that you will
instinctively and automatically react positively to the negative
situations you encounter in life. In order to get - and stay - this
way you have to feed your mind a lot of good-clean-powerful-
motivational messages - and then you have to keep on feeding it.
I mentioned early in See You At The Top you could completely
bury the old garbage [remember the shopping center built on the
garbage dump?] but you could then turn on the radio or TV,
glance at the newspaper, talk to a negative person or even chance
to overhear a passing conversation and boom-boom - somebody
else has dumped some fresh garbage in your clean, positive mind.
Now what do you do, Charlie Brown? Answer: Exactly what we
have been talking about in these last two chapters. Pre-condition
your mind with the "getting up," identifying the positive symbols
like "go lights," etc., and "setting your gyroscope" [you do that
while talking on the phone]. Then you follow the procedure in this
chapter of feeding your mind - regularly. The reason is simple.
There are:


The first is "fear" motivation which says, "If you're not in by

11:00 p.m., this will be the last night this month you can go out."
Or, "If you don't increase your sales, you will be fired." For some
people, fear motivation wor~s, but with most people it doesn't
because it causes resentment which leads to rebellion.
Fear motivation might be like this Texas story. A rich Texan
threw a mammoth party one night and invited dozens of people
with special emphasis on young men of marriageable age. As the
evening wore on and most of the guests were feeling no pain, the
host invited everyone to join him around the pool which he had

carefully stocked with water moccasins and alligators. He

challenged his guests to swim the length of the pool and offered
the choice of three substantial prizes, $1,000,000 in cash, a
thousand acres of choice land, or his daughter's hand in
marriage. The words were scarcely out of his mouth when there
was a loud splash followed by a furious thrashing of water and the
almost immediate emergence of a young man from the opposite
side of the pool, who had just set a never to be broken world
The host enthusiastically congratulated the young man and
then, true to his word, asked the dripping winner about his
choice. Would it be the $1,000,0001 The young man shook his head
no. The 1,000 acres of land? Again, no. Then would it be the hand
of his daughter in marriage? When the young man again said no,
the host, somewhat exasperated asked, "then what do you want?
The young man quickly responded, "I want to know the name of
the man who pushed me in the pool."
The second is incentive or "carrot" motivation, which is
simply reward for accomplishment. It says, "If you lead the
company, you'll win a trip to Hawaii. If you raise your profit
percentage three points, you'll get a raise in your department. If
you perform adequately, you'll be given a permanent assign-
ment." This motivation works for considerably more people in the
free enterprise system.
You've probably seen the picture of the donkey pulling the
cart. In this picture the carrot is dangling in front of the donkey.
When the donkey walks toward the carrot, he pulls the cart.
There are several factors which must be present in order for this
kind of motivation to work. The cart has to be light enough, the
stick holding the carrot must be short enough, and the carrot
enticing enough to get the donkey to do the job. Experience
teaches us that we must permit the donkey to take an occasional
bite of the carrot in order to keep him from becoming
discouraged. Otherwise, he's going to feel he is involved in an
exercise in futility and will quit trying for the carrot. When the
donkey does get a bite of the carrot, he satisfies his appetite.
When he's no longer hungry, some adjustments must be made.
For example, the stick must be shortened, the carrot sweetened,
and the load lightened if the donkey is to be motivated into action.

Eventually, the process reaches a stage where it becomes

impractical. The rewards or incentives are so high that the profit
is removed from the picture and the program grinds to a halt. On
occasion the participant reaches a "comfort zone" and doesn't
need - or want more comfort - or carrots. What do you do now?


The answer is simple. Change the donkey into a race horse and
make him want to run - implement the third kind of motivation
- internal. That's what this book is helping you do. The old
saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him
drink" is true, but if you let him lick the salt block long enough he
will get thirsty and want to take the drink. My natural optimism
leads me to believe this book will be your "salt block." A 25 year
"hard line" study at Harvard University under the guidance of
Psychologist David McClelland establishes precise scientific
verification that you can change motivation by changing the way
you think about yourself and your circumstances [Reader's
Digest, May 1975, page 89]. That is exactly what this book is all
about. I'm convinced - because of results already obtained - the
information in this book combined with the follow-up procedures
will enable you to change the way you see yourself and your
circumstances [for the better, I might add] which means you will
improve your performance.
My "intellectual associates" and I often discuss motivation in
our "bull sessions." They are almost unanimous in their
conviction that all motivation is "self' motivation, that no one can
"motivate" anyone else and they "prove" and theorize at length
and in depth on the subject. My favorite answer is this analogy.
My favorite relaxation on Sunday afternoon is to build a fire in
our den and watch it burn out of one eye and the Cowboys out of
the other eye. Occasionally, when the Cowboys get way ahead, I
drop off for a little snooze. Generally speaking, when I awaken
the flames have died and the logs are smoldering. I get up and
grab my "poker" and give the logs a few healthy pokes. Almost
immediately the flames shoot up and I have a beautiful, flaming
fire again. I added no more wood to the fire. All I did was "shake
up" what was there and stir up a little activity which brought in

some extra oxygen which started the blaze.

This information is designed to stir up that part of you which
could be, like the fire, smoldering at the moment. You've heard
most of it but chances are excellent that you have not really seen
or heard it because you aren't utilizing the information for
maximum results by doing something.
There is a difference in hearing, reading, and learning. I'm
talking about learning it so completely that it is as much a part of
you as your hands and arms. I'm talking about learning it so well
you know it consciously and feel it subconsciously so that you
instinctively and automatically react positively to the negative
events of life. This is attitude control and these next three
examples prove this objective is desirable, reachable and can be
"stirred up" by an outside "poke" or stimulus.


A number of years ago, Joost A. Meerloo, M.D., wrote a book

entitled, The Rape of the Mind. In his book, the author explains
why some of our prisoners-of-war during the Korean War
became turncoats, rejected America and stayed in North Korea.
Also, why countless others became so embittered and confused
that their value to themselves and to the free enterprise system
was largely negated.
Meerlo explains that the young G.!. prisoner would be
subjected to a "brainwashing" procedure for ten or twelve hours
from two skilled Communist brainwashers, followed by a second
and often a third team. During this 24 to 36 hour ordeal, the
young G.!. was fed the full measure of Communistic garbage.
Everything he ever believed in was challenged. His mind was
saturated with a mixture of truth, half truths and outrageous
lies. After 24 to 36 hours of this treatment, without sleep and
without anything to eat, the young G.!. would be physically,
mentally, spiritually and emotionally exhausted. Mter a number
of sessions like this the young G.!. would "throw in the towel" and
exclaim, "All right, all right, I'll do it or I'll believe it, just let me
get some sleep." Of course, his godless tormentors had no
intention of letting him sleep at that point. They continued to
pour the garbage in. These young men were helpless in the face of

their captors. The only exceptions, as Meerlo pointed out, were

those who had strong religious convictions and God's help in
resisting the brainwashing.
Isaiah 40:31 explains why. "But they that wait upon the
Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with
wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they
shall walk, and not faint." In Hebrew the word "renew" is
Chalaph, which means to change - or to "exchange." When you
serve God you change or exchange your strength for His. That's
the best swap you'll ever make because there are many things you
can't do, but there is nothing good you and God can't do.
Frankly, when I heard of these young men turning against
their country, I was horrified. After reading Meerlo's book, I am
convinced they were helpless at stopping the transformation of
their thinking as they would have been in stopping a tank with
their bare hands. I would like to stress that in most cases, these
young men initially resisted the onslaught, but still fell victim to
the ideology that was forced into their minds. Now think about
this. They fell victim against their wills to a doctrine of lies and
destruction. Does it make sense to you that if you regularly, by
choice, fed your mind good, clean, powerful messages of
information and inspiration, you would derive tremendous
benefits from it?
The next story makes a strong case for this point of view.


Shinichi Suzuki is an unusual Japanese scientist who

performs what many people consider to be one of the miracles of
our time. He takes babies a few weeks old and starts playing
beautiful, recorded music next to their beds. He plays the same
tune many times and after about thirty days he repeats the
procedure with another recording. He continues this process
until the infant is about two years old. At that time, he starts
about three months of music lessons for mother, with the two-
year-old as an observer. Next he puts a miniature violin in the
hands of the child who begins to get the feel of the instrument
while learning bow movements. This first lesson lasts only two or
three minutes. From there they gradually build up to an hour. By

the time the child is old enough to learn that the violin is supposed
to be difficult to play, he has already mastered it and is having
fun in the process.
Recently Professor Suzuki conducted a concert with some
1,500 of these Japanese children performing. Average age of the
children was about seven and they played the classics, Chopin,
Beethoven, Vivaldi, etc. Significantly, Suzuki emphasizes that
the vast majority of these children had no "natural" musical
talent. However, he believes every child has talent which can be
developed by following the same procedures we use in teaching
children to speak. A baby is around older people who constantly
talk, so the first step is exposure. Next, the baby tries to talk
which is imitation. Friends and relatives brag on the baby which
gives encouragement and motivates the baby to try again. This
is the process of repetition. Then the baby starts adding words
and tying them together into phrases or sentences. This
procedure is refinement. At age three or four, the child has quite
a vocabulary and still can't read a word.
Professor Suzuki maintains that virtually anything can be
learned by the same method. Looks like he just eliminated
another series of "Loser's Limps" for a lot of people, doesn't it?
From cover to cover of See You At The Top I've stressed that
your rewards in life are due more to your behavior than to
your birth. Also, your behavior was tremendously influenced by
your associates and by what you put in or permit to be put in your
mind. The next incident emphasizes this in an intriguing way.


Several years ago a scientist working with two tribes of

American Indians noticed that not one of the full-blooded Indians
stuttered. Being a scientist, he wondered if this was a coincidence
or if it was characteristic of Indians. His interest and curiosity
led him to study every Indian tribe in America. He didn't find a
single Indian who stuttered, so he studied their languages and
discovered why none of the Indians stuttered. They don't have a
word, or even a substitute word, for "stutter." Obviously, if there
isn't a word for stutter, it would be impossible for an Indian to
stutter. You might grin and feel that information is interesting.

But, so what? Let's pursue it a step further. We know that words

paint pictures in the mind and that the mind thinks in pictures.
For example, if you read or hear the words fail, can't, liar, or
dumb, your mind completes the pictures that have been painted
by the word. Now, if there is no word for stutter, the mind can't
visualize or paint a picture of a stutter. Result: no stuttering.
The International Paper Company has statistical evidence
supporting their claim that the bigger a person's vocabulary, the
bigger the income. I'm convinced you can build your income, your
enjoyment, and change your life by changing your vocabulary.
Take the word "hate" and remove it from your vocabulary. Don't
see it, think it, or read it. Write, feel, see, and dream the word
"love" in its place. Take the word "prejudice" out of your
vocabulary. Don't see, think, or say the word "prejudice." In its
place put "understand." Take the word "negative," and substitute
the word "positive." Obviously, the list of words to be removed
and replaced can be virtually endless - as will be the benefits
that follow. Your mind acts on what you feed it. Change your
mental diet and eliminate the negative input. You will first
reduce, then virtually eliminate the negative output.


By now you should be completely convinced that what you put

in your mind is terribly important to you and your future. So the
question is obviously, "How do I feed my mind - when do I find
time to eat those mental meals when I'm already running just to
stay even?" Let me answer by asking if you heard about the
woodcutter who~e production kept going down because he didn't
take time to sharpen his axe?
Think about this: the average man spends over $200 per year,
and more time than he'll admit, dressing up the "outside" of the
head [shaves, haircuts, gook, etc.]. Nobody knows what the
average woman spends doing the same thing. [Personally, I don't
want to know what my redhead spends!] Question! Doesn't it
make sense to spend at least that much time and money dressing
up the "inside" of the head?
In my judgment, the greatest educational, motivational tool at
our disposal today is the portable cassette player. I value cassette

education and motivation so highly that if I could not replace my

own cassette player, $5,000 would not buy the one I have. Strong
statement, yes - but not nearly as strong and helpful as cassette
education and motivation can be. I do not personally know a self-
made millionaire who does not have and use one for motivation
and education.
The range of material available is as endless as the times and
places you can use them. A humorous, motivational, educational
or religious message will speed up housework and remove much
of the drudgery. You can get ideas and inspiration while shaving,
dressing, or applying makeup. You can transform "dead" time
you normally spend fighting traffic to "live" time getting the
motivation and education that will give you the mental and
emotional edge in today's competitive world.
For example, a University of California study reveals that a
person living in the Los Angeles area could acquire the
equivalent of two years of college in three years of normal driving
time by listening to cassette recordings. Total usable time you
invest, if you listen while driving, would be almost zero.
As a group, the people who regularly listen to the right
cassette recordings are the happiest, best adjusted, most excited
group I know. Now combine this with a sound reading program
and you are really in business. The rule is - when you are moving
- listen. When you are seated - read. This literally saturates
your mind with the optimistic outlook on life. It also gives you an
excellent overall education and a set of values and attitudes that
will be tremendously helpful in your life.
Reading requires planning, so you might need a new set of
reminders to acquire the habit of reading. The standard
"explanation" most people give is, they don't have "time."
Obviously, time availability varies, but to say you don't have
"time" to feed your mind is just another "Loser's Limp." We do
what we have to do and we do what we want to do. Now if we will
make time for what we should do [read good literature], we will
soon reduce the list of things we have to do.
Suggestions: Don't borrow or lend books. Buy them as often as
possible and build a library you have personalized with markings
for future reference. Keep good reading material in strategic
spots around home. [1] By your bed. [2] In the bathroom. [3]

Standing up on top of the TV. [4] By your favorite chair. [5] In a

quiet spot where you can isolate yourself.


Alan Bean [U.S. Navy Captain and NASA Astronaut] is a

man I'm privileged to know on a personal basis. He, too, listens to
motivational recordings regularly. Captain Bean, one of the first
men to walk on the moon, was the commander of the second sky
lab space station mission. He was also involved with the Russian
Cosmonauts in the joint U .S./Russian space effort.
Recognizing the critical importance of self-image, goal
setting, proper mental attitude, etc., Captain Bean listened to
motivational recordings in his car on his way to work at NASA
for training for the 59 day extended flight in space. I'm naturally
pleased that he selected some of my recordings as part of his
program. These recordings covered much of the material you're
reading in this book. I hope you don't consider it a bad pun when I
say this proves that the material is "out of this world." To show
you just how keenly Alan Bean feels about these concepts, he
volunteered his rather limited time and offered some invaluable
suggestions for this book so all of you might receive additional
benefits in your life.
Let me point out that all astronauts, after every conceivable
test known to man, were selected with more care than any group
ever chosen for any purpose since the beginning of recorded
history. Each one had to have a strong, healthy self-image. Each
one had to be able to work with and get along with his fellowman
under the most difficult circumstances imaginable. Each one
had to be goal-oriented. Each one had to have the right mental
attitude, including mental toughness, discipline, determination
and a super positive mental attitude. Could you imagine a
negative thinker aboard the platform wondering if they were
going to get back to earth? Each one had to have all these
qualities before he was selected for the space program. Obviously,
they had to maintain those qualities in order to stay in the
program. In addition to their lives being at stake, these men
carry national pride and honor. The pressures on them are

World Wide Distributors is the largest distributor of

housewares in Canada. At their recent convention in Winnipeg,
Manitoba, the General Manager told me that 17 of his top 19 sales
people, including his top eleven, listened every day to
motivational and sales training recordings. He emphasized they
don't listen because they are the best, they are the best because
they listen. As a matter of fact, sales managers and corporate
executives everywhere assure me that their top people, almost
without exception, listen and read on a regular basis.
The point I so badly want to make is this, men and women who
need this kind of motivation less than anyone else on planet Earth
are the ones who seek it, and use it the most. I'm convinced this is
the reason they are where they are. For a long time they have
been doing the things I'm now urging you to do. The reason is
apparently a very simple one. The drive that takes men to the top
is a drive that thrives on constant nourishment and reinforce-
ment. Men who reach the pinnacle of success in their present
professions invariably recognize the fact that there is plenty of
room at the top, but not enough room to sit down. They also
understand that the mind, like the body, must be constantly
nourished. They know if it is important to regularly feed their
bodies from the neck down, it makes even more sense to feed them
from the neck up. They understand that nourishment must be
physical, mental and spiritual.


Many people have the erroneous concept that they do not

"need" to listen to cassette recordings or read inspirational books
except when they are "down" or depressed. The "need" when you
are "down" is more obvious and the benefits can be substantial
but the total long-range benefits could be greater if you listen or
read when you are emotionally "up." The reason is two-fold.
When you are "down," you are more likely to either "grab at
straws" and end up with the wrong straw or take the opposite
approach and summarily reject many valuable ideas. When you
are down in the dumps, you are more likely to be concentrating on
the problem instead of the solution.
When you are emotionally up and riding high, your optimism

and ambition are working overtime. Your imagination is in high

gear and you are considerably more responsive to positive
suggestions of your capability. You are solution conscious instead
of problem conscious so you are more responsive to good ideas,
and you are far more likely to "act" on these new ideas. That's
when you will raise your performance level considerably. Your
attitude, enthusiasm, spirit of cooperation and value to your
employer will pole vault upward. That, my friend, is when you
get those raises and promotions.
Sandy Breighner, one of the most dynamic and completely
motivated people I know, reinforces this thought and makes an
additional contribution. Sandy, who sells sales training and
motivational programs to many individuals and major cor-
porations, points out that a person can often read a book or listen
to a tape series and derive so much benefit they move to a higher
level of understanding and awareness. From this new level- the
person who reads or listens again to the same material will "hear"
or "see" things they completely missed the first time. This
"moves" them to a still higher level of understanding and
accomplishment. This is the reason any success-minded person
should build his own "success" library for ready reference which
leads to constant growth.
This should not be construed to mean you should not seek
motivational help when you are down. I just want to make certain
you understand that motivational books and recordings can serve
as a stepping stone to get you out of the dumps - as a step ladder
to get you off mediocrity row or as an unencumbered escalator to
help take you to the top. Initially, you might have to "force"
yourself to read and listen on a daily basis, but after you have
done it for a time, you'll discover three things: you'll enjoy it,
you'll learn from it and you'll begin to instinctively and
subconsciously take action on what you are reading and learning.
Again, those who feed themselves motivational material regular-
ly are the ones who benefit the most.
In the next two chapters, I go into considerable detail
concerning both good and bad habits. I'm now discussing a good
habit and, as you'll see, it's necessary to force yourself to take
action on this good habit. Force yourself to associate with the
right people. Force yourself to follow the "hand slapping," "go

light" routine. Force yourself to listen to the recordings. Do this

for 21 days and the habit you "grabbed" will grab you.


Realistically the early morning hand slapping bit is not

something you will continue as a way of life. Initially, however, it
generates instant enthusiasm and produces dramatic results
which provide the encouragement you need at the time you
probably need it the most. It conditions and prepares your mind
for an awakening experience which will give you a richer and
more exciting way of life if you give it the full 21 day trial. Now
let's take a look at the best way to continue to grow mentally,
physically, and spiritually.
After arising [with or without hand slapping] and before any
negative thoughts or input enters your mind [no newspapers,
radio, or TV], go to a quiet "success" spot in your home for your
first mental snack. Select an inspirational self-help book [I list 40
in this book] and read 10 to 15 minutes. Next, take a 15 minute
walk or jog and make a mental note of the good things you
observe. Then devote a few minutes to an exercise program
prescribed by your doctor and designed to fill a time slot and not to
challenge you to do "X" number of anything. While you are doing
the exercises, listen to cassette recordings of an educational,
motivational, nature. Now. Before you rush off with a full head
and an empty stomach eat a nourishing breakfast, so you will
have the energy to use the good stuff you just fed your mind.
Starting your day - every day - with the right kind of mental,
spiritual, and physical breakfast will guarantee you a full and
rewarding day - and life.
Yes I'm fully aware that I am asking you to get up early to do
these things. Yes, I know you are already busy and pushed for
time, and yes, I know it takes money for books and cassette
recordings. However, the time will be returned in the form of
greater energy, enthusiasm, and stamina, and possibly several
extra years of life. The investment in books and tapes will bring
greater earnings plus an infinitely richer and more rewarding
life. Actually I'm suggesting that you invest time and money to
make certain you enjoy "the richer life" on a permanent basis.



When you choose a habit, you also choose the end result of
that habit. Good habits are difficult to acquire, but easy to live
with. Bad habits are easy to acquire, but difficult to live with.
Almost without exception, bad habits come slowly and pleasantly
and, in most instances, the habit has you before you're aware you
have it. As a rule, there's little or no pain involved, although we
often find people who learn to smoke or drink or get hooked on
drugs, despite the fact they suffered discomfort in the early
stages of acquiring these habits.
Let's look at smoking, which psychologist Murray Banks,
contends is a sure sign of an inferiority complex. You probably
recall taking that first cigarette to be "one of the gang." Your
entire body rebelled and said, "No, No." However, you "forced"
your body to accept the cigarette. You were determined to show
your peer group you could be a ''big'' boy or girl and smoke like
they did. Remember how proud you were the first time you blew a
smoke ring and then blew a smoke ring through a smoke ring?
How thrilled you were the first time you inhaled without choking.
How "sophisticated" you felt when you learned to talk with smoke
coming out of your mouth at the same time. And weren't you
excited when you could "casually" do all of these things without
revealing you were a newcomer to the "coffin tack" club?
Wouldn't it be nice if you could put cigarettes away as easily as
you picked them up? Incidentally, if you are even casually
concerned about the effects of smoking you will be pleased to
know we have a clinic in Dallas which has tested over 27,000
people for 11 years on a new type cigarette which is half filter and
half tobacco. There has not been a single case of cancer.
Unfortunatey there have been an awful lot of hernias. [Yes,
Cindy, that's a joke.]
To show you the maturity, or lack of it, behind the thinking
that goes with smoking, some authorities estimate that less than

five percent of the smokers in America acquired the habit after

age 22. This indicates that thinking, mature people who observe
smokers for any length of time won't take up the habit. It's also
significant that 21,000,000 adults and over 100,000 doctors have
quit smoking since the link was established between cigarette
smoking and lung cancer.
But, let's return to the story of how you acquire the habit of
smoking. Even though your body bravely, and in some cases
strongly resisted smoking, you continued to force cigarettes upon
your system. Your body then made some adjustments. In effect, it
said, "Okay, I'll do it, but I won't like it." You then said, "That
doesn't matter, you're going to do it anyway." Later on, your body
made further concessions and said, "I don't know why I objected,
actually, it's not that bad." Still later, your body adjusted until
you actually enjoyed smoking. At that point you told your friends
you smoked because you enjoyed it. After all, you assured them, a
person needed to do some things he enjoyed. You even told them
you could quit any time you wanted to because you had already
quit a dozen times so it wasn't really a "habit." Finally, your body
made its final adjustment when it acquired the total habit and
demanded that cigarette.


This is evidenced by the number of people who have nicotine

"fits" from the time they run out of cigarettes until they can buy,
beg, borrow or steal another. I've seen an otherwise healthy 200-
pound man reduced to a quivering mass by a craving for a
cigarette that weighed less than 1/10th ounce. It almost makes
me wish we were creatures of logic instead of creatues of emotion,
doesn't it you?
Yes, habits are funny things. What's funny, or rather tragic, is
that bad habits are so predictable and avoidable. Despite this,
there are people by the millions who insist on acquiring habits
that are bad, expensive and create problems. In the case of
tobacco, the user discovers the chains of habit are too weak to
be felt until they are too strong to be broken. The habit they
weren't going to get, got them.
Morality or immorality are habits. Both are "caught" more

than taught. A completely moral person can become immoral in a

gradual process that is almost completely predictable. The
"good" boy or girl is accidentally or inadvertently exposed to a
situation they abhor and find distasteful. At a party, banquet or
social function he might be drawn into a group that believes in
free love, trial marriage, drug experimentation, wife swapping,
drunkenness, etc. Although there is intitial objection and
complete disapproval of the actions, if some member of the group
appeals in some way to this individual, look out. A relationship
could be in the formative stage. If further contact is made, the
natural turn of events will lead the person who was originally
quite offended into more and more associations with the
individuals they have met as well as others of the same persuasion
[birds of a feather do flock together].
The mind is a marvelously, flexible mechanism that can do a
remarkable amount of adjusting and rationalizing. The sins, or
immoral acts that were so abhorred originally, become less
objectionable after a few additional exposures where "tolerance"
is advocated as ''the'' most desirable virtue. Tolerance gradually
changes to acceptance, particularly if a genuine attachment is
formed with the individuals involved. Acceptance moves to one of
tacit approval which changes into approval and then involve-
ment. Throughout the process, the rationalization procedure has
been going full speed ahead.
The same procedure pertains to pornography. The affect of
pornography was hit hard by Professor Alexander M. Bickel of
Yale University Law School. In commenting on the affect of
pornography he stated, "What it does produce is a moral
atmosphere, and the moral atmosphere is the ultimate regulator of
conduct. If something can be said, if it can be shown, if it is
obviously permitted by society, then that society begins to think it
is do-able."


Eating too much is a habit, and for many people it has become
so deeply ingrained they are unaware of the amount of food they
consume. This might have been started by well-meaning but
misinformed parents who thought that loving a child meant

giving him whatever he wanted at the moment. My age group

produced a number of "fatty's," because the parents of my
generation had a hard struggle getting enough to eat, and food
represented security. They also felt it was sinful to waste food. As
a result, numerous parents admonished their children to "clean
the plate." This extra food on a regular basis resulted in a weight
gain of a few ounces each week. Gain one ounce per day and you'll
gain nearly 23 pounds for the year. An ounce isn't much, but 23
pounds is a lot. If you have a weight problem, you didn't acquire it
by overeating yesterday, and you're not going to solve it by
starving tomorrow. You added your excess weight one bite at a
time until obesity became a fact. With rare exception, you simply
ate too much too often. You'll solve the problem the way you
created it - one bite at a time.
For many, it's a slightly different problem. Some people are so
taste and pleasure oriented, they often acquire destructive eating
habits with a high concentration of starches and sweets. Combine
this with a "no exercise" way of life, and weight piles on even
faster than an ounce a day.
If too much weight is a problem for you, let me urge you to
turn back to Chapter Four in the Segment on Goals and review
what you need to do to get rid of the weight.


