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Thesis 2022: Topics

Urban Agrictultural Hub

Bringing Vertical Farming to Indian Cities #1
The “WHY” Solution: Bring the Farms to the Cities

Today more than 50% of the global population resides in cities. The
constant expansion of cities to meet the demands of the growing
population, with rapid urbanization of rural areas and diminishing
interest in farming prophesises a future with massive shortage to meet
food demands.

The Consumption Paradox

It takes 10 calories of fossi fuel energy to produce a single calorie of
modern supermarket food

Degrading nutrition content

Use of chemical and pesticides lead to great loss of neccessary
nutrition value in food grown in croplands

Shortage of cropland
It takes 0.25 ha to feed each person. Yet by 2050, the amount of
avaiable cropland is projected to drop to less than 0.1 ha per person
due to continued population growth and loss of cropland.

Food wastage
From growing in fields to reaching our table, around 40% food gets
wasted due to different factors.
The “WHAT”

As the conversation around urban farming picks up,

organisations and businesses have emerged aiming to
encourage and engage people to develop an urban farming
ecosystem. Yet, these efforts have not translated into
mass adoption. The city needs physical space that acts as
a seeding facility of locavorian culture where these players
can come together and collaborate.

An Urban Agriculture Hub is such an architecture

innovation that will serve as the central facility that is
dedicated to re-imagination of the urban setting with a
new outlook for agriculture. This project is dedicated to
taking the frst steps towards an architectural solution for
averting a major crisis.

The “HOW”

To design an urban agriculture centre that fascilitates the spread of locavorian culture
in urban settings.

• To create a platform bridging the gap between farms and cities.
• To promote infrastructural and economical development of the agricultural sector in
Sunqiao Urban Agricultural District
Shanghai, Chaina

Sasaki Architects

Located between Shanghai’s main

international airport and the city
center, Sunqiao illustrates that, like
the city’s soaring skyscrapers, its
farms are also going vertical. After
20 years of conventional agricultural
production on the site, Shanghai is
expanding the role of Sunqiao in its
foodshed. The new plan for the district,
slated to begin construction in 2017,
focuses on the integration of vertical
farming systems in conjunction
with research and public outreach.
The result is an interactive, playful,
and socially-engaging experience
that presents urban agriculture
as a dynamic living laboratory
for innovation and education.

Rajghat Thermal Power Plant, Rajghat,

New Delhi- 110002

Scope & Limitations

The project will focus on designing a

wholistic site with a collection of spaces
and services- research, education, testing,
vertical farms, residences and recreation
areas; with a focus on certain key areas.
Rejuvination of a Stone Quarry
Resuscitating a Dead Space #2
The “WHY”

Once depleted of their desired resources, quarries are frequently

abandoned. Inhabitants of neighborhoods near quarries are subjected
to air pollution from dust, noise pollution from trucks and machinery,
and in the end left with the destruction of what may have once been
a beautiful landscape. Not only do quarries often negatively impact
those who live nearby, but they often leave residual negative impacts
on the environment.

While the need for quarrying is undeniable, almost all such sites are
abandoned without any attempt to mitigate even a fraction of the
damgae. Leaving a scar on Earth.

The “WHAT”

Architecture could pave the way to provide meaning to a place that has
been forgotten and abandoned. To give back to the people a piece of
what they let go. To back to nature what it lost.
The “HOW”

To resuscitate an abandoned stone quarry into an artist village embracing the local

• To employ environmental restorative practices
• To create an environment that supports the local livelihood of the people.
• Developing inviting gathering spaces.
Dalarna, Sweden

Dalhalla is an open air theatre located

in a former limestone quarry, and
is used as a summer music venue.

The quarry is 60 m (200 ft) deep,

400 m (1,300 ft) long and 175 m
(574 ft) wide. It was in operation
until 1990. The open air theater
was opened in 1995 and currently
has 4,000 seats. The acoustical
qualities are comparable to the
best outdoor stages in Europe.

Basalt Quarry, Champaner-Pavangarh

Archieological Park

Scope & Limitations

The project will focus on designing an

artist village inside a part of the stone
quarry. The full area of the quarry would
not be taken into consideration.
A Sabzi Mandi for Tommorow
Re-Imagining a Neglected Void

The “WHY”

The cities of tommorow cannot run on food from today. Current

systems of supply would become obsolete with the movement
of farms to the cities, with the borders between urban and rural
settlements disolving. The current mandi’s lack proper infrastructure
even in these modern times. Improper sanitation and management
causes huge amounts of wasteage, which is a huge and environmental
and economical problem

The “WHAT”

As the interface between the consumers and producer supply chain,

vegetable markets in the city form an ideal space to start new overlaps
between agriculture and urban life.

Mandi’s of the future need to grow from a transition point to a produce

of its own. To work against the food and land shortage integrating of
farms into the urban fabric can be acheived through these mandi’s.
The “HOW”

To re-invent the existing sabzi mandi’s.

• To transform the existing mandi’s from a place of transition to a wholistic facility.
• To create a solution against the growing disconnection of food in urban areas.
• Designing a space that integrates modern era farming into an urban setting.
Sky Greens
Lim Chu Kang Lane, Singapore

Sky Greens is world’s first low carbon,

hydraulic driven vertical farm. Using green
urban solutions to achieve production of safe,
fresh and delicious vegetables, using minimal
land, water and energy resources. Sky Greens
is the innovation hub of its holding company,
Sky Urban Solutions Holding Pte Ltd, where
continuous innovation in next generation
of urban agriculture solutions take place..

Okhla Sabzi Mandi, Bahapur, New


Scope & Limitations

The project will focus on redesigning of

the sabzi mandi while incorporating urban
farming methods.

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