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- Video art
Visual arts
- Animation
- Fine arts
- Graffiti
- Decorative arts
- installation art
- Contemporary arts
Mediums of Visual Arts
Fine Arts
Two-dimensional Arts (Painting )
- Painting
- Sculpture
- pigment mixed with water
- drawing
- Some of the watercolor artists are Vincent
- Watercolor Van Gogh, Frank Weber, Emil Nolde, Jun
Martinez, Margarita Lim, Ang Kiukuk, and
- Graphics Ephraim Samson.
- Architecture Vincent Van Gogh, “Fishing Boats on the
Decorative Arts
- Tapestry
- One of the oldest types of painting
- Ceramics
whose outcome is like a marble wall
- Mosaic art painting

- Glass art - Fresco paintings include: School of

Athens by Raphael, the Sistine Chapel
- Jewelry Frescoes by Michelangelo, and the
Expulsion from the Garden of Eden by
- Tattoo
Masaccio. Michelangelo, “The Creation of
- Woodwork Adam”

- Interior Tempera

- Design - employs an emulsion of water, egg yolk

or whole eggs sometimes with a little
- Textile arts glue, honey or milk

- Crafts - very long lasting, and colors do not

deteriorate over time
Contemporary Arts
- dries quickly, and when dry, it
- Photography
produces a smooth matte finish
Botticelli, Birth of Venus mostly used in church windows.

Pastel Basilica Minore Nuestra windows Senora

de Piat in Cagayan
- consists of color pigment in powder
and a binder compounded with gum Tapestry or Textile
- piece of fabric with images or designs
- Colors are resplendent but the finished formed by weaving colored threads or by
product is difficult to preserve because the embroidering on canvas
chalk can rub off
- Examples of tapestries or textiles are the
Edgar Degas, “Four Ballerinas on Stage”
“Gaddang textile” from Nueva Vizcaya, the
Oil “Inabel” of Ilocos Norte,

- one of the most high-priced and high the Malong of Maranaw, “The Lady and the
valued arts Unicorn” from Australia

- Pigments are mixed with linseed oil or Bakong Textiles

turpentine and applied to the canvas that
appears glossy and last long Mediums of Visual Arts

Fernando Amorsolo, “Harvest Time” Two-dimensional Arts (Drawing )

Acrylic Pencils

- synthetic paint mixed with acrylic - To create lines, the hard pencils are
emulsion binder used and for creating textures and
shades, the soft ones are used
- quick drying characteristics as the
watercolor and the flexibility of oil Pen and Ink

Thomas Hart Benton, “The Bicyclers” executed with the use of black and other
colored inks like India ink, Chinese ink,
Mosaic liners, markers, and regular ballpoint pen
are some of the favorite samples used by
creating images with an assemblage of comic strip illustrators and cartoonists
small pieces of colored glass, stone, or
other materials often glued on a surface Charcoal
with plaster or cement
- drawing material made of carbon in
A part of the mosaic “Alexander the Great” different forms like stick, compressed,
powder, and vine
Stained Glass
- used in representing broad masses of
conjoining small pieces of precut light and shadow by blending, smearing,
stained glass that is clasped by strips of or smudging.
colored sticks made from paraffin wax - recording light or other electromagnetic
mixed with pigments radiation, either electronically utilizing
an image sensor, or chemically using a
trendy among children light-sensitive material such as
photographic film
ideal surface for crayons is paper
Andreas Gursky, “Rhein II”priced at US$
Mediums of Visual Arts
Two-dimensional Arts (Printmaking )
Katsushik Hokusai, “The Underwave of
- permanent insertion of ink below the
skin, using a sharp instrument
Apo Whang-Od doing the traditional hand
- done by creating an artist’s plate, which poking tattooing
can either be original artwork or from an
image which can later on transferred to a
white paper using black ink - writing or drawings that have been
scribbled scratched, or painted illicitly
- done for duplicating or making multiple
on a wall or other surface, often within
copies of an original drawing
public view
- “Dance of the Fire Birds”, “Interlude”, and
- also called "Street Art," "Spray can Art,"
“Sabong” by Manuel Rodriguez Sr., the
"Subway Art" or "Aerosol Art"
Father of Printmaking in the Philippines ,
“Sabel” by Benedicto “BenCab” Cabrera Eduardo Cobra
Lithography Mediums of Visual Arts: 3-dimensional
- literally means “to write on stone”
- reproduction process that uses a
leveled stone or metal plate on which the - classifified as freestanding, relief, and
positive image areas are worked by environmental
means of a greasy substance so that the
ink will stick to the surface, while the Architecture
negative image areas are made ink-
repellent - Art and technique of designing and
- Notable lithography artists are Pablo
Picasso, Marc Chagall, Claude Garache, - Both utilitarian and aesthetic
Wilfredo Lam, Ronald Ventura, Ambie - Materials usually used for architecture are
Abanos, and Arturo Luz stone, brick, wood, concrete, iron and steel
Pablo Picasso, “Guernica 2”