We're kidding ourselves if we think we won't be influenced by

associating with the wrong crowd. Solomon, the wisest man who
ever lived, married Philistine wives who worshipped idols. Guess
what? It wasn't long before his mind and judgment were no
match for the evil which surrounded him. He too began to
worship idols. Samson was the strongest man who ever lived, but
under constant sexual pressure from Delilah, he succumbed to
her wishes and told the secret which reduced him to blindness
and slavery. Proverbs 22:24-27 is crystal clear about what the
wrong association does; so is the Apostle Paul, when he writes,
"Be not deceived; bad campanions corrupt good morals." (1 Cor.
15:33 A.S.V.)
The best example I can give is that of the "accent" in speech.
I'm certain you have observed that when a Southern boy or girl

moves North, in a matter of months, he or she will acquire an

accent. If a Northern boy or girl moves South in a matter of
months we will have him or her talking normally. You adjust to,
are influenced by and become part of what you associate with.
Recently, my 12-year-old son was asking for lunch money. I tried
to "sell" him on the idea of skipping a high carbohydrate lunch
and eating a nutritious protein bar. He was pretty firm in his
refusal, so I pointed out that I was doing what I was trying to get
him to do. His reply pretty well said it all, "Yeah, Dad, but you're
not around a bunch of kids eating hamburgers." That same "peer
group pressure" plays a dramatic role in influencing youngsters
on drugs, dress, sex, violence, etc.
Not only do we acquire the characteristics of the people we
associate with on a steady basis, but we also become immune and
desensitized to the noise and odors of our environment. People
who live in paper mill towns, or close to fertilizer plants grow so
accustomed to the odors they never notice them until someone
else points them out. As a teenager during World War II, our
house was just 10 miles from the oil field and trains came by in an
endless stream 24 hours a day. We grew so accustomed to the
noise and the shaking of the house that we were completely
unaware of their passing - unless one stopped. Then the silence
woke us up.
These examples emphasize that when you are around or with
a negative, evil, or destructive situation or environment long
enough you will go from objection to tolerance, from tolerance to
acceptance, and from acceptance to participation and even
enjoyment. It makes no difference how little it was to start with, it
will grow.


Drugs, including alcohol, represent the greatest single threat

our youth have ever faced. It has been my lot to be involved in the
war on drugs these past few years. During my involvement, I've
never talked with a drug addict who admitted he or she started
out to become an addict. Nor have I ever talked to a youngster on
"pot" who told me that "pot" was just his starting point for moving
to the "hard stuff." I've never had anyone layout a schedule of how

he was going to move first to "hashish," then to "speed" and

finally to "heroin." I've never had anyone ridicule "pot" as "kid
stuff" or just a phase he was going through. Never once have I
had a youngster say he was ambitious to move from the "soft
stuff" to "H," the real kicker, like the cool cats. In every single
case the kids stress they are "too smart" for that kind of stuff.
They know what it will do to them, and they vow they will
never, never get hooked. These are famous last words, because
just as the dying flicker of a match can start a forest fire, the
all-consuming craving for "another fix" - or one more drink -
is generally started by the lighting of that first "reefer" of
marijuana, or taking that first drink, many months earlier.
Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day until it
becomes too strong to break. Then the strength of that habit
cable takes us to the top - or ties us to the bottom, depending
on whether it is a good habit or a bad one.
Most avid hockey fans recognize the name of Derrick Sanderson,
even though it has been several years since he played the game.
He was a superstar-a player with incredible skills and physical
talents combined with a charisma which enabled him to earn mil-
lions of dollars. Unfortunately, Derrick got involved in drugs and
fast living. He tipped automobiles and hundred-dollar bills. Soon
his money and his skills were gone and he was sent back to the
minor leagues. Later he retired at an age when he should have
been at the peak of his game. During his brief stint in the minors
a reporter asked if he regretted spending his money. Derrick can-
didly replied, "No, I don't regret spending any part of my money,
but I do deeply regret spending a part of Derrick Sanderson."
It's tragic when anyone spends a portion of himself, but as
I have said before and will say again, nobody starts out to
become a drug addict or alcoholic. There are still many facts
we don't have about drugs, and especially marijuana. However,
as the evidence is gathered, it becomes more and more ob-
vious that its use is fraught with peril. Evidence is solid
that it affects judgment, multiplies the incidence of birth
defects, reduces self awareness and creates the illusion of
greater insight and emotional maturity. Many times the users

thought they were getting "smarter" but no one else did. Pot also
diminishes sex drive, distorts distance and actually destroys
cells, while creating apathy among habitual users.
Occasionally, a youngster might be warned by a real friend
who understands the risk involved in using marijuana, but the
changes brought about by its use are so subtle the user sees no
danger and detects no change. They believe that smoking pot is
harmless. But as Neil Soloman, M.D. points out, this belief is as
wide spread as it is wrong. It's true that pot is harmless by
comparison with, say heroin, but by the same logic, it's also all
right to cut off your foot compared to slitting your throat. Many
users go to great lengths to point that out. It's "his life" and if it
hurts anyone, it will be no one but him. Besides, it's fun and he is
now accepted as "one of the gang." Even if this were entirely true
it is still sad to watch young people cripple and sometimes destroy
their lives. From a tragic personal experience, however, I can tell
you that pot smokers, like drinkers, often hurt and destroy people
other than themselves. An older brother and his wife lost their
youngest son, who was an outstanding young man of 25~ when he
was hit by a car driven by a youngster high on pot who misjudged
his speed and the distance involved. The grief of the parents and
loved ones is indescribable and the recurring guilt feelings of the
boy responsible for the tragedy will undoubtedly have a sobering
affect on anyone familiar with the family. I pray that those who
contend that pot is harmless will never have to deal with just one
grief stricken member of an innocent victim's family. Many,
many times the individual involved with pot grows bolder and
indulges more frequently. Finally, he is "hooked" and progress-
ing on the road to the big "H." That is the route most hard core
addicts take, according to the world's foremost authorities - the
hard core addicts themselves.


There's a funny thing about the use of marijuana. After a

time, one member of the group suggests smoking "pot" is kid
stuff. What they should do is try ''hashish,'' "speed," or something
with a bigger kick. They point out, "If you think pot is fun, you
should try .. .I" They easily "sell the idea" because the group is

already involved. Once they've justified the habit in their own

minds, it's easy to move from that first step and you can bet your
last nickel the source of supply for pot will have access to the hard
You can also bet if your friends or loved ones are involved, they
weren't originally involved by a sinister, underworld character.
They were "sold" by someone they knew and trusted. When a
person gets involved in an illegal activity, he figures it will lessen
his own guilt if he can persuade others to join him. With the
exception of alcohol, marijuana is.the most dangerous of all the
drugs. Without exception, every hard core addict I ever met told
me he started on "pot." My associates in the drug war make the
same observation.
Authorities are in near-unanimous agreement that mari-
juana is not physically addictive. However, in Chairman Claude
Pepper's Congressional Investigation of marijuana, he was
confronted with an uneducated youngster who asked, "If
marijuana is not habit forming, how come I can't quit?" The
committee never answered him. Psychologists say pot is not habit
forming physiologically but it is psychologically. It's sad to play
this word game with kids because it is tougher, much tougher, to
shake a mental habit than a physical one. Arrested heroin addicts
[there is no such thing as a "former" addict any more than there is
a "former" alcoholic], fight the mental addiction to heroin many
years after all their physical needs have passed. Some never get
over a craving for a "fix."


There is no hangover or physical discomfort that follows a

marijuana "high." Since the smoker had a good feeling, was
relaxed and at peace, he can see no reason "why not," and he's on
the way - down. The changes pot makes are so gradual the user
is almost never aware of them. The changes are so slight you
waste your breath mentioning them because the user couldn't
and wouldn't believe you. The people who see him every day
aren't even aware of the change. Generally speaking, it's the
friend or relative who hasn't seen him for a few weeks who first
notices the change.

Originally, when a youngster starts on this "habit," the cost is

small and can be managed out of the regular allowance. When
users get into the drug scene on a more regular basis, however,
more money is required. At that point, money starts disappear-
ing from the top of the dresser, Mom's change purse or Dad's
wallet. As the habit grows, the need for money and the skill for
acquiring it grows. Now the prospective addict starts taking
more money and selling items from the house that are not likely to
be missed. As the habit grows, the addict moves his petty thievery
to the local stores. He sells these stolen items through a "fence" at
a price roughly ten to twenty-percent of the true market value. At
this price, some ingenuity is required to support even a small
The deeper and more involved the habit becomes, the greater
the thievery. The move into the hard drugs, involving the regular
use of things like "speed," "LSD," "heroin," cocaine, and others
increases the thievery at an alarming rate. The greater the habit,
the greater the cost, until eventually the addict has to steal on
virtually a full time basis. Eventually this reaches the limit. Girls
frequently turn to prostitution and the boys to procuring. The
next step comes when involvement is so heavy the addict can't
raise enough money to support it. At that point the nice boy or girl
across the street, who started out "just smoking pot," becomes a
pusher. None of these· kids would have believed it was possible or
that it could happen to them.


There are two things we need to understand about drugs.

First, there is no way to predict what the addict will do while
under the influence of drugs. Second, there is no way to predict
what he will do to satisfy the craving once he has the habit. There
are cases where addicts have done everything from selling their
own sisters and wives into prostitution to killing their own
relatives to acquire money to support the habit. One boy literally
killed his friend and ate his heart while on an hallucinogenic trip.
When an addict becomes a pusher, he is in a unique position.
In most cases, he can't sell his product to established users so he
has to "create" a new market. The new "pusher" would literally

get his throat cut if he attempted to sell another pusher's

"customers," so he carves out his own territory. This creates a
vicious cycle because the new pusher must get more people
started on the same habit he himself took up so casually. Oh, what
a price to pay just to be "one of the gang."


This way of life had led my generation to be highlyeritical of

the younger generation. We've said some pretty hard things
about immoral, irresponsible kids and accused them of being the
''worst'' generation in history. There's a good chance we were
right, but unfortunately we made the mistake of focusing on the
problem while largely ignoring the cause of the problem.
However, as I did my research for this book, it became
increasingly evident that youthful behavior was often the result
of following adult examples and falling victim to the temptations
made possible by an older generation.
By now you have a clear picture ofwhatI believe, so I won't do
any re-hashing other than to remind you that, "as ye sow, so also
shall ye reap." Ideas and suggestions are planted by the television
screen [which has surpassed both the home and the church as the
greatest influence in America today], theatres, radios, books,
magazines, and the conduct of people in general. Obviously, most
T.V. stations, newspapers, massage parlors, movie houses, drug
import businesses, drinking and gambling establishments, etc.
are not owned by teenagers. However, the victims are often
youthful and the results are as devastating as the profit to the
owners is enormous. Today, when I look at a younger generation
in trouble, I am forced to admit that my peer group, my
generation, stands guilty with the youth.
This is not a "cop-out" of the premise that each individal who
reaches the age of accountability must accept his responsibility to
mankind and will stand in front of the judgment seat of Almighty
God. I'm simply acknowledging the responsibility my generation
must accept because of what we did to promote these builders of
destructive habits, or did not do through economic and legislative
pressure to prevent their spread. The greatest of all mistakes is to
do nothing because you think you can do only a little.


Profanity is another bad habit. It's disappointing to hear

anyone use profanity of any kind, because we have no way of
knowing where or when it's going to stop. I often hear people
burst out in some "colorful expressions." In many cases an
associate or subordinate will explain that "John doesn't mean a
thing by it [cursing] - that's just the way he is." My problem is
similar to yours. I can't tell when a person means something or
when he doesn't. I consider it rude to interrupt such a person after
every statement to inquire if it is part of what he "means" or part
of what he "does not mean."
I find it difficult to believe anyone has ever favorably
influenced another for their mutual benefit by using profanity,
but I know of many instances where sales were lost, friendships
disrupted, opportunities missed or courtships terminated
because of it. Profanity is another of those bad habits which
creeps in so gradually most are unaware they're acquiring it.
Even rape is generally the end result of an escalating bad
habit. According to Dorothy Hicks, M.D., reporting on the results
of studies done in Florida, most rapists started in the same way.
Dr. Hicks points out that rape on the part of the habitual rapist is
an act of violence and not an act of sex. At that moment, the rapist
hates women and could care less about her age or appearance and
often can't recall anything about her. She then points out that
rapists start as peeping toms, next they begin silently entering
bedrooms where they watch women sleeping. They then move to
non-violent rape which progresses to violent rape.
The habitual liar, the person who is chronically late, the
promiscuous individual, the one who "didn't hear the alarm" and
sleeps on, all got their start in the same manner. A slight
concession initially, which led to more and bigger concessions
until eventually these bad habits become a way of life.


All bad habits, trends, cancers, etc., start slowly, quietly, and
apparently harmlessly. This is true on a personal, national and
international level. Initially, it seems so foolish to make an issue

out of "such a little thing." No one knew this better than Nikita
Khrushchev, the butcher of Budapest, who ruthlessly slew tens of
millions. He clearly stated the Communist position in the
Congressional Record of the United States. "We cannot expect
the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we
can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses
of Socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have
The "small doses" Khrushchev spoke of started during the
depression years when the relief programs got a foothold. It was
during this period that Americans started electing their
Senators and Congressmen because of their "promises" to vote
more aid for their section of the country and not for their ability,
integrity and patriotism. When Americans started looking for a
"handout" instead of a hand, we were laying the first foundation
stones for a national policy built on fear and greed instead of
strength and dignity.
The first "small doses" in the bad habit of establishing a "no
win" policy took place when Truman stopped Patton and his
tanks on the outskirts of Berlin, denying the Allies the victory
Almighty God had given us over a godless enemy. This set the
stage for the "no win" policy that has dominated our national
thinking ever since. He did it for our "friend" and ally, Joe Stalin,
who rates second only to Mao Tse-Tung in the number of millions
slaughtered. Later, despite the eloquent pleas of Churchill, we
refused to attack the soft underbelly of Europe and lost those
countries to Communism. The trend continued when we invited
Russia to enter the war against an already defeated Japan and
lost North Korea to Communism as a result. Later - still on our
giant surrender program, we listened to George Marshall when
he assured us that Mao and his buddies were a bunch of harmless
agrarian reformers. We withdrew our aid and abandoned our
long time friend and ally, Chiang Kai Shek to the Communist
hordes and lost China to Communism.
By now it should have been obvious to every politician and
voter in America that we were on a collision course with disaster
but we still had some lessons to learn. In Communism we found a
willing teacher. We had victory in our grasp in Korea, but liberal
thinking and our "no win" policy forced us into a stalemate which

exists today. Next carne Cuba when - despite some alarming

intelligence reports - we aided Fidel Castro in his takeover.
More recently we've experienced the tragedy of our "no win"
policy in Viet-Nam. Most knowledgeable military men say we
could have won that war quickly by shutting down the Ho Chi
Minh Trail and closing Haiphong Harbor in the early days.
Let me also remind you that Khrushchev did say they were
going to "bury" us and that the Communists have broken every
treaty signed with a Western nation when it was to their
advantage to do so. Cambodia and South Viet-Nam have fallen to
the Communists despite the Paris Cease-Fire Agreement signed
by the United States and South Viet-Nam with North Viet-Nam
and the Viet Congo
Communists are simply not bound by the same moral laws
that govern us. They label themselves as the "People's" party and
liberators, but surely you have noticed what happens in every
instance when they "liberate" a country. Have you noticed a flood
of refugees going from West Germany to East Germany, from
Hong Kong to Red China, from Miami to Havana or from
Western Europe into Hungary and Russia? More recently, have
you seen any refugees fleeing north to Hanoi to embrace their
"liberators?" [Two reasons you never see refugees running to
their Communist "liberators" are; historically they always lose
their freedom and they want to eat and no communist country on
earth can feed itself.]
Again, all trends and habits - both personal and national-
start weak and slow but ultimately get fast and strong. I'm
convinced there is time to reverse the trend but we must make
our stand personally - and as a nation - now. If everyone-
starting with you - keeps himself morally sound and strong, we
have nothing to fear from an outside or inside foe. The hour is late
- but it's not too late to reverse the trend. I'll have more to say
about the solution to this problem as we close the book.


I emphasize that every bad habit you have was acquired

slowly and easily. The analogy on marijuana applies equally as
well to drinking. There are still those parents who condemn

drugs but defend their own drinking. Many will say, "How,
where and why did our boy or our girl ever acquire such a habit?
How could they turn to drugs when they have everything?" The
kids might ask you parents the same question. Mter all, alcohol is
a drug too. Some parents, in self-righteous indignation, say,
"How could they do this to us?" Let me emphasize one point. Many
parents will start the day with a "pep pill." Later, to settle their
nerves, they take a "tranquilizer." To curb their appetites, they
take a "diet pill." Before dinner they have a "cocktail" and they
finish the day with a "nightcap." During the day they smoke a
pack or two of "cigarettes" and throw in a couple of "aspirin" for
good measure. Then, the parents indignantly say, "Where do the
kids come up with the drug habit?"
Many years ago, while driving with my mother from
Columbia, South Carolina to Charleston, South Carolina, I asked
about a former classmate of mine in my hometown of Yazoo City,
Mississippi. My mother lowered her voice and whispered, "Why,
Son, he has turned into the 'worst kind of drinker'." I half jokingly
asked, "Mother, what is the 'worst kind of drinker'?" She
explained to me that my classmate would buy a bottle and in the
quietness of his home, take a drink. She stressed that he never
denied his family anything, never became abusive and never got
drunk. She stressed that his drinking did not affect his job, that
he was a "respected" member of the community and had recently
been elected to a political post.
Somewhat started, I facetiously asked, "Mother, is that really
the 'worst kind of drinker'?" She assured me in no uncertain
terms it was and her reasoning was simple. He set a "good"
example of drinking and his children saw nothing wrong with
Dad, who worked so hard to support them, relaxing and taking a
drink. They identified drinking with a kind, considerate devoted
husband and father. As Mother pointed out, no one wants to
emulate the drunk. Had this man been inclined to abuse his
family and deny them the necessities of life, the children would
have been disgusted with drinking. Had he been an occupant of
skid row or a sot who was inclined to roll in the gutter, no one
would have wanted to "be like him." [Could this be the reason the
liquor industry piously urges you to drink in "moderation?"]
To reinforce what my mother is saying, France has the

highest per capita wine consumption of any country in the world.

They also have the highest rate of alcoholism of any country in the
world. For fear you might think this is a "coincidence," let me add
that Chile has the second highest per capita consumption of wine
and the second highest rate of alcoholism in the world.
One more "coincidence" needs to be spotlighted. It's too early
to obtain a definite figure but there has been a dramatic increase
in teenage alcoholism which coincides directly with the sudden
splurge of TV advertising of sweet wines. The added tragedy is
that these commercials, along with the ones on beer, concentrate
on the major athletic events with their high percentage of
youthful audiences. The hypocrisy is incredible. Athletics to
build life and health, being sponsored by alcohol which destroys
life and health.
The drinking habit starts with the consumption of a small
amount of alcohol in the wine. Over a period of time, the body
increases its desires and tolerances for more of the alcohol and the
results have been disastrous. When I see parents giving a toddler
a sip of their beer, I can't help but wonder if I'm observing the
making of another alcoholic. It's bad enough when a person
stumbles on his own into the alcoholic jungle. For a parent to lead
a youngster into that jungle has to be one of the most despicable
and/or foolish acts of our time.
Obviously, it is a misguided act carried out in ignorance, but
until we spread the truth to enough people, alcoholism will
continue to grow. It is important that we continue to learn about
alcoholism and take every conceivable action to restore alcoholics
to productive lives. These steps, however, without education
toward prevention, make as much sense as putting an ice cube on
a thermometer after it registers your temperature at 103 degrees
in the mistaken belief you are "curing" the fever.
Surely as a civilized nation, we can learn from the sad
experience of France and Chile - as well as from the estimated
9,000,000 alcoholic Americans. [Some authorities place that
figure closer to 25,000,000.] As of this moment, liquor is the
number one "drug problem" in America, and it's growing by
leaps and bounds - particularly among the youth. In New York
City, for example, a recent survey revealed that 12% of the pupils
have a drinking problem and nearly 60% of the high school

students in America get drunk at least once each month. The

same survey recommended that prevention be initiated in the
elementary grades. They are partially right. It should be
reinforced in the elementary grades. It should be started by
Mother and Dad by example and teaching while the children are
still on Mama's knee.
Despite this fact, there are some parents who proudly state
that their kids don't fool with dope - they only drink. They even
boast that they are teaching the kids "how" to drink properly. Is
this possible?
Authorities now know that approximately one person in
sixteen who takes a social drink, will become an alcoholic. To
repeat myself, alcoholics, like other drug addicts, never start out
to become alcoholics but all bad habits start slowly and
gradually and before you know you have the habit, the habit
has you.
The Surgeon General of the United States requires that
cigarette manufacturers place a mild warning on a pack of
cigarettes - and well he should. The mystery is, why he doesn't
demand a much stronger warning on every bottle containing
alcohol. To compare the dangers of cigarette smoking with the
dangers of drinking is like comparing the killing power of a pea
shooter with a 50-caliber machine gun. If there is any doubt in
your mind that alcohol is our biggest killer, let me point out that
according to Time Magazine, our twenty-year involvement in
Viet-Nam cost us approximately 141 billion dollars and 56,000
dead. In the same twenty years the drinking driver took
approximately 500,000 people to a premature death and cost us
nearly half a trillion dollars. If the same people who
demonstrated so violently against our involvement in Viet-Nam
would demonstrate just half that much against our involvement
in the liquor industry and its infinitely heavier toll in human
suffering, they would render a real service to America.
The Supreme Court of public opinion is still the highest law in
the land. Question: Why don't you put this book down, pick up
your pen and write your Senator and Congressman a letter
suggesting that he can become a national hero - and perhaps get
your vote in the next election - by introducing legislation to
properly identify what alcohol does. Our laws require that we

identify what's in the bottle, but it makes more sense to tell the
public what the contents do.


On the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains, a giant Sequoia

lies rotting. It was a growing sapling when Christ walked the
shores of the Sea of Galilee. When Columbus discovered America,
it was reaching maturity and it looked down from lofty heights
during the American Civil War. It withstood the ravages of fires,
floods, storms and droughts. It seemed destined to live many
more centuries. Then, a few years ago, a tiny beetle started to
burrow into its bark and lay the eggs that would produce other
beetles. It seemed like an unequal battle at first, but the few
beetles multiplied into hundreds, then into thousands and finally
into millions. First they attacked the bark, then they worked
deeper and deeper into the trunk, and finally, they were eating at
the very heart and strength of that magnificent forest giant.
Then one day, after withstanding the elements for centuries, the
rains came, the winds blew, the lightening flashed and the giant
Sequoia fell. Not because of the elements. It fell because of the
weakening effect of those tiny beetles. Bad habits do the same to
people. They slowly take a toll until the day comes when the man,
like the tree, falls.
Gone With The Wind was the first family movie to use a
profane word and did it ever get a reaction! As a 7th grader in a
predominantly Southern Baptist environment, I shall never
forget the reaction of the community. They were dumbstruck and
horrified. The liberals scoffed and said it was ridiculous for us to
worry. What harm could one little word do? The next year saw
another word added to the acceptable list for the family theatre
and we were on our way - down.
Over ten years ago, Jack Parr was "panned" unmercifully
because he referred to a "water closet" on his program. Then, as
one TV writer expressed it, "We started to grow up." Hard-core
pornography began to move from "adult" book stores to the
magazine racks of the family drugstore. Other programs and
discussions on TV used more and more "blue" material until it
became an "anything goes" format for the viewer.

Today, you can view movies like Last Tango in Paris and Deep
Throat in "family" theatres. You can tune in on talk shows and
listen to the open endorsements of free love, trial marriage,
homosexuality, etc. It all started with a tiny crack in the dike. The
breakdown of morals for the individual begins with a slight
concession. First one and then another. Promiscuity begins when
a boy or girl "surrenders" that priceless virginity, and morality is
thrown to the winds as the confused passion of the moment usurps
the place of genuine love.
Tragically, once the barrier has been lowered, it is much
easier to lower it the second and subsequent times. Yes, bad
habits start slowly and easily, and before you are aware you have
the habit - the habit has you - and the results are disastrous.
One thing we know, however, is that bad habits are the results of
bad learning, and if it can be learned it can be unlearned.
Now that we've identified some of the bad habits, let's go to the
next chapter and learn how to eliminate or unlearn those bad
habits - and acquire the good ones.



Obviously, it's better to never acquire the habit of smoking,

drinking, drugs, law breaking, promiscuity, cheating, cursing,
finger nail biting, overeating, etc. Since concerned parents and
responsible citizens all over America are vitally concerned about
these matters let's look at a few guidelines which should be
helpful in avoiding the destructive habits.
Sam Maglitto, curriculum director at Bay City Independent
School District, Bay City, Texas, makes the observation that if
the philosophy of "See You At The Top" were taught at the fifth
and sixth grade level, it would eliminate the need for sex
education, drug education, and career education. That's a pretty
strong statement but I might point out that Mr. Maglitto speaks
from personal experience as a parent whose daughter has studied
the philosophy and as a school administrator where the course is
being taught. He feels that the first step is to sell our youngsters
on the advantages of keeping clear minds, healthy bodies and
sound morals and thus head off the problems and eliminate
destructive habits before they start. Naturally, I agree.
The second step to avoiding bad habits, drugs in particular,
according to Dr. Forest Tenant of U.C.L.A. is to "spank the kids
and take them to church." I am certain that many of the civil
libertarians will scream it's archaic to lay your hands on the kids.
Psychologists, however, generally agree that when a child
understands he is going to be held responsible for his deeds he is
far more likely to be concerned with those deeds. Dr. Tenant did a
comprehensive study of the drug problem among the GIs in
Germany where America had a drug problem second only to the
one in Vietnam. He discovered there were only two things that
served as a definite deterrent as far as the use of drugs was
concerned. The first was to take the kids to church fifty or more
times by the time they were fifteen years old. The second was to

regularly spank them moderately when the occasion demanded

it. The Bible very clearly states that this is the procedure to follow
if you love your child.
Psychologist James Dobson strongly feels it is most destruc-
tive to permit a child to go through life without the loving
assurance expressed in discipline. Discipline assures the child he
is worthwhile and that you love him enough to discipline him for
conduct which is not in his own best interest.
Step number three is to set an example. When I was a young
father, my mother repeatedly said to me, "Son, your children
more attention pay to what you do than what you say." Parents
who are sincerely concerned about their children not drinking,
smoking, using drugs, or living in an immoral way should set the
proper example. Evidence is conclusive that if parents smoke
and drink, the children are far more likely to follow that
example. As I previously stated, some parents start the day with
a pep pill, followed by a tranquilizer to steady their nerves.
During the course of the day they might take a couple of aspirins,
have a cocktail before dinner, and a nightcap before retiring.
Along the way they smoke a couple of packs of cigarettes and then
they express amazement when their kids get involved in "drugs."
They wonder out loud as to why, and how the kids - who had
everything - could do such a thing.
Step number four is fight false advertising. The tobacco and
liquor industries are undoubtedly the best financed and the most
imaginative in their advertising campaigns. The beer people sell
their beer with some of the most persuasive commercials on
television. They are particularly adept at using athletic figures to
peddle their beer, knowing full well that youngsters identify with
athletes. And after all those guys sure made it big and if they
think it is alright and fun, then obviously it is! The liquor industry
sells gracious living and the "man of distinction" approach while
piously adjusting their halos and suggesting that you drink in
The cigarette ads sell the idea of "manhood" and "feminity"
while emphasizing that you are a part of the "in" crowd and
"sophisticated" if you smoke. This false advertising is so
persuasive and repeated so many times that most kids decide to
try smoking by the time they are seven years old. As mentioned

earlier, thanks to the same advertising techniques, teenage

alcoholism has dramatically increased the last five years.


