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Question Bank 2019-20


Unit 1.

1. Determine the equation of the deflection curve for a simple beam AB supporting a uniform load of
intensity w acting throughout the span of the beam. Also, determine the maximum deflection of the
beam and the angles of rotation at the supports. The beam has length L and Flexural rigidity EI.

2. The cantilever beam AB of length L shown in

Fig. carries a uniformly distributed load of
intensity w0, which includes the weight of the
(1) Derive the equation of the elastic curve.
(2) Compute the maximum displacement.

3. The simply supported wood beam ABC in

Fig. (a) has the rectangular cross section
shown. The beam supports a
concentrated load of 300 N located 2 m
from the left support. Determine the
maximum displacement and the
maximum slope angle of the beam. Use E = 12 GPa for the modulus of elasticity. Neglect the weight
of the beam.

4. A couple M0 is applied at the midpoint of the

cantilever beam of length L, as shown in Fig. Find the
magnitude of the vertical force P for which the
deflection at end C is zero.

5. The simply supported beam in Fig. supports

a concentrated load of 300 N as shown.
Using EI= 20.48 × 103 N.m2, determine
using area moment theorem
(1) the slope angle of the elastic curve at A.
(2) the displacement at D.

6. The simply supported beam ABC in Fig. carries a

distributed load of maximum intensity w0 over its span of
length L. Determine the maximum displacement of the
7. Determine the magnitude of the couple M0 for which the
slope of the beam at A is zero.

8. If two cantilever beams of identical dimensions but made of mild steel and grey cast iron are
subjected to same point load at the free end, within elastic limit. Which one will deflect more and

9. Determine the displacement at point B of the

cantilever beam ABC. Use E = 10 GPa and I =
30×106 mm4

10. For the overhanging beam ABCD, compute the

magnitude of the load P that would cause the elastic
curve to be horizontal at support C.

Unit 2.

1. Derive three-moment equations for a continuous beam with unyielding supports.

2. A 3m long beam has an applied load of 300 kN located at its midspan. The beam is supported at the
ends and with a third support 1m from the right end. Calculate the three reaction forces.
3. A propped 2.5 m long cantilever beam has an applied load of 13.5 kN located 1m from the prop.
Calculate the reaction forces and reaction moment.
4. A continuous beam ABCD is carrying a uniformly distributed load of 1 kN/m over span ABC in
addition to concentrated loads as shown in Fig. Calculate support reactions. Also, draw bending
moment and shear force diagram. Assume EI to be constant for all members.
5. A continuous beam ABC is carrying uniformly distributed load of 2 kN/m as shown in Fig. The
moment of inertia of span AB is twice that of span BC. Evaluate reactions and draw bending moment

6. Determine the internal moments at each

support of the beam shown in Fig. EI is

7. Determine the moments at B and C, then

draw the moment diagram for the beam.
Assume C is a fixed support. EI is constant.

8. Determine the moment at B, then draw the

moment diagram for the beam. Assume the
supports at A and C are rollers and B is a pin.

EI is constant.

9. The frame is made from pipe that is fixed

connected. If it supports the loading shown,
determine the moments developed at each of
the joints. EI is constant.
10. Determine the moments at each joint of the frame shown in Fig. EI is

Unit 3.

1. Define Short, Long and intermediate column. How does each type of column fail?
2. What are the three states of equilibrium? How will you define eccentric loading on a column?
3. What is the Euler’s long column theory? What are the assumptions made in the Euler’s theory?
Also list down the limitations of Euler’s theory.
4. What are the different kinds of end connections? Explain with detailed sketches.
5. A hollow circular column of internal diameter 20 mm and external diameter 40 mm has a total
length of 5m. One end of the column is fixed, and the other end is hinged. Find out the crippling
stress of the column if 𝐸 = 2 × 105 N/mm2. Also find out the shortest length of this column for
which Euler’s formula is valid taking the yield stress equal to 250 N/mm2.
6. The external and internal diameters of the hollow cast iron column are 5cm and 4cm
respectively. If the length of this column is 3m and both of its ends are fixed, determine the
crippling load using Rankine’s formula. Take σc = 550N/mm2 and a = 1/1600.
7. What is Rankin’s formula for column crushing? In what condition is Rankin’s formula used? The
Rankin’s constant depends on what parameter?
8. The external and internal diameters of the hollow cast iron column are 7cm and 5cm
respectively. If the length of this column is 4m and one end is fixed while the other is hinged,
determine the crippling load using Rankine’s formula. Take σc = 550N/mm2 and a = 1/1600.
9. A column of a building looks not safe. CEO of a company hired civil engineer to check whether
the column is safe or not. Column is of mild steel whose length is 3 meters and both ends are
fixed. Load coming on that column is 400 N. Critical stress coming on that column is 320×102
N/m2. Cross-section of column can be shown below. Now, check whether column is safe or
10. The hollow cylinder cast iron column is 4m long with both ends fixed. Determine the minimum
diameter of the column if it must carry a safe load of 250kN with a factor of safety of 5 take
internal diameter as 0.8 times the external f=diameter. Take σc = 550N/mm2 and a = 1/1600.

