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illustrated by

Walker Books
This is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products
of the author’s imagination or, if real, are used fictitiously.
Text copyright © 2021 by Louie Stowell
Illustrations copyright © 2021 by Davide Ortu
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
transmitted, or stored in an information retrieval system in any form
or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including
photocopying, taping, and recording, without prior
written permission from the publisher.
First US edition 2022
First published by Nosy Crow (UK) 2021
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2021947325
ISBN 978-1-5362-1495-6 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-5362-2423-8 (paperback)
22 23 24 25 26 27 LBM 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in Melrose Park, IL, USA
This book was typeset in Chaparral Pro.
The illustrations were created digitally.
Walker Books US
a division of
Candlewick Press
99 Dover Street
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144
To Gus,
G u s,
t he y ou n g e st w iza r d
in th e w orl d
This is Josh’s notebook.
Kit and Alita, if you mess
with it, I will know. I have
records of your fingerprints, so
I will be able to dust the cover
for prints.
You have been warned. I have
read a lot of detective novels,
so I know all the tricks.
Dear Future Josh,

In case an evil future wizard has

done a mindwipe spell on you, here are
some notes about what happened this
summer. Spoiler: it was INTENSE with
a capital everything!

1. We discovered that our local

librarian, Faith, is a wizard and
my friend Kit is one, too.

2. We found out that a dragon

sleeps beneath the library, and it’s
a wizard’s duty to keep it asleep.

3. Our local library was astacked

by an evil businessman who
wanted to wake up the dragon.

4. We beat him, because we

are an incredible team of
magical library protectors.
5. Then, later in the summer,
Kit’s magic started going wrong.

6. We tracked down the source of

her problems: there was a monster
in the lake in our local park! It
had been kicked out of its home
in Scotland by evil mermaids.

7. We went to Scotland to talk

to the mermaids. It turns out
they weren’t evil . . . they were
being controlled by evil ghost
rats from the dawn of time!

8. Kit did a big spell with some help

from me and Alita. We beat the evil
ghost rats and freed the mermaids.

9. The mermaids still weren’t very

nice, but the lake monster was
able to go home and everything
went back to normal. Well, sort
of. Our lives are still very weird.

I think that’s it. But every day I’m

finding out more about the world of
magic! I wonder what I’ll find out
today. Oh. Kit’s telling me we have to go.

Yes we do. Come on. Don’t be boring. LE ’S

His Eyes

i cannot believe you talked me into doing this.”

Josh clung more tightly to the branch he and Kit
were sitting on.
“It’s what kids do in the summer,” said Kit. “It’s
called fun. Look! There’s a squirrel over there!” Kit
stood up on the branch, causing it to shake and
making Josh hold on even tighter.
“I don’t call this fun,” muttered Josh. “I call this
terror. My life is flashing in front of my eyes. Wow,”
he added. “I did a lot of reading and ate some good
jollof rice.”
The first day of the new school year was only a
few days away, and Kit wanted to milk every last
moment of freedom. Josh was more focused on
not crashing down from his perch and breaking
every bone in his lanky body.
“The thing is,” Josh said, “this isn’t natural.
Humans are not tree-dwelling creatures. We’re
supposed to be on the ground.”
“Since when is being natural the only way to
do things? If everything was natural, we’d all
be living in caves,” objected Kit.
“At least caves are on the
round,” said Josh.
“Guys,” called Alita
from one of the lower
branches, “stop argu-
ing. Faith’s coming
down the path. She
looks like she’s in a
Kit, Josh, and Alita scrambled down the tree to
meet Faith. Josh scrambled a lot more slowly and
carefully—he hadn’t wanted to get his shoes dirty
on the tree, so he was barefoot.
“Hi, Faith. Is everything OK?” Alita gasped. “Oh,
no. Did Kit’s mom tell my mom we went out instead
of playing at home? Is she here? Is she mad?”
Faith smiled. “Everything’s fine. I have good
news, actually.”
“What?” asked Josh, sitting down to put on his
pure-white sneakers. “Has the new Danny Fandango
book been released early?”
“Well, no, nothing that
at exciting,” said Faith. “But
the Wizards’ Council wants to meet Kit. And they
have a present.”
“Oh?” said Kit. She wasn’t exactly excited about
meeting the Wizards’ Council. Everything Faith
had said about them made them sound very old
and very grumpy. “What’s the present?”
Faith motioned zipping her lips and waggled her
eyebrows. “It’s a surprise.”