In my judgment we should fight this false advertising with

truth in a dramatic way. For example, have you ever looked at an
old lady with a cigarette dangling between her lips until she has
to remove it to cough a few times? Or have you seen an old man
with nicotine-stained fingers put a cigarette to his mouth, forget
about it, and watch the ashes drop off on his clothes? Think about
this phrase, "Kissing a girl who has smoked a cigarette is like
licking an ashtray"? Now that you've thought about it, does
smoking add to your sexuality and sophistication or does it take
away from it? Additionally, girls, there is irrefutable evidence
that cigarette smoking causes your skin to be dry and wrinkled
before your time.
To add insult to injury [I believe we are safe in referring to
lung cancer and heart disease as injury], Uncle Sam contributes
millions of dollars to support the tobacco farmers with crop
subsidies, then after spending millions of dollars proving that
smoking causes cancer and heart disease he spends hundreds of
millions of dollars supporting the treatment of the cancer which
he contributed to the cause of in the first place! So surely Uncle
Sam, with enough pressure, would be willing to spend additional
funds fighting the sale of the product which he encourages with
the subsidy. Obviously I say this with tongue in cheek but it is
interesting to listen to someone explain why we should support
the raising of tobacco - then restrict the advertising because it is
injurious to health - then contribute to the cancer research and
treatment to fight the cancer caused by smoking cigarettes
which our tax-supported dollars had already proved caused
cancer. [You might want to re-read this paragraph.]


Step number five in avoiding bad habits is to take your

children on field trips and let them see the result of smoking,
drinking, and drugs. I suggest you visit someone who has

emphysema or lung cancer caused by smoking and take your

child with you. Give him an opportunity to talk with a person
[preferably someone you know] who is afflicted with emphysema
or lung cancer and let him listen to their labored efforts at
breathing. Admittedly, this is drastic but remember the victim
started with one cigarette. In all fairness to your youngster, this
gives him the opportunity to see the other side which the cigarette
ads leave out. There's not much "glamour," "sophistication,"
"sexuality," "taste," or "relaxation" in a cancer - as any victim
who has "bought" the cigarette commercials will tell you. Strong!
Perhaps. But sometimes we need to let the kids know that in the
case of bad habits you do pay the price.
You can reinforce these fields trips with casual inquiries
among smokers in the presence of your youngsters. Ask the
smokers if they would - knowing what they now know - start
smoking again. The vast majority will emphatically state that
they would not repeat the mistake.
A couple of thoughts are most important. The decision to
smoke, drink, use drugs, overeat, engage in pre-marital sex, etc.,
are emotional and not logical decisions. In most cases the
youngers had an emotional need for acceptance which they felt
these acts or habits would provide. That's the reason
demonstrated love and open communication are so important
between parent and child. That's also the reason I would urge you
to embrace the philosophy of See You At The Top as well as the
two books by Dr. James Dobson which I list at the beginning of
Segment Two. When your child [you, too] has accepted and
approves of himself [healthy self image] he does not require the
acceptance and approval of others. Additionally, when our goals
are well defined, we clearly understand that destructive habits
greatly reduce our chances of reaching those goals and we give
considerably more thought to gambling with the future which we
have carefully planned.
If either you or your children are young and involved in social
drinking, let me suggest you go to skid row, look in the gutters
and remember what you see. Decide if you're willing to risk even
sixteen-to-one odds that it couldn't happen to you. It could. Next,
go to a couple of A.A. meetings. You'll be shocked to see brilliant
and talented people from all walks of life who thought it could

never happen to them. As you listen to their stories, you'll get a

different look at the alcohol that appears to be as harmless, as
sophisticated and being as much "fun" as advertisements depict.
As you listen to alcoholics tell their stories, remember, every
single case started with one drink. Remember that over 25,000
people will be killed on our highways this year by drunks who
originally started with only one drink. There's no "distinction" in
that statistic and there's no distinction in drinking.
Let your youngsters ask the victims how many of them had
planned on becoming alcoholics. I believe it would have a
sobering impact. Any youngster who hears the scream of a drug
addict fighting withdrawal symptoms, and hears a simple
explanation of the birth place of those screams, would have a
large part of his curiosity satisfied. I believe taking our kids to the
courtroom where the judge is sentencing an outstanding fourteen
year old boy or girl to reform school because of thefts they
committed to feed the drug or drinking habit or to receive a thrill
while "proving" they weren't chicken would have a rather
sobering effect. Admittedly, some of these steps are severe but
the future of someone you love could be at stake. That's serious.
Let's now look at what you can do to eliminate a destructive
habit, whether it is obesity, habitually being late, profanity,
smoking, having a short temper, homosexuality, alcoholism,
promiscuity, etc. The first and most important thing you must do
is to decide that you want to eliminate the habit. That is a decision
you and only you can make. Without this motivation on your part,
no person or procedure will have any significant impact. If
someone else "talks you into it" the chances are strong you will
perhaps start but the effort will be short lived. [Remember, you
generally don't reach someone else's goal.] Many times you end up
further behind than you would have been had you not attempted
to quit a habit which you were not ready to give up [weight lost
and regained is a classic example]. So first, and most important-
ly, decide you no longer are going to be a slave to any destructive
habit. Decide you want to have control of your life, that you want
to be free, that you want to do things with your life instead of
having things done to your life.


!-t's tougher - much tougher - to quit a bad habit, but

unfortunately the results are fun and much more rewarding.
Former smokers, alcoholics, fat folks, etc., unanimously - and in
glowing terms - give me a tremendous number of details
concerning the joy and excitement of shedding those pounds,
giving up the weed, and getting off the bottle. The ex-smoker
talks about the exciting taste of food - the clean smell of the air,
clothes, furniture, etc. They talk about a new-found self-respect
and satisfaction from whipping a habit that would have taken
from two to ten years off their lives - and a lot of living out of
their lives. [According to aJune 1, 1977 Associate Press story, the
Royal College of Physicians in co-operation with all of Britain's
Medical Colleges conducted a study which revealed that each
cigarette cuts 5~ minutes from a smoker's life span, that roughly
one in three smokers die because of smoking and roughly 50
million working days' are lost in Britain each year through illness
caused by smoking. They also found that a smoker who quits
gains immediate benefits and in 10-15 years the extra risk of
dying early disappears. Incidentally, a 5~ minute loss of life per
cigarette translates into 28 days per year of smoking if you smoke
just one pack per day.] As you decide that you are going to seek
the richer life, listen to the ex-smokers explain why they are
exuberant with the realization that they will be here those extra
years and that they are using their money for worthwhile rather
than destructive purposes.
If you're obese I urge you to go to several of the Weight
Watchers or Overeaters Anonymous meetings and listen to
people who have lost from 50 to 350 pounds. Listen to them talk of
the struggles they had but of the rewards that are now theirs.
Listen to the sheer joy of being able to buy a suit or dress off the
rack at a reasonable price. Listen to them talk about a new found
romance in their life and the thrill of being able to tie their shoes
without grunting and walk up a flight of stairs instead of having
to wait for the elevator. Listen to them talk about the accolades
that are pinned on them for their new svelte figure rather than
the ridicule, laughter, and contempt that was often heaped upon
them and by the unspoken words that were often on the minds of

their associates. Listen to those quitters who quit eating so much

and it will help you quit eating too much.
The arrested alcoholics talk about all their new friends and
how they got their old ones back. They, frequently with tears in
their eyes, tell of regained families - the resumption of long
interrupted careers - new self-respect - new social life and a
feeling of tremendous accomplishments from paying their own
way - and then some.


Interestingly enough, many of these people quit their bad

habits in exactly the same way they acquired them - by
association with the right people with positive goals in life. This
has long been known in the case of alcoholics through Alcoholics
Anonymous and more recently compulsive gamblers through
Gamblers Anonymous and for the obese person, Weight
Watchers, T.O.P.S. [Take Off Pounds Sensibly] and others. The
reasons these organizations work when everything else has failed
are numerous. The alcoholic, compulsive gambler or the obese
person, is suddenly thrust into a group of people who are
succeeding in whipping the problem that has been whipping
them. They are with and around concerned, caring people who
know the bitterness of defeat and the sweetness of victory.
Countless stories of "I did it and so can you," give the victims of
these habits the confidence and the support he or she needs.
Surrounded by the optimism, enthusiasm and encouragement of
a right thinking environment, the results are dramatic. Again,
again, and even again, will I say that your associates do influence
your habits and you don't pay a price for success, health,
happiness, etc., you enjoy a price.
Two other factors with considerable impact are involved in
the case of A.A. First of all, the alcoholic is brought to the
complete realization that there is absolutely nothing that he or
she can do about their alcoholism themselves. They are helpless
and it is not because they do not want to quit drinking. No sane
person would want to be an alcoholic and bring about the
suffering to themselves and their families. When the alcoholic
admits that he must have the help of a higher power then he is on

his way to solving the problem. They identify God by saying, "God
as you understand Him." Since I am not bound by any of the
restrictions they are bound by, I simply say God, period. I refer
you back to Isaiah 40:31 and remind you that in that verse to
"renew" means to "change" or "exchange." It's true you can't-
but God can. It is stressed that the alcoholics' only hope is a power
source greater than their own. [John 15:5-7 is quite clear on this.]
Until the alcoholic reaches that conclusion, his chance of
"arresting" the disease is remote. Ditto for the hard-core drug
addict. Nor does A.A. and its members permit the alcoholic to get
hung up on a lot of "cop-outs." [My mother was scared by a
runaway horse before I was born, I was rejected by my
classmates, my mother took me off the potty too soon, etc.]
Alcoholics are forced to admit they are alcoholics because they
drink too much booze, period. Psychologically when an in-
dividual is brought face to face with the fact that regardless of the
excuse he used to start a destructive habit he is the only one who is
going to suffer the consequences. When he understands and
accepts full responsibility for his behavior, a giant step has been
taken to break that habit.
Many times the individual can be brought face to face with the
reality that his reason for starting a habit no longer exists. For
example, he might have started smoking, cursing, gambling,
drinking, using drugs, etc. because of insecurity and the need to
be accepted by his peer group. With this realization and the
building of that healthy self image the individual is freed of the
reason for these destructive habits and his chances of quitting are
An active youngster - perhaps an athlete - burns an
enormous amount of energy and needs a large amount of food.
However, when the physical activity declines the need for much
of the food no longer exists but the habit of eating the larger
amount has been established. Complete awareness of his current
needs and best interests are very helpful in converting the habit
of filling former needs with the advantages of dealing with the
current problem to solve present needs.
Step number three is substitute. There is really no such thing
as eliminating a habit. You simply subsititute a good one for a
bad one. The alcoholic substitutes optimistic, dedicated, caring

friends in a positive atmosphere of hope and encouragement for

the booze, bars, boredom, bums, and bellyaches that are
frequently the alcoholic's constant mental and physical com-
panions. Psychologically, it's important to have a new activity or
habit to fill the void when you start eliminating any bad habit or
habits. When the alcoholic sees the result of stopping the bad
habit of drinking and the changes taking place in the lives of the
other alcoholics as well as their own they set new goals of their
own and for the first time they "see the reaching".
Since bad habits are in your mind [the physical need or desire
for tobacco, alcohol and drugs is comparatively short] I refer you
back to Chapter Three of this Segment. Keep your mind busy as
you fill it with good, clean, inspirational, confidence building,
"you can do it" messages from the printed page and the spoken
word. You cannot concentrate on two things at the same time. By
occupying the mind positively, you are substituting the craving
for a "bad habit" by building your character with desire for long-
lasting success and happiness. In other words, don't be unwise in
your habits but rather aspire to maturity and wisdom and keep
your mind well and emotions focused on positive ideas.
Breaking the smoking habit can even be simple - I didn't say
easy - according to my good friend Bill Schmelzer, M.D., who
offers this suggestion for breaking the smoking habit. In the spot
you now have your cigarettes, place a pocket sized New
Testament. When the urge to smoke - or far more likely, the
habit-formed movement of automatically reaching for your
cigarettes - hits you, you will reach for your cigarettes but you
will fill your hands with God's lifesaving Word instead of
shortening your life expectancy. As you reach for the Testament,
simply pray, "Lord, help me." Then read two passages of
scripture: John 15:5-7 and Philippians 4:13. By taking these steps
you will be fulfilling the muscular habit while at the same time
substituting the physical habit of smoking for the habit of
drinking from God's lifesaving Word. After a few days this will
become automatic and one more bad habit will bite the dust. This
will add years to your life. Now turn to Ephesians 2:8-9 and learn
how to really extend your life span - like forever. Not only will
this get the smoke out of your eyes now but more importantly it
will help keep the heat off you later.


To eliminate or whip the bad habit, I also urge you to

regularly review the Self Image Segment so you will be
constantly reminded that you are a deserving person. You also
deserve the rewards that go with whipping the bad habit. Get
back in the Segment on Goals. Learn to "see the reaching."
Visualize yourself as "free" of that destructive habit. See yourself
as winning - and you will take a giant step toward winning.
As I have said, the best way to "stop" a bad habit is to never
start it. If you don't smoke that first cigarette, take that first
drink, tell the first little white lie, have that "harmless" cup of
coffee at lunch or after work with that "nice" man or woman at
the office, smoke that first joint,read that pornographic or
homosexual literature the first time, play bingo or buy a lottery
ticket, or cheat in school that first time, then we would have no
problems with any of the final habits that result from those initial
If you have any devastating habits, then you neither need nor
want me or anyone else telling you, you shouldn't have started
those habits. What you do want to know is how to stop them.
Again the best, simplest and surest way is to ask God for help.
Evangelist David Wilkerson, author of The Cross and the
Switchblade, reports that their organization uses no "crutches,"
no medication of any kind in their dealing with hard-core drug
addicts. They use only the healing grace of Jesus Christ and they
are successful in over 80% of the cases. I have visited with
numbers of the residents at D.A.R.E. [Drug Addicts Rehabilita-
tion Enterprises] in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They ranged in
scope from petty thieves and prostitutes to counterfeiters and
murderers. About the only thing they have in common is an
addiction to drugs and a desire to be free of the habit. At D.A.R.E.
the only cure they use are Biblical principals. If the addict stays
on campus 48 hours, the recovery rate is over 85%. In most
instances the addict suffers none of the familiar withdrawal
pains or symptoms and they use no drugs or medication of any
kind. By contrast, the federal government operated the most
modern facility in the country in Lexington, Kentucky with the
latest technological methods and medicines. The facility cost

millions to build and the per patient cost ran into thousands of
dollars. However, less than 2% of the addicts were helped to
permanently kick their habit. The results were so disappointing
the facility was closed.
As a practical matter, let me ask you a question. If you were
faced with a serious operation and only two surgeons were
available, which one would you choose? One assures you that 2% of
his patients recover and the other one points out that over 80% of
his patients recover. We both know which one you would choose,
don't we? Drug addiction and alcoholism are bigger than the
individual, so it takes something bigger than the individual to
whip these self-induced diseases.


In Chapter Two of this Segment, I described in considerable

detail the procedure for getting up in the morning. In my
judgment, this is a good habit. I emphasize that when you start a
procedure like my getting-up routine, it's going to be tough in
some ways. It is a habit you will have to force yourself to "grab."
Then you'll need to hold onto it for all you are worth. After a few
days, an interesting thing will begin to happen. It will get easier
and even become fun. Do it for 21 days and you'll have a "good"
habit. The results will be so great that you'll start living in a
different world. You'll become a happy, more motivated, excited
and enthusiastic person. Take a careful look at any good habit
and try to acquire it. You'll get much more out of life if you do.
In Segment Four of See You At The Top, I have described goal
setting in minute detail. I point out that when I started my
exercise program of running, it was a tremendously tough habit
to acquire. I literally had to force myself to run that first day ...
and the second ... and the third. However, as the days turned into
weeks and the weeks into months, it became easier and easier to
get out and run. It became easier because I started experiencing
the joy of accomplishment. Now, I'm unhappy when cir-
cumstances beyond my control make it difficult and sometimes
impossible for me to run. The habit of running and exercising,
like all good habits, was tough to acquire. However, when we
acquire the "tough" habits, they become "fun" habits, especially

when we remember that doing the tough things today will

prepare us for the big things tomorrow.


Saving money is another good habit. Initially, you have to

force yourself to pay yourself before you start paying your other
bills. But, let me suggest that, regardless of what your income
might be, your first responsibility is to save a portion of every
dollar you earn for you and your future. The excitement of saving
grows with every dollar you add to your account. Soon this "good"
habit is ingrained and becomes a part of you. It is permanently
ingrained in you when, as the Chinese say, your children [dollars]
have children and then those children have children.
Yes, saving money is a good habit, but initially you must
"grab" it and hold on for dear life. Early in the game, there will be
many times [would you believe with every pay check] when you
will be tempted not to pay yourself this time because ... Let me
state this with all the persuasiveness at my disposal: "Regardless
of how good the reason for not saving might be, it's not as good as
the reason for firmly establishing the habit of saving." Many
years ago my first employer, in Yazoo City, Mississippi, pointed
out that if I could live on a certain number of dollars per week, I
wouldn't starve on 10% fewer dollars each week. Obviously, he
was right.
He was also right when he stated that the ability to save money
was a strong indication of character and that if you didn't save
something on your current income - you wouldn't save
anything on your future income.
One thing all "success philosophers" agree on is the absolute
necessity of saving money regularly if you expect dame fortune to
smile on you. The money itself can be critical when busines
opportunities, or reverses enter your life. The benefits you derive
from disciplining yourself to forego the pleasures of the moment
to accomplish your objective are even more important.
Courtesy, happiness and enthusiasm are all good habits. You
can literally force yourself to be courteous, happy and
enthusiastic with every person you meet. After you have forced
yourself to be so for a short period of time, the habit takes over.

Smiling is a habit. Occasionally someone will say they dislike

an insincere smile. Personally, I'd rather see an insincere smile
than a sincere grouch - wouldn't you? Fortunately, once you've
smiled a few smiles of any kind and have gotten into the habit, the
smiles will cease to be insincere. Remember what William James
said about singing? The same thing is true about smiling. We
don't smile because we're happy, we're happy because we smile.
Another significant reason you should smile is people "react" to
you according to the way you "act" towards them. Smile at them
and they'll smile back at you. Scowl at them and they'll scowl in
return. As you discover the benefits of smiling you'll have
acquired a good habit. In the process, that smile of yours will
become quite natural because it will be an outward expression of
an inner feeling. As a fringe benefit you will also discover that a
smile is one little curve that sets a lot of things straight.
Being optimistic, attentive to your wife or husband, or
attending church are also good habits. One exciting fact about a
good habit is, every good habit has a friend and companion.
Acquire any good habit and you get an automatic bonus in the
form of an additional "good" habit. Example: Saving money
increases your security, which gives you added confidence,
making it easy to be relaxed and friendly.
Initially, you might have to work at all of these good habits,
but their affect on you and the people you're around will be so
dramatic that soon you'll no longer have to work on them. Those
"good habits" will be working for you, and that's the stuff of
which success and happiness are made
Yes, habits will either make or break us. Good habits are hard
to acquire but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to acquire but
hard to live with. In reality, as in all the good things in life, it boils
down to ,the choices we make. We can choose to be happy, healthy,
pleasant, courteous, successful, etc. We make the choice when we
choose our habits. After we make the habits, they make us. It has
truly been said that we build our character from the bricks of
habit we pile up day by day. Each one might seem like a little
thing but before we're aware of it, we've shaped the house in
which we live.
Someone observed that success and happiness are not
destinations - they are the entire trip. Life is exciting and this

trip to the top will get even more exciting to you with each step.
It's universally true that the closer we get to the objective, the
more likely we are to "smell the finish line" and increase our
tempo. I hope and believe that you're feeling much of this
excitement as you look at the stairway to the top and see yourself
on Step Number Four.
So here we are at Step Number Four and those glass doors on
the executive suites of tomorrow, with all the rewards they hold
for us, are getting closer and closer. I'm proud of you and how far
you've come. I'm even prouder of the fact that you're continuing
your climb to the top. Let me remind you, however, keep using the
Trigger Pages as I urge you to commit yourself more and more to
Now, I think it's time to display a little exuberance. So, on the
Stairway to the Top page, with the little man representing you,
why don't you write "WHOOPEE!" in big bold letters. Aw, go on,
it's your book.




It's your attitude and not your aptitude that

determines your altitude.



Suppose - just suppose - you were an employer with a work

force of one. What kind of employee would you want? If you were
given the choice of ordering this employee out of a catalogue,
what characteristics would you like for him or her to have? Would
you like for him to be completely dependable, totally honest,
always on the job, completely willing to follow instructions,
extremely brilliant and capable, very pleasant and agreeable
and more than willing to work for room and board on a lifetime
contract? Sounds like the ideal employee, doesn't it? If you had
such an employee, how would you treat him? The answer to that
question is terribly important because this "ideal" employee's
performance is entirely dependent on his treatment. If you are
courteous and thoughtful, he will work long and hard. If you are
rude and inconsiderate, he grows stubborn and rebellious. Brag
on him; tell him how bright he is and he will perform brilliantly.
Call him lazy, stupid or irresponsible and he will rebel and get so
upset he would foul up a two-car parade. Tell him you love and
respect him and he will stay up all night solving your problems.
Fuss at him and tell him you don't love him and he becomes so
frustrated he can't give you the time of day.
Considering everything, if such a prospective employee
showed up at your door looking for a job, would you hire him?
Silly question, isn't it? After you hired him, how would you treat
him? We both know the answer to that one, don't we?
Oh, I almost forgot - this "dream" employee is easily
influenced by the people around him. If he's around negative
"garbage dump" thinkers, he too will become a negative
"garbage dump" thinker and he won't be much fun nor will he be
very productive. Surround him with a bunch of positive thinkers,
positive talkers and positive doers, and it's positively amazing
how much he can produce - and how pleasant he is to be around.

I'll bet you just decided to carefully surround this dream

employee of yours with positive people and a positive environ-
ment. I'll bet you plan to be extremely nice, pleasant and make it
a point to carefully notice all the good things he does, so you can
"brag" on him, so he'll do even more. There's no doubt that you
would think, work, plan, and maybe even scheme a little bit to get
maximum production. You have everything to gain and
absolutely nothing to lose by being super nice to this super
employee. You'd play that one smart, wouldn't you?
The answer to that last question is probably yes - and I'm
certain you would "plan" to do exactly that. However, the chances
are enormous that you would probably abuse and misuse this
dream employee. I say this because based on the misery and
poverty that exists in millions of lives, most people do abuse and
misuse this fantastic employee or servant which is your
subconscious mind. This incredible employee or "servant" will
perform exactly like the "dream" employee I described. Honestly,
now how have you been treating this prized employee, your
subconscious mind, who will do exactly as commanded regardless
of whether the instruction is ,positive or negative? It will bring
you what you want, or what you don't want, according to the
instructions you give it.
Now let's take a look into this subconscious mind of ours - see
what happens as we use it - and learn more about how to
regularly and deliberately make it a better, more productive
employee or servant. I'll set the stage by using some examples
and analogies selected at random from three different areas to
give you a fast peek at the strength and versatility of this
fantastic servant.


Charles Dennis Jones, a husky black man was actually about

six feet tall, but those who saw the incident I'm about to describe
say he was a giant. A truck had run off the road and crashed into a
tree with enormous impact. The engine was forced back into the
cab and the driver's body was twisted under the roof. His feet
were caught between the clutch and brake pedals. The doors
were crushed and bent out of shape. Wreckers were called and a

supreme effort was made to open the cab and free the driver.
However, the wreckage was such that despite the best efforts of
skilled men, the doors refused to budge. To make matters worse,
a fire had started in the cab. Concern turned to panic because it
was obvious that before the fire engines could arrive, the driver
would be burned to death.
Despite the fact that the power of the wreckers had been
unable to open the door, Charles DennisJ ones decided to see what
he could do. Bracing himself against the door, he started to pull.
Slowly, grudgingly, the door began to give way. The force of
Jones' effort was so great that the muscles in his arm expanded
until they literally burst the sleeves of his shirt. Finally, the door
was open, Jones reached inside and bare-handedly bent the brake
and clutch pedals out of the way. He freed the man's legs, snuffed
out the fire with his hands and crawled inside the cab with the
badly injured driver. Bracing himself in a crouching position
with his feet on the floor and his back against the top of the cab, he
lifted the roof by his enormous strength. This freed the driver and
spectators were able to pull him to safety. Then Charles Dennis
Jones quietly and quickly disappeared.
Later, when he was found, someone asked him why and how
he was able to accomplish such a Herculean feat. His reply was a
very simple one. He merely said, "I hate fire." He had a reason. A
few months earlier he had been forced to stand by and watch
helplessly while his small daughter burned to death.
On another occasion, a 37-year-old woman lifted a car
weighing over 3600 pounds, enabling her small son to be pulled to
safety. She did that without thought or hesitation. She had a
Surely you've experienced an occasion when you've been
driving down the street, not thinking about anything in
particular. Then, suddenly, a thought comes to you and you
exclaim, "That's it! That's the answer. Boy, oh boy, why didn't 1
think of it before?" You've just gotten the answer to a problem
that you've been wrestling with for days and you're so excited you
can scarcely contain yourself.
Interestingly enough, Charles Dennis Jones, the 37-year-old
woman and you were all doing the same thing. You were using
the knowledge, strength and power of your subconscious mind.

For years, man has dreamed of unlocking the enormous potential

of his sUbconscious mind so it could be put to work on a regular
basis. Through the centuries, man has been able to Use this
enormous power only occasionally and accidentally. Until
recently, little has been known about this mysterious force or
intellect we call the subconscious mind.
Let's explore it from a layman's point of view and see how it
works and how it relates to the conscious mind. Then, I'll give you
some steps that will enable you to unlock much of this enormous
power within you.
The conscious mind is the calculating, thinking, reasoning
portion of your mind. It has the capacity to accept or reject
whatever it is presented. Generally speaking, whatever you learn
is learned consciously. However, if you are going to do anything
well, you must move it from the conscious to the subconscious.
The subconscious mind has a perfect memory. Everything
you have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched or even
thought about has become a permanent part of the subconscious
mind. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a
year, the subconscious mind is awake and responsive. It accepts,
without question, what it is told and doesn't analyze or reject any
information. It accepts a command or instruction and fills orders
just as surely as a typewriter will type the key that is punched.
The subconscious mind has both unlimited power potential and
storage capacity for all the information we feed into it.