Unit 4

1. Write a short note on following:

A) Gross and net pressure
B) Ultimate and net ultimate bearing capacity
C) Net safe and safe bearing capacity.

2. List the assumptions of Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory.

3. Describe the types of failure of soils.
4. Write a short note on plate load test
5. What are the factors that affect the bearing capacity of the soil
6. Determine the safe bearing capacity of a square footing 2.1 m x 2.1 m placed at a depth of 1.5 m
in a soil with a moist unit weight of 17.5 kN/m3, c = 15 kPa and ø= 20. Take Nc’ =11.8, Nq’ = 3.9
and Nγ’ = 1.7. What is the change in safe bearing capacity if the water table rises to 0.5 m above
footing base if FOS = 3.
7. Calculate the ultimate bearing capacity & net ultimate bearing capacity of a rectangular footing
of size 3 m x 2 m founded at ground surface of purely cohesive soil. Water table is at 1.67 m
below the ground surface. Take γsat=20 kN/m3, γw=10 kN/m3; unconfined compressive
strength of soil =16 kN/m3; G=2.70; e=0.70; Factor of safety=3. Use Terzaghi method.
8. A strip footing 2 m wide carries a load intensity of 400 kPa at a depth of 1.2m in sand. The
saturated unit weight of sand is 19.5kN/m3 and unit weight above water table is 16.8kN/m3. If c
= 0 and ø= 35˚, determine the factor of safety with respect to shear failure for the following
locations of water table.
a. Water table is 4 m below Ground Level
b. Water table is 1.2 m below Ground Level
c. Water table is 2.5 m below Ground Level
d. Water table is at Ground Level.
Using Terzaghi’s equation, take Nq = 41.4 and Nγ= 42.4.

9. Compute the safe bearing capacity of a continuous footing 1.8 m wide, and located at a depth of
1.2 m below ground level in a soil with unit weight γ = 20 kN/m3, c = 20 kN/m2, and φ = 20°.
Assume a factor of safety of 2.5. Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors for φ = 20° are Nc = 17.7,
Nq = 7.4, and Nγ = 5.0, what is the permissible load per metre run of the footing ?
10. A strip footing 1 m wide is placed at a depth of 1 m below the ground surface. The foundation
soil has cohesion of 10 kPa, angle of friction of 24˚ and unit weight of 18 kN/m3. Taking bearing
capacity factor from the following table, calculate the safe bearing capacity using Terzaghi’s
theory. Use factor of safety of 3.
Ø(in degree) Nc Nq Ny
15ͦ 12.9 4.4 2.5
20 17.7 7.0 5.0
25 25.1 12.7 9.7

Unit 5

1. Sketch the contact pressure distribution for flexible footing in clays and sands
2. Sketch the contact pressure distribution for rigid footing in clays and sands.
3. Using Peck Hanson’s equation to determine the net allowable bearing pressure for a footing of
size (3m*3m) for a permissible settlement of 40mm.Water table is at the depth of 3m,Depth of
footing is 1.5m. corrected SPT N value is 34.
4. Describe SPT test
5. What is safe bearing pressure and allowable bearing pressure
6. How will you check the stability of a masonry dam
7. Sketch the pressure distribution diagram for a sheet pile wall for granular soil
8. Sketch the pressure distribution diagram for a sheet pile wall for cohesive soil
9. Find the depth of embedment for a cantilever sheet pile for 6m deep excavation in sandy soil (γ
=18 kN/m3) , Ø(in degree)=35 FOS=2
10. Sketch the earth pressure distribution diagram for anchored bulkhead for
a. Granular soils
b. Cohesive soils

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