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University of Bahrain

Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

MATHS 122 Course Syllabus

1. Course Calculus and Analytical

MATHS 122 2. Course title:
code: Geometry II

3. College: Science

4. Department: Mathematics

5. Program: B. Sc. In Mathematics

6. Course credits: Lecture Hours: 4 Lab Hours: 0 Credit Hours: 4

7. Course NQF Level: 5

8. NQF Credits: 12

9. Prerequisite: MATHS 121

10. Course Section: Section 1

11. Lectures Timing & Location: UTH 12:00-12:50 and U 14:00 -14:50

12. Course web page: and

13. Course Instructor: Dr. Sami Omar

14. Office Hours and Location: Teams

15. Course coordinators:

16. Academic year: 2020-2021

17. Semester: √ First Second Summer

18. Textbook(s):
University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form
1 Note: Additional information could be added as required by the Instructor, (e.g.,
Note: Items shown underlined cannot be changed without the department consent.

James Stewart, Calculus, Early Transcendentals (Metric Version), 2020, 9th
Edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
19. References
1) Calculus, by Smith and Minton. 4th edition (McGraw-Hill).
2) Thomas Calculus (Early Transcendentals), 13th edition (Pearson)
3) Calculus A complete course by Admis, 9th edition, 2017 (Pearson)

20. Other learning resources used (e. g. e-Learning, field visits, periodicals, software,

Recorded videos are available in Microsoft Stream. Search “MATHS102” to view all
of them.

21. Course description (as per the published):

Methods of integration. Applications to areas: arc length; volumes; etc. Parametric equations.
Polar coordinates. Infinite series. Taylors theorem and power series

22. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs): Students who successfully

complete this course should be able to:
Mapping to PILOs
CILOs a b c d e f g h I j k
1. Use definite integrals to evaluate

area and volumes between curves.
2. Use L’Hopital’s rule to evaluate the
limits involving indeterminate √
3. Use integration techniques to
evaluate proper and improper √
4. Determine the convergence or

divergence of an infinite series.
5. Derive power series for functions
and use it to approximate limits, √
differentiation, and integration.
6. Evaluate area using polar


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23. Course assessment
Assessment Type Details/ Number Weight Date(s)
Explanation of
Assessment in
relation to CILOs
Quizzes N/A
Midterms Test 1: 1,2,3. 2 20%+20% Test 1: 23/10/2021
(Section 4.4 – 7.3) Test 2: 4/12/2021
From 8 AM to 9
Test 2: 3, 4. AM
(Sections 7.4 – 11.5)
Laboratory/ N/A
Online CILOs 1-5 20 20 % Throughout the
Assignments (WebAssign) (The Semester, see the
best 15) table below
Projects/Case N/A
Final 1 40 % 12/1/2022 from
8.30 to 10.30 am
Total 23 100 %

24. Description of Topics Covered

Topic Title
(e.g. chapter/experiment title)
Chapter 4: Applications of Indeterminate Forms and L’Hopital’s rule

Chapter 5: Integrals Evaluation of the area between different types of

Chapter 6: Applications of Volumes of rotating area about a given axis by using
Integration disks, washer, and cylindrical shell methods

Chapter 7: Techniques of Integration by parts, Trigonometric integration,

Integration Trigonometric substitutions, Integration of rational
functions by partial fractions, Improper Integration

3 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form

Chapter 11: Infinite Sequences. Infinite series- investigating the
Sequence and Series convergence and divergence of a given series by using
different types of tests; Integral test, Comparison test,
the ratio test. Alternating series, absolute and
conditional test. Power series. Taylor and Maclaurin
series, Convergence of Taylor series, Application of
Taylor series.
Chapter 10: Parametric Polar coordinates- Graphing in polar coordinates-Areas and
Equations and Polar Length in Polar Coordinates.

CIL Teaching Assessmen Example Suggested

Week Date Topics covered
Os Method t s Problems
Lecture & HW1, Test1,
4.4 L'hopital’s Rule
1 12/9/2021 2 Problem Final 1-10 1-70,85,87-91
5.5 The Substitution 1-54, 58-80. 93-
1–9 100
Rule Lecture & HW2, Test1,
2 19/9/2021 6.1 Area Between 1 Problem Final
1-6 1-37,
Curves solving
67, 69,79*

6.2 Volumes Lecture & HW3,4, Test1, 5-40

3 26/9/2021 6.3 Volumes by 1 Problem Final
Cylindrical Shells solving 3-22, 23-24(b,c),
25-30, 47-59
7.1 Integration by 3 Lecture & HW 6, Test1 1-70,85,87,87-
4 3/10/2021 Parts Problem Final 1-6
solving 1-8
7.2 Trigonometric 3 Lecture & HW7,8, Test1, 1-56,61,64-66
5 10/10/2022 Integrals Problem Test2, Final
7.3 Integral
Trigonometric solving 1,3-7 1-36,38,43,44
7.4 of HW8,9, Test2, 1-58,60*,61-
Lecture & 1-5
Rational functions by Final 62,68-69,72,78*
6 17/10/2021 Partial Fractions
3 Problem
solving )a(1,4,7
7.7 Approximate 3,5-18
Integration 1-3,5-48,57-
7.8 Improper HW10, Test2, 1-10
Lecture & 71,83,85*,91*,
integrals 3 Final
7 24/10/2021 Problem 92*
8.1 Arc Length 1-4
1-26, 43,44
8 31/10/2021 Mid semester break