Hypnosis, which deals primarily with the subconscious mind,

is a mystery to most people. It's either accepted or rejected
according to the extent of the information or misinformation
people have about it, but most people don't really understand it.
Actually, we hypnotize ourselves from one interest to another
all through our lives. It is indeed unfortunate that most people
hypnotize themselves into getting the things they don't want
instead of into getting the things they do want. The objective of a
hypnotist is to help you to relax, concentrate and use your own
subconscious mind.
Hypnosis is not a game you play with a friend or someone who

has taken a mail-order course in it. It isn't necessarily true that

you won't do anything dishonest or immoral under hypnosis. That
is one reason you should be very careful and permit only a highly-
trained professional to hypnotize you. It's a fairly simple process
to hypnotize someone, but it's not quite so simple to bring that
person out of a hypnotic trance. If an untrained or unskilled
amateur hypnotist should panic while you are "under," the
results could be quite serious.
The power of post-hypnotic suggestion is well known. An
amateur hypnotist who promises to "cure" or "sol ve" your weight,
smoking, drinking sex, etc., problems might do exactly that-
and leave you with some other problems that could be even more
serious. Simply stated, hypnosis, when properly used by an
expert, is good. In the hands of an amateur it could be dangerous.
For example, some dentists use hypnosis quite successfully.
Doctors also use it for minor surgery. Hypnosis definitely has a
place, but not in the game room and not by the amateur.


A college student was given a newspaper with three

paragraphs encircled which he was instructed to memorize. He
concentrated on the assignment until he felt he knew it. He
quoted the three paragraphs almost verbatim, missing only one
or two words. The psychologist then asked how much of the rest of
the paper he had memorized. The student smiled and said, "I
didn't memorize anything else, because I was concentrating on
the three paragraphs."
The psychologist hypnotized the young man and an amazing
thing happened. Not only did he quote the three paragraphs, he
also quoted much of the rest of the page. The information picked
up from the newspaper was fed directly into the subconscious
mind, which has a perfect memory. This should not be too
surprising if your vision is normal, because you can see objects on
the right and left as well as directly in front of you. If this were not
true, you would be a menace to society and to yourself while
driving, walking or riding a bicycle.
As we stated earlier, most people "hypnotize themselves into
negative images and into getting the things they don't want."

Fortunately, you aren't "most people," and with the aid of this
information - combined with the books and cassette recordings
available on the market today, you will be able to "hypnotize"
yourself into things that are good, clean, positi ve and powerful. In
short you will "hypnotize" yourself into using the strength, talent
and information you already have. This will enable you to get
what you want.
Like everything else, it will require considerable effort on
your part but I repeat what I said earlier. The reward for
accomplishment is so great you will truly accept my contention
that you don't "pay the price," you "enjoy the price."


There probably isn't a person who will read these pages who
hasn't gone into a business office and seen a desk buried with
work. It is covered with everything from yesterday's newspaper
and today's emergencies to last year's tax returns and next
month's budget projections. You and the owner of the desk both
make the same comment, "You can always tell a busy man ... "
You can also tell something about the earned income of the
person behind the desk. Almost, without exception, if the desk is
piled high and cluttered, we have a person who has an earned
income of less than $20,000 a year. Some notable exceptions
would be, authors, salesmen, sales managers and entrepreneurs,
who do their thinking and planning away from their desk. Now, a
clean desk does not necessarily mean a big income, but the
overwhelming majority of the people who earn in excess of
$50,000 a year will have a clean desk.
Here's why. Many times you've been at your cluttered desk
with several things to do. You're busy on one project when, for no
apparent reason, you pick up another project and start working
on it. Your vision had "picked up" the other paper and you
inadvertently reached for it. Instead of focusing your full powers
on the problem at hand, you dissipate your concentration into
several areas. You are dealing with a dozen different problems-
and not really concentrating on any of them.
Now, hypnosis is really your capacity to center or concentrate
on a specific subject. So, you take everything off the desk and get

it out of sight. Since it's impossible to do more than one thing at a

time, place your projects on the desk - one at a time. Three things
will immediately happen. First, the instant the desk is clean, you
feel better psychologically. Second, not only will you be able to do
a better job, but you'll be able to work considerably faster. Third,
you'll be able to find what you need, when you need it, which
means a tremendous savings in time for you.
When you leave a clean desk in the evening, you leave a
completed day's work. Psychologically you feel you've ac-
complished something - you finished a project instead of feeling
you left a project. There is a difference. When you start the next
day you feel you have a fresh start instead of going back to the
same old thing. When you finish and file your work instead of
picking it up and putting it down and picking it up and putting it
down again, you can turn out more and better work. The sense of
relief of staying "caught up" is fun. To know you're doing more
and being more is also fun. It has a built-in positive reward.


Since the subconscious mind without question accepts what

we "feed it" and has a perfect memory, many things can be
detrimental to us when we leave our minds open to everything.
For example, some of the music being played on radio stations
today advocates the use of drugs, free love, trial marriages and
"doing your own thing," regardless of how it might affect others.
When this kind of garbage is "dumped" with a rhythm beat into
an open mind the results can be disastrous. The Manson case is a
tragic example. Charles Manson's motivation for the sadistic
murders of Sharon Tate and other innocent people was planted in
his mind by the message in a Beatle recording. This is one of the
major reasons no one should go to sleep with the radio playing.
You can't sleep as well, and you literally leave your mind open as
a catch-all for every wild idea that is broadcast. This could
account, in part, for some of the unpredictable behavior of some
people, and explains why some "open" minds should be "closed for
repairs." Much of what I'm saying about hypnosis, sleeping with
the radio on, etc., is just common sense. Common sense tells us it
isn't wise to turn our minds over to anyone other than a trained

and trusted professional who guides us In psychological

counseling or personal growth.


Since the subconscious mind never sleeps, we have extra

learning and motivation time while our conscious minds are
asleep. Let me give you a simple, personal experience that
illustrates this use of the subsconscious mind. One of our
daughters had a bed-wetting problem which concerned us, sowe
were thrilled to learn about "sleep teaching" and the sub-
conscious mind. We decided to try an experiment. After she fell
asleep, either her mother or I would kneel by her side and say,
"You are a pretty little girl and we love you very much.
Everybody loves you because you are so pleasant, cheerful and
happy. We love you because you only sleep in a warm, dry bed.
You always sleep ina warm, dry bed. If you should need to use the
bathroom, you'll wake up in plenty of time." We were careful to
never say, "Don't wet the bed." You must not give a negative
instruction in such a situation. Always talk in terms of the
positive. We reinforced this during the day when our daughter
was in listening range. We would casually say how pleased and
happy we were that she was getting to be such a big girl. How
proud we were of her, etc. This was positive reinforcement to the
conscious mind for the positive instruction she was taking
directly into the subconscious mind. Results were dramatic. In
just ten days she stopped wetting the bed and only had one or two
"accidents" the rest of her childhood.


The deliberate use of the subconscious mind is an exciting

possibility for you, and the benefits are almost unlimited. There
are six steps or prerequisites necessary to deliberately use the
subconscious mind on a daily basis. First, you should know that
everything you've ~ver seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched, or
thought about has become a permanent part of you. It's in the
computer, stored and waiting for you to use. This computer of
yours can take isolated facts acquired over a period of many years

and tie them together in a marvelous manner. You can have

solutions to problems and answers to questions that will astound
you, especially the first few times it happens.
Second, you should know that the subconscious mind responds
to stimuli, not pressure. You can't "demand" an answer by a
specific time. That won't work. You can stimulate the sub-
conscious into further activity by listening to recorded
educational and motivational material. The more forcefully and
enthusiastically the new material is injected into the mind, the
more usable it is. Best of all, the more new material you add, the
more usable the information you already have will become.
Third, you should remember you can fool or mislead the
subconscious mind. If you put the wrong thoughts or information
in, the subconscious mind will respond. That's why it's so
important to be careful about the books you select and read, the
company you keep, as well as the TV programs and movies you
watch. If you put negative stuff in, you'll get a negative feedback.
Computer people call it "Gi-Go:" garbage in - garbage out.
That's one of the major reasons I object to much of the TV
programming. When we see a hero or heroine in difficulty, we
tend to identify with them. We often acquire the same problems
we observe day after day, just as others do. Did you know, for
example, that nearly two-thirds of the medical students acquire
the symptoms of the disease they are studying? This is called
"identification" in psychology.
Fourth, "Don't take your problems to bed with you," is
erroneous advice because that's the place to solve many of your
problems. Here's how. When you lie down at night, relax and get
perfectly still. Then relive the happy experiences of the day and
put all disagreeable experiences aside. As you lie there, be still
and know that it's this quietness that produces power. For those
of us who have the extra benefit of believing in Almighty God, we
can redirect this step and simply say, "Lord, I know You have the
answer, so I'm going to turn the question over to You. Now that
it's in Your hands, I'll patiently await your solution." That's
called faith, and it's your reaction to God's ability. During such a
quiet moment at Valley Forge, George Washington found the
strength to lead this country to freedom. During another quiet
moment at Gethsemane, Christ found the strength for His awful

ordeal. As you lie there, listen and reflect on all of the blessings
that are yours. A quiet confidence will come over you as you
listen for words and seek strength that will enable you to succeed
and be happy in the game of life. This procedure will enable you
to go into your deepest level of sleep. Your security is almost
total. Negativisms don't exist so your creative or subconscious
mind is free to "do its thing." And as Dr. Schuller says, this
tranquility produces creativity.
Fifth, expect positive benefits and positive answers to any
questions you might have. Remember, good things happen to
people who expect good things. After you inject the good, power-
ful thoughts into your subconscious mind, give it these instruc-
tions: "I know you have the answer to the question and I know
you are going to give it to me when you want me to have it, so I'll
wait patiently with complete confidence.
SiXth, you should have a pen and pad, or better yet, a cassette
recorder at your bedside. Many times your subconscious mind
will work so swiftly and effectively that you will wake up in the
middle of the night with a fabulous idea or a solution to a prob-
lem. Regardless of how wide awake you might be when the idea
or solution comes to you, odds are you won't remember it the next
day. By recording the thought or idea, you assure yourself of
returning to a deep and restful sleep because you know when you
awaken, the idea or solution will be instantly available to you.
For this reason, it is IMPERATIVE that you have a pen and pad
or cassette recorder next to your bedside for immediate use. After
all, you woke up for a reason; don't blow it by trying to get five
more minutes of sleep. Incidentally, if you experience any diffi-
culty going back to sleep you should quietly and confidently
close your eyes and say, "thank you, thank you, thank you for
health, wealth, happiness and peace." Then repeat over and
over, health, wealth, happiness and peace.
As you follow these steps, you'll be amazed at how fast you get
answers to questions. Just as significant is the fact that as you
get results, your confidence will grow. This will give you more
results, which gives more confidence ad infinitum.









Many years ago, a wise old king called his wise men together
and gave them a commission. "I want you to compile for me the
'wisdom of the ages'. Put it in book form so we might leave it to
posterity." The wise men left their king and worked for a long
period of time. They finally returned with twelve volumes and
proudly proclaimed that this truly was the "wisdom of the ages."
The king looked at the twelve volumes and said, "Gentlemen, I'm
certain this is the wisdom of the ages and contains the knowledge
we should leave to mankind. However, it is so long, I fear the
people won't read it. Condense it." Again, the wise men worked
long and hard before they returned with only one volume. The
king, however, knew that it was still too lengthy so he
commanded them to further condense their work. The wise men
reduced the volume to a chapter, then to a page, next to a
paragraph and finally to a sentence. When the wise old king saw
the sentence, he was absolutely elated. "Gentlemen," he said, "this
is truly the wisdom of the ages, and as soon as all men everywhere
learn this truth, then most of our problems will be solved." The
sentence simply said, "There ain't no free lunch" - and there
It's ironic, [or is it hypocritical], that responsible people agree
with the "No Free Lunch," and "You Can't Get Something for
Nothing" philosophy, but often vote for legalized gambling, horse
racing, dog racing and state lotteries. No wonder the young
people are confused about what mother and dad really do believe.
A wise man observed that the Success Family has Work as the
father and Integrity as the mother. If you can get along with the
"parents" you won't have any trouble with the rest of the family.

Work is the foundation of all business, the source of all

prosperity and the parent of genius.
Work can do more to advance youth than his own parents, be
they ever so wealthy.
It is represented in the humblest savings and has laid the
foundation of every fortune.
It is the salt that gives life its savour but it must be loved
before it can bestow its greatest blessing and achieve its
greatest ends.
When loved, work makes life sweet, purposeful, and fruitful.



Let me urge you to keep an open mind as we explore the

importance of work. As you probably know, some people's minds
are like concrete - all mixed up and permanently set. Yet we
know the mind is like a parachute, functional only when it is open.
We also know you can send a message 24,000 miles around the
world in less than a second, but it often takes years to penetrate
that last ~ inch of skull surrounding the mind.
Many times I've seen people sincerely motivated and enthused
about a philosophy that promises them more in the ball game of
life. They listen attentively to the beauty, happiness, joys and
benefits that go with having the right mental attitude, a healthy
self-image, setting goals and all the positive aspects of the
philosophy. Unfortunately, many times the practical application
of the philosophy goes in one ear and out the other. I would like to
stress the fact that the most practical, beautiful, workable
philosophy in the world won't work - if you won't. A wise
man expressed it well, "Education covers a lot of ground, but it
won't cultivate any of it."
Unfortunately, too many people quit looking for work as soon
as they find a job. They're like this old boy down home. When
asked how long he had been working for his company, his reply
was a classic, "Ever since they threatened to fire me." Someone
asked an employer how many people he had working for him and
he said, "About half of them." Isn't it amazing the number of

people who show up for work and then avoid it like the plague!


The wise old king hit the nail on the head. When men learn
that if they want to occupy their places in the sun, they'll have to
expect some blisters; much will have been accomplished. Work is
the price we enjoy to travel the highways of success. We can best
guard against losing our shirts by keeping our sleeves rolled up.
Many people believe success is dependent upon the glands, and
they're right if they're referring to "sweat glands." America was
built by people who worked, and pulled on the oars, not by those
who rested on the oars.
It doesn't matter how smooth and easy the going might be,
there are some who'll lag behind. By the same token, no matter
how tough the going might be, there are those who will forge
ahead. To quote the oldie, "When the going gets tough, the
tough get going." The chairman of the board of one of America's
major rubber companies stated that work should be fun. Will
Rogers made the observation that, "In order to succeed, you must
know what you are doing, like what you are doing and believe in
what you are doing." According to H. M. Greenberg's psy-
chological evaluation of over 180,000 people, nearly 80%
reluctantly go to work every day. They simply don't like what
they do. That is tragic. It's a small wonder we have second-rate
performances and often third-rate merchandise.
I'm often astonished at the number of people who respond to
questions about their work in a completely negative vein. Ask
someone how he is doing and he will probably say, "Considering
it's Monday, I don't guess it's too bad," or "Fine since it's Friday."
I t's an unfortunate fact that near ly 80% of the timepieces are used
to tell people when to quit work. Small wonder that more workers
are known as "eager leavers" than "eager beavers."
Recently, while speaking in Las Vegas, I was told on good
authori ty that one of the casinos is large enough to enclose two full
size football fields. Hundreds of devices exist in this mammoth
room to separate a patron from his money. In this casino, as in all
the other gambling establishments in Las Vegas, you can't find a
single clock. No, not one. The rea~on is obvious. People gamble for

a variety of reasons, but it's safe to say they enjoy gambling. They
become so engrossed in gambling they are totally oblivious to
time. Obviously, the owners of the casinos don't want clocks to
remind the gamblers of time. As a result, many people gamble
for hours. In some cases, they gamble until they've lost
everything they have or until they literally go to sleep at the
tables. I'm convinced that if gamblers became that engrossed in
their careers, they could acquire the material goods and satisfy
their psychological needs which they never can satisfy at the
gambling table.


When I entered the business world, I often heard speakers

elaborate on the enormous sacrifices involved in climbing to the
top. Later, after I became a speaker, I frequently repeated these
sentiments. However, as the years passed, I realized that most of
the men and women who were moving to the top were not "paying
a price." They worked hard because they truly enjoyed their
careers and the work involved. The top people in any field get
involved in what they are doing, become engrossed, dig in, and
their success comes because they love what they're doing. They
choose to spend those hours at their work. They have a job, but
more importantly, the job has them. In short, they have a
tremendous attitude which often changes a job from drudgery to
pure joy. That is one reason I've emphasized the importance of
having the right mental attitude.
Several years ago, when I was on a speaking tour of Australia,
I met a young man named John Nevin who had that right mental
attitude about what he was doing. He was in love with life, his
family, and with his job. He notonlyhada "job" selling the World
Book Encyclopedia, but the job had him, which meant that his
progress was fast and inevitable. He moved from a "part timer"
[his regular job was delivering milk], just fourteen years ago to
Managing Director of Field Enterprises for Australia. Recently
John became the second non-American to be elected to the board
of Field Enterprises, USA. He is financially secure and grateful
for the fact that he is living and working in a country that believes
in the free enterprise system.

This little story Charles Getts tells in Guideposts emphasizes

the attitude of "enjoying" the price.

In old age, Pierre Auguste Renoir, the great French

painter, suffered from arthritis, which twisted and
cramped his hand. Henri Matisse, his artist friend,
watched sadly while Renoir, grasping a brush with
only his fingertips, continued to paint, even though
each movement caused stabbling pain.
One day, Matisse asked Renoir why he persisted in
painting at the expense of such torture.
Renoir replied, "The pain passes, but the beauty


In your present situation or job, when you show up for work on

time, give an honest day's effort, are loyal to your employer, and
accept an agreed-upon sum of money for your work - you and
your employer are exactly even. You are doing enough to keep
your job, [unless there is a recession], but not enough to get the
raise your employer would like to give you. My observation is that
your employer is almost always anxious to pay you more money,
but he runs a business - not a charitable institution. In order for
him to pay you more, you must make yourself more valuable to
him. You do this with extra effort - extra loyalty - extra
enthusiasm - extra hours, and by assuming extra respon-
sibilities. In a nutshell, you go the extra mile which is one stretch
of highway where there are never any traffic jams. These steps
guarantee your job in hard times and earn you raises and
promotions in good times.
Your present employer will probably be the one to give you the
raise, but the law is clear, "as ye sow, so also shall ye reap." So if
you don't get the raise on your present job, you will get it from
somewhere else. As a youngster in the grocery store I did a lot of
running to the other stores to borrow and return items. My
opposite number in the store across the street was a boy named
Charles Scott. Charles "hustled" like nobody I've ever seen. He
never walked while on an errand for his boss. One day I asked Mr.

Anderson, my boss, why Charles Scott was always in such a

hurry. Mr. Anderson explained that Charles was working for a
raise which he was certain to get because if his present employer
didn't give it to him he [Mr. Anderson] would. Like the man said
while talking to an employee seeking a raise, "I give you the raise
you seek. It is to become effective, when you do."
That loud "Amen" you just heard came from Lou Scott, Vice
President of Management Recruiters International, who has
over 300 offices nationally and is the largest executive placement
organization in the country. Their experiences show that over
95% of the people their offices place, excluding trainees on their
first job, come to them employed. They also found that the "above
average" worker who goes the extra mile and does more than he is
paid to do has tremendous job security. To quote Lou, "The good
ones just "ain't laid off."
Yes, it's the extras that produce dramatic results. We seldom,
if ever, hear of the person who makes it big only by doing what he
is paid to do. The reason is competition. Virtually everyone is
willing to "show up" for forty hours. Beyond that point, however,
most aren't interested, so competition drops tremendously. As a
practical matter, it's fairly easy to win a race or a promotion
when competition either quits or quits trying.
I'll concede that perhaps I feel the way I do about work
because I was raised during the depression. As a small boy, I saw
grown men leave home day after day seeking any kind of work
doing anything, requiring only that it be honest. Their joy was so
total when they found a job, it made quite an impression on me. I
consider work a privilege because it gives us more than a living; it
is preparation for life, as this story indicates.
A farmer had several boys and he worked them extremely
hard around the farm. One day, one of the neighbors pointed out
that it wasn't necessary to work the boys that hard to raise a crop.
The farmer, quietly but firmly responded, "I'm not just raising
crops, I'm raising boys."


I love the story of the old man in the Smoky Mountains. A

number of years ago, some hogs escaped in a remote area of the

mountains. Over a period of several generations, these hogs

became wilder and wilder, until they were a menace to anyone
who crossed their paths. A number of skilled hunters tried to
locate and kill them, but the hogs were able to elude the efforts of
the best hunters in the area.
One day an old man, leading a small donkey pulling a cart,
came into the village closest to the habitat of these wild hogs. The
cart was loaded with lumber and grain. The local citizens were
curious about where the man was going and what he was going to
do. He told them he had "come to catch them wild hogs." They
scoffed, because no one believed the old man could accomplish
what the local hunters were unable to do. But, two months later,
the old man returned to the village and told the citizens the hogs
were trapped in a pen near the top of the mountain.
Then he explained how he caught them. "First thing I done
was find the spot where the hogs came to eat. Then I baited me a
trap by puttin a little grain right in the middle of the clearin.
Them hogs was scared off at first but curiosity finally got to 'em
and the old boar that led them started sniffin' around. When he
took the first bite the others joined in and I knew right then I had
'em. Next day I put some more grain out there and laid one plank
a few feet away. That plank kinda spooked 'em for awhile, but
that "free lunch" was a powerful appeal so it wasn't long fore they
were back eatin. Them hogs didn't know it but they was mine
already. All I had to do was add a coupla boards each day by the
grain they wanted until I had ever'thing I needed for my trap.
Then I dug a hole and put up my first corner post. Ever'time I
added something they'd stay away a spell but finally they'd come
back to git "somethin for nothing." When the pen was built and
the trap door was ready, the habit of gittin' what they wanted
without working for it drove 'em right into the pen and I sprung
the trap. It was real easy after I got 'em coming for the "free
The story is true and its point quite simple. When you make an
animal dependent upon man for his food, you take away his
resourcefulness and he's in trouble. The same is true.of man. If
you want to create a cripple, just give a man a pair of crutches for
a few months - or give him a "free lunch" long enough for him to
get in the habit of getting something for nothing.


There are three things that are hard to do. One is to climb a
fence that is leaning toward you. Another is to kiss a girl who is
leaning away from you. The third is to help someone who doesn't
really want to be helped. Now, I have to be honest and admit to
you that I've never tried to climb the fence. [You might need to
think on that one for a moment.] Many times I've had people say,
"If someone would give me a stake so I could 'get current' one
time, pay all my bills and have $1000 in the bank, I could go the
rest of the way on my own." The unfortunate thing is, many
people believe this, and they "wait" for someone to come along
and give them that start. I advocate helping people, but as I
indicated in an earlier chapter, I believe if you give a man a fish,
you feed him for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, you
feed him for life. I believe in giving "fishing" lessons. Just
helping someone get current and giving him a cash reserve is
generally the wrong way to help. Invariably the individual takes
the "bonanza" and spends it either to "catch up" or to get
something he's been wanting but couldn't get. This simply
continues and even reinforces the habit of spending which put
him behind the financial 8 ball to start with .. Once you get the
habit [whether it's a good one or a bad one] the habit gets you.
For example, several years ago during the 60's, there were a
number of gigantic quiz shows. Many of you will recall that on
these shows the winnings were $75,000, $100,000 and more.
Seven years later a survey was conducted among "the big
winners" on the shows. Interestingly enough, there wasn't a
single person who had won $75,000 or more who had any more
money than he had before he won that large sum of money. Each
winner apparently took the bonanza and spent it instead of
investing the money in blue chip securities or placing it at
interest which would have meant a permanent raise in living
standards. More recently the huge winners on the state lotteries
of as much as $1,000,000 have had an overwhelmingly negative
result. Lives have been disrupted, families upended, careers
wrecked, old friends lost and attitudes and images have been
severely damaged. Free lunches do not put you on easy street.
More often, you lose more than you win.


The tragic story of the American Indian will emphasize what

happens when someone else "takes care of you." Around the turn
of the century, the U. S. Government made a long series of
treaties with the Indian tribes, particularly in the western
portion of the country. The treaties involved many things, but the
prime requirement was for the Indians to lay down their arms, go
to reservations and let the Government "take care" of them.
Today, all you need to do is to visit a reservation and observe the
plight of the Indian to see what happens when man is forced to
turn his self-respect over to someone else. When you give a man
a dole, you deny him his dignity and when you deny him his
dignity, you rob him of his destiny. I recognize that
Washington is passing out a lot of apparently free lunches today,
but those lunches are on consignment. Sooner or later you and I,
as well as the people who receive them, will pay full price with
We hear considerable talk about changing the work week
nowadays. Many people feel we should only work 30 hours
instead of 40 per week. They prefer a four-day week to a five-day
one. I believe more would be accomplished if we concentrated on
changing the "weak work" and let the "work week" alone.
Fewer people are bent from hard work than are crooked from
avoiding it. Actually, life is like a grindstone. The "stuff" you're
made of will determine whether it grinds you down or polishes
you up.


In my talks with companies and individuals around the

country, I frequently ask people what they would put at the top of
their list of desires for the tomorrows of their lives. One thing
frequently mentioned is security. When I discuss the dignity of
work and the security it affords, there is an example that
intrigues, but doesn't surprise me. It pertains to what's happened
in Sweden the last few years. The Swedish Government assures
every individual that he will "be taken care of' from birth to
death. Despite the fact that the Bible clearly teaches that those

who don't work shouldn't eat, many Swedes believe the

government owes them a living, that it should "take care of
them." To a large degree it does exactly that. When a citizen goes
to the doctor, dentist, or hospital, there are no bills to pay - the
government pays them. When a baby is born, the government
pays the bills and contributes to the support of mother and child.
If the income is not adequate to maintain a minimum standard of
living, the government steps in and makes up the difference.
To the casual observer, it would appear the Swedes should be
the happiest people in existence, because of such a magnificent
arrangement. They have got it made - or have they? In addition
to having one of the highest tax structures of any Western nation,
Sweden also has the fastest growing rate of juvenile delinquency.
It boasts the fastest growing drug problem, the highest rate of
divorce and the greatest decline in church attendance. All this
adds up to problems now and still more problems in the future.
This data tells us a considerable amount about the young and the
middle-aged, but what about the old folks in Sweden? This "land
of security" has the highest rate of suicide among the retired of
any Western nation. It's obvious that there's a vast difference
between building your own security and retirement as opposed to
having someone else take care of you. Yes, real security is truly
an inside job. It can't be given or provided - it must be earned.
Security is accurately spelled out by using each letter as the
first letter of another word. (S)ecurity (E)arned (C)arefully
(U)sually (R)esults (I)n (T)reasure filled (Y)ears.


