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Secured Party Creditor ID Card Application

SPC Full Name: _______________________________________

Debtors Full Name: ____________________________________
City: ________ State: _________ Zip:_________ Phone: (___)___-_____
DOB: __-___-_____ Hair Color: _____________ Eye Color:__________• Sex:
Weight: ______________ Height:______________

Date of UCC-1 filing: ___-___-_____ Expiration Date: ___-___-_____ or  no expiration

State UCC-1 filed in: ___________________ Filing Number of UCC-1: ___________________
Copy of UCC-1 filing Receipt you received from online filing or mail-in filing

A Color Photo Meeting the Below Criteria (please note that the photo can be submitted either by
mail or through e-mail)

1. Color photos of a front view of your head and shoulders is required

2. Original photo only, bigger is better. Minimum size is 1 11/16" x 2 1/8" Maxim size
should not exceed 8.5” by 11” (please note we will return your photo with your ID.) If
submitted by e-mail please make sure that your photo is at least 300 DPI.
3. Photos must be taken against a plain white background without shadows. Passport
photo is best.
4. Look directly into the camera with a natural expression.
5. Tinted prescription glasses maybe worn as long as the eyes are clearly visible.
6. A photo in which you are wearing a hat or head covering or anything that interferes with
the photo's value in providing a means of identifying you is not acceptable.

Photos that do not meet the above specifications, or that do not allow a clear and positive
identification (image that are too dark, too light or blurry) will not be accepted. You want this
photo to be as close a likeness to yourself as you can get it so that you are able to easily and
effectively use it for identification.

Place your
Right Thumb Print
in red ink inside the box
Place your signature inside the box above Using a WITHOUT Your print
BLACK - BOLD tipped pen or felt tipped pen below Touching Or Crossing
– WITHOUT Your Signature Touching Or Crossing Over The Lines.
Over The Lines, be sure it is straight and easy to
read Please take your time signing, make it look
professional and readable.

I by the above signature and seal agree not to misuse the document created by
my agent on my behalf and further indemnify Sovereign Filing Solutions as my
agent from harm in any and all ways in the use and/or the misuse of the
foresaid and verify that the aforesaid information is true to best knowledge and

ID Application P a g e | 1 of 1

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