“Can we come and meet the Wizards’ Council,
too?” asked Josh.
“Sorry, no,” said Faith. “The headquarters is
a wizard-only zone.” She shrugged. “Part of the
whole secrecy-and-security thing.”
“That’s not fair,” said Kit.
“Have I ever accused the Wizards’ Council of
being fair?” asked Faith.
“I don’t mind,” said Alita. “I want to spend as
much time as I can with Dogon!” Dogon was the
furry, scaly creature who lived beneath the library:
half dog, half dragon, and always hungry. “I’ve
hardly seen him in days because of my auntie’s wed-
ding. I thought it would never end!” She splayed
her hands, showing the intricate henna designs on
her palms. “I’m going to miss him so much when I
go back to school.”
“He’s going to miss the snacks you bring him,
that’s for sure.” Faith laughed. She turned to Josh.
“Why don’t you go and read to Draca?”
Draca was the dragon who slept beneath Chats-
worth Library, and like all dragons, she didn’t belong

in the waking world. Instead, she wandered through
her own dreams, made up of the stories that were
read to her as she slumbered through the years.
“Perhaps you could start a new book?” suggested
Josh’s eyes lit up with pure excitement, as
though Faith had just offered him a ride through
space on a unicorn.
“Oh, yes! I can read her some poetry. I don’t
think I’ve read her any of that before!”
“How are we getting to the Wizards’ Council?”
asked Kit.
“From the library,” said Faith. “So let’s all head
there now. One last time before school starts.”

The New

k it, Josh, Alita, and Faith walked through

Chatsworth Library toward the stacks—the
hidden parts of the building that the general public
never got to see. The parts where the magic lay hid-
den and where Draca slept and dreamed of stories.
They reached a shelf at the back of the library,
and Faith checked to see that no other people
were near, then pulled on a book and murmured,
“Labba.” The whole shelf of books slid to one side to
reveal a door that led down into darkness.
Faith tapped herself on the forehead and
breathed, “Ina!”
a!” A ball of light appeared in the
corridor ahead, lighting their way and revealing
shelves of books on either side of the passage.
The four of them walked down and down into the
darkness, until the passage widened and lightened
and became an open green space. They were in the
Book Wood again. Each tree in this forest had once
been a book, and if you looked closely enough at
the papery green page-leaves, you could make out
faint letters. Kit inhaled deeply. The air smelled of
leaves and flowers and secondhand books.
“I’ll go find Dogon!” said Alita.
“And I’ll read Draca these poems,” said Josh,
holding up the book he’d brought with him from
the library upstairs.
“So how exactly are we getting to the Wizards’
Council?” asked Kit. “Are we going to use a portal
Portal books were the main magical way to travel
between libraries. To use one, you simply began read-
ing out loud, and the magic sucked you into the world
of the book. When you reached the end, you spoke
the name of the library you wanted to reach, and you

reappeared in the real
world again. Some of these
books were safer than others.
“I thought we’d take a stroll
through a new portal book this

“A new one?” That sparked

Kit’s interest. “I didn’t know
were new ones.”
“Oh, yes, from time to time,” said
Faith. “I made this one just for you. It

Faith took a few steps, then pointed up at

the branches of a tree. Hanging like a fruit
among the page-leaves was a book. On the
cover it said Super Magic Quest, with a
picture of a cartoon rabbit wearing
armor, and a goblin by its side.
“Pick it,” said Faith. “It’s
Kit reached out and
took hold of the bottom
of the book. With the gentlest of tugs, it came away
from the tree in her hand. She turned the book
over. “How did you make this?”
“I planted an ordinary copy of the book when
you first became a wizard,” said Faith. “It’s taken
the past month for this tree to grow. Draca put
extra effort into sharing her magic with it, so it
would be ready for you when you needed it.”
“That’s so nice of her!” said Kit. Draca was a
strange creature, but she could be very kind at times.
“We both thought you might enjoy a portal book
that wasn’t dangerous, but was still fun,” said Faith.
“Ooh! It’s a comic!” said Kit as she opened it.
“It’s about a rabbit on a quest in a magical land,”
said Faith. “I believe there’s a forest made of Jell-O
in there somewhere.”
“Sounds really silly. I love it already!” said Kit.
She sat on the ground and started to read the
comic. On the first page, a rabbit called Jorril was
setting out on a quest to find a magic gem . . . 
Without warning, Kit and Faith were inside the
pages of the book.

characters b
This place is
so cool!