In America, leisure time has increased tremendously during

the three decades since World War II. In this same time period,
social problems and maladies have also increased. Frustrations,
nervous breakdowns, broken marriages, alcoholism, drug
problems and crime rates are directly related to too much time
with nothing to do. Combine this with the permissiveness that has
permeated our culture and the attitude of doing just enough to
get by, and the problems are multiplied.
Workers often lose pride in their workmanship and their
performance begins to go down. When performance goes down,

shoddy merchandise is produced, and shoddy merchandise

doesn't find a ready market because American consumers
demand quality. They turn to foreign imports and the American
producer is caught in the squeeze by lowered sales volume.
As a nation, we must resell the idea of performance and honest
effort for an honest day's pay. Surely the world owes us a living,
but we have to work for it. We have to reverse the philosophy of
doing little and collecting much or we'll be caught in the pinch of
pricing ourselves out of quality products and services. The only
plan that is going to work over the long haul is an internal change
in our philosophy. We must produce the quality merchandise
people demand, at the right price or the American consumer will
turn more and more to imported products.
Fortunately, we can do this. We say this without any mental
reservation, because the American worker, under controlled
tests, has consistently out-produced his Japanese or European
counterpart on project after project. Better quality - better
price. When we do as much as we can, American know-how and
productivity is still the best in the world. Unfortunately, our
recent efforts have not been the best. A 1974 survey of the 12 most
highly industrialized nations in the world revealed that the
American worker actually rated 11th in production. The net
result is lower quality and higher price which means more
foreign imports. Honest effort - not higher tariffs - is the
solution to this problem. We don't "pay a price" for best effort, we
"enjoy" it.
This Warner and Swasey ad says it quite well.

Order o/the White Jacket. At the annual Homecoming of William

and Mary College in Virginia, you might see a famous governor,
or a college president, or any number of prominent business and
professional people, proudly wearing a white jacket. The jackets
signify that these men earned all or most of their way through
college, waiting on tables.
They weren't ashamed of menial labor , they didn't hold out for
the job they liked, they didn't ask for government help - they
waited on tables, and it helped them earn the education they have
since put to such splendid use.
The Order of the White Jacket has a roster of which any group

in the land could well be proud. Perhaps there ought to be a

chapter on every college campus in America.

That last A-Men came from the author's corner.

The dictionary indicates that security is freedom from risk or
danger, to be free from doubt or fear, not anxious or unsure, etc.
Personally, I think General Douglas MacArthur had a better
definition. He said, "Security is the ability to produce." I agree.
The person who gains his own self-respect and self-confidence by
producing for his own needs is infinitely more secure than the one
who leaves the solution to his problems or needs in the hands of
someone else. As I've said earlier, "Work gives us more than our
living, it gives us our life." A man or woman is seldom really
happy unless he or she is sustaining himself and making a
contribution to others.


Employers agree that an employed person is far more likely to

get a better job than the unemployed one. This is especially true if
the unemployed person has been out of work very long.
Employment is the first rung on the ladder, and it's the toughest
one to reach. If you have what it takes to get ajob, it's easy to move
up - after you move in.
One major problem that most people have is they place too
many qualifications on a job. They seek the "perfect" job or
employer without recognizing they might not be perfect
employees. Many have been overly sold on the fact that a job
should offer fulfillment, vacations, sick leave and retirement.
For the successful, already employed individual who seeks a
change, those factors are all obtainable in a job. For the
unsuccessful and the unemployed, they might be overly am-
bitious objectives to seek at the starting point. Remember, grave
diggers are about the only people who start on top - and they
always end up in the hole.
You get to the top of any business by getting started, and a
sense of urgency about getting started is necessary. Once you've
started, it isn't so hard to keep going. If a job is difficult or
unpleasant, do it immediately. The longer you wait, the more

difficult and frightening it will become. It's something like

standing on the high board of the swimming pool for the first
time. As you try to decide whether or not you're going to dive in,
the longer you wait, the less chance you have of making the dive.





It's impossible to discuss work without weaving attitude into

the subject. Thomas Edison is a classic example of how attitude
relates to work. While being questioned by a young reporter
about an invention he had been working on for a long time, he
revealed one of the secrets of his greatness. The young reporter
asked, "Mr. Edison, how does it feel to have failed 10,000 times in
your present venture?" Edison replied, "Young man, since you
are just getting started in life, I will give you a thought that
should benefit you in the future. I have not failed anything 10,000
times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work."
Edison estimated that he actually performed over 14,000
experiments in the process of inventing and perfecting the
incandescent light. He successfully found a lot of ways that
wouldn't work, but he kept at it until he found one way that
would. He proved that the only difference between the big
shot and the little shot is the big shot is simply a little shot who
kept shooting.


You aren't licked until you quit. To put it another way, when
you put a little hump in "u," you change a "chump" to a "champ."
Let's consider some other examples. Jerry West, one of
basketball's all-time greats, was so bad as a youngster the
neighborhood kids wouldn't let him play recreational basketball
with them. Work and practice made the difference in his career.
Words like persistence, dedication, extra effort, and the blood,
sweat and tears Churchill so eloquently described as he aroused
England for Her finest hour might not sound glamorous, but they
work - and are prime ingredients in the recipe for greatness.
Realistically, these words describe the only characteristics that

will overcome certain obstacles.

Demosthenes, the famous Greek orator, had such a speech
impediment that he was shy and retiring. His father left him an
estate that made him a wealthy man, but according to Greek law
he had to establish his right to ownership in public debate before
he could claim his estate. His impediment, combined with
shyness rendered him helpless and he lost his estate. Then, he
went to work and by sheer dogged effort scaled oratorical heights
never before reached by mortal man. History neglected to record
the man's name who took his inheritance, but school children
around the world have learned the story of Demosthenes for
centuries. It's true: Regardless of how many times you are
"down," you are not whipped if you get up one more time than you
are knocked down.


When you know in your own mind that you've given something
your very best effort and you didn't succeed, don't quit. Simply
start another project. A close friend involved me in a business
transaction involving a gadget which didn't sell. Fortunately, I
got out before the roof caved in. My friend, however, lost several
thousand dollars. When it was all over, he philosophically stated,
"You know, Zig, I hate to lose the money, but the thing that really
eoncerns me is the fear that this will make me over ly cautious and
a financial coward regarding other business opportunities. If
that happens, then my loss will be multiplied many times over."
How true, how true.
One young man didn't let this happen to him. He was involved
in an oil venture and ran out of money, so he sold his interest to his
partners who stuck with it. After much time and effort, they got
their break and hit a gusher. The company later became Cities
Service, and we know it today as CITGO. The young man who
withdrew, later got involved in the clothing business and fared
even worse than he had in the oil business. As a matter of fact, he
went broke. Still, he wasn't discouraged. Later on he got into
politics. Historians are already saying kind things about Harry
S. Truman, the two-time failure who kept getting back up until
he became President of the United States.

Failure has been correctly identified as the line of least

persistence, whereas success is often a question of simply
sticking to the job and working and believing while you are
sticking. If your particular job is harder than you might wish,
just remember you can't sharpen a razor on a piece of velvet and
you can't sharpen a man by spoon-feeding him.
Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.
Many times it is just over the hill or around the corner.
Sometimes it takes that extra push to climb that hill or round that
curve. The wit was right when he said, "If you have enough push
you don't have to worry about pull."
President Calvin Coolidge wrote, "Nothing in the world can
take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more
common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not.
Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The
world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence, determination
and hard work makes the difference."


As you continue your journey to the top, you must remember

that each rung of the ladder was placed there for the purpose of
holding your foot just long enough to step higher. It wasn't put
there for you to rest on. We all get tired and discouraged, but as
heavyweight champion James J. Corbett frequently said, "You
become the champion by fighting one more round. When things
are tough, you fight one more round." William James pointed out
that not only do we have the second wind, but we have the third,
fourth, fifth, sixth and even the seventh wind. There is an
enormous amount of reserve inside each individual, but it's
worthless unless you know it's there and persist in using it. WorId
famous cellist Pablo Casals, long after he had achieved
international recognition as an artist, still practiced six hours
every day. Someone asked him why the continued effort. His
reply was simply, "I think I'm making progress."
The opportunity for greatness doesn't knock; it's inside every
one of us. However, we must work to get it out. Weare often told to
strike while the iron is hot, which is good advice. Better advice,
however, is to make the iron hot by striking. Yes, persistence and

effort are vitally important. Any sales manager will tell you that
every "no" brings you that much closer to a "yes." It's not just a
cliche' that it's often the darkest just before the dawn. When you
work and develop your skills and talents your day will come. I
might also point out that if your day never came, you would still
be the big winner. Inside you, will be the knowledge that you're
doing your best with what you have. With this approach to life,
and the desire and determnation to stick to it, the odds are
greater that you're going to make it and make it big.
Vince Lombardi, the legendary coaching genius who was the
only man to ever coach three consecutive world championship
football teams once said, "I've never known a man worth his salt
who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, did not appreciate
the grind and the discipline. There is something in good men that
truly yearns for and needs discipline."


Throughout this Segment, I've been talking about work and

"selling" you on the idea. Therefore, it might surprise you now
when I say there's no such thing as a lazy person; he's either
sick or uninspired. If a person is sick, he should go to his doctor.
If he's uninspired, there are several things he should do. He
should read and re-read this book, listen to motivational speakers
and associate with inspirational people. Bob Richards, former
Olympic champion and one of the truly great speakers in
America, makes a strong case for inspiration by association. He
points out that the Olympics repeatedly produce record-breaking
performances from the athletes because they are caught up in an
atmosphere of greatness.
When a young man or woman sees other athletes from all over
the world beating their former best efforts time after time, each
one is inspired to "beat his best." Mankind at his best is capable of
some awesome accomplishments and Richards points out that the
association with champions brings out championship perfor-
At the risk of oversimplification, I believe many "lazy" people
have an image attitude problem. They are reluctant to give their
job or profession a total effort. Feeling that if they give their all

and don't make it, they'll be failures. They rationalize that if they
give a half-hearted effort and don't make it, they have a built-in
excuse. In their own minds, they don't feel like failure because
they did not really try. They often shrug their shoulders and say,
"It doesn't make any difference to me." It's the same way with
many workers. Many times the unwillingness to work stems from
other and deeper problems.
With this in mind, let me urge you to take another look at
yourself. If, at this point, you are harboring any feelings of a poor
image attitude go back to the second Segment and dig in until you
have gotten your self-image where it belongs.



1. Start with a total effort. 2. Prime the pump (put you in

whatever you do).

3. Persistence with perspiration 4. Ufe returns so many rewards

before production. after you do your part.



One of the props I use in my talks around the country is an old-

fashioned chrome-plated water pump. I personally love the story
of the pump, because to me it represents the story of America, the
story of the free enterprise system and the story of life. For your
benefit, I hope you've had the opportunity of using one of these
old-fashioned water pumps on at least one occasion. That
experience will help you to appreciate the significance of this
series of thoughts.
Several years ago, two friends of mine, Bernard Haygood and
Jimmy Glenn, were driving in the South Alabama foothills on a
hot August day. They were thirsty, so Bernard pulled behind an
old abandoned farmhouse with a water pump in the yard. He
hopped out of the car, ran over to the pump, grabbed the handle
and started pumping. After a moment or two of pumping,
Bernard pointed to an old bucket and suggested to Jimmy that he
get the bucket and dip some water outof a nearby stream in order
to "prime" the pump. As all pumpers know, you must put a little
water in the top of the pump to "prime" the pump and get the flow
of water started.
In the game of life, before you can get anything out, you must
put something in. Unfortunately, there are many people who
stand in front of the stove of life and say, "Stove, give me some
heat and then I'll put some wood in you."
Many times the secretary comes to the boss and says, "Give me
a raise and then I'll start doing better work and being more
conscientious." Often the salesman goes to the boss and says,
"Make me the sales manager and I'll really show you what I can
do. It's true I haven't done much until now, but I need to be in
charge in order to do my best work. So just make me the boss and
then watch me go." Many times the student says to the teacher, if
I take a bad grade home for this semester my folks will really lay

it on me. So teacher, if you will just give me a good grade this

quarter I promise I'll study real hard next quarter. My
experience has been that it doesn't work that way. If it did, I could
easily imagine a farmer praying, "Lord, if you will just give me a
crop this year, I promise to plant the seed and work hard next
year. What they are really saying is, "Reward me and then I'll
produce." But life doesn't work that way. You must first put
something into life before you can expect to get anything out
of it. Now, if you'll just transfer this know ledge to the rest of your
life, you can solve many of your problems.
The farmer must plant his seed in the spring or summer
before he reaps the harvest in the fall. He also "puts in" lots of
work before the crop reaches the harvest stage. The student puts
in hundreds of hours of work before he acquires the knowledge
and the graduation certificate. The secretary of today who is the
office manager of tomorrow puts a considerable amount of extra
into her job. The athlete of today who becomes a champion of
tomorrow "puts in" a great deal of himself in the form of sweat
and effort before he reaps the champion's reward. The junior
executive of today who becomes the corporate president of
tomorrow is that individual who puts himself into the job. The
salesman today who becomes the sales manager of tomorrow is
the person who understands the principle of priming the pump.
When you put something "in," the law of compensation says you'll
get something "out."


Well, let's get back to my friends in South Alabama. South

Alabama is hot in August and after a few minutes of pumping,
Bernard worked up a considerable sweat. At that point he started
asking himself just how much work he was willing to do for that
water. He was concerned about the amount of reward he would
receive for the amount of effort expended. After a time he said,
"Jimmy, I don't believe there's any water in this well." Jimmy
replied, "Yes, there is, Bernard; in South Alabama the wells are
deep and that's good, because the deep well produces the good,
clean, sweet, pure, best tasting water of all." Jimmy is also
talking about life, isn't he? The things we have to work for are the

things we appreciate the most.

By now, Bernard was getting hot and tired, so he threw up his
hands and said, "Jimmy, there just isn't any water in this well."
Jimmy quickly grabbed the pump handle and kept pumping as
he said, "Don't stop now, Bernard; if you do, the water will go all
the way back down and then you'll have to start all over again."
That, too, is the story of life. There isn't a human being in
existence, regardless of age, sex, or occupation, who doesn't
occasionally feel he might as well "stop pumping" because there
isn't any water down there. So if you occasionally feel that way, it
should be comforting to know that you've got lots of company.


Now let's look at something intriguing and obvious. There's no

way you can look at the outside of a pump and determine whether
it will take two more strokes or two hundred more to bring forth
the water. There's often no way you can look into the game of life
and determine whether or not you'll get the big break tomorrow
or whether it will take another week, month, year or even longer:
This I do know beyond any reasonable doubt. Regardless of
what you are doing, if you will pump long enough, hard
enough and enthusiastically enough, sooner or later the
effort will bring forth the reward. I also know that just as you
add nothing to the score if you stop on third base you can't quench
your thirst with the water that almost comes out of the pump.
Fortunately once the water starts to flow, all you have to do is
keep some steady pressure on the pump and you'll get more water
than you can use. This is the story of success and happiness in life.
The message is clear. Whatever you're doing, work at it with
the right attitude and the right habits, but above all, keep at it
with bulldog tenacity and persistence. Just as the flow of water is
often one stroke away, the sweet taste of success and victory is
often just over the hill or around the corner. Whether you're a
doctor, lawyer, student, housewife, laborer or salesperson, once
you get the water flowing, it's easy to keep it flowing with a little
steady effort.
I believe the story of the pump is the story of life and the free
enterprise system. I say this because it has nothing to do with age

or education, whether you are black or white, male or female,

overweight or underweight, extrovert or introvert or whether
you are Catholic, Jew or Protestant. It has everything to do with
your God-given rights as a free person to work as long as you
wish, as hard as you wish and as enthusiastically as you wish to
get everything in life you really want.
As you move to the top, remember the story of the pump. If you
start pumping casually or half-heartedly, you will pump forever
before anything happens. Pump hard to begin with and keep it up
until you get that water flowing. Then a great deal will happen.
Once the flow of water starts, just maintain that steady pressure,
and the time will come when the rewards will be so enormous that
you'll be getting what you want instead of having to want what
you have.
The analogy I used earlier of starting the locomotive is
certainly appropriate here. It's often difficult to get the train
started, but once it's moving, it requires considerably less fuel to
keep it on its way.
Now as you look at the symbolic you on the stairway to the top,
you find yourself on the "work" step. You are now ready to take
the last or "desire" step which will put you squarely in front of the
glass doors of tomorrow which are ready to be opened by you. At
this point it is obvious that with a little extra "push," you have no
need for "pull." So "push on" friend; you're just one exciting step
from the banquet hall of life.

Success is not a destination - it's a journey. In your

case you are well on your way and you're enjoying
every step of it.





I believe every freedom loving American should read: ONE
P. O. Box 2467
Capitol Station
Washington, D.C. 20013



In the old west, there was an equalizer; they called it the "six-
shooter." It enabled a small man to chop a big man down to size.
In today's world, the six-shooter is out but there is an equalizer-
it's called "desire." Desire is the ingredient that changes the
hot water of mediocrity to the steam of outstandin~ success.
It's the ingredient that enables a person with average ability to
successfully compete with those who have far more. Desire is the
"extra" that makes the little differences and it's the little
differences that make the big difference in life.
Desire is the extra. It's the part of the blanket that hangs over
the bed that keeps you warm; it's the little extra that turns water
into steam. At 211 0 water is hot enough for you to use to shave or
to make a cup of coffee. Add one more degree and that hot water
changes into steam which will power a locomotive around this
country or propel a steamship around the world. That little extra
is what will send you to the top of the ladder. It has done it for
others. Ty Cobb, for example, had an enormous amount of desire.
Grantland Rice relates this desire to us as he says, "I recall a day
when Cobb played with each leg a mass of raw flesh. He had a
temperature of 1030 and the doctors ordered him to bed for
several days. His team was playing that day, however, and as far
as Ty Cobb was concerned that meant he would play. He did play
and got three hits, stole three bases, won the game - and then
collapsed on the bench."
When I think of desire, I think of another baseball player. For
my money, Pete Gray is an immortal who belongs in baseball's
Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. As a young man, his
overwhelming desire was to play major league baseball. "I'm
going to make it all the way to the top," he repeated over and over
again. His crowning ambition was to playa game in Yankee
Stadium. In 1945, Gray made it to the major leagues with the St.

Louis Browns. He only played one year in the majors, was not a
regular and never hit a single home run. Nevertheless, I insist
that Pete Gray is an immortal who belongs in the Hall of Fame. I
say this because he made it to the top despite the fact he had no
right arm. He didn't look down at what he lacked. Instead, he
looked up with what he had. Success in life is not detemined by
having been dealt the good hand. Success is determined by
taking the hand you were dealt and utilizing it to the very
best of your ability. As Ty Boyd, an outstanding speaker and TV
personality from Charlotte, N.C., says, "Play the hand you were
dealt and play it for all it's worth."
Desire enables an individual to take whatever ability he has in
whatever he's doing and utilize it to the maximum. Desire forces
an individual to pull out all the stops and give everything he's got.
I t enables him to go full speed ahead with nothing held back. On a
day-to-day basis the winning touchdown is generally scored by
the individual or team who has pulled out all the stops. In my
judgment each thing we do should be done to the best of our
capabilities, whether we're taking an examination, reporting for
work or getting involved in an athletic event. We should give it
our best and then some, because our yearning power is more
important than our earning power.
When we give it our all we can live with ourselves -
regardless of the results. Less than our best effort has us saying,
"If only" - and that's sad.
Knute Rockne pointed out that a lot of people thought they had
to be either good losers or bad winners. He felt this was a lousy
choice. He also pointed out that he had no desire to get enough
experience at losing to be a good one. "Show me a good loser," he
said, "and I'll show you a loser. Give me eleven lousy losers and I'll
give you a national championship football team." I concur. The
way a man wins, shows much of his character and the way he
loses shows all of it. However, I'm speaking about the will,
determination and desire to win. We simply don't have to make
the choice between being good losers and bad winners. We can be
good winners, and the more experience we have at winning, the
better we become at acquiring the characteristics of being good
winners. It works for teams, it works for individuals and it will
work for you, guarantee it.


The desire to win enables many people to win, who at least

theoretically couldn't, against overwhelming odds. Billy Miske
was such a man. He was a fighter from the old school, and a good
one at that. He fought men like Tommy Gibbons, Harry Greb and
Battling Levinsky. He also fought Jack Dempsey for the
heavyweight championship of the world. At 25, when he should
have been at his peak and headed for even greater heights, he was
hospitalized with a serious illness. The doctors told him to quit
the ring. He should have, but fighting was the only thing he could
do. By the time he was 29, his kidneys were shot. He knew he was
dying of Bright's disease and he had only one fight that year. Too
weak to go to the gym to train, and too sick to seek any other job,
he stayed at home with his family and watched his family's
finances reach desperate straits.
Christmas was around the corner and his love for his family
cried out to him to provide that "Merry Christmas" for them. In
November, Miske went into Minneapolis to see his friend and
manager Jack Reddy to persuade him to arrange a fight. At first
Reddy was adamant in his refusal. He knew of Miske's condition
and he would have no part in such a fight. Miske pleaded his case
well, explained he was broke and that he knew he wouldn't be
around much longer. He had to have just one more fight because
Christmas was on its way and his family was in need. Finally,
Reddy agreed under the condition that Miske train and get in
shape. Miske knew he was too weak to get into shape, but
promised he would make a good fight.
Against his better judgment, Reddy finally gave in and
matched his old friend with Bill Brennan. The fight was slated to
take place in Omaha, Nebraska. Brennan was a tough, hard
fighter who had gone twelve rounds with Dempsey. He was past
his prime, but he was still a formidable opponent for a dying man.
Since Miske didn't have the stamina to train, he stayed at
home to conserve his strength. He went to Omaha just in time for
the fight. In those days, boxing commissions were considerably
more lenient than they are today, so they passed Miske. The fight
drew well and when it was over Billy Miske picked up his $2,400
purse and went home to his family and Christmas. He spent it all

on the things the family wanted and had been doing without. It
was truly a happy occasion, the biggest Christmas the Miske
family ever had. On December 26th, Miske called Jack Reddy to
take him to the Saint Paul Hospital where he died on New Year's
day. The last fight on his record had been just six weeks before
and his friends couldn't believe it. Billy was weak and dying and
it would have been easy for him to have taken a di ve. However, his
pride and desire to be at his best for the family he loved, drove
him to unbelievable efforts. Bill Brennan was knocked out in four
rounds. Miske tapped his reserve resources because of his desire
to win. Your reserves are available too - when you have the
desire to use them.
When we give anything our total effort, we win regardless of
the outcome, because the personal satisfaction of total effort
makes us winners. Randy Martin, whom I mentioned earlier,
entered the Boston Marathon for the first time in 1972. This race
is in excess of 26 miles and is over an extremely difficult uphill-
downhill course. Dr. Martin tells me that every finisher is given
an award. Most of the runners don't enter the race with the belief
that they can win, but anyone who finishes the race is a winner
because the true reward of a thing well done is to have done it.
This is a most important consideration, because in reality you are
in competition with yourself. There is nothing as satisfying as
knowing you have done your best, that you have driven yourself to
use what you have to the very best of your ability. Total effort
gives you a special kind of victory - victory over yourself because
as one champion gymnist says, "Doing your best is more
important than being the best."


When I think of desire, I believe Ben Hogan rates close to the

top of the list. Considering everything, Hogan could well be the
greatest golfer who ever lived. He didn't have as much physical
ability as many of his fellow golfers, but what he might have
lacked in ability, he more than made up for inpesistence,
determination and desire.
Ben Hogan really had two careers, because at the very peak of
his game he was involved in a near fatal accident. One foggy

morning as he and his wife, Valerie, were driving down the

highway, they rounded a curve and saw the lights of a Greyhound
bus immediately in front of them. Ben only had an instant to
throw his body in front of his wife to protect her. This move
undoubtedly saved his own life, because the steering wheel was
pushed deeply into the driver's seat where Ben had been sitting.
For days his life hung in the balance before he was pronounced
out of danger. However, the doctors unanimously agreed that his
career as a professional golfer was over and he would be
fortunate to ever walk again.
But they didn't reckon with the will and desire of Ben Hogan.
As soon as he could take those first few painful steps, he revived
his dream of golfing greatness. He exercised and strengthened
his hands constantly. He kept a golf club with him wherever he
was and practiced his putting stroke at home on legs so shaky he
could scarcely stand. At the first opportunity, he was back on the
putting green staggering around. Still later, as he worked and
walked and strengthened those scarred legs, he went to the
practice tee. Initially, he only hit a few balls, but every session he
would hit a few more. Finally, the day came when he was able to
get back on the golf course. When he re-entered competition, his
move back to the top was rapid. The reason is simple. Ben Hogan
saw himself as a winner. He had such an overwhelming desire to
win, he knew he would make it back to the top. Yes, desire is the
ingredient that makes the difference between an average
performer and a champion.



Desire creates intelligent ignorance. Intelligent ignorance is

the characteristic or capability of not knowing what you can't do,
and doing it anyway. Many times this enables a person to
accomplish the near impossible. For example, a new salesman
joins an organization. With no sales experience, he doesn't really
know anything about selling. Fortunately, he doesn't know he
doesn't know and somebody motivates him. The result is, he is so
enthusiastic he leads the entire organization in sales. Not
knowing he can't do it, he does it. Maybe that's why a "green"
salesman is better than a "blue" one or a "yellow" one.
It's a well-known fact that the bumblebee can't fly. Scientific
evidence about it is overwhelming - the bumblebee can't fly. His
body is too heavy and his wings are too light. Aerodynamically, it
is an impossibility for the bumblebee to fly, but the bumblebee
doesn't read - he does fly.


Henry Ford was a most unusual man. He was not a financial

success until after he was forty years old. He had very little
formal education. After he built his empire, he conceived the idea
of the V-8 engine. Calling his engineers together, he said,
"Gentlemen, I want you to build a V-8 engine." These brilliantly
educated men knew the principles of mathematics, physics and
engineering. They knew what could and couldn't be done. They
looked at Ford with a condescending attitude of "Let's humor the
old man because after all he is the boss." They very patiently
explained to him that the V-8 engine was economically
unfeasible, and they even explained "why" it couldn't be built
economically. Ford wasn't listening, however, and simply said,
"Gentlemen, I must have a V-8 engine - build me one."

They half-heartedly worked for a period of time, and reported

back to him, "We are more convinced than ever that a V-8 engine
is an engineering impossibility." Mr. Ford, however, wasn't
easily persuaded. "Gentlemen, I must have a V-8 engine - so let's
go full speed ahead." Again, they went out, and this time they
worked a little harder, spent a little more time, and a lot more
money. They came back with the same report, "Mr. Ford, the V-8
engine is an absolute impossibility."
The word "impossible" was not included in the vocabulary of
the man, who had already revolutionized the industry with
assembly line production, $5.00-a-day wages, the model T and the
model A. With fire in his eyes, Henry Ford said, "Gentlemen, you
don't understand; I must have a V-8 engine and you're going to
build it for me. Now go do it." Guess what? They built the V-8
engine. They did it because one man was intelligently ignorant
enough not to know that something couldn't be done - so he did it.
We see this every day, don't we? One says he can't - and doesn't.
One says he can - and does.
The "I CAN" concept is so important that Mamie McCullough,
who teaches at Central High School in Thomasville, Ga.,
conceived the idea of using an "eye can" in her class [she teaches,
among other things, the "I CAN" course with this book as the
text]. Mrs. McCullough has the students bring a tin can to class
and she attaches a picture of an "eye" to it so the can literally
becomes an "eye can." If a student goofs and says "I can't"
everybody reminds him or her that this is an "I CAN" class.
Positive results have been dramatic.
With so many negatives being taught, isn't it refreshing and
exciting to see what a little creative imagination and positive
thinking can do? Can't you just image what 10,000 Mamie
McCulloughs teaching this philosophy in schoolrooms all over
America could accomplish?



