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Exercise Sets Reps

Squats 4 10
Walking Lunges 2 20
Day 1 - Legs A1. Leg Extension 3 15
A2. Leg Curls 3 15
Standing Calf Raises 3 10
Crunches 4 10

Exercise Sets Reps

Machine Chest Press 4 12
Machine Shoulder Press 4 12
Day 2 - Upper Body Lat Pulldown 3 15
Pullups or assisted pullups 3 AMRAP
A1. Cable Curls 3 15
A2. Tricep Press downs 3 15

Exercise Sets Reps

Sumo Deadlifts 3 12
Stiff legged Deadlifts 2 15
Glute Ham Raises 3 20
Day 3 - Glutes & Abs
Hip Abductions 4 Pyramid
Hanging Knee Raises 3 10
A1. Cable Crunches 2 15
A2. Plank 2 30-60 Sec

Exercise Sets Reps

Face Pull 4 15
Lat Pullover 4 15
Day 5 - Upper Body Optional Back Machine 3 12
Dumbbell Shoulder Side Raises 4 8
Machine Shoulder Press 3 10
Bicep Curls 4 10
Note RPE
Focus on activating quads and glutes RPE 8
Bodyweight, 10 steps per leg RPE 5
Last set is a dropset RPE 8-9
Last set is a dropset RPE 8-9
Go deep before pressing up RPE 8
RPE 6-7

Note RPE
Squeeze at the top of the rep RPE 8
Sit quite low RPE 8
Squeeze top of the back at the bottom of the rep RPE 8
3 sets to failure RPE 10
Last set is a dropset RPE 9
Last set is a dropset RPE 9

Note RPE
Wide stance, neutral spine, squeeze glutes RPE 7-8
Use a barbell or dumbbells RPE 8
Use a barbell, smith machine or hamstring curl machine RPE 7
5-10-15-20 reps, decrease weight in between sets RPE 9
Can be laying leg raises RPE 7
Hold crunch at the bottom for a sec RPE 7
If you fail before 30 sec, do it on knees N/A

Note RPE
Use handle attachments or rope attachments RPE 8
Use a long bar attachment RPE 8
Last set is a dropset RPE 9
Go quite heavy, drive elbows outwards RPE 9
Do not hold at the top RPE 8
Use dumbbells or barbell RPE 7-8
Exercise Sets Reps
Sumo Deadlifts 4 8
Leg Press 3 15
Day 1 - Legs Hamstring Cable Curl 4 10
Walking Lunges 2 20
Leg Extensions 4 10
Hip Adductions 3 20

Exercise Sets Reps

Machine Lat Pulldown 5 8
Machine Shoulder Press 5 8
Day 2 - Upper Body Machine Chest Press 5 8
A1. Cable Front Raise 3 12
A2. Cable Curls 3 12
A3. Cable Overhead Extensions 3 12

Exercise Sets Reps

Wide Stance Squats 4 10
Smith Machine Hack Squats 3 10
Cable Pull Through 3 15
Day 3 - Glutes
Barbell Glute Ham Raise 4 8
A1. Hip Abductions 2 20
A2. Hip Adductions 2 20
Bicycle Crunches 4 12

Exercise Sets Reps

Push Ups 4 8
Seated Dumbell Side Raises 3 12
Day 5 - Upper Body Wide Grip lat Pulldown 4 8
Optional Back Machine 3 Pyramid
Barbell Curls 3 15
Russian Twists 3 16

Exercise Sets Reps

Leg Press 6 10
Single Leg Glute Raises 3 15
Day 6 - Legs
Straight Legged Deadlifts 4 10
Hamstring Curls 3 Pyramid
Hip Abductions 2 20
Note RPE
Go quite heavy, squeeze glutes at the top RPE 8
Wide foot placement RPE 5
Use cable attachment, 10 reps per leg per set RPE 8-9
10 steps per leg RPE 8-9
Dropset on the last two sets RPE 8
Keep reps slow, weight light RPE 6-7