After a perilous journey through a desert full of
tiny flying bears and a fight with a giant robot made
of glue, they finally reached the end of Jorril’s quest.
s!” said Faith, wiping robo-glue out of
“Council, hus!”
her eye. They left the book with a pop and appeared
in the library of the Wizards’ Council.


k it and Faith were in a huge, rectangular room

with rough stone walls. Bookshelves were
stacked from the floor to the lofty ceiling, hold-
ing more books than Kit had ever seen before. In
between the bookshelves were windows filled with
stained glass. One showed a picture of a dragon cow-
ering beneath a shower of glowing yellow sparks.
Another showed a dragon and a wizard, hand in
claw, gazing out from the glass in dozens of colors.
“Welcome to the council library,” said Faith.
Kit gazed around in awe. It was like a gigantic
church, but for books.
“I imagine someone from the council will be
here in a minute,” said Faith. “They knew we were
coming, but it sometimes takes them a while to get
upstairs. They’re not as young as they used to be,
and they were already old then.”
Spaced around the carpeted floor were comfy,
battered armchairs and little tables littered with
abandoned cups of tea and candy wrappers.
A moment later there was a creaking sound, and
a bookshelf swung open to reveal a dark corridor
behind it. Out came a tall, broad-shouldered white
woman with white hair and a green pantsuit, with
a green flower in her lapel. Kit couldn’t tell how old
she was, but definitely old enough for her birth-
day candles to be a fire hazard. The woman’s eyes
seemed to look off into the distance, while also
somehow boring straight into Kit’s soul. Kit felt
a sudden urge to stand up straighter, and maybe
clean her bedroom.
“That’s the chairwizard,” whispered Faith.
“Branwen Williams.”
“Faith Braithwaite!” said the older woman. Her

voice had a lilt to it. “Kit Spencer! This way! The
council is ready for you.” She beckoned them to the
opening in the wall.
Just like under Chatsworth Library, the tunnel
was lined with books, but this one was much, much
bigger. You could have driven a train through it. A
double-decker train, with a couple of spies having a
dramatic fight on top of it.
A green glow appeared in the tunnel ahead.
Kit got a shivery feeling of powerful magic. She
felt a little like that in the wood beneath Chats-
worth Library, but this was different. It was like
the difference between being tickled with a feather
and jumping into a swimming pool full of wrig-
gly snakes. Her whole body felt as though it were
bursting with light.
Then she saw the wood.
She’d never seen anything like it. A lump
formed in her throat. It was beautiful. The view,
not the lump.
Branwen stopped and gestured around. “Ah, yes.

I forget what it must be like to see it for the first

The trees seemed to stretch forever under a

curving greenish sky. There were firs and oaks,
chestnut trees and little blossoming apple trees,
all with leaves that once were pages, and trunks
carved with spells. There were huge ancient trees
and brand-new shoots, and everywhere there was a

“Where are we meeting the others?” asked Faith.

Branwen pointed to a tree nearby. “Downstairs.”
Faith’s eyes lit up. “You’re going to love this, Kit.”
As Branwen approached, a door opened in the
tree, just like the door that led down to Draca’s lair
back home.
The magical, thrumming excitement inside Kit

“Yes,” said Branwen as she began to climb slowly

down the spiral stairs inside the tree. “But more
importantly, she’s going to see you. I respect her
They climbed down for a long time. Kit’s mind
wandered as she took painfully slow steps behind
the older wizard.
“How many wizards are there on the council?”
she asked Faith.
“Seven,” said Faith. “Well. There are seven coun-
cil members. Six of them are wizards.”
“Wow, so they allow non-wizards on the coun-
cil?” asked Kit.
“You’ll find out,” said Branwen. “Always in a
hurry, the young. You wouldn’t be in such a hurry
if you knew how fast time flies.”
Kit thought that was typical. Old people loved
giving advice on how to be young. She didn’t go
around giving advice about being old, did she?
As they reached the bottom of the staircase,
they came to a pair of doors that looked like they
belonged on a castle. They opened as Branwen
In the stone chamber beyond the doors, Kit saw
exactly what she had been hoping to see. A dragon.

