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25 Original Adventures for Tiers 1-4


Credits Producer's Note
Narrative Designers: Alicia Furness, Alison Huang, Who would have thought a simple Tweet would kick-
Annabeth Lennon, Asa Wheatley, Awkward Bard, Bi- start an epic global project?
anca Bickford, Catherine Evans, Deirdre Donlon, Elise I certainly didn’t. In August 2018, I posted a ques-
Cretel, Emily Smith, Jessica L. Washburn, Jessica Mar- tion I had been thinking about for a while: wouldn’t a
crum, Jessica Ross, Judy Black, Johanna Taylor, Kat collection of mythology-themed one-shot adventures
Kruger, Kelly Dayton, Kristina Sisto Kindel, Luciella be cool? With creatures like medusas and harpies in
Elisabeth Scarlett, Lynne M. Meyer, Lysa Chen, Ma’at the Monster Manual, this felt like the right time for
Crook, Maryska Connolly, Masha Lepire, Mellanie a project that could put a new spin on these familiar
Black, Natalie Wallace stories.
Cover Art: Samantha Darcy Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition — and all fantasy,
Art Direction and Interior Layout: Ashley Warren really — is heavily influenced by a millennia’s worth
Original Interior Art: FlourescentWolf, Gwen Bassett, of mythology and folklore from around the world.
Hla Rosa, Jen Vaughn, Johanna Taylor, Kayla Cline, But I was eager for a different take. I was inspired by a
Liz Gist, Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett, Ma’at Crook, sculpture created by Luciano Garbati, which depicts a
Wouter Florusse, Sammy Ward, Samantha Darcy defiantly nude Medusa carrying a sword in one hand
Cartography: Annabeth Lennon, Catherine Evans, and the head of Perseus in the other. An immersive ta-
Dyson Logos, Elise Cretel, Emily Smith, Jessica Wash- bletop adventure seemed to be the perfect medium for
burn, Kristina Sisto Kindel, Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett, retelling Medusa’s story from a new perspective: hers.
Ma'at Crook, Natalie Wallace Apparently the RPG community thought so, too.
Editors: Dr. A. Kelly Lane, Alex C., Ashley Warren, The project quickly became so much bigger, and more
Brent Jans, Christopher Walz, Dani Roanoke, Hadeel meaningful, than I could have ever anticipated. Now
Al-Massari, Hannah Rose, Jeff Ellis, Jessica Washburn, you hold in your hands the first volume of this huge
Jessica Ross, Joe Nehmer, Liz Gist, Michael Haney, collaboration, featuring more than 100 writers, artists,
Stephanie Lee, TK Johnson playtesters, and editors. I am indebted to everyone
who believed in this idea and contributed to it in any
way. (Please view the acknowledgments in the back of
the book for a more comprehensive list.) On behalf of
the entire Uncaged community, we’re so proud of our
unapologetically fierce and feminist project. We hope
it changes your life the way that it’s changed ours.

Ashley Warren | Founder/Editor

Twitter: @ashleynhwarren

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon am-
persand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by Uncaged Anthology and published under the Commu-
nity Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

table of contents
Foreword & Introduction 4

Maid in Waterdeep 7 Galateya's Will 179
Cry of the Sea 15 Legend of the White Snake 187
From the Forest They Fled 23 Madness of the Valkyries 193
Lai of the Sea Hag 31 Ghastly Grins 201
The Weeping Woman 39
Lost Children, Found Family 47
A Wild Hunt 57
Death’s Agents 65
The Tale of Two Sphinxes 211
The Tale of Sepha and Adé 73
The Banshee’s Tail 81
Swamped 87 Appendices
The Demon’s Heart 95
Lost Gods 101 Appendix A: Featured Creatures 218
The Secret of Shadow Grove 109 Appendix B: Original Creatures 219
Appendix C: Maps for Players 220
Acknowledgments and Biographies 233
Shadows and Talons 123
The Guardians of the Forest 131
A Family Reunion 139
Maidens of the Weave 147
Appalling Morass 157
Heart of the Goddess 167
The Lauma 175

foreword introduction
remember the first time I read Beowulf as part elcome to Uncaged, an epic collection of adven-
of a college assignment. After the slew of Old tures spanning the multiverse. Each adventure
English epics we had just read I felt so jarred by features a creature from the world’s vault of
this one in particular. It wasn’t that I disliked it, mythology, folklore, fairytale, and legend —
I was just left with so many questions. The discussions including the beloved mythos of Dungeons & Dragons.
in class seemed to place Grendel and Beowulf front and Many of the creatures may be recognizable, although
center. This was unfortunate since, from my perspec- some are lesser-known monsters. We are excited to
tive, clearly the most fascinating character in the story illuminate these stories.
was Grendel’s mother. She was barely described in the
text at all, but her haunting story was all I could think
about when I was finished reading.
One of the first Dungeons & Dragons campaigns I
Volume Overview
Dungeon Masters will find adventures designed for
ever wrote was heavily inspired by her. I wanted to give every tier. The adventures are not connected, although
her a name; more importantly I wanted to give her a clever DMs are encouraged to find ways to weave the
voice. I knew going in she wasn’t going to be one of stories together to form a longer campaign. Regardless,
the good guys, but I wanted her to be a villain that my every adventure is designed to be a one-session module
adventurers thought about long after they defeated her that can be completed between 1 to 5 hours.
(if they could defeat her). The campaign never really
saw the light of day. The group I tried to run it with
fell apart shortly after it started. I still feel like one day
I’ll give her story the telling it deserves.
General notes
DMs will need the Dungeon Master's Guide (denoted
When I first heard about Uncaged I was thrilled as DMG) and the Monster Manual (denoted as MM)
by the concept. The first thing that flashed into my to run these adventures. Creatures/monsters that are
mind was my own little campaign from years ago. I bolded are found in the MM. Items that are italicized
was tickled pink by idea that there could be a veritable are found in the DMG. Stat blocks are included for
treasure trove of stories with grotesque, monstrous and new or reskinned creatures, as well as creatures found
horrifying women at the center of them. I was excited in books outside of the MM. See Appendices A and B,
because they wouldn’t just be monsters, they wouldn’t pgs. 218-219, for a list of creatures in this volume.
just be someone’s mother or someone’s lover… they Due to the nature of the anthology, some adven-
would have names and voices. More importantly, they tures are preceded with a relevant content warning.
would have their own stories to tell. Stories that didn’t We encourage you to set clear boundaries and expec-
revolve around the shiny knights we know and love so tations at your gaming table, ensuring that our hobby
well; but stories about the frightening but tortured soul remains inclusive and inviting to all.
that goes bump in the night. Most of the adventures in this anthology rely on
I’ve had the pleasure of running games for a variety “theater of the mind” and do not include maps. Blank
of talented players. So many of them have surprised player maps are found in Appendix C.
and delighted me with the unexpected and often fool-
ish things their characters do. Those players deserve to
meet their match with villains that are equally nuanced Text that appears in a box like this is meant
and profound. It's time to uncage your adventure. to be read aloud or paraphrased for the
Jasmine Bhullar
Actress, Relics and Rarities

Tier 1
Illustration by Hla Rosa

maid in waterdeep
by Bianca Bickford
Creature: Merfolk | Level: 1

and found both the noble and the bard sinking to the
SYNOPSIS sea floor. Making an impossible choice, Lily rushed the
Characters are ready to make their mark as adventur-
bard to the surface and carried her to the shore.
ers and travel to the City of Splendors to begin their
Lily watched from the safety of the water as the sur-
careers. Their first job in Waterdeep promises to be a
vivors were rescued and returned home. After a little
memorable one: a mermaid has hired them to rescue
time passed, Lily found her thoughts often returning
a kidnapped bard and bring justice to the witch who
to the bard and wondered about her fate. She con-
stole her voice.
fided in her sisters about the encounter. Shortly after,
her sisters excitedly returned with the news they had
gathered — that the bard lived in the Dock Ward of
Looking for a new start in the City of Splendors, char-
Lily went to the beach where she left the bard in
acters visit the famous Yawning Portal in the Castle
hope of seeing her, and saw a witch obscured by black
Ward of Waterdeep. They find a job board featuring a
robes and a hood walking on the sands. Optimistic,
poster that promises 10 gold per adventurer to find a
she described the woman to the witch and asked for
kidnapped woman, no previous experience required.
help in finding her. The witch knows the bard, named
The note says to meet in the tavern tonight an hour
Sanger, and offered legs to Lily to find her — but for
before sundown. The tavernkeeper, Durnan, points out
the price of a voice.
the table for the meeting, where several other adven-
Lily agreed to give her voice and the witch chuck-
turers have gathered. A beautiful human woman ap-
led. The witch straightened and said that he wasn’t
proaches the party with determination set on her face.
asking for Lily’s voice. He murmured a magical mes-
sage into his hands and Lily felt daggers in her tail as it
transformed into legs.
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND He revealed himself as Heks Vand, the noble who
The party has been hired by Lily, a young human
was on the caravel that hired Sanger. He saw the mer-
rogue and former mermaid from Thar Qualnaar.
maid save Sanger and was livid that she did not choose
A month ago, the mermaid Lily rose to the sur-
to save him since he was the most important person
face to watch one of the frequent party caravels in the
on the vessel. Even though he was rescued by a fish-
Great Harbor. She was entranced by the fireworks, but
ing boat a day later, he was taking his revenge for the
the voice of a young bard was more astounding than
suffered indignity. Having already kidnapped Sanger in
the lights. A red-haired human woman performed
retribution, Vand has ordered his men to cut out her
mesmerizing ballads to the delight of a noble — and
tongue as a sacrifice to his patron. He gloated to Lily
Lily. The bard sang about new love and whispered
that Sanger’s tongue was forfeit at the next full moon,
promises as an unexpected storm quickly rolled in. The
in two tenday’s time.
guests took cover inside the quarterdeck. Lily watched
Lily picked herself up off the beach after he left,
in horror as lightning struck the mast and split the
and decided to save Sanger no matter the cost. In des-
ship in half. As the boat sank, Lily frantically searched
peration Lily found she was good at picking pockets,

and through new connections, odd jobs, and gathered WHAT IS THAR QUALNAAR?
coin, she uncovered a lead on rescuing Sanger and Some Waterdavians know that merfolk are a part of
posted the flyer in the Yawning Portal. It is now two the city’s defenses, living in the Deep Harbor long be-
days until the full moon. fore Waterdeep was founded. In recent years, merfolk
work with the Lords of Waterdeep and are considered
Dramatis Personae a part of the City Guard if they patrol the waters and
help with attackers, sunken vessels, and spilled cargo.
• Lily: Formerly a merfolk and now a human spy. The merfolk city has a population close to 500 with a
• Sanger: A human bard. few sea elves in residence. It is located near Deepwater
• Heks Vand: A human noble (uses stats of a cult Isle within the Great Harbor.
fanatic). After Lily answers, read or paraphrase the following:
• Loper: A half-elf servant (commoner) to Heks
Vand. “You know my story,” she says and she looks
• Durnan: A human tavernkeeper and retired at each of you. “Now it’s time to see if there’s a
adventurer, owner of the Yawning Portal. happy ending.
“We’re looking for a man in this tavern by the
name of Loper. He works for Heks Vand and can
CHAPTER 1 — The Mermaid lead us to him, or to Sanger, if we can persuade
him. It doesn’t matter to me how we convince
It’s a cool afternoon in the city of Waterdeep. The sun
is starting to set as the party gathers in the Yawning him, but he’s the best lead I have.”
Portal. Durnan, the tavernkeeper, directs inquiries
about the job to a table near the fire. The party gathers; Lily describes Loper as he was described to her: a
prompt players to introduce their characters. half-elf with a sallow complexion, dirty blonde hair,
and wearing a blue sash around his neck.
As you look around at your fellow adventurers, A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check spots Loper
you see a raven-haired human woman with on the upper floor two levels above the party, deep
dusky skin walk toward the table with determi- in an earnest conversation with a blue dragonborn in
nation. “I’m glad you’re here for the job,” she wizard’s robes. If the party fails the Perception check,
says, cutting through any conversation. “10 Lily finds Loper after a few moments and quietly
gold each upon rescue of a dear friend of mine. points him out. She asks the party how they would like
My name is Lily. Do you have any questions to proceed.
before we get started? Time is short.”
The Servant
The characters may ask questions about her or the job Loper (CN half-elf commoner) is a middle-aged man
which is detailed in the Adventure Background. Any who often visits the Yawning Portal to escape the bor-
Wisdom (Insight) check about her background pass- ing routine of running Heks Vand’s households.
es, as Lily (CG human spy) is completely genuine. If If more than one party member approaches Loper,
specifically asked how she gathered the coin to pay the he gets nervous and immediately flees through a win-
party, she says it was from odd jobs. A successful DC dow; jump to The Servant’s Flight, pg. 9. If only one
16 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that Lily is embar- party member engages Loper in conversation, the blue
rassed that she pickpocketed most of the coin from dragonborn stands up and gestures for them to take his
nobles who won’t miss it. seat as he walks away.

The Servant’s Price The Servant’s information
Wary of being approached, Loper listens for about a Loper is reluctant to answer questions. His eyes flit
minute before he gets suspicious and flees. A DC 16 about as he gives in.
Charisma (Persuasion) check makes Loper comfort-
able enough to offer his information about Sanger at a “Look, just don’t say it was me, a’right? Heks’ll
price of 30 gold. He barters to 25 gold. If the charac- do worse than just kill me if he finds out.
ter refuses to pay, or attempts an Intimidation check, “He keeps a secret house, separate from his
Loper escapes out a window. If Loper is successfully manor, over in the Trades Ward, where he does
convinced, see The Servant’s Information. He leaves the his dirty work. Gotta keep it away from the
Yawning Portal immediately after the conversation fancy folk, y’know. He casts his rituals there and
concludes. it’s where he’s keeping that pretty red-headed
woman. Maybe you’ll get lucky and she’ll still
be alive when you get there.
The Servant’s Flight “Look for the blue house with the white shin-
If the party follows Loper, they find that he has gle roof at Drakiir Street, near The Way of the
climbed to the rooftop to run away. Have the pursuers Dragon. That’s the place.”
roll initiative to determine how the chase plays out. Loper smirks at you. “That’s all I know, so
The chase begins at Cook Street and Rainrun I’ll just be on my way now that you got what ya
Street. Loper is running to Hek’s secret house, located wanted.”
along The Way of the Dragon at Drakiir Street in the
Trades Ward three blocks east from the tavern. Lily
A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check draws attention
passively follows the chase but does not cause any
to the keyring on Loper’s belt with keys to Heks Vand’s
damage to Loper. Use the “Chases” mechanic in Chap-
ter 8 of the DMG with the “Rooftop Chase Complica-
tions” table in Chapter 4 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.
If captured, the party can press Loper for informa- The Servant’s Escape
tion. A successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) or If the party fails to capture Loper or kills him before
DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation) check, or a bribe of obtaining the address, Lily tells the party that she will
20 gp, loosens Loper’s tongue; proceed to The Servant’s meet them in the morning. When they regroup the
Information. next day, Lily has the address to the secret house. She
owes an unspecified favor to the Zhentarim and is
concerned about the debt.

Equipped with the house address, the party knows
where Sanger is held and plans their approach.

1. Kitchen 7. Ritual Room
2. Servant’s Room 8. Cell
3. Dining Hall 9. Cell
4. Library 10. Closet
5. Witch’s Workroom 11. Torture Room
6. Storage Room Blank player map is in Appendix C.

The Witch’s House

Map by Dyson Logos

proficiency in Abyssal (or a successful check at DC 20
CHAPTER 2 — The Witch without) indicates that many of the texts detail rituals
to show devotion to a demon.
The Witch’s House The large room down the hallway is a dining hall
The blue house with a white roof belonging to Heks (3) with a sitting area on the east side of the room.
Vand (CE human cult fanatic) is found easily enough. The furniture, while clean, looks like it has never been
It fits the same style as the surrounding buildings with used.
nothing standing out to attract attention.
The Witch’s work
The plain blue house stands among many The east hallway wraps around the building. The first
homes along the east-west road of Drakiir door to the west reveals a storage room (6), filled with
Street. Well-kept bushes and trees tastefully dried herbs and vials. A DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana)
decorate the quiet property. or Wisdom (Medicine) check hints that the ingredients
A stone pathway leads to the white double are used in poisons and spellcasting. A DC 12 Intelli-
doors that appears to be the main entrance, gence (Investigation) check reveals two daggers hidden
with a smaller path meeting a wood door to on a shelf.
the east. You can see a side entrance from the The connecting door leads into the witch’s work-
road that leads to another wooden door. All of room (5). Alchemy benches along with a 6½ foot table
the white-washed shutters on the windows are line this neatly organized room. A DC 14 Intelligence
closed. (Investigation) check of the longer table shows dried
blood and other liquids that have soaked into the
wood over time.
A DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals that
The southern door of the workroom leads into a
the front double doors are barred from the inside and
large library (4). It almost seems out of place compared
cannot be opened. Upon inspection, the shutters are
to the previous room; it has deep carpeting, a luscious
sealed shut and bar access through the windows. Both
reading chair, and a table with brandy and glassware
the door located to the east of the main doors and the
decorate the room. A large fireplace makes the room
door on the south side are locked. Traps on both doors
deceptively cozy. A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
can be detected with a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
check of the dry bar reveals two fine cigars (valued at 1
check and disarmed with a DC 10 Dexterity check us-
gp each).
ing thieves’ tools. If the disarm attempt fails, a needle
Exiting the west door of the library places the party
pierces the character’s hand and they take 1 piercing
in the foyer. The double doors have a large wooden
damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage. The doors can
beam barring them shut. The party can lift the bar to
be opened with a DC 12 Dexterity check using the
unlock the door with success on a DC 13 Strength
thieves’ tools or a DC 15 Strength check to force it
open. The keys from Loper unlock the doors without
The western door from the foyer leads to a simple
setting off the traps.
closet (10). Several hooded black robes hang on pegs
next to a pair of worn, blood-stained boots. A basin,
The Witch’s Manners filled with fresh water, sits atop a small table. A long
Both entrances lead to the southeast corner of the bench is pushed up against the wall.
house, an area that Heks maintains to keep up nor-
mal appearances when there are unexpected visitors.
The larger room to the southwest is the kitchen (1 on
map), and the room across the hall is a servant’s room
(2). Looking around the servant’s room at various
books and journals will identify the room as belonging
to Loper. A DC 16 Intelligence (History) check plus

When the party enters the large circular ritual room The Witch’s Revenge
(7) at the heart of the building, read the following: The room in the southwest of the house is locked
(11 on map). The door can be opened with a DC 12
You enter the large, lowlit circular room. A Dexterity check using the thieves’ tools or a DC 15
large sigil is painted on the floor, surrounded Strength check to force it open. Once the party opens
by manacles mounted to the walls. A wide eye the door, read the following.
centered in the middle of a pentagram stands
out in white paint with deep grooves gouged A nobleman in loose black robes sits on a
into the floor. Evenly spaced unlit candles velvet dining chair, flanked by two skeletons
complete the circle’s sinister implications. To standing in a guard position. He raises his
the west sits a dark cage. glass of wine to Lily as you enter the room.
“Honestly, I thought you’d be here days ago.
The dimly lit cell (8) is unlocked. When the party We’ve been so bored waiting for your arrival.”
investigates, they find it completely clean and empty He jerks his head behind him and you see
with no evidence of anyone recently imprisoned. A a beautiful redheaded woman chained to the
DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check confirms this is a wall. She yanks against the bonds and glares
summoning circle for a demon. at the man.
If the party made noise at any point upon entering “My apologies, where are my manners? My
the house, four skeletons come around the northwest name is Heks Vand, and you have all broken
corner into the ritual room and attack them. Lily can into my workshop.”
join the fight to aid in combat. A passive Perception He stands to give a mocking bow, picks
(DC 10) alerts them to the skeletons’ presence; other- up his quarterstaff from next to the chair, and
wise they begin the round surprised. continues. “Now that you’re here, sweet mer-
After the encounter, the party can explore down maid, you can join the sacrifice to my patron.
the west hallway. As the party approaches the next cell Money is simple to procure. Power is not. Your
(9), it is empty if they have defeated the skeletons. If legs came at the cost of Sanger’s voice, but the
not, the cell door opens as they approach and the four reward I will get for all of you will make my re-
skeletons attack. venge even sweeter. I’ll make sure to kill her first
so you can watch.”
SCALING THE BATTLE Lily draws her dagger and looks to you,
Add or remove the number of skeletons in the room then makes eye contact with Sanger. “On your
depending on the number of players. go,” she murmurs.

The party can question Heks about his motivations,

but he, along with the two skeletons, attack after one
or two questions.

If Heks and his guards are defeated, Lily releases Each character receives 10 gp for completing the story.
Sanger from her bindings.
Lily supports Sanger as the bard tries to stand Add the total XP of creatures defeated by the party,
and straighten out stiff muscles. “Um, hello,” then divide by the number of characters to determine
Lily says to her, sounding a bit insecure. individual rewards.
“I’m Lily. I’m sorry I got you into this mess,
but I’m not sorry to have met you. I will cherish Obstacle/Foe XP
the memory of hearing you sing aboard that Loper 10
caravel, and I am at your service.” Skeleton 50
Sanger smiles and wraps an arm around Heks Vand 250
Lily in a loose embrace.
Lily looks at you and grins for the first time NON-COMBAT REWARDS
since you’ve met her. “Thank you, all of you.
Let me get Sanger someplace safe and I’ll meet Task/Accomplishment XP per Character
you shortly at the Yawning Portal.” Did not kill Loper 10
Restored Sanger’s voice 50 to 100

Lily and Sanger do not immediately leave if the part

wishes to talk to them further or check Heks for
valuables. A DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check
finds a scroll of hellish rebuke folded up inside Heks’s
left boot. Author’s Notes
This module was influenced by The Little Mermaid
by Hans Christian Andersen, where I re-imagined a
happily ever after fierce and capable mermaid who refused to fade away.
At this point, Lily and Sanger can leave. They pay 10 Thank you to my sister Kelly Knox for her incredible
gp per party member later at the Yawning Portal. editing skills and my fiancé Cory Arnold for his ex-
However, if the party chooses to restore Sanger’s pert guidance (and making dinner when I was living
voice, reward each player with an additional 50 to 100 in Waterdeep). So much appreciation for Ashley
XP. There is no one way to accomplish this; reward Warren for writing inspo and creating the Uncaged
creativity at the table. anthology.

changing the adventure for younger about the author

players Bianca Bickford is a lifelong geek living deep in the
You can choose to use these optional adjustments for Heart of Texas. She can be found running around
players ages 9 to 12: the jungles of Chult or pulling off the biggest heist
• Sanger’s voice is magically removed, and her in Waterdavian history. Bianca DMs for friends and
tongue stays intact. one-shot adventures for girls ages 9 to 12 to introduce
• Instead of a human, use a sea hag in place of Heks. them to the imaginative world of Dungeons & Drag-
ons. Specializing in digital and content marketing,
Bianca works for a non-profit organization that moves
more women into leadership positions.

cry of the sea
by Alicia Furness
Creature: Siren | Level(s): 1-3 | CW: Sexism

SYNOPSIS chapter 1 — Canticle Bay

The town of Canticle Bay has long been dependent In this chapter, characters are introduced to Canticle
on ocean fishing for its economy, and as demand has Bay and given their mission.
grown, the town has increased its efforts to supply the
inland cities with the best seafood. Recently, however, Canticle Bay is a bustling port town. Warm
the men who go out on the boats haven’t been com- wind blows off the sea, moving the palm trees
ing back. A newly formed group of adventurers have and carrying the smell of fish and salt water
been sent by the guild to investigate the missing men. further into town. The houses are mostly
Where are they? Those that are still alive can be found white, with bright orange roofs. Carts of fish
in the watery depths amongst the Sirens sworn to pro- are pulled from the market by the sea to edge
tect the ocean. Faced with the truth, whose side will of town, to head off to the inland communi-
the party take? Cry of the Sea is designed for characters ties. At night, you can hear what sounds like
of levels 1-3. singing floating over the water and into the
bay. Locals call it "the cry of the sea."

ADVENTURE HOOK The party has been summoned to meet with the
Canticle Bay is a large harbour town, renowned for its
mayor, Hamish Grindle. He can be found at the
fisheries. The party could be adventurers for hire or lo-
government residence, a vast mansion overlooking the
cals who are trying to solve the mystery on their own.
sea. Grindle is a human man (noble) with delusions
of grandeur. Grindle’s main concern about the miss-
ing men is that they are needed to work and keep the
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND economy going. He is dismissive of the ‘emotional’
The people of Canticle Bay have always lived by a strict concerns of women whose family members are miss-
gendered division of labour. The missing men are hav- ing. He tells the group that when the fish started dis-
ing a significant impact on the economy, but in their appearing about 10 weeks ago, the men went further
place, young women have been stepping up and taking out to sea and started to disappear.
over more of the physical work.
Hamish offers the group a substantial reward (500
gp, with 250 gp up front) if they can figure out where
the men have gone and stop it from happening again.
Hamish directs them to the Shrivelled Barnacle, a
tavern popular with seafaring types right near the har-
bour, to find a ship and crew. If the group contains any
men, Hamish directs all of his commentary to them.
If the group is comprised solely of women, he treats
them dismissively, and it’s clear he believes they cannot
solve the problem but allows them to try anyway.

The Shrivelled Barnacle • His ship can withstand almost any monster the sea
When they arrive at the Shrivelled Barnacle, the char- has to offer.
acters interrupt an escalating argument. Two people • He’s heard rumour of survivors taking refuge on an
stand in the middle of the room, with the crowd island.
circled around them. One is Rax Vander (veteran), a • He will accompany them on their mission for 100
burly combative half orc, shaking a fist in her oppo- gp (halved if they stepped in to defend him during
nent’s face. The opponent is Yorin Handal (noble), a the argument).
weasley looking half-elf, dressed in fine clothes. Whomever the characters choose, the captain and their
They are arguing about whose ship is better. Rax crew escort the characters to their ship in the harbour,
shouts about her sailing prowess, and taunts Yorin for and plans are made to set out at dawn the next day.
the loss of two of his crew members last week. The
crowd heckles her, shouting that women aren’t made
to sail. Her two dwarven crew members (scouts) toss CHAPTER 2 — Travel to the islands
insults back at the crowd. Yorin brags of the speed In this chapter, characters can explore the sea and is-
and size of his ship, boasting that it’s the newest and lands around Canticle Bay by ship, while searching for
finest you can buy along the coast. His sizeable crew of the men and/or the beast(s) who took them
young men backs him up. The ease of exploring Canticle Bay depends on
If the characters don’t step in, the barkeep will which captain the group has hired. If they hired Rax,
eventually break up the argument. Rax, Yorin, and her small boat easily navigates in and around islands,
their respective crews move to opposite sides of the allowing the crew to come up nearly to the shore.
tavern, glaring at each other. If the characters do step However, it is more susceptible to bad weather or
in, the NPCs they defend thank them when the dust attacks by large sea monsters. If they hired Yorin, the
settles. If the characters divulge their mission, each boat easily withstands bad weather and deflects mon-
captain offers to accompany the group for a fee. sters, but it must be moored a significant distance
from the islands, making it more difficult to explore or
What Rax Knows make a hasty getaway if necessary. The weather on the
If the characters speak with Rax, she reveals the follow- sea can be unpredictable. If you would like to include
ing information: weather as a factor, refer to the weather table in Chap-
• She arrived in Canticle Bay to assist in finding the ter 5, "Adventure Environments" (DMG).
missing men, but everyone has refused to hire her. Environmental destruction and ocean collapse
• She has a small sloop-type ship (see "Keelboat from overfishing are easily seen while exploring the
Stats," Chapter 9, DMG) that she plans to use to area around the bay. Characters might see collapsing
explore the sea and islands around Canticle Bay. or dead coral reef, little to no fish or marine life, and
• She has been investigating the singing and knows limited birds.
the general area it comes from. While exploring the islands, a siren scout may in-
• She will accompany them on their mission for 40 vestigate (see the siren’s stat block on pg. 20). She can
gp (halved if they stepped in to defend her during lead the players in the right direction, or may use her
the argument). luring song to try and capture any men in the party.

What Yorin Knows

If the characters speak with Yorin, he reveals the fol-
lowing information:
• His father has outfitted him with the most ex-
pensive ship, a galleon type ship (see Chapter 9,
DMG), less than a year old, and the best crew
money can buy.

Island Exploration Dragon Turtle Island
Two islands are outlined below in more detail, but, if
the party wants to explore more, roll on the chart for You approach a small island, populated
things found on or near islands around Canticle Bay: mostly by shrubs and a ridge of jutting ‘rocks’
covered in lichen and barnacles.
D6 Canticle Bay Encounter
1 2d4 + 1 dolphins surround and swim This island is actually the back of an ancient dragon
with the boat, begging for food (see the turtle (with the following changes: speaks common
dolphin stat block on pg. 20). and draconic). The creature is easily identified if the
2 An island that is an inactive volcano. A players are underwater, however approaching by boat
band of monkeys (apes, each with 9 makes it impossible to identify. If the players land
HP) live on the island, and they on the island, a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
constantly try to steal things from the reveals a low pulsating thump and tremor, consistent
party. with a heartbeat. If the players moor their boat and
3 An island that is home to a sahuagin spend the night on the island, they wake up a signif-
priestess and her followers. They may icant distance away from their boat, as the dragon
try to recruit the party into their cult. turtle has floated overnight.
4 A corrupted island that is home to a If the characters identify the island as a dragon
lonely sea hag. She is grateful for turtle, they can get the following information on a
the visitors, and may try to trick them successful DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check:
into staying. • Her name is Ovra, and she has lived in the area
5 A mother plesiosaur aggressively around Canticle Bay for almost 1000 years
defends her two babies when the boat • She has little care for the war between the land
gets too close. dwellers and the Sirens, because she will outlive
6 A message in a bottle floats near the them all anyway.
boat or the shore of an island. The • She has remained hidden from the humans by
message contains a treasure map. hiding in plain sight.
Following the map leads to a child’s • She is aware of the location of a shipwreck that
toys buried in the sand (a bag of holds treasure, and can direct the players to it (see
marbles, strangely shaped rocks, and a Shipwreck Island below).
small wood carving of a ship). Ovra is disinclined to fight, and it should be tele-
graphed to the players that combat with her is a fool’s
errand. If pushed, she discharges one use of her steam
breath before diving deep into the ocean and swim-
ming away.

Shipwreck Island
This island is home to a forgotten shipwreck. The
island is large, and its most distinguishing feature is
the bow of the tattered ship, sticking up out of the
sand. The ship is massive, and the back half is actually
submerged under water.
If the characters explore the underwater part of
the shipwreck, it is home to 1d6 hunter sharks and
they discover enough cap(s) of water breathing for each
character. These caps can be used to access the nearby
underwater Siren city.

This island is the one rumoured to contain survi- The temple itself is a large pyramid-like structure,
vors. Succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check with a staircase leading to the top. It is covered in art
reveals humanoid footprints and evidence of a fire pit. depicting siren warriors defending the ocean from hu-
The men won’t be found, but there are strange marks man invaders. At the top of the temple is the entrance
in the sand that look as though bodies have been to a shaft leading deep into the temple (200 ft. deep),
dragged into the water. covered by vines and leaves.
This island also contains a waterfall, which hides The shaft has no ladder, but a DC 13 Strength
a secret passage. It can be identified with a successful (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) allows the char-
DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Per- acters to climb down using the holes from fallen or
ception) check. At the end of the passage, there are crumbling bricks. The shaft is very dark, and has many
three treasure chests. Each chest is locked, and marked long, stringy filaments like spider webbing hanging
with a symbol. One chest has a symbol of a potion throughout it. Characters who fall can attempt the
bottle (contains a potion of healing), one has a sym- check again to catch themselves, or they fall 25 ft.
bol of a dagger (contains a +1 dagger), and one has a before being caught in the webbing. Approximately
symbol of a scroll (contains a scroll of water breathing). halfway down the shaft is a large opening, like a small
Above the chests, a pictogram of a key is carved into cave. Without a light source, it is almost completely
the wall, along with the words “Sometimes to open undetectable. With a light source, it can be detected by
all you need is a knock. But return to dust, a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Per-
everything must. Choose carefully.” ception) check. Living in the hole is a cave fisher (see
The characters can reveal the key by knocking on stat block on pg. 21). If it goes undetected by players,
the pictogram. Doing so makes a brass key slide out it attempts to grab one of them as they climb down
from a small hole beneath the picture. A DC 12 Intel- the shaft. If confronted directly, the cave fisher retreats
ligence (Investigation) check reveals the hole. A DC into its hole to avoid a fight.
15 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that the key has At the bottom of the shaft there is a long tunnel.
magical runes lightly sculpted into it. The key fits into To the right, a wall is covered with a large mosaic of
each lock, but turns to dust after 1 use. After 1 chest a siren, brandishing a trident and surrounded by the
has been opened, the other two chests will also turn to bodies of dead men. As the players traverse the tunnel
dust. they find more mosaics depicting the siren way of life;
From this island, a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) protecting the ocean, befriending the creatures, grand
or Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a small parties and feasts. At the end of the tunnel is a large
island with what appears to be a temple in the distance watery hole, which is the entrance to the city.
surrounded by statues of sea creatures and sirens (this
is the entrance to the Siren city). The siren city is breathtaking. They have made
their home on the base of a sunken city, of
which only the top of the great temple remains
CHAPTER 3 — The Siren City peeking out of the water. The buildings have
In this chapter, players discover the Siren city, get been taken over by seaweed and coral, and
answers about what has happened to the missing men, many of the plants and creatures glow with a
and must choose a side. gorgeous bioluminescence. The city is teeming
The sirens are located around an island that houses with life, as sirens move through their daily
an old temple. This island, unlike the others, is still activities.
teeming with fish and ocean wildlife. Singing can be
heard coming from this island at night. The city can Siren City
be accessed through the top of the temple. Eventually, If characters enter the city through the hole without
players will need to breathe under water. Their previ- sneaking, they are immediately approached by two
ous island exploration should have provided them with merfolk guards. The guards are surprised that land
items they need to accomplish this. dwellers have made their way to the city. Any men in
the party are treated as suspect and taken into custody

to face the Siren Queen. Other characters are politely
invited to a meeting with the queen. If players taken
If the party allies with Aquila and the sirens, she offers
into custody try to escape, more armed Siren guards
them the opportunity to join her cause. She pro-
arrive to subdue them. Proceed to Meeting the Siren
vides them each with a common magic item from her
treasure trove, along with 500 gp. The party has made
If the characters succeed on a group DC 15 Dexter-
a powerful ally who will happily aid them in future
ity (Stealth) check, they enter the city without drawing
missions. If the party hired Rax, she continues to aid
immediate attention of the guards. This provides the
them in future adventures. If the party hired Yorin, he
opportunity to explore the city more before meeting
abandons them in the Siren city, and returns to Can-
the Siren Queen. The characters should be making
ticle Bay, threatening to reveal the Sirens unless he is
continuous group stealth checks while exploring. (On
a failed check, they are discovered by two merfolk
guards.) They might discover hostages, unique cul-
tural buildings, or more moderate sirens during their
If the party is taken hostage, they are threatened with
death by drowning. However, Aquila lets the party go
Meeting the Siren Queen if they agree to help her sacrifice another land dwelling
The party is escorted to a grand palace to meet the Si-
man. If the party is able to escape (either by making
ren Queen, Aquila. Aquila is a large imposing woman.
the deal or escaping back to the boat) and return to
Characters who studied the mosaic in the temple will
the city, Hamish is waiting to greet them. If the players
recognize her.
did not kill Aquila, he only pays them half of what he
Aquila is a siren, with the following change: she has
70 hit points. The Sirens have long been the protec-
tors of the ocean. Overfishing by the land dwellers
has caused ecological collapse in large parts of the sea
around Canticle Bay.
Regardless of which conclusion the characters
• Violence against the fishermen is retribution for
encounter, they earn 600 XP upon completion of
violence against the ocean.
the adventure.
• They lure they men with their songs and their
sexuality. They view the men as weak and simple
minded. The men’s disrespect of the ocean and of
women is seen as one and the same.
Aquila is eager to speak with the party, particularly if
they show interest in learning about the Sirens’ ways.
If the party is neutral or sympathetic towards her, she
speaks with them voluntarily. If party is hostile towards
her, she only reveals the following information on a
DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check:
• If the party is comprised entirely of women, or if
they seem sympathetic to the cause, Aquila at-
tempts to recruit them to her side.
• If the party agrees not to prevent the sirens from
continuing their work, she will ally herself with
them (see Conclusion A).
• If the party decides to honour their agreement
with the mayor, Aquila and her 4 Siren guards at-
tempt to take the party hostage, violently if neces-
sary (see Conclusion B).

Medium humanoid, lawful neutral

Armor Class 11
Hit points 38 (7d8 + 7)
Speed Swim 40 ft.


12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (0) 13 (+1) Dolphin
Medium beast, unaligned
Senses darkvision, passive
Perception 11 Armor Class 12
Languages Common Hit points 11 (2d8 +2)
Challenge 1 (200 xp) Speed 0 ft., Swim 60 ft.


14 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)
Multiattack. The Siren makes two attacks: one with its
claws and one with its trident.
Skills Perception +3
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive
target, Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) slashing damage Perception 13
Trident. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Languages --
one target, Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage (Versa- Challenge 1/8 (25 xp)
tile: Hit: 5 (1d8 +1))
Charge. If the dolphin moves at least 30 feet
Luring Song. The siren sings a magical melody. Every straight toward a target and then hits it with a slam
humanoid and giant within 300 feet of the siren that attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 3
can hear the song must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
saving throw or be charmed until the song ends. The
siren must take a bonus action on its subsequent turns Hold Breath. The dolphin can hold its breath for 20
to continue singing. It can stop singing at any time. minutes.
The song ends if the siren is incapacitated.
While charmed by the Siren, a target is incapac-
itated and ignores the songs of other sirens. If the
charmed target is more than 5 feet away from the Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
siren, the target must move on its turn toward the one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
siren by the most direct route, trying to get within 5
feet. It doesn't avoid opportunity attacks, but before
moving into damaging terrain, such as lava or a pit, and
whenever it takes damage from a source other than
the siren, the target can repeat the saving throw. A
charmed target can also repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns. If the saving throw is success-
ful, the effect ends on it.
A target that successfully saves is immune to this
siren's song for the next 24 hours.

Cave Fisher
Medium monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
Speed 20 ft., Climb 20 ft.


16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 10 (0) 3 (-4)

Skills Perception +2,

Stealth +5
Senses Blindsight 60 ft., passive
Perception 12
Languages --
Challenge 3 (700 xp)

Adhesive Filament. The cave fisher can use its action to Actions
extend a sticky filament up to 60 feet, and the filament
adheres to anything that touches it. A creature adhered Multiattack. The cave fisher makes two attacks with
to the filament is grappled by the cave fisher (escape DC its claws.
13), and ability checks made to escape this grapple have
disadvantage. The filament can be attacked (AC 15; 5 hit Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
points; immunity to poison and psychic damage), but a target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.
weapon that fails to sever it becomes stuck to it, requir-
ing an action and a successful DC 13 Strength check to Filament. One creature grappled by the cave fish-
pull free. Destroying the filament deals no damage to the er’s adhesive filament must make a DC 13 Strength
cave fisher, which can extrude a replacement filament on saving throw, provided that the target weighs 200
its next turn. pounds or less. On a failure, the target is pulled into
an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the cave fish-
Flammable Blood. If the cave fisher drops to half its hit er, and the cave fisher makes a claw attack against
points or fewer, it gains vulnerability to fire damage. it as a bonus action. Reeling up the target releases
anyone else who was attached to the filament. Until
Spider Climb. The cave fisher can climb difficult surfaces, the grapple ends on the target, the cave fisher can’t
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to extrude another filament.
make an ability check.

Author’s Notes About the author

This adventure was largely inspired by issues of Alicia grew up in rural Canada. She is passionate about
eco-feminism. Some scholars have argued that there is bringing new players into D&D, and using the game
a strong correlation between the treatment of women, to dig deep into social justice issues. She is a producer
and the treatment of the planet. This adventure seeks at Iron & Ice Productions, running multiple streaming
to get players thinking about that relationship. The TTRPG games. She can be found on Twitter
blatant misogyny exhibited on behalf of an NPC in @aliciafurness
this adventure does not condone that behavior, but
seeks to highlight its ignorance. I would like to thank
my playtesters, as well as Heather Panton, Ignacio
Santander-Alfonso, and Jordan Richer for their
detailed feedback.

Illustration by Gwendy Bee

from the forest they fled
by Alison Huang
Creature: Dryad | Level(s): 1-3 | CW: Forest fires

As she is a fey, the dryad has a true name that she

SYNOPSIS won’t reveal to anyone. If an adventurer asks her what
Ashvale is a simple village, full of people who live their
her name is, she says her name is Calypta.
simple lives without knowing anything about the world
outside their simple valley. But there is one thing that
they know: animals can sense danger. And, for the last
few days, animals have been running out of the woods.
chapter 1 — into the woods
Characters are hired to investigate and must venture A nondescript farming village, Ashvale would
into the forest. But the culprit, a dryad, may have a just be like any other settlement in this part
good reason for chasing all of those animals away. From of the world if not for the numerous animal
The Forest They Fled is intended for levels 1-3. tracks scattered all over the valleyside: deer
tracks, wolf tracks, even bear tracks. Though
their owners have clearly gone in different
adventure hook directions, they all originate from the forest...
The party may be adventurers traveling through the the same forest that you’ve been hired to
town, or they might have heard word from a enter, to figure out why all of these animals
neighboring town. have fled.
It’s the middle of the day. The sun is shin-
ing down, and the edge of the forest looms
Adventure background in front of you. Sooner or later, you’ll have to
Ashvale is a nondescript farming village located in the enter. Who will be the first to step in?
middle of a valley. It consists of a number of farmhous-
es, with one of them acting as a makeshift tavern of
sorts where farmers go to drink after a long day. Traversing through the Forest
The nearby forest, simply named Ashvale Forest, Though this is not a horror adventure, it is important
looks unremarkable at first sight, but it is actually to make sure the characters do feel cautious about the
home to a rare species of tree known as the Ash Gum. forest and what they might find within it. Keep char-
Ash Gums, like their real life equivalent Eucalyptus acters on their toes with the following suggestions.
Regnans, require fire to germinate their seeds.
It is healthy for Ash Gums to be exposed to fire • DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) Check: On a
every five years, but since Ashvale was established success, they hear a crashing sound in the distance.
fifty years ago, the villagers have prevented any fires It is a tree branch that fell. On a failure, they hear
from happening. The desperate trees have been silent- nothing.
ly pleading for help. A dryad recently arrived to aid • DC 12 Dexterity Saving Throw: On a success,
them. Using her ability to speak with beasts, she asked they notice the ground beneath them is unstable,
all of the animals to leave so that they won’t be harmed and move out of the way safely. On a failure, the
by the controlled fire she plans on causing. She intends ground beneath them falls 2 feet into an aban-
to extinguish the fire herself if it gets out of hand. doned burrow, and they are knocked prone.

• DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) Check: On a As they continue forward, tell the player with the
success, they don’t notice anything. On a failure, highest passive perception that they smell smoke in the
they feel something brushing against their leg. It isdistance, further into the forest.
a bush that they hadn’t realized was there. A DC 5 Wisdom (Survival) check is required to fig-
ure out the exact direction the smoke is coming from.
If no one succeeds on this check, tell the character
First Hour with the highest passive Perception that while they
Once the characters have started walking through the can’t see anything unusual up ahead, they do sense that
forest, immediately bring to their attention that it is something is watching them. Undetectable due to its
extremely quiet. Forest sounds that they would take for false appearance, a vine blight surprises and attacks
granted, like bird song, are missing. It is so quiet that the party.
the loudest sounds that they can hear are their foot- By the time the encounter finishes, the smoke in-
steps and their heartbeats (if they have one). creases to the point the direction is clear.
As they walk, encourage your characters to specu-
late on what they think has happened.
Despite the unnerving nature of the forest, the first Development
hour of travel is uneventful. When the characters have successfully tracked direc-
tion of the smoke, proceed to Chapter 2.
second hour
At the start of the second hour, ask the player with the
highest Wisdom (Survival) bonus to roll 1d4, or 2d4 if
CHAPTER 2 — Calypta
the party is at 3rd level. Their roll will determine what The smell of smoke grows and grows as you
random encounter the party will face. If the player move forward, until you can see it. It spills out
rolled 2d4, the random encounter includes the ene- between the trees before you like water. Boil-
mies from both results. ing water. Because there’s no mistaking that
the world in front of you has begun to burn.
D4 Encounters
1 Six crawling claws that are plants
instead of undead, and look like they’re How The Mighty Fall
made out of twigs One last obstacle separates the party from Calypta:
2 Four twig blights a large fallen tree. A successful DC 10 Intelligence
3 One vine blight and one needle blight (Investigation) check reveals that it was dragged to this
4 Two piercers that are plants instead of spot, but there are no clear tracks. Calypta ordered her
monstrosities, and look like tree vine blights to move it for her.
branches It is possible to simply bypass this obstacle by
walking around it. However, it is faster to climb over it
with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dex-
Third Hour terity (Acrobatics) check. A successful DC 20 Strength
If the characters want to have a short rest, tell them they (Athletics) check, or enough time and teamwork,
can do so while still moving forward, but they will have pushes the fallen tree out of the way.
disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks and
Initiative rolls for the duration.
Regardless if the party takes a short rest or not, ask
them each to make a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature)
check. On a success, tell them that they notice trees of
a different species than the ones they have seen so far. A
DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check is required to
recognize these trees as Ash Gums.

Through Smoke And Mirrors A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check gets
her to explain what she is doing. However, each failed
Through the smoke before you, you notice a check lowers this DC by 5 for subsequent attempts.
humanoid shape. As you watch, the shape If, after explaining herself, any party members ask
touches a tree next to them. In an instant, the if they can help her, she is flattered but declines their
bark underneath their hand bursts into flame. offer.
Satisfied, they move onto the next tree and
repeat. Fighting Calypta
During this encounter, it is important to note that
In a clearing beyond the fallen tree, Calypta is system- parts of the clearing are on fire. Depending on the
atically lighting Ash Gum trees on fire with druidcraft. level of your party, and how determined they are to
The clearing is circular, with a diameter of 50 feet. It is fight Calypta, you may consider having this fire come
full of smoke, which means Calypta is heavily ob- into play.
scured. The encounter starts with two fires. each fire filling
If the party attacks her before she notices them, a 5-foot cube. These fires are considered magical. A
proceed to the Fighting Calypta section. Otherwise, creature takes 1d4 damage when it moves into the fire’s
once she is aware that the party is there, she will cast space for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.
create or destroy water to dissipate the smoke. If Calypta attacks with Produce Flame and misses,
another fire will be created adjacent to the target.
Role-playing Calypta At initiative count 20, 1d4 fires are created adjacent
to existing fires. Calypta’s stat block is on page 28.
The smoke clears to reveal a feminine figure.
Tactics: Calypta will not immediately attack.
You’re not sure if the bark that covers her is
Instead, she will demand that the party leave.
armour, or merely her skin - either way, it ex-
After one round, she will begin using her Fey
trudes outwards from her head and shoulders
Charm action in order to try and force them to go.
into spikes. Between the wooden plates on
Only when it is clear to her that the party cannot
her face, her eyes glimmer like hot coals. Her
be persuaded will she attack. Calypta only attacks
fingertips glow, still slightly alight.
using produce flame.
“Tell me,” she says, her eyes narrowing.
Whenever possible, Calypta will use her bonus
“Why. Are. You. Here.”
action to Disengage and use her Tree Stride trait to
move to another part of the clearing or up into the
Calypta is compassionate — she heeded the plea of the tree branches. She is notably nonchalant about this, as
trees, and asked all of the animals to leave so that they she is not trying to run away. Instead she finds it quite
don’t get hurt. However, her kindness is not for the inconvenient that she is being attacked, and she would
benefit of humanoids or for civilization. rather not be in a position for the attacks to continue.
Although she is fundamentally kind, she is also Letting Calypta die is an unfavourable outcome!
ruthless and distrustful. While she won’t hurt the If characters are still insistent on fighting her, even
party, except as a last resort, she won’t act gently either. if she is not fighting back, chase them away from
She demands to know why they are there. She firmly the clearing with the fire.
tells them to leave before they get caught in the fire.
She bluntly states that her task is none of the party’s
business. Development
Her demeanor should be hostile enough that some When the characters have left Calypta and the clearing
parties will see her as someone who is unable to be behind, and are leaving the forest, proceed to Chapter 3.
reasoned with and attack her. At the same time, she
should be approachable enough that continuing to talk
with her doesn’t seem like a lost cause.

rified and ask why the party did not stop her. Regard-
CHAPTER 3 — Fire, Fire less of how assuring their answer is, the party is paid
By the time the party has left the clearing, they have
100 gp, and the villagers go and make preparations to
either distracted Calypta long enough that she hasn’t
evacuate Ashvale. The party is not given a place to stay
been keeping a watchful eye on the fire, or they have
for the night.
caused Calypta to further amplify it. Either way, they
• If the party does not mention running away from
need to get out of the forest. If your party did not pre-
Calypta, the party is paid 100gp, and shown to warm
viously push the fallen tree to the side, they can either
beds for the night. In the middle of the night, the
succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
party is awoken by the sound of heavy rain. Any player
(Acrobatics) check to climb over it, or take the slower
that chooses to investigate will discover that it is rain-
but surer option of walking around the fallen tree.
ing on the edge of Ashvale and over Ashvale Forest. A
Any player who fails their Strength (Athletics) or
successful DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) reveals that this
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, or opts to walk around
is most likely the result of the create or destroy water
the tree, must succeed at a DC 10 Dexterity saving
throw or take 1d6 fire damage. If the party fought
• If the villagers of Ashvale were preparing to leave,
Calypta, this DC increases to DC 15.
this rain will put them at ease. However, in the morn-
ing they will encourage the party to go back into the
Out Of The Fire forest to kill Calypta. She has already left.
Once the party has passed the fallen tree, they are able • If the party left the clearing peacefully, Calypta
to move forward without the danger of being caught will approach them once they have left Ashvale.
on fire. While the flames chase behind them, the gap
quickly widens. Once you have left Ashvale behind, you notice
a figure standing by the road looking in your
direction. A fae perhaps? Or a summer eladrin?
Development As you approach, you notice her
Once the characters are out of danger, proceed to the
burning eyes. They seem familiar. When she
speaks you recognise her instantly as the dryad
you met in the forest.
CONCLUSIOn “For not interfering with my affairs,” she says,
holding a hand out to you. A piece of amber
You make your way out of the forest without glistens in the center of her palm, surrounded
any further problems. By the time you return by cord.
to Ashvale, the sun has already set. As soon as the amulet is taken from her, she
One of the villagers notices your approach, vanishes, leaving behind a faint smell of fire.
and excitedly yells, “They’re returned!” Almost
immediately, all of the doors to the houses She gives the party a Summer Fey’s Blessing (see
open and the rest of the villagers rush out. Rewards).
They bring you into the house that serves as
Ashvale’s watering hole. Drinks and food are
shoved into your hands.
It is only then that they ask what happened.

Regardless of what happened in Ashvale Forest, the vil-

lagers are grateful for the party’s assistance, and eagerly
listen to their tale.
If the party mentions running away from Calypta
and leaving the forest to burn, the villagers will be ter-

Characters who complete this adventure may
earn the following rewards:

Add the total XP of creatures defeated by the
party, then divide by the number of characters
to determine individual rewards.

Obstacle XP
Crawling Claw 10
Twig Blight 25
Vine Blight 100
Needle Blight 50
Piercer 100
Moving the fallen tree 20 per person
Reaching the clearing 100 per person
Conversing with Calypta 200 per person


Item Value
Ashvale’s Reward 100 gp

Summer Fey’s Blessing

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This amber amulet softly glows with a warm
light, and smells like a campfire. While you are
wearing it, you gain the following benefits: You
can use the amulet as a spellcasting focus. You
have resistance to fire damage, and you don’t
suffer the effects of extreme heat, as described
in the Dungeon Masters Guide. Whenever you
make a Charisma check when interacting with
fey, you have advantage on the check.

Medium fey, neutral good

Armor Class 16 (permanent barkskin)

Hit Points 40 (5d8)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (0) 12 (+1) 11 (0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)

Skills Acrobatics +3,

Perception +2
Damage Resistences fire, bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical
Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
Perception 14
Languages Common, Sylvan
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. Calypta’s innate spellcasting Actions

ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with
spell attacks). Calypta can innately cast the following Fey Charm. Calypta targets one humanoid or
spells, requiring no material components: beast that she can see within 30 feet of her. If
the target can see Calypta, it must succeed on
At will: druidcraft, produce flame a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be magically
3/day each: entangle, goodberry, create or charmed. The charmed creature regards Calyp-
destroy water ta as a trusted friend to be heeded and protect-
1/day each: barkskin, pass without trace ed. Although the target isn’t under Calypta’s
control, it takes Calypta’s requests or actions in
Magic Resistance. Calypta has advantage on Saving the most favorable way it can.
Throws against Spells and other magical effects. Each time Calypta or her allies do anything
harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving
Nimble Escape. Calypta can take the Disengage or throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Hide action as a bonus action on each of her turns. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until
Calypta dies, is on a different plane of existence
Speak with Beasts and Plants. Calypta can from the target, or ends the effect as a bonus
communicate with Beasts and Plants as if they action. If a target’s saving throw is successful,
shared a language. the target is immune to Calypta’s Fey Charm
for the next 24 hours.
Tree Stride. Once on her turn, Calypta can use 10 Calypta can have no more than one human-
feet of her movement to step magically into one liv- oid and up to three beasts charmed at a time.
ing tree within her reach and emerge from a second
living tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing
in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second
tree. Both trees must be large or bigger.

Strength doesn’t have to be physical strength. It
Author’s Notes doesn’t have to be contrary to compassion, to being
When we imagine strong female characters, it’s easy
open emotionally. It doesn’t have to be pretty.
to think of characters that are physically strong. But
just conferring traditionally masculine qualities im-
plies that traditionally feminine qualities are weak.
Just making female characters physically strong doesn’t
About the Author
Alison Huang, who lives in Australia, has a deep love
actually change much.
for narrative, especially non-violent and queer nar-
Think about the Tarot Card, Strength. It depicts
ratives. She usually expresses this through works of
a maiden and a lion. The lion is strong because of all
interactive fiction, which can be found at Drazillion.
those traditionally masculine values. Physical strength, Her Twitter handle is @Drazillion.
ferocity, and so forth. But the maiden is strong as well.
It is her kindness and her inner strength that allows
her to stroke the lion without fear.
Or consider Medea, from the play of the same
name. Though it pains her, though she wishes it didn’t
have to be that way, she has the conviction to hurt
even her own children, as revenge for her husband’s
callous decision to replace her with a more socially
acceptable bride.

Illustration by Purple Art Games

lai of the sea hag by Maryśka Connolly
Creature(s): Hags | Level(s): 2-3

SYNOPSIS Dramatis Personae

The busy port city of Jute’s Landing is built into the
white cliffs of a deep, protected harbor. It is an im- • Evanore Vandrum: A sea hag who escaped the
portant trade stop for many ships and merchants, but slaughter of her coven and has lived under an illu-
this was not always so. Long ago this quiet harbor was sion as an elven woman in the city for many years
home to a coven of hags. Jute Windbrow killed two of with the descendants of Dasha Reuter helping her.
the three when he and his crew claimed the harbor for Hearing her story twisted every day by the resi-
themselves. Evanore, the surviving hag, has lived for dents of the city deeply hurts and angers her. She
more than 100 years in disguise while the city grew up has grown impatient, especially since the current
around her. The legend of the heroic Jute Windbrow Reuter lord wants to sever their association.
defeating the wicked monsters has grown as great as • Remi “The Falcon” Falco: Remi would rather
her bitterness and desire for vengeance. talk than fight. She’s a woman who has worked
Lai of the Sea Hag is an adventure for 4-5 level 2 hard to get where she is at the head of the Dock
characters, but can still be enjoyable, though less of a Rats.
challenge, for a party of level 3 characters. • Merrick Stonehammer: A middle-aged dwarf
who is proprietor of the Sunken Alehouse. He
offers lodging to the characters in exchange for
their help.
Breetina Gearheart: An absent-minded
Characters arrive in the city by ship, though their
reason for being there can vary. The party may have gnomish engineer in charge of the city waterworks.
been hired to investigate criminal activity, agreed to • Gerwin Reuter: A noble whose family has been
offer protection to a ship traversing dangerous waters, allied with the sea hag Evanore since his ancestor
or someone could have a connection to an NPCs and Dasha Reuter (companion of Jute Windbrow)
have been invited. took pity on her and helped her hide among the
humanoid residents of the newly founded city.
Gerwin is unaware of her true nature. He is served
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND by two orc butlers that he has raised from children.
The characters enter this busy seaside port of Jute’s
Landing after a long voyage to find a street play in
progress in the dockside market. While watching, they
are pickpocketed and must embark on an adventure
that leads them to one of the hags in hiding.

CHAPTER 1 — Fresh off the Boat On a failed roll:
As the halfling approaches you reach down to
The oak gangplank creaks gently as you make retrieve a coin or two from your pouch only
your way, blinking in the mid-afternoon sun, to find it gone. At that moment, you realize
down from the deck of the Far Horizon. Even that several other people in the audience are
for those of you accustomed to ocean travel, making a similar discovery and are not happy
this voyage has been a rough one. Storms about it.
harried your route, forcing adjustments to nav- (See A Criminal Happening.)
igation that significantly lengthened the voyage Note: The party may split here with some follow-
and requiring non-essential crew and passen- ing the thief and some questioning other victims.
gers to remain below deck where they would be
safe from the punishing winds and rain.
Before you rises the port city of Jute’s Land- A Criminal Happening
ing. A large town straddling a deep, sheltered If the characters ask around, they discover that several
bay that makes it an important trading stop. As other audience members are also victims of the pick-
you and the other passengers make your way pockets. The following people should engage with the
down the dock, you begin to hear the unmis- party:
takable sound of a busy market just ahead. The • Merrick Stonehammer (dwarven proprietor,
narrow road from the harbor happens to lead in commoner, of the Sunken Alehouse): he offers
this direction so you let the reassuring sounds the party lodging and food in exchange for their
of merchants and street vendors guide you. retrieving the 200 gp he had in his purse that was
intended to buy ale for his business.
• Breetina Gearheart (gnomish engineer, com-
The party finds themselves caught up in an enthusias- moner): the thieves have taken her key to the City
tic crowd watching a street play that tells the story of Waterworks. She expresses distress that someone
the founding of the city of Jute’s Landing when Jute might gain access to the drinking supply and offers
Windbrow and his crew defeated the sea hags that a cash reward of 150 gp for their help and discre-
inhabited the harbor. The crowd cheers mightily as the tion, and an extra 50 gp if they get the key back
hags – actors in green body paint, wrapped in green before sunset tomorrow.
ribbons – fall one-by-one in combat with Captain • None of the performers were robbed but were not
Windbrow. As the last hag flees, the crowd applauds. A involved. Performers include: Selwin (elf; leader);
colorfully dressed halfling performer begins to collect Yan, Olva, Quintin (halfling); Winnie (halfling;
donations. Quintin’s wife); and Soren. (Note: these NPCs all
Have the entire party make a perception have the stats of a commoner.)
check (DC 18). Questioning the audience members reveals that the
thieves guild, the Dock Rats, are the likely culprits. They
If a party member succeeds are rumored to have a safehouse located in warehouse
district. If asked, someone can draw a rough map.
You feel something brush against you and
glance down to see a small child bump into
your side. He appears startled. Before you can Catching Jost
speak — to apologize or admonish him — he No matter how many succeed, they lose all but one
dashes off into the crowd child in the crowd. He flees into an ally and hides in
an ash pit for an unused chimney. On a DC 12 Inves-
(See Catching Jost.)
tigation/Perception check, the party notices the small
hatch and finds him squeezed inside. Jost bursts into
tears and admits to taking the money and key but has
already passed the loot off to another child.

He’s heard the Dock Rat’s lair can be entered Entering the Falcon’s Nest
through an abandoned warehouse. If pressed for more
information, he insists he’s too low in the ranks to There are brackets on the walls for torches, but
know anything else. none are lit. The steps are evenly spaced and
only slightly worn. The spiral stair emerges into
a hallway that extends for 75 ft. Ahead you can
Development make out a faint light and two shapes leaning
Breetina Gearheart hears the commotion and follow against the walls facing each other.
the party in their search for Jost if she’s not already
engaged talking to a PC (see A Criminal Happening). Unless the characters are loud coming down the stairs,
the guards don’t immediately notice their arrival.

CHAPTER 2 — Meet the Dock Rats The guards at the gate

You follow the directions and easily find the The guards (bandits named Ambert and Don) are
deserted warehouse. It’s the only one on the lounging against the walls on either side of the door-
street that doesn’t have workers bustling way at the end of the hall. Characters may attempt to
around outside and carts coming and going. intimidate or persuade (DC 15 Charisma) the guards
into taking them to see the Falcon.
Thieves Cant on the back door depicts symbols for
“keep out,” “property,” and “rats.” Characters can enter If they fight: On the guards they find a key that
from either the front or back door on a lockpicking opens the door and a letter to Ambert’s love interest.
check (DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)) or by It’s largely illegible, but a clear phrase printed in the
forcing the door (DC 12 Strength). The warehouse margin reads, “I drink. I die. I eat. I thrive.”
contains trash and an office with an empty desk.
The Falcon
Wisdom (Investigation) OR (Perception) DC 15:
Some dirt in front of the desk has been scrapped like A long table with benches takes up most of
it has recently been moved. Under the desk is a clear the center of the room. On the walls are hooks
outline of a trap door. holding cloaks, a straw hat, and bundled herbs.
Shelves hold bottles of ale. There’s a pair of
Trap: A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) discovers a fine muddy boots by door. There are two doors on
wire attached to the handle that releases a dart from the right and one across from the entrance.
the wall when lifted or jolted; a DC 15 Dexterity suc-
cessfully disarms it. • If escorted by the guards, Ambert and Don:
If characters don’t disarm the trap, the character The players are taken to the door directly across
lifting the door makes a DC 15 Dexterity save or takes from the entrance, where a flame wall springs up,
1d4+1 piercing damage. barring the door. One of them speaks a pass phrase
to dispel it (“I drink. I die. I eat. I thrive”).
The trap door swings open and rests against • If they explore without the guards:
the desk as if it had been designed to do just First door on the right: The characters find a
that. Stone steps descends into the darkness small kitchen full of cooking supplies and assorted
below you. foodstuff. A small box hidden behind a basket of
beets contains 12 gp and 52 sp.
Second door on the right: A large room with
a dozen beds and trunks containing personal
items. One of the trunks has “I drink. I die. I eat.

I thrive” written in chalk on the inside of the lid.
A search yields 14 gp and 10 sp, a jade hair comb,
Chapter 3 – Noble is as noble does
and a map with the Reuter Manor marked. The Reuter estate is not as impressive as others
Door across from the entrance: When they touch on the street. The wrought iron fence along the
the door a wall of fire appears. Any party member front is rusting, and the gate is missing.
who touches it takes 1d4 fire damage every round
they remain in contact. Water doesn’t put it out. • If they knock: An orc in an embroidered waistcoat
The door doesn’t burn. The phrase “I drink. I die. I answers and agree to let them speak to his master.
eat. I thrive” dispels the flames. It’s locked (DC 12 He brings the party to Gerwin Rueter. Another orc
Dexterity) or can be forced (DC 12 Strength). is pouring Gerwin’s wine.
• If the party attacks or breaks in: The two guards
(orcs) and Gerwin (noble) respond to the attack.
Audience with the Falcon
The door opens into a room with a single Gerwin’s Behavior and Motivations:
carved chair in the center on a dais. An image Gerwin locks himself in the closest room when threat-
of a soaring falcon is woven into a massive ened. The orcs fight to protect him. Gerwin surrenders
tapestry on the wall behind the chair. In the if one of the orcs are harmed.
chair is a dark-haired man in glasses. Gerwin is a coward and quickly confesses ev-
erything (DC 10 Charisma). Evanore took his son,
He claims to be the Falcon, although a Wisdom (In- San’s, spirit when he tried to end their relationship.
sight) (DC 15) reveals otherwise. He’ll refuse to talk The Rueter family has been involved with Vandrums
about any of his “business ventures” and demand they since his ancestor, Dasha Reuter, came here with Jute
leave. Windbrow. Gerwin does not realize that the Vandrum
• If the character are not hostile toward the “family” has always been the same women who just
NPCs: Remi “the Falcon” Falco steps out from changes her appearance every few years.
behind the tapestry after a few minutes and intro- Although San died from an illness, Gerwin claims
duces herself. She’ll share that she was hired to steal Evanore killed him to convince the party to help rid
the waterworks key and is concerned that her client, him of her. Evanore does have his spirit, and the rest is
Gerwin Reuter, might have something nefarious in true.
mind. She’ll offer 50gp each to get it back discreetly. Gerwin gives the party a cap of water breathing
• If characters are hostile toward the NPCs: (DMG) if the characters promise to kill Evanore. If the
• The Falcon and her bodyguards attack from an characters kill him instead, the cap can be found on his
alcove behind the tapestry (see creature stats on pg. body. A letter in his desk begs Evanore to release his
36). Her bodyguards, Blade and Nettie, have the son’s spirit so he can be at peace. Either Gerwin or a
stats of a bandit. random townsperson can direct them to the Vandrum
• Loot: 48 gp and a letter signed “G. Reuter” prom- Estate.
ising the second half of the payment upon delivery
of the “item.”
CHAPTER 4 — Lai of the Sea Hag
The Vandrum Estate looms before you, large
and impressive. A steel portcullis stands open
at the entrance to a stone courtyard with a
large fountain.

As the party enters, the portcullis slams shut behind Evanore Vandrum
them and two kuo-toa emerge from the fountain.
• Tactics: The party eventually face six kuo-toa A sunken rectangular pool of water dominates
who attempt to surround them. the room, with pillars at each corner. Standing
• Loot: The leader is wearing a golden circlet with beside the pool is Evanore Vandrum, a slen-
the words “Be thee not afraid” engraved in elvish der elven woman wearing a seafoam green
on the inside (see Circlet of Courage). gown. She calmly turns to you as you enter.
[If the worg puppy is present] The strange
little dog breaks away and runs to the woman.
Gaining entry She reaches down absently to scratch its ear.
The front door requires DC 25 strength check to
force inward. There’s no visible locking mechanism.
There’s a door on the balcony (unlocked) and several If the party is respectful, Evanore reveals that she was
second-floor windows; a Dexterity (Athletics) can be one of the three hags in the coven Jute Windbrow de-
made with advantage if assisted. Investigating (DC 10 feated. Evanore often considered punishing the people
Wisdom) the exterior reveals a trellis under one win- responsible but her friendship with Dasha Reuter’s
dow that can be easily climbed. family stayed her hand. Between Gerwin’s betrayal of
If they explore the fountain, they find an underwa- that trust and the increasing viciousness of the stories,
ter tunnel with alcoves containing seaweed beds, cages she’s lost patience. The popularity of the play was the
of fish, assorted clothing, two rusty spears, and shell final straw. She intends to poison the water supply.
jewelry worth 10 gp. Evanore is angry, but more so hurt and betrayed. If
Inside, the party finds an estate with vaulted ceil- the characters offer a convincing argument for preserv-
ings and marble floors but little furniture or decora- ing the city or propose a plan to improve her situation,
tions aside from a large, underwater scene painted in she accepts it, return the key, and release San’s spirit.
the main hall. The kitchen contains wine, salted fish,
cheese, and bread. A search reveals only two other lo- Possible resolutions include but are not limited to:
cations of note: an upstairs bedroom and a secret door • Finding her another home.
leading to the basement. • Appealing to her affection for the previous Reuters.
• Retelling her story using either the theater company
The upstairs bedroom: or the thieves guild (depending on the party’s relation-
ship with those entities). Be open to creative sugges-
Unlike the other rooms in the manor, this con- tions from the players.
tains some sign of being lived in. A four-post-
er bed dominates the room. There are two If they fail, she takes on her true form and attacks.
bowls near the wall. One contains water. Unless wearing the Circlet of Courage or averting their
gaze, each party member should make a fright check
If the party investigates, they find a worg puppy per the “Horrific Appearance” trait (see Evanore’s stat
under the bed. The party can lure it out with speak block on pg. 37).
with animals, an offering of food, or a Nature (Animal
Handling) check (DC 10). The puppy takes them to Tactics: Evanore will not be reasoned with once she
Evanore (via the secret door). has decided that the party members are enemies. She
The secret door can be discovered without the won’t hurt the worg, Percy, or attack anyone near him.
worg’s help if the characters pass a DC 15 Wisdom
(Investigation) OR (Perception).

Upon Evanore’s death (if this occurs):

As the sea hag collapses to the ground, she

Remi "The Falcon" Falco
seems to shrivel and desiccate before your Medium humanoid, true neutral
eyes. In moments all that’s left is a dried husk
that hardly resembles anything that once Armor Class 14 (leather)
lived. Amid the remains you catch sight of a Hit points 27
glint that could only be one thing: Breetina’s Speed 30 ft.
key. Your heart swells with sudden dread...
were you too late? STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1)
Loot: There is a chest found 5-feet-deep in the pool.
It contains four jars of potent poison and a swirling Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +4
blue mist in a bottle (San, Gerwin’s son). Opening the Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +2,
bottle releases his spirit, allowing him to finally rest. Intimidation +5, Stealth _5
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Dwarvish,
Elvish, Halfling
Characters who complete this adventure may earn the
following rewards: Actions
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
XP REWARDS one target. Hit: (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.
XP should can be given for successful resolution and
friendship, not just defeats. Dagger. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Obstacle XP
Dock Rats guards 25 each
Features and Traits
(Don and Ambert) Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Remi can deal extra
Remi Falco 250 1d6 piercing damage to one creature if an ally is
Remi’s bodyguards 25 each within 5 ft. of the target.
(Blade and Nettie)
Gerwin Reuter 25 Cunning Action. Once per turn, Remi can use a bo-
Orc 100 each nus action to dash, disengage, or attempt to hide.
Kuo-toa 50 each
Commoner 10 each
Worg puppy 75
Evanore 450 Circlet of Courage
(elder sea hag) Rare, Requires attunement
Flaming door puzzle 100 A gold circlet with elvish script that reads: be thee not
afraid. Renders the wearer immune to frighten and
TREASURE REWARDS fear effects.
(Note that the key can only be returned to one person)
Item Value Cap of Water Breathing
Return the key to 150 gp (+50 gp for Dungeon Masters Guide, pg. 157.
Beertina Gearheart completing in 1 day)
Return the key to
Remi Falco 50 gp each

Percy (worg puppy) Evanore Valdrum
Medium monstrosity, neutral evil
(Elder Sea Hag)
Medium fey, chaotic evil
Armor Class 10 (natural armor)
Hit points 15
Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft. Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit points 105
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft.
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (0) 10 (0)
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (0) 10 (0)
Skills Perception +2
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 12 Additional traits found under sea hag (MM).

Additional traits found under adult worg (MM).

Author’s Notes About the Author

The idea for this adventure arose from a conversation Maryśka Connolly is a writer, librarian, and game de-
about the erasure of women’s stories and perspectives signer in central Virginia. She spends much of her time
in history. The character of Jute Windbrow embodies designing escape rooms, hosting murder mysteries,
men such as Christopher Columbus who are portrayed and running D&D campaigns for college students and
as heroes but often built their reputation on the backs friends. You can follower her on Facebook
of disenfranchised peoples. Evanore Vandrum, the @queenofthegoblins and on Twitter
namesake sea hag of this story, is a tragic figure in that @maryskaconnolly.
everything has been taken from her, even her dignity
and her story. Her rage is all too sympathetic.

Art by Schmidsi

the weeping woman by Kristina Sisto Kindel
Creature(s): Banshee | Level: 2
CW: Domestic violence, suicide, infanticide


This is a reclamation of the classic Mexican horror Looming dark on the opposite side of the newly
story designed to keep young adventurers wary of flowing riverbed, an old forest rises into the sky. A
their curfews, La Llorona. In this tale, adventurers will few stones stick out and form a path across the lightly
face perilous encounters with beings that lurk in the trickling river. A path passes through the town square.
shadows, and uncover what might have happened to No one is willing to hold a long conversation, and the
drive a woman long ago to transform into a nightmar- party gets the sense that the whole town is afraid of
ish legend. The Weeping Woman is designed for level 2 something that they are unwilling to discuss. The path
characters. to the old riverbed is well worn, but overgrowth is
beginning to take over. Mud splatters on stones cross-
ing the slow trickle of the old river lead into the dark
ADVENTURE HOOK forest. There are a few stone stacks on the other side
The town you are staying in has been on high alert of the water, and a small shovel and bucket. This is a
since a broken dam upstream routed a fork of the river place where children play. A deer trail leads into the
through a long dried-up bed. You hear from the bar- woods. A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) overhears the
tender at the local tavern that a pair of tiefling children following bits of conversation:
have gone missing. They had been out late at night,
playing by the riverbed, and have not been seen for a “That old riverbed is where all the trouble
full day now. Their parents, Marna and Rik, have of- started. Back when I was young, there was this
fered a reward of 150 gold for their safe return. So far, old tale of a witch who wandered the bank,
no one in the town has ventured into the woods across searching for her children that she drowned
the old riverbed, stating that an old curse had returned long ago when she saw her man with another
with the water. woman. They say she can’t cross to the oth-
er side without them. She done killed them
though, seems to me that she has no business
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND crossing over at all!”
This adventure is based on the Mexican horror legend
of La Llorona, the woman who searches the earth for “Have you heard it? The crying? I heard it
her children who drowned in the river. She lures cur- once, when I was a child. I never thought I
few-breaking children into the water and leads them to would have to hear it again… chills me to the
their deaths. There are many different iterations of the bone, it does.”
story, and the players will be given multiple story op-
tions throughout the adventure. The adventure is not
designed to have a right or wrong version of the story,
but your players might discover more about themselves
the more stories they hear about the monster, and
what they choose to believe.

The Old Hut As you hold the ring in your hands inside the hut, your
party members see your eyes roll back into your head as
The ruin of an old home stands crumbling in a glade
you begin to sob, heavy cries that shake your body to the
of overgrowth. The door is covered in winding vines earthen floor. Before your eyes, like a vision, you see a
of ivy and moss crawls up onto the lower stones of the dark haired woman, young in years, clad all in white.
hut. A candle burns low in the single window. A faint The vision flashes forward to the hut you are in. You see
sob comes from the house, and the door is ajar, with the same woman, embracing a young man as he leaves for
a wide beam that has fallen off the roof covering the the day, the rising sun painting the sky a dark red, their
entry. two children playing in the hut behind them. Flashing
• Inside the hut. The beam is rotting and falls forward more, you see the woman bent in grief over an
apart when interacted with. Three beds, one large, empty double bed, ripping a letter to shreds. Flashing for-
ward a final time, you see the man and another woman
and two smaller stand in the one-room hut. A fire-
holding the children, and the dark haired woman scream-
place full of ash is in the corner, and a writing desk ing from the window of a mule-drawn wagon with iron
is tipped over next to it. A DC 12 Intelligence (In- bars on the windows galloping away from the hut. You
vestigation) check reveals a cornhusk doll tucked awaken with an ache in your chest and tears on your face.
into one of the small beds, and a tarnished ring in
a box near the desk. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investi-
gation) check on the desk or the beds also reveals a DOLL
A wave of comfort and familiarity washes over you as
small leatherbound journal that has slipped under your party sees you collapse to the ground among the rest
one of the beds. of the dolls scattered on the island. The cornhusk doll
• Under the bed. If characters reach beneath the from the old hut has found its way into your hand from
bed and across the symbol hidden there (a crudely where you stored it, and it smiles up at the party. Visions
carved symbol of a face with tears streaming down start to swirl before your eyes, a warm plate of simple food
the cheeks, mouth wide open) have them make passed to you, your tiny hands grasping at some flatbread.
a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed A smiling woman with dark hair tousles your hair, and
save, the adventurer takes 1d6 psychic damage as turns to a pot on the fire. Her clothes are torn, but looking
sobs fill their head, and is considered frightened down at yourself, you see your clothes are carefully mend-
ed and patched. The vision speeds forward. Your body
until their next short or long rest.
is shivering but you are drenched in a sheen of sweat.
• Item effects: If the characters take the items Blearily, you see her, also shivering, holding out some
from the hut, they will be haunted with versions broth for you and your sibling next to you to drink. She is
of the story of La Llorona throughout their adven- pallid and thinner than before, begging you both to eat.
ture, depending on where they are in the world. The vision speeds forward and you are next to a spot by
Characters must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom the river, looking from a birds-eye view as she sobs alone
saving throw, or suffer the item’s effects. on the ground, and lays a pair of corn husk dolls on top of
The ring is activated in the hut. Effect: A two tiny mounds of dirt. You wake with dry earth in your
profound sense of guilt. mouth.
The doll is activated on the island. Effect: A
deep sense of loss. JOURNAL
The journal is activated once the party begins a As your vision begins to blur towards rest, you begin to
short or long rest. Effect: An overwhelming sense hear a faint crying — dry, heavy sobs. The visions that
of fear. come to you are violent and disturbing, a woman run-
ning from a man, hiding her children from him under
• If they wish, they can lean into the emotion and
the beds, in the town temple, in the reeds of the river. You
find out the story anyway. hear him scream at her, “You will never be enough! You
are worthless to me!” You see visions of her, bruised and
weeping, searching the reeds. “My children! Come back
to me! It is over! My children, where did you go?” You
awaken with a gasp, tears salty on your face, lungs racked
with crying.

The Forest Path
A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals an over- “Scared. Woman took me when I was small.
grown path into the dark forest. Following the path She cry at water and I go to help. She grab my
for a mile, there are little signs of life other than the hand, she had no eyes, only white. She scream
buzzing of flies. and dragged me to water. I was so scared I
• Creatures. One will o’ the wisp suddenly make vines that kept her still while I ran into
emerges from the forest, blocking the old path. woods and climb this big tree. I make house,
(This is the spirit of one of the many children eat plants. Keep birds. No scary woman come
claimed by the banshee over the years.) Just off the here. Tree is kind to me and my birds.”
path, two giant centipedes crawl out of the brush. “I remember… long ago, a woman who was
• Combat. The centipedes do not engage unless the warm told me a story. A poor woman met a
adventurers venture off the path. After the defeat rich man. She wants to spend all her time with
of the will o’ the wisp, the players find the path him, so leaves her babies behind in the night.
leads to a glade with trees growing in a circle, and a When she return in the morning, they are in
small garden at the foot of the largest one. the river. She cried so hard by the river for
them, she stayed there forever. Still trying to
save them. Crying all she does.”
A small garden grows orange marigolds and white sage
at the foot of a large tree, one of six lining a dimly
lit glade. The canopy provides a great deal of cover The Treehouse
and shade, but the rustling of the leaves above seems If the characters attack the woman: Depend-
strange in the windless forest. Something thuds into ing on what your players decide to do about the wom-
the ground near to the bottom of the tree, followed by an in the treehouse, they could miss out on a story
another. Javelins made of branches tied together, crude opportunity to hear the woman’s version of the tale. If
and dull, stick out of the soil. The rustling continues they end up attacking the old woman and entering the
above you. treehouse, it contains the following effects:
• Artwork covering the walls, all depicting a dark
haired woman with white eyes, reaching out a
CHAPTER 2 — The Path to the River clawed hand and screaming. These seem to have
been painted over a period of many years. The ear-
The creature in the tree is an elderly human woman,
probably in her seventies, lithe and strong. A successful liest are reminiscent of the crude carving beneath
DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that she is ter- the bed in the hut.
rified. She retreats into the upper branches of the tree • Dried meats and bowls of berries surround the cir-
after flinging her two javelins and shouting. cular space. Everything is foraged (confirmed with
a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check). There are
birds feet drying in the window, and a large mor-
The Woman in the Treehouse tar and pestle in the center of the room. There are
• Interacting with the woman. The woman in woven mats that serve as bedding in the side of the
the tree is more scared than hostile. She is a druid. treehouse near the window. There are sixty-eight
• The woman’s history. When asked her name, carved tic marks next to the bed, signifying the
she says she cannot remember. Her story is detailed years she has been in the treehouse.
in the next column:

The Broken Dam DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check reveals that
Before reaching the edge of the forest, the party hears this is a protection idol to an ancient goddess of
the sound of rushing water. Upon exiting the dark of childbirth, who weeps for the babies lost in child-
the forest, they come face to face with the broken dam. birth, including her own whom she abandoned
The party cannot see the other side of the river. long ago; she has power to give guidance for those
• The Boat. At the shore is a boat that glows with mothers lost on their path to the other side.
an eerie light. If the players get in the boat, pro- Instead of collapsing, the character who holds the idol
ceed to the Island of the Dolls. If the players follow feels it pulse with power, the statuette glowing in their
the river, they see a cave on the other side. The hands. Read or paraphrase the following:
spectral boat follows them as they move.
Everything shifts, the island is the same,
but devoid of dolls; covered in lush vegeta-
Development tion with large flowering blooms. A group
Emerging from the rushing current is the faint outline
of women, adorned in armor and feathered
of an island. Through the fog are trees bearing large,
capes approach. They carry shields and
strangely shaped leaves. The ground is strewn with
spears and are adorned with skull masks
large rocks, and overgrown by gnarled weeds.
and crowns of feathers. They drop to their
knees in front of a stone pile. Placing an
CHAPTER 3 — The Far Shore identical carved idol on the stones, they
begin to pray. “Goddess, bless this warrior’s
As the boat crests the shore, you see that the rocks are
tomb. Fallen in the battle of childbirth, walk
not rocks. The leaves are not organic material. The
with her and her children to the far great
island is covered in dolls. Small, large, made of various
beyond. Do not let go of her hand and let her
material, some with faces that gaze up, unblinking;
walk alone, bearing with her the sun.” The
others with no face at all. They litter the ground,
warriors will not interact with the party, and
propped against trees and hanging by their limbs from
as they stand by the tomb like guards, and
the branches. Whoever put them there has been doing
the players are once again on the Island of
so for many years.
the Dolls. The idol is warm and comforting
in their hands, it seems to draw them to the
Island of the Dolls boat, once again at the shore.
• Exploring the island. Upon exploring the
island, characers keep running into dolls. They
are disturbingly everywhere. As they crest the hill The Cave
toward the other side of the island, the characters The boat takes the party to the final encounter, which
notice a glinting under a pile of logs. is under the stone bridge, in a natural cave. Water
• Combat. There are 3 dolls on top of the log pile flows freely out of a natural spring in the cavern, and
with the glinting underneath. One is a mimic! a chill permeates the space. A dense fog rolls out of
When characters inspect, have them roll initiative the depths, slightly obscuring the rocks that create the
and be surprised. floor of the cave.
• The logpile. A successful DC 11 Strength check Combat. The party encounters the banshee and her
topples the logs, revealing a treasure horde. The two shadow children. They can choose to fight her,
party discovers jewels and coin stashed under the but she does not show them mercy unless they present
logs, worth approximately 300 gold. They also her with the precious stone icon. Read or paraphrase
recover 2 healing potions. the following:
• The old tree. There is an old tree next to the log
pile. A DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
reveals an idol carved from pure precious stone. A

If the characters defeat the banshee
through combat:

With a final scream, what had once might

have been a human woman reaches out a
clawed hand and grasps the air where the
shadows had been.
(If they took the idol:) The idol in your bag
grows heavier as she dies, and when you
pull it out, the bright polished stone is
now dull and the face has morphed to a
familiar face: tear streaked cheeks under
black eyes and a gaping mouth.