At one point, during World War II, General Creighton

Abrams and his command were totally surrounded. The enemy
was north, east, south and west. His reaction to this news [lemon]:

"Gentlemen, for the first time in the history of this campaign, we

are now in a position to attack the enemy in any direction."
General Abrams not only had the desire to live, he had the desire
to win. It's not the situation [lemon], but the way we react to it
[use we make of it] that's important.
What is intelligent ignorance? Intelligent ignorance is
essentially the way you react to the unpromising or negative
situations in life. It's that quality that enables you to take a lemon
and make lemonade. It's shown in the attitude of two men who
had polio. One became a beggar on the streets of Washington. The
other was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Intelligent ignorance is the
seed of hope, the promise of good in everything that happens to us.
Regardless of what happens, something positive can come from
it, and we can make something good out of it. In short, we can take
whatever lemon life hands us and convert it to a lemonade.
Charles Kettering had a rather unusual lemon. It was a
broken arm. Many years ago he was in his front yard cranking his
car and it "kicked" him. For the younger generation, that means
the crank didn't disengage, jerked sharply as a cylinder began
firing and turned the crank rather than the crank turning the
engine. The sudden lurch broke Kettering's arm. What did he do?
First, he grasped his arm in pain. Almost immediately, however,
he thought, "This is a terrible thing to happen while you're
cranking a car. An easier, better, safer way to crank cars must be
developed or the masses won't have any desire to own an
automobile." As a result, he invented the "self-starter." His
lemon, a broken arm, is our lemonade.
Jacob Schick's lemon was a temperature that fell to 40
degrees below zero while he was prospecting for gold. He couldn't
shave with a blade - so he invented the first electric razor which
turned into a big enough gold mine to buy lots of lemonade.
Neal Jeffrey, third string freshman quarterback at Baylor,
University, had a giant-sized lemon. He stuttered. He told Coach
Teaff that his goal was to play first string quarterback for the
Varsity. Neal's burning desire enabled him to realize his dream
and in 1974 he led Baylor to its first Southwest Conference
championship in 50 years. Neal made all Southwest Conference,
and was voted most valuable player in the conference.
Eugene O'Neill was a drifter until his lemon, in the form of an

illness, placed him in the hospital. He converted that lemon to

lemonade because while flat on his back he started to write his
plays. Hundreds of similar stories explain why - and "how" you
can take virtually any lemon, apply enough desire, which creates
intelligent ignorance and come out - with lemonade.


At age one, Mike was taken sick and confined to a hospital

where he contracted polio. At age two, he was an expert in
walking with braces and crutches. By age sixteen, the
deteriorating effects of the disease made him a paraplegic and he
was confined to a wheelchair.
In August, 1971, at age twenty-one, Mike was laid off from his
$2.99 per hour job as an engineering clerk. As you probably
suspect, twenty-one-year-old paraplegics are not in heavy
demand in the labor market. However, there is always a demand
for dedicated, enthusiastic workers. So in just one month Mike
was hired as a placement counselor with an employment agency
in Rockford, Illinois, which was part of Management Recruiters
International, Inc., which employs over 1,300 people.
In March, 1975, at the Sonesta Beach Hotel, Mike Weldon was
honored as his company's Counselor of the Year. Believing you
can get everything in life you want if you help enough other
people get what they want, Mike is devoting his life to helping
others, and as a result he earned over $60,000 in 1974 - a
"recession" year. He doesn't believe he has a disability and
everyone agrees he doesn't have a "Loser's Limp." Mike figures
since life gave him a "sack" full of lemons, he might as well make
a "tub" full of lemonade.


Let's go back to World War II for a moment. Most of us know

the war began when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. What
many people have forgotten is that many loyal Japanese-
American citizens were just as upset over Pearl Harbor as any
fifth-generation American citizen could have been. Many of these
Japanese-Americans were treated shamefully, and placed in

detention camps in the interior. The United States government

assumed, erroneously as history has proven, that these J apanese-
Americans were or might be disloyal. Finally, after much
persuasion and soul-searching, many of these Japanese were
given an opportunity to enter the war and prove their loyalty by
fighting for America.
The 442nd Combat Regimental Team was formed. It was
made up of Japanese-Americans. Interestingly enough, this
regiment won more Congressional Medals of Honor and
decorations than any regiment in the history of the U.S. Since the
war, this group of Japanese-Americans has had the highest
percentage of college graduates of any first-generation
American people. They reacted positively to a situation that was
both negative and highly emotional. They took a lemon and made
Charles Goodyear's lemon was a prison sentence, resulting
from a contempt of court citation. While in prison, Goodyear,
didn't groan and complain. Instead, he became an assistant in the
kitchen. While there, he continued to work on an idea. In the
process, he discovered a method for vulcanizing rubber. His
lemon, a prison sentence, became our lemonade. We have better
tires, which means better travel and a better way of life.
Martin Luther's lemon was his stay at Wartburg Castle. His
lemonade was the German translation of the Bible. Pilgrim's
Progress was John Bunyon's lemonade. It was concocted while
serving a jail sentence.


Many people who read the sports pages are aware that Gene
Tunney became the Heavyweight boxing champion of the world
because he whipped Jack Dempsey. They don't know that Tunney
was able to take a lemon and convert it into a lemonade. When he
first started his fistic career, he was a tremendously hard
puncher with a knockout punch in either hand. While fighting
exhibition bouts in France, as a member of the American
Expeditionary Forces during World War I, he broke both his
hands. The doctor and his manager told him he would never be
able to realize his dream to become the heavyweight boxing

champion of the world because of his brittle hands. Tunney was

not disturbed and said, "If I can't become the champion as a
puncher, I will make it as a boxer." History will tell that Gene
Tunney was a student of the art of self-defense. He became one of
the most scientific and skillful boxers to step into the squared
circle. This skill as a boxer enabled Tunney to outbox and defeat
Jack Dempsey for the heavyweight championship of the world.
Fistic experts are in general agreement that Tunney never
would have become the heavyweight champion had he not broken
his hands. They contend that Tunney could never have stood up to
Jack Dempsey in a toe-to-toe slugging contest and survived.
Since Tunney couldn't slug it out, he used his skill and technique
as a boxer and became the heavyweight champion. His lemon,
two broken hands, became his lemonade, the heavyweight
championship of the world.
By now I hope the lesson is clear. If life should hand you a
lemon, you'll have the main ingredient for your own lemonade.
What happens to us is not the most important thing. With
discipline, dedication, determination and desire, we can react
positively, which greatly enhances our chances for victory.
Intelligent ignorance, a lemon and a lot of desire will help
you get what you want out of life.


Failure Road is cluttered with the creeping figures of

countless people carefully explaining to anyone who will listen
why something "can't be done." In the meantime, they are being
passed by thousands with far less ability who haven't learned
what "can't be done," so they, in their intelligent ignorance, are
taking life's lemons and doing it. These residents of Failure Road
often have more ability and fewer "problems" but they limp along
on an assortment of Loser's Limps.
In the business community one of the most popular Loser's
Limps is the traditional "these people are different," or "this is a
depressed area." These are excuses, that Elroy Croston, who is in
the construction business in Winner, S.D., could legitimately
make - if he knew about them. Fortunately, Elroy, who is a
dealer for Simpson Structures, is "intelligently ignorant" and

doesn't "know" about his "limitations."

Croston's territory encompasses two Indian reservations and
is bordered by three other reservations. This area has been
described as "depressed" by the Government ever since Croston
and Simpson joined forces in 1970. Each year during this period
he has received an "Outstanding Dealer Award" - and has been
No.1 in volume or No.1 in units for the past three years.
Even though Elroy Croston lacks the formal education
normally associated with the business, Croston does not let "what
he is not" keep him from capitalizing on "what he is." His
"success" arsenal contains the positive qualities of patience,
humility, dependability, confidence, understanding and belief.
Chalk up another victory for the old-fashioned virtues and take
your hat off to a good guy - with intelligent ignorance.





In many ways the story of David Lofchick tells virtually

everything I want to say in this book. In 1965, I was speaking at a
seminar in Kansas City with six of America's top speakers. When
the seminar ended on Saturday evening, I prepared for a solitaire
dinner. However, as I stepped off the elevator into the lobby of the
Muhlbach Hotel, I heard the booming voice of Bernie Lofchick
from Winnipeg, Manitoba: "Where ya going, Zig?" Standing
impeccably dressed, he called out across the lobby and flashed his
ever-present grin. "I'm going to dinner, Bernie," was my reply.
Then, with a sparkle in his eye, he said, "I'll tell you what I'll do,
Zig. If you'll go to dinner with me, I'll buy."
Well, I have a standing policy. When anyone offers to buy my
dinner, I let him. As we sat down to dinner, Bernie and I
established a rapport that has grown until we are more like
brothers than friends. In fact, I call him Brother Bern. We asked
the usual questions that night. What are you doing here? What
business are you in? How much family do you have? This kind of
thing. After a few minutes, I commented to Bernie that he had
certainly come a long way to attend a sales rally. "Yes, he replied,
"but it was worth it because I got a lot of good ideas that will help
our business grow." I persisted by pointing out it was a long way
from Winnipeg to Kansas City and it costs alotofmoneytotravel
that far. Bernie smiled and said, "Yes, but thanks to my son,
David, I don't have to worry about the money." "That sounds like
a story," I said, "Would you tell it?" With this invitation, Bernie
opened his heart and poured out one of the most thrilling stories
I've ever heard.
"When our son was born, our joy literally knew no bounds. We
already had two daughters and when David was born our family
was complete. However, it wasn't long before we realized
something was wrong. His head hung too limply to the right side

of his body and he drooled too much for a normally healthy child.
The family doctor assured us nothing was wrong and David
would outgrow this problem. Deep in our hearts, however, we
knew better. We took him to a specialist who diagnosed the
problem as a reverse of club feet. They proceeded to treat him for
this condition for several weeks.


We knew that the problem was still more serious, so we took

David to one of Canada's top specialists. After a very thorough
examination, he said to us, "This little boy is spastic. He has
cerebral palsy and will never be able to walk, talk or count to ten."
He then, in effect, suggested we put our son in an institution 'for
his own good' and for the good of the 'normal' members of the
family." With his eyes spitting fire, Bernie said, "You know, Zig,
I'm not a buyer, I'm a seller and I couldn't see my son as a
vegetable. I saw him as a strong, happy, healthy baby who was
going to grow into manhood and live a full and productive life.
With this in mind I asked the doctor if he knew some place we
could go for help. The doctor rather adamantly said he had given
us the best advice available and stood up to indicate the interview
had ended."
As Brother Bern related the story to me he made a significant
statement. "The only thing the specialist had done was to
convince us to find a doctor who was interested in solutions and
who wasn't overwhelmed with problem.s."


Before the Lofchick's search had ended, they had taken David
to well over twenty specialists. Each one told them essentially the
same story and gave them the same advice. Finally, they heard of
a Dr. Pearlstein in Chicago. He was reputed to be the world's
foremost authority on cerebral palsy. Patients came to him from
all over the world and he was booked solid for well over a year.
Since Dr. Pearlstein worked only through other doctors, Bernie
enlisted the aid of his family physician. All the tests that had been

made on David were sent to Dr. Pearlstein and contact was made
for an appointment. Unfortunately, Dr. Pearlstein was so heavily
booked he advised the physician to contact him again at a later
date. When the doctor gave Bernie this information and said
there was nothing more to be done, Bernie took matters in his own
hands. He decided to see if he could get an appointment with Dr.
Pearlstein for David. After much effort, Bernie finally reached
him by telephone one evening. He persuaded him to place David
on standby for the next cancelled appointment. A break came
just eleven days later and David had that appointment with Dr.
Pearlstein and with destiny. Hope at long last had reared its
beautiful but elusive head. It was a welcome sight and the
Lofchick's embraced it warmly.
The disease, Goliath, didn't know it but he had a brand new
opponent. After several hours of examinaton, the diagnosis was
the same: David was a spastic. He had cerebral palsy. But there
was hope, provided Bernie was willing to undertake the
enormous and never-ending battle. The Lofchicks felt that no
price could be too high to give their son his chance in life. So, they
eagerly inquired what must be done.
Dr. Pearlstein and his therapist spelled out their instructions
in minute detail. They were told that they were going to have to
work David until he dropped and then they would have to work
him some more. They would have to push him beyond all human
endurance and then push him some more. He made Bernie and
Elaine completely aware that it was going to be a long, difficult
and sometimes an apparently hopeless struggle. He stressed that
once they started this course of action they would have to continue
indefinitely. He emphasized that if they gave up or slacked off,
David would go backwards and all the work they had done would
have been in vain. Yes, the battle for David against his Goliath
affliction had really begun. The Lofchicks now had hope and the
hope had believability. They headed for home with a lighter step,
a lighter heart and prepared for the battle ahead.
A physical therapist and a body builder were hired and a
small gym was built in the basement. Physical effort and mental
toughness became the order of the day.
After months of excruciating and dedicated effort, small rays
of hope began to appear. David acquired the ability to move.

Even though it took him a long time, he was able to move the
length of his own body. A giant milestone had been reached.


Still another one was reached with a phone call from the
therapist who excitedly told Bernie he should leave his office and
come home. When Bernie reached home, the stage was set and
David was ready to prepare for a supreme effort. He was going to
attempt a pushup. With an effort seldom eq\lalled by an adult,
much less by a six-year-old-boy, David called on all his reserves.
As his body started to rise above the mat, the emotional and
physical exertion was so great there was not a dry inch of skin on
his little body. The mat looked as if water had been poured on it.
When that one pushup was completed, David, the therapist,
Mother and Dad all freely shed the sweet tears that clearly prove,
happiness is not pleasure, it is victory.
The story is even more remarkable when you understand that
one of America's leading universities had examined David and
found that he had no "motor connections" to the right side of his
body. That his sense of balance was such he would have serious
difficulty learning to walk and he would never be able to swim,
skate, or ride a bicycle. Yes, the disease, Goliath, was taking a
licking. More importantly, while whipping his Goliath, David
was learning from experience and teaching by example, some of
the truly great lessons in life. His progress was steady and
according to the medical experts even spectacular. David is truly
a remarkable boy who has made enormous progress, which js not
surprising because his parents saw David as a vibrant growing
boy who was going all the way to good health.
Today, this "little boy" has virtually discarded his fourth
bicycle except for those occasions when it's either too warm for
him to ice skate or when he's not driving his car. Learning to ice
skate was painful. Even though it took nearly a year just to learn
to stand on those skates with the aid of a hockey stick, he went at it
day after day. He did what was necessary to overcome his
obstacles and succeeded so well he played left wing on the local
hockey team. Even after these successes, the doctor still said it
would probably take him two years to float, but he was floating in

two weeks and swimming before the first summer was over.
David has done as many as 1,000 pushups in a single day and once
ran six miles without a break. At age eleven, he took up golf and
applied the same enthusiasm and determination to it that he
applied to everything he has tackled. Result: he has already
broken ninety.
It's exciting to watch David grow and to know that all of the
.characteristics he is developing and principles he is applying to
succeed physically and academically, will take him just as far in
his chosen field of endeavor. It's also exciting to know you can
develop the same characteristics, apply the same principles and
succeed in life to the same degree that David is succeeding.
Mentally, David is in as good shape as he is physically. In
September of 1969, he was accepted at the St. John's Raven Court
School for Boys. It is one of the most demanding private schools in
Canada. While in the 7th grade, David did quite well in 9th grade
mathematics. That's not bad for a little boy who the doctors said
was never going to count to ten. On October 23, 1971, my wife and
I had the privilege of attending the Bar Mitzvah of David
Llfchick. I wish you could have been there to see David take that
giant step into manhood. With clear eyes, a steady voice and
unfaltering steps, David, amidst a large group of loving friends
and relatives from the United States and Canada, became a man.
His performance was understandly outstanding since he'd been
preparing all his life for the occasion.
Yes, Goliath is clearly on the deck, but just as clearly he hasn't
been knocked out and probably never will be. David must
exercise extensively and regularly for the rest of his life. Even a
few days off takes a toll. Like any active 19-year-old there are
times he would much prefer to be with his friends. However,
when exercise time comes, David understands what he must do
and heads for the gym. Of course, it's not all work because in
addition to his parents he has those two big sisters, a host of
friends, and a large number of relatives who represent a lot of
companionship and quite a cheering section.
One of the high points for David occurred in February, 1974,
when a $100,000 whole life insurance policy was issued on
David's life. The policy was issued on a standard basis which, to
the best of my knowledge, marked the first time a victim of

cerebral palsy has ever qualified for such a contract.


Those who know the Lofchick family will quickly tell you that
each member played a vital part in David's life and was
privileged to grow with him. Each one is outstanding and each
one contributes to the family and to the community. Bernie's
growth, for example, has been equally amazing. Bernie is truly
the most completely educated,uneducated man I've ever known.
He officially finished the 7th grade, but he spends every day of
life in "school." He learns something from everybody and his
pursuit of excellence qualifies him as one of the most astute
business minds I have ever encountered.
Of necessity, Bernie worked both harder and smarter in his
business career and personal life. For a seven-year-period he
worked seven days and seven nights every week, taking only one
night off during this entire period of time. That feat alone clearly
demonstrates his dedication, determination, desire and devotion.
In his quest, Bernie discovered that in a successful and happy life
you can get everything in life you want if you help enough
other people get what they want. Applying this principle to his
business, he built the biggest cookware company in Canada and
achieved financial independence in the process.
By any yardstick David and those who helped him are quite
successful. It was a team battle and a team victory with each one
playing an important part in putting Goliath on the deck. Each
one is playing a significant part in keeping him there.


With the story of David Lofchick in mind, let's turn to the

"Stairway to the Top" chart. As a baby, David couldn't have his
own Healthy Self-Image, the first step on the chart.
Nevertheless, in the eyes of his parents he was a special little boy
who deserved to have and was going to have his chance in life.
They saw David as he is today, and they saw themselves as
capable of giving him that chance. Today, David has a healthy
self-image, the results of which are so completely evident.

The second "step" in your stairway to the top is Your

Relationship With Others. Obviously, there were a number of
people who played vital roles in the growth and development of
David Lofchick. Doctors, nurses, therapists, teachers, etc., all
had a part. The "blood, sweat and tears" were all made more
tolerable because of the patience and love developed through the
relationship between the parents, David, and the professionals
involved. Without help - and lots of it - David's situation would
truly have been desperate. Fortunately, he received the help he
needed and became a winner. The people who helped David were
winners too because "He climbs highest, who helps another
The third step we covered was the importance of Goals, how to
set those goals and how to reach those goals. Every aspect of goal
setting was evident in David's story. In conjunction with the goals
the family had for David, Bernie also set his own personal, work,
and financial goals. Initially, Bernie couldn't easily carry the
heavy medical burden imposed by David's treatment, but he did
what champions have always done. He rose to the occasion. Now
he's getting everything in life he wants by helping David and
others get what they want.
The fourth step was the right mental attitude which covers a
wide area, and David Lofchick's story illustrates it perfectly. The
family attitude of working one day at a time, taking one step at a
time, making stepping-stones out of obstacles and reacting
positively to all negative situations was conveyed to David. They
fed him a steady diet of "You can do it, David." David listened to
enthusiastic, positive, cassette recordings while he dressed,
exercised and rode to school with his parents. Daily his trainer,
the former Mr. Manitoba, Syd Pukalo, as well as his parents and
close family friends, reinforced the positive factors in his life.
Eventually, the proper mental diet, became a part of David's life
and the habits he acquired were so good and strong that his
growth and progress were assured.
The fifth step concerned Work and David's story fits it well.
To give you an idea, the next time you complain about having just
24 hours in a day, let me urge you to remember David Lofchick.
For years he only had a 21-hour day because he literally invested
three hours a day in his physical battle to stay even with the

cerebral palsy. Today his time demands are still enormous. If he

doesn't work at it every day, his Goliath moves back in. Yes, he
has had to work, but David and the Lofchick family know that you
don't pay a price for good health - you enjoy the price.
David's story fits beautifully in the sixth step which is the
discussion of Desire. I can honestly say that in dealing with
hundreds of people, I've never met a family where desire is more
evident than it is in the Lofchick family. Their burning desire for
David to have his chance in life was translated into the actions
they took so he could have his chance. Some of those actions were
tough, real tough, because they involved a special kind of love
that was so deep it demanded they overrule their natural
sympathy and compassion. Many times when Bernie and Elaine
forced those braces tighter according to the doctor's instruction,
David would cry and plead with them to ease up or leave them off
for "just one night." Bernie and Elaine would have given almost
anything to comply, but their love was so deep they said no to
David's tears of the moment which meant they were saying yes to
his health and happiness for a lifetime.
As you view David's story, you realize that character, honesty,
love, loyalty, faith and integrity are in evidence from beginning
to end. In the first Segment of the book, I pointed out that any
quality you are short of, you can acquire. I believe the story of
David verifies this fact. To look at him, you would find it hard to
believe anything has ever been wrong with him. Many times I
have wondered just how fantastic David might have been if he
had been a normal, healthy baby. It wasn't difficult for me to
image him being bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, etc. Then one
day the truth hit me like a ton of bricks. Had David started with
more, he might well have ended up with less. I'm convinced he is
more - maybe much more - not in spite of, but because of the
cerebral palsy. That's why God tells us so clearly to thank Him for
everything. [Thess. 5:18]. Yes, it's a special and wonderful
miracle that the Lofchicks saw their son as a boy who was going to
get his chance in the relay race of life. They got him started,
passed the baton on to him and old David has been running with it
ever since.
The best part of David's story hasn't been written because
David is still living it. My belief is, what David does in the future

will far surpass what he's done in the past. That's exciting, but
even more exciting is the thought of what this story could mean to
the millions of kids who have normal health. If David could start
from where he was with what he had and do what he's done, think
what the same principles and procedures could mean if applied to
kids with good health. That thought is awesome and exciting.
David's story now has a sequel. While telling his story in
Amarillo, Texas, one night, I noticed that a young couple seated
on the front row was visibly moved. Later we visited privately
and they sought the name of the Chicago doctor who took over Dr.
Pearlstein's practice upon his death. Their fifteen month old
daughter had Cerebral Palsy, and they hoped something could be
done for her. They took their daughter to Chicago and after the
examination, the doctor told them that their daughter had all the
symptoms of the disease, but she definitely did not have Cerebral
Palsy. She had simply been born prematurely and the doctor had
incorrectly diagnosed her condition. The premature birth had
caused her to be a little slower than normal. However, since they
had been treating her for Cerebral Palsy she had acquired all the
symptoms of the disease. They immediately started treating her
as a normal, healthy child and in a matter of weeks the symptoms
of Cerebral Palsy disappeared. Yes, we treat people the way we
see them and they respond to that treatment whether it's good or
bad, positive or negative. Again, that's why it's so important for
us to be "good finders."
So here you are at the top of the stairway. You've climbed all
the steps so you now stand squarely in front of the door leading
into the banquet hall of life. At this point I call your attention to
the word opp(lrtunity which is clearly written on that door.
Actually, the word opportunity could be spelled AMERICA - as
a matter of fact, if you will look again, it's obvious that
opportunity is America. Only in a free enterprise country such as
America could these principles bear such fruit. So let's take a
look now at the land of the free and the home of the brave -
America The Beautiful.

There you are standing in front of the glass doors of

the executive suites of tomorrow. All you need now is
a little push to open the door.



Throughout this book I've been telling you a number of stories

about people like you and me. As stated earlier, I believe life is a
story, so I've tried to tie these stories to life to help you be more-
do more and have more. These stories involve people from every
race, creed, and color and they come from every walk of life. They
differ in many ways, but each shares the common bond of living
in a free enterprise system which enables them to more fully use
their ability.
My personal travels from Perth, Australia to Paris, France,
combined with the spoken and printed word, have enabled me to
compare free enterprise and America with the rest of the world
- and America wins - by a landslide. Simple example: The
average American newspaperboy working part time in free
enterprise earns more money than 50% of the workers of the
I stress free enterprise at this time because some of the
principles advocated throughout this book would not bear fruit
behind the iron and bamboo curtains. In this final chapter, I
sound the warning about some dangers we face, and what you can
do to keep America and you, free and great.
An excellent comparison between free enterprise and
Communism exists in Cuba. Before Castro and Communism took
over in 1958, the average yearly income of the Cuban worker was
approximately $475, everything was plentiful, nothing was
rationed and you could travel as you pleased. Today, personal
freedom is a thing of the past, and individual hope is just a
memory. Under Communism, the average income of the Cuban
worker in 1974 was about $325, which would buy less than one-
third of what the $475 would have bought in 1958. Virtually
everything in Cuba today is rationed and many things are
unavailable. All travel is restricted and no one can leave the
country. Castro stopped emigration after freedom-loving Cubans

by the thousands gave up everything they owned in exchange for

freedom in America. In Russia, the mother country of com-
munism, personal freedom is so limited that even their prize
exhibits [athletes and artists] are closely guarded when they
leave the country and their Nobel prize winners often can't leave
to accept their prizes. Freedom of worship is but a foggy memory,
political dissent is an invitation to disaster, and emigration to
another country is a million-to-one long shot.
In material goods, the Russian works 1000 days to buy a
medium size car and waits six long years for delivery. Even then
travel is restricted, gasoline is expensive, and paved highways
are few. By comparison, an American can buy a medium size car
for 100 days work, get immediately delivery on 200 different
models, and can go anywhere in the United States on the most
elaborate highway system in the world.
A Russian works 300 hours to buy a refrigerator and waits
months for delivery. In America, a better refrigerator for
immediate delivery can be bought with 30 hours of work. In
Russia, anything not essential involves a long line, often with
disappointment at the end. It's a source of embarrassment that
the free enterprise system works extremely well in Russia itself.
During the highly oppressive Stalin regime, Joe Stalin agreed to
let the farmers have a small patch of ground adjoining their
homes to cultivate for their own personal use. This land
comprises less than 4% of the total land under cultivation, but
approximately one-third of the total agricultural production of
Soviet Russia comes from this 4%. Specifically, this "free
enterprise" land produces more than 60% of Russia's potatoes,
50% of the Russian milk supply, 75% of the eggs and nearly 50% of
Russia's meat production. Incentive is the soul of success -
regardless of your nationally.
Despite its claims, there isn't a communist country in the
world that can feed itself. Communism is so inefficient that some
experts believe Russia would collapse in 15 years or less if we
withdrew our agricultural and technical expertise which is
propping them up. Anyone who thinks in terms of embracing
socialism should just look over the wall into Communist East
Berlin or visit Cuba, China, or Russia to see the reality of
communism instead of the theory. They are two different

animals. Communists say they are all "equal," which is true.