Huge and red, with vast folded wings and puffs of
smoke emerging from its spiky nostrils.
Around the dragon stood a group of elderly men
and women, all wearing blue cloaks.
“This is Edith, Iyesha, Kwame, Gladys, and Duc,”
said Branwen, gesturing unhelpfully toward all of
“I’m Edith,” said a pale woman with thin gray
hair, who leaned on a stick.
“Iyesha,” said a friendly woman with a round
face and a bright sari. “Welcome, Kit and Faith. I
hope your journey wasn’t too hard?”
“There was a lot of Jell-O,” said Kit, feeling shy
and awkward.
“Ready? Then we’ll begin,” said Branwen.
And then, as they all touched the dragon’s scales,
everything went black.

Pool of

a nd just like that, Kit, Faith, and the council

were inside the dragon’s dream. The wizards
found themselves sitting in ornate chairs around a
circular table. The dragon sat with them, currently
“Kit, this is Draig,” said Branwen, “the seventh
member of our council.” She gestured at the dragon.
Ohhhh, thought Kit. That kind of non-wizard!
Draig bowed her head. “A pleasure to meet you,
little one.”
“Hello, Draig,” said Kit. She felt very shy all
of a sudden. She didn’t like being surrounded by
so many imposing grown-ups in such a formal
“Thank you for having us here,” said Faith, nudg-
ing Kit.
“Yes, thank you!” said Kit.
“Do have some tea,” said Draig.
Cups of tea appeared on the table in front of
them, along with a plate of buns with raisins, and
some sticky orange sweets.
Iyesha piled a heap of them onto her plate before
passing them down the table. “Mmmm,” she said.
“Jalebi! Thank you, Draig!”
“We’re here for something very special,” said
Branwen. “A moment that only happens once every
century or so. This is only the second time I have
ever witnessed it myself.”
How old is she? Kit wondered. She was very
grateful that she didn’t say it out loud, until she
realized that the dragon would be able to hear
her thoughts. But Draig didn’t give her away. She
merely waggled her scaly brows.
The wizards all held hands around the table.

Faith took Kit’s, and Kit held the dry, wrinkly hand

Kit heard a low rumbling from all around them.

It grew gradually louder and turned into a kind of
music. Not the kind you get from instruments, but
something like the sound of a storm, turned into
beautiful melodies and thundering beats. Kit held
her breath. The stone table where they were sitting
began to change. The tea and sweets were gone.

Now they were in a wild wood, standing around

a dark pool by moonlight. The surface of the pool
rippled, sending circles out from the center. The
dark water grew lighter and redder, and suddenly
the pool was made of fire. Flames licked up from the
surface, and Kit felt the urge to jump back, but her
hands were held tightly. She looked up at Faith, who
nodded to her, as though to say, Everything’s OK.
Everything is OK, Kit told herself. But something

The dragon, Draig, had closed her eyes. Even

within the dream she seemed to be going deeper
into her own world. She started to hum, a low
sound that joined with the rumbling. Then, out of

Draig reached for it. She held it up in her claws

for everyone to see. Her smile spread wide
and sharp. Her eyes flashed. “It is
done!” she said in the lowest
“Congratulations!” said one of the council mem-
bers. He held up an imaginary glass in a cheers gesture.
As he did so, the glass appeared and he drained it.
“Is that what I think it is?” asked Kit, pointing
at the egg.
“If you think it’s a dragon’s egg, then yes,” said
“So dragons are born from pools of fire inside a
dream?” Kit’s brain was boggling.
“How else did you think they’d be born?” asked
Branwen. “In a hospital?”
“No, but maybe I thought it would come . . . out
of a dragon?” said Kit, looking at Draig in
“We’re not farm chickens,” said Draig. “We’re
ancient magical beings from before the dawn of
time.” She held out the egg to Kit. “Now. Take the
little one to its new home. Goodbye.”
“Goodbye.” The six wizards spoke as one, and
then disappeared from the dragon’s dream.
“Goodbye,” said Kit and Faith.
And everything went black again.