If the characters offer the idol to the


A glimmer of recognition crosses her

drawn face. Looking to her right, she
sees the shadows, who retreat to her
side. With a strange smile, she reaches
her arms to them. “My… children…” her
voice rasps, tired from years of scream-
ing. She is drawn into the idol as the
shadows swirl amorphously around and
then into the idol as well. The statue
becomes heavy and the shine dulls. The
face has morphed to a familiar face —
tear streaked cheeks under black eyes
and a gaping mouth.

A faint sobbing is heard from the back of the
cave. Scrabbling hands emerge from a small
cave in the wet rock. Two children, dirt
smeared and tear-streaked emerge from the
dark. They run to the characters, crying for
their parents. The characters recognize them
as Marna and Rik’s children!

3 5

Map by Kristina Sisto Kindel

Map Legend:
1. The Town
2. The Old Hut
3. The Grove
4. The Boat/Broken Dam
5. The Island
6. The Cave

CONCLUSION Author’s Notes
With tears of joy upon being reunited with their All acknowledgement to the indigenous people of
children, the parents of the village thank the party in Mexico whose story La Llorona comes from, and the
between throaty sobs. A woman dressed in a deep red storytellers who carry the leyenda to their time, place,
feather robe comes forward and rewards the party with and tradition. May her story continue to be known,
150 gp. and may all the stories of women made to be monsters
by the world get their day in the sun. Muchas gracias
“Thank you for the safe return of these also to my playtesters; Aaron, Brian, Chris, Chris,
children, and for braving the curse. What Elena, Isaac, Laura, Morgan, and Peter. Te amo.
happened? How did you escape the witch? We
have always feared her return, some part of
her has always been here. What did you find?” About the author
Kristina lives in Portland, OR with her husband, Isaac,
and her sweet dog, Lady Sansa. When she is not play-
ing or running copious amounts of tabletop RPGs,
Rewards she fills her time with other creative pursuits such as
Each adventurer receives the treasure they collected on singing, acting, knitting, and cooking.
the island, as well as 150 gold from the village matri-
arch. If there are healing potions left over, the players
can keep those. If they keep the enchanted items,
know that if the banshee is defeated, they no longer
have any properties.

Illustration by Liz Gist

lost children, found family
by Catherine Evans
Creature: Lamia | Level(s): 2-3

change, but the rulers are resistant so Enaxi is collect-

SYNOPSIS ing the adolescents, to ‘save’ them. Enaxi is also using
The Five Cities are dying. Their water sources are jackalweres and their knowledge of the Cities’ irrigation
drying up, and the brightest of their youth are leaving, system to sabotage it.
lured out into the desert by an unknown power. The best outcome is for the characters to reconcile
Enaxi, the unifier of the Five Cities, now a lamia, Enaxi and the Five Cities; slaying the lamia won’t help
is weary of watching their descendants ruin their great anyone, long-term.
works. The Council won’t let young people restore the
Five Cities to their former glory, so Enaxi is gathering
them. They’ll start their own paradise and doom the Dramatis Personae
Five Cities… unless the heroes can convince them
otherwise. Lost Children, Found Family is designed for • Alexandros Dukas: Overseer of the Council of
level 3 characters. Five Cities. A middle-aged widower, balding and
with a prominent nose. A gentle demeanor except
when he is "performing" in the Council Forum.
ADVENTURE HOOK • Ismene Dukas: Alexandros’ 18-year-old daughter.
Small and birdlike, with her father’s beak-like nose.
The characters are hired to guard a young woman who,
unbeknownst to her father is preparing to leave… A scholar and a genius. Stubborn, fiercely intelli-
gent, and extremely direct once someone has her
respect. Usually hides behind a ‘perfect daughter’
Larissa: A jackalwere. A brindled, brown and
Five hundred years ago, Enaxi united five squabbling
towns into a thriving settlement known as the Five black jackal or a stocky, handsome young woman.
Cities. Enaxi was an engineer who transformed desert A woman of few words except when speaking of
settlements into rich, fertile places. They were a lawgiver Ismene or Enaxi.
and a troublemaker. Enaxi made too many changes and • Enaxi: A lamia and Monarch-In-Exile of the Five
was exiled… though the Five Cities remember things Cities. Calm, commanding, and capable of great
differently. cruelty when disrespected. Ferociously protective of
When they were overthrown and chased into the their children and not at all threatened by adventur-
desert, Enaxi prayed for sanctuary. They were answered ers.
by a demon lord who transformed them into a lamia
and gave them a new life in exile. ENAXI stat modifications:
Enaxi is angry at their children and intent on re- Enaxi uses a modified version of the lamia stat block.
venge. In their scrying pool, they’ve watched the Five They have:
Cities rewrite their story and collapse into a handful • AC 15 (natural armor plus gold scale barding)
of struggling hamlets that the desert will eventually • CHA 20(+5); save DC 15
consume. The Cities’ young people are trying to drive

CHAPTER 1 — hired development
Characters may wish to familiarize themselves with
The Five Cities were once a triumph of Ismene, and/or the Five Cities (Settling In). Otherwise,
civilization. Now, five-hundred years after run Assignation.
their unification, they’re not much grander
than any other one-horse town on the edge
of the hot, arid Duroc Plateau. The fabled CHAPTER 2 — settling in
terrace farms and vineyards are dry and the The characters can learn the following by asking
magnificent buildings are ruins. The desert is around, eavesdropping, or observing.
reclaiming the town and there are almost as
many feral jackals as there are people.
• Farm yields are dwindling, as no one knows how
to maintain the irrigation system and aquifers that
THE JOB once made the Five Cities a wealthy agricultural
The characters have been hired as guards for Ismene
center in an arid region.
• The water management systems are deep under-
MEETING ISMENE • The drought has gotten substantially worse in the
On the characters’ first day on the job, Alexandros and last year.
Ismene receive the characters in their home (a lav- • The young people going missing are troublemakers
ish and well-built house with a small fountain in the (artists, poets, scholars, etc.).
courtyard that provides relief from the heat). • Some of those missing were involved in a move-
ment to reduce the age of citizenship (ability to
Alexandros explains: vote and serve on the city council) from twen-
• Over 24 young people have gone missing from the ty-five to eighteen last year.
Five Cities in the last year. He fears for Ismene, so • The number of jackals creeping in from the desert
he has hired the characters to keep her safe is increasing.
• He insists people are not leaving voluntarily; a
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals
he is not so sure;
• Alexandros dotes on Ismene, but is dismissive of
• Adventurers will be paid 50 gp in total, per month,
her scholarly pursuits.
to guard Ismene;
• She’s trying to reconstruct knowledge of the irri-
• Alexandros hopes they will also assist him in
gation system to make the Five Cities prosperous
stopping the disappearances. For this, they would
receive an additional 500 gp.
• If characters talk to Ismene without Alexandros
Ismene (commoner with INT18) contributes nothing
present — and they seem interested and respectful
unless spoken to directly. If she is addressed, she echoes
— she can be persuaded to tell them:
her father’s wishes. She’s content to sit and read, and
• Her peers are leaving of their own free will
seems meek and obedient. A successful contested
• They’re forming a new community in the desert
Wisdom (Insight) roll against her Charisma
where they are valued, headed by the Unifier of the
(Deception) reveals that it’s a performance.
Five Cities, Enaxi — now a lamia (Ismene does
not, and will not, see Enaxi as a monster. They’re a
• Guarding Ismene is easy: she stays in her room
and reads, occasionally visiting the decrepit City

• Friezes throughout the city (e.g. marketplace,
CHAPTER 4 — travel
library, Alexandros’ home) show the exile of Enaxi, The land around the Five Cities is parched and
Unifier of the Cities, after Enaxi offended a god- arid. Spires of red rock jut from the cracked
dess by sleeping with her husband earth; rocky crags and dry riverbeds offer tem-
• Most people know this version of the story; Ismene porary shade. Occasionally, the flash of a jack-
knows the truth from her studies of history rabbit or lizard breaking from cover provides a
welcome sign of life.

Give the characters a few days to settle in, then run Larissa
Assignation. If Ismene is with the party or Larissa has reason to
trust them, Larissa assists them. If the party is being
paid by Alexandros or Larissa has reason to mistrust
CHAPTER 3 — ASSIGNATION them, she attempts to hinder them; she has every
• Late at night, characters are disturbed by the sound confidence Enaxi will deal with them when they reach
of someone in the courtyard the palace, but she enjoys making their life hard. See
• Characters find Ismene out there, talking to and Larissa’s Assistance.
petting a jackal… which transforms into a woman
(Larissa, N female jackalwere)
• They embrace and kiss. PREPARATIONS
• Stealthy characters overhear Ismene say she is near- The journey should take two days. Camels are available
ly ready to go, but leaving her father is hard. to purchase, but will also need to be fed and watered.
• Larissa flees if she feels unsafe, and Ismene will do
everything short of throwing herself on a sword to SURVIVING THE HEAT
guarantee her escape. • Medium creatures need 2 pints of water per hour
• If persuaded or threatened, Ismene tells the heroes of daytime activity.
everything she knows about Larissa and Enaxi (she • Refer to the rules for "Extreme Heat" (Chapter 5,
does not know Enaxi is hastening the decay of the DMG).
city’s water sources).
• If they tell Alexandros, he’ll raise his offer to 1,000
gp to rid the city of the lamia. NAVIGATING
A Wisdom (Survival) check determines when charac-
ters reach Enaxi’s Palace:
Development • 20+: nightfall, first day
• 15-19: 1.5 days
The characters should either want to help Ismene
travel into the desert or take up Alexandros’ offer to • 10-14: 2 days
kill the Lamia. One way or another, they’re leaving the • <10: 3 days
Larissa’s Assistance:
Larissa guides the party, giving advantage on rolls to

Run Sandstorm and Not Alone on the final day of

CHAPTER 5 — SANDSTORM Larissa’s Hindrance:
Larissa deliberately crosses patches of treacherous
ground, hoping the party will follow her (-1 point per
The sun is close to setting when you realize round).
two things: the air is harder to breathe… and
you can no longer see birds in the sky. Deep
red clouds rise off the earth to the north —
there’s a sandstorm coming.
If characters reach the ruins, run Not Alone. Otherwise,
Ahead of you, to the east, there is a shal- describe the effects of the storm and run Enaxi’s Palace.
low ravine that would provide some shelter;
to the south, the ruin of a building. Time is
ticking… CHAPTER 6 — NOT ALONE
This encounter takes place in the Ruins.
This is a race between the party and the storm, with The building still has an almost whole roof.
the outcome determined by accumulating points on As your eyes adjust to the gloom, you real-
skill checks. The default is Strength (Athletics) but ize it must have been grand, once. You can
allow players to suggest other skills. see weathered friezes on the walls and the
crest of the Five Cities above the doorway.
Condition Score There were stairs leading to an upper floor,
Succeed, DC 10 +1 but they’re blocked by rubble left when some
Every 2 points above 10 +1 upper wall collapsed.
Every 10’ of Speed above 30’ +1 A section of the floor is rubble too. You
Every 5’ of Speed below 30’ -1 hear it shift and see the first thick, brown
serpent slither from the debris.
• Let characters decide if stronger party members
help weaker (use the average of their rolls to calcu-
late successes) or if each person succeeds or fails on SNAKES!
their own (track successes separately). The 30 ft. x 30 ft. ruin is home to one giant constric-
• Characters start with a 10 point lead. tor snake per three characters, and two constrictor
• The storm accumulates 3 points per round. snakes per character.
• The ravine is 12 points away.
• The ruined building is 18 points away. Larissa’s Assistance:
Larissa fights alongside the party.
POSSIBLE SHELTER Larissa’s Hindrance:
When the storm hits, the party will either be…
• Exposed: Dexterity or Constitution saving throw Larissa attempts to sleep gaze the character she thinks
(DC 15) has the lowest chance of resisting, but otherwise does
• In the ravine: Dexterity or Constitution saving not participate (she needs to shelter here, too).
throw (DC 11)
• In the ruin: No save needed
A failed save confers 3d10 bludgeoning damage. THE RUINS
• Characters proficient in Survival or History, or lo-
Larissa’s Assistance: cal to the area, know this is probably a waystation,
Larissa uses the Help action to support Ismene/the existing precisely to give travelers shelter from heat
party. and storms.

• The friezes show a great ruler making laws, build- Enaxi’s court
ing farms, and receiving diplomats. DC 12 Intelli- • Enaxi has around two dozen young people in their
gence (History) reveals it to be the story of Enaxi/ court. The party encounters them around the pal-
the Five Cities’ unification. ace walking, reading, and talking.
• Courtiers adore Enaxi as a liberator, and are excit-
LARISSA ed at the prospect of building a new community
• If Larissa is sheltering in the ruins, characters may here in the desert.
confront/question her. • Some know that Enaxi has exiled or killed "un-
• If Larissa is assisting, she willingly shares infor- grateful" courtiers, but see it as the lamia’s right.
mation about Enaxi’s plan and the utopia at the • They know their surroundings are illusions but
palace. Otherwise, getting her to talk requires a aren’t concerned — this is home.
Charisma (Intimidation) check opposed by her • They are always accompanied by a few jackalwere
Wisdom (Insight). companions.
• Larissa leaves as soon as the storm is over — • If you need to flesh out a courtier, use the table on
regardless of whether she is helping or hindering pg. 52.
— unless the party prevents her from doing so.

The party may rest here. Summarize their remaining
travel and run Enaxi’s Palace.


The palace is a jewel. There is water every-
where, in pools and fountains and streams,
feeding fruit bushes, bean crops, and a small
vineyard. Accents of gold on the square stone
buildings catch the sun, and the speech and
laughter of many voices carries on the air.


• The palace is under a web of illusion: fine silks,
lavish furnishings and painted stonework.
• The illusions don’t stand up to touch: stonework
is crumbling and furnishings worn and ragged;
however, plants and water are real.
• There are numerous “human” and jackal servants
(all jackalweres); although they’re servants, they
don’t defer to visitors or the court.
• No attempt is made to stop the party entering the

Gender Occupation/Interest Attitude
Cis male (1-2) Scholar (1-2) Welcoming (1-2)
Cis female (3-4) Artist (3-4) Suspicious (3)
Nonbinary/Agender (5-6) Activist (5-6) Distracted by company/task (4)
Trans male (7) Engineer (7-8) Curious (5-6)
Trans female (8) Homesick (7) Uninterested (8)

Enaxi's Palace



Left side: workrooms

Right side: living quarters
Fountain Farmland,

map by Catherine Evans

If characters threaten jackalweres or courtiers… Assuming characters encounter Enaxi in their throne
room, read:
At the first sign of trouble the jackalweres
begin to howl, messages passing rapidly from The lamia awaits you in the palace’s central
one to another… courtyard, basking on a stone dais. One paw
dangles in the water of a square reflecting
pool whose surface shows the Five Cities.
• 2d6 jackalweres arrive every round (max. 20). Nestled against their flank, talking in a low,
• One courtier present is an acolyte. musical, voice, is a plump, androgynous,
• The others are commoners who flee from violence. young person. The two of them seem to be
• Enaxi arrives in three (3) rounds, accompanied by engaged in a teasing debate about some
a further two (2) jackalweres per player character. point of ethics.
• If no courtiers are hurt, Enaxi attempts to subdue The lamia turns bright, amber eyes on you.
characters using Suggestion and Charm Person. “I’ve been watching you,” they purr, one
• If courtiers are hurt (or if Larissa has been hurt/ paw stirring in the water of their pool.
killed and Enaxi can reasonably know this), Enaxi
uses geas, major image, mirror image, and intoxicat-
ing touch to soften up characters for the jackalw-
eres, focusing on healers, then casters, then martial DENOUEMENT
characters. • Regardless of characters’ attitudes or previous
• They accept surrender at any point. bloodshed Enaxi is calm, civilised, and entirely in
command of the situation. They radiate confidence
and power.
Development • Enaxi openly admits to choking the life out of the
The party will likely surrender or be defeated. In which
Five Cities.
case, move on to Enaxi. If they kill Enaxi, run Enaxi
• Enaxi suggests if the characters disapprove, they
but with a courtier in place of the lamia (use the same
can return to the Five Cities, explain the situation,
role-playing notes).
and convince them to enfranchise Enaxi’s court
and the other young people of the Cities.
• Enaxi will in fact offer the characters a decanter
of endless water (DMG) and 500 gp to do so, to
“make it worth their while."
• Characters are free to say no… but Enaxi reminds
them that doing so dooms the Five Cities, paint-
ing a picture of drought, starvation, and collapse.
Enaxi presents the situation as:
Do as Enaxi bids, broker peace between the
lamia and the Cities – a win/win.
Reject Enaxi’s offer, let the Cities die… and be
turned out into the desert with no food or water
– a lose/lose.

Development • If characters reach 5RP, they win! If they reach
The characters either fight Enaxi (run Bloodshed); opt zero, they are dismissed.
out of the situation; or return to the Five Cities to fight • Violence — to Ismene, Alexandros, or the Cities
the lamia’s cause (run Conclusion). — is ineffective. Alexandros will try to de-escalate,
appearing to concede, but will have the characters
arrested by the City Guard (guards, 3-4 per char-
CHAPTER 10 — CONCLUSION acter) as soon as practical. Their next adventure
may be trying to avoid execution.
On the characters’ return, there will be a parade
through town for them, ending at the City Forum.
Alexandros assumes the threat to the city’s children is Development
ended and intends to publicly reward them. Win or lose, the debate concludes the adventure.
When they deliver the news, read the following:

A sea of lined faces murmurs and shifts in Rewards

the seats of the ancient, crumbling amphithe- • 1,000 gp (from Alexandros)
ater where the Five Cities’ business is done. • 500 gp and a Decanter of Endless Water (from
A hundred members of the Council watch, Enaxi)
skeptically, waiting for you to present your
case. Alexandros stands opposite you in the
pit of the amphitheater and gestures for you
to begin.

The goal is to persuade the Council to:
• Allow young people to vote and serve on the
• Correct the myth of Enaxi’s overthrow and exile
• The debate opens with the characters at 2
Resolution Points (RP).

There are five ‘rounds’ of debate.

• Each round is a contested skill check between Al-
exandros (+5 to the roll) and up to two characters.
Although only two can participate each round, it
need not be the same characters each round.
• Several skills could apply: most Charisma based
skills; Intelligence(History) to explain that the
desert will swallow up the Five Cities if an agree-
ment with Enaxi isn’t reached; Dexterity (Sleight of
Hand) to pass messages to the rest of the Council;
consider any reasonable suggestions from players.
• Successful checks add 1RP. Good role-playing adds
an additional 1RP.
• Threats, intimidation, and failed checks subtract
• Making Alexandros lose his temper or lose face
adds 1RP.

Author’s Notes about the author
The Lamia as we know her is a classic "naughty girl" You can find Catherine talking absolute rubbish on
monster: her power comes from her ability to make Twitter @perpetualgloom, and find some other D&D
young men go all gooey. If you look further back than things she made on Dungeon Masters Guild:
that she’s a queen turned into a baby-eating monster
by Hera after she slept with Zeus (not the first nor Catherine%20Evans
the last…). But "slept her way to the top" and "un-
natural" is something people often say about talented,
ambitious women. So my Lamia became an outcast
monarch, a proud, vengeful leonine creature brooding
in the pale imitation of the city they founded, but still
maternal towards those of their descendants they deem
worth saving. I don’t think there’s any denying that
Enaxi is evil, but I hope you and your players agreed
that in some ways, they have a point.
Finally, thanks to Liz Evans-Gist for the art, the
support, and the listening, and to Paige Leitman for
reading and reviewing this adventure. Any remaining
shortcomings are despite their best efforts.

Illustration by Jen Vaughn

a wild hunt
by Kat Kruger
Creature(s): Kumiho | Level: 2 | CW: Dark horror, corpses

tasked with keeping watch over the cattle at night.

SYNOPSIS He reported nothing strange until the next full moon
In a remote mountain region, a ranch suffers from
when he repeated the oldest brother’s account. Un-
grave misfortune that has wiped out both the livestock
believing, the father also exiled this son. Finally, the
and the family who once lived there. Rumor has it that
youngest son was asked to do the same. He fell asleep
a nine-tailed fox is behind the tragedy and continues
during many of his watches, including the one during
to plague the area. A well-meaning monk seeks the
the full moon when another cow was slaughtered.
aid of an adventuring party to put an end to the curse.
Fearing he would suffer the same fate as his brothers,
Inspired by a Korean folk tale, A Wild Hunt is a
the son explained the cow must have perished from
two-hour adventure for 2nd level characters.
seeing the full moon.
After a period of time, the cattle were all slaugh-
tered. Unable to find a means of ending the curse, the
ADVENTURE HOOK family descended into poverty and eventually perished.
While traveling through the region, the adventuring
The two exiled brothers were rumored to have wan-
party has heard rumors of an abandoned farmstead.
dered the region as paupers until they sought the aid of
The livestock mysteriously died and the family went
a monk. Returning to the homestead they discovered
missing shortly after. Villagers from the surrounding
the sister was the lone survivor. Neither brother was
area believe the property to be cursed. A monk who
heard from again.
inhabits a mountain forest has posted notice in nearby
villages seeking assistance to put to rest the curse that
overshadows the ranch. The posting promises riches
both material and spiritual.
After viewing the posting in a nearby village, the ad-
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND venturing party makes their way to a forest at the base
A prominent cattle ranching family had three sons.
of a mountain where they find the reclusive, religious
Not content, the father wished for nothing more than
monk. He is not trained in martial arts. Allow players
a daughter. Although he was granted his wish, little
to roleplay their journey and discuss how they came
did he know that her birth came with a curse upon the
together or what motivated them to pursue the post-
family. When she turned six the daughter went missing
in the forest only to return slightly changed. Shortly
The path into the forest is difficult terrain due to
after, strange things began to happen on the ranch.
overgrown foliage and visibility in the area is poor due
Every full moon, a cow would be slaughtered as if by a
to a heavy mist. Any character who succeeds on a DC
wild animal.
10 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Survival)
Wanting to protect the herd, the father sent his
check is able to determine the path has not been used
first son to keep watch overnight. The son reported the
in years. Furthermore, on a successful DC 13 Wisdom
culprit was the sister. Outraged by what was clearly a
(Perception) check they note the presence of a creature
lie, the father banished him. Then the second son was

in the forest. In fact, they are being stalked by a mon- instead lives out its days as a normal fox.
ster that keeps its distance in order to avoid discovery. • Alternatively, the kumiho can embrace its blood-
thirst and consume the livers of 1,000 men. If the
A dense mist blankets the air, silhouetting feat is not accomplished after 10 years, it loses its
sparse spruce trees. The forest is still as shapeshifting abilities and lives the rest of its life as
though even the birds are holding their breath. a fox.
In the distance, the shape of a small shack
appears off the walkway.
Baek Hyeon notes that the family is long-dead, but the
young man had confided there was a hidden dow-
ry which the father refused to sell despite their dire
A Grave Undertaking circumstances. The monk offers the contents of the
The characters eventually find an unassuming hut in
chest as a reward for lifting the curse. He also provides
the forest about 20 feet from the edge of the path.
directions to the cave where he believes the potions
Leaving the pathway, characters discover a bam-
were dragged with the body of the young rancher.
boo hovel. If they choose to investigate the shack, the
adventuring party finds it currently unoccupied. Inside
they find a rice-straw sleeping mat and a simple wood
stove where rice porridge is warming.
Following the directions provided by Baek Hyeon, the
Behind the hovel, characters easily discover a monk
adventuring party finds the cave nestled at the base of
who meditates over an unmarked grave. The monk
the mountain. Again, on a successful DC 13 Wisdom
introduces himself as Baek Hyeon and confirms he is
(Perception) check they note the presence of a creature
the one who put up the posting in the nearby village
in the forest that keeps its distance to avoid detection.
looking for assistance.

What Baek Hyeon Knows Dead Man’s Cave

• Over a year ago, a young man sought his aid in The mouth of the cave appears at the base of
lifting a curse on his family’s homestead. the mountain as indicated by the monk. It is
• A kumiho, or nine-tailed fox, had slaughtered the partly hidden by a rock outcropping. Several
cows on the ranch before murdering the rest of the animal tracks lead in and out of the cave and
man’s family. a rough-hewn clawed paw is etched into the
• The monk offered him a number of potions to stone entrance.
help defeat the creature: oil of slipperiness, potion
of animal friendship, and potion of fire breath.
With a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Religion) check,
• Unfortunately, the man was unsuccessful in his
any character recognizes the engraved symbol as that
endeavor and the unmarked grave belongs to him.
of Malar who is god of the hunt, evil lycanthropes, as
• The monk believes the potions are in a nearby cave
well as bestial savagery and bloodlust.
where the body was dragged by wild animals.
The cave entrance is 15 feet long by 10 feet wide
If pressed for other solutions to lifting the curse out-
with a ceiling of 8 feet. It branches off in two direc-
side of killing the kumiho, Baek Hyeon discloses what
tions with both paths looping around and leading to
he knows as below.
a den to the north. The cave is unlit. Any character
• Ways in which a kumiho can break the curse and
without darkvision requires a light source to see after
return to humanity include:
10 feet inside. Where the path forks, a character who
• It must choose to refrain from killing and eating
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check
humanoids for 100 days. If the kumiho makes this
notes dried blood streaks leading to the eastern pas-
choice and does not abstain during the 100 days,
sage. Following the drag marks brings them to a small-
it loses any chance of becoming human again and
er chamber where dead prey are scattered about. Closer

inspection reveals the carcasses are small woodland The den has an exit to the north and the adventuring
creatures that are easily identifiable as mice, shrews, party may take this way out or follow the overgrown
and weasels. path outside around the mountain cave in order to
The den to the north houses five large and savage find the ranch.
foxes (wolf stats). In order to sneak into the area, char-
acters must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth)
check or the foxes attack. If the adventuring party is CHAPTER 3 — THE FOX SISTER
able to avoid detection they observe the foxes either The abandoned farmstead is an hour’s journey from
at rest during the day or feasting on prey at night. the mountain.
The den is filled with the remains of larger prey. On a
successful DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check, any char-
acter notes the bones and remains here are humanoid
Home Sweet Home
When the adventuring party arrives at the ranch, read
and accompanied by articles of clothing. Some of the
clothes belong to small children. On a successful DC
13 Intelligence (Nature) check, they recall that foxes The forest ends abruptly at a clear cut
normally burrow below ground and it is therefore un- acreage. Even from a distance it is evident
usual to see a pack cohabitate within such a large cave. that the ranch has long been abandoned.
The homestead is in a state of disrepair with
Outfoxed shingles missing, and the corrals are
Unbeknownst to the adventuring party, the foxes in empty of livestock. Old laundry hangs on a
this den are all kumiho who have failed in their quests line, the clothes tattered and billowing in a
to become human. Many of the clothes were once gentle breeze.
theirs, although some belong to the men whose livers
they consumed in an attempt to lift their curse. Some Characters may explore the ranch at their leisure. They
of the foxes wear remnants of clothes. This strange site find the barn to be empty except for the skeleton of
should provide a clue to the characters that the crea- one cow. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investiga-
tures were once lycanthropes. tion) check determines the bones were picked clean by
a small creature.
The clothes on the laundry line include a woman’s
Development dress and a man’s trousers. A child’s doll has been left
After defeating the foxes, the characters discover a
on the ground beneath these articles. With a successful
bindle that once belonged to the young rancher whom
DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check, any character discov-
the monk attempted to help. The contents of the pack
ers old tracks in the muddy field and determines they
include: moldy bread, an empty waterskin, a journal,
are from cattle and booted humanoid feet. However,
and three unidentified potions. Any character who
there are also fairly fresh fox tracks that lead back and
succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check or
forth from the house and toward the general direction
has a means to magically identify the potions can
of the mountain cave.
determine they are inert. The journal contains mad
The homestead is a single-story building. There is a
ramblings about the man’s family and how they were
door to a below-ground cold cellar outside the kitchen
suffering from a curse due to his father’s wish for a
wall. It is padlocked shut. If the characters attempt
daughter. All their valuables were placed in a dowry
to enter the cellar, they hear snarls from nearby. The
for the girl and the brothers were left with very little
kumiho attempts to lure them away from investigating
besides the ranch. He believed his father was under the
the cellar.
spell of a beguiling demon-fox that would lead to their
Without a key, any character proficient with thieves’
ruin. The entries become increasingly incoherent but
tools can pick this lock with a successful DC 15 Dex-
the adventuring party is able to find a map from the
terity check. To break the lock with a tool or weapon re-
cave to the ranch.
quires a character to succeed on a DC 15 Strength check.

If the characters gain access to the cellar, they are ing furniture and clothes. On the wall of the parents’
interrupted by the screams of a young child as she bedroom there are hundreds of tally marks. If asked
runs toward them from the forest. The girl, named about them later, Ae-Cha states they are the number of
Ae-Cha (commoner), claims she is being pursued by days since her family died. In fact, they are the num-
a demon-fox and insists the adventuring party follow ber of livers her mother has consumed. After a few
her into the homestead. She is, in fact, assisting the moments exploring, if the adventuring party did not
kumiho (use jackalwere stat block with suggested encounter her outside, they hear trembling breathing
adjustments below). coming from beneath one of the beds where Ae-Cha is
The cellar contains a grisly site, with four male hu- hiding.
man corpses with gashes in their abdomens, hung like The characters may coax her out with a successful
butchered animals from metal chains. All of the chains DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Regardless she
are on a master pulley, and can be brought down with asks, “Are you here to help me or to hurt me?” If they
an action. Ae-Cha attempts to prevent characters from provide a satisfactory answer, the girl emerges and
entering in order to keep up appearances as a helpless introduces herself. After she describes how she sur-
child who is plagued by a demon-fox. If the characters vived for a year alone on the ranch by hunting during
enter the cellar the corpses animate (four zombies) the day and locking herself inside during the night,
and flail at any character within melee reach. They she asks if the adventuring party will help her end the
can’t move as they can’t free themselves of their re- curse.
straints without assistance. Regardless of their answer, she offers accommo-
If the characters fail to break into the cellar or are dation for the evening and serves the characters stew.
otherwise uninterested in searching that area, Ae-Cha Throughout their time together, Ae-Cha asks for
makes herself known in the homestead as outlined assistance from individuals with the goal of separating
below. the party one by one in order for her mother and pack
of kumiho to kill them and, if they are male, eat their
livers. If the party insists on staying together, she warns
Role-Playing Ae-Cha them that it is dangerous to go as a group because the
The seven-year-old girl is the last member of the Kung
kumiho can more easily track or sense their presence.
family of ranchers. She is a charming child who uses
Should they ignore her warning, strange noises are
her innocuous stature to her advantage. Her goal is
heard from the barn but the girl insists some party
to bring each of the adventurers into the cellar alone
members stay with her while others investigate.
where her mother intends to kill them and eat the liver
of any male. Playing up her tragic story, she explains
the rest of the family died about a year ago and she has
managed to survive by trapping small game. She car-
ries the key to the cellar on a twine string around her
neck and knows that the area contains her dowry and
food stores. The three potions that were gifted to one
of her brothers by the monk are also stored there.
Inside, the homestead features a large kitchen and
dining area as well as two small bedrooms. A pot of
stew simmers on the woodstove. Many items have
been overturned. Muddy footprints track throughout,
easily distinguishable as small, bare, and humanoid in
One bedroom belonged to the parents who shared
the space with their daughter. The other room was
shared by the brothers. Characters can find evidence of
previous residents through investigation of the remain-

A Family Matter
Whether she is able to lure the characters
away individually or not, the girl’s mother,
Mi-Gyeong, eventually attacks with two other
kumiho. In addition, Ae-Cha may attempt to
release the zombies from the cellar to attack
the characters. The zombies do the bidding of
the cursed family.

Kumiho Adjustments
To represent kumiho, start with the
jackalwere stat block and make the following
• Shapechanger. The kumiho can use its
action to polymorph into a specific Me-
dium human, or back into its true form
(that of a nine-tailed fox, using the wolf
stat block). Its statistics are the same in
each form. Any equipment it is wearing
or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to
its true form if it dies.

The adventuring party may choose to fight
the kumiho or reason with them. Either way,
before Mi-Gyeong reaches 0 hit points she at-
tempts to reason with the characters. Ae-Cha
also pleads her mother’s case.

There are several ways to end the adventure.
Whether they kill the kumiho or negotiate,
Mi-Gyeong asks them to spare her daughter
and give her a better life. She asks that the
dowry remain with the child so that she may
make a new start without any hindrances.
The monk, Baek Hyeon, is willing to adopt
the child if asked as he believes she is a gift
for lifting the curse.
Years later, new rumors emerge from the
region of a monastic order called the Temple
of the Fox. Inspired by Ae-Cha’s story, Baek
Hyeon works toward restoring balance be-
tween nature and civilization with the guid-
ance of his young apprentice.

Rewards Oil of Slipperiness
Characters who complete this adventure may earn Potion, uncommon
the following rewards: This sticky black unguent is thick and heavy in the
container, but it flows quickly when poured. The oil
XP REWARDS can cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with
For all combat experience add up the total for de- the equipment it’s wearing and carrying (one addi-
feated foes and divide by the number of characters tional vial is required for each size category above
present in the combat. The rewards for non-combat Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The
experience, are listed per character. affected creature then gains the effect of a freedom
of movement spell for 8 hours.
Obstacle XP Alternatively, the oil can be poured on the
5 foxes 50 each ground as an action, where it covers a 10-foot
4 zombies 50 each square, duplicating the effect of the grease spell in
3 kumiho 100 each that area for 8 hours.

TREASURE REWARDS Potion of Animal Friendship

Potion, uncommon
Item Value When you drink this potion, you can cast the ani-
Ae-Cha’s dowry 100 gp mal friendship spell (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will.
Agitating this muddy liquid brings little bits into
view: a fish scale, a hummingbird tongue, a cat claw,
or a squirrel hair.

Potion of Fire Breath

Potion, uncommon
After drinking this potion, you can use a bonus
action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of you.
The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one. The effect
ends after you exhale the fire three times or when 1
hour has passed.
This potion’s orange liquid flickers, and smoke
fills the top of the container and wafts out whenever
it is opened.

Author’s Notes About the author
This adventure was inspired by the Myths & Legends Kat Kruger is Dungeon Master on the actual play
podcast episode featuring the tale of “The Fox Sister.” podcast d20 Dames and Chief Wordsmith at Steam-
In the original Korean folklore, the sister was indeed a punk Unicorn Studio. With over ten years’ experience
kumiho as it was meant to be a cautionary tale writing in the entertainment and gaming industries
regarding wishing for a daughter. In this adventure, the she offers a wide gamut of storytelling, workshop, and
motive of the brothers were altered to undermine their publishing services. Her D&D adventures from d20
sister with falsehoods because they considered her to Dames and Adventurer’s League can be found on
be a threat to their inheritance and the mother instead Follow her on Twitter/Instagram
intervened to protect her only daughter from their @katkruger.
greed and jealousy.

Death’s agents by D. B. Donlon
Creature(s): Furies | Level(s): 2-4
CW: War, assault, murder, torture.

SYNOPSIS CHAPTER 1 — An Unexpected Guest

It’s not every night that a would-be king crashes into
your camp! Elven Prince Orestes, soon to be King As night begins to fall, you make camp along
Orestes, begs your aid and protection to escort him to a swift moving stream. The weather has start-
the Temple of the Sun. Furies stalk his path at every ed to turn colder and the nights come earlier.
turn, and delay him from completing the rites of The clear sky offers a spectacular view of the
mourning necessary for coronation. sunset, a bright riot of reds and oranges, sil-
In a world of magic and myth, whose laws reign houetting the forest you have passed through
supreme? today.
Death’s Agents is an adventure designed for a party How do you settle in for the night?
of four to six adventurers of levels 2-4.

ADVENTURE HOOK Meet the Prince

• First Watch: Passes uneventfully. The characters
While the characters are resting, a young elf — harried
notice the weather turning colder and the clouds
and sweating — bursts into their encampment. He
moving in, obscuring the waning crescent moon.
begs them to escort him to the Temple of the Sun God
• Second Watch: A character who succeeds on
and to protect him from his relentless pursuers.
a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check notices
the slowly rising mists off the river and from the
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND woods. The moon is almost fully obscured by
now and the darkness seems to be waiting as if the
While based on the mythology of Orestes and the
whole of nature is holding its breath. A character
House of Atreus, familiarity with the classic tale is not
who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
necessary. In this adaptation, Orestes is an elven king
check hears the sounds of a creature crashing
in name, but a king without a crown. In the shadow
through the woods. It is Orestes, attempting to be
of the mysterious demise of his father, King Agamem-
quiet and unseen, but not succeeding.
non, Orestes and the nation have mourned for a year
and a day. Now he attempts the ritual pilgrimage to
the Temple of the Sun with offerings, a ritual necessary
before coronation.

The figure is humanoid and tall, although
Conversation with Orestes
Groggy but aware of his surroundings, Orestes reaches
hunched over trying to move quickly through
out in desperation, speaking with a pained voice:
the underbrush rather than attempting to
remain unseen. They glance fervidly around,
head darting back and forth, at times look- “Please, you need to help. They won’t stop,
ing fearfully over their shoulder. Suddenly please I need your help. They won’t leave me
they catch sight of your camp, the camp fire be!”
the only light for miles. They begin moving Orestes glances around anxiously trying to
towards your camp, calling out anxiously in see if he is still being chased, explaining:
an archaic dialect of High Elven: “Help, help “I am traveling to _______ City (use any city
me please!” that would fit your campaign setting) to make
sacrifices before my coronation. But... These
creatures attacked my entourage and separated
Orestes collapses on the nearest party member. A me from my guards. I managed to slay one but
screech is heard in the distance. Some type of bird, they became too much for me, forcing me to flee
perhaps? The mists continue to rise off the water slow- for my life.”
ly and the night sky begins to darken even further. A
character succeeding on a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine)
check notices that Orestes is exhausted and there are Characters who succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom
appear to be cuts and bruises on his arms and legs. (Perception) check notice the sounds of wings beating
None of Orestes injuries are life-threatening. — three furies! (See stat block on pg. 92).

Orestes is a male high elf of younger years, Development

but with an elf who can say? He has tan skin The furies attack! Proceed to Chapter 2.
and long blonde hair like strands of golden
thread. His hair is tied back in a warrior’s
braid that wisps and pieces are falling out CHAPTER 2 — Furies Hunting
the tight binding. His clothes and armor are
of high quality, yet show signs of snags and
nettles, rips and small tears. About him are Attackers in the Dark
the signs of wealth and status, but they are If the furies have not been detected:
old, almost ancient. Orestes explains:

“I have been running for the last three days.

Please help me! If you can deliver me safely to
the Temple of the Sun, I shall reward you hand-
somely. I must get to...”

The furies suddenly launch an ambush, gaining sur-

prise! During the combat, the furies focus on Orestes,
only attacking the party in self-defense.

If the furies have been detected, roll initiative

and begin combat with neither side gaining surprise.
The furies attack Orestes and only attack the party in
self-defense. The furies objective is to torture Orestes
and drive him mad.

• General tactics: Furies begin attack with Characters succeeding on a DC 19 Wisdom (Insight)
discordant song from the air. The fury may choose check detect discrepancies in his story, particularly
to target a specific creature or the whole area with about his mother and Aegisthus. While King Agam-
their discordant song. In the first round, they only emnon was on campaign, Queen Clytemnestra be-
target Orestes. gan an affair with Aegisthus, a young man of a noble
• Morale: Roll for morale periodically. If the party house feuding with the family of Agamemnon, who
manages to kill one of the furies, the other two had recently become a vampire. Aegisthus arranges for
have disadvantage on morale rolls. If two furies are Clytemnestra to meet the vampire that turned him and
slain, the last fury flees, cursing the party in Celes- she is turned into a powerful vampire sorceress. When
tial, Primordial and Elvish. “You have angered the Agamemnon returned with his captured war prize,
gods this night. Their wrath will fall upon you!” Cassandra, Clytemnestra and Aegisthus murdered
• Treasure: If the party decides to investigate the Agamemnon and Cassandra, allowing Clytemnestra to
remains of the furies, the bodies have disappeared rule the kingdom. Prince Orestes returned home at the
but the armor of death’s agent remains for each behest of his twin sister Electra and found Clytemnes-
fury that the party managed to slay. tra and Aegisthus, and discovered their crimes. He was
able to kill his mother and her lover with the aid of
some local heroes. It is the DMs choice how much or
Questions for a Prince how little of that information the party would be able
The party may rest as needed, and will not be attacked. to know from the Wisdom (Insight) check.
Should they attempt to interrogate Orestes, read or
paraphrase the following:
As dawn breaks, the sun seems weaker. The
chill of late autumn has settled in and the
Orestes speaks hesitantly, attempting to early morning fog makes the day seem duller,
maintain his regal bearing. “I had been away as if the very woods around them had been
at school, and became worried when letters coated in haze and clouds. The damp chill in
from my sister, Electra, became less and less the air causes you all to see your breath.
frequent, with one last short letter begging
for my help. My father had been away on
campaign - at war - for a number of years,
so Mother had been regent with Electra’s Development
support. I became convinced that something Orestes insists that they head out as soon as possible.
horrible must have happened, someone had The Temple of the Sun is only one more day’s travel.
killed Mother and was holding Electra hos- “And I’m quite sure that one of the priests at the tem-
tage. When I was able to gather some help ple would be able to aid you with that armor.” What
and returned to the palace, I found a horrible does the party do? Proceed to Chapter 3.
creature, a vampire named Aegisthus had
compelled Mother to murder Father, and tak-
en her as a thrall. I then was forced to kill the
monster wearing Mother’s face as well as the
Evil Aegisthus. That was one year ago. Now
that the period of mourning for the death of
the former king is completed, I am preparing
for my coronation by making a pilgrimage to
the Temple of the Sun.