They are all equally poor. To paraphrase Winston Churchill,
Capitalism's "problem" is the uneven division of wealth while
socialism's "virtue" is the even division of misery.


As we approach America's problems, I'm concerned about

two groups of Americans. One group is like the individual who
refuses to have an examination because he suspects he has
cancer. He blindly says, "America has no problems" or, "don't
worry, America has always come through - don't tell me about
it." The second group says, "Well, what can I do, it's just me and
it's too late now."
If your house were burning, you would want to know about it
so you could grab a bucket of water and put it out. The purpose of
this chapter is to tell you that your house [America] is burning
and give you several buckets of water so you can help douse the
flames. The fire that is burning America started much like you
boil a bullfrog.
You don't boil a bullfrog by throwing him in boiling water,
because he will pop out faster than you can pop him in. You put
him in cold water and turn on the heat. As the water gets warm,
the bullfrog relaxes and takes a nap. You know the rest of the
story. He wakes up dead. He's been boiled to death.
An enemy today would not directly attack America. Ger-
many, in World War I and Japan, in World War II used that
direct assault with disastrous results. The enemy we face today is
far more subtle and infinitely more powerful and dangerous than
either Japan or Germany. The enemy is Communism and it
started under another banner back in the 30's. At that time
Americans were sold on the "free lunch" concept that they could
increase their wealth by channeling it through a centralized
government in Washington. So, we started electing the most
"promising" politicians to political office. The "frog" was in the
water and the "heat" was on. Over the years, vote-seeking
politicans passed liberal legislation [liberal with the working
man's money]. In all fairness, I must point olit that not all
"politicians" ar.e in office. Many "politicians" are citizens who

He's gonna' wake up boiled to death.

Complacency will kill.

regularly confront the elected officials with two "demands."

First, you must do something to reduce the ridiculously high
expenditure of the Federal Government and second, you must
figure out a way to get more federal funds for our people back
Federal aid has been so heavy and so extensive that today
some economists are predicting that by 1990, 50% of the
American people will be lending support to the other 50%. This
has come about so gradually that many people are unaware it has
been happening for many years. I'm concerned that the "frog"
[America] is in hot water - that's getting hotter - but I'm also
convinced that an aroused citizenry can solve that problem.
Many people blithely say that Americans have always come
through when the chips are down - in the past this has been true,
but I'm concerned. We have 100 million Americans who've never
seen us weather a severe depression. We know how they react to
success and prosperity, but realistically we don't know how they
would react to adversity. These same Americans have never seen
us win a war. The Korean War was a stalemate and Viet-Nam
was a disaster. They don't know the sweet taste of victory or the
thrill of seeing free people embrace their liberating heroes.
I'm concerned because 130 million Americans are under age
25 and the average 25-year-old has seen an average of 18,000
hours of television. During this time he will have viewed 40,000
murders, witnessed thousands of rapes and seductions, and
heard "jillions" of obscene and profane words. This is hardly the
"diet" that builds either character or determination.


Throughout this book we have stressed, "as you sow, so also

shall you reap." To show the effect of repeatedly seeing or hearing
anything, please complete the following statements. Winston
tastes good like a . Pepsi Cola hits the
____twelve full ounces that's a . Drink Coca Cola
the pause that . Duz does . Now check
your answers on page 380. Those commercials were on television
over ten years ago but chances are excellent that you got them
right, because you will remember and believe almost anythingij

you hear it enough times.

Forty years ago, Adolph Hitler conclusively proved that the
masses will believe the "big lie" if you tell it often enough.
Let's look at American Big Lie Number One: For the last 25
years, liberals have been telling me my generation was taught
that sex was dirty - but were we? A survey of my peer group
gave me a resounding no. When anything about sex was taught or
discussed we were told that sex was private, that it was sacred
and that it was between husband and wife. The Bible stresses the
sacredness and beauty of sexual relations between a man and his
wife. It identifies it as the highest expression of human
endearment and that it goes beyond the procreation of the human
race.~ut the liberal, by implication, was saying that since sex
wasn't "dirty" it could be indulged in with anyone so long as it was
a "meaningful" relationship.
Big Lie Number Two: In the last 25 years, we've been
repeatedly told that "poverty breeds crime." However, in 1940
after an entire decade of the toughest depression in our country's
history, the crime rate was lower than it was at the beginning.
Significantly, there has never been a definitive study that
established a correlation between crime and poverty. Crime has
to do with character and integrity. What we teach our children
determines whether they will be law-abiding or lawbreaking.
What are the kids being taught? By the millions they watch
TV, in living color where instant coffee, instant tea and instant
potatoes, along with instant happiness, instant success and
instant gratification are sold. It's inevitable that the kids get an
erroneous concept about true success and happiness, as well as
what's involved in acquiring the big car, the big home, the
swimming pool, etc.
Underprivileged youngsters inevitably compare what they
don't have to what those on the TV screen do have, and they feel
underprivileged. Combine this with the fact that society is telling
them that poverty breeds crime and you have planted the seeds of
criminal action.
Big Lie Number Three: People equal poverty and India
proves it Does it really? India is a poverty-stricken nation.
England has a higher density per square mile and Holland has a
50% greater density than India, but they have a high standard of

living. Africa has a low population density, but extreme poverty.

America has a low density and an enormously high standard of
living. Population could be a factor, but it is not the factor.
However, this "big lie" has been used to support liberal abortion
laws and encourage fewer babies in America with the result that
in 1975 the birth rate was only 1.9 per 100 and we need 2.1 per 100
to sustain our population.
In 40 years, we will have the highest percentage of elderly
people in history. They will deserve, demand and get a higher
standard of living. That's proper, but these extra benefits will be
supplied by the lowest percentage of workers in our history. We
need more dedicated Americans raising God-fearing, law-
abiding children. These kids, properly loved, taught and
motivated are the solution to, and not the cause of, the problem.
Actually they are our only hope for solving tomorrow's problems.


I'm concerned about the enormous waste in government

spending especially for programs like the one to study the effects
on male students of smoking marijuana while watching
pornographic movies [$121,000]. $5,000 went to Erica Jong to
write Fear Of Flying. $2,000,000 was spent to buy Marshall Tito
of Yugoslavia a yacht. These amounts are infinitesimal when
compared to the seven billion dollars we have given in foreign aid
to the six nations which have raised one thousand tons of opium
with a street value of $22 billion. Absurd is the word I carefully
and deliberately use to describe a policy that permits America to
send our billions to build their countries. They in turn take our
money - often without a simple thank-you - and ship heroin into
America to destroy us.
A letter to your congressman would have an impact. We know
public opinion carries considerable weight. When Americans
and American businessmen started boycotting French goods in
protest of the manufacture and exportation of heroin from
Marseilles, France into the U.S.A., an interesting thing
happened. The French managed to find and destroy more heroin
producing labs in six months than in the preceding ten years.
I'm concerned about the laws that require any American to

join any organization to get ajob. Theoretically, these laws were

passed for the benefit of the working man. It hasn't worked this
way, however, because the states which have the right-to-work
laws have a lower rate of unemployment than those with "closed
shop" laws.
I'm concerned about crime, forced busing, the increase in
juvenile delinquency, the rising rate of crime among women, the
ever-increasing use of drugs, alcohol, pornography and a
hundred and one other problems, but I'm convinced there's a
solution to these problems.
I'm especially concerned that American youth are not being
sold on the American free enterprise system. According to the
United States Chamber of Commerce and the Princeton
Research Institute, 67% of our high school students do not believe
a business needs a profit and nearly 50% of them cannot give you
even one advantage that capitalism has over communism. 63% of
the American high school students feel the Federal Government
should own the banks, railroads and the steel companies.
62% do not believe a worker should produce to the best of his
ability, which is another form of dishonesty. These things are
frightening but don't blame the kids. It's our fault. We write the
books, build the schools and pay the educators. It is up to us to
teach our sons and daughters the advantages of the free
enterprise system.


I'm concerned about communism, especially as it relates to

our current foreign policy, because Russia honors a treaty only if
it's to her advantage. A recent study of over 1000 treaties
confirms Russia as the champion treaty breaker of all time. That
loud chorus of Amens you heard came from the Finns, Estonians,
Latvians, Lithuanians, Czechs, Hungarians, Poles and Germans
who were enslaved after signing treaties with Russia.
At the time President Kennedy confronted Nikita
Khrushchev concerning the Russian missiles in Cuba, he was
dealing from strength and was able to tell him to pull those
missiles out of Cuba - or else. Russia understood the language
and backed off.

However, when Secretary of State Kissinger and Leonid

Brezhnev negotiated to stop the Yom Kippur War, we had a
different situation. Detente' was in effect and the Russians, by
agreement, were to inform us of any known crisis. Evidence is
conclusive that they knew in advance of an imminent attack by
the Arab countries on the Israelies, but they said nothing. During
those first few fretful days when the Egyptian armies were
forcing the Isralies back, Kissinger tried desperately to reach
Brezhnev to urge him to stop it, but Brezhnev was unavailable.
With the tide of battle turned and the Israelies completely
surrounded the Egyptian army, Brezhnev started screaming for
Kissinger to stop the war. America put extreme pressure on
Israel to call off their armies. I'm convinced we bowed to Russia's
wishes because of their increasing military strength combined
with our relative decline.
When you deal with Russia, you are dealing with an idealogy
and a leadership that does not believe in God, has no regard for
human life and looks upon a treaty as a piece of paper until the
other side breaks it. The Communist feels what is his is his and
what is yours is open for negotiaton. Brezhnev, without regard
for human life and now with possible military superiority, could
coldly play the high stakes game with impudence. I'm concerned
about the relative decline in our military strength, but the
problem has a solution.
I should pause and explain something to my Christian
Brothers who might quote, "The meek shall inherit the earth"
scripture. In the original Greek, the word meek meant "power
- with restraint." So long as we have the power, we won't need to
use it and hence we won't use it. If we don't have the power,
history's lesson conclusively proves that we will need it. Like my
insurance friends tell me, it's infinitely better to have it and not
need it than to need it and not have it.
I'm convinced that at long last, Americans know the water
[remember the bullfrog] has reached such an intolerable heat
that they recognize their house [America] is burning. Most
Americans are now asking someone to give them a bucket of
water [tell me what to do] so they can personally help put out the
fire. Hopefully, the rest of this chapter will provide you with
several "buckets of water."


Fortunately, the timing has never been better because we just

celebrated our 200th birthday and Americans are beginning to
accentuate the positi ve. From coast to coast and border to border
the evidence is overwhelming that concerned Americans are
standing up to be counted, sounding off to be heard, studying to
be informed, and working to make long-needed changes. In the
past two years, I have seen more dedicated men and women enter
the field to fight corruption and crookedness than in the
preceding ten years. That's encouraging.
I've also seen young people by the score do an abrupt about-
face. The recession and job shortage caused many to realize that
demanding impossible salaries and conditions from a prospec-
tive employer who was struggling for survival afforded them
little hope for a job when they were competing with a dozen other
youngsters who were better qualified for that job. More
importantly, many of them now realize that ultimately those who
do only what they please to do are seldom pleased with what they
do. That too is encouraging.
I t's also encouraging to hear more and more of the liberal, big
government advocates publicly acknowledging that more
government spending and involvement is not the answer, that
self reliance is the order of the day and the individual is
responsible for his own conduct and personal well being.
The solution, however, is covered in the last four sentences of
the speech President Kennedy was to have made in Dallas, Texas,
the day he was assassinated.
"We, in this country, in this generation, are by destiny,
rather than by choice, the watchmen of the walls of world
freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of the
power and the responsibility, that we may exercise our
strength with wisdom and restraint, that we may achieve in
our time and for all times the ancient vision of peace on earth,
good will toward men. That must always be our goal and the
righteousness of our call must always underlie our strength
for as it was written long ago, 'except the Lord, keep the city,
the watchmen waketh but in vain'."
That's the foundation upon which this country was built. That

is where we must return, because as William Pitt said, "If God

does not rule the affairs of man then tyrants will." Fortunate-
ly God-fearing men and women are getting back into the political
arena and President Carter openly acknowledges his faith in and
dependence upon Almighty God. Equally exciting is the fact the
boy scouts are now returning to their original concepts and are
again teaching kids trust in God.
We need to stand straight and firm on law enforcement. We've
leaned over backwards in our zeal for fairness to protect the
accused. Now, in fairness to criminal and victim alike, we must
look to the rights of both and make the criminal instead of the
victim pay for the crime.
Another way to solve America's problems is to become
politically active. Each one of us mU,st stop saying, "those
politicans." It is not "That Congressman," "That Senator" or
"That Mayor." We must properly identify them as "My
Congressman," "My Senator," "My Mayor," because we [that's
you and I] did elect them - by our support or by our lack of
support. Interested in helping America - and you? Did you vote
and/or support qualified, God fearing candidates in the last
election? It only takes 150 dedicated people to elect a Con-
gressman. Even though public officials pass the laws, citizens-
like you and I - elect the people who pass the laws.
One thing all of us can do, and even must do, is sell the beauty
and sanctity of the family as a unit. Historically eighty-eight
civilizations have risen to a dominant position in world history.
Some rose quickly, some rose slowly, but without exception, they
all fell in one generation and each one fell after the family unit
was destroyed. In every case the pattern was the same, a relaxing
of moral standards which led to pornography followed by
promiscuity, adultery, wife swapping, and finally homosexuali-
ty. Surely America, if properly alerted, can learn from the eighty
eight examples which preceded us.
A good family to look at as we "sell" the family as a unit is the
James and Margaret Griffin family of Columbus, Ohio. For the
last 23 years, James Griffin has been driving a truck for the
sanitation department by day and working in a steel mill at
night. In addition, he has two janitorial jobs before he cans it a
day. On weekends he is the janitor of two schools. For the last 23

years James Griffin has worked an average of 20 hours a day

supporting his seven sons and one daughter. Needless to say,
Margaret has been by his side all the way. The Griffins have done
this because they wanted their children to have their opportuni-
ty. The Griffin family is a closely knit unit with Joe, the older son,
serving as the man of the house during J ames Griffin's long work
hours. The Griffins are grateful that they were given a chance to
use their ability and initiative to get what America has to offer.
They even used their vacation on Friday nights so they could
watch their sons play football. They were and are superior
players. One of their sons is Archie Griffin who in 1975 became
the first football player in history to win the Heisman trophy for
the second time.


As voters, we need to become personally involved and elect

officials who dedicate themselves to getting and keeping the
government out of business and encourage more business people
to get into government. One look at the Post Office, Medicare,
Medicade, Social Security and the food stamp program will
convince anyone that despite the efforts of tens of thousands of
dedicated government employees, who have devoted a lifetime to
conscientiously serving America anc;l the general public, the
government simply doesn't know how to run a business.
The need for more direction and encouragement in business
principles are painfully evident when we view the rising cost of
government and it's comparative inefficiencies. For example, the
Exxon Corporation can ship a gallon of gasoline from Houston,
Texas to New York City faster and cheaper than the Post Office
can send a letter from Dallas to Ft. Worth and pay substantial
taxes on the profit. Incidentally, the government can only provide
as many services [like the postal service and others] as productive
people and profitable businesses can support.
December, 1975, Reader's Digest tells a similar story. In 1915
you could make a telephone call from New York to San Francisco
for $20 or you could mail 1,000 first class letters from New York
to San Francisco. Today you can call after 9:00 P.M., New York to
San Francisco for 65¢ or you can write five letters from New

York to San Francisco for 65¢. So the government is in-

vestigating the telephone company. [Like the man says, the post
office is not something you'd write home about.] Of even more
concern is a recent survey which shows that the rate of
productivity per man hour in government is thirty-nine percent
below the average productivity level of the private sector. Thirty-
nine percent! No wonder our national budget runs into the red by
the billions year after year.


As concerned citizens, we need to showcase the progress

instead of the problem. I don't believe in hiding problems, but I
believe the best way to solve a problem is to identify it. Then we
need to remember that hope and encouragement are the major
ingredients in the solution to any problem. Example: The racial
problem. Everyone knows about the problem, but most do not
know about the progress we are making toward solving it. The
net result is despair that no solution exists, which leads many
people to quit working on solving the problem.
In 1975, Gentle Ben Williams, the all Southeastern Con-
ference middle guard for the Ole Miss Rebels, was elected
Colonel Rebel by the student body. Gentle Ben is a black man.
Just 13 years earlier James Meredith, another black man,
required the protection of Federal Marshalls to attend the
University of Mississippi. From, "Kill the black man," to "vote for
Gentle Ben for Colonel Rebel," in just 13 years is tremendous
progress. We've crossed a big barrier and every day more and
more Americans are recognizing that the pigment in a man's
skin has nothing to do with the heart and ability that lies inside.
The black American has made more progress in the last 15
years than any people in history. We need to remind our foreign
and domestic critics that America has more black millionaires
and more black people in American colleges than the rest of the
world combined. We have black senior officers in all the services,
as well as black cabinet members, Senators, Congressmen, and
Mayors of large cities and the numbers increase daily. In the last
10 years, the number of black attorneys, accountants, college
teachers and other professionals has almost doubled. The

number of black graduates has increased over 100%. Between

1968 and 1973, the number of blacks earning $15,000 each year
has almost tripled. According to U. S. News and World Report,
outside of the Deep South the average income of a young black
couple is 99% as great as his white counterpart. Everything is
obviously still not equal for the black man but the fastest way to
make it equal is to emphasize the progress.


In 1974 and 1975, the prophets of doom were saying that

inflation, recession and unemployment spelled the end of
America. Two years earlier, the same prophets were sounding
the death knell because of the gasoline shortage. Five years
earlier, riots on the campus were going to destroy us, but they
really had a field day on Oct. 4, 1957, when the Russians put
Sputnik in orbit. They told one and all, "The Russians are going to
get all our secrets, reduce us to a second-rate power and beat us to
the moon." History, however, has proven that SputJilik didn't spell
the end of America. In fact, the Russians aroused us from a sound
sleep much like the Japanese did at Pearl Harbor in 1941.
Despite their advantage, we easily won the race. Today we know
the only way those Russians are ever going to get to the moon is
for Americans to take them there - piggy-back.
I have no fear of Russian economic and technological strength.
I do fear their dedication, ideology, and goals of world conquest.
Watch the next Olympics and you will note that when a Russian
receives a gold medal he will, with much emotion say "I did itfor
the glory of Mother Russia."
One simple example of the difference an involvement like that
makes in performance, is the story of Pat Matsdorf, the former
world's record holder in the high jump. He set the record in a dual
meet with the Russians. Interestingly enough, just six weeks
earlier, he had been badly beaten in a college meet. Against the
Russians, however, he jumped a full 5~" higher than he had
against college competition. A curious reporter asked Pat to
explain the dramatic improvement in his performance. Pat
looked down and pointed at the letters - U.S.A. - on his athletic

jersey and said, "I've never represented anything this big before."
This kind of pride can be - must be - developed in millions of
American young people and adults.
Through our problems and our triumphs we must keep our
sense of humor, because if you think the recent problems were
serious, let me urge you to open your history book to 1858 to look
at a real problem. Not only was there a shortage of whale oil that
year but leading "whaleologists" the world over maintained that
"those dirty whales" were not turning out the same quality whale
oil they had in the past. The prophets of doom assured one and all
the lamps would go dim, our children would grow up in an era of
darkness and education would be destroyed. Then someone
discovered petroleum.
Between now and the time you read these words there could
well be a dozen national emergencies and numbers of crisis in
your personal life. However, as Dr. Norman Vincent Peale often
says, "The only people who do not have problems are those in the
cemeteries." [Then with a twinkle in his eye he says, " and some of
them really have problems."] If you have problems, it simply
means you are alive and the more problems you have the more
alive you are. He even jokingly suggests that if you don't have
man-sized problems you should get on your knees and ask God to
"trust" you with a few.
We also need to remember that some good comes out of every
problem. Eleven thousand lives were saved because of the fuel
shortage in 1974 and America got busy toward self-sufficiency in
energy. Incidentally, the character for crisis in Japanese, is a
combination of the characters for "disaster and opportunity."
The opportunities of America's crisis far outweigh the "dis-
asters" caused by them and America historically takes its
"lemons" and makes "lemonade."


National dedication will enable us to utilize our greatest

natural resource - our people - who will then develop our other
resources which America has in abundance. This includes the
discovered and undiscovered, the known and the unknown. I
agree with Dr. Billy Ray Cox, of Harding College, who says our

major problem is not a lack of resouces but lack of resourcefulness.

Our oil and gas reserves might be running low, but our hidden
resources will more than take up the slack. Dr. Cox points out
that just 300 years ago people were using coal as rocks. Just over
100 years ago, people viewed oil as the black curse and forty years
ago there was no known use for uranium.
Unfortunately, we are not utilizing many of our known
natural resources. One county in Wyoming has enough coal
reserves to supply more energy than all the known oil and gas
reserves in the entire country. Yes, it does have a high sulphur
content, but American technology is on the threshold of removing
and utilizing that sulphur. In short, here's a "lemon" I'm
confident will end up as the principle ingredient in lemonade.
Solar heat and energy is being developed daily and some
experts feel that with a concerted effort this could provide a
major part of our home and office heating supply in the very near
future. More progress has been made on utilizing this unlimited
source of energy in the past two years than in the previous twenty.
Tremendous potential also exists in the development of offshore
drilling. Thus far only 4% of this land has been leased for oil
exploration and drilling. The list of undeveloped resources is
endless. I'm confident that American ingenuity will solve the
energy problem as well as any other problem we are positive
about solving.
As our known resources dwindle - our resourcefulness enters
the picture. For example, some cities are converting garbage to
energy and a process has even been developed to use chicken
droppings as fuel to run automobiles. In Europe, an automobile
has been tested using water as its principle fuel. Our scientists
are making progress in their quest to harness the power of the
ocean tides and utilize the energy of the Gulf Stream. The story
goes on and on to the degree that I'm strongly convinced that the
oil shortage is going to be the "lemon" which produces the best
tasting lemonade this country has ever had.


As Americans we must demand that our heroes and moral

teaching be put back into the history books. According to the

Thomas Jefferson Research Center, when America won its

independence, religion and morals accounted for more than 90%
of the content of school readers. By 1926 the figure was only 6%
and today it is almost immeasurable. History proves that if we
give our children heroes and moral principles to live up to - they
will. We need to teach our children - from early childhood -
about our heroes of yesteryear. We need to tell them the stories of
America - its greatness and its goodness because the spirit of
America is caught - as it's taught.
We need to listen - and make certain the young people listen
- to the immortal words of Patrick Henry. They come ringing
down through the pages of history as he shook his fist in the face of
King George III and spoke these immortal words, "Is life so dear
or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or
slavery. Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others
may take, but as for me, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death." A
feeling of pride and patriotism and a lump in the throat is the
result. Corny. Sure is. But it is also love, and love of America
breeds a willingness to build an even better America.
We need to hear John Paul Jones, with his ship listing and
some of his guns out of order, as he answered the pride of the
English Navy's call to surrender. Outmanned, outgunned, and
outmaneuvered, his indomitable spirit rose to the occasion as he
answered, "I have not yet begun to fight." Obviously, he hadn't
because the battle immediately turned, an important victory was
won, and America had a new and much needed hero.
We need to put the words of Nathan Hale, the 21-year-old
America patriot who was captured as a spy, back into the history
books. Offered a life of luxury with a position of power and
prestige if he would capitulate - Nathan Hale, without
hesitation, stool tall and helped all of us stand taller as he wrote
an important page in American history with his calm response,
"I regret that I have but one life to give for my country."
We need to identify more closely with our national emblem,
the Bald Eagle. The eagle is truly the symbol of America.
Hatched on the lofty peaks amid the wind and the elements, the
young eagle is taught to fend for itself at an early age. When the
time comes for him to try his wings, mama eagle literally pushes
him off the cliff side and he is compelled to fly.

The full-grown Bald Eagle is a majestic sight as he soars far

and wide in search of food. His vision is such that at 5000 feet he
can look directly at the sun and in the next instant spot a field
mouse nearly a mile below. To me, this is the epitome of the
America we have always been and must continue to be: powerful
enough to look the strongest nations in the eye and yet
compassionate enough to look down at those small nations in need
and extend either the helping hand or th~ covering umbrella as
the situation dictates. To remain that kind of America, we must
teach our strength and heritage to our youth throughout their
entire lifetime.
What is being ta'iIght in our schools? A recent history course
taught in California produced these incredible conclusions on the
part of the students. Abraham Lincoln was a "racist" and the
Japanese were completely justified in their attack on Pearl
Harbor. It goes without saying, when our historY books teach
these young people to be ashamed of their country, they [the
you~g people] will not respect or co-operate with an "establish-
medt" they consider "racist" [it produced Lincoln] or a war-
monger [it "instigated" the Pearl Harbor attack].
We need to teach our kids to salute the flag and respect the
American creed every single day. Remember when we went
through the Winston, Duz, Pepsi Cola, etc. routine to show that
what is planted in our minds becomes a part of us? I'm suggesting
we plant love of, and loyalty to country through the daily Pledge
of Allegiance and the American Creed. These steps will imbed
Americanism in the minds of our youth and they will stand tall
and be proud that they are Americans.