to Raise
an Egg

b ack in the dragon’s chamber, Kit was holding

the egg out in front of her. It was bigger than
any egg she had ever seen, and slightly reddish. It
was also heavy. She put it down, ever so carefully.
“Should we put it under the dragon to hatch?”
Kit whispered to Faith.
Faith shook her head. “She’s not a chicken,
remember? For a dragon egg to hatch, you need to
lay it beneath its own library. It’s a bit like planting
a seed. You speak a spell over the egg, and it sinks
down into the earth, making its own cavern. After
a few days, the egg hatches.”
Kit imagined the egg on the floor cracking and
hatching. What would the little dragon inside
look like? She couldn’t wait to find out.
“Where’s this egg’s library?” asked Kit. Her mind
was racing with questions.
“Not far from ours,” said Faith. “The exact loca-
tion is a surprise.”
Kit narrowed her eyes.
“A good surprise,” said Faith, laughing.
“How’s it getting there?” asked Kit. “To its new
library. Can we go with it?”
“Of course you can—you’re taking it,” said
Branwen. “Honestly, you’re a bit clueless, aren’t
you? I would’ve thought wild magic might have
chosen a slightly cleverer child as the youngest
wizard in the world.”
That stung.
“So . . . ” said Faith. “We’d better take this to its
new home! Let’s head upstairs.”
Kit started to feel nervous. What if she dropped
the egg on her way back up?

Faith was watching her and smiled. “Don’t worry.
It’s pretty tough. You could drop it down a hundred
flights of stairs and it wouldn’t break.”
Kit carried it upstairs carefully all the same, with
Branwen walking behind.
In the library above, Branwen gave Kit a stern
warning. “It might be physically tough, but it’s
vulnerable to magic,” she said. “And you never
know who might try to take it from you. Take
good care.”
Just then, a bell rang. Branwen sighed. “No rest
for the ancient,” she said to Kit and Faith. “You can
show yourselves out.”
Faith nodded, and Branwen disappeared down
the corridor and back to the Book Wood.
“Start reading,” suggested Faith, picking up the
portal book they’d used to get there. “I’ll hold on to
the egg while we’re entering a magical space.”
So Kit began to read the comic, and moments
later, the library was gone.

When they reappeared in the library at the other
end, there was no one around. Faith found a box
for them to put the egg in. “So it’s a surprise for
Alita and Josh,” she said.
They found the others down in Draca’s lair,
with Dogon curled up on Alita’s lap as she drew
a sketch of Draca, and Josh reading a very long
book to the dragon.
Josh stopped reading as they came in. “How was
the council?”
“We brought you back a present,” said Kit.
“Present!” said Alita, dropping her sketchbook
and scurrying over, sending Dogon fluttering up
grumpily into the air.
“Is it a spell book?” asked Josh, eyeing the box.
“Is it a cake?” asked Alita.
“Come on,” said Kit. “Do you think the Wizards’
Council would trust me with a cake? It would be
eaten by the time we got through the portal book.
Open it!” She couldn’t wait to see their faces.
Alita pried open a tiny edge of the box, then

slowly, slowly lifted it up. Then she lifted the next
flap up, just as slowly.
This was almost as bad as watching her eat a
chocolate bar piece by piece.
Josh noticed Kit’s impatience. “It’s called
delayed gratification,” he said. “Which is when you
put off doing something nice so it’ll be nicer when
it comes.”
Kit shook her head. “No it won’t. It just means
more time without the nice thing.”
But when Alita finally opened the lid of the box
and peered inside, her face showed a kind of joy
that Kit couldn’t even imagine feeling, not even
after climbing the highest tree in the world. Like
sunlight was shining out of her dark-brown eyes.
Josh peered into the box, and his face almost
matched hers. “Is that what I think it is?” he asked
in a small voice.
“A dragon’s egg!” breathed Alita. “A real dragon’s
“And it’s ours!” said Kit triumphantly.

The children looked at her quizzically.
“It’s yours to help care for. But a dragon only
ever belongs to itself,” said Faith.
“So we get to care for it?” asked Alita. “This is the
best thing to happen since I met Dogon!”

Faith nodded. “It will live beneath a library close
by, so you can visit it often.”
Alita would have jumped up and down if she
hadn’t been cradling the egg like a baby. She did,
however, let out an excited sound somewhere
between a cat mewing and a kettle boiling.
“If you’re this excited about an egg, I’m worried
you’re going to literally explode when it hatches
into a dragon,” Kit said, laughing.
“It’ll be worth it!” said Alita.
“More importantly,” said Josh, “is there a book
on caring for dragon eggs?”
“There are hundreds,” said Faith. “I’ll show you
later. But first, we need to plant the egg. Follow me.”
The children followed her, with a million ques-
tions, up away from Draca’s lair and through the
Book Wood. Dogon followed them, flapping close
to Alita and snuffling at the dragon’s egg.
“Get off! You might make me drop it! That’s, like,
your cousin or something in there!” said Alita, bat-
ting the creature away.
Dogon growled at the egg.