The figures remain waiting where they are, letting the
CHAPTER 3 — Temple of the Sun party approach them. When the party is within 20
feet, Orestes cries out.
Journey to the Sun
Determine the marching order, then have the leader Orestes: “Father, Mother, but, but you are
make a DC 16 Wisdom (Survival) check: dead, you both are dead why are you here?”
• Failure: The terrain is difficult, the path old and
overgrown in places. You stumble occasionally and Ghost of Agamemnon: “I am here to help you,
lose the path for a few minutes but eventually you my son. I am here to aid you.”
come to the Temple of the Sun, much later than
expected the sun is already setting, giving a golden Ghost of Clytemnestra: “You may not enter
glow to the hillside that the temple stands on. The this holy place. You are as yet unclean. Unbur-
lengthening shadows cast by the temple give and den yourself my son that you may join me in the
almost eerie feeling. Light.”
• Success: While slightly overgrown, you can
follow the old path through the wooded areas
towards the hillside upon which the Temple of the Roll a d2 to determine which of his parents Orestes
Sun resides. The bright noon day sun shines direct- starts to walk towards. If no one in the party stops
ly onto the temple, giving it a radiant halo of light him, when he is within 5 feet of his parent, Orestes
around the large marble edifice. will be possessed by whichever parent he walked to-
Characters who succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Percep- wards. The possessed Orestes then speaks to the party:
tion) check hear the occasional screech or flap of wings
from the furies. However, they do not appear or attack Ghost of Agamemnon: “Bow before your
at this time. KING. My conquest shall be completed. All shall
bow before the great King Agamemnon.”

Family Reunion Ghost of Clytemnestra: “Bow before your

Queen. Now to restore my Aegisthus and rule
Upon reaching the temple, have each char- together, as is my right by the gods.”
acter make a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)
check. If the party failed the Wisdom (Sur-
If the party bows, the other ghost attacks them. If
vival) check to find the temple, they roll with
the party does not bow, the possessed Orestes attacks
them. Roll initiative!
Loud screeching can be heard and glancing up,
the party can just make out the figures of the furies
• Failure: Two humanoid figures appear to be
perched on the roof of the temple. The furies attack
standing 10-15 feet in front of the doors to the
all combatants on the field, but special attention will
temple, about 45 feet from the party. Their features
be paid to any party member wearing Armor of Death’s
are extremely difficult to make out with the sun
backlighting the temple behind them.
If a party cleric takes two full rounds begging
• Success: Two humanoid figures appear to be
forgiveness and offering to make amends with a DC
standing 10-15 feet in front of the doors to the
15 Intelligence (Religion) check, or DC 18 Charisma
temple, about 45 feet from the party. It is difficult
(Persuasion) check, they cause the furies to pause their
to make out their features but squinting into the
attacks against the party. They continue to attack as
sun, it is possible to see two elves; one male, one
long as the party members are attacking the furies.
female. They are both dressed in stately attire, and
If the party is able to convince the furies not to
the shadows of crowns are just visible on their
fight, the furies aid them in defeating the ghosts and
the possessed Orestes.

When Orestes drops to 0 hit points, the ghost She turns to the other characters.
possessing him attempts to possess the nearest party
member. “For your crimes against the gods, you may
Furies attempt to frighten and subdue party mem- make recompense by serving the Lord of the
bers rather than kill, so will not attack downed party Dead for one year and a day. You are of mod-
members. erate skill, and my Lord has need of some… as-
sistants on the mortal plane to hunt those who
Development attempt to escape his justice. Do you agree?”
The destruction of the attacking ghost ends the
combat. Proceed to Conclusion.
As the party leaves, any who wears the armor of death’s
agent begins to have names of those who escaped the
CONCLUSION God of Death engraved on the armor. Roll 2d10 for
number of names that appear. Allow the party to sug-
After both ghosts are defeated, or if the furies are slain,
gest some names.
the furies evaporate like smoke from a pyre. The doors
to the temple slowly open and a figure emerges dressed
in formal priestly regalia. Their gender is indetermi-
nate, but their features are of an oddly ethereal elf
Possibility of the Armor of Death’s Agent. The fury
(Aasimar elf hybrid). Those making a DC 22 Wisdom
blesses the weapons of those who agree to service,
(Insight) check notice the features of the speaker seem
making one weapon for each member of the party a +1
The Temple Speaker addresses the party asking to
bring their wounded and Orestes inside the temple.
They demand that Orestes make a full confession in
front of all what really happened and beg forgiveness.
Let the party encourage/convince Orestes to make a
full confession in front of the altar. This can be accom-
plished with a successful DC 11 Charisma (Persuasion)
As Orestes begins to confess to killing his mother
and her lover in response to her mother killing his fa-
ther, the appearance of the speaker begins to flow into
that of the fury. When Orestes is done, the fury nods
and speaks in a beautiful, rich voice.

“While your mother’s murder of your father, was

a crime, they were not related family and thus it
was not kin-slaying. Your attack on your mother,
however was, foolish prince. As recompense you
will make a pilgrimage to (insert famous temple
far away here). You may have no guards and no
entourage. You may have only what you cur-
rently are wearing and carrying. You may hunt
no animals, but may defend yourself if attacked.
You may eat no meat nor drink any alcohol.”

Item: Armor of Death's Agent
Fury • While wearing the armor, your AC becomes 14
+ Dex modifier (max 2), similar to a chain shirt
Medium monstrosity, lawful neutral
Armor Class 14 (Armor of Death's Agent) • Once per day, you may cast the dissonant
Hit Points 38 (7d8 +7) whispers spell.
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. • Standing in direct sunlight causes you to have
disadvantage on skill checks and saving throws.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA • You suffer 1 hit die psychic damage at the start
12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (0) 13 (+1) of each morning.
• You are an agent of death! You cannot die until
Senses passive Perception 10 you have completed your service to the Lord of
Languages Common Death. If you fail three death saves before you
Challenge 1 (200 XP) have removed all the names engraved on the
armor, you instead are stabilized at 0 hit points
and require magical healing or a long rest to
Actions cover hit points. Anyone who touches the armor
must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On
Multiattack. The fury makes two attacks: one with its a successful save, they take 2 necrotic damage
claws and one with its club. and are forced to drop the armor. If they fail the
save, they take 2d4 necrotic damage, and the
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one armor is instantly equipped as if the character
target. Hit: (2d4 + 1) slashing damage. donned it. The armor cannot be removed
without the use of a remove curse or greater
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one restoration spell.
target. Hit: (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.

Discordant Song. The fury can choose a specific

target, or cause every humanoid and giant within 300
feet of the fury that can hear the song to make a DC
11 Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, they become
frightened until the song ends, taking 2d4 psychic
damage. On a success, they take half damage. The
fury must take a bonus action on its subsequent
turns to continue singing. It can stop singing at any
time. The song ends if the fury is incapacitated. While
frightened, a target ignores the songs of other furies.
It cannot move closer to the fury and all attacks are
at disadvantage. It doesn't avoid opportunity attacks,
but before moving into damaging terrain, such as lava
or a pit, and whenever it takes damage from a source
other than the fury, a target can repeat the saving
throw. A creature can also repeat the saving throw
at the end of each of its turns. If a creature's saving
throw is successful, the effect ends on it. A target that
successfully saves is immune to the fury's song for
the next 24 hours

Author’s Notes About the author
Frequently, D&D players believe that all creatures are D. B. Donlon resides in Atlanta, Georgia. A lifelong
to be fought and that NPCs are to be protected. In this fan of fantasy and D&D, as well as student of Classical
adventure, I wanted to examine how the players inter- mythology and languages, she teaches Latin and plays
act with those creatures who are legally and morally a variety of tabletop role playing games on a number of
obligated to attack an NPC that the party is defend- twitch channels. She can be reached on Twitter:
ing. I also wanted to give the fury back their respect as @DeirdreDonlon
agents of the Land of the Dead.

Illustration by Samantha Darcy

The Tale of Sepha & AdE by Kelly Dayton
Creature(s): Hades & Persephone | Level: 3

to continue living in peace or bring the knowledge of

Synopsis their union to Lord Lekore.
Tales of Lady Sepha Lekore are known throughout
the lands. Now she’s gone missing and her father Lord
Lekore is offering a reward to anyone that can find dramatis personae
her. With promises of a tidy sum, the adventuring
party can investigate the last place she was seen to try • Lord Lekore (N male high elf noble): Head
and locate her. What they find will take them into the of the Lekore family. Has ruled over Louton for
Underdark lair of a drow noblewoman with her eloped decades. Prideful and relies heavily on tradition.
love, the young Lady Lekore. This adventure is Uses the noble stat block.
designed for level 3 characters. • Sepha Lekore (CG female high elf noble):
Daughter of Lord Lekore and heiress to the Lekore
family. She shuns typical “ladylike behavior” and
Adventure Hook prefers to spend her time exploring the woods sur-
Money & Opportunity: The Lekore family is rounding Louton. Uses the druid stat block.
wealthy and holds a lot of land. Lower level adventur- • Lady Adé Parga (LN female drow noble): A
ers have the opportunity to make a name for them- drow noblewoman who loves to explore both the
selves and earn a bit of coin should they locate the Underdark and the surface. Smart and stubborn,
missing noblewoman. she’s determined to get drow accepted by other
races. Uses the priest stat block.

Adventure Background
The Lekore family has held lordship over Louton for Chapter 1 — Louton’s Lost Lady
generations. The area is peaceful aside from the occa- The town of Louton is abuzz with energy. As you enter
sional attack by orcs and drow scouting parties. Lou- the town, preparations for a large festival can be seen
ton is known for two things: its harvest festival and in their early stages. What should be a happy affair
beauty of the Lady Sepha Lekore. Word has spread seems to have a sombre air to it. A large manor house
that she’s gone missing and Lord Lekore is willing to can be seen on the eastern edge of town. You’re direct-
pay anyone that can find his daughter. Lady Sepha ed towards the manor for your audience with Lord
is expected to open the harvest festival in two weeks Lekore. Upon entering the house, Lord Lekore greets
time. you in the entrance hall. A tall, imposing high elf, he
Adventurers can search Sepha’s quarters and her has a serious, no-nonsense air about him.
favorite reading spot outside the town walls. Clues
will lead them to a cave system that leads to the Un- “Welcome adventurers. I appreciate your hasty
derdark. The adventurers will discover that Sepha & response to my call for assistance. Please, let us
Adé have eloped. Adé will ask the party to abandon discuss this matter in a more personal location.”
their quest and allow Sepha to stay with her. Adventur-
ers can decide whether or not to allow the two ladies

• The party is shown to a private dining room. Lord D6 Result/Item
Lekore proposes that they search for his missing 1 A note written in Undercommon:
daughter. He’s stressed about his missing daughter Characters who speak Undercommon
and tells the party that as tradition dictates, as the will be able to tell that it is a short love
heiress, it’s imperative that she be located in time poem.
to open the upcoming harvest festival. Lord Lekore 2 Remnants of a disguise kit
is willing to share the following information: 3 Small pendant with a spider symbol
• Sepha is an avid reader. Much to Lord Lekore’s 4 Small bottle of tree sap
consternation, Sepha also loves to explore the for- 5 Sprig of an oak tree, which can be used
ests surrounding Louton. as a druid focus
• Louton is peaceful, but occasionally has incursions 6 Hand-drawn map of the local forest
from orc raiders and drow scouting parties. with a cave system marked
• Sepha is friendly with a lot of the townspeople &
is well liked. Additionally, if a character makes a DC 15 Intelligence
• Sepha’s last known location was her favorite read- (Investigation) check while searching the desk, they
ing spot by the river that is right outside town. discover a hidden drawer containing a journal and
• A DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that empty coin purse. The journal is older, but if a play-
Lord Lekore seems worried about his daughter’s er takes time to read it, it shows that Sepha met two
disappearance. Additionally, when talking about dryads out by the river and started learning Druidic
orcs and drow, a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check magic. Additionally, towards the end of the journal,
reveals Lord Lekore’s distaste for them. she mentions meeting the drow scouting parties and
their leader Adé Parga.
Lord Lekore tells the party that they are to be given Guards try and avoid any questions directed at
access to Sepha’s quarters and that the guards of the them. On a successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion)
town have been instructed to allow them limited access check, the guard reveals that Sepha has recently started
to the manor. If the party decides to investigate Sepha’s sneaking out after sunset and asked the guard to not
Room, continue on. If they choose to go to her last inform her father about her nightly adventures.
seen location, skip ahead to Chapter 2.

Investigating Sepha’s Room The party should be directed to her favorite reading
spot near the river and hints should be directing the
You find yourself in a finely furnished room. characters towards a possible drow culprit.
Bookcases lined with tomes stand on one side
of the wall while a small writing desk faces
toward an open window. Small knick-knacks are Chapter 2 — The Game is Afoot
neatly organized on a small dresser near a large Upon heading outside the city, read or paraphrase the
bed. Nothing seems disturbed or out of place. following:

You quickly encounter a small foot path

Sepha’s room should give off the feeling of someone
through the dense forest. After about fifteen
who loves to learn. Perhaps an open book with hand-
minutes of walking, the path opens up to
written notes lays on the desk or the knick-knacks
a clearing. A small babbling stream about
are small sculptures of different creatures. Characters
fifteen feet wide cuts through the middle of
should be free to explore the room, however if they
the clearing. A large oak tree grows next to
were escorted by a guard who will discourage any type
the bank of the creek and under it looks to be
of thievery. A few clues can be found around Sepha’s
a small stone bench.
room. Roll on the following table if a character suc-
ceeds on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check:

The guards head back to town if not stopped by the
characters. If questioned, they are honest and inform
Chapter 3 — Descending into
the characters that they escorted the Lady Sepha here
the day she went missing and then headed back into
town as was usual. When they came to escort her back,
she was nowhere to be found. Following the two sets of footprints you soon
stumble upon a cave that is jutting out from a
small hill. At the mouth of the cave, a number
Investigating the Clearing of footprints can be seen both leaving and
The clearing itself is fairly bare. Besides the stream, entering the cave.
the oak tree and the small stone bench, there isn’t
much else here. A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
check reveals no signs of a struggle. However, a DC 10 The two sets of footprints lead deeper into the woods
Wisdom (Survival) check reveals two different sets of before leading to a cave.
footprints leading off into the woods on the other side If dryads directed the characters toward the cave,
of the stream. If the characters succeed on a DC 16 they should lose the party before the mouth of the
Wisdom (Perception) check, two dryads can be seen cave. Have the party stumble on the footprints or have
observing the group on the other side of the stream the dryads tree stride right near the cave.
across the clearing. Either a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence
If characters become hostile toward the dryads, they (Investigation) check reveals a number of footprints.
attempt to defend themselves. Their age is indeterminable; however, the two sets that
the party was following are leading into the cave.
• The cave mouth is about 15 feet tall. It is dark and
Crossing the Stream there is no light source in the cave.
Once characters attempt to cross the stream, a water
• As the party enters the cave, two swarms of ravens
weird emerges from the stream and attacks the
fly out.
If characters defeat the water weird, they may come
to the incorrect conclusion that it had something to do
with the Lady Sepha’s disappearance. If this happens,
the dryads might make an appearance to either lead
the characters further into the woods, or entice them
to keep looking. If the characters still head back to the
city, have Lord Lekore demand proof of his daughter’s

After overcoming the water weird, the party should
follow the footprints and head deeper into the forest.

Into the Underdark Confronting Ade and Sepha: Non-Violent
If the party took the non-hostile route, read the
Exploring the cave, you find a small path following aloud:
about five feet wide that leads downward
into the cave. After walking for a while, color- You’re lead through the stronghold. Hand-
ful and semi-fluorescent fungi can be seen. fuls of drow are scurrying about preparing
They give off a dim light, and as you continue for something. You are brought to an ornate
downward, their frequency continues. Eventu- door where your guide knocks once and then
ally you hear the sound of running water, and opens the door and motions for you to enter.
as the cave pathway opens to a large cavern You see a tall drow woman standing discuss-
you find yourself in what can only be the ing something with the only other elf in the
Underdark. room. Wearing finely-dressed clothes but with
a mace sheathed at her hip, the drow seems
Large fluorescent mushrooms are scattered throughout slightly annoyed at the intrusion. Sitting near
the area providing dim light. The path continues into her is a high elf, who you instantly recognize
the vast cavern and carved into the stone seems to be as the missing Lady Sepha Lekore. She seems
some type of structure about 500 feet from the open- surprised to see surface folk, and rises as you
ing of the cavern. Outside the structure, a small group enter.
of six drow can be seen talking to each other. The tall drow woman narrows her eyes at
you and says to you in Common, “Welcome
Their voices echo through the cavern. They guests. What brings you into my domain?”
seem excited about something and start to
move into the structure with a lone drow
remaining behind. Role-playing Ade and Sepha
• Sepha is very much in the Underdark of her own
The party can approach the drow without sneaking. free will. Characters can determine this with a DC
One drow, a male, is surprised to see non-drow, but 12 Wisdom (Insight) of either the tall drow or
is otherwise not hostile. If questioned in Elvish or Sepha. It does not seem that Sepha is being held
Undercommon, he takes the party into the stronghold. against her will. If characters wish to make checks
If this occurs, continue onto Confronting Adé & Sepha: to see if she’s been bewitched or if she’s been hurt,
Non-Violent. then all checks should come back as negative.
If characters attack, he signals for help on his • Adé should be played as being wary of surface
turn. At the end of the round, six more drow appear dwellers, but willing to listen to what they have to
with two giant spiders. The drow attempt to take the say. While proficient with her mace, she is more
characters alive and would rather subdue them then prone to attempt diplomacy before resorting to
outright kill them. Should the characters eliminate violence. If the characters remain respectful, she
more than half the reinforcements, then Adé and Sep- answers their questions truthfully. She speaks
ha make an appearance and beg the party to cease their bluntly and straight to the point.
fighting. Either way, the party soon confronts Adé and • Sepha interjects to explain that she met Adé while
Sepha. she was exploring the forest and that their friend-
ship has grown and deepened. When she tried
to get her father to see that the drow weren’t the
enemies he wouldn’t listen. Sepha explains that
she feared her father would arrange a marriage for
her soon, so instead she took matters into her own
hand and eloped with Adé.

• She begs the party to allow her to stay in the
Underdark with her new wife where she is happy
and free to continue learning about the drow and
about druidic magic.
• While Sepha doesn’t have access to the money her
father does, she will instead offer up payment in
the form of four potions — two potions of barkskin
and two potions of healing.
• While Sepha is against it, Adé suggests an alterna-
tive way for the characters to get both the potions
and the money from Lord Lekore. Proceed to
Conclusion A.
• Adé protects Sepha and visa versa. If the characters
make an attempt to snatch Sepha and run, both
turn hostile. Sepha is a druid and Adé is a priest.
See Confronting Sepha and Adé: Hostile for tactics.

Confronting Ade and Sepha: Hostile

If the characters decide to attack the drow, Adé and
Sepha protect the drow and attempt to subdue the
Tactics. Adé prioritizes Sepha’s safety over her own.
Adé first casts sanctuary on Sepha and begs her to
retreat. Afterwards, Adé uses her mace to attack the
characters non-lethally. Sepha first casts barkskin on
herself. If Adé convinces her to retreat, Sepha retreats
into the stronghold. Should the characters be victori-
ous, proceed to Conclusion B. If Adé and the drow are
victorious in rendering the party unconscious, proceed
to Conclusion C.

The party now has to decide how to proceed. Contin-
ue on for the different conclusions depending on how
your party interacts with Sepha and Adé.

the characters manage to capture Sepha and bring her
Conclusion back by force, she tries to escape at any opportunity
and tells her father that she would rather live in the
Conclusion A woods then spend another day without her partner.
Sepha and Adé make it very clear that they want to
stay together and both are happy with this relation-
ship. Although Sepha doesn’t want to trick her father, Conclusion C
Adé offers a way for the party to collect the reward
money for finding Sepha and offers an alternative You awaken underneath the Oak tree by the
route in exchange for the party’s silence on the truth. stream. A note is attached to your bag and it
reads the following:
Adé smirks at the party and kisses Sepha on
the forehead. She opens the door and speaks I know you were just trying to help, but please
softly to the drow that first escorted you. I’m happy where I am. Give my father this note
“This should only take a moment.” She says and perhaps you’ll still earn your reward. Father
to you. if you’re reading this, then I’m sorry. I couldn’t
A few minutes pass and a single knock is spend another day confined to the manor. I’m
heard at the door. It opens to reveal a differ- happy where I am. Maybe one day, when I think
ent drow man. you’re ready to listen, I’ll return, but I know
“Berus, thank you for joining us. I think I you’re not ready yet. I love you father and I’m
found the perfect task for you. Please show our sorry to hurt you so. I’ll return someday.
new friends here your special talent.”
The new drow turns and eyes you for a Your loving daughter,
few seconds before he nods. His form blurs Sepha Lekore
slightly and standing in front of you is an
exact replica of Lady Sepha. If characters return to the cave, they find the entrance
Adé turns and looks at the group, a smile caved in and not accessible.
on her face.

Adé informs the group that Berus is a doppelganger Rewards

and is willing to take Sepha’s place on the surface until If the party returns to Lord Leskore with Sepha (or
Lord Lekore can be reasoned with. Berus is happy to Berus pretending to be Sepha), the party receives 100
oblige and live as Sepha. Characters can make a DC gp total. Additionally, anytime the party is in Louton,
20 Charisma (Persuasion) check to try and convince they will be given free lodging in guest quarters at
Sepha and Adé to come clean to Lord Lekore about the Lekore Manor. Characters should be rewarded by
their relationship. An additional DC 20 Charisma advancing to 4th level at the conclusion.
(Persuasion) check with Lord Lekore sees him grudg-
ingly accept their relationship. Failures see Lord Lekore
not recognize the marriage, and he attempts (but fails)
to frame Adé for kidnapping.

Conclusion B
If the party turns hostile and succeeds in killing Adé,
Sepha is devastated and attempts to run from the par-
ty. Should she make it out of the cave, it should be im-
plied that the dryads help her escape into the woods. If

Author’s Notes About the author
I would like to acknowledge one of my bestest friends Kelly Dayton lives in Austin, TX with her two cat
(who also doubles as my DM) Ali, @Azniac on sons Orion and Nox. A fan of D&D, cooking, and
Twitter, for encouraging me to write this one-shot playing video games, she has also started learning
and helping me with wording. how to paint minis. If you’re interested in reaching
out to her, you can find her on Twitter as

Illustration by Sammy Ward

The Banshee’s Tale
by Annabeth Lennon
Creature: Banshee | Level(s): 3-5

The ghost of Niamh, another founding member of

SYNOPSIS House Ó Cuinn, has manifested herself in the form of
The residents of Castle Gealladh have been visited by
a banshee in order to warn the residents to leave before
an ominous banshee with a warning: “Leave or die”.
the dead come for them. As the adventures fight their
Your adventuring company finds themselves drafted
way through the risen dead of House Ó Cuinn, they
by a wizard named Milo Tenpenny and tasked with
will have to confront the terrible deed that led to the
investigating the castle and ridding it of undead. In
family’s success.
your investigation, you will find that there is more to
this warning than it seems — and that something far
worse than spirits haunt this castle. The Banshee’s Tale is Dramatis Personae
intended for 3-5 characters of 5th level.
• Countess Aileen Ó Cuinn: Current head of
House Ó Cuinn. Hardheaded and takes no non-
ADVENTURE HOOK sense, is very proud of her family and the good
Castle Gealladh and the noble family who lives there they’ve done for their county.
are well-known and respected for being good and • Bridget Ó Cuinn: Wife of Aileen Ó Cuinn.
upstanding members of society. The party is hired to Warm hearted and welcoming counterpart to
investigate the catacombs underneath the castle after Aileen. Loves to meet adventurers and hear tales of
a spirit appeared to the residents with a warning of their past travels.
imminent death. • Milo Tenpenny: Wizard for Castle Gealladh, the
only current resident who knows the mysterious
past of the family.
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND • Niamh: A banshee and founding member of
The people of House Ó Cuinn are good natured and House Ó Cuinn. Has come back to warn people of
believe in helping the weak and protecting the inno- impending doom for the castle.
cent. The people of this county love and respect the • Sloan: A wraith and founding member of House
people of House Ó Cuinn. In its 500 year history, Ó Cuinn. Leader of the cult of Orcus and bringer
House Ó Cuinn has known only success and prosperi- of the castles impending doom.
ty — much to the chagrin of other noble families, who
have tried many times over the years to slander and
unseat them.
The true past of House Ó Cuinn is that the pros-
perity and success of the family can be attributed to a
deal struck with the Demon Prince of Undeath, Orcus.
Count Sloan, one of the founding members of the
house, pledged all of the souls of his family line to the
Demon Prince in exchange for success. Now, 500 years
later, Orcus aims to collect the debt.

knows that there is a dark secret in the past of
Chapter 1 — The Descent of the Dead House Ó Cuinn, and that something darker than a
A cool breeze whips through the streets of ghost lies at the bottom of the crypt.
the village on this calm autumn day. As you
approach the tavern, you can see the long
shadow of Castle Gealladh up on the hill Chapter 2 — The Crypt
behind town. After the party accepts Aileen’s offer, Milo leads the
Entering the tavern, you are greeted by adventurers up into the castle and to the doors of the
the sounds of laughter and music. Looking crypt that lies underneath it. He unseals the doors of
around, you can see the typical patrons of the crypt and wishes them luck as they descend the
a tavern: farmers relaxing after a hard day’s stairs.
work, adventurers resting after a long day’s
travel. Looking over the tavern, one group Entering the Crypt
does catch your eye: you see two women, one • Rooms: A room’s ceiling is at least as high as
stern and one seemingly jovial, and a halfling the room is wide, often higher. If a room’s ceiling
wizard. height isn’t specified, assume it’s the minimum
The stern women sitting in the corner height.
gestures for your party to approach. “Hello, • Walls: The walls of the crypt are littered with al-
you must be the adventurers Milo called for. My coves containing the corpses of members of house
name is Countess Aileen Ó Cuinn and my home Ó Cuinn. If an alcove is searched, it contains ratty
has come under siege. “ clothes and 2d6 gp.
• Illumination: Areas of the crypt are unlit unless
Countess Aileen Ó Cuinn (see Dramatis Personae) otherwise stated.
has desperate need for a group of adventurers. She is
willing to pay top dollar to the adventurers for clearing
out her castle, and even more if they can figure out
Room 1: Crypt Entry Way
The staircase descends 30 feet before opening up into
why the spirits appeared. Here is what she knows:
a burial chamber with four columns. The columns
• Two weeks ago a banshee appeared to Aileen and
are covered with frescoes, which depict various good
Bridget with a simple warning: “Leave or die!”
acts the family has committed over the years, includ-
• Soon after that, strange noises and whispers could
ing feeding the hungry and building shelters for the
be heard through the castle halls at night.
• Then, tenday ago, the dead started to rise from the
• Banshee: The first time the players enter this
crypt below the castle — luckily the castle wizard,
chamber, the banshee appears to them. She appears
Milo, was able to seal off the crypt and evacuate
angry and terrifying. She utters three words —
the residents of the castle to the tavern, where
“Leave or die” — before disappearing in a puff.
they’ve been staying.
• Exits: The hallway continues forward before turn-
• Aileen agrees to pay the characters 5,000 gp total
ing west into room three. There is a doorway on
upon ridding the crypt of undead, and another
the west wall that opens into Room 2.
2,500 gp if they can figure out why the spirits are
haunting her castle.
• None of the three of them know the truth of why Room 2: Embalming/Preparation Chamber
the spirits have appeared, though a successful This small 15 foot chamber contains tools and equip-
DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that Milo ment necessary for the process of embalming and
knows more than he is telling. preparing corpses.
• If Milo is pressed to reveal more information in • Religion: A successful DC 12 Intelligence
front of Bridget and Aileen, he plays the part of (Religion) check reveals that the embalming
the fool. If he is pressed alone, he reveals that he method coincides with the God Kelemvor.

• Investigation: A successful DC14 Intelligence Room 7: High Priestesses
(Investigation) check reveals that a few pieces of These chambers contain some of the priests and priest-
the embalming equipment are missing. esses of House Ó Cuinn.
• Investigation: A successful DC 18 Intelligence
Room 3: Large Crypt Chamber (Investigation) check reveals that two of these
This large chamber contains the majority of the ances- Priestesses were, in fact, worshipers of a Demon
tors of House Ó Cuinn. The room contains four floor- Prince. They are hiding holy symbols in their
to-ceiling pillars. These pillars contain the remains of robes that read “Orcus The Prince of Undeath” in
important members from House Ó Cuinn. Abyssal.
• Undead: Six zombies and four crawling hands • Undead: Two ghosts are lying in wait in this
are wandering around this large chamber. They at- room. When the party first enters, the ghosts
tack anyone who enters the chamber. The zombies attempt to surprise them, possess the strongest
are wielding the missing embalming equipment, looking members of the party, and attack the
and as a result they do slashing damage instead of weaker-looking members.
bludgeoning damage.
Room 8: Founders Chamber
Room 4: Crossway This large ornate chamber contains two sarcophagi,
The first time the players come to this crossway, the one on the north wall and one on the south wall. The
banshee appears to the players again. lids of these sarcophagi have bas relief carvings of a
• Banshee: This time when the banshee appears, man on one and a woman on the other. The woman
she does not seem as angry or terrifying, but is the banshee that has appeared to the party several
instead seems concerned. She once again urges the times at this point. The lid of the sarcophagi with the
characters to leave. If pressed for answers allow the man is slightly ajar when the players enter the room.
characters to make a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) At the far end of the room there is a 5 foot wide hole
check. If it is successful, she will reveal that a dark in the floor, where it looks like something has dug
figure from the family’s past has come back to down into the earth.
collect a debt, and that everybody in the castle is in • Banshee: The banshee appears one final time to
grave danger. beg the party to leave. It is now that she reveals the
whole truth of her family’s past. She reveals that
her name is Niamh and that her husband, Sloan,
Room 5: Warriors Crypt was a worshiper of Orcus. He made a deal that, in
This large chamber contains the bodies of the warriors exchange for 500 years of wealth and success, he
of House Ó Cuinn. The three exits from this room would lead an undead army for Orcus. Now, 500
lead to more chambers containing dead warriors. years later, her husband has come back as a wraith
• Undead: One ghast and two ghouls are wander- and is raising all of the ancestors of House Ó Cu-
ing around this large chamber. They attack anyone inn. Niamh is scared of her husband and does not
who enters the chamber. The ghast is the corpse of want to help the adventurers face him. However,
a great warrior from House Ó Cuinn’s past. a successful DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check
convinces her that fighting her husband is the right
Room 6 More Crypts thing to do. Regardless, she reveals that, if they are
These small chambers contain more members of able to return Sloans remains to his sarcophagus,
House Ó Cuinn. The people in these crypts were par- that should lay his spirit to rest once and for all.
ticularly wealthy and as such contain 4d6+5 gp instead
of the normal 2d6.

The crypt

Map by Annabeth Lennon

1 square = 5 feet

Room 9: Altar to Orcus If the party decides not to reveal the truth to Aileen,
The party descends 20 feet down through the hole and read the following:
into a natural cave formation. The cave snakes around
"As long as the spirits are dealt with, that is what
and opens up into a chapel, containing an altar to
truly matters. As special thanks for all the good you
Orcus at the far end of the room. Laying on the altar is
have done, I would be happy to add an extra 1,000
the corpse of Sloan.
gold pieces.” Pleased with the outcome, Aileen
• Undead: Floating in front of the altar is the spirit
invites the players to a feast in their honor.
of Sloan, who is a wraith. He attacks intruders on
sight and refuses to negotiate. If the party has con-
vinced Niamh to help them, Sloan also has a ghast If the party decides to make up a new reason for the
with him to guard him. spirits showing up, have them make a DC 20 Cha-
risma (Deception) check — on a success, read the

CONCLUSION “Wow, I can’t believe that! As promised, you will

When the party returns to the Countess Aileen with receive the extra gold we agreed upon.” Pleased
news that the castle has been cleared of undead read with the outcome, Aileen invites the players
the following: to a feast in their honor.

When you break the news to Aileen and her following:

wife Bridet, an obvious sigh of relief passes
over their faces. Aileen steps forward and says,
“Thank you so much for the great work that
Characters who complete this adventure may earn the
you’ve done. My family owes you a great debt. following rewards:
Do not worry, you will get the 5,000 gold pieces
I’ve promised you. Please tell me — were you XP REWARDS:
able to figure out why the spirits showed up?” Obstacle XP
Six Zombies and 340
At this point, the party can choose whether they want Four Crawling Hands
to reveal the dark origin of House Ó Cuinn. If they One Ghast and Two Ghouls 850
choose to reveal the past to her, read the following: Two Ghosts 2,200
Banshee 1,100
A look of horror passes over the faces of Aileen Wraith 1,800
and Bridget. “Oh my gods. That’s horrible. I’m
so ashamed… we must tell the people. They need TREASURE REWARDS:
to know the truth. Hopefully, they will be able to Item Value
forgive our past sins.” Aileen is deeply upset, but Ridding Crypt of Undead 5,000 gold pieces
ultimately thankful that you revealed the truth Telling Countess Aileen 2,500 gp
to her. “As promised you will receive your extra the truth (or convincing
reward for revealing the truth. Thank you for your her of a lie)
service.” She then takes her leave and heads up
to her room with her wife Bridget.

About the author

Annabeth Lennon resides in Austin, Texas. A lifelong
fan of D&D, this is the first adventure she has written
for a DM other than herself. She can be reached at
@SStrahd on Twitter and [email protected].

Illustration by Dungeon Secrets

by Jessica Ross
Creature: Boo-hag | Level(s): 3-5

SYNOPSIS Dramatis Personae

Outside Briar Glen lies a dangerous swamp, and deep
within it runs the Weeping River. Those who venture • Ferynne: A boo-hag (night hag) who came to the
too far into the swampland near the river are overcome swamp centuries ago. She ignored Briar Glen at
with grief and cry until their tears turn to blood. If first; by the time their expansion became a dan-
they’re lucky, they die quickly. ger, she was outnumbered. Six months ago, the
Lately, however, women in town disappear into the townsfolk cut too deep into the swamp, and the
swamp near the Weeping River at night... and return damage nearly killed Ferynne. Ferynne called for
in the morning, entranced but unscathed. Their fam- her sisters, but with no boo-hags nearby, she sum-
ilies want to know why they return at sunrise with no moned several of the women in town. In her true
memory of the previous night. form, she appears as a skinless woman. Years ago, a
These women found themselves a friend in the boo- dying friend offered Ferynne her skin, so Ferynne
hag, angry at the townsfolk for damaging her swamp. disguises herself as a beautiful drow woman.
She initiated the women into her coven and tasked • Ilde Glenhill: Ilde’s primary concern is the
them to drain the life energy from their families to safety of the townsfolk. She knows to avoid the
help the boo-hag heal the swamp. swamp and warns the Characters away from it.
Ilde aids the investigations as best she can but can’t
pass through the swamp barrier.
ADVENTURE HOOK • Enchanted Women: When these women
The former mayor, Araphyra Pernan, fell into a coma answered the boo-hag’s call, they agreed to join
six months ago. Healers have kept Araphyra alive, but her coven and allow her to enchant them so they
no one can wake her. Worse, several others have taken would only remember Ferynne under the light of
ill. The current mayor, a hill dwarf paladin named the moon. At night, the women of the coven drain
Ilde Glenhill, suspects foul play. She can’t root out the their partners’ energy. They return to the swamp
problem while keeping the town running, so she put with the stolen energy at every full moon to help
out a call for adventurers to investigate. Ferynne heal it. These willingly-enchanted women
are starting to remember tidbits, and now they’re
juggling their loyalty to the boo-hag and their love
for their families.
Pernan Family: A Pernan has been mayor in Bri-
Briar Glen, though relatively small, has expanded since
it was first settled. The townsfolk work as farmers, craft- ar Glen for as long as anyone remembers. They’ve
ers, and traders; their economy relies on trade and trav- expanded Briar Glen into the surrounding swamp
el. There have always been rumors regarding the dangers for the last several generations, making room for
of the swamp; generations ago, a family of powerful more townsfolk, more businesses, and more land
warlocks (the Pernans) placed a barrier around it. Ad- to farm.
venturers can enter the swamp, but it takes dedication
and no small amount of power to breach the barrier.

“Don’t let the hag ride you.” This is how the people of With a successful DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion or
Briar Glen say goodbye and have done for generations Intimidation) check, Sarro reveals Darona and Ara-
to wish others health and wellness; the townsfolk see phyra argued for hours a few days before Araphyra fell
it as a figure of speech. Use this when characters end a ill. Darona, who married into the Pernans, was upset
positive encounter with an NPC. the Pernans have been expanding into the swamp for
generations; she wanted to stop it.
Darona or Sarro explain the swamp barrier; use the
CHAPTER 1 — The Swamp’s Edge text box below.
On a successful DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion)
The town of Briar Glen lies on the edge of check, Darona lets the characters examine Araphyra,
dense swampland. Old but well-maintained who can’t be woken; with a successful DC 11 Intelli-
buildings line the main road through town. gence (Arcana) check, the characters sense Enchant-
As soon as you approach the border of town, ment and Evocation surrounding her.
a smiling hill dwarf greets you, while many Darona doesn’t remember the argument, but she
townsfolk watch with suspicion. does feel it’s wrong for Briar Glen to continue intrud-
“I am Ilde Glenhill. Thank you for coming.” ing on the swamp.
She leads you to an old, beautiful building near
the center of town and ushers you inside. What the DM knows:
Darona asked the boo-hag to enchant her to forget
Ilde explains that the former mayor, Araphyra Pernan, the argument and the three days leading to Araphyra’s
has fallen into a coma. Several other townsfolk have coma, which was caused by Darona draining too much
become ill, as well, and for a few days every month, of her energy at once. If Ferynne heals the swamp,
they appear entranced. Araphyra will be fine.
Ilde shares rumors that women wander into the
swamp at night, which shouldn’t be possible due to Even before Briar Glen, rumors of dangerous
the barrier. While she’s noticed overlap in the women creatures surrounded the swamp. The Per-
entering the swamp and the women in trances, Ilde nans created a barrier to keep travelers out of
hasn’t been able to confirm a clear connection. the swamp and, hopefully, to keep whatever’s
Ilde cautions the players against entering the in the swamp out of Briar Glen. The barrier
swamp, even with the barrier; rumors have described isn’t unbreakable, but it serves as a warning
the dangers of the swamp for generations. and last safeguard.
Ilde directs you to the Pernan mansion, next door
to the town hall. She is the first non-Pernan to win the
mayoral election, which took place six months ago.
After speaking with Darona, any NPC answers the
The Family Pernan adventurers’ questions to the best of their ability, but
The Pernans’ butler, Sarro, leads the characters to a
they have two recommendations:
lavishly decorated sitting room. Success on a DC 11
1. The party can investigate someone entering the
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals Sarro seems ner-
swamp. The NPC directs the characters to the
vous, and he reluctantly admits Darona disappears into
home of one of the Women, Enchanted.
the swamp for several nights every month, sometimes
2. An NPC reluctantly suggests the group go directly
returning in a trance. The trances are getting longer,
Into the Swamp. The NPC advises against entering
and he’s worried she’ll fall into a coma, too.
the swamp and reminds the players they can’t pass
through the barrier.

CHAPTER 2 — Women, Enchanted Lucid Woman
Myrsael and Bralla welcome the characters into their
To investigate the women entering the swamp, roll any
die. On odd numbers, the characters visit the home of home. Bralla tells them she doesn’t know how much
an enchanted woman, on even numbers, they find a help she’ll be, and Myrsael shares what she knows (use
lucid woman instead. what Tiall knows in the previous section).
Bralla doesn’t know why this happens or how it
started. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
Enchanted Woman check determines Bralla is hiding something: she re-
Tiall welcomes the characters into his home for their members hearing someone weeping.
investigation. He hesitates at first but leads the charac-
ters to his wife, Nel, in the sitting room.
Stories and Legends
When you enter the room, the woman does An NPC can share the town’s legends if the characters
not so much as stir. She stares directly ahead ask the right questions.
of her, her eyes glazed and unfocused as
everyone moves around her. Legend of the Weeping River
With a successful DC 9 Intelligence (History) check,
On a successful DC 11 Intelligence (Arcana) check, a character knows the legend; otherwise, an NPC tells
the characters sense Eenchantment. If a character has a them.
way to end an enchantment, the DC is 20, regardless
of the spell’s DC. If a character wakes the enchanted Before it was the Weeping River, it was the Dreamer’s
woman, she becomes a lucid woman; use the next Pond, where people could present an offering and make a
section for this encounter. wish. The pond didn’t grant wishes, but it gave people the
With a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) power and energy to grant their own.
check, characters see mud on Nel’s shoes and deter- The deeper into the swamp the town expanded, the
mine she has been to the swamp recently. larger the pond became until it outgrew the island, and
If a character attempts to get close to Nel, she now it cuts through the entire swamp.
focuses on them, saying “If she dies, we die.” She then The people of Briar Glen don’t make wishes on that
returns to her unresponsive state. river. They learned long ago how dangerous it is — by
When questioned, Tiall shares what he knows: the time you see the river, it’s already too late. Anyone
• Every month, Nel disappears for the two nights be- who ventures that deep into the swamp is overcome by
fore, the night of, and the two nights after the full grief, and they begin weeping. Few have made it out of
moon. He tried following her, but he couldn’t pass the swamp before the tears turn to blood and they die in
through the barrier. Nel returned in the morning anguish.
unharmed and with no memory of leaving. Some-
times she returns normally, but sometimes she Don’t Let the Hag Ride You
comes back dazed — as she is now — remaining An NPC shares the lesser-known legend of the boo-
so for days before she returns to normal. This hag with a successful DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion)
started six months ago. check.
• Tiall also mentions he has been losing sleep and
has been exhausted lately. Before this town was built, there was a creature in the
What the DM knows: Tiall is exhausted because swamp. She drained energy from travelers to sustain herself,
Nel drains his life force for the boo-hag. but she left them alive and enchanted them so they could
only remember what happened through a dream-like haze.
Once the town was built, she visited Briar Glen under
the cover of night to latch onto someone and drain their
energy. She wouldn’t kill if she didn’t have to, but those she
drained were never the same.

Years later, a drow woman entered the swamp to find this
creature and never returned. Until the barrier was built,
many said they caught glimpses of this woman wandering the
town at night.
The townsfolk have since shared the warning and the
protection “don’t let the hag ride you.”

