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Aeonic Futurism

The Manifesto

Aeonic Futurism Team

132. Year of the Führer
Version 2.0


WARNING. This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all

the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this
book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a
fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or
actual events is purely coincidental.

Or maybe not.

Appendix 22

“Only one who is born a hero has a place in our order. Only the Lord of
Pure Will can march toward the end, breaking in the gates of the city of
eternal life. Because will, through its perseverance, creates the thing it
contemplates. Only the wild hordes of Odin and Parsifal will achieve the
― Miguel Serrano

“At the end of it all, in those darkest of days, smiles man atop the
mountain debris. He can see the many stars, smell the coming wind, only
now does he know that he's free.”
― Mike Ma


The West is a corpse being consumed by The Last Men/The

Subhumans. Left wing is rooting for subhumanity, the right wing for the
corpse, and Fascists for bringing back life to the corpse, somehow.

Thus, We want to bring about the complete and immediate

destruction of Western civilization (and the entire World) -> to blast this
society free from its own history that no longer lives inside our hearts
but it’s only a beautiful sarcophagus with which we rot.

Alas, we must face it. The Aryan empires of the past have crumbled.
Their glory is gone. Their folkish spirit and purity gone. What’s left today
are the last remaining monuments amidst our current society that serve
as a testament to how far we have truly degenerated.

If we don’t wish to cease to exist we must give birth to radical

rejection of the current System and all its abstractions. Bring reign of
violence, organized cultural and societal annihilation instead of the
current rule of technocratic zionist hegemony.

We aim to achieve this by utilizing civilization's own systems,

technology and mechanisms against it -> we will jump at the wheel of
Western civilization and push it into overdrive until it crashes and burns,
forcing us into a clean slate.

Unlike our other comrades of Aryan Weltanschauung, we see no

point in restoration of the West or in self-isolation from the modern

We are up to no good. We don't want to rock the boat, instead ->

sink it. From this day forward, Aryanfolk will plan for the inevitable day
of Jewish downfall -> the day when their ragged kingdom lies buried
beneath radioactive rubble. AND THAT DAY IS UPON YOU!!!!

Destroy urbanite nightmares -> Wreck the engines -> Sabotage the
society -> Leave nothing of that rotten corpse.

Western civilization is dead and to hell with the dead past. We want
to re-inherit the Earth and Cosmos.

We do not fear any repercussions or death. Our will is unshakable

and we fight with absolute conviction. We will use any means given to us
to defeat this corrupted order -> we will shed blood and bring terror
until the system's ashes are blown away by the wind!

And once the fight is finished and the system's rotten carcass has
been buried, shall we bring forth the aeonic changes to the entire world.
We want to become the new Yamnaya tribe. We want to write the history

“Oh my brothers, do you want to be suffocated by the breath from their

putrid mouths and their unhealthy longings? Instead, shatter the windows
and save yourselves in the pure air!”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Through the darkness of the present and the gloom of tomorrow,

all that remains is the by-now-absurd, but ever consoling -> cult of chaos.

What’s a country? WE CLEAR THE WAY!

See Appendix


Radical distaste for the cries of the weak about fake “morality” of
any kind and its twin brother of god given rights of humbleness and
peace between men!

Radical distaste for modern knowledge and falsehoods coming

from intellectuals. Futurists shall have nothing but distaste for the
multiplicity of falsehoods that books provide and instead only use them
as means to further project the new future of Aryans to greater heights.

Radical distaste for the cult of the past. Where is our past but in
museums, libraries and local architecture; a burning memory.

We are tired of constant glorification of the past. Enough with it. We

keep swallowing the past like a crocodile swallows an antelope. Worse,
we made it our own cult so we can cope with the present sorrows -> so
we can “sleep better” at night knowing that we used to have a great

It is true that we can learn from the past - and we should do so - but
no amount of "returning to tradition" can save us from our current
trajectory. It is time to create something new. Something which is
formulated from the eternal laws of our universe. Something which casts
aside all that is old and corrupted, and brings forth -> pure, young, noble,
new and beautiful.

We, the Aeonic Futurists, must embrace it: We are National

Socialists, but also Futurists! We are the new wave, the tsunami, which is
to crash upon the current order and crush it's so-called values and ethics,
which in reality only exist to promote the most depraved degeneracies
spawned by the System's demonic institutions.