Note RPE
Dropset on last set RPE 9
Dropset on last set RPE 9
Dropset on last set RPE 9
Use the rope attachment RPE 8-9
Use the rope attachment RPE 8-9
Use the rope attachment RPE 8-9

Note RPE
Sumo like stance, quite light weight RPE 7-8
Lean back on the bar, glute focus RPE 8
Pause for one second at the top of the rep RPE 7
Go heavy, use smith machine RPE 9
Lean forwards RPE 7
Lean backwards RPE 7
RPE 6-7

Note RPE
Can be on knees RPE 7
Control the weight on the way down RPE 8
Last set is a dropset RPE 9
5-10-15 reps, decrease weight in between sets RPE 8-9
Squeeze at the top, go all the way down RPE 7
Use a plate if bodyweight is too easy RPE 6-7

Note RPE
Narrow foot placement RPE 9
Bodyweight, 15 reps per leg RPE 7
Keep spine neutral, do not bend knees RPE 8
30-20-10 reps, short rest and keep weight the same RPE 8-9
Lean forward RPE 9
Exercise Sets Reps
A1. Seated Cable Row 3 10
A2. Dumbbell Shoulder Side Raise 3 10
Day 1 - Full Body A1. Dumbbell Press 3 12
A2. Dumbbell Curls 3 12
A1. Leg Extensions (Eccentric Focused) 4 10
A2. Leg Curls (Eccentric Focused) 4 10

Exercise Sets Reps

Glute Ham Raise 4 10
Glute Pull Through 3 15
Day 2 - Light Glutes & Abs Optional Glute Machine 4 8
Glute Cable Kickback 2 20
Crunches 2 25
Laying Leg Raises 3 15

Exercise Sets Reps

Bench Press 3 10
A1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 8
A2. Dumbbell Row 4 8
Day 3 - Full Body
Tricep Rope press down 3 15
Paused Squats 4 8
Dumbbell Straight Legged Deadlifts 2 15
Machine Crunch 3 20

Exercise Sets Reps

Dumbbell Shoulder Side Raise 3 12
Machine Row 4 Pyramid
Day 5 - Upper Body A1. Upright Cable Rows 2 15
A2. Lat Pullovers 2 15
A3. Cable Curls 2 15
Laying Leg Raises 4 12

Exercise Sets Reps

Sumo Deadlifts 4 12
Hip Thrusts 3 12
Day 6 - Legs
Hib Abduction 3 12
Leg Press 2 20
Walking Lunges 3 20
Note RPE
Use a narrow grip RPE 7-8
Tip: Sit on the seated row machine RPE 7-8
Squeeze dumbbells together at the top RPE 7-8
Do both arms at the same time RPE 7-8
Last set is a dropset RPE 8-10
Last set is a dropset RPE 8-10

Note RPE
Use barbell or smith machine, go heavy RPE 7
Pause for 1 sec at the top of the rep RPE 7-8
Last set is a dropset, quite heavy RPE 6
Use an attachment that attaches cable to lower ancle RPE 6-7

Note RPE
Quite light, focus on form RPE 7
Seated or standing RPE 7-8
Slightly bent over RPE 7-8
Extend the tricep fully RPE 8
Light weight, pause at the bottom for 2 seconds RPE 7
Do not bend at the knee and keep back straight RPE 8-9
Light weight, high volume RPE 8

Note RPE
Drive elbows out, control weight on the way down RPE 8
5-10-15-25 reps, lighten weight in between sets RPE 9-10
Last set is a dropset RPE 8-10
Last set is a dropset RPE 8-10
Last set is a dropset RPE 8-10

Note RPE
Squeeze glutes at the top RPE 9
Machine, barbell or smith machine RPE 9
Lean forward RPE 8
Keep feet narrow RPE 7-8
10 steps each, stretch it out RPE 6

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