“I think he’s jealous!” said Kit.
“Silly Dogon,” said Alita. “I can love you and
nd a
baby dragon at the same time.”
“When will the egg hatch?” Josh asked Faith.
“Soon,” said Faith. “In a few days.”
“Shouldn’t we be putting it under the dragon to
hatch?” asked Alita.
“Dragons aren’t chickens, you know,” said Kit,
feeling very wise. “They don’t lay eggs out of their
bottoms. This egg came out of a pool of fire. We’re
going to bury it beneath a library, speak a spell
over it, and it’ll sink down and down to make its
own cavern. Then it’ll hatch.” She beamed at them
Alita and Josh did a double take, unused to
Kit knowing more than them. It didn’t last long,
“How big is the dragon going to be when it
hatches?” asked Josh. “Which library are we bury-
ing it under?”
“When it hatches, will it already be asleep?”
asked Alita. “What does it eat?”

“Uh . . . ” said Kit.
“Wait and see,” said Faith. “Weren’t you just tell-
ing Kit about delayed gratification?”
“I hate it when people use my own arguments
against me,” muttered Josh.
“Kit, we’re going in there,” said Faith, pointing
at a tree in the Book Wood. “Use the moria spell
I taught you the other day to open a tunnel. I’ve
already enchanted the tree to guide the tunnel’s
Kit nodded and spoke the spell carefully. “Moria
beneath us open. Hollow stollen down ididay.”
A circle of the tree’s bark melted away, creating
a dark doorway. Kit went in first, carrying the egg
into the darkness.
a!” she said, tapping her own forehead. A ball
of light appeared ahead of them, and they started
off down a flight of stairs, which changed into a
winding pathway that seemed to be made of hard-
packed earth. It smelled a little damp, but also alive.
“Where are we going?” asked Josh.
“Wait and see,” said Faith.

Kit felt the anticipation building. She had no
idea where they could be by now. They couldn’t be
under the library anymore. They’d walked too far.
But she didn’t know of any other libraries nearby.
The small light spell she’d cast only showed a few
feet around them, but the drop in temperature and
a change in the smell of the air told Kit they were
in a larger space now.
k!” said Faith in an echoing voice.
“Ina vyaapak!”
Light blazed out from the tips of her fingers,
showing that they were standing in an enormous
cavern. The floor was mossy and the walls were
covered in shelves full of books. More books were
scattered on the mossy ground. Dogon flew over to
sniff them, swooping up and down, then flying up
high and doing a loop the loop.
“What happened here?” asked Kit. “Who threw
all those books on the ground?”
“Me,” said Faith. “But I didn’t throw them. I
planted them. This, Kit, is the beginning of a new
Book Wood.”
“It doesn’t look like a wood,” said Kit.

“Be patient,” said Faith. “The forest can’t begin
to grow until the dragon egg has been planted.”
“Where are we?” asked Josh.
Faith pointed upward with an elegantly nailed
finger. “We’re right below your school. This is where
we’re planting the egg.”
“But you said the egg had to be planted beneath
a library. We don’t have a school library,” said Kit.
“Yeah,” said Alita. “I spent ages helping my mom
campaign to get us one, so we can’t have one already.”
“Surprise!” said Faith. “The campaign worked!
You have a library just above our heads!”
Josh and Alita looked like all their Christmases
and Diwalis and birthdays had come at once. Even
Kit felt at least Easter-levels of pleased. Sure, she
didn’t want more books in her life. But magic,
beneath her school? That was worth something.
“I can’t believe the campaign worked!” said Alita
excitedly. “My mom didn’t say a thing!”
“She wanted it to be a surprise when you got to
school,” said Faith. “So tell her you were surprised,
all right?”

“I will look so surprised my eyes might almost fall
out of my head,” promised Alita. “She’ll be calling the
optometrist before I’ve finished being surprised!”
Faith chuckled. “Excellent! It should all be up
and running on the first day of school—the Wiz-
ards’ Council is sending a new librarian! Your mom
even persuaded the parent-teacher association to
help pay their salary. She might not be a wizard,
but that counts as magic in my book!”


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