1-4 1-20,33*,34-35

8.2 Surface area Lecture & HW11,12,

9 7/11/2021 4 Problem Test2, Final
11.1 Sequences solving 1-14

4 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form

Lecture & HW11,12,13 1-10, 25-50,51*-
11.2 Series 1-4,6-10
10 14/11/2021 4 Problem Test2, Final 66,69,70,77,78
11.3 The Integral Test 1-6 3-34, 38-42,
11.4 The Comparison 47,48
1-44, 46*,47
Lecture & HW15, HW16 1-5
11 21/11/2021 4 Problem Test2, Final
11.5 Alternating solving 1-8 1-34, 37-44,46-
Series 48
11.6 Absolute 1-36, 39, 40,41
4 Lecture & HW17,18, 1-5
conditional and The Test2, Final
12 28/11/2021 Ratio and Root Tests
Problem 1-48
solving 1-6
11.7 Strategy for 4
Testing Series
Lecture & HW19, Final
11.8 Power Series Problem
13 5/12/2021 5
1-41, 45*,46
solving 1-5

11.9 Representations
of Functions as Power 1-22, 27-
Series Lecture & 1-8 34,42*,43,45,46,
11.10 Taylor and HW20, Final 47
14 12/12/2021 5 Problem
Maclaurin Series solving 1,2,4-15
1,3,4-30, 35-50,
59-90, 92-93

1-2, 7-12(b), 13-

10.1-Curves Defined
1-5 22(a)
by Parametric Lecture &
15 19/12/2021 Equations 6 Problem Final
10.2-Calculus with solving 1-12, 15-24, 41-
Parametric Curves 40, 47-50, 71-
73, 55-60
10.3-Polar 1-8 1-28, 33-50
Lecture &
16 26/12/2021 10.4-Areas & Lengths
6 Problem Final
solving 1-12, 17-28, 29-
in Polar Coordinates 1-5 46, 49-54, 63-72

5 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form

Online Homework schedule

H.W # Assignment coverage Date “Start” Date “Due” (D/M/Y)

(D/M/Y) 11:59 pm

1 Section 4.4 21/9/2021 28/9/2021

2 Section 5.5 21/9/2021 30/9/2021

3 Section 6.1 1/10/2021 7/10/2021

4 Section 6.2 8/10/2021 14/10/2021

5 Section 6.3 12/10/2021 19/10/2021

6 Section 7.1 12/10/2021 21/10/2021

7 Section 7.2 22/10/2021 26/10/2021

8 Section 7.3 27/10/2021 9/11/2021

9 Section 7.4 27/10/2021 11/11/2021

10 Section 7.7 5/11/2021 16/11/2021

11 Section 7.8 12/11/2021 18/11/2021

12 Section 11.1 17/11/2021 23/11/2021

13 Section 11.2 17/11/2021 25/11/2021

14 Section 11.3 24/11/2021 30/11/2021

15 Section 11.4 24/11/2021 2/12/2021

16 Section 11.5 1/12/2021 7/12/2021

17 Section 11.6 8/12/2021 14/12/2021

18 Section 11.7 8/12/2021 16/12/2021

19 Section 11.8 8/12/2021 23/12/2021

20 Section 11.9 8/12/2021 23/12/2021

NB: There will be NO extension to any missed homework. However, we will take
the grades of the best 15 homework sets. It is the student’s responsibility to be

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familiar with WebAssign. No makeup test will be provided, based on right-answer
and wrong format.

7 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form

25. Attendance Policy:
Extracts from the University Bulletin regarding withdrawal and enforced withdrawal:

A student’s absence from lectures or classes in excess of 25% of the total assigned session will result
in an automatics withdrawal of the student from the course, regardless of the causes for his/her
a) A grade of (W) is given to a student who misses 25% or more of the total sessions assigned to the
course if he/she presents a valid excuse for his/her absence.
b) A grade of (WF) is given to a student who misses 25% or more, but with no valid excuse.

26. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism:

All students are expected to follow the specific rules of academic honesty and plagiarism as per The Regulation
of Professional conduct Violations for University of Bahrain Students, decision # 4/2006. Please refer the UOB
website-Deanship of Students Affairs-Guidance Office.

27. Important Dates

 Sunday Sep. 12, 2021: First day of classes (instruction begins).

 Monday Oct 11, 2021: Last day to drop courses without a ‘W’ grade.

 Sunday Oct 23, 2021: Test 1

 Sunday Oct 31 – Thursday Nov 4, 2021: Mid semester break.

 Thursday Dec 23, 2021: Last day to withdraw with a ‘W’ grade.

 Sunday Dec 4, 2021: Test 2

 Monday Dec 13, 2021: Last day to withdraw with ‘WA’ or ‘WF’ grade.

 Thursday Dec 30, 2021: Last day of classes.

 Monday Jan 12, 2021: The Final Exam.

8 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form

NB: All Communication must be made only through your official UOB email
with “MATHS122” in the subject line, otherwise your message may be
deleted unread.

9 University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form


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