If the characters befriended any enchanted woman
(Darona, Bralla, or Nel), she gives each player a small
stone painted to look like a pearl and directs them to the
swamp. If they threatened or angered her, she tells them
to leave Briar Glen. If they leave town without investigat-
ing the swamp, see Conclusion, Part C.

CHAPTER 3 — The Hag Rides

Into the Swamp
The players can enter the swamp as soon as they enter
town. Roll 1d4 on the Swamp Encounters table. After the
characters explore town, roll 1d6 twice on the Swamp
Encounters table as the characters head for the barrier.

Swamp Encounters
D6 Encounter Details
1 Bullywug Attack Bullywugs (one per character) attack the party.
2 Encampment On a successful DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) check, the party finds
evidence of deserted camp grounds. With a result of 16, they also discover
more recent tracks leading deeper into the swamp toward the barrier and a
potion of healing.
3 Stirge Swarm A swarm of stirges (two per character) attack the party.
4 Swamp Fog A thick fog rolls in, surrounding the party and dampening their senses.
When the fog clears, they are back at the edge of the swamp.
5 Enchanted Woman Nel or Bralla enter the swamp in a trance and walk toward the barrier.
Their path can be obstructed, but the party can’t wake them. If they
damage the enchanted woman, the swamp swallows her, and a tree root
lashes out toward the character who attacked, dealing twice the damage the
woman received.
6 Darona Pernan Darona Pernan approaches the barrier. A successful DC 11 Intelligence
(Arcana) check reveals Abjuration and Illusion magic.

What the DM knows: Darona is weakening the barrier but making it appear undamaged. She’s adjusting the
barrier so only those who want to save the swamp can pass through.

The Barrier The Heart of the Swamp
What the DM knows: the characters can pass If the characters enter with the guidance of an en-
through the barrier if their intention is to protect the chanted woman or by passing through the barrier to
swamp or if they have a faux-pearl. help, read the following.
The characters can bluff their way through with a
successful DC 21 Charisma (Deception, Performance, You follow the gentle sound of weeping to a
or Persuasion) check or by following an enchanted drow woman, kneeling at the edge of the riv-
woman (by convincing or tricking her into thinking er. She leans close to the water and exhales.
they want to help). As she does, the haggard and dying plants
around you spring up with renewed energy.
Development The woman lets her tears fall into the river as
After two encounters, if the party has not discovered she breathes life back into the swamp.
another way in, present result 5 or 6: an enchanted She looks up to see you watching her.
woman or Darona Pernan. “Are you here to help?” she asks.

The Sisters of the Swamp The Boo-Hag

If they enter through trickery or deception, read the The characters can try talking to Ferynne, but if they
following: attack, she’s a disguised boo-hag who summons a troll
(with half health) to aid her (unless the players re-
You feel dampness on your face as you push ceived faux-pearls). When the troll dies or Ferynne is
deeper into the swamp, and when you move at half health (whichever happens first), she peels away
to brush it away, you hear soft weeping and her flesh to become the boo-hag.
realize the water is coming from your eyes. As
you fall to your knees, a beautiful drow ap- Scaling the battle:
pears before you, smiling down at you. If the party is small or under-powered, consider
“You will suffer every pain my sister feels,” removing the troll and/or transforming the boo-hag
the woman says, pointing to the river behind sooner.
her. “If she dies, you die.”
• The boo-hag uses the stats of the night hag with
On a successful DC 13 Constitution check, the the addition of ride. Her ride ability allows her to
characters stop crying. If they fail, they take 1d10 regain 1d8 health per turn when she puts a charac-
psychic damage. ter to sleep.
• When disguised, she has half health and can’t use

• If the players want to negotiate with Ferynne, go
to Conclusion, Part A.
• If the players kill the boo-hag, go to Conclusion,
Part B.
• If the players decide to leave town without killing
Ferynne or attempting to facilitate a negotiation,
go to Conclusion, Part C.

The boo-hag wants Briar Glen to stop killing the If the party kills the boo-hag, read the following text
swamp. The party can convince her to negotiate with aloud:
Ilde (she can’t cross the barrier), who wants what’s best
for the town. The hag’s body falls to the ground, and the
If your party successfully facilitates a negotiation, swamp opens and swallows her, leaving be-
read the following: hind a pile of rocks painted to look like pearls.
As soon as her body disappears, the lush,
The enchanted women awaken, as does Ara- green plants turn brown, and the murky water
phyra. She’s disappointed to learn Briar Glen recedes. The swamp dies around you as you
will no longer be expanding into the swamp, leave.
but she thanks you for saving her. Ilde greets you in town with a sad smile.
Ferynne arrives in her disguise, and the Behind her stands Araphyra comforting a
townsfolk agree to one final ritual. They allow weeping Darona. In fact, many women join
Ferynne to use their life force to revive the dy- Darona in her sorrow, and they watch you
ing swamp, and Darona destroys the barrier. disdainfully.
The town holds a celebration lasting several Araphyra screams as blood leaks from her
nights and provide free food and drink for the eyes. She dies in front of you, and Darona
festival. screams for you to leave town before you do
After leaving Briar Glen to return to your more damage.
normal lives, you watch for news from the You leave Briar Glen behind you and
town. As days turn to weeks, you hear the return to your normal lives. The days turn to
swamp is flourishing, and with the new life weeks, and you hear rumors of a town near a
in the swamp, more people visit. The econ- swamp nearly destroyed. A few townsfolk still
omy is booming with more traders visiting remain, but the swamp around the town died,
than ever, and adventurers travel through the taking many in the town with it.
swamp relatively unharmed. One night, you wake from a nightmare,
and the boo-hag’s haunting voice follows
you into the waking world, warning you if the
swamp dies, everyone else dies, too.

If the party leaves without confronting the boo-hag or Thank you to my wonderful group of playtesters,
facilitating a deal, read the following: Robin, Katie, Sam, and Patrick! And thank you to Jen
Vaughn and Robin Michele for reviewing my drafts
Ilde follows you to the edge of town, unhap- and not letting me give up.
py but understanding. Briar Glen’s troubles
started long before you arrived, and it was too
much, perhaps, to expect you to fix them. about the author
You return to your normal lives, and as Jess is a teacher, editor, and podcaster. You can listen to
the days turn to weeks, you hear rumors of a her play D&D with some of her favorite ladies on d20
town near a swamp nearly destroyed. A few Dames and tune in while she GMs Blue Rose for some
townsfolk still remain, but they live in fear of of her besties on Bitches & Liches. Check in with her
the hag coven controlling the nearby swamp. shenanigans on Twitter @writejessr.
The people work during the day, then lock
their houses tight at night, whispering words
of protection and warning.
“Don’t let the hag ride you.”

Conclusion Items Clout
Part A wand of magic detection You have done this town a great service, and word
of your bravery will spread. If you encounter
someone from this town in your travels, they’re
willing to help you in any way they can on your
next adventure.
grey bag of tricks
100 gp
If they received Each pearl is a potion
faux-pearls of greater healing
Part B 100 gp You have made an enemy of Darona Pernan, a
powerful warlock. She won’t forget what you’ve
done, nor will the other previously-enchanted
If they picked up the 3 Each pearl is a potion of
faux-pearls left behind by greater healing
the boo-hag
Part C 50 gp

Encounter XP Earned
Boo-hag appeased 2500
Boo-hag killed 1800
Troll killed 900
Bullywug 50 per bullywug
Stirge 25 per stirge

the demon’s heart
by Masha Lepire
Creature: Succubus | Level(s): 3-5


A group of adventurers find themselves drawn to The adventurers arrive at a small village next to an
Axeholme, a small, desolate village with a rash of ancient barrow. They think they have arrived in order
disappearances. An ancient burial mound nearby has to investigate a string of disappearances, but really they
been opened, its stone door found shattered, and, if have been lured by a succubus, Katherine, who seeks
the villagers are to be believed, the disappearances are to use them for her own purposes. She is seeking an
the work of a wizard’s curse. But things are not always ancient demonic artifact, The Demon’s Heart, locked
what they seem. The Demon’s Heart is an adventure for in the hallowed tomb of a long dead warlock. The bar-
3-5 characters of 4th level. It uses the milestone system row is warded with an old spell so that demons cannot
and characters that complete this adventure may enter. Katherine seeks to use the adventurers to retrieve
advance to 5th level. the artifact for her — and deal with her competition.
Elias, her cambion son, is competing with her to
obtain the artifact, for it can set one of them free from
ADVENTURE HOOK their contract with a hellish pit lord.
The adventurers are summoned to Axeholme by a The adventurers eventually discover that the cam-
local lord to investigate a string of missing peasants. bion has been charming townsfolk from Axeholme in
The lord tells them a woman came to him the night an attempt to retrieve the artifact for him. Seeing his
before begging for his aid to find her lost son. The plans, the succubus lures the players into the village
adventurers learn that an ancient barrow, said to hold with the hope she can manipulate them into killing
the remains of a powerful wizard, has been unearthed. the cambion, entering the barrow, and retrieving the
Locals say the place is cursed, and blame the disappear- Demon’s Heart for her. The cambion is the true villain,
ances on the barrow’s recent disruption. Their proof while the succubus, though manipulative, is painted in
of the curse lies in the nightmares that have plagued a more neutral light.
Axeholme ever since a stableboy reported the barrow’s
stone door smashed. Dark omens and demonic visions
visit themselves upon the sleeping each and every CHAPTER 1 — The Village
night. A character blessed by divinity (such as a cleric The characters are summoned to Axeholme, a desolate
or paladin) might receive a cryptic vision from their village located near an old barrow in a nearby grassy
god, showing demonic omens and guiding them to the knoll. The village borders a vast marsh and is little
barrow as the source of the town’s recent misfortunes. more than cluster of sod huts around a stacked stone
Unbeknownst to the townsfolk and the adventurers, well.
these visions have been conjured by a succubus posing
as a local woman in order to lure adventures to the

The Village Square The Tavern
Several dirty peasants squat around a greasy peat fire
in the village’s center. If the characters speak with the The dimly lit tavern is deserted save for the
villagers they discover the following information: innkeeper, Beatrice, and her two mastiffs by
The ancient barrow at the edge of the marsh has the fireplace. The large mean looking hounds
been recently opened. A stable boy, Peter, discovered seem on edge, pacing the flagstones, and
the large stone blocking its door had been shattered a snapping at each other over an old bone.
fortnight past. Ever since the barrow opened, people Another woman sits at a table in a corner of
have been disappearing. The last to go missing was the tavern farthest from the light and warmth
Lysa, the daughter of Beatrice, the innkeeper. of the dwindling fire.
People have been behaving strangely. For instance,
the blacksmith, Yohan, has shuttered his shop. Towns- Beatrice is initially friendly toward the characters,
folk believe an ancient curse is to blame and say the though clearly distraught over her missing daughter,
barrow is the tomb of a powerful wizard.The village Lysa. She offers them lodging and a hot meal, sharing
elder, Toland, has warned everyone to stay away from what little she has as thanks for their help finding her
the barrow. daughter.
Unknown to the players, Beatrice is charmed by
the woman in the corner, a succubus named Kather-
The Villagers ine. Kathrine is using Beatrice to earn the adventurers’
• Yohan: The Blacksmith is a stout dwarf with a
trust by having her attempt to kill them, thwarting the
long black beard. His forge, a clay chimney under
attempt herself, and then pinning it on her son, the
a small thatch overhang abutting his stacked stone
cambion, Elias.
hut, is cold and appears to have not been opera-
When Beatrice brings the group drinks and food,
tional for several days. He is home, but tells the
Kathrine knocks the drinks from their hands, warning
adventurers to go away and echos the superstitions
them of the poison waiting within. Beatrice, a com-
of the villagers. In reality, Yohan is dead. Elias has
moner, draws a knife and attacks, her agitated hounds
taken his place while he uses villagers to explore
by her side. Should Beatrice survive the encounter, she
the barrow.
will regain her senses, and remember being charmed
• Peter: The teenage stableboy solemnly recounts
by a dark figure in the night.
for the adventurers the events leading up to his dis-
Kathrine introduces herself as a fellow adventurer
covering the barrow’s opening. He mentions that
and suggest they share a common enemy. She reveals
he sometimes sees lights at night near the barrow
that a sorcerer named Elias is behind the disappear-
and believes traveling bandits might be behind the
ances in the village and she has been tracking him for
some time. If asked how she knows this, Katherine
• Toland: The elderly gray-bearded village elder
discloses her parentage of Elias.
tells the adventurers the barrow is the tomb of a
If questioned further, Katherine claims Elias is
wizard and older than the village itself. He des-
seeking a powerful relic contained within the barrow
perately pleads with the characters to help save his
If the adventurers question her motives, Kather-
ine points out she did just save their lives and remind
them that the enemy of her enemy is her friend. She
adds that Elias is stronger than both of them and they
will need her help if they are to defeat him. She adds
that he is cunning, and they may already be manipu-
lated by him, as it’s likely he lured them to Axeholme
in order to kill her. She adds that she saw Elias enter
the barrow right before she came to the inn.

Role-playing Katherine First, he thanks the adventurers for their unexpected
Kathrine is a succubus, and, as such, manipu- aid, saying he could not enter the crypt or even so
lates others to further her ends. She genuinely much as lift the orb from its resting place without
wants to see her son slain as he is a threat to them.
her. Above all else, she covets the artifact in the While fighting, Elias taunts the group, “What lies
barrow in order to free herself from her masters' has she told you?” If they tell him Katherine said he
bondage. She is cunning, and will play to the lured them, he replies, “Why would I bring you here?
heroes‘ sympathies. You are interfering with my plans!”
A successful DC 13 Arcana (Intelligence) or
Religion (Intelligence) check reveals that a cambion is
CHAPTER 2 — The Barrow a child born of a succubus and a human.
The inside of the barrow is a large, round burial
chamber. In the center rests a stone sarcophagus
with the relief of a man carved on its lid. In his
hands is nestled the Demon’s Heart, a polished
obsidian sphere. The walls of the barrow are
carved with worn runes, glowing faintly like em-
bers in a dying fire. A character might recognize
the runes as Infernal, describing the nefarious
deeds of a powerful warlock. Pictograms also
show a warlock wielding a black sphere subjugat-
ing demons.

The Tomb
On the ground around the sarcophagus are
withered corpses, the bodies of villagers drained
of life. Among them is the body of Yohan, the
blacksmith. There is no sign of Lysa.
An adventurer who can read Infernal or who
who passes an Investigation (Intelligence) check
DC 13 can decipher the story on the walls: A
warlock, pledged in service to a powerful demon
lord conquers his enemies and subjugates de-
mons, but he is unable to produce an heir. Frus-
trated he tricks a lesser demon into bearing his
child, promising freedom from her master, the
demon lord he too serves in exchange. The rest of
the wall seems damaged by a long ago collapse,
and is unreadable. Upon disturbing the chamber,
the ghost of the warlock will rise from the tomb
and attack the adventurers.
Once the adventurers pick up the Demon’s
Heart, the hallow spell on the barrow will fall,
the runes lining the walls darkening, and Elias
will enter to confront them, shedding the form
of the dwarven smith for his true demonic visage.

CONCLUSION The Demon’s Heart
Wonderous Item, rare
This cold, smoothly polished black orb is crafted from
You hear the soft slow clapping of delicate obsidian, mined from the hardened magma of the nine
hands. Katherine stands in the doorway of the hells. While holding the orb you can use your action
chamber. cast the command (fiends only) spell.

Once Elias has been dealt with, Katherine enters the

barrow in her human guise to claim the Demon’s
Heart. She reveals she can use it to break her master’s Rewards
hold over her. If the characters have not already pieced • The eyes of the figure carved into the stone of the
together the story, she explains how she was forced to sarcophagus lid are black gems that glint like beat-
bear her son against her will, and how the warlock bur- les in the torchlight. The can be pried loose as two
ied here was his father. According to her, the warlock onyx gems, each worth 150 gp.
died before he could fulfill his bargain, killed by Elias. • The village elder, Toland rewards the adventures
His followers buried him here. with 100 gp, donated from the villagers.
If the characters refuse to give her the Heart she • If Lysa is saved, Beatrice gives the characters a
begs and pleads with them. As a last resort, she con- golden brooch in the shape of a racoon, a family
fesses that Lysa, the innkeeper’s daughter, is still alive, heirloom worth 25 gp.
and they might be able to save her, if they act quickly
and hand over the orb.
If they comply, Katherine informs them that Lysa
is in the marsh by a ring of standing stones, a location
they can easily find. They discover her bound hand
and foot, but unharmed, in the mud between the
mossy stones.
If the characters attempt to kill Katherine, she as-
sumes her true demonic form as a succubus and fights
back, attempting to turn them against one another
with both words and magic. She tries to grab the orb
and flee the barrow.
The characters can replace the artifact, restoring
the hallow spell and trapping the succubus inside the
The characters may also choose to let Katherine go,
with or without the Demon’s Heart.

Author’s Notes about the author
The purpose of this adventure is to paint a new per- Masha Lepire is a Seattle-based composer, sound
spective on the traditionally overtly sexualized succu- designer, and writer. Scandinavian folklore and her
bus. I turned the succubus into a mother in order to adventures in Polish castles and Norwegian forests
develop her into a more unique fiendish creature. This inspire her creative projects. She currently creates
one-shot is dedicated to my loving partner and talent- content for the Ancient Greece-inspired tabletop
ed game designer, Eugene Fasano, who helped inspire setting Arkadia.
and edit this adventure. I also wouldn’t have been able
to stay determined during my writing process without
the overwhelming support of my dear friends.

Illustration by Dungeon Secrets

lost gods
by Natalie Wallace
Creature: Medusa | Level(s): 3-5

SYNOPSIS CHAPTER 1 — What a Quiet Village

The town of Medeira was once a thriving and boun- The village of Medeira is at least two days away from
tiful place. Over the last six months, what once any major city, but can be found at the crossing point
appeared to be alive, is now slowly withering away of two rivers — Rebus and Sedah. At the crux of both
into nothing. Crops are failing. Disease plagues the rivers, there is a cavern that leads underground. The
townsfolk. Nearby water sources are drying up. And village is built up around this cave, with around 100
everything traces back to the goddess that the town small huts and various structures. On the side op-
worships, a creature that most adventurers will recog- posite of the rivers, Medeira is guarded by a 5’ high
nize as… Medusa. Only she can return the town to its stone wall, allowing for only one main entrance point
former glory. Or perhaps she’s destined to bring ruin. through the stone wall. Players can make a percep-
If only someone could get to her and find out. Lost tion check as they approach the wall with a DC 18. If
Gods is intended for characters of 3rd to 5th levels. successful, they notice that the stone seems to vaguely
resemble humanoids. There are several main roads that
guide villagers around town, but the focal point is the
ADVENTURE HOOK shrine situated in front of the cavern entrance.
The adventurers discover that they need to delve into
the caverns of Medeira, get past the traps and creatures As you happen upon this small village, you
haunting it, in order to find the Medusa. She might be can barely make out more than the thatched
able to help the village. She might not. Any adventurer roofs which peak overtop the 5 foot tall stone
worth their salt is aware of what a Medusa really is, wall that surrounds the village.The entrance
and thus may feel inclined to just outright kill her, and is a 10 foot wide gap within the wall, which is
not listen to what she may have to say. But at the risk unmanned, resembling more the entrance to
of demoralizing the village and setting them on a path a maze than a village. The unassuming en-
of ruin by destroying the greater power they believe in, tryway bears nothing to indicate the location,
what should the group even do? save for a small wooden plaque on the right
hand side, which in large block letters, says
This adventure focuses primarily on the moral quanda-
ry of whether or not to interfere with a town’s natural
progression, as well as their beliefs. The townsfolk are
devout believers in the power their revered goddess
possesses, but adventurers recognize the “goddess” as
being a dangerous creature, historically known as being
evil in nature.

As the adventurers explore, here are the various things Golden Goose Inn & Tavern
they can learn by speaking to the villagers: Eventually, the adventurers find the Golden Goose Inn
• Everyone here reveres the goddess Medusa — it & Tavern, a two storey building adorned with modest
is said she is the one who created the village and furnishings and portraits of the revered goddess. Once
brought to its people everything they needed to inside, there are 1d4 patrons, and a young half-orc
survive. No one has ever met her, but legend tells woman behind the bar. Upon talking to her, she
of her beauty and grace. reveals herself to be Tarragon Singlearrow, the tavern
• The decline for the village began about six months owner. She treats the adventurers to a round of drinks,
ago. First the fish in the rivers slowly disappeared, provided they sit and listen to her request. She pleads
and the river water became tainted and undrink- to the adventurers (with any additional information
able. After that, crops withered due to the lack of from above that the party did not glean from villag-
useable water, which reduced all produce within ers already) to speak with the mayor about the town’s
the village, and all live stock began to die off as plights. She describes the mayor as a female human in
they couldn’t maintain the livelihood. The people her late 60s, with greying hair and tired eyes, going by
have barely survived by working hard to make the the name of Cassandra Renato. Tarragon isn’t certain
water drinkable, and maintain what supplies they as to where they can find the mayor, but she’ll reside in
could, often town somewhere.
• For the longest time, it was a prosperous village
with a decent trade market, and solid partnerships
with neighbouring towns. Since the village’s de- Mayor Renato
cline, no one visits anymore. The party needs to talk to more of the residents in
• There’s a cave at the conflux of the two rivers, order to find the mayor — she’s taken to hiding in
which is where Medusa is said to live. The shrine, a small alcove set into the cavern where it meets the
which stands in front of the cave, has a stone river. It’s narrow enough that characters need to make
statue of a woman reaching to the sky, with about a Dexterity saving throw (DC 10) to not fall into the
a dozen offerings at its feet, varying from food and river. When they find her, she’s sitting on the ground,
flowers to gold and handmade goods. staring into the river, and does not acknowledge the
• At least a dozen people have ventured into the party as they approach. She responds if they talk to
cavern, as some felt it might be best to approach her, but she won’t move from her position. She reveals
the goddess herself in order to find out how to the following information over time (and depending
appease her so that the village may survive. None on the questions the characters ask):
have returned. • She’s been seeking out adventurers, even going
• If the issue isn’t resolved within the next couple of so far as to hire people from outside the village,
months, the villagers need to pick up and move to head into the cavern to seek out their goddess
elsewhere in order to survive. They’re opposed to Medusa and ask her to restore the village. No one’s
this idea as they don’t want to anger their goddess come back out, and the village has run out of re-
— they fear it would be bad luck to leave. sources to hire traveling parties with, but she fears
There isn’t much in this town — there are a handful of that if something is not done soon, they have to
merchants who can sell basic items, but otherwise this either leave or die with the village.
town is primarily used to exporting its goods for what • The cavern, known colloquially in Medeira as the
it needs instead of selling in town. There is one vendor "Cave of Wonders," is said to be set with traps and
who sells healing potions and another who sells simple dangerous paths so only the strong can seek an
weapons (see prices in PHB). Otherwise, there is not audience with the goddess.
much in the way of supplies in this town, especially • She begs and pleads to have the party attempt the
since so much of the produce has dried up. cave — she bribes them with food and lodging. At
this point, she finally looks at the players, and she
appears as though she’s been crying. If the party
declines, follows them until they agree, being stub-

born and persuasive. Cassandra offers favours from Into the Depths
the village or what little coin they have in order to
have them agree, although she is very reluctant to The mouth of the water-worn cavern is wide
give up any money. If the party decides to persuade but near impossible to see far into. The dirt
her for coin, she bargains up to 50 gp, but that is road leading into the smooth stone opening
her limit. has a flurry of footprints going in, but none
leaving it. There is an eerie silence about the
Development entrance – as if no one dares to enter.
After the party has agreed to help the village, they can
have a long rest at the inn for the night, and in the
morning they can proceed to the next chapter. 1. Cave Entrance
Light still trickles through the entrance of this cavern,
but it is soon lost once the party gets far enough in.
CHAPTER 2 — Cave of Wonders Any character without darkvision will not be able to
see. There are no sources of light.
Tarragon happily guides the party to the cavern en-
trance in the morning, wishing them the best of luck
on their journey. Some villagers also see them off, 2. Open Cave
praising their good deeds and asking the party to send The main pathway opens up into a large, open space,
love to Medusa for them. Some try to send offerings littered with boulders — there are seemingly four
along with the party — if the party consents, use the pathways leading from it, outside of where the party
table below to determine what offerings are given. entered. The party may make a DC 15 Wisdom (Sur-
vival) check to look at the footprints throughout — on
D8 result Offering a success, they note that the left most pathways have
1 A silvered shield more traffic. Nothing else is really to be found in this
2 A small bag containing area.
10 gold pieces
3 A loaf of bread and bushel of 3. Alcove of Statues
apples The right most path goes by an alcove, which, if in-
4 A handmade doll, resembling spected, reveals stone statues. Upon a successful DC
the statue 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check, the characters
5 A dagger discover that they appear to be villagers. If they linger,
6 A lengthy poem written about 1d6 spectres appear and start to attack the party. They
Medusa follow until the party leaves the cavern altogether, but
7 A lute remain at the entrance to the cavern.
8 A small bag containing 1d4
gems 4. Destroyed Passageway
What appears to be another tunnel turns out to be
Once seen off by the villagers, the party can head into caved in — there may have been another entrance or
the cave and face the dangers that await them. exit once, but it has long since been closed off. Ad-
venturers may make a DC 15 Intelligence (Investiga-
tion) check to discern the strange shapes blocking the
pathway. On a successful check, they notice that upon
closer inspection, the pathway has been walled up with
stone-shaped bodies, as if they were attempting to

5. Roundabout 10. Goddess’ Lair
This area goes around in a circle, and should the ad-
venturers go the full way around, they notice 1d4 rats The cave opens up to a small clearing,
scurry by. The rats attempt to bite any adventurer that adorned with stone statues that have been
comes close. draped in fabric, as if trying to hide their
petrified faces. A silver shield leans up against
6. Open Pathway the wall, and as your eyes look at it, you see
The open pathway splits into a T intersection, with no yourself staring into the red eyes of the god-
discernable indication of which is the correct path. dess herself — the Medusa. Her snaked hair
writhing, and clothed in grey fabrics. Her face
7. Dead End looks forlorn and distressed, but quickly turns
The pathway looks like it might have once continued to anger as she notices you.
on, but long since closed off by additional rubble. A
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check
offers approximately 15 gp in loose coins scattered
amongst the dirt.
When the party finds the Medusa, proceed to
Chapter 3.
8. Semi Collapsed Tunnel

The passage way ahead is almost entirely

collapsed, as though someone tried to close
it off entirely. Some of the stones have been
moved aside, leaving a narrow pathway only
5’ high for adventurers to pass through.

The tunnel may be made wide enough to fit the play-

ers with a successful DC 10 Strength check to move
the stones out of the way. Alternatively they can do a
DC 10 Dexterity check to see if they can slip through.

9. Stone Garden
This small area is filled with stone statues — all ap-
pearing to be villagers from the town. There are about
a dozen, kept in pristine condition. If inspected too
closely, 1d6 specters rise and attack, the angered souls
of the deceased villagers.

the cave of wonders

map by natalie wallace

Players who choose to approach the Medusa can do so,
but she’s already aware of their presence the moment
they walked in. She refuses to look them in the eyes, or
C1. If the party kills Medusa...
If they outright kill Medusa, or let her petrify herself
at her directly, but is willing to talk if they are amena-
and then leave her, they will need to find a way to
ble. She will attack if provoked or if the players try to
leave the village without the villagers seeing them. If
leave her lair - if they’re not here to help, they’re no
they are seen, they will be bothered about their god-
good to her at all.
dess endlessly, and will not believe the party if they try
to lie about her well being.
This is what the players can find out by
As soon as the villagers find out their beloved god-
talking to her:
dess is dead, they will turn into a mob, half of them
• She is not a god, despite what the villagers believe.
going after the party, the other half running into the
She was once a beautiful human woman, who was
ruins to try to save her (1d100 villagers total). Chaos
turned into a monster by a god who approached
ensues, and eventually the village burns to the ground.
her and she turned them down. She was given this
If the party escapes, they see the flames behind them as
land to be “worshipped” as a fate of dramatic irony
they run away, consuming the village. If they take too
— she loathes it, and simply wants her freedom.
long trying to escape, they burn alongside the rest of
She knows she’ll accidentally kill the villagers if she
the villagers.
tries to leave, another fate she wishes to not have
Legends are later told about the town of Medeira,
haunt her.
noting the efforts of the adventurers who failed to save it.
• She has never had control over the land — the
real reason why everything is failing is the land
that they settled on was never meant for crops or C2. If the party helps Medusa...
livestock. The Gods who cursed her made it seem Characters need to find a way to distract the villagers
sustainable for 100 years, but that time is nearing so that Medusa can be allowed to leave without being
to a close, and the land will no longer be viable. bothered. There are no alternative tunnels — only the
• Every person that has been turned to stone in this main entrance. Players are encouraged to be creative in
cavern was an accident (whether or not players their deceptions with the villagers; if the adventurers
believe this is up to them). attempt their escape efforts during the day, the DC is
• The city wall is actually made up of people she ac- 20, and if they attempt it at night, then it is a DC15.
cidentally turned to stone — if characters did not They will need to continue to make checks through
notice this, she will point it out. She built it into the village, depending on how fast they make their
a wall to serve as a reminder to others to keep out, way out. The villagers, should they see Medusa, will
but the townsfolk saw it as protection and took get excited and swarm her. This may result in someone
refuge within the walls. getting turned to stone, or they may try to convince
At this point, the adventurers must make the ultimate her to stay (should the party elect to blindfold her).
decision — help Medusa find freedom or kill her. If unsuccessful, Medusa will attempt to retreat back
into the cavern, injuring 1d20 villagers on the way.
If successful, she thanks the adventurers , bestowing
Development upon them a shield as a reward (see Rewards section).
The conclusion is played out depending on the decision
She disappears, never to be seen from again. If the
made by the party. If they attack Medusa, proceed to
party elects to return to the village to tell them what
C1. If the players offer to help Medusa, proceed to C2.
happened, most will be disgruntled that their goddess
has abandoned them, but Cassandra will be ultimately
grateful, and will produce the agreed upon reward,
if any.

Regardless of the outcome, the villagers will need to
realize that it is the act of nature, not of the gods, that Hero’s Shield
their land is dying. They will need to be convinced Shield, uncommon
to leave — the mayor has the best chance of rallying This silvered metal shield has a faint glow to it, and
everyone together. The DM can elect to play this out if around the edge is inscribed the name “PERSEUS.”
the players are so inclined to return to the village (and The front of it can be used as a reflective surface, and it
if there is still a village standing), or they can decide provides a +1 to AC when equipped.
the fate of the village themselves.

Author’s Notes
Rewards The idea behind this was to play into the Prime Di-
rective from Star Trek, and presenting that as a moral
Characters who complete this adventure may earn the
following rewards: quandary in a D&D environment. Also taking meta
knowledge and using it against the players – while
XP REWARDS: many know what a medusa is capable of, how often do
Add the total XP of creatures defeated by the party, you really get to talk to one?
then divide by the enumber of characters to determine
individual rewards.
About the Author
Obstacle XP Natalie Wallace is from Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
Spectres 50 each and is a chaotic rogue who loves both GMing and
Rats 10 each playing various TTRPGs, but especially D&D. She
Killing Medusa 500 can be found on Twitter @ChaoticRogue as well as on
Saving Medusa 1,500 various streaming channels, and creates D&D 5e
content for

Illustration by Kayla Cline
the secret of shadow grove
by Lynne M. Meyer
Creature: Hag | Level: 4

SYNOPSIS Dramatis Personae

Anamdael is a small town remarkable only for its peace-
fulness. However, the town harbors a dark secret: Long • Lord V’linder Odami: (NE male human no-
ago, a resident entered into a pact with a Night Hag, ble) Stagmore’s most ambitious noble. He doesn’t
whose services come at a price. Travelers who once gave tolerate being refused. Long, blond hair accents his
little thought to Anamdael now hear rumors of a strange amber eyes and lean face.
• Brogol Grotsk: (NE male veteran) Odami’s
cult in its woods. Your party is hired to locate and return
gruff hired hand.
a missing person, last known to be traveling to Anam-
• Old Hazel: (CG commoner) A Mother devotee,
dael. Before you may enter “Mother’s” land, you face
this eccentric peasant woman has lived for years on
your first test. Your responses determine more than you
the outskirts of Anamdael and watches the in-
know and set the stage for an eerie adventure. The Secret
creasing number of travelers from Stagmore with a
of Shadow Grove is designed for level 4 characters. careful eye.
• Luneli Mirthspire: (NG modified acolyte)
Innkeeper of The Copper Kettle. Long, silvering,
ADVENTURE HOOK double braided hair; a lived-in, radiant face. She
The party may be mercenaries having just completed became head of the Mother’s cult after escaping a
a job in the growing city nearest Anamdael, Stagmore, bad marriage with Mother’s aid.
where they attract the eye of a noble wishing to hire • Constable Hal Hargrave: (LG male veter-
them, or they may answer a quest notice posted anon- an) Graying, chestnut hair pulled into a ponytail;
ymously by this same noble; in either case, they are a lengthy scar along his right cheek. A child who
escorted by an aide to the noble’s audience chamber, survived to adulthood thanks to Mother. He pre-
where they begin their adventure. vents troublesome inquiries when mysterious deaths
caused by her occur.
• Hawk Hargrave: (NE male commoner) Adult
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND son of the Constable, he shares his father’s features
Long ago, a woman from Anamdael made a pact with a — but not disposition. He’s been kept unaware
powerful healer she met in the woods, who helped her of Mother, though he has suspicions. Anamdael’s
escape the abusive marriage in which she had unwill- bowyer.
ingly found herself. Over time, others in distress sought • Milsee Meadowbrook: (NG female common-
out this mysterious healer; under cover of darkness, she er) Head server at the inn and Mother devotee. An
tended their wounds, and avenged the wrongs done to astute young redheaded woman, she knows more
them. They came to call her The Mother. For genera- about Anamdael and its residents than most people
tions, she’s remained a secret to be shared only as need- realize.
ed, lest she be discovered by those who would harm the • The Mother: A night hag. Kind to those who
vulnerable. Her silent watch has kept Anamdael a safe respect her ways and followers. Her judgement is
haven — to the growing frustration of a certain noble in fierce against transgressors.
the nearby city of Stagmore. • Trux and Tryx: Imps; night hag minions.

Characters casting detect evil discern an evil presence if
CHAPTER 1 — The Guardian at the Gate they are within 30 ft of the ravens; one is actually Tryx,
The party’s hired for a job that takes them to Anam-
a shapeshifted imp. A DC 20 Intelligence (Nature)
dael. But can they enter?
check reveals that one raven isn’t what it seems.
• If the party is rude or aggressive to Old Hazel, or
The Quest Begins attacks the imp, a swarm of poisonous snakes
erupt from the stream to attack the party, along
Large, heavy doors open and you’re ushered with the two ravens. Old Hazel attacks the char-
into an audience chamber. A man of noble acters with her fists, yelling obscenities. The imp
status gazes thoughtfully out his window. leaves to report all party actions to the night hag.
He seemingly takes no notice of your arrival, • If the players are kind to Old Hazel, she wishes
until the doors close behind you. His amber them “Mother’s” blessing.
eyes scrutinize each of you. Finally he smiles. • If the players are especially kind to Old Hazel, she
“Welcome, friends. I have need of your services.” wishes them Mother’s blessing, and gives them a
small wooden token from around her neck. The
token’s symbol appears similar to a strophalos.
V’linder Odami provides the following information:
• Rumors suggest there’s a strange cult in the woods
near Anamdael. Some say the area’s haunted; it’s
The party finds their way to Anamdael’s only inn, The
beginning to affect travel to and from Stagmore.
Copper Kettle.
• He sent Brogol Grotsk there to investigate. Brogol
was due back seven days ago.
• He offers the party 50 gp each to find and return
Brogol — 150 gp if alive — and provides a map.
CHAPTER 2 — Night Terrors
The party finds Brogol, who has an unexpected request.

At the River First Impressions

The party finds a strange figure at the bridge into
town. Laughter, conversation, and the aroma of
good food beckon you forward. The modest
Aided by your map, the past day and half of
inn is a beacon of warmth and joviality - until
travel have gone well. You’ve begun to won-
you walk you through the door and enter the
der how anyone might consider these beauti-
Main Hall. Hearing the pause in conversa-
ful woods haunted. Ahead, you see the an-
tion, the innkeeper looks up from her work.
cient stone bridge that leads into Anamdael,
“Greetings, travelers.” She smiles. Conversa-
and hear the river flowing beneath it.
tions resume.
Two ravens sit in a tree by the river. As you
approach, a third joins them. You see a figure
near the base of the bridge. She appears to be This is Luneli Mirthspire. Standing by her is Constable
an old peasant woman, washing clothes. Hal Hargrave. Milsee serves patrons. A character visi-
bly displaying Old Hazel’s token receives a +5 bonus to
Charisma-based interactions with them.
Old Hazel calls out to the party, begging for coin and
After some time, a disheveled man stumbles down
food. If ignored, she approaches them.
from a room above, and moves about the common
rooms. Luneli and Hal respond to Brogol as though
he’s intoxicated; a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check
suggests they know he isn’t.

Spotting the party, Brogol Grotsk pleads for help, • If the party was kind to Old Hazel, they avoid the
saying “She’s going to kill me!” He offers the following attack by night hag’s minions — unless they attack
information: the night hag.
• Odami suspects there’s a witch in the woods; Bro- If combat begins and the party is visibly dis-
gol was sent to kill her. playing the token given by Old Hazel, the night
• Brogol thought it was Old Hazel. Before he could hag notes it and call off the minions before depart-
strike, something invisible attacked him and told ing in a haste.
him to leave her alone. “My Mistress will find • If characters attempt travel from one room of the
you,” it said. inn to the other (e.g., those not on watch trying
• Then the nightmares started. to rush to Brogol’s room or trying to escape a
• The constable refuses to help. swarm), Luneli — not in her quarters as expected,
He offers all his coin — 1,000 gp — to hire the party but instead peeking from the stairwell outside the
to save him. He begs the party to take guard in his guest rooms — attempts to hinder them by casting
room overnight. thaumaturgy to slam the doors shut.
A DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that he’s
truthful; Tryx had taunted him, while Trux, polymor-
phed into rat form, inflicted a poisonous bite.
Immediately following the encounter, the party realizes
If they take his offer, the party can take shifts guarding
on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check that Luneli is
him outside his door, or in his small room in pairs;
awake. A DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check that night or
Brogol obtains a room for the party’s use between
the next day reveals that she’s rattled and
concerned about the noise she heard;
Exhausted and terrified, he does not willingly leave
a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) suggests
town. If the party refuses Brogol and forces him to
that she’s complicit.
depart for Stagmore, the following encounter happens
If the characters search for clues:
when they make camp in the woods outside Anam-
Luneli’s private chambers reveal three
dael; Brogol then insists on going back to Anamdael,
items on a DC 13 Intelligence
telling the party that Luneli has information.
(Investigation) check: a single sending
stone (DMG), one oil of etherealness
Hello Darkness (DMG), and a diary, which also details
the history of Anamdael and the
A few hours pass. You’re beginning to sus- Mother. Its cover image matches the
pect that Brogol’s fears may be unfounded. token from Old Hazel.
Suddenly, he begins to thrash wildly in his
sleep, visibly terrified of... something.

“Mother” — the night hag — is, as she has for the past
10 nights at the same hour, exacting justice on Brogol
by way of nightmare haunting.

• If any character begins to cast a spell that would

interfere with her efforts, risk her safety, or pre-
vent her escape, the night hag plane shifts to her
lair on the Material Plane.
As the haunting begins, if anyone in the party was
unkind to Old Hazel, they are ambushed by the
Night Hag’s minions: the imp Trux, two swarms
of rats, and two swarms of insects.

The copper kettle inn,
14 ground floor

15 5

14 3

9 1
16 8

The copper kettle inn,
9 upper level

8 3

10 1
5 4
2 3 3

Maps by Dyson Logos

The Copper Kettle Inn, Ground Floor • Hot Water. A great copper boiler with logs burn-
1. Entry Hall ing beneath it provides hot water for laundry and
2. Main Hall other needs.
3. Sitting Room • Larder. The inn’s well stocked pantry, from which
4. Hall Luneli and her cook produce delicious provincial
5. Dining Room dishes - hearty and comforting.
6. Yard • Well. The inn’s source of potable water. A wooden
7. Kitchen bucket sits next to it.
8. Laundry • Cistern: Pipes from the room collect rainwater
9. Hot Water into this storage tank.
10. Larder • Coaches: If the characters travel by carriage,
11. Well Luneli’s staff keeps it here. No others are there
12. Cistern currently.
13. Coaches • Horse Stalls: Room and board for the PCs and
14. Horse Stalls visitors’ horses. Straw covers the floor. Luneli’s
15. Storage horse, Asteria, is in the stall closest to the Tack
16. Tack Room Room. The beautiful dapple gray mare is identified
by a name plaque on the stall.
• Entry Hall. The walls are lined with hooks, from • Storage: A variety of items needed to run and
which hang various coats. Immediately to the maintain the kitchen, dining spaces, and coaching
right, it opens to the Main Hall. areas are here, including additional sets of dishes,
• Main Hall. The aroma of good food and the oil for lamps, and tools.
sounds of conversation typically draw people here • Tack Room: Characters find a saddle, reins, a bit,
first. A fireplace fills the room with warmth and and other accessories for Luneli’s horse.
light. Guests sit at rectangular tables with bench
seating or square tables with chairs. The majority
of diners take their meals here. The Copper Kettle Inn, Upper Floor
• Sitting Room. With fewer tables and more 1. Brogol’s Room
chairs, this room is more for conversation and 2. PCs Room
drinking. 3. Guest Rooms
• Hall. From here, guests can access the yard or the 4. Morning Sitting Room
sitting room, head upstairs to their rooms, or enter 5. Luneli’s Room
the privies. 6. Staff Rooms
• Dining Room. Reserved for large dinners and 7. Milsee’s Room
rich guests, this room is features the inn’s longest 8. Upper Storage
table, decorated by two candelabras. A wrought- 9. Servant Rooms
iron candle chandelier hangs from the ceiling. 10. Hay & Feed
• Yard. On nice days, this pretty space is an option
for relaxing or taking meals. A large tree offers • Brogol’s Room: When you enter, it’s clear that
shade. Near it is a large rectangular table and two he has been here for a while, and in distress. The
benches for seating. linens on his bed are askew, and his clothes and
• Kitchen. This well-stocked kitchen has everything other belongings are carelessly scattered about the
the inn needs to serve overnight guests and diners room. The head of the bed is along the wall oppo-
from in town. site the door. There is a chest of drawers along the
• Laundry. Tubs, lye, and ash are found here, along left wall, and a table and chair by the window to
with a number of linens being laundered. the right.