After affirming this -> do you then, at that point, wish to squander
all your best qualities in this everlasting and worthless love of the past,
from which you arise lethally depleted, impotent, thrashed? Don't you
see how we are in a constant state of inertia, impotence and complacency

because of this constant looking back in an attempt to desperately
emulate? Even if we painstakingly and successfully emulate something
which is lost we have wasted our energy on imitations -> constant
admiration of great cultures of the past is the same as pouring our
sensibility into a funerary urn rather than plunging it far away in savage
fits of violent spasms of action, revolution and creation.

How do we rise anew if we first don't burn to ashes? How do we

become stars if we don't burn like they do?

No, we won't press escape to go back -> we clear the way forward
for a new future. The abyss and the peak are moving in the same
direction; closer to ruin than redemption. Thus, complete and utter
annihilation of the past, all societal, political or material is to be thrown
out to make way for a new future for our people -> revaluation of all
things. Past died yesterday and is no longer alive in our hearts. We will
keep marching forward.


Behold, for I have come to share a bitter but needed truth. What is
the past but a bedtime story. Or perhaps, the past is more akin to a scary
tale told at a campfire beneath the starry sky.

But if anything, the past is a dream of the damned and impotent. A

dream from which one has to wake up to face the bitter destiny. Isn't it
clear to us, that if our race intends to survive to the following Aeon, we
must forge a new myth out of the ashes of the past.

Alas, it is time. Time for the warrior symphony - a revolutionary

tale that has risen from chaos and struggle. A tale so splendid that it
triumphs our past and reignites the flame of man, for it shall be more
ferocious and daring than ever!

We demand a reset,a Great Reset. We demand revaluation of all

things. We demand the world purified by fire - Year zero, the Ezkaton,
beginning our new myth of Superman.

As our fists grip the gun I yell, "Let the bells ring!" And as we blow
up their brains, now they're lifeless but free.

And in truth, that has already happened, for in 1889 a man, nay, a
God, was born in Austria. He would bring these self-evident truths - that
were deliberately hidden in plain sight - to light once again. And as his
earthly duty was complete and he passed to the great beyond, he told us
to fight for the man that is coming to avenge his death, and so shall we
do! Nay, he told us to be the heroes of the story - to be The Last Battalion.

"Those who will survive the collapse, the apocalypse, the fury of the
warriors of the Black Sun, will be able to rebuild a completely new world,
starting from scratch.

What are you waiting for? Let them taste the Radiations, let them burn,
make them suffer and repent of all they have done. It is time to eliminate,
to purify."

- Simone Raffaele

We live in the 132 Year of the Führer and wait for the day of
reckoning, nay, we await to bring the day of reckoning upon this
wretched world! Dies Irae! We eagerly sharpen our knives and clean our
boots, as we wait to pounce and set the world on fire. To hell with the


We want to worship the energy of the youth, a complete and
genuine hatred and wish to cast out the old torpor that no longer pleases
us -> speed, violence and fanaticism.

We want to embrace:
● Brave death
● Violence
● Love of danger
● Recklessness
● Speed
● Warbands
● The habit of energy
● Poetic mind
● Self-overcoming
● Affirmation of life
● Audacity
● Racism
● Piracy
● Versatility
● Psychedelics
● Toxic masculinity (lethal even)
● Nefarious acts
● Rantipolean impoliteness
● Genocide of contemporary civilised values

The wandering Aryan, who at every occasion takes from the system
and strikes at its weak points. Imagine, if you will a seasonal worker, who
spends the rest of his time off work traveling through the country by
train hopping, hiking, or driving his vehicle, at every opportunity hitting
the system in his most vulnerable organs, never stopping long enough to
be tracked down, and covering his tracks by always striking where the
enemy doesn't expect it, changing his habits often as to not be

predictable. Such a man could cost a state millions of dollars in damage.
Truly a spirit of freedom!

The chieftain, dedicated to the pursuit of the overman at all times.