To show you the America I love, I'd like to invite you to take a
trip with me in your imagination as we travel via the big jet,
which in many ways symbolizes America. I'd like to familiarize
you with this great and beautiful country and some of its
outstanding people.
From Dallas we head westward across the plains rich with
cattle and oil, that contribute so much to the prosperity of
America. We fly over EI Paso, home of Lee Trevino, the "Merry

Mex" and former golf caddy who was chased off some prestigious
golf courses before his rise to prominence as one of America's
premier golfers and outstanding personalities. We veer
northward and take a long sweeping glance at the natural beauty
of the Grand Canyon, make a fast stop at Carlsbad Caverns and
look down on the uniqueness ofthe Mojave Desert before we come
to the lush, irrigated fruit and vegetable farms of California.
Here we will meet Richard Cessna, Jr., Karl Karcher and Robert
Richard Cessna, Jr. is the president of Kidco, Inc. which has
been in business slightly over a year, but they are already
grossing as much as $3,000 per month. They started with a
contract to sweep the six main streets of San Diego Country
Estates for $150 per month. They branched out by contracting
with their father, the supervisor of the estates' 110 horse stables,
to remove the manure and wood shavings which they compost.
They sell the compost to landscapers and local golf courses at
prices lower than commercial suppliers. Incidentally, Richard
Cessna, Jr. is 12 years old. His vice president is his sister, age 9.
The secretary of the company is another sister, age 11, and the
treasurer is a half sister who is 14. Now that is America, that is
free enterprise.
Kark Karcher, a gentle giant of Midwestern stock who has an
unshakeable faith in Almighty God, is in the restaurant business.
His financial success started when he bet on himself and free
enterprise by pledging his financial net worth to get the capital
investment necessary to become an entrepreneur. [That, my
friends, means he hocked his' 41 Plymouth for 326 bucks to buy a
hot dog stand]. From that modest start, this 8th grade dropout
has expanded, until today, "Carl's Jr. Restaurants" number 127
with over 3800 employees. It's refreshing - but not surprising-
to learn that Carl is an old-fashioned guy who built a successful
life, [12 beautiful kids and a storybook 40 year marriage to the
former Margaret Heinz] and a successful business on faith, love,
character, honesty, loyal and integrity.
The next free enterprise and flag-waving American we meet
is Robert Patchen who sells real estate in San Mateo, California.
Bob earns approximately $1000 per month at his profession and
has for nearly twenty years. This is not all the money in the world,

but Bob has never seen a house he has sold so it's obviously quite an
accomplishment. Because he lives and works in the free
enterprise system that is America, Bob Patchen not only is able to
pay his own way but to make a contribution as well. Question: If a
12 year old, and 8th grade drop out and a blind man can "make" it
in America, don't you believe that you can make it even bigger?
Shouldn't we make certain that stories like these reach everyone
in America?
Back aboard the jet, let's do a little sight-seeing as we fly up
the coast. Look down on the forests of giant Sequoias and
Redwoods before we turn right and cross the awe inspiring
Rockies. Now we get a bird's eye-view of the corn and wheat fields
of Kansas, Nebraska and Illinois which has helped make
America the bread basket of the world. We fly over Chicago, the
home of a former newspaper boy named Clement Stone, a'free
enterpriser who conceived a better idea to merchandise
insurance and built a personal fortune, still rated at roughly a
third of a billion dollars, despite the fact that he has contributed
over 100 million dollars to worthwhile causes. Today Mr. Stone
shares his success secrets through his books, lectures, recordings
and monthly publications like "Success Unlimited."
Continuing our trip, we turn northeast across Lake Michigan
and in a matter of minutes come to Ada, Michigan, the home of
Rich De Vos and Jay Van Andel, two of the most successful and
vocal exponents of the free enterprise system in America today.
Their belief in the system is founded on personal experience. In
1957, they acquired a converted service station and started
Amway, which is a contraction of the American Way. Their
capital was limited and their problems were numerous, but an
unlimited faith in God and country combined with an enormous
capacity for work, prevailed. Today the Amway Corporation
distributes its products through approximately 300,000 indepen-
dent distributors worldwide who sold over $300,000,000 in 1976
in Canada, Germany, England, France, Hong Kong, Australia
and the United States. As a matter of fact, just 20 years after the
company started in that converted service station we can say with
poetic accuracy that the sun never sets on an Amway Distributor.


Next stop - Detroit, Michigan, the home of Ilona
Zimmersman, a Hungarian refugee who, living on roots and
berries, escaped from her communist captors by walking across
her native land at night. I met Mrs. Zimmersman about five
years ago at an awards banquet where she was recognized as the
outstanding real estate sales person in Detroit. As I talked with
her, I had to listen very carefully because she speaks with a
gutteral accent which is difficult to understand. As she talked,
however, the reason for her success was apparent. She doesn't sell
a house on a lot - she sells a home on a little piece of America, the
greatest land on the face of the earth. I wish you could meet Ilona
Zimmersman and some other refugees including Sam Moore of
N ashville, Tennessee. They would really give you a sales talk on
the way America compares to other lands. Twenty five years ago,
Sam emigrated to America from Lebanon. With tears in his eyes
and gratitude in his heart, he urges one and all to support the land
that permitted him to move from floor scrubber in a grocery
story to Board Chairman of the Thomas Nelson Publishing
Company, a company which, incidentally, will do approximately
$15,000,000 this year.


From Detroit, we fly south across the beautiful grasslands of
Kentucky and the hills of Tennessee. We fly over the steel mills of
Birmingham, Alabama on our way to Montgomery, where we
land to meet a lady with sore feet. Not too many years ago Rosa
Parks sat down in the wrong part of the bus. The bus driver told
her to move to the back of the bus which she refused to do. Since
that date - because one lady, a seamstress with sore feet refused
to stand up and move back - an entire people stood up and moved
forward. It was here that the haunting eloquence of Martin
Luther King, who took up Rosa Park's banner, captured the
imagination of the American people and set a million feet to
marching for the Civil Rights of the Black man.
We leave Montgomery, Alabama and head to Alcaniz Street
in Pensacola, Florida, the boyhood home of Daniel James.
Daniel's mother, a high school graduate with a lot of spunk and

ambition for her family, was not content with the black schools in
Pensacola. She opened her own school which attracted as many as
sixty students at a nickel a day - when the students could come
up with the nickel. This did not qualify the James' for
membership in the Country Club set but as Daniel James said,
"We never had to go on charity, we were able to support ourselves,
we held our heads up."
Mrs. James repeatedly told her family that if the door of
opportunity ever opened for them, they were never to say, "Wait a
minute, let me get my bags and then I'll go through." Mrs. James
said, "You have your bags ready, you have your dedication, you
have your objectives, you have your purpose. You be ready to go."
There is an eleventh commandment she taught Daniel, "Thou
shalt not quit" - and "make certain that your children get a
better education than you do."
You might not recognize the name Daniel James but you
undoubtedly will recognize the name "Chappie" James, Four
Star General, U. S. Air Force, Head of the Air Defense Command
for North America.
You can't do everything at once, but you can do something at
once. The April, 1974 issue of Guideposts Magazine tells the story
of Rita Warren, an Italian immigrant who finished the 5th grade.
When Rita's daughter transferred from a parochial school to the
public school where prayer was forbidden, she asked Rita a
question. "Mom, if one woman who doesn't believe in prayer
[Madeline Murray O'Hair]" can take prayer out of school, why
couldn't one woman [you, Mom] who believes in prayer, put it
back in school? At that point Rita went to war against the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and whipped them - hands
down. It's a long but beautiful story that started in the city
library and involved learning the legal procedure to follow.
There were lots of trials and heartaches, including a veto by the
Governor, but thanks to Rita Warren there is a one minute prayer
time in Massachusetts today.
Think about what you just read. One woman changed history
and benefited mankind. You are one person. One person [vote]
kept Aaron Burr from being President of the U.S. One person
[vote] kept Andrew Johnson from being impeached. General
Motors, Ford, DuPont, A.T. & T., all started in the mind of one

person. I repeat, You are One person. No wonder Bach was moved
to write, "There are three great things in this world - an ocean, a
mountain, and a dedicated man - woman." Just one Rita Warren
in every state could move mountains and solve many of our
problems. To paraphrase Rita's daughter, "if one woman who
believes in prayer can put prayer back in the schools of
Massachusetts, surely 100 million people who also believe in
prayer can put it back in the rest of the States."
If you're still hesitant or wondering about what to do and
where to start, read this:
God said to build a better world and I said How?
The world is such a cold, dark place and so complicated now.
And I'm so young and useless there is nothing I can do.
But God, in all his wisdom said, "Just build a better you."
Building a better you is the first step to building a better
America. The solution starts with you and, "If everyone became a
part of the solution - America would have few problems."
In St. Petersburg, Florida, the Methodist men's Bible class
decided they wanted the Bible taught in the public schools. These
men did not know this could not be done - so they did it. It took
nearly two years of legislative and judicial procedures but today,
in St. Petersburg, Florida, school children are learning what God
says in His Bible.



From Pensacola, we go West across the plantation area of the

Deep South which is known as the Bible Belt. We look down on
New Orleans where Andrew Jackson and his coon-skin heroes
from Tennessee wrote a stirring chapter in American history.
They stood behind some cotton bales and decisively defeated the
British to give our fledgling nation its first respectability among
European powers. From New Orleans, we go to San Antonio and
stroll around the historic grounds of the Alamo. It will help all of
us to stand on the very spot where Travis, Fuentes, Crockett,
Bowie, Guerrero and the dedicated few made their historic stand.
They set an example in their fight against tyranny that will live
forever in the minds of men who want to be free.

Finally, let's stop in Waco, Texas, to look in on James

Brazelton Walker. "Braz" Walker, like David Lofchick from
. Winnipeg, Canada, so completely epitomizes the principles we've
been discussing that I wanted his story to be the final one in SEE
YO U AT THE TOP. "Braz" has gained international recognition
as an author writing about tropical fish. His photography has
graced the cover of several national publications. In 1968, he
received the distinguished service award of the Waco Jaycees
and was recognized as one of the Outstanding Young Men of
America. He enjoys his career as author, speaker and
photographer - which provides him with a handsome income.
Does that sound like a typical American success story? It isn't.
At age 19, "Braz" contracted Polio which affected his lungs,
muscles and nerves to such a degree that he is paralyzed from the
neck down and is completely dependent on a mechanical
breathing device. He types his own manuscripts with the aid of
an instrument designed for him by General Electric which he
holds in his mouth.
Obviously, "Braz" has had a lot of help and encouragement
from many people, including his loving and devoted parents. He
believes life is a gift with no guarantees, and that a handicap is
not a disability but an opportunity to use God-given talents and
imagination to their fullest. Braz is truly grateful that he lives in
the only nation in the world, at the only time in history when he
could have survived. He doesn't have much to use [or does he?],
but he does not let what he does not have keep him from using
what he does have. No "Loser's Limp" for him.


I could tell you a thousand other stories about people who

prove the free enterprise system is the most effective economic
system ever devised by man. It's a system that works so
effectively that even our relief recipients are in the upper 4% of
the income brackets of the world. This means that over 3 billion
people on the face of this earth aren't living as well as our relief
recipients live in America.
Despite all the advantages of the free enterprise system, the
most serious mistake we can make is to assume too much. We

erroneously assume that we don't have to sell our youth and fellow
citizens on the obvious advantages and benefits associated with
America and the free enterprise system. Results have been
disturbing and disappointing to say the least. This attitude has
bred revolt, rebellion, discord and such acts and comments that
would have our founding fathers turning in their graves.
The irony of it all is that we don't have to sell the American
free enterprise system to those who come from other countries.
Take the Cuban refugee as an example. Many of them waited for
years to trade everything they owned for a ticket from Havana to
Miami and the free enterprise system that is America. Look at
the Hungarian refugees who saw their countrymen literally
throw themselves in front of Russian tanks because they
preferred death to slavery. They don't have to be sold on the
merits of America. Nor do we have to sell America to the
occupants of East Berlin who can look over the wall into West
Germany and see the difference.
It has become crystal clear, however, that we do have to sell
America and the free enterprise system to our children, because
only one generation stands between us and all the "Ism's" in the
world. It's equally clear that we need to sell the free enterprise
system to those teachers and professors who often belittle the
very system that sustains them. We need to sell labor leaders and
union members on the concept that a laborer should be free to
work as hard and as enthusiastically as he wishes for the benefit
of everyone. That is Free Enterprise. That is the American way.
We need to tell more of our citizens - some of whom are
theoretically responsible - that their screaming about our
"problems" is drowning out the steady hum of the very system
that has made us the most productive and affluent land on earth.
We also need to sell government employees and officials on the
fact that government doesn't produce income or prosperity.
Instead, it exists and survives because free people working in a
free land support the government. We need to sell elected
officials on the simple fact that the right to work and produce
without undue government restraint is not only our right but our
source of strength. One good look at any socialistic country will
convince any clear thinker that free enterprise is the only way
to go.


If I sound like a sentimentalist who is in love with America, I

plead guilty - but with cause. I've been in many other countries,
but I've never seen one that even comes close to America. We're
the only country that has a long line of immigrants waiting to get
in and no barriers to keep anyone in who wants to leave. The
America and the Americans I love, voluntarily gave over
$27,000,000,000 to charity in 1976 alone. The America I love is so
compassionate, it responds generously when there's a famine in
Africa, an earthquake in Chile or a typhoon in Korea. The
America I love is so understanding that our conquered enemies,
like Japan, Germany and Italy, received billions of American
dollars for the rebuilding of their devastated countries.
The America I love spends untold millions of dollars on the
development of drugs and treatment that will benefit mankind
throughout the globe. The America I love developed the cure for
polio, found a way to send men to the moon and is working every
day on cures for cancer and other terminal diseases. The America
I love is an understanding, compassionate one. It's so structured
that even when we have our Watergates, any fair-minded citizen
recognizes that individuals are responsible and not the govern-
ment or the free enterprise system.
As a matter of fact, Watergate, more than any single incident,
completely vindicates our system of government and free
enterprise. For the first time in our history the President and
Vice President of our country [who had been overwhelmingly
elected] resigned from office in unrelated scandals. Despite this
fact, the transition to our new leadership never missed a step.
There were no riots, strikes, demonstrations or loss of momen-
In my mind, there is absolutely no doubt that America is still
the land of the free. Still the home of the brave. Still the land
where anyone can get anything he really wants - provided he is
willing to take the necessary steps. Yes - I'm completely
convinced that though our land is not perfect, it is far ahead of
any other land on the face of the earth. It is truly America the
-Beautiful, and it is time that every loyal American started
standing up and speaking up for the land which is truly the last

hope for freedom in the world today.


As we complete our trip we are forced to conclude that as

Americans we have a tremendous country with absolutely
unlimited opportunities accompanied by equally awesome
responsibilities. We're the last, the one and the only hope that a
dwindling free world has. Freedom, like health, is often
appreciated only after we no longer have it. Historically,
freedom, once lost, is difficult to regain. According to Freedom
House, a nonpartisan organization devoted to the strengthening
of free societies, as of Jan. 1976, only 19.8% of the world's
population was free. This figure is down from 35% in January of
1975. America is all that stands between that 19.8% and slavery.
The United Nations either can't or won't do anything to
protect the free people of the world. Since its inception, over one
and one half billion people have lost their freedom. In short, the
U.N. has failed to function as a positive factor for peace and is
little more than a pawn of the Communists and Third World
Nations. Its 1975 resolution on Zionism, its ineptness in enforcing
the Viet-N am peace and a thousand other incidents, including its
refusal to act in the face of undeniable proof that the North
Koreans deliberately machine-gunned more than 5,000
American prisoners and buried them in mass graves, should
clearly prove that the U.N. either cannot or will not function.
The voting structure of the U.N., combined with the fact that
since 1945 a Communist has held the post of Undersecretary
General of Political and Security Council Affairs, renders the
U.N. ineffective as an unbiased body for world peace.
With Communists in control of that office, as Rus Walton
points out in "One Nation Under God," "it's like asking the fox to
guard the henhouse - and we are the chickens."
One reason I wrote this book, and created the "I CAN" course
for schools, is to help alert America to the greatest crisis in our
200 year history, and to help build our strength by building our
people. I wanted to be able to - at any time -look my children
and your children in the eye and say, I did my part - and then
some - in fighting the battle to insure each of you the same

opportunity for the good life which America has so generously

bestowed on me. It is true - only one generation separates us
from all the "isms" in the world. Dorothy Thompson says, "no one
can have life, liberty or the possibility of happiness unless his
country is alive, free and happy."
What about you? Are you accepting your responsibility? If
everyone in America was doing exactly the same thing you're
doing, would our country be getting better, or worse? That's a
question for you and your conscience. If you really love America,
you will enthusiastically join the ever-increasing throng working
to make a great America even greater.


This I believe - if being on the winning team, if being on the

side of right and decency means anything to you as an individual,
then you will join the fastest-growing team in the world. The "Do
Something for America" team, the "Sell· America" team that
actually started nearly twenty-five years ago. At that time, the
voices for America were few and far between. The scoffers were
gaining momentum and growing stronger by the day, until they
peaked in 1973. At that point, the concerned, dedicated, thinking
Americans started to awaken and realize we were losing our
country by default. The hue and cry has arisen all over our land to
"do something," but the downward slide has been underway for
so long that it has taken us two years to halt the trend. In my
judgment we "bottomed out" and leveled off in mid 1975.
As I write these words aboard another aircraft on my way to
Winnipeg, Canada, I write as an American who is convinced we
are doing something to regain the moral strength and integrity
that is the foundation stone for all great nations. The editorial
pages of newspaper and magazines from coast to coast, border to
border and from small hamlets to big cities are all espousing the
causes of common sense, moral responsibility and an honest day's
work for an honest day's pay. As I fly into all parts of our great
country, I note with enthusiasm and considerable optimism, that
even the most liberal newspapers and politicians are calling for
less governmental interference and more individual initiative
and responsibility. The free-wheeling, pleasure-seeking citizen

of yesterday is growing into a more sober-minded mature

individual who recognizes that all of us have everything to lose
unless we individually playa part in leading America back to a
land of laws and principles.
Fortunately, responsible people have awakened and are
organizing voter education groups to inform the citizenry on
issues and candidates. Parents by the thousands are discovering
the necessity of learning what their children are being taught in
school as the first step in making certain the right material is
taught. I have personally seen and talked with more God-fearing
people who are speaking up for both God and country in the past
two years than I had in the preceding ten years. I make no claims
to crystal ball ownership, but based on what I see and on what
concerned citizens are doing. I fervently believe that America's
tomorrows are going to be better than its yesterdays. I know they
will be if you do your part - and sell someone else on doing the
same thing.


Chances are you and I will someday cross paths, because I

speak to a large number of people as I crisscross our land many
times each year. If we do, I hope you'll say, "Hello," and tell me
that you've read this book. What you then say will tell me a great
deal about its effectiveness. If you tell me you enjoyed the book,
I'll smile. But truthfully, I'll be hoping that you'll say more. If you
tell me you got a lot out of the book, I'll smile even more broadly,
but I'll still be hoping you'll say more. If you tell me what you've
done and are doing to build a richer and more rewarding life
since you started the book, then I'll truly be thrilled.
I say this because this book was not written to entertain you,
although I've tried to make it enjoyable so you will read and re-
read it. It isn't written to inform you, though I believe the
message includes a considerable amount of information. It was
written to motivate you into action. Anything less than that is
unacceptable to me - and should be for you, because you are the
only person in existence who can use your potential. It is an
awesome responsibility.
Since Webster defines "opportunity" as a "fit time," you are

fortunate because now is truly a "fit time" - for you. The

information in this book, properly used, will enable you to use
that potential and go where you want to go, do what you want to
do, have what you want to have and be what you want to be.
I can say this without boasting, because I serve as a reporter
bringing you the wisdom of some of the greatest minds this
country has ever produced, as well as some of the infinite wisdom
of Almighty God. I also bring the practical experience acquired
in 30 years of being in the people-building business. With these
thoughts in mind, I can say with humility and yet with confidence
that you now hold in your hands information and inspiration
that will unlock the treasures you seek in the tomorrows of
your life.
I would also like to assure you that had I been on trial for my
life - charged with telling you how to live a richer, fuller, more
rewarding life and you were my judge and jury, I would have
written the book exactly as I did. If I were looking into your face
as you read these final words I hope I would see a broad smile, as
well as a twinkle in your eye. That's what I should see because the
symbolic you, on a following page, is standing in the banquet hall
of life with all the good things this world has to offer spread in
front of you. They are all available, and yours, if you really want
them - and if you build your life on the foundation stones of
honesty, character, faith, love, integrity and loyalty.
Now that I have shared these thoughts on how to reap richer
rewards from this life, let me urge you to follow the admonition
expressed in Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of
God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added
unto you." Ten chapters later, St. Matthew tells us why this is
good advice in Matthew 16:26, "For what is a man profited if he
shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"

Sentence completions from page 355

Winston tastes good like a [cigarette should]
Pepsi Cola hits the [spot]
Twelve full ounces that's a [lot]
Drink Coca Cola the pause that [refreshes]
Duz does [everything]




Confusing? It shouldn't be. 0 h, I know you just made yourfirst

trip through SEE YOU AT THE TOP, and I know most people
would be thinking in terms of "the end." But you're not most
people. You are you and you now know there never has been and
there never will be another you. You know that you're created in
God's own image only "slightly less than the angels." Knowing
this about you, and others too, you never look down - nor up - to
any man. You understand that no one can make you feel
inferior without your permission, which you now refuse to give
to anyone. You obviously know that you can get everything in
life you want if you help enough other people get what they
want. You also understand that ability can take you to the top,
but it takes character to keep you there. That while there is
plenty of room at the top, there is not enough to sit down.
So you see, this is the beginning of that new way of life which
clearly demonstrates that happiness isn't pleasure - it's victory.
Perhaps the most important thing is that you know and accept
the fact that the beginning must always remain the beginning,
because success and happiness are not destinations, they're
exciting, never-ending journeys. Your beginning puts you in
the enviable position of being both a "go-getter," which you are,
and a "go-giver," which you're beginning to be.
So, as I say "Welcome" to the beginning and "Good-bye" to the
old you and the old way of life, I shall close the book "differently,"
which shouldn't surprise you, since I opened it "differently". In
today's world we have many people who end a visit or a phone call
by saying, "Have a good day." That's nice and pleasant but I
believe life has considerably more to offer than just a "good day."
I believe that if "you believe" in yourself, your fellow man, your
country, in what you are doing and in Almighty God, that your
"good days" will extend into a good forever and I truly will SEE

Massive research by Harvard psychologist, David McClelland,

which included the study of children's literature of forty contempo-
rary nations, as well as Greece and India, revealed a significant
correlation between achievement orientation of children's books and
the rate of economic growth of their nation for the next twenty years.
His research provides convincing evidence that ambition and
achievement which result from it, is far more the result of education
and culture than it is genetic inheritance.
If you agree with the basic philosophy in See YouAt The Top and
feel it would benefit the youth of your country, would you help us
introduce the "I CAN" program to your local schools? To comply
with state and federal regulations, an edition of See You at the Top
minus all scriptural and religious references is available for use in
public schools. If you are willing to help, please drop me a note in the
mail and include the name and address of the school administrator. I
will send you specific information about the course and ask you to
personally place it in the hands of the administrator. We will take it
from there.
This course is quite comprehensive and includes a Teacher's
Guide, a Creative Ideas Manual and two series of recordings. One
series follows the format of the book and is used in the classroom to
re-inforce and add another dimension to the learning process. The
other series includes 80 short motivational messages [three minutes]
to be played over the public address system at the beginning of each
day. This series is entitled, Zig Ziglar's Lift For The Day and since
every student and teacher hears these messages, the entire school
Many schools, churches, businesses and even correctional in-
stitutions around the country are implementing this program. Results
have been exciting, but time is of the essence.
Naturally, I'm biased, but I firmly believe that if this course is
taught in your schools, it will make a difference in the lives of your
youth - and you will have played a significant part.
Thank you, God bless you, and I will See You At The Top .
Zig Ziglar ~ ~
The Zig Ziglar Corporation 0 atJiJ ~ -
13642 Omega at Alpha. Dallas, Texas 75234
(214) 233-9191

In each segment I have suggested certain books or

publications which I feel reinforce and supplement the informa-
tion covered in that segment. The major purpose is to urge you to
utilize the proven educational and motivational material that can
help you reap the full rewards which are available.
I conclude with these recommendations:

For your spiritual well-being,

New American Standard Version
King James
The Living Bible
Guideposts Magazine
Carmel, N. Y.
For your physical well-being,
Dr. Kenneth Cooper, Aerobics.

For your continuing financial and motivational well-being,

W. Clement Stone, Success Unlimited
Chicago, Ill.

For your general well-being,

Readers Digest
Pleasantville, N.Y.

Bits and Pieces

The Economics Press, Inc.
12 Daniel Rd.
Fairfield, N.Y. 07006

For your "I'm Sold on America" well-being,

Richard DeVos and Charles Paul Conn, Believe
Daniel Marsh, Unto the Generations
John Nobel, I Was A Slave in Communist Russia

Th d epest ocean - the tallest mountain, the most powerful

animal cannot believe. Only man can believe. The height of man's
su is determined by the depth of his belief.
IEVE the immutable laws of the universe positively
th t man reaps what he sows. That opportunity carries
n ibi lity, example is the best teacher and fair play seeks
t I right - not who is right.
I VE sweat on the brow from honest labor is one of
1 rious sights and to show your fellow man the dignity and
v lu t work is to increase his stature and self worth. That real
tl t tion comes from total effort fully expended in quest of a
w !'thy I a1.
VE self acceptance and personal growth combined
with h n ty and loyalty give man the inner peace and strength
ry for success and happiness. That character, faith and
I r the foundations for greatness and the man who
nd for something will fall for anything.
V Jesus Christ was speaking to you and to me when
I , Wh t I have done - ye can do also - and more. That man
r in od's own image and is designed for accomplish-
m nto n in red for success and endowed with the seeds of
gr tn lieving these things, we neither look down - nor up

W IEVE unconditional love-giving and forgiving - is the

vi I ingredient in man's search for meaning. That to live is to
I v , to love is to help and to help is to understand the difference
b tw n a hand and a handout. That you can get everything in life
you want if you help enough other people get what they want.
BE A USE WE BELIEVE - and love - our purpose in life is
to help you - help yourself.
Zig Ziglar
Zig Ziglar's
199 pages $5.95 trade paperback

In this exciting new book Zig Ziglar puts to rest the absurd
notion that Christians should have long faces and short
pocketbooks. He shares the excitement and benefits of serving
Jesus Christ NOW, including what has happened to him in all
areas of his life since July 4, 1972, when he was born again and
declared his complete dependence on Jesus Christ.
Some of the exciting subjects:
• A Declaration of Dependence
• On The Fence
• Come Into My Heart
• You Are Not Good Enough
• The Jesus I Love
• But Lord, I've Got a Car Payment-And It's Due
Next Thursday
• Shhh-Don't Tell 'Em About Jesus
• We All Make Mistakes
• How Will You Bet?
• Goodies From God's People
• Just A Coincidence
• An Open Mind and an Open Bible Will Make You
a Christian
• Are Christians Really Different?
• Satan's Sales Meeting
• The Good Things God Gives Us-or A Heavenly
Smorgasbord on Planet Earth


• From your local bookstore.

• From The Zig Ziglar Corporation, 13642 Omega at Alpha,
Dallas, Texas 75234; (214) 233-9191.
• From the publisher: Pelican Publishing Company, 1101
Monroe Street, Gretna, Louisiana 70053; (504) 368-1175

In All

Have A
On Which
To Build -
You Take
Six Specific
To Reach

The illustration above clearly reflects the principles contained in the statement to
the left of it. Together they support the philosophy of life Zig both practices and
proclaims and are the basis for the book as well as for two exciting programs:

THE "I CAN" COURSE. .. aschool program that is movtivating students

and teachers alike in thousands of schools . Its incredible impact is reflected by the
survey results included in the information inside this dust cover. You can help
insure America 's tomorrows by helping us put " I CAN" in our schools ... We must
teach today 's youth (tomorrow 's leaders) the old-fashioned values which have
made America great l

THE "BORN TO WI N" SEM INAR. .. a life-changing experience that

has been shared by people from literally all over the world - corporate executives .
college presidents , janitors , salesmen , surgeons , household executives, teachers
from Australia , Saudi Arabia , Germany, England , Canada and Mexico besides
every state in the union . The cost of this seminar won 't change your standard of
living , but " BORN TO WIN " will change your life l

For more information, write :

The Zig Ziglar Corporation

3330 Earhart, Suite 204, Carrollton , Texas 75006

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