• PCs Room: Furnished like the other guest rooms, • Staff Rooms: Furnished much like the guest
with the added convenience of being adjacent to rooms, these are for the use of the Copper Kettle’s
Brogol. senior staff. They contain general items indicating
• Guest Rooms: These modestly furnished cham- that they’re currently in use by everyday people,
bers are currently unoccupied; no other out of including clothing, and pitchers of water and cups
town travelers are staying at the inn. In each room tables.
there is a bed, a table and chair, a chest of drawers, • Milsee’s Room: Identical to the other staff
and a lamp. rooms in most respects. On a DC 13 Intelligence
• Morning Sitting Room: A simple but com- (Investigation) check, PCs can discover that, like
fortable room for guest relaxation, two large win- Luneli, she keeps a diary. It contains observations
dows opposite the entrance let in the morning sun. of Anamdael’s residents and travelers who come
There are four small square tables and eight chairs. through town, and describes that she’d felt unsafe
• Luneli’s Room: Good quality furnishings and around Hawk until she came to know Mother.
comfortable linens adorn this cozy room. Unlike • Upper Storage: Here are all of the items neces-
other rooms, in a far corner, it includes a writing sary for maintenance of the sleeping spaces, includ-
desk, ink, and pens. On a DC 13 Intelligence (In- ing extra linens, and oil for lamps.
vestigation) check, a search reveals a single sending • Servant Rooms: More simply furnished versions
stone (DMG), one oil of etherealness (DMG), and a of the guest rooms, intended for use by inn staff.
diary, which also details the history of Anamdael • Hay & Feed: This space above the horse stalls is
and the Mother. Its cover image matches the token stocked with hay bales and sacks of feed.
from Old Hazel.

CHAPTER 3 — Mother, May I? Shadow Grove
The party heads to Shadow Grove. At nightfall, they
The next morning, Brogol is near death. Does the par-
ty wait for “Mother” to return, or attempt to find her? see it: Mother (the night hag), as her followers know
At the inn, on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check, her, is healing with her heartstone. Unseen, she carries
the party overhears conversation between Luneli and the mate to Luneli’s Sending Stone. The followers —
Hargrave about a gathering taking place. who include Old Hazel and Milsee — are speaking a
password which must be uttered before entering this
A man dressed in Craftsman’s clothing enters
On a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, the party
the inn, greets Luneli and Hargrave, and sits.
hears them: “Mother, may I?”
A woman approaches his table with a drink,
Hawk, traveling on his own or with the party,
and smiles politely but insincerely. He curses
remains behind the trees. If the party gets within 30
under his breath, shaking his head, and takes
ft of a scarecrow without the password, that scarecrow
a drink. He notices you, and grins curiously.
targets them with terrifying glare; if the characters
“New in town, eh?” He studies you for a mo-
attempt to enter the space without permission being
ment. “So, what do you think of Anamdael?”
granted by Mother, or make any aggressive actions
he chortles, casting his arms wide and laugh-
within the space, they trigger attacks by Luneli, the
ing at a private joke. He leans in close and
scarecrows, the three mastiffs, the owl, and a swarm
lowers his voice to a whisper, “If you’ve come
of ravens.
to do something about that blasted cult, I can
Tactics: The commoners flee. The scarecrows
help you.”
target the party, using terrifying glare and claw attacks.
The mastiffs and owl move into range and attack, as a
The young woman, Milsee Meadowbrook, is unhappi- swarm of ravens descends from the trees and attacks
ly serving Hawk Hargrave. He tells you the following: the party. Luneli immediately protects Mother by tar-
• Strange things happen to those who don’t show geting one character with sacred flame, and as a bonus
Anamdael’s women proper respect. Someone pro- action casts sanctuary on Mother; subsequent rounds
tects them. she uses bane or sacred flame, and if necessary uses
• Some of his customers have told him what they’ve one of her torches as a club. Mother polymorphs into
seen or heard in the woods. Based on their stories, her terrifying night hag form; on her next action, she
he thinks he’s figured out where to look: Shadow enters the Ethereal Plane, and flees.
• Few people like to go there; it’s long been consid- Development
ered haunted. Hawk sees the night hag’s transformation and realiz-
If the party leaves the inn, they instead meet Hawk es that Brogol was truthful. He emerges and tells the
when he encounters them on his return to his shop. party that she’s surely going to torment Brogol again
Characters looking for a healer in Anamdael discover tonight. They must move quickly; if she succeeds, he
that it’s Luneli, who’s unable to restore Brogol. dies. If the party wishes to save him, continue to next
Hawk can show the party the location of Shadow section.
Grove on their map, or lead them to it. If not asked to If the party chooses to stop fighting, and let Brogol
accompany the party, Hawk trails behind at a distance die, proceed to Conclusion A.

The Confrontation If the party admits to V’linder what they know about
Arriving at Brogol’s room, the party finds Brogol alive, the night hag and the cult, read the following:
but asleep.
Tactics: If Brogol remains asleep, the hag appears V’linder breaks into a broad smile. “Excellent.
1 minute after the party arrives. If the party awakens You’ve done well, my friends.” He reaches
Brogol, she casts detect magic and, if it is safe, appears into his desk, and pulls out a purse of coin,
the moment he falls asleep. If the party attacks or which his tosses to you. “As promised.”
begins casting a spell that risks her safety, the night hag “There’s more where there that came
plane shifts to her lair; if she succeeds, a few moments from, if you’re interested. Together, we can
later, her imp Tryx arrives, invisible. rid Anamdael of that cult and bring progress
to that backwater little town.” He lets out
A devilish laugh fills the air. “Greetings from a cunning laugh. A shiver runs down your
my Mistress. You want to save your friend, she spines.
thinks.” The voice moves from place to place.
“He is wicked, and deserves to die. What would If the party chooses to withhold information about the
you give her in exchange for his life?” night hag and the cult, read the following:

The party must bargain for Brogol’s life, or let him die. He glares are you, scrutinizing each of you.
Proceed to Conclusion A. “I can’t tell if you’re lying, or incompetent. For
Mother is most interested in future favors, to be de- your sake, you’d better be merely incompetent.
termined and claimed by her at a time of her choosing. It appears that I must find more capable adven-
• If she cannot plane shift away, as a last resort she turers to deal with this thorn in my side.” He
targets the party with her Weird Magic item reaches into his desk, pulls out a purse, and
(VGtM), a Charm of Mass Suggestion, instructing throws it to you. “Take your coin. Tell anyone
them to immediately leave her and the town in that I hired you and I will deny it.” He dismiss-
peace, and tell no one what they’ve learned here. es you with a wave of his hand, and you are
• If the Charm works, proceed to Conclusion A. escorted from his audience chamber.
• If the night hag is defeated, proceed to Conclusion B.


The party returns to Stagmore, with Brogol either dead The party returns to Stagmore victorious, telling
or alive — but Mother undefeated. V’linder Odami that the cult rumored to be in Anam-
dael has been defeated, and that it was behind Brogol’s
V’linder erupts into a rage. He picks up a chalice disappearance.
from his desk and throws it across the room,
and stares out his window towards Anam- “Finally!” V’linder roars with unrestrained
dael. He mutters under his breath. “You won’t delight. “You’ve done well, my friends.” He
keep me out forever.” A moment passes as he reaches into his desk, and pulls out a purse ,
seethes. He straightens suddenly, as if remem- which he tosses to you. “As promised.”
bering that you’re there. He looks to you with icy “There’s more where there that came from, if
eyes. “Tell me everything you know.” you’re interested. Thanks to you, we can finally
bring progress to that backwater little town.” He
On a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check, the party realiz- lets out a cunning laugh. A shiver runs down
es that V’linder’s only interest was Brogol’s success, not your spines.
whether he lived or died.

Characters who complete this adventure may earn Luneli Mirthspire
the following rewards, in addition to coin offered by Medium humanoid, neutral good
• Sending Stones Armor Class 10
• Oil of Etherealness Hit points 9 (2d8)
• Heartstone Speed 30 ft.
• Soul Bag
Charm of Mass Suggestion
10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 14 (+2) 11 (0)
Ring, Single-use, Weird Magic
This silver ring looks like a coiled serpent with a hon-
ey-colored vial mounted in its jaws. To cast mass sug- Skills Medicine +4, Religion +2
gestion, the wearer breaks the vial, releasing a swirling, Senses passive Perception 10
powdery compound. Languages Common
Challenge 1/4 (50 xp)

Author’s Notes Spellcasting. Luneli is a 1st-level spellcaster. Her

In this story, I explore the Night Hag as a symbol spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12,
of feminine power, and how that power is perceived +4 to hit with spell attacks). She has the following
depending on where one stands in relationship to it. cleric spells prepared:
As such, I intentionally subvert two aspects of the
Night Hag as portrayed in Dungeons & Dragons spe- Cantrips (at will): spare the dying, sacred flame,
cifically. First, her fearsome aspect is merely a guise thaumaturgy
worn when necessary. Secondly, she Haunts not to 1st level (3 slots): bane, cure wounds, sanctuary
corrupt her victims, but to torment the wicked until
they expire. Actions
For further reading, I recommend the resources Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
below, which provided inspiration and information target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
that helped me craft this tale.

• Brannen, Cyndi. 2018. “Hekate: Guardian of

the Marginalized.” Patheos.
• Brannen, Cyndi. 2018. “Should We Fear
Hekate?” Patheos.
• Spaeth, Barbette Stanley. 2014. “From Goddess
to Hag: The Greek and the Roman Witch in
Classical Literature.” Essay. In Daughters of
Hecate: Women & Magic in the Ancient World.

About the author

Bisexual interfaith and diversity educator and activist
Lynne Meyer holds a Master of Theological Studies
from Harvard Divinity School, and a Master of Jew-
ish Studies from Spertus Institute. Lynne is a chronic
illness warrior, devotee of Hekate, and lover of cats and
good coffee.

"Judith Slaying Holofernes"
by Artemisia Gentileschi

Tier 2
Shadows and talons by Mellanie Black
Creature: Harpies | Level(s): 5-6 | CW: Abuse, gaslighting

Synopsis Dramatis Personae

In the ancient town of Cragwatch, the first harpy
reveals that the legend of her origin is a malicious lie. • Lyra Velatha, the first harpy: An elven bard
The story goes that she pined for unrequited love, but cursed into this form when she angered Fenmarel
in truth she was punished for refusing to submit to a Mestarine. She leads the colony accused of attacks
god’s will. by Cragwatch Council. She’s proud, fair, and has
The harpy cannot reveal this truth alone. The party not become too bitter.
has been summoned to stop her tale from spreading. • Ermin Farin: A half-elf High Priest of Fenmarel
Will they discover the true story, or will they help to Mestarine and senior in the Cragwatch Council.
silence it? This adventure is designed for level 5 Knows the truth about his god and the harpies and
characters. seeks to repress it by any means. Contacted the
party as a way to appease the rest of the council
and attempt to control a problem he sees as his
Adventure Hook •
and his gods’ alone.
Ina Borwan: A half-elf farmer. She owns and
The party’s growing renown leads the Cragwatch
Council to contact them. The Council seeks aid in runs Fairlight Farm with her wife Veena. Hard-
exchange for substantial reward. working and decent, with short blonde hair and a
round stature.
• Timarel Funt: A novice human monk assigned
Adventure Background to assist the party. Nervous and biddable, but de-
voted to truth and honesty.
Cragwatch’s Council is heavily religious, but also
influenced by the scholars and merchants of the town.
It’s relatively quiet and sees little of outsiders save those
who come to see the temples and archives of religious

Chapter 1 — Arrival at Cragwatch Chapter 2 — Finding the facts
As you near the town of Cragwatch, you see The Blue Heart is a two-storey inn of grubby
several large, steep hills begin to dominate sandstone, with brightly-flowered vines creep-
the landscape. At the foot of the hills, golden ing over its surface. A bard sits forlornly on
farmland stretches out for miles. the sill of the main window with her large bot-
A weather vane teeters on a spire as a slow tle of wine and a flute. A dozen small tables
puff of chimney smoke tells you that this is a litter the main floor.
town already about its business. Behind the bar a shaven-headed rosy-
You approach a watch post and a small, cheeked elf stacks ale barrels. “Ah! Timarel.
thin man in faded robes dashes out from be- Finally got somebody to come and help with our
side the guard and interrupts before she can bird problem, eh?”
hail you aside. Timarel makes his excuses and leaves,
promising to meet the party early the next
This person is Timarel Funt. He’s excited but very wary morning.
of the adventurers and their incongruous appearance.

The innkeeper is Bordie Nylan. She makes the party

What Timarel Knows welcome but knows little except that:
On the walk into Cragwatch, Timarel happily divulges
• Fairlight Farm is where the trouble is. It’s the big
farmhouse between the hills and the edge of
• A few weeks ago, Ivona Detrix, a ranger devoted to
Fenmarel Mestarine, met a harpy in the forest. An
• She points to council-badged posters on the wall:
altercation occurred and she was injured.
• Ivona reported to High Priest Farin and the attacks HARPY ATTACKS!
started at Fairlight Farm a few days later.
• Harpies have previously been an occasional men- Harpies have breached Cragwatch for
ace to those who stumble across them in the forest. the first time in our history. No longer
There were never any serious injuries. content to remain in the forest, these
• Equipment and the farmer herself were attacked. creatures defy the gods themselves.
• He knows nothing of any ulterior motives.

Developments The Harpies’ unnatural voice will put

Timarel steers them towards The Blue Heart Inn, even the strongest-willed into a stupor.
suggesting they rest in preparation for their meeting Keep your distance.
with Ermin Farin. Keep covered and low.

The next morning Timarel takes the party to meet
High Priest Farin at the Temple of Fenmarel

Chapter 2.1 The Temple A DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals his zeal to be
suspicious. DC 18 reveals that the rant appears learned
The temple is an ornate wooden structure, by rote and that he is lying.
carved with leaves, vines and forest creatures.
You’re led to a small chamber to the side
of a large hall of open fire pits where offerings
• It takes a DC 25 Charisma (Intimidation) check to
of herbs and scrolls burn. Ermin Farin is a
make him willingly reveal the lie. The priests attack
thin, white-skinned elf, showing signs of age.
if it appears that the party is any threat to their
Four priests surround him, each wearing a
secret or their reputation.
different symbol of the Seldarine.
• Timarel stays out of any fight and is loyal to the
Ermin welcomes you formally but with
truth, not his superiors. He helps the party.
genuine warmth: “Refreshments? Timarel will
• If the party goes along with High Priest Farin’s
fetch anything you may need.”
tale, he insists on a visit to Fairlight Farm to see
Ina Borwan and her wife, even if they have already
• Ermin and the other priests use the priest stat been.
• He rants about the harpies extensively. They are
ungodly monsters, a blight on the earth, etc.
• "Our devoted friend" Ivona Detrix’s woodland
encounter started this. She escaped with news of
planned attacks. The farm was hit a few days later.
• Ivona is currently training in secret in the event of
more attacks.
• Ermin tells how Fenmarel Mestarine witnessed the
creation of harpies. This is the official version and
it is a lie. He presents it as truth:

Long ago a young woman in our nearby for-

est heard birdsong that moved her to tears.
Following the sound, she met a handsome
elf in a clearing, also paused to appreciate
its beauty. This was Fenmarel Mestarine, our
reclusive god.
His divine presence stole her heart, but he
shortly vanished, as if he were never there.
She called for him but he was nowhere to be
found and she despaired. The elven sky god-
dess took pity on the woman and taught her a
song as enchanting as birdsong.
When this failed to bring Fenmarel Me-
starine back to her side the woman cursed the
gods, turning her divine gift into an unholy
curse, and her beauty into a caution against
willful blasphemy.

• The PC with highest passive perception notic-
Chapter 3 — Fairlight Farm es disturbed dust as if items have been dragged/
If the party chooses to investigate here before they
moved in haste as they move about the farm.
meet High Priest Farin, lower DC for Intelligence
• A DC10 Intelligence (Investigation) check in the
(Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks at the
house or grounds reveals boxes of hidden papers.
farm by 3.
• They are hundreds of neatly packed identical
letters written in charcoal and rudimentary
Fairlight Farm has one large, squat farm- plant-based inks. They read:
house with a number of small barns and out-
buildings. Chickens and goats are scattered The Harpies call to the people of
about the yard as you approach the front Cragwatch. We are not your enemy. We
door. are not the evil some would have you
Ina the farmer welcomes you, although believe. Ask yourself why we were only
she is clearly wary and shaken by events. rumours and bedtime stories
until a ranger found herself with
bruised pride. We welcome your
Ina has two large scratches down the left questions. We welcome your presence.
side of her face, eyebrow to jaw. The curious should come to our
• Any Wisdom (Medicine) or similar check shows clearing. Arm yourselves as you like.
You will find no danger.
that it’s unlikely they were made by a harpy’s talon,
but the bruising shows an attack of some force.
• A simple map shows a direct path to the Harpies'
DC 15 reveals the work of a straight, sharp blade.
• A DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals Ermin
• The party is offered rations and some basic tools
Farin’s guilt if he is present as this is revealed.
by Ina. She wants them well provisioned to make
• If the party accuses Ermin of knowing more than
things right.
he lets on, Ina’s memory breaks and she recalls
reporting the attack to Ermin and Ivona. Ivona
immediately took out a dagger, slashed her eye, Developments
and persuaded Ermin to alter her memory. • If confronted with evidence, Ermin Farin reluc-
tantly confesses. If alone, he goes quietly to call
Ina’s account of the attack: four other priests and attacks the party. If the
• It was dark as she investigated a strange noise — a priests are with him they attack immediately.
thud and a screech — in the nearest field. She had • Two priests and Ermin Farin remain at range while
heard several of these for many nights. the others engage in melee using divine eminence
• If any part of the truth is revealed, Ina recalls that on all possible melee attacks.
boxes full of scrolls were left behind, but she never • If defeated and left alive, he tells the truth about
saw anything until the most recent attack. the harpies’ creation. Priests of Fenmarel Mestarine
• If not prompted, Ina’s memories after the noise in this area are told the truth upon initiation in
are foggy. She definitely recalls a sharp pain across order to control the lie.
her face and a female humanoid figure with wings,
silhouetted against the moon and lamplight.
• Upon remembering, Ina begins looking for the
boxes the harpies left behind.
• She seems to have genuine difficulty recalling
more detail and only helps unearth the boxes if her
memory is restored.

A young bard practiced in our forest, over- Chapter 4 — The Harpies’ Clearing
heard by Fenmarel Mestarine. He admired As the party leaves Cragwatch and heads to the
her talent and voice, and demanded a song Harpies' Clearing, read this:
in his honour. She refused. Her work, and her
The ascent into the forest is harsh; pine needles
pride, were more pressing. She did not appre-
scatter and make your footing uncertain. Large
ciate demands. boulders line the ascent as the route slowly takes
In his rage Fenmarel Mestarine took her you off the well trodden pathways of rangers and
delicate musician’s hands and made them into the wilds of the forest.
into claws. He turned her voice into her curse,
doomed to bring pain and confusion, not
pleasure. The party encounters obstacles on their journey. If they
We lie. We protect our god’s secrets. We follow the harpies’ map, reduce the number. A route
couldn’t have his envy of mortal talents be given by anybody else leads to more obstacles and a
known. The tale is more sympathetic if her longer journey.
curse is a punishment, not torture. The result One or two obstacles should keep the adventure to
is the same — Harpies blight the world — around its advised length.
what should we care for the method? The walk takes around half a day by the harpies’
route. As they near the clearing, they are on softer
• If the party seems uncertain who to believe, High mossy earth, with tree roots cluttering the path under-
Priest Farin insists on taking four priests and con- foot. Until they reach the harpies they are on difficult
fronting the harpies with the party. terrain.
• If Timarel is given evidence, he is horrified and
will help the party get to the truth, even if it means
sneaking around behind the priests’ back.
• If Ina reads or hears the truth, she is confused,
as if she does not understand the words, even as
she hears or reads them. It becomes clear that her
memories have been amended.
• Remove curse or similarly powerful spell/item
restores them, as does many hours of talking/
• She remembers that her cuts were caused by Ivona
Detrix in an attempt to frame the harpies.
• Ina and her wife Veena assist in any way they can.

Obstacles Check Reward

6 giant spiders descend from the DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check to DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check
trees negate their surprise round means the party can collect 2
vials of viable venom to be used
as poison.
3 faerie dragons (violet) tug at any DC 14 Animal Handling (Wisdom) check An amicable encounter leads one
shiny objects the party hold should make the dragons cooperate in most of the dragons to leave a tiny gem
worth 5gp with their favourite
circumstances. Advantage if food is offered.
party member.
A huge pit trap takes up most of the DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check to avoid 2d10 damage taken if they fall
path near the Harpies’ Clearing. It’s it.
automatically avoided if they have the

Meeting the Harpies • Dangerous beasts are routinely kept from the town
When the party arrives at the Harpies' Clearing, read by their hunt.
this: Deputy leaders of the clan, and two swarms of ravens
help her in battle. Scale between 8-10 harpies (includ-
The forest opens into a cavernous cylinder of ing Lyra Velatha) depending upon your party. If they
rocks and branches. Harpy nests are hitched onto are defeated, the harpy clan scatters, fearful of meeting
almost every surface on the cliff-face, and look the same fate.
more homey than you expected. An ancient tree
stands in the centre. You see the sky through an
opening hundreds of feet up. Bodies of forest
beasts — a sabre-tooth tiger, an ettercap - are
Conclusion — Cragwatch’s Legacy
covered in talon scratches and strung up. A prom-
inent platform balances about 100ft up. Conclusion A
A harpy descends. Five or six others watch you. If the party helped the Council rid the town of
As she lands you see she is tall and lithe, and her Harpies as requested, read the following from Ermin
deep brown skin is covered with a criss-crossing Farrin and give two Medallions of Seldarine as reward.
of scars. Wings of tawny feathers tuck into her
back and she retains some elven beauty. Her eyes "The gods in their wisdom perform miracles beyond
are deep orange, surrounded by black sclera. Her our understanding. You have demonstrated excep-
teeth are sharp points and where you’d expect the tional faith and devotion. Your denial of doubts does
deep brown of human lips, you see blueish black. you credit. Accept these Medallions of the Seldarine
“I am Lyra Velatha,” she says. as thanks. They mark you as kindred to our cause."

Your party’s approach makes all the difference in The town sets up a Harpy Hunters Guild, trained by
how Lyra treats them. If they approach peaceably she Ivona Detrix. Ina Borwan does not join.
graciously does likewise. She attacks at the first sign of The adventurers are free to enjoy their renown in
aggression, but makes every attempt to tell her story Cragwatch or to move on as they like.
first. She uses the harpy stat block.
• At the first opportunity Lyra tells the true version
of her story from Chapter 3. Conclusion B
• As the first harpy, she is the leader of this colony. If the Harpies come peacefully, they join at a feast
She was cursed in this forest, and wishes to re- organised by Ina Borwan in the town square. Ina has
main as a reminder to Fenmarel Mestarine and his convinced many sheepish looking members of the
priests of the gods’ pride and folly. Cragwatch Council — you notice a scholar and a mer-
• She is glad that her words brought the truth to chant among their number — to celebrate this new
wider notice, whether people believe it or not. chapter. Read the following from Lyra Velatha:
• She is angry that her colony needs to speak out.
"I did not expect telling my story to bring unity
They’d be happy to continue in isolation.
and peace. I thank Ina Borwan, this brave band of
• Lyra reveals that Ivona believed widespread mis- adventurers, and everybody here. You looked beyond
conceptions about her kind, and she threatened to the truths you were told to seek the truth as it really
have their colony attacked and erased. This forced is. This is a testament to the good still to be found in
them to speak out. our world. May we continue to fight for it. Cheers!"
• Observation of Ina showed that she was kind and
intelligent — the perfect person to receive their • All religious leaders are expunged from Cragwatch
letters. The damage to the farm was not caused by Council until it’s established who among them has
harpies. been involved in this deceit.
• “If Cragwatch will not love us, at least have them • If Lyra has not yet told her story, she will do so
respect all we do for the village.” now.

Conclusion C:
If somehow the priests and the harpies are vanquished,
Author’s Notes
Harpies are among many female NPCs and monsters
the party deals instead with Ina Borwan. in fantasy RPGs whose stories are moulded by misog-
ynistic stereotypes that as a gaming community we’re
"We’re grateful to you for exposing this... strange moving past. In the Harpy’s case, it’s the story of a
happening. Whatever the gods intended, it’s clear
woman motivated primarily by her need for romantic
that we should be thankful that they don’t intervene
more often. We’re hopeful we can create something
attention from a man. The Harpy is never named in
great in Cragwatch." the Monster Manual, but we know the name of the
man who spurned her. This robs the Harpy of her
agency, and her identity outside of her relationship to
a man; two wrongs I seek to put right in this alternate
Rewards telling.
Characters who complete this adventure may receive
the following rewards:

about the author
Mellanie Black lives in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in
At the conclusion of the adventure roll four times on England. She believes in D&D inclusivity and home-
Magic Item Table F in the Dungeon Master’s Guide and brews a special place in The Nine Hells for gatekeep-
award: ers. She’s a feminist, fantasy writer, D&D enthusiast,
warlock, and aspiring elf. You can find her over on
Treasure Value
Twitter @MissBox.
10 precious gems 50gp each (500gp total)

Medallion of the Seldarine

Item, common
Use an action once a day to gain advantage when mak-
ing Persuasion (Charisma), Performance (Charisma) or
Indimiation (Charisma) checks while interacting with
Clerics, Paladins or High Priests of any religious order
of any good/neutral aligned elven deity.

Illustration by b-design

the guardian of the forest
by Awkward Bard
Creature: Medusa | Level(s): 5-8
CW: Snakes, loss, kidnapping, patricide

Murgyss allowed Petra to escape with her life. What he

SYNOPSIS didn’t know, however, is that, although the Ascendance
Rare portals between the planes sometimes appear in
ritual was interrupted, a portion of Ophion’s power
the Caslan Woods. Recently though, these mythical
transferred to Petra. Now, Murgyss desperately search-
woods have slowly moldered into swampland. As if
es for her, needing both Ophion's and Petra’s power to
that wasn’t grim enough, bands of ogres and kobolds
become the new Guardian of the Forest.
raid nearby settlement without fear of reprisal. Your
adventuring party traverses the Caslan Woods, hoping
to find the source to these strange occurrences. What Dramatis Personae:
lies at the heart of the swamp, however, is anything but
expected. The Guardian of the Forest is an adventure for • Petra: (LG female medusa; pronouns: she/her.)
characters of 5th-8th level, but can be easily adjusted Ophion’s adopted daughter and successor.
for different levels of play. • Ophion: (NG non-binary giant constrictor
snake; pronouns: they/them.) Watches over Caslan
Woods and the portals that open there. Well
ADVENTURE HOOK respected by forest dwellers, who see them as a
Sudden kobold attacks and the Caslan Woods’ putre- guardian of good.
faction are raising concerns among local figures. The • Murgyss, the Usurper of Life: (LE male
party is hired by a local noble concerned for the magi- young black dragon; pronouns: he/him.) Studied
cal woods or by a merchant worried the kobold attacks under Ophion in hopes of gaining more power.
are bad for business. He took the forest temple for himself and holds
Ophion hostage.

Caslan Woods is a place where the veil between planes
grows thin. Ophion, the giant snake responsible for
mediating the portals and the travelers they bring,
grows old and soon needs to leave their position.
Aware of this, they adopted Petra, a medusa aban-
doned at the Forest Temple when a child, and trained
her to assume their position. Ophion, however, also
trained another. Murgyss, a proud black dragon
seeking to grow powerful. Furious not be chosen as
the next Guardian of the Forest, Murgyss plans his
revenge. When the Ascendance ceremony arrived,
the black dragon attacked, interrupting the delicate
ritual. Certain he could take Ophion’s power by force,

CHAPTER 1 — A Call for Help Sticks, stones, and kobolds
The party stumbles upon Petra fighting against a group
While investigating Caslan Woods, the party finds a
collection of kobold-shaped statues. Between them, a of kobolds. She appears grievously injured and unable
trail of blood and several small footprints lead into a to resist for much longer.
Following the trail of statues and drops of
Moving toward the center of Caslan Woods, blood, you begin to hear the sounds of strug-
the fresh breeze slowly turns humid and gle in the distance. The clashing of steel,
still. The ground beneath your feet becomes screams of frustration and agony, and teasing
muddy and the foul smell of rot is too strong words in a strange fractured language draw
to ignore. you onward. Stepping into the clearing, you
After a few days, you discover something light upon a medusa surrounded by half a
unusual. A statue of a small lizard creature dozen kobolds.
stands in the middle of a clearing. Realisti- Although the medusa appears strong and
cally rendered, it perfectly captures the utter able, she bears several injuries, some in an
despair on the creature’s face. Beyond it, advanced stage of healing. The lizard crea-
you see more statues, all of similar lizard tures, relying on size and number, overwhelm
creatures. her.
Two kobolds come up behind her with a
With a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check, net and attempt to trap her. She locks eyes
a character identifies this as a statue of a kobold, a with them and her eyes glow a bright yellow.
small draconic creature rarely found alone. By succeed- “Let me go or I’ll make sure you never again see
ing on the check by five or more, the character also the sunlight you so dread.” Her captor spits
knows kobolds worship evil dragons and serve as their on her face and mocks her between laughter,
minions. “There’s nothing you can do to me that Murgyss
A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) or Intel- can’t undo!” The medusa’s eyes burn even
ligence (Nature) check reveals that this statue was not brighter, and the two kobold in front of her
carved naturally. are frozen in place, now statues. The other
A character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) of kobolds avert their gaze.
13 or more notices a few drops of blood on the ground “I will never surrender to the Usurper!” The
near the statue. The trail of blood follows the array of medusa yells as she runs from the kobolds
statues, becoming larger and more frequent. and into your party.
She looks up at you, her eyes a deep green.
With a whisper, she pleads, “Please, don’t let
them take me!”

The kobolds attempt to capture Petra and take her to

the Forest Temple. If the adventurers intervene the
kobolds run away, dishing out threats as they run.

The Medusa Petra
After the kobolds run, Petra thanks the adventurers
CHAPTER 2 — The Corrupted Temple
The party arrives at the Forest Temple, an ancient
and asks for their help. structure sinking into the swamp.
The medusa struggles to stay on her feet. She
looks at you and forces a smile. Area 1: Entrance
“Thank you for helping me. And don’t worry, The entrance is moderately guarded, and a fight would
I won’t turn you to stone… If you don’t try to alert anyone inside.
hurt me. My name is Petra. Listen, I know
I’m in no position to ask, but I need your help With Petra’s guidance, you make your way
again." to the Forest Temple. Although it hasn’t
been under his control long, Murgyss’ taint
overwhelms the sanctuary. The plants and
This is what Petra tells the party: trees once surrounding the structure wilt and
• The strange occurrences are a result of the mach- wither, most having been swallowed by the
inations of Murgyss, a black dragon. He inter- surrounding bog.
rupted a sacred ritual and is attempting to steal an You spot a trio of winged lizard creatures
ancient power for himself. sitting around the stairs, teasing a large ogre.
• Her parent, Ophion, is being held captive by You prepare to face the guards, but Petra
Murgyss. calls your attention, “There is another en-
• Although he is only a young dragon, he is already trance. It is probably locked, but we could avoid
very powerful. the guards.”
• Murgyss is slowly transforming the forest into a
swamp. Three winged kobolds and an ogre guard the entrance
• The kobold attacks are Murgyss’ hoard growing to the temple. If the party alerts the guards, they call
stronger and bolder. for help from the guards in Area 2.
• She and her parent share a mental connection.
Ophion is under extreme pain, which Petra feels as Tactics: In 1d4 rounds, the ogre sounds an alarm
well. warning the guards in Area 2. They aren’t exactly
organized, choosing to attack whichever character an-
noys them the most. While fighting, the kobolds tease
Development both the party members and the ogre.
If the party agrees to help Petra, she promises them
Murgyss’ hoard as a payment. Although Petra is hurt,
she goes along with the party. She avoids fighting, but Hidden Entrance
uses her petrifying gaze on anyone who attacks her. Not far from the main entrance is a door concealed
by dangling foliage. The door is locked and requires a
successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to
open or a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check
to break down. Entering this door takes the party to
Area 2. Breaking down the door alerts the guards in
Area 2.

Area 2: Entrance Hall If they are nice to her, she will stay at the temple
An ogre and five kobolds guard this area. The kobolds after Murgyss is defeated and will help rebuild it.
play around with a driftglobe (DMG, "Treasure") and
mock the ogre, who in turn has trouble understanding Area 4: Hoard Room
the ridicule. If the ogre in Area 1 sounded the alarm, they The hoard room is warded by a rune puzzle. Petra haz-
will all have gone outside to join the fight, leaving the ards the door leads to the basement and the runes are a
entrance hall empty, save for their forgotten driftglobe. recent addition.

A group of kobolds play with a shiny ball A large stone door with strange runes etched
of crystal. They toss it around and over the into it blocks your path. Above the door, the
ogre’s head while teasing and ridiculing it. following words can be read:


This immense passage leads from the entrance hall to FEME,
the main chamber, where Murgyss awaits. Halfway EMB OWYO EMUR HEEM AEMD A NEMDS
there, a door branches off toward Area 4. PEAEM KHIS NAEMME.
You enter a large corridor lined with colossal
moss covered pillars. At the very end stands a
door more grand than any other in the tem- A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals
ple. The nearer you draw to the end of the the runes to be a code, rather than a language. By suc-
corridor, the more a foul bog stench assails ceeding the check by five or more, a character notices a
your senses. repeating pattern in the sentence.
Petra grows visibly tense and says, “That’s Puzzle: To solve the puzzle, remove all the “EM”s
the main chamber, Murgyss should be in there.” and regroup the proper syllables together. The message
Halfway down the corridor, you notice a reads: “This hoard belongs to the usurper of life, bow
strange door with several runes etched into your head and speak his name.”
it. Petra tells you this door leads to the base- To open the door, a creature must bow its head and
ment, but the runes are fresh. Murgyss must speak “Murgyss.”
have hidden something valuable down there. After Murgyss is vanquished, the magical ward
A low and mournful cry echoes through sealing the door wears off, and the hoard can be freely
the corridor. accessed.

The Dragon’s Hoard

The Weeping Ogre
An ogre quietly weeps in the darkness behind a pillar. Although the room is filled with piles of coin
Her name is Fiona and she is not hostile toward the and treasure, it is certainly not as impressive
party unless provoked. She is crying because the ko- as you expected. Murgyss may be powerful,
bolds from Area 2 took her driftglobe, which she refers but he is still young. His hoard is nowhere
to as “shiny.” near as grand as that of the ancient dragons
If the party returns Fiona’s driftglobe to her, she of legend.
warns them about the crystals holding Ophion and
how Murgyss can use them (see Chapter 3, “Slaying
Murgyss”). She also helps them open the chamber
door at the end of the corridor.

Murgyss’ hoard consists of the following:
• 626 gp, 257 sp, and 154 cp When you open the chamber door, a humid,
• A large well-made tapestry worth 250 gp fetid air flows out. Were it not for the walls
• Oil of slipperiness (DMG) and ceiling above, the room would be indis-
• Quaal’s feather token, tree (DMG) tinguishable from the swamp outside. Foul
• Potion of resistance (DMG) water covers the floor and twisted plants grow
• Ring of the ram (DMG) all around and over the walls. A giant snake
• 1d6 trinkets (PHB) floats gently at the far end of the room. It
makes no sound or movements, and appears
asleep. Three strings of black energy wrap
Development around its body, and connect to different crys-
The party can attempt to enter Area 4, where the tals scattered across the chamber.
hoard awaits. Petra won’t object to this, as there might Slow laughter builds and reverberates
be some treasure that could help defeat Murgyss. She throughout the hall. A voice seems to come
does, however, urge them to worry about the money from nowhere and everywhere at once.
and other valuables later. “Finally you have come. I was starting to
The door to the main chamber is heavy, and grow bored. Oh, and you’ve done me the great
can only be opened by characters with a combined service of bringing my dearest Petra home.
Strength score of 35. If the party helped Fiona, she Good, I need to consume her, also.”
gladly helps open the door.
CHAPTER 3 — Slaying Murgyss Murgyss is a young black dragon. While in the
swamp, he has access to his lair actions. Three kobolds
The party finally meets the cruel black dragon, Mur-
gyss. and an ogre join the fight if commanded by Murgyss.
The pools of foul water are considered difficult terrain.
Tactics: Murgyss begins combat hidden under the
Murgyss, the Usurper of Life swamp water. He commands the kobolds and ogre to
The main chamber houses a swamp, awash in pools of attack the party and watches, both for his entertainment
foul water. Moss clings to every available surface and and to determine the weak link of the party. On the
twisted trees reach out with skeletal limbs devoid of second round of combat, Murgyss will emerge from
leaves. At the far end of the hall, Ophion floats, teth- the water and try to catch the weak link by surprise.
ered by strings of black energy connecting their body He uses his breath weapon whenever he can hit two or
to three crystals. Murgyss, three kobolds, and an ogre more party members.His lair actions will be focused on
await the party. hindering whichever member presents the biggest threat
to him. When Murgyss is at half or less hit points, he
will consume a crystal (see below). Murgyss will defend
the crystals over attacking weak party members. He will
not willingly look at Petra.

Consuming a crystal
Murgyss can use an action to corrupt one of the
restraining crystals, transferring Ophion’s life force to
himself. One of the black threads connecting Ophion
to the crystals turns red as the serpent screeches in
pain. Murgyss regains 3d8+6 hp. Once used, a crystal
is consumed, changing its color to a faded red, and
cannot be used again in this way.

Destroying a crystal or dispelling it undoes the
magic that binds Ophion’s life force. A destroyed
With Murgyss, the Usurper of Life defeated, the
crystal cannot be consumed. A crystal has an AC of
Caslan Woods begin to heal.
13 and 25 HP.
If all of the crystals are consumed, Ophion dies.
Conclusion A
Difficulty adjustments: Ophion is saved and the party is welcomed to stay for
• If the party is underleveled, remove the ogre. the Ritual of Ascendance. If they stay for the ritual, Pe-
• If the party is overleveled, add two kobolds. tra uses her new powers to grant each of them a charm
• If the party is vastly overleveled, add one ogre and (see Petra’s charms table in Rewards).
increase Murgyss’ healing to 4d8+10.
After a difficult battle, you defeat Murgyss,
the Usurper of Life, and save Ophion from his
Development grasp. Petra runs to her parent. The guardian
• If Murgyss is defeated and Ophion is saved,
is weakened, but will survive.
proceed to Conclusion A.
Petra, overflowing with joy and relief, turns
• If Murgyss is defeated, but all the three crystals
to you.“No words can express my gratitude to
were consumed, proceed to Conclusion B.
you! Please, feel free to stay for as long as you
• As Murgyss is defeated, all of his servants drop
their things and flee.
She and Ophion exchange a look, and
Petra smiles, nodding. The Guardian of the
Forest turns to face you. Their voice is weak
but soothing, almost a whisper.
“Thank you for aiding my daughter, we are
in eternal debt to you. Soon we must complete
Petra’s ascendance, it is a ceremony few mortals
have ever witnessed and we would be honored if
you would participate.”
Slowly, the fog begins to dissipate. It will
take some time, but this land will heal.

The ritual of Ascendance is completed without further

interruption. Ophion ages visibly after passing on their
power. They shed their skin and emerge a small and
fragile snake, but are not saddened by this. They are
glad not only to be alive, but to witness their daughter
rise up and take her place as Guardian of the Forest.
And although Petra’s form doesn’t visibly change, she
emanates a powerful and inspiring energy.

Conclusion B
The party is not able to save Ophion’s life in the battle
Characters earn the contents of the Dragon’s Hoard
against Murgyss. Petra steps up and takes her role as
Guardian of the Forest as was intended. Petra’s Charms
Choose one for each player or roll from this table:
Murgyss is defeated, but none of you are in a
celebratory mood. Petra approaches the body 1d6 Charm
of her beloved parent and tears flow down her 1 Charm of Woodland Beings
face as she says her goodbye. An orb of a gen- This charm allows you to cast the conjure woodland
tle blue light leaves Ophion’s body and lingers beings (4th-level version) spell. Once used, the charm
in front of Petra. You hear their whispered and vanishes.
ethereal voice echoing through the room. 2 Charm of Plant Growth
“Don’t cry for me, my child. I lived a good This charm has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use
and long life, and I had you beside me. Nothing an action and expend 1 charge to cast the plant growth
could have brought me greater joy… It pains me spell. Once all charges have been expended, the charm
to leave you so unprepared to deal with your task, vanishes.
but you are more powerful than you imagine. 3 Charm of Protection
One cloak in your possession becomes a cloak of protec-
Don’t ever forget that…”
tion for the next 9 days. The charm then vanishes, and
The small orb vanishes. Petra lies near
the cloak returns to normal.
Ophion’s body for a time, her eyes filled with
4 Charm of Invulnerability
tears. After a while, she directs her words
This charm allows you to give yourself the benefit of a
toward you. potion of invulnerability as an action. Once you do so,
“These woods are safe now, thanks to your the charm vanishes.
help. Feel free to stay for as long as you need, and 5 Charm of Water Walking
you can help yourself to Mur-... to the treasure This charm grants you the benefits of a ring of water
hoard, as promised. I wish I could offer further walking. These benefits last for 10 days, after which the
hospitality, but I’m afraid this is all I can do for charm vanishes.
now.” 6 Charm of the Nature Caller
Although her words are polite, you don’t This charm has 6 charges. While holding it, you can use
feel welcomed. You should leave as soon you an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of
your wounds are healed. the following spells: commune with nature (4 charges)
or locate animals or plants (2 charges). Once all charges
have been expended, the charm vanishes.