Photography or Pictorialism
- Methods applied are post and lintel, arch, - Theme relates to the meaning of a
vault, dome, truss framed structures and painting, rather than the subject.
- Theme is deeper and broader and
UST Main Building – Renaissance Revival conveys something more universal.
by Fr. Roque Ruano
- Themes are usually implied rather than
The Athena building in Cagayan State explicitly stated.
- To examine the theme in visual arts is look
Ceramic Art at the ideas conveyed by the visual
experience as a whole.
- made from clay bodies and fired in a
kiln to obtain the finished form Mood

Iguig pottery Mood is the atmosphere in a painting,

orthe feeling expressed.
- The mood is studied through evaluating
- images are manipulated to appear as the emotional reaction or response of
moving forms the viewer or evaluating the overall
mood of the artwork.
Reggie Entienza, “Urduja”
- Some of these moods are energetic,
excitement, serious, sedate, positive,
- decorative objects worn on clothes or peaceful, calm, melancholic, tense, uneasy,
body uplifting, foreboding, calm, turbulent,
- usually made from valuable metals,
such as gold and silver, and precious Tone
Tone refers to lightness or darkness of
Ancient Filipino Jewelries colors which can help to create a sense
of depth or distance in art.
Installation Art
- Tone can be used to create a contrast
- Configuration or installation of objects of light and dark, to create the illusion of
in a space, such as a room or warehouse form, to create a dramatic or tranquil
atmosphere, to create a sense of depth
- complete unified experience, rather
and distance, and to create a rhythm or
than a display of separate, individual
pattern within a composition, and these
are to be considered in analyzing the
Cagayan State University- Sanchez Mira tone of visual arts.
Four Features of Visual Art:
Composition refers to where the artist
Theme placed the subject matter.
- It is considered as the exactly the same as Elements of Visual Arts
the layout of a piece of artwork.
Line is an element of art illustrated by a
- It is how the elements of visual arts are point moving in space. It may be two- or
organized. three-dimensional, descriptive, implied, or

Lines may be straight, curved, angular,

Principles of Visual Arts flowing, horizontal, vertical, diagonal,
contour, thick, thin, implied, etc. (
Harmony is a way of combining similar
elements in artwork to accent their Shape is an element of art that is
similarities (achieved through the use of twodimensional, flat, or restrained to
repetition and subtle, gradual changes) height and width.
Rhythm is a principle of design that Shape can be geometrical ororganic. (Art
indicates movement, created by the Quizlet)
careful placement of repeated elements
in a work of art to cause a visual tempo Form is an element of art that is three
or beat. dimensional and encloses volume;
includes height, width, and depth (as in a
Edvard Munch, “TheDance of Life” cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a cylinder).
Balance is a way of blending elements to Form may also be free flowing.
add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to
a work of art. Major types are symmetrical Space is an element of art by which
and asymmetrical. positive and negative areas are defined
or a sense of depth achieved in a work of
Proportion is a principle of design that art.
refers to the relationship of individual
elements to the whole and each other. Color is an element of art composed of
three characteristics: hue, value, and
Emphasis is a way of mixing elements to intensity. It can be primary, secondary,
stress the differences between those mixed, complimentary, monochromatic,
elements. decorative, warm, cool, dark, etc.
Variety is a principle of design concerned - Hue is the name of color.
with diversity or contrast. It is achieved
by using different shapes, sizes, or - Value is hue’s lightness and darkness
colors in a work of art. (a color’s value changes when adding
white or black to it).
Movement is a principle of design applied
to create the look and feel of action and - Intensity is the degree of brightness and
to guide the viewer’s eye throughout the purity (high-intensity - the color is sharp
work of art and bright; low-intensity - the color is faint
and dull).
The Principles of Art using “The Starry
Night”, by Vincent van Gogh
Texture is an element of art that indicates
to the way things feel or look as if they
might feel if touched. Texture can be rough,
smooth, real, implied, repeating, etc.

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