This man has built his homestead and gathered his tribe, not in a
resurrection of the past but in the spawning of a new future. He raises his
children by training them in war, to smash the false idols, to cultivate the
maximum amount of strength and shedding whatever weakness
millennia of domestication may still inflict upon his lineage. They are to
be a great punishment upon this world, the great destroyers of the false

He is a religious man, but refuses Zionist-Magian cults. He is the

manifestation of destiny. He is Overman in Becoming.

He does not attempt to play the archeologist, sucking up to dead

civilizations that came before. From them, he gathers the elements and
archetypes of eternal truth, and molds them into something new,
something aeonic, making new rituals and new traditions (but ancient at
the same time), following always his inner connection to the divine,
trusting that the Gods will favor his worship as long as his adherence to
eternal truth is firm.

The agitator, who dwells in the mechanical belly of the beast. The
earth trembles with his every move. He is stable as a mountain and yet
falls like a thunderbolt. In the daytime, he uses his charisma to provoke
strikes, sit-ins, occupations and sow the seeds of rebellion... at night, he
uses sabotage, assassination, and terror to throw a wrench in the cogs of
the system.

Experience proves a revolution completely removed from the city is

nigh impossible. In Europe, it's unthinkable. An urban wing is needed.
We need men who are resourceful, capable of entering a deadly wrestling
match with the system, to sow terror and throw the head of the System
into a terror-stricken paralysis. We need gangs of men, like the nuclei of
the Years of Lead, to begin campaigns of assassination, bombing,
sabotage, political agitation, arson and theft towards the enemy. In this

environment of extreme pressure, we will witness dust turn into

"In my Ordensburgen a youth will grow up before which the world will
shrink back. A violently active, dominating, intrepid, brutal youth — that
is what I am after. The youth must be all those things. It must be
indifferent to pain. There must be no weakness or tenderness in it. I want
to see once more in its eyes the gleam of pride and independence of the
beast of prey. Strong and handsome must my young men be. I will have
them fully trained in all physical exercises. I intend to have an athletic
youth — that is the first and the chief thing. In this way I shall eradicate
the thousands of years of human domestication."

- Adolf Hitler

We are the edgedancers over the abyss. The path leads us to the
peak. From the peak, the mission is echoed:

God is dead. So we must become gods ourselves2. Long Live

Nationalism is dead. So we must give birth to a new one. Long
Live Nationalism!
Tradition is dead. So we must build a new one. Long Live

See Appendix

Modern man, the laughing stock to our ancestors, is to be
overcomed by the new elite of noble and strong warriors of our race.
This is a mission of the Overmen, of the Futurist-men, of new Aryan
beasts of prey. Maybe you can't become one yourself, but at the very least
be the fathers or forefathers of such men.

Gather those that can be gathered into your warbands and remove
the rest. Let us be the new Elite of the future! Let the individuals hide
who fear what perils lie for us. Let the whole world tremble. May their
echoes become our new mantras. Spirit of Ezkaton!

Let the individuals who are genuine go along with us, and the
individuals who are hobbyists and opportunists cover up uninvolved and
avoid our direction. No fear, no distractions -> focus on what matters
now. Ahead is just Total Aryan Victory or Total Aryan Defeat. Let us be as
scary as they say we are!

Yes, us, to all eternity, defiant, “evil”, aristocratic, audacious,

avaricious, cruel, cognizant, cursed and damned by the sick, meek and
powerless bots only strolling around and disgorging what's been
embedded into their energized meat minds.

Thus, we want nothing from the sick and sad "civilized" and
“intellectual” coming from domesticated slaves. Freedom is in the revolt,
and freedom is in burning your illusions to the ground. Dust to dust, ash
to ash.

For the futurist, the one primarily in need of awakening is not the
average Joe, but a divine hero who is lost and sleeping in the matter ->
one who has the Will to live, Will to truth, and more so The Will to

To him, we give the true Aryan way of life -> warrior, aristocratic,
rude, explorationist, ever changing, challenging, devoid of regret, intense,
creative and risky lifestyle where he may write the history of the New
Golden Age. May such men build whatever future they feel like.

“It is the legacy of our age that we sink - submerge unto the deepest
depths - so that the highest can be elevated into the Light.”

- Alfred Rosenberg

“Creation is not yet an end… Man has to be passed and surpassed… A

new variety of man is beginning to separate out… Man is becoming
God… Man is God in the making… Gods and beasts, this is what our
world is made of”

- Adolf Hitler

"Don't shrink from nature's brutal perfection. Take joy in it. Embrace
it. Understand it and revel in it. Respect it's strength, it's wisdom, it's
brutality and it's all-encompassing power. The highest law has always
been, and shall be, nature; and the greatest wisdom forever lives in
and through nature's eternal Fascism."

- Boyd Rice

“I love those… who sacrifice themselves to the earth, that the earth
may one day belong to Superman… I love him who wants to create
beyond himself, and thus perishes”

- Friedrich Nietzsche



● Zionist Magian3 Technocratic World Government

● Marxism, Capitalism and other Materialist abstractions
● Liberalism and other Pacifist dreams
● Reactionary Right, New Right/Alt Right and Duginists
● Worship of the past
● Xenophilia
● Contemporary Intellectualism
● Un-Aryan religiosity
● Abstract Nationalism
● Passive Nihilism and other life-denying ideologies
● Weakness, sterility, impotence and anti-youthful energy
● Slave morality
● Degeneracy
● Law and order
● System pigs (police, feds, antifa, deradicalizers etc.)

See Appendix


The essential motives of our poetry and art will be

● War
● Courage
● Chaos
● Audacity
● Speed
● Tragedy
● Violence
● Self-overcoming
● Heroism
● Revolt
● Versatility
● Affirmation of life
● Alchemy
● Imperialism
● Exploration

We want to embrace the ethos of a warrior artist. For us, it’s not to
produce great symphonies and imitate great historical art. We must ask
ourselves where do we find our ideal? What source do we use for the
kind of art we produce in this crooked world? And to this I have an
answer. We no longer find our ideal in majestic compositions or
beautifully crafted sculptures. No. We find our ideal, in the struggle, in
the suffering -> in the Holy War. Our ideal is that of machine guns, IEDs
and pipe bombs. This is the art of the warrior -> a form which inspires
us, and more importantly brings fear and terror to our enemies.

Beauty exists only in struggle, pain and devotion. We won’t support

any masterpiece that does not have an aggressive or (r)evolutionary
character. Poetry and art must be a violent assault on the deadly forces of

the unknown, to force them to bow before the Aryan. We will genocide
any other art.

“The courage and freedom of affect in the face of a powerful enemy, in

the face of a sublime hardship, in the face of a horrible problem, - this
victorious state is what the tragic artist selects, what he glorifies. The
martial aspects of our soul celebrate their saturnalia in the face of
tragedy; anyone who is used to suffering, anyone who goes looking for
suffering, the heroic man praises his existence through tragedy, - the
tragedian raises the drink of sweetest cruelty to him alone.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche


We want to glorify war — the only cure for the world — militarism,
bloodshed, imperialism and the destructive gesture of the anarchists, the
beautiful ideas which kill, and contempt for feminine pacifist spirit.

It is through struggle that Futurism lives, through struggle it

remains forever victorious. And it shall remain until the final hour. Bring
on the Tribulation and return to Aryan.

“Glory be to the Fire

And to the Blood
And to the Holy Crucible of Combat
As it was in the Beginning
Is now, and ever shall be,
War Without End.
Hail War!”


Ouroboros/The Serpent/The Dragon - symbol of eternity of

transmigration of the souls and eternity of creation and destruction, as
well as cyclical view of life, death and rebirth.

Wolfsangel/ Wolf-hook - symbol of Aryan resistance.

Hammer - destruction of the current World and its Aeon.

Smiling Totenkopf - reminder to struggle for Total Aryan VIctory,

and to enjoy in the process.


1 - Aeon comes from Ancient Greek word αἰών. The meaning varied
from interpretations: life, age, period, epoch, the eternity of the cosmos,
gnostic Monad deity named Αἰών, servants of God etc.

For us Futurists, Aeon has a similar conception to that of Carl Jung.

Aeon simply represents a great epoch in Aryan History (ie. Hyperborean
Aeon). Right now we live in the Western Aeon (Western civilization).

2 - We must become the new nobility, the new Sonnenmensch, the

new Supermen, the new elite which will define the new values and

3 - Magian as defined by Oswald Spengler -Middle Eastern/Semitic.


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