Author’s Notes about the author

The name Medusa, in the original Greek, means guard- Awkward Bard is a non-binary, bisexual content
ian or protectress. This mythological figure, however, is creator who loves spending their days playing D&D,
often portrayed as either an overtly sexualized femme-fa- re-reading their favorite novels, and creating stories
tale, or a grotesque monster, both existing to threaten that may or may not one day leave their head.
or lead men astray. Neither of those depictions possess
an ounce of humanity or depth, which is why I chose to
show the medusa as a fighter, a guardian of what is im-
portant to her, as her name suggests, rather than a mon-
ster or villain that needs to be slain. I am very grateful to
my friends, Vin, Isis, and Gabi, who were very patient
with me throughout this process, and never hesitated to
lend me a helping hand.

a family reunion
by Jessica Marcrum
Creature: Melusine | Level: 7

SYNOPSIS Dramatis Personae

Monster hunting is a noble profession for only the
bravest adventurers. But when a monster queen hires • Melusine: Yuan-ti malison type 3, former
the party to reunite her family and restore her honor, queen, and ruler of the Serpent Palace
the traditional methods of death and dismemberment • Guillaume: Cambion, a skillful politician, and
are no longer on the table. Melusine is missing her the next in line to rule
children and the party must recover them all alive. This • General Jehan: Minotaur, his country’s most
is an adventure for Tier 2 characters and optimized for talented general
a party of 4-5 level 7 characters. • Collette: Lamia, a very promising scholar
• Robert: Jackalwere, a deadly assassin
• Ysabel: Harpy, a singer of great renown
They may be mercenaries, monster hunters, or knights
errant, hired for their efficiency and their reputation
of never leaving a job undone. The adventure begins
when they are hired for a “retrieval job.”

Melusine was once married to a powerful king with
whom she had several children, all brilliant but phys-
ically monstrous. Her agreement to marriage entailed
that she would be granted Saturdays entirely to herself.
After multiple monstrous children, her husband spied
on her one Saturday and saw her bathing. Shock-
ingly, the lower half of her body had been replaced
with either the body of a fish, a snake, or two fish-
tails, depending on who was telling the legend. Later
at court, he embarrassed her by alluding to her true
form. Enraged, she flew into the air and was never seen
again. Following her disappearance, her children were
each hunted down for sport or died under mysterious
circumstances. In this telling, Melusine has foreseen
these tragedies and wishes to protect her brood.

Robert ambushes them after they connect with Jehan
CHAPTER 1 — An Unusual Assignment and takes them to Ysabel if he defeats them.
The party arrives at a jungle temple decorated with
snake motifs. A servant (likely a yuan-ti pureblood,
but could also be any creature transfigured to appear The Show Must Go On
human) asks them to leave all weapons, magical items, Ysabel can be found in her dressing room at the opera
and components in a locked room near the entrance, house. Adventurers must succeed on a DC 15 Cha-
out of respect for the queen. Melusine sits on a risma check to bypass security or bribe the guard with
cobra-shaped throne before them. She informs them at least 20 sp. Ysabel states that she yearns to see her
that since leaving her kingdom, she has had a vision mother, but cannot leave before tonight’s performance.
foretelling the death of her children. Fearful for their She also feels neglected since her sister Collette has
safety, she charges the party with bringing her five never heard her sing, and asks the party to convince
adult children to her and offers great reward in return. Collette to attend tonight’s performance. With a suc-
She warns that if any of her children are killed, they cessful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion OR Intimidation)
will face her and her yuan-ti guards. She directs the check, she can be convinced to abandon the perfor-
party to begin with her eldest son, Guillaume, who mance in favor of her understudy. Otherwise, the party
should still be serving in his father’s court, and gives is off to the college.
them official documentation as royal ambassadors.
If asked, Melusine knows the careers of her chil-
dren, but not their locations.
The Learned Lamia
Collette has no interest in seeing her mother, nor in
attending her sister’s concert. She is deeply focused on
Political Intrigue her studies and feels hurt at being abandoned by her
Melusine’s palace is several days’ journey from her mother. She also blames her mother for her and her
ex-husband’s court. (Sidequests may ensue at DM's siblings’ “deformities.” She is researching a method
discretion.) of transitioning to human shape permanently while
Upon arrival at court, the party see Guillaume, maintaining their unique abilities. Collette asks the
a well-dressed cambion, giving a speech before an party to be her research assistants. If they refuse, she
enraptured crowd. Adventurers must succeed on a DC casts suggestion and/or geas on them. If they accept,
14 Wisdom saving throw to avoid being charmed, and or if they are bewitched, Collette proceeds to practice
a DC 18 Charisma check to interrupt him. If they in- casting polymorph on them, interspersed with remove
terrupt, Guillaume is angry and less likely to listen. If curse.
they wait until his speech is over (and it will be long), • If the party chose to be research assistants volun-
he hears them out. tarily, Collette thanks them for being good sports
Guillaume is eager to see his mother again, but and comes to the opera with them.
does not want to leave when he is so close to achieving • If the party had to be magically convinced to assist
his political goals. With a successful DC 25 Charisma Collette, she refuses to attend the opera, but agrees
(Persuasion OR Intimidation) check, he can be made to head to Melusine’s palace when it is convenient
to follow the party back to Melusine. Otherwise, he for her.
insists that they immediately present themselves as Collette mentions that she has concerns about her
ambassadors and speak before the court on his behalf, brother Jehan and hopes he is safe.
asking that they claim that, where the party is from,
princes are given supreme power without being suscep-
tible to the whims of a parliament.
The party returns to the opera house for the evening’s
Whether the party speak before court or not, Guil-
show, but can’t shake the feeling that they are being
laume suggests that he see his sister Ysabel at the opera
watched. A thin jackal slinks just out of sight and into
house while they wait for tomorrow’s vote.
dark corners.
For a more open world campaign, Guillaume can
give them directions to Jehan as well. In this case,

CHAPTER 2 — Unexpected Complications Tactics: If threatened by the party, court contains
20 nobles, about 10 of which fight the group. Guillau-
The party attends Ysabel’s opera. They must succeed
on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw to keep from being me fights on the party’s side.
utterly convinced that abandoning monster hunting
and devoting their life to Ysabel is the only way to live. Development
The crowd begins to rush the stage, cheering, as Ysabel With all but General Jehan accounted for, it is time to
flies and sings above them. If Collette is with the party, take the few days' journey to the battlegrounds.
she finds this hilarious.
After the show, Ysabel agrees to visit Melusine the
following morning. If Collette is with the party, they CHAPTER 3 — Ungentlemanly Officers
travel together. They suggests the adventurers seek out After a few days' journey, the party arrives at a training
Jehan as soon as possible. field with several tents, one notably larger than the
Ambush Combatants
As the party is leaving, they are approached by an in-
credibly thin beggar. Regardless of how they respond, • Nobles – NE human nobles
he reveals himself to be Robert, a jackalwere. He will • Personal Guards – TN guards
accuse the party of stalking his family and attempt to • Soldiers – TN human veterans
fight them. The party must succeed on a DC 18 Cha-
risma (Intimidation OR Persuasion) check to convince The Training Grounds
him. Otherwise, Robert attacks. Party members with passive Perception 12+ overhears
Tactics: Robert will primarily use sleep gaze in an grumbling about “the big ox.” Those with passive Per-
attempt to kidnap the party and bring them to Jehan. ception 15+ hear two nobles plotting the death of “the
• If the party reduces Robert to 4 hp or fewer, he can monster prince.”
be subdued. If they have the equipment, the party • If the party is being transported by Robert, this
can bind Robert (note: he is a shapeshifter and still applies. Robert also hears the plotting.
must be tied carefully) and bring him with them, • Inside the largest tent is General Jehan, a minotaur
or they can convince him that they have been in full uniform who is studying battle plans.
hired by Melusine. This time, he will listen and • If Robert defeated them earlier, the party awakens
take directions to Melusine’s palace. as they are unceremoniously dumped out of a sack
• If the party kills Robert, they can continue on their in front of Jehan. Adventurers must succeed on
journey, but get Conclusion A no matter how the a DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion) check, show the
rest of the adventure plays out. court invitation, or role play very well to convince
• If Robert defeats the party, continue to "The Train- Jehan that they have been hired by Melusine.
ing Grounds." Jehan convinces Robert to back off.
• Jehan expresses joy that his mother hasn’t vanished
Return to Court for good, but states that he cannot leave now.
The following morning, if the party was not defeated War with a rival kingdom is brewing and he is
by Robert, they may return to court. Guillaume’s concerned that some of his soldiers do not appear
resolution passes overwhelmingly, and he is happy to to trust him as they once did. He regrets that his
take a brief visit to see his mother. appearance seems to matter much more than it
Upon leaving, party members with passive Percep- used to.
tion 15+ will overhear confusion, as the nobility is re- • Paladins and others with the knight or soldier
leased from Guillaume’s spell. Some may make threats background can help Jehan make battle plans and
against the “devil prince,” but do not take action unless put his mind regarding the coming war at peace.
threatened by the party. • Adventurers who overheard the plot against Jehan
may wish to inform him about the threat to his

life. If Robert is there, he informs him and begin Note: If Jehan is met earlier in the game, he may
assassination plans. go straight to Melusine or offer to accompany the par-
ty throughout the journey to “protect” them, especially
if they are lacking a barbarian, fighter, or paladin.
Mutiny Averted At this point, he also convinces Robert to go to
If the party has warned Jehan about the mutiny, he
Melusine, if he is there.
makes preparations and has two personal guards and
one trusted veteran join him that night. If he has not
been warned by the adventurers or Robert, Jehan and Development
the adventurers are ambushed by his racist troops With Melusine’s children accounted for, whether living
looking for new leadership. or dead, it is time to return to the Serpent Queen for
an accounting.
The revolt consists of three nobles, each with two
personal guards, and three soldiers.
Scaling: For higher level parties, add one additional
veteran per noble. For lower level parties, reduce the
hp of the soldiers to 44.
Tactics: Nobles attack last, aiming to mitigate dam-
age to themselves. They see the veterans as the most ex-
pendable. Enemy guards aim to protect the nobles first
and engage Jehan second. They only attack adventurers
or Robert if engaged first. Enemy soldiers concentrate
on Jehan unless physically stopped by adventurers.
• Jehan’s veteran acts as a bodyguard, while his two
guards defend his tent. Jehan fights like a typical
minotaur. Robert, if there, fights as a jackalwere,
utilizing sleep gaze. He turns into a jackal and slink
away before dying if he takes too much damage.
• If Jehan dies, the nobles offer the party 250 gp to
look the other way. If they accept (and Robert is
alive), he attacks them as they leave. This time, it is
a fight to the death. Go to Conclusion A.
• If Jehan and the nobles all die, the fighting stops
and the guards ask the adventurers to be merciful,
one mercenary to another.
• If the party defeats the nobles and stops the mu-
tiny, Jehan is thankful to the party for fighting on
his side (and possibly warning him of the attack).
If his veteran survives, he asks them to take charge
while he accompanies the party on their journey to
Melusine. If Jehan’s veteran died,
he calls in a major to take over command tempo-
rarily. Go to Conclusion B.

voked, but tell the party that they are no longer wel-
CONCLUSION A – Melusine’s Wrath come in their home kingdom nor in Melusine’s palace.
If alive, Ysabel sings a mourning song as her siblings
Potential Combatants
escort the party out.
• Melusine’s throne: giant constrictor snake
• Giant poisonous snake
• Swarm of poisonous snakes
• Melusine’s guards: LN yuan-ti pureblood
CONCLUSION B – Happy Reunion
Melusine is overjoyed to see all of her children alive.
• Melusine: LN yuan-ti malison type 3
She throws a massive feast to celebrate, with Ysabel
providing music. If adventurers allowed Collette to
Melusine asks why the party has returned to her with
practice on them, she demonstrates what she has
only some of her children and questions their com-
learned on Jehan, to the family’s amusement.
petence. She accuses them of being monster hunters
• Melusine gives the party 500 gp for each child
through and through, more eager to kill than to do a
returned to her as well as the staff of the python.
proper job. She stands before the adventures and her
• If the party spoke before the court, Guillaume
snake throne reveals itself to be a giant constrictor
gives them his eyes of charming.
snake. She summons 2 to 4 giant poisonous snakes
• If the party allowed Collete to practice on them,
at the party’s sides, and 2 to 4 swarms of poisonous
she winks and give them a mantle of spell resistance.
snakes behind them, at DM’s discretion based on
• If the party attended the opera, Ysabel gives them
party level.
pipes of haunting and say that she hopes they can
• Difficulty Scaling: For stronger parties, 2 to
play together in the future.
6 of Melusine’s guards (yuan-ti pureblood) also
• Robert gives the adventurers a robe of useful items,
saying that an assassin can never be too prepared.
• Option for Scaling: Melusine may summon
• If the party warned Jehan, he gives them a ring of
the higher number of snakes as punishment for ad-
the minotaur (see: Ring of the Ram) and ask them
venturers who lost several of her children, regard-
to think fondly of him.
less of party size and composition. In this option,
Characters are informed that they are always welcome
her guards always join.
both at Melusine’s palace and at the children’s court,
If the party spoke before court on Guillaume’s
which Guillaume and Jehan are shortly going to con-
behalf, let Collette experiment on them, or attended
trol. (If desired for a longer campaign, they can refer
Ysabel’s opera, the children will speak out on behalf
adventurers to other quests or recruit them for the
of the adventurers. If either Jehan or Robert are alive,
upcoming war).
they lend their voices also. If Jehan was warned about
the mutiny, but still slain, Robert also speaks on the
party’s behalf, assuming he wasn’t killed.
If more than half of her children advocate for the
party, Melusine does not join in the fight herself. She
agrees that the adventurers may not be all bad but
must prove their worthiness to live in order to make
up for their incompetence. If two or fewer children
speak up for the party, Melusine joins in the fight
If the adventurers defeat the snakes and Melusine
did not fight, she gives them 500 gp for each child
returned to her.
If Melusine fights the adventurers and is slain,
they may loot the rod of rulership from her body. Her
living children do not attack adventurers unless pro-

Rewards Creatures XP
Guillaume (cambion) 1800
POTENTIAL XP REWARDS: Ysabel (harpy) 200
Add the total XP of creatures defeated by the party, Collette (lamia) 1,100
then divide by the number of characters to determine Robert (jackalwere) 100
individual rewards. (DMs may also choose to award Jehan (minotaur) 700
listed XP for reuniting the children.) Melusine (yuan-ti malison type 3) 700
Guards 25 each
Nobles 25 each
Soldiers (veterans) 700 each
Swarm of poisonous snakes 450 each
Giant constrictor snake 450
Giant poisonous snake 50 each
Melusine’s guards (yuan-ti pureblood) 200 each


Treasure Value
Nobles’ bribe 250 gp
Melusine’s payment 500 gp per living child

Potential Item Rewards:

Item (found in DMG)
• Rod of rulership
• Staff of the python
• Eyes of charming
• Mantle of spell resistance
• Pipes of haunting
• Robe of useful items
• Ring of the Minotaur (Ring of the Ram, but change
the following stats: a spectral minotaur head
emerges; attack roll with +9 bonus, target takes
3d10 force damage.)

Author’s Notes about the author
Melusine has been one of my favorite myths since Jessica Marcrum is a lifelong fan of myths, fantasy, and
childhood, partly due to my love of mermaids and gaming. A former opera singer and current licensed
partly due to her unabashed control in her relation- social worker, she has had the good fortune to GM for
ship. I was always horrified that her children died several fantastic groups of adventurers over the last sev-
tragically after she left, so this is my attempt of reunit- eral years. Though Chicago-raised, she currently lives
ing them with their powerful mom. in Pittsburgh with her spouse and their three fat cats.
Thank you to Ashley for this amazing opportunity, She can be reached at @Miss_Jess03 on Twitter.
to my lovely friends for telling me about the project
and believing in me, and for my wonderful spouse
without whom none of this would be possible!

Illustration by Wouter Florusse

maidens of the weave
by Emily Smith
Creature: Drider | Level(s): 7

Menzoberranzan. Last night, Vexalora was finally sum-

SYNOPSIS moned by the Maidens to undergo the transformation
After a drow girl goes missing, characters must delve
to a drider, which will occur at midnight tonight.
into the depths of the Underdark to bring her back.
The Maidens of the Weave have an internal divi-
As they journey through the dark, characters discover
sion. The traditionalists, led by Hadrezzt, is devoted to
not all monsters are monstrous and webs are capable
the service of Lolth and upholding the magical weave,
of restraining all manner of creatures; in fact, they can
created by Mystra. A secret coup, led by Silvrar, seeks
capture magic itself. This 4-hour adventure is designed
to overthrow Hadrezzt and use the magic of the Weave
for Tier 2 (APL 7).
to destroy their enemies. Silvrar plans to strike against
Hadrezzt during the ritual tonight, when Hadrezzt is
at her weakest.
After a young girl goes missing from her home in
Menzoberranzan, her mother contacts the party for
CHAPTER 1 — Introduction
Characters meet with Narltearn Zurdren and receive a
Call to Action. Then, characters locate Vexalora’s secret
grotto, where they find clues to track Vexalora to the
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Maidens of the Weave.
Driders are drow worshippers of Lolth which have
been transformed into spiders from the waist down.
The transformation is an agonizing ritual which is per- Scene 1: Meeting Narltearn
formed by a high priestess of Lolth, often as a punish- Narltearn Zurdren, mother of Vexalora, is the matri-
ment for failing Lolth in some way. Seen as monstros- arch of House Zurdren, a noble drow House in Men-
ities by drow society, driders are used as servants of the zoberranzan. Narltearn seeks aid after her daughter
drow or exiled from society. vanished last night. She can give characters the follow-
A group of driders, called the Maidens of the ing information:
Weave, formed a peaceful, secretive society outside • Vexalora had been spending an unusually large
the walls of Menzoberranzan that serves Lolth’s grand amount of time in a small grotto outside the city.
design. They select promising young drow and offer Narltearn had followed her daughter and inves-
them the opportunity to become a drider, where they tigated the grotto previously, but found nothing
devote their life to the service of Lolth and upholding unusual. She can provide characters directions to
and maintaining the Weave, which is the source of all the grotto.
magic. • Vexalora had been acting cagey, moody and
Vexalora, daughter of Narltearn of House Zurdren, secretive over the past dozen tenday.
has been chosen as a Maiden. Over the last dozen
tenday, Maidens have visited her in visions, directing
her to construct a shrine and devote herself to Lolth,
which she has done dutifully in a small grotto outside

Characters can gain the following information:
• DC 15 Intelligence (History): House Zurdren is
CHAPTER 2 — Descending into
in service to Selvetarm, demigod of drow warriors,
which serve Lolth using their combat prowess. If
the Depths
Characters follow in Vexalora’s tracks, stumbling across
asked, Narltearn can tell characters her daughter
Underdark hazards along the way.
has always been a bit rebellious, spurning combat
training in favor of reading and learning magic
rituals. Scene 1: The Abandoned Mineshaft
• The trail turns into an abandoned, 15’ wide duer-
A small grotto, lit dimly by luminescent fungi, gar mineshaft, haunted by the ghosts of miners lost
sits off the side of the main path. Rough- during an incursion of hook horrors many years
hewn rocks jut out from the wall. A small ago. The ghosts are hostile towards non-duergar
weapons rack and training dummy sit in one and seek to kill those passing through their tun-
corner of the cavern. nels.
• As characters pass through, they hear distant
moaning, echoing whispers and the sounds of
pickaxes striking stone, setting a haunting mood.
Scene 2: The Secret Grotto Torches spontaneously wink out and characters
feel cold hands brushing against them.
Characters can gain the following information: • While travelling through the shaft, a passive Per-
• DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation): A small com- ception of 13 locates an unmined portion of gold.
partment is hidden inside the rock wall, behind It takes characters 10 minutes to extract and is
a curtain of fungi. Inside is Vexalora’s diary and a worth 300 gp.
swatch of exquisitely woven fabric. It is clear it has • Eventually, the ghostly noises fade to unsettling
been touched repeatedly, as some of the threads are silence and five duergar ghosts appear in the cav-
worn in the same location (clutched by Vexalora ern ahead. They demand characters turn back. If
while praying to Lolth). characters comply, they are allowed to leave. If they
• DC 12 Wisdom (Perception): The weapons look refuse, the ghosts attack.
unused and the area seems largely undisturbed.
The training dummy looks untouched.
Scene 2: Bulettes Below
• The mineshaft continues steeply downwards. A
Vexalora’s Diary single minecart, large enough to fit the party mem-
This diary details Vexalora’s interactions with the bers, sits on a rickety metal track. If used, the cart
Maidens of the Weave. They have come to her daily in moves at 40 ft per round.
visions over the last dozen tenday, teaching her how to • As characters continue, the walls begin to rumble
purify and prepare herself to enter Lolth’s service. In an and shake. Four bulettes erupt from the floors and
entry dated from the previous day, the Maidens told walls of the tunnel and attack. For a layout of the
her the time has come for her to join Lolth’s service. area, see Map 1, pg. 149.
Included is a drawing of the path she will take through • The characters have eight rounds to escape the
the Underdark to reach the Maidens, noting the jour- mine shaft, before the burrowing bulettes desta-
ney will take 4 hours. bilize the tunnel and it collapses. If characters
are riding in the mining cart, they can fight the
bulettes while continuing to speed towards the
Development tunnel’s exit. If the characters are on foot, it takes
Once characters have discovered evidence of Vexalora’s
them three rounds of dashing to exit the tunnel. If
connection to the Maidens of the Weave, they can
characters fail to escape the tunnel before it col-
begin tracking her passage deeper into the Underdark.
lapses, they must make a DC 14 Dexterity Saving

Throw or take 10d10 bludgeoning damage, or half
on a success, from falling rocks and are restrained.
A DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check is required to
escape the rubble.

After characters complete the random encounters,
they close in on the Maidens’ Sanctuary. Proceed to
Chapter 3.

Map 1: The mineshaft

Map by Emily Smith

will occur (minus the exact details of the ceremony)
CHAPTER 3 — The Maidens’ Sanctuary and is eager to join the Maidens. If asked, she says she
The Maidens of the Weave have a small colony built
wants to be involved with the Maidens because they
around an enormous spiderweb, which they use to
are inherently linked to the Weave, with the ability to
travel between small caverns throughout the complex.
tap into its magic in a way that no one else can.
As characters near the sanctuary, they notice webs
begin to form and thicken around the pathway. Their
passage is noticed by Hadrezzt, the drider leader, using Area 2: The Training Grounds
her Web Sense.
The clashing of steel catches your attention,
as you see a single warrior, blades spinning,
Scene 1: Welcome as she dodges two other warriors in a train-
Hadrezzt greets characters at the entrance of the com- ing ground at the side of the encampment.
plex. She has two driders in tow, for security purposes. As she effortlessly dances and dodges their
She politely greets characters as they approach and attacks, you see an imposing figure looking
asks what business they have with the Maidens of the on from the other side of the ring: a female
Weave. If characters mention they are searching for drow, clad in ornate mithril armor and a
Vexalora, she guides them inside to Area 1, where Vex- silken tunic rises up, revealing the lower body
alora is watching a drider create an enormous spider of an immense spider, joined seamlessly with
silk quilt masterpiece. her torso.

Role-playing Hadrezzt The warrior at the opposite side of the arena is Silvrar.
Hadrezzt is the high priestess of the Maidens of the
Weave. She is innately in tune with the Weave and
rules her society with self-assurance and self-reliance.
Role-playing Silvrar
Silvrar believes driders should use their might to control
She demands all initiates be fully willing to undergo
and conquer other civilizations in the name of Lolth.
the transformation. She believes the maintenance of
She is the leader of a secret group seeking to kill Hadrez-
the Weave, maintaining balance in magic and life, is
zt and take control of the colony. She is clever and will
the driders’ job and the best way to serve Lolth.
not give away information which may compromise her
plans. She speaks ill of the “weak” driders, like Hadrezzt,
Area 1: The Weavery who are too absorbed in the Weave and afraid to leave
This room is lined with several loom-like structures, the society and fight for Lolth’s supremacy.
formed from stone pegs carved out from the wall. A
drider sits at one of these makeshift looms, seemingly
lost in her work, weaving an enormous quilt which,
Area 3: Drider Living Quarters
upon closer inspection, resembles a shower of rain ex- Looking up, you see the cavern above the
ploding outward from the center of the piece. Vexalora encampment stretches upward beyond sight,
is watching the drider work. Several other spider silk with elaborate webs spreading across the vast
works hang on the walls in different states of comple- chimney, until nothing can be seen but web
tion. and darkness. As you look closer, you distant-
ly see several of the webs stretch and bend, as
Role-playing Vexalora if creatures are moving atop them.
Vexalora is a bright young drow, interested in the mag-
ical arts and eager to join an organization where she
can learn. She left her family behind, as they refused to
let her practice magic, and she plans to become a drid-
er tonight. She is fully aware of the transformation that

• A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals each
of the webs is woven in a subtly different way
(by different driders) and separate living quarters
can be discerned inside of the chimney, though it
becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish webs
higher in the chimney.
• Several tunnels lead off of the chimney, some of
which travel further into the Underdark, others
of which lead to ancillary caverns (a “kitchen” of
sorts, mushroom farm for the slaves, latrine,
outposts, etc.)
• Yochlol Holding Facility: The yochlols
for tonight’s event are being held in cages in a
chamber near the top of the chimney and are
carefully guarded by 2 dedicated driders. Because
the yochlols are vital for the Ceremony tonight,
these driders will not leave their post under any
circumstance, and signal for help at the first sign
of trouble. The driders defend the yochlols with
their lives. There are eight yochlols currently in the

Area 4: Altar to Lolth

A canopy of intricately woven spider silk surrounds a
raised dais at the center of the encampment. Steps lead
up to an obsidian altar, intricately carved with images
of spiders climbing atop delicate webs which spanned
entire cities. For a layout of the area, see Map 2.

Area 5: Slave Cages

Several cages are set into the rocky walls of this
side-cavern. Each cage has a finely made metal lock,
which requires a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or
a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to open. Each lock
has AC 10 and 15 hit points. At this time, the cages
are empty, though they may be filled with other NPCs
at the DM’s discretion.

When the characters have explored the colony and the
time approaches midnight, continue to Chapter 4.

Map 2: The Maiden's Sanctuary
1 square = 5 feet

Map by Emily Smith

CHAPTER 4 — The Ritual The Battle
Three driders, including Hadrezzt, attack the party.
Just before midnight, the driders gather at the Alter to
Lolth to perform the ritual of transformation on each They fight to the death. If you want to increase the
drow initiate, transforming them into driders. encounter difficulty, several yochlols break free from
their cage and engage in combat (1 per character). For
a layout of the area, see Map 2, pg. 152.
An enormous web spans the ceiling of this
cavern, glowing in soft shades of purple and
blue reflected by luminescent fungi lining the The Ritual
cavern. A ring of driders surround a central Transforming a drow into a drider involves placing a
obsidian dais, next to which stands Hadrezzt, yochlol on the drow’s legs. As the priestesses chant, the
a ceremonial silver dagger in her hand. A line power of Lolth is channeled through the weave and
of initiates waits outside of the circle, dressed into the yochlol, which devours the initiate’s legs and
in elaborately woven tunics of purple and replaces them with the body of a spider.
silver threads.
Scene 1: The Transformation After the characters defeat Hadrezzt and her drider
At midnight, the web overhead begins glowing in bril- minions, proceed to the next part.
liant colors. Eight small cages of yochlols (MM p. 65)
rest at the side of the dais. As initiates are led inside the
circle, Vexalora lays atop the central dais as Hadrezzt
begins chanting in Undercommon. The lights inside
the web begin to pulse in time with the chanting of
Hadrezzt, as the rest of the driders join in, and strands
of web begin to reach down, connecting with each of
the participating driders and the initiates.
There are eight driders, including Hadrezzt, and
eight initiates (commoners) participating in the ritual,
which takes 10 rounds to complete. If any drider takes
more than 30 points of damage, their connection to
the weave is severed and both they and their initiate
fall unconscious. Attacks against the chanting driders
are made at advantage, as they are restrained by the
This is the moment that Silvrar and her followers
strike. Silvrar’s goal is to interrupt the ritual and kill
the other driders while they are unconscious, in order
to take over the colony and the initiates, which she will
use to create an army to destroy all other humanoids
in the Underdark. Silvrar herself begins by attacking
Hadrezzt while her two drider compatriots attack two
other chanters, using a surprise round unless the char-
acters are on the alert. If characters attack the driders,
they will focus the characters, hoping to kill them
before the ritual ends, leaving them enough time to
finish off the other driders.

The characters’ success in Chapter 4 determines the
Task XP Per Character
outcome of this module.
Save Hadrezzt 500
Save all the Driders 200
Option 1: Characters Succeed
If all the driders survive, including Hadrezzt, and the
ritual is completed, Hadrezzt thanks the characters and
The characters receive the following treasure, to be
offers them a Cloak of Arachnida in thanks for their
divided evenly among the party.
service. She also offers them 400 gp. Characters earn
the story reward Friends of the Weave.

Option 2: Partial Success Item GP Value

If some of the driders survive, but Hadrezzt dies, the Duergar Unmined Gold 300
remaining driders thank the characters for their aid Saving the Driders 400
and offer them 400 gp.
Option 3: Characters Fail Characters completing this adventure earn 10 down-
If the characters fail, Silvrar and her driders kill time.
Hadrezzt and her good-aligned driders. The initi-
ates are captured, to be turned into driders at the
next blood moon. If the characters are alive, they are
Characters completing this adventure earn 1 renown.
captured by Silvrar, stripped of their equipment and
locked in the slave cages. The characters have 3 months
to escape before they will be forcibly used as tributes Magic Item:
to Lolth, transformed into driders in the service of
Silvrar. Cloak of Arachnida
Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
This fine garment is made of black silk interwoven
Rewards with faint silvery threads. While wearing it, you gain
Characters earn the following XP and items: the following benefits:
• You have Resistance to poison damage.
• You have a climbing speed equal to your walking
Experience: speed.
Total the combat experience earned for defeated foes
• You can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces
and divide by the number of characters.
and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your
hands free.
• You can't be caught in webs of any sort and can
move through webs as if they were difficult terrain.
Enemy XP Per Enemy
• You can use an action to cast the web spell (save DC
Bulette 1,800
13). The web created by the spell fills twice its normal
Drider 2,300
area. Once used, this property of the cloak can't be
Ghost 1,100
used again until the next dawn.
Yochlol 5,900

Story Reward: Author’s Notes
I would like to thank some of my first and best DMs,
Friends of the Weave Chris Blackwell and David Phillips, for being awesome
You have done a great service to the Maidens of the role models and creating stories and experiences that
Weave and earned their gratitude. You gain advantage had me coming back to D&D every week, until I was
on Charisma checks with Driders. fully addicted to the hobby and there was no turning
back. I also want to give a shout-out to Adventurer’s
League, the official D&D organized play system, which
has allowed me to play D&D no matter what city I’m
in, and has allowed me to make invaluable friendships.

About the Author

Emily Smith is a D&D writer for Adventurer’s League
and Dungeon Masters Guild, based in Los Angeles,
Calif. She is a regular TTRPG blogger for Quest
Chests and Dice Envy and plays Firefly on the NQH
Podcast. In her free time, she enjoys coding, cooking,
and cat herding. Connect on Twitter @emilyjeasmith

Illustration by Ma'at Crook

appalling morass by Ma'at Crook
Creature: Hags | Level(s): 8
CW: gaslighting, lies, threats, manipulation

to make a fresh start. Among them is Dar’Vo Pleas-

SYNOPSIS ance, whose Pleasance’s Perennials general store boasts,
Elmwood village has had its fair share of corruption
“Everything! Now!” Dar’Vo is helpful and well-loved by
and destruction, and the villagers won’t take anymore,
his community, but unknown to the villagers, he is ma-
not even from fearful hags. Manipulation, lies, and
nipulating them. Within the Cormanthor Forest, hags
greed are at the heart of their woes, but what if the
Ah-vay, Thorne, and Eura live off the forest and Ah-vay’s
rumors about hags are wrong? What if the most
occasional trade in Elmwood. Dar’Vo desired a partner-
untrustworthy person is the one the villagers trust the
ship with Ah-vay, envisioning expensive magic items on
most? Can the party sift the truth from this appalling
his shelves and the destruction of his competition. After
morass and put an end to the threat?
she refused his repeated requests, coercion, and threats,
he turned the villagers against her.
Appalling Morass begins with the adventurers travel- Dramatis Personae
ing to or through the village of Elmwood. They may
happen upon Elmwood between missions, seek coin in Ah-vay Arcorar: (Pronouns: she/her) middle-aged,
this blossoming settlement, go fishing off the transgender hag with translucent skin, teal hair, and
newly-built pier, or come up with their individual or mirrored eyes.
group reasons. • Ideals: Connection to new and well-known
• Bonds: Thrives on relationships, leading to oc-
Bleeding Gate Hook casional trips into Elmwood. Her connection to
If playing this adventure after Bleeding Gate: Amal-
animals means there is nothing in Cormanthor
gamation (CCC-BLD 1-2) or Bleeding Gate: Lineage
Forest that escapes her notice.
(CCC-BLD 01-03) Armaita Mossbeard, grocer and
• Flaws: Reads too many true crime novels.
Zhentarim agent, asks the party to travel south to
Dar’Vo Pleasance: (Pronouns: he/him) 31-year-old,
Elmwood. Dar’Vo Pleasance, fellow Zhent, struggles to
cisgender human, Zhentarim agent, Pleasance’s Peren-
establish his general store. She asks the party to facili-
nials general store owner.
tate a partnership between Armaita and Dar’Vo, to sell
• Ideals: Takes what he wants through manipula-
him Emudomier-made merchandise at a discount and
tion, coercion, and threats. He’s an avid knick-
stock her shelves with Elmwood’s specialties.
knack collector.
• Bonds: No one provides more help to Elmwood,
giving him credibility as a kind person while he
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND secretly helps himself at others’ expense.
On the Moonsea’s southern coast, the village of Elm-
• Flaws: Abusive.
wood is in a phase of resurrection. The ground beneath
new homes and businesses is still scorched from the
explosion of a devastation orb. New residents are eager

Eura Arcorar: (Pronouns: she/her) senior, cisgender • Social: See “What the Mob Knows” below.
hag with dark brown skin, lavender hair, and silent, Dar’Vo is manipulative but try not to let roleplay
fluid movement. delivery betray that fact. Dar’Vo is likable and
• Ideals: Horticulturist; conserves Cormanthor believable.
Forest’s flora. • Exploration: The hag leaves no tracks. A suc-
• Bonds: “There are just two beings I love more than cessful DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
the forest. I’ll never leaf Thorne or Ah-vay; they to pickpocket the mob yields 6 copper, 1 nautical
tree-t me so well.” bracelet, 1 chest key (Dar’Vo’s), and 1 lure.
• Flaws: Loves puns and terrible jokes. Read or paraphrase:
Thorne Arcorar: (Pronouns: he/his) adult, cisgen-
der hag with olive skin, magenta hair, and the stature You travel a dirt road toward Elmwood. Morn-
of a cypress. ing fog weighs heavily on the Moonsea; the
• Ideals: That “ah ha” moment, after struggling with sun fights to banish it from what must be a
a sculpture, is euphoric. beautiful waterfront view.
• Bonds: Can’t look at driftwood or a lump of clay Builders’ hammers ring, water laps the
without envisioning it shaped into a cute animal. shore, and waterfowl demand fish. As you get
• Flaws: Difficulty trusting non-hag humanoids. closer, an angry chorus replaces the sound of
hammers. Villagers shout “Hag!” A hunched
hag with ratted hair, tattered clothes, and
ADVENTURE OUTLINE smelling of rot, runs toward you. The pan-
icked mob strikes out in fear, chasing her with
The adventure can be played as a straightforward
chase and assault on a hag coven, however, the module thrown stones and garbage. In her reflective
includes social interactions and investigations to learn eyes, you read the realization that your ap-
Dar’Vo, not the hags, is the real antagonist. proach blocks her escape; she flickers and
• CHAPTER 1 – UNWELCOME: Speak with the becomes invisible.
villagers and/or follow the hag into the woods.
• CHAPTER 2 – LIGHT AND SHADOW: Enter The characters may question the mob ("What the Mob
combat with forest creatures and the hag coven. Knows below") or chase the hag (Chapter 2).
Alternately speak with the coven about Dar’Vo’s
• CHAPTER 3 – EXPOSURE: Return to Elmwood
What the Mob Knows
If questioned, the mob discusses the following:
for Dar’Vo’s reward or confront him for the hags’
• Dar’Vo Pleasance, general store owner, alerted
reward instead.
the villagers that Ah-vay is a dangerous, evil hag.
However, he is subtly manipulating the villagers
CHAPTER 1 — Unwelcome and party to trust him and get them to do what he
wants, in the following ways:
Estimated Playtime: 15 minutes
• Befriending: Talks about his adventuring days
and compliments their skills.
The party arrives in Elmwood as a mob attacks Ah-vay.
• Martyrdom: “She misled us; we believed she was
She uses invisibility and an amulet of protection and
poor. I paid her for her meager wares, even when I
location to escape into the forest. The characters can
was low on coin!”
speak with villagers and/or follow the hag.
• Lies: “She enchanted me! She made me offer her a
Playing the Pillars business partnership!”
• Combat: The mob isn’t aggressive toward the Truth: He wanted to keep her close and use
party. If attacked, Dar’Vo (gladiator), his employ- her skills to increase his power and profit. He
ees (veterans), and villagers (commoner) defend threatened her (small doll, Chapter 2’s “Treasure”)

• Telling half-truths: “Ah-vay poisoned me are valid options. Combat can end at any time.
(lie)! I was up all night, vomiting, after drinking • Social: Ah-vay worries the party presents a threat
her potion (truth).” A successful DC 15 Wisdom but remains open to socializing, knowing Dar’Vo
(Medicine) check confirms he ingested poison. manipulated them.
Truth: He stole and drank cleaning products • Exploration: Attempts at stealth prompt “Ah-
(jars, Chapter 2 and 3’s “Treasure”). vay’s Shouts.” With a successful DC 20 Wisdom
• Blaming: ”It’s her fault we chased her, evil hag!” (Perception) check characters see lizards, foxes, and
• Exaggerating Authority: Raises his voice, snakes watching, unmoved, as the party passes.
“You didn’t see;” “You weren’t here;” “I know Read or paraphrase.
about hags!
• If the players question his truthfulness, a Traveling southwest through Cormanthor
successful DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check Forest, its moss-covered mud exposes no
recognizes his blame and anger as truthful, humanoid tracks, just biting-insects, and
but he’s hiding something. swampy stench. The sun breaks through the
• He requests, “I hate saying this, but I worry about fog and canopy. Somewhere in the forest, a
these people — please, kill this dangerous hag. feminine voice addresses you, "Harming you,
Her shack’s in Cormanthor Forest, southwest of when we share so much, would be a shame.”
here.” Ahead, six large, gray foxes let out high-
• He’ll reward the party with armor he says came pitched, nervous warnings.
from adventurers (Chapter 3’s “Treasure”).
Truth: He stole it from the hags. The six large foxes (using tiger stats) and various
• Villagers are afraid of the “hideous temptress,” hidden forest creatures keep the party from getting too
“corruptor,” “liar,” “selfish gold-digger.” close to Ah-vay until she can assess their intention. She
• They ask the party to find her haven in the forest hopes to lead them home to talk further.
and stop her from coming back. • Tactics: The large foxes attack if attacked. During
• Any Wisdom (Insight) check shows the villagers combat, innumerable forest creatures (baby foxes,
believe their words. rabbits, lizards, snakes) dash out of hiding, creat-
ing difficult terrain for anyone who gets closer to
Ah-vay. At the beginning of a player character’s
Objective A movement toward Ah-vay, they must make a DC
Stop the hag from troubling the village. 10 Dexterity saving throw, or darting creatures
obstruct their footfalls.
Once the characters enter the forest, proceed to Ah-vay’s Shouts
Chapter 2. While hidden in the forest, in or out of combat, Ah-
vay shouts the following:
• Ah-vay loathes hypocrisy, “Your people call us ugly
CHAPTER 2 — Light and Shadow and evil, looking past your own grotesqueries and
Estimated Playtime: 1 hour evil deeds.”
• She warns of manipulation, “A dollop of honey,
In the forest, they encounter large foxes. Unseen, half a pinch of truth, and one whole lie, scrambled
Ah-vay warns of Dar’Vo’s treachery, wanting to speak and baked in under a minute. You’ve had your
further at her haven. heads messed with!”
• If the party is open to discussion, she invites them to
Playing the Pillars speak with her coven, “Follow my voice to my haven
• Combat: Large foxes defend Ah-vay and the coven and the truth.” Continue to the optional "Bonus
while she speaks. Fighting the foxes and the coven Objective 1" or go straight to "The Coven Haven."

• If the party chooses combat, her voice leads them Read or paraphrase:
to her haven. Continue to “The Coven Haven.”
You follow the hag’s voice down a deer path.
Bonus Objective 1 – Eeny, Meeny, Ah-vay Hag Stepping off results in sinking into ankle-deep
Optional Objective: Identify which disguise hides Ah-vay. mud. Grass-like sedge, ferns, cattails, and
Estimated Playtime: additional 1 hour decay cover the swamp floor. Giant frogs,
stirges, foxes, and black bears warily watch
If the characters are non-hostile, Ah-vay proposes a you pass. As the forest density expands, the
game as she leads them to her haven. She uses the mirrored water reflects cypress scattered
green hag action, illusory appearance, disguising along its surface. About a hundred feet ahead
herself as a creature (of her “general size and human- the hag hops from a sedge mound to the
oid shape”). She challenges them to shout out which floating dock of a stilt-shack, draped in pot-
creature they think she is (answer in bold). Be descrip- ted plants and sculptures. Two hags rush
tive of the interactions between the creatures and the out the front door, fussing over the returning
environment. hag, picking trash from her torn clothing and
• Sighting 1: Large fox, small armadillo, or bullywug smoothing her matted hair. They spot you
• Sighting 2: Raven, darkling elder, or giant rat and freeze, teeth bared.
• Sighting 3: Oblex ooze, ghast, or lizardfolk
• Sighting 4: Yuan-ti, muskrats, or shambling If the characters choose combat with the three green
mound hags, include the hag covens stat block.
• Sighting 5: Nagpa, kobold, or black bear • Tactics: Ah-vay uses eyebite to put each character
to sleep so she can talk with them when they wake.
The Coven Haven
The party follows Ah-vay’s voice to her haven. Thorne Ah-vay’s Appearance
and Eura worry why she’s disheveled and accompanied After Ah-vay cleans up, the characters see her disheveled,
by strangers. rotten presentation was due to the mob's attack (see the
module's illustration for her true appearance).
Playing the Pillars
• Combat: The party can enter combat with the What the Hags Know
coven. They can also end it at any point, opting If the characters enter a social interaction, the hags
instead for a social interaction. discuss the following:
• Social: See “What the Hags Know” below. • Ah-vay identifies Dar’Vo’s tactics used to ma-
• Exploration: If the characters succeed in combat nipulate the party (Chapter 1’s "What the Mob
against the coven or have a social interaction, they Knows”).
may investigate the haven (Chapter 2’s “Treasure”). • Dar’Vo was kind at first but raged at Ah-vay trad-
ing with others. He apologized and asked her to
make exclusive potions for his store; she refused.
He offered a business partnership; she refused.
He threatened her. He broke into their haven last
night, while the coven was out, and stole a jar of
homemade “See Thru” glass cleaner, “Ooze Gone”
adhesive remover, and “HRP” hormone replace-
ment potion. He stole Ah-vay’s armor, Eura’s
anniversary gift.
• Unlike many who are abused by others, Ah-vay's
in a unique position to have physical evidence.
Dar'Vo left her a letter and doll in a hollow tree at

the forest’s edge (Chapter 2’s “Treasure”). • Social: Players may speak with the villagers or
• They ask the party to help prove Ah-vay’s inno- Dar’Vo. If he feels his good standing in the com-
cence and Dar’Vo’s abuses. Ah-vay doesn’t want munity is threatened, he starts combat.
Dar’Vo killed; it will cast doubt on her word, cause • Exploration: Dar’Vo’s store, Pleasance’s Peren-
villagers grief, and martyr him. nials, contains evidence of his manipulation and
theft (Chapter 3’s “Treasure”).
Within the haven are the following items of note:
• Dar’Vo’s Letter – tucked inside a true crime novel, Telling Villagers of Dar’Vo’s Abuses
written after Ah-vay’s first visit. It welcomes her Many find it hard to believe a friend is abusive. How-
to Elmwood, identifies her as a hag, and demands ever, if a player or Ah-vay (best) speaks to these villagers
she stop selling potions to other vendors, signed about Dar’Vo’s abusive behavior, they’ll listen and com-
“D.” A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) or passionately think about what’s said, without trying to
(Investigation) check shows the paper is made of argue or disprove. They ask what help Ah-vay wants.
• Jars – “Bee Bare” hair remover, “Dryad’s Friend” Bonus Objective 2 – Get In, Get Stuff, Get Out
wood polish, specially-mixed paint labeled “Spe- Optional Objective: Get into Dar’Vo’s store, take evidence
cial, Don’t Touch,” “No Fungus Amongus” fungi- and/or stolen items (Chapter 3’s “Treasure”), and get out
cide, and “Bug Off” pesticide without getting caught.
• Small doll – teal, yarn hair pulled out, embroi- Estimated Playtime: additional 1 hour
dered with bruises and cuts, and a message:
“WORK WITH ME OR…” The characters can make and execute a plan to fulfill
the objective. Below lists obstacles or benefits to the
characters when the store is open or closed.
Objective B
Help prove Ah-vay’s innocence and Dar’Vo’s abuses. Dar’Vo Pleasance:
• Open – when with a customer, his Wisdom (Per-
Development ception) is at disadvantage
After Ah-vay asks the players to expose Dar’Vo or they • Closed – works late, bookkeeping
find the letter and small doll, they may take a short Bugbear Employee:
rest, then proceed to Chapter 3 below. • Open – in the aisles, crouched down to count
inventory, giving her full cover and obscuring sight
of anything not in her aisle
CHAPTER 3 — Exposure • Closed – sleeps by the register, a light sleeper with
Estimated Playtime: 45 minutes passive Perception 12
Human Employee:
Returning to Elmwood, the characters may collect • Open – at the backdoor, behind the store, cooking
their reward for stopping or killing Ah-vay (“Conclu- cattails in toxic lye, for papermaking
sion” below), confront Dar’Vo directly (“Pleasance’s • Closed – sleeps by the collectibles cabinet, is a
Perennials”), tell the villagers (“Telling Villagers of sound sleeper, a failed Dexterity (Stealth) DC 5
Dar’Vo’s Abuses”), or collect more evidence by break- check or loud combat wakes him
ing into Pleasance’s Perennials (“Bonus Objective 2” Half-Orc Employee:
and “Pleasance’s Perennials” below). • Open – organizes the dried fish storefront display,
at the front door
• Open and Closed – sneezes loudly, allergic to the
Playing the Pillars fish seasoning
• Combat: The players may choose to fight Dar’Vo
and his three employees.

Coven Haven
Potter's Kiln
Potter's Wheel
Living Space with Oven
Floating Dock

Pleasance's Perennials

Cooking Lye & Cattails

Collectibles Cabinet
Storefront Display
Register Counter

Pleasance’s Perennials Treasure

If the characters do not confront Dar’Vo, go to the Dar’Vo stole or used the below items to send Ah-vay
“Conclusion” below. If they confront Dar’Vo, he’s threats.
good-natured until his good standing in the communi- • Four vials of “Anti-Ooze Repellant” — a successful
ty is at risk, then Dar’Vo (gladiator) and his employees DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation), Intelligence
(three veterans) start combat. (Nature), or Wisdom (Medicine) check to know
• Tactics: One employee uses ranged attacks. For this is “Ooze Gone” adhesive remover, stolen from
easier combat, villagers or a hag support the party. the coven
• One-hundred sheets of cattail paper-matching the
letter sent to Ah-vay
• Four vials of “Aid” potion — a successful DC 15
Intelligence (Arcana), Intelligence (Nature), or

Wisdom (Medicine) check to know this is HRP, • Reward: Amulet of Proof Against Detection and
hormone replacement, stolen from the coven Location
• Glass collectibles cabinet-rocks, leaves, small dolls, killed Dar’Vo:
embroidery needles, etc. • The villagers doubt Dar’Vo presented a threat.
• Chest — open with the key from Dar’Vo’s pocket, • Ah-vay has a hard time regaining the villagers’
a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) trust. Thorne and Eura are grateful Dar’Vo is dead.
check, or 10 hit points damage. Contains three • Reward: Amulet of Proof Against Detection and
empty jars labeled "See Thru," "Ooze Gone," and Location, “You Have the Hags’ Attention” story
a smudged "HRP" that could be misread as “AID,” award
one-hundred gold, the embroidery thread used on Dar’Vo is alive, and the players exposed his abuses:
the small doll to threaten Ah-vay • The villagers thank the characters, keep an eye on
• Ah-vay’s Armor (see Conclusion to know if it is a Dar’Vo, and welcome Ah-vay back.
reward) — plate armor found in Dar’Vo’s bedroom • Dar’Vo professes innocence.
(see magic item “Treasure” below for details), stolen • Reward: Amulet of Proof Against Detection and
from the coven Location, “You Have the Hags’ Attention” story
After the characters complete their encounter in Pleas-
ance’s Perennials, go to the Conclusion below.
Characters who complete this adventure earn the fol-
lowing rewards:
If the players killed (or stopped) the hags
Add the total XP of creatures overcome by the party,
then divide by the number of characters to determine
did not confront Dar’Vo:
individual rewards.
• The villagers and Dar’Vo are grateful.
Encounter XP
• Reward: Armor of Vulnerability, “Dar’Vo
Green Hag in a Coven 1800
Pleasance’s Word” story award
Large foxes (tigers) 200
killed Dar’Vo:
Dar’Vo Pleasance (gladiator) 1800
• The villagers doubt Dar’Vo presented a threat.
Dar’Vo’s Employees (veterans) 700
• Reward: Armor of Vulnerability
Helping the hags 50 per player
Dar’Vo is alive, and the players exposed his abuses:
Exposing Dar’Vo’s abusive
• The villagers are grateful for the help; they keep an
acts without killing him 50 per player
eye on Dar’Vo.
Bonus Objective 1,
• Dar’Vo is angry but says he is the better person
“Eeny, Meeny, Ah-Vay Hag” 50 per player
and gives them their reward.
Bonus Objective 2,
• Reward: Armor of Vulnerability, “Dar’Vo Pleas-
“Get In, Get Stuff, Get Out” 50 per player
ance’s Word” story award
Or characters receive 1 advancement checkpoint and
If the players helped the hags and…
1 treasure checkpoint for each story objective they
did not confront Dar’Vo but returned all the hags’
complete, as follows:
stolen items:
• The villagers begin constructing a fortified wall.
Story Objective Description
• Dar’Vo is happy with this development.
Story Objective A Encounter Ah-vay
• The hags aren’t pleased Dar’Vo is not held
Story Objective B Encounter Dar’Vo Pleasance
Bonus Objective 1 “Eeny, Meeny, Ah-Vay Hag”
Bonus Objective 2 “Get in, Get Stuff, Get Out”

TREASURE REWARDS: Toril soon learns of your assistance. They now know
you don’t easily buy into rumors and stereotypes; they
Item Value consider this before acting on any assumptions they may
Lure 1 gold have about you and your party. Ah-vay offers to provide
Paper 2 silver each hormone replacement potions to any transgender char-
Characters receive only one magic items (see “Conclu- acters you send her way, “My transition had its challeng-
sion” above). es; I’ll never turn away anyone who shares that journey.
Your non-binary, intersex, and cis friends in need of any
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and hormone therapies may also seek me out.”
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) Dar’Vo Pleasance’s Word
Dungeon Master’s Guide You helped Dar’Vo Pleasance and his group of Zhentarim
While wearing this amulet, you are hidden from div- dispatch troublesome hags that could have been a real
ination magic. You can’t be targeted by such magic or threat to the burgeoning and vulnerable village of Elm-
perceived through magical scrying sensors. wood. Word quickly spreads to every Zhent across Toril
of your assistance. They know you’re trustworthy, depend-
Armor of Vulnerability able, and willing to act without asking too many intrusive
Armor (plate), rare (requires attunement) questions. Any Zhent you meet considers this. However,
Dungeon Master's Guide Dar'Vo isn’t well thought of by all Zhentarim agents.
While wearing this armor, you have resistance to slash- At the DM’s discretion, this could affect your interac-
ing damage. tion with them (perhaps a dice-roll of an even number
Curse. This armor is cursed, a fact that is revealed produces an agent who is impressed, while an odd roll
only when an identify spell is cast on the armor or you produces an agent who does not like Dar’Vo Pleasance,
attune to it. Attuning to the armor curses you until his methods, or those who have aligned with him).
you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar
magic; removing the armor fails to end the curse.
While cursed, you have vulnerability to bludgeon-
ing and piercing damage. Plate consists of shaped,
Author’s Notes
Historical portrayals of hags include antisemitic and
interlocking, swamp-green metal plates to cover the sexist stereotypes — evil, corrupt, gossipy, lying, greedy,
entire body. It is embossed with designs of carnivorous and ugly (elderly) women with red and dark hair, large
plants, cattails, ferns, foxes, and bats. A suit of plate in- noses, and wearing pointed hats like those required
cludes gauntlets, heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, of Jewish people in thirteenth-century Rome. Know-
and thick layers of hanging moss padding underneath ing how human these behaviors are, I wanted them
the armor. Buckles and straps of braided marsh plant present in an NPC who’s often taken at face value, the
stems distribute the weight over the body. A sylvan in- mission-giving NPC, making him the real antagonist
scription reads, “When I’m with her, I’m always holm. instead of the hags. I wanted more variety to hags’
Only she is suited for my amour; all else are my hexes.” appearances, genders, ages, and motivations. I wanted
players to question their actions, the honesty of the mis-
Story Awards sion-NPC, and the stereotypes of “monsters.”
Characters receive only one story award, depending on
whom they helped (see Conclusion, pg 164).
About the author
You Have the Hags’ Attention Ma’at (ma ought) Crook has been a D&D fan since
You listened to and considered Ah-vay Arcorar and her the 80s but didn’t find a table to play at until her 40s.
coven’s plight. You honored her request to help expose Since then, she’s written modules and tools, served
Dar’Vo Pleasance’s actions and gain the villagers' trust. as an Adventurer's League coordinator and DM, and
Word spreads quickly among hags, and every hag across plays D&D and Pathfinder actual plays. Web:, Twitter: @MaatCrook.

Illustration by FlourescentWolf

heart of the goddess by Elise Cretel
Creature: Ma'at | Level(s): 10

This adventure can introduce Ancient Egyptian

SYNOPSIS mythology into any campaign with remote trails, mys-
For centuries, Ma’at’s temple sat peacefully in silent
terious woods, or with a desert theme. The temple of
beauty; a great symbol of justice and harmony. The
Ma’at can suddenly appear anywhere in a whirlwind of
gems of its glistening ceiling glitter and fade with each
sand or can be a part of ruins the party stumbles upon.
rising sun as Ra lights the daytime sky. Isfet, the god
of chaos, Ma’at’s greatest enemy, has grown restless.
Some have rumored that he tore out Ma’at’s heart out Dramatis Personae
of jealousy of her power. The bravest of adventurers
must face the challenges of Duat and keep up with the • Ma’at: Goddess of the stars, harmony, truth, and
determined Ma’at. justice. During creation, Ma’at was created by Ra
This adventure is designed for 4-6 players of level 10. and the god of magic, Heka, to bring order and
cohesion of the newly forming universe making
Ma’at one of the oldest of the Egyptian deities.
ADVENTURE HOOKS Treat as a deva.
• Ancient Temple: A temple suddenly appears • Atum: Atum created himself from a lotus flower
nestled behind trees, cliffs, or dunes along a well and became the first deity. He is also the boatsman
traveled path. Many are curious what is inside. who takes souls to the underworld (also known as
• Singing: Under the crisp, starlit night sky, the Atum-Ra). Treat as a solar.
sound of singing comes from the temple door that • Agrippa: An ancient Roman general who passed
is slightly ajar. to the underworld. He is handsome, middle-aged,
and charismatic. Treat as a gladiator.
• Nefura: Priestess of the goddess Hathor who has
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND passed to the underworld. She is calm, quiet, and
Ma’at is a goddess of ancient Egypt. She is depicted as smart. Treat as an archmage.
a strong woman with wings along her arms. She sym- • Nephthys: Goddess of death who is known as the
bolizes justice and harmony and is known for helping protector of souls and mummies. Treat as a planetar.
those passing through the dangerous trials of Duat, • Isis: Goddess of life and the mother of all pha-
the passage to the Egyptian afterlife. Isfet is the god of raohs. She symbolizes life and helps souls journey to
chaos and destruction who seeks to destroy Ma’at. the Sea of Reeds. Treat as a good-aligned empyrean.
Duat is the path from the world of the living to the • Osiris: God and ruler of underworld who is con-
Egyptian afterlife known as The Sea of Reeds. Duat is sidered kind and giving. He is the husband of Isis.
sometimes called the Twelve Gates of Hell and has a Treat as a good-aligned empyrean.
cavern for each hour of the night of the living world • Isfet: Evil aligned god of chaos and destruction.
that is tracked by the sun traveling across the sky of the He is impulsive and despises harmony and peace.
underworld. Duat is full of trials such as lakes of fire, Treat as an erinyes.
hordes of undead, fire-breathing snakes, and jackals Note: The good-aligned deities are high powered to
ready to devour unworthy souls. emphasize the power and immortality of the gods.

Chapter 1 — The Temple of Ma'at The Boatsman
The next room leads to a massive cavern with a dim
purple light shining down. A giant ancient-style boat
Great, lotus tipped-pillars rise above the made of reeds and wood floats in a large quiet river
sandstone doorway. Paintings of a powerful that leads off into an endless cave. A muscular man
goddess and her heroic feats wrap around with eyes lined in kohl stands in the boat holding a
the pillars. Large statues of a winged goddess crooked staff.
are carved along the front of the temple. The
temple door lies slightly ajar. A warm, twin-
Ma’at’s wings rustle as she quickly moves
kling light glows inside in shades of purple
toward the boat. A man’s sandal steps down
and blue welcoming travelers inside.
from the boat and sinks into the sand as
he holds out a concerned hand toward the
A round stone altar sits at the center of the room with goddess. You notice a large intricate beaded
a constellation carved into the stone and embedded necklace around his neck and the folds of
with illuminated crystal stars. Silver torches burn with tunic lined with gold stitching as Ma’at greets
blue and purple magical fire revealing many detailed her friend and easily climbs aboard without
ancient wall paintings depicting a winged women he- help. He waits calmly in silence for everyone
roically defeating an evil god and banishing him to the to join them. The boat gently rocks as each
underworld. There are also depictions of the evil deity person walks across its wooden deck. Ma’at
escaping and stealing her heart. A DC 14 Intelligence stands tall at the stern with her mace gripped
(Religion) check identifies the winged goddess as Ma’at tightly in her hand. The boatman easily lifts a
and the evil god as Isfet and their lore. massive oar and silently pushes the it into the
Lying on the altar are 3 glowing amethyst stones still water.
that fit perfectly in the many indentations that form
a constellation. A DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
check will reveal that this is the constellation of Ori- Duat
on. A DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check of the altar The boat glides off into the darkness. Gradually a green
will reveal a secret message saying, “The secret lies in light appears in the distance. Soon the boat leaves the
the Great Pyramids of Giza.” Placing the three stones cave and stops ashore of a desert. Ma’at jumps off the
in Orion’s Belt will solve the puzzle. (The three pyra- vessel like a seasoned athlete and asks the party to fight
mids of Giza were once aligned with the three stars of with her. She then runs ahead and disappears through
Orion’s Belt.) the gate as Atum waits for the adventurers to step onto
the sandy shore.
The third stone gently thuds into place and
the altar suddenly glows with a bright, white Everything is dark except a bright green light
light. A portal appears in the wall, and a at the horizon as an eerie and unearthly
woman quickly enters the room. A golden sunrise begins to rise. The ground begins to
bird headdress adorns her fine black hair, tremble, and the sound becomes louder and
and her winged arms reach out to place an louder. A giant horse-drawn chariot bursts
amulet around each adventurer’s neck with a forth from the horizon with a massive, fal-
sense of urgency. “With these you shall pass” con-headed god racing across the sky pulling
she explains as she gestures for the party to a green fiery sun behind him. The sun seems
step through the portal door deeper into the so close you feel like you could reach out and
temple. touch it.

Everything is a strange shade of green in the Duat BEHOLDER'S CURSE RANDOM ENCOUNTER TABLE
morning light. A large sandstone gate lies ahead cov-
ered in hieroglyphs. The comprehend languages spell 1d10 Encounter
will reveal the gate is covered in prayers for the de- 1 A frost bolt falls from the sky and
ceased, and “The First Hour” is written across the top targets the character.
of the gate. Ma’at takes the lead and helpd the party in 2 A wight suddenly appears
battle as an NPC. and grapples the character.
3 1d10 angry death dogs appear in the
The First Gate form of jackals.
4 The character’s backpack rips and
On a sandy hill, two wooden stakes are stuck everything falls to the ground.
in the ground. One has the head of a behold- 5 The sword of vengeance appears before
er and the other a head of a jackal. The two the characters.
heads bicker with each other like old friends. 6 1d10 ancient zombies appear.
Another gate lies ahead in the distance with a 7 2 flaming draft horses pulling a
giant fire breathing snake wrapped around its chariot with an Egyptian shield
columns. guardian appear.
8 A red slaad with a sword riding a
When approached, the beholder immediately asks the giant vulture appears.
party members to tell her a joke. The player must tell 9 A chalice full of poisoned wine appears
a joke and make a DC 13 Charisma (Performance) before the character.
check. If the party fails to tell a joke or failed the 10 An Egyptian Queen wraith riding a
check, roll from the Beholder’s Curse Random En- warhorse skeleton appears.
counter Table. On a success, roll from the Beholder’s
Note: After hearing 3 jokes, the beholder becomes
bored and tells the players to go. 1d10 Encounter
The jackal will answer questions, but will demand 1 A scroll with the secret name of the
tribute for answers. Once players have laid something fire breathing snake. Speaking the
of value before the jackal, she will truthfully answer name Apothis will subdue the snake.
questions. She lies if the players fail to offer tribute. 2 2 potions of greater healing appear.
Note: The beholder (beholder zombie) and jackal 3 1 trinket appears.
head (spectator) do not have a movement speed unless 4 1 bag of caltrops appears.
removed from the pikes. They do not attack unless 5 1 flask of alchemist's fire appears.
intentionally harmed. 6 1 flask of fine wine appears.
7 1 potion of invisibility appears.
8 1 scroll of chromatic orb appears.
9 1 potion of speed appears.
10 1 scroll of entanglement appears.

Map by Elise Cretel
the temple of ma'at

Path to Judgement alignment must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw
for every 20 feet in the fire. On a failed save they take
1d12 psychic damage. All other alignments are un-
The eerie, green sun is pulled further into the harmed by the flames.
sky. Its solar flares arching in slow motion as The fire rises high above everyone's head. Occa-
they cast shadows onto slow moving lines of sionally spirits or mirages pass by as jackals playfully
souls long passed. Ancient fallen ruins litter chase each other through the flames. Suddenly the
the landscape. You walk past many expres- face of a gentle, ancient white dragon appears, and
sions, and the eyes of a woman in ancient an Egyptian goddess climbs down and approaches the
clothing meet yours. You see Ma’at pushing party through the towering white flames. In a calming
through the crowds ahead toward the next voice she says her name is Nephthys. She reaches out
gate. to touch one of the party members on the arm (restor-
ing 1d12 hit points.) and asks them what their greatest
Many lines of souls wind and meander the sandy fear is. If they answer her truthfully, she will guide the
landscape toward the next gate. 1d20 snakes, 1d12 group to the next gate and her peaceful dragon will
alligators, and 1d4 swarms of insects infest and wan- trail behind to ensure the party is unharmed. A DC
der the vast sandy landscape. They only attack if the 15 Intelligence (Religion) check reveals Nephthys as
party gets within 10 ft. The jackals (death dog) devour the goddess of death and protector of souls. Once the
the heavy hearted and weak souls. The jackals pursue party is at the gate, she points south and says, “The
characters with evil alignment. There are rows of large, creature you seek is there.” Ahead are two massive stat-
fiery braziers that guide the lines of souls toward a ues of Osiris and Isis that seem to touch the sky.
nearby temple. A woman in priestess robes greets you.
Her name is Nefura who was a high priestess of the Apothis
goddess Hathor (Goddess of happiness, dance, and
motherhood represented by horns and a solar disk.) Small lakes of blue fire appear across the
She carries a beautiful silver sword. She introduces her uneven sand. You wonder if your mind has
friend Agrippa who was once a general of legions of played tricks on you. The giant statues ahead
military forces while he was alive. Nefura can tell you seem to have adjusted in a blink of an eye.
about Duat and about the gods Isis and Osiris who Your focus is broken by a line of fire stretch-
will weigh every soul’s heart against Ma’at’s feather of ing out toward the party. A giant snake slith-
truth on their great scales. If souls full of evil outweigh ers from a nearby lake of fire and rears its
the feather of truth, the soul disappears into oblivion. head up high above the party. You see Ma’at
stealthing behind a pillar ready to strike.
Lake of Fire
This sandy area has multiple lakes of fire and an empty
The entrance of the gate is guarded by a large abandoned temple with massive pillars. The temple
fire breathing snake. It hisses fire as the party is empty except for a few broken stone benches and a
approaches and quickly slithers into a mas- statue of an unknown goddess. A giant snake named
sive lake of white fire that blocks the path Apothis (spirit naga, with a breath weapon from chi-
toward the next gate. Jackals weave in and out mera) darts between the lakes of fire and comes out
of the fire unscathed. Ma’at rushes into the to strike at the party. Six fire salamanders and three
flames with her mace in hand. salamanders slither out of the lakes of fire.
Creatures of evil alignment that touch the lakes of
The comprehend languages spell reveals that the top fire receive 1d12 psychic damage. Other alignments
of the gate says, “Only those with a true heart may are not impacted.
pass.” After passing through this gate, the only path
forward is through the lake of fire. Those with an evil

Hall of Two Truths strikes the ground with her staff with a loud thunder
creating a river back to the cave. Atum arrives with
You enter an outdoor complex full of lotus- the reed boat and heads back to the temple. When
tipped pillars covered in beautifully painted everyone returns through the portal to the room with
hieroglyphs. Before you stands a massive scale the altar, they see their bodies lying on the ground
with a gleaming, golden ostrich feather float- unconscious and pale with death. Ma’at tells them not
ing above one of the plates. Beyond the scales to worry. She takes an amulet off a party member and
are two colossal statues. A booming women’s their soul is reunited with their body. Their bodies are
voice asks, “Who enters?” as you realize the engulfed with healing light and they gasp for air as
massive statues are the deities Isis and Osiris. their body is brought back to life unharmed.
Suddenly, one side of the giant scales slams
to the ground as a creature runs its hand along
the other side. The Feather of Truth glows with REWARDS
gold light as it rejects the evil soul disturbing Once everyone is restored, Ma’at rewards the party for
its sacred scale. Ma’at confronts Isfet and their valiance. The treasure reward for this adventure
demands to have her heart back. is at the DM’s discretion. Any coins rewarded have
ancient symbols on them.
Isis and Osiris move in slow motion and are magically
bound to their thrones. The evil god, Isfet, holds up a
canopic jar holding Ma’at’s heart as Ma’at firmly holds
her mace to his neck. Giant braziers of fire light up
Isfet who is dressed in a black tunic lined with gold
trim. He carries a black staff of power and his face is
gnarled and twisted like a lich. He sneers as he levi-
tates up to place the jar on the scales, causing them to
balance again (20 feet high). He comes back down to
forcefully attack the party and Ma’at begins to strike
him with her mace. 1d6 mummies appear. Everytime
Isfet takes a turn, 1d10 skeletons appear.
When Ma’at makes contact with her heart in any
way, she is suddenly lifted up in the air in a heavenly
light. Magic and color burst from her being as her
heart restores itself. She spreads her winged arms and
slowly spins high in the air as she regains her power.
Once the party weakens Isfet below 20 hp, Ma’at turns
into a giant female androsphinx that dives toward
Isfet. She pushes her powerful claws into Isfet as a great
shockwave quakes across Duat. The goddess Isis raises
her staff and the sand begins to whirlpool around
creating a great swirling pit to oblivion. Isis’s voice
booms as she tells the party to finish Isfet who is now
Once Isfet is thrown into oblivion, the ground
quickly closes up and everything is peaceful again.
The gods are released from their confinement. Ma’at
returns to her human form and thanks the party for
their great deed. The giant gods nod with approval. Isis

acknowledgements About the author
Edited by: Sean Holman, Clan Crafter Hralding, Elise Cretel works as a technical writer and editor in
Ryan Matthews, and John Parker. nuclear engineering by day and Dungeon Master by
Play-tested by: D.E. Chaudron, D.W. Dagon, night. She is one of the authors of Undermountain: The
Guillermo Garrido, Joshua Graves, Potato Hollow, Lost Chambers and Halaster’s Hoard. Elise has played
Jono Mammel, Gabriel Negrete, Philip R Spence, on a D&D podcast, D&D live streams, and enjoys
Callan Stein, and Rae withabrickk. interviewing the RPG community. Her favorite classes
are Wizard and Psion. She is also published through
HitRecord productions. Find Elise on Twitter

Art and Lore by Johanna Taylor

Tier 3
Illustration by Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett

galateya's will
by Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett
Creature: Pygmalion's Statue | Level(s): 10-12
CW: Narcissistic abuse, domestic violence


This adventure uses modified versions of stat blocks
For over a decade, the necromancer Malion has hidden
in the wilderness, creating golems infused with spirits from the Monster Manual, as follows:
of the dead in his obsessive search for perfect beauty.
At long last, he produced a doll that he knew it to A porcelain golem (CR 4) is a flesh golem with the
be his final masterpiece, and, knowing there was no following adjustments:
mortal soul pure enough to complete his work, Malion • Appearance: the golems take the form of women
prayed to the goddess of love to bring his statue to life. with unblemished skin, sleek hair, and perfect-
Against all odds, his blasphemous prayer was heard, ly symmetrical faces. Each has the same slender
and the furious goddess sent her servant to bring figure.
Malion to justice. • Radiant Aversion: the golems are averse to
radiant damage instead of fire damage.
• Necrotic Absorption: the golems absorb
ADVENTURE HOOK necrotic damage instead of lightning damage.
• Imperfect Defense: remove all damage
The adventure begins with a meeting with Galateya
within a mountain cave. Paladins, clerics, or others immunities except necrotic and poison. Increase
with a connection to the divine may sense something AC to 15 (natural armor).
strange about the location and decide to investigate.
Alternatively, the party may hear rumors that some- An advanced doll (CR 5) is a porcelain golem with
thing was seen flying to this place, or may simply the following additional changes:
stumble across the angel while seeking shelter for the • Ability Scores: the doll has an Intelligence of 12
night. (+1), a Charisma of 14 (+2), and a Dexterity of 16
(+3). Its AC increases to 19 (natural armor).
• Languages: the doll is capable of speaking Com-
• Steady: remove the berserk trait.
The adventure can be placed anywhere with mountain-
ous terrain. It assumes that the party are, at minimum, • Weapons: replace slam with a glaive attack as
neutral, or preferably, good-aligned. Galateya accepts follows: Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10
aid even from those whose motivations are less than ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) slashing damage.
pure, but not from evil beings who refuse to repent
their ways. Malion (CR 12) is an archmage with the following
Safety tools (e.g. lines and veils and the x and o adjustments:
cards) are highly recommended for this adventure. • Spells: Replace his 5th level spells with the
following: chain lightning, cone of cold, mislead.
Replace the 4th level spell fire shield with
phantasmal killer.

• Items: Malion is equipped with the following The cave is roughly 20 feet wide, with only a front
items as described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide: entrance. It holds an injured (reduce HP to 25) deva.
An amulet of health (his HP becomes 153).
An amulet of proof against detection and location An angel lies sprawled against the back of the
(he is immune to divination magic). cave. Her wings are tattered, and her glorious
• Lair Actions: on initiative count 20 (losing ini- steel and gold armor is dented and broken,
tiative ties), Malion can take a lair action to cause allowing garish wounds to drip onto the cave
one of the following effects; he can’t use the same floor.
effect two rounds in a row:
Malion summons two specters at a point he The angel can be roused if spoken to or if offered mag-
can see within 120 feet of him. ical healing. She introduces herself as Galateya, and
Two objects that Malion can see within 120 feet explains the following:
of him animate by way of the animate objects spell.
Malion speaks a command word to trigger “I was sent to this world with orders to bring
glyphs of warding laid on the floor at a point of his down a necromancer who lives in these
choice within 60 feet of him. Roll 1d6 to deter- mountains. I found the order… strange. I am
mine the outcome: accustomed to fighting fiends and wicked
1-3: The glyph erupts in a 20-foot radius spirits, not human men. Yet it appears I un-
sphere centered on the glyph. Each creature in the derestimated his strength. He wields power-
area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, ful magic, and he is guarded by constructs
taking 5d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as fueled by spirits of the dead. I fought as best I
much damage on a successful one. could, yet in the end, I was forced to flee.
4-5: Up to five creatures within a 30-foot-cube “By dawn, my injuries will have healed,
centered on the glyph must succeed on a DC 17 and I can return to my mission. I sense that
Charisma saving throw or suffer the effects of the you are warriors of no small skill, and as
bane spell. such, I ask two favors: that you protect me
6: The glyph releases the spell Evard’s black while I recover, and that you accompany me
tentacles. tomorrow and aid me in this task. Can I count
on your support?”

CHAPTER 1 — THE ANGEL IN THE CAVERN Galateya has the following information:
Refer to the Adventure Hooks outlined on pg. 179, and • Malion’s lair likely contains all manner of treasures.
then continue as follows: Galateya has no need of these.
• She is currently under orders by Sune, though she
The sun shines weakly in the morning, but as has worked for other gods in the past.
afternoon stretches into evening, rain begins • There were at least twenty dolls in Malion’s lair,
to fall, gradually developing into a storm. perhaps more. Some were monstrous, while others
Lightning flashes across the sky, answered seemed all too human. By law of Mount Celestia,
by a roar of thunder. As your vision clears, undead are to be destroyed without mercy, but
one area continues to faintly glow. You cau- Malion comes first.
tiously approach the small cave, picking your • DC 13 Wisdom (Insight): Galateya must abide by
way over the sodden ground, and as you do, celestial law, but she secretly holds qualms about
the fury of the storm seems to subside and a attacking intelligent — and perhaps innocent —
calmness settles over you. beings.
• Malion’s lair is about two hours away on foot or
thirty minutes by flight, and lies in the cliffs along-
side a swift-flowing river. Galateya knows of the
main entrance, but there may be other ways in.

Role-playing Galateya round: one with curly black hair and an olive complex-
Galateya’s personality is calm, almost cold. She speaks ion (Rhea) and a blonde doll with ivory skin (Phoebe).
politely and formally, with subtle arrogance. Magical Rhea calls out a warning: “Leave now, if you value
healing closes her wounds, but she must rest before she your lives.”
can move again. • Negotiation: Phoebe is nervous and shy. She
follows Rhea’s lead, and flees inside if left alone.
Rhea is loath to trust strangers but has her doubts
Development about Malion. Her closest friend, Laura, disap-
During the night, three porcelain golems track down peared two weeks ago, and she knows nothing of
Galateya’s location. The golems attack viciously and her fate. Refer to Area 5 for further guidance.
without intelligence. They were ordered to take Galat- • Tactics: The golems attack without intelligence
eya alive but have no qualms about killing her allies. until ordered otherwise. The advanced dolls coor-
Galateya herself is of little help in the fight; she can dinate intelligently to bring down the adventurers
barely move. one by one.
• Investigation: the design of the golems is unfa-
miliar, but they hold traces of necromantic magic.
A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Nature) check 2: Side Entrance
identifies that the porcelain is a combination of The place where Galateya senses another entrance is
crystal, clay, and bone. down in the ravine. If no precautions are taken, char-
• By dawn, Galateya has recovered and is keen to acters without a flight speed must succeed on a DC
return to her mission. Continue to Chapter 2. 13 Strength (Athletics) check to safely descend, taking
up to 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage on a failure. The
entrance itself is a crevice half hidden beneath the
CHAPTER 2 — NECROMANCER’S LAIR waterfall, which connects to Area 3.

From the outside, the only sign of the necro-

mancer’s lair is a small crack in an otherwise
3: Scrap Heap
The room is dark save for the sliver of light peering in
unbroken cliff face. If Galateya had not point-
from Area 2.
ed it out, you may have missed the place.
Looking closely, you can faintly see the shapes The air is still and cold, with a faintly unpleas-
of figures waiting inside. ant odor of iron and decay. Dust swirls and
“This is the main entrance,” Galateya ex- spiders scutter away beneath your feet as you
plains. “The necromancer will be expecting me, gaze upon the scene before you. Countless
I am sure. But perhaps there is another path…” life-sized dolls are piled to the ceiling, some
She indicates the roaring river below, fed by a still perfect even beneath coatings of dust,
waterfall that gushes over the cliffs up ahead. others torn into pieces. Their empty eyes leer
“I sensed something down there before, and now down at you, lifeless yet ever so lifelike. In
I am sure of it: there are dead creatures hiding in between them you catch glimpses of other
the mountain, some of them very close by. shapes—scraps of decayed skin and flesh and
“What do you suggest? Should we enter dried up puddles of old blood dotted across
through the front, or seek another way?” the floor.
This rough cavern is Malion’s dumping ground for
1: Front Entrance failed experiments. Occasionally, a porcelain golem
The front entrance connects to Area 5 (Living Cham- enters from Area 4. Unless it spots intruders, it dumps
bers) by a narrow stone passageway. It is guarded by its burden and returns the way it came.
four porcelain golems. If a fight breaks out, the noise • Investigation: There are no full corpses, only
draws two advanced dolls that arrive on the third discarded dolls and remnants of bodies torn apart

through Malion’s experimentation. The dolls have 1. All the dolls were once human. It is faint,
been stripped of valuables aside from small per- but Laura can remember some of her former life.
sonal trinkets. Hidden amongst the piles is a single She and Rhea were sisters. They lived in a village
advanced doll that still contains a shred of life, further north.
though her face and half her body is splintered and 2. Malion lied. He said that the dolls were his
broken. She cannot move or speak without assis- prized children, but they were merely experiments.
tance. Divine magic is ineffective, but mending, All this time, he has been working to create a new,
prestidigitation, or creation can restore her broken perfect doll. Eliza is nearly finished, and once she
tongue. is, the other dolls will be thrown on the scrap heap.

• Roleplay: The doll’s name is Laura. Her eyes • Exits: This area connects to Area 4 by a stair-
are unfocused, her sanity in tatters. She alternates case and an iron door barred on the other side.
between curses and frantic, repeated apologies. She The door can be opened with a successful DC 20
has the same information as the dolls in Area 5, Strength check, with relevant spells, or by waiting
plus the following: for the golem to pass through.

Map by Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett

4: Workshop 2d4 dolls per round. If, however, the party attempts
diplomacy, use the following points:
Arcane light illuminates a set of workbenches • The dolls saw Galateya before, but only briefly:
scattered with spools of wire, boxes of spell Malion emerged from his workshop, shouting for
components, loose pages of messy notes, the other dolls to capture her, but the wounded
and occasionally, a more ominous sign of the angel fled swiftly. Malion’s rage was terrible to
workshop’s true purpose: scattered fragments behold, yet he quickly calmed and retreated to his
of porcelain and blank resin eyes. chambers. He has not been seen since.
• For the most part, Malion treats them well, though
he can be frightening at times. Many have been
A single porcelain golem works inside, cleaning and tempted to flee, but they have no reason to believe
carrying waste to Area 3. It attacks any who enter, that the outside world is safer than their home.
including other dolls. • The dolls are proud of their strength and beau-
• Treasure: By spending time to search the room, ty and react poorly to suggestions that they are
the party can find the following: defective. They have no memory of being anything
Various spell components, including gem- other than dolls.
stones to the value of 4,000 GP. • The lesser golems are failures, limited to menial
A mortar and pestle next to a box of desiccated tasks. The other dolls know they are superior and
human bones. believe they have Malion’s favor.
A diary of Malion’s experiments, largely consist- • Sometimes defective dolls return to Malion’s work-
ing of a list of his complaints about each failure, rang- shop and are never seen again. The most recent
ing from “too ugly” to “too argumentative.” Names doll to disappear was Laura, Rhea’s closest friend.
are included. On the last page of the diary, amidst a Laura had tried to stir rebellion amongst the dolls.
mess of arcane notation is another name: “Eliza.” Malion must have found out, one way or another.
Detailed instructions as to the creation of a • Unless summoned, the dolls are forbidden to enter
golem. These are written in arcane notation, which either the workshop or Malion’s chambers, on
takes several weeks to decipher and a year to master. pain of death. This is no idle threat: both doors are
An old and well-worn copy of a religious text trapped, and likely guarded by golems. No one has
describing the worship of Sune. been invited into Malion’s workshop for days now,
• Exits: a solid iron door connects to Area 3. This which is unusual.
door has a locking bar on the inside. A second Negotiation: The dolls are divided. Some are rebel-
door connects to Area 5. lious, others loyal, and many are simply frightened.
The split depends on the specific arguments used,
but regardless, the dolls must see or hear compelling
5: Living Chambers evidence before they allow the party to enter Malion’s
A palace of marble and gold stretches out Treasure: Area 5 is an open area broken only by
before you, lit by cream-tinged driftglobes marble pillars. It contains a range of amusements for
floating between tall pillars and lavish water the dolls, including cards, chess, and books, along with
features. Couches and coffee tables are scat- weapons that they can skirmish with (glaives, swords,
tered across the space, surrounded by porce- shields, etc.). The area also holds fine dresses, per-
lain women clad in silk and brocade, who chat fumes, and jewelry worth a total of 10,000 GP.
and play card games. Exits: Area 5 connects to Areas 1, 4, and 6. A pas-
sageway connects to Area 1, shielded only by sets of
This area houses twenty-five advanced dolls. If the curtains. The entrance to Area 4 is a stern iron door,
party are allied with Rhea and Phoebe, those two in- and the entrance to Area 6 consists of double doors
troduce them. Otherwise, the dolls are unprepared and of polished wood. Both doors are trapped (DC 17)
startled by the party’s arrival. If combat breaks out, add

with glyphs of warding that deal 31 (7d8) acid damage 6: Malion’s Private Chamber
unless they speak the passphrase: “Eliza.”
A short passageway leads into a broad cham-
ber only slightly smaller than the one you en-
Development tered from. Two figures are seated at a coffee
On receiving evidence of Malion’s true nature, the
table at the center of the room. The first is
majority of the dolls choose to fight alongside Galateya
a porcelain doll dressed in a pure white lace
and the party, angrily shaking off any suggestion that
gown. Her face is expressionless, still, and
they avoid implication. Meanwhile, a minority re-
impossibly, inhumanly perfect. Beside her is a
mains either frightened or unconvinced, and choose to
man who seems almost hideous in contrast.
remain apart from the fight and hope that Malion will
His hair is carefully groomed, his clothes
be merciful if they do not succeed. A smaller group
clearly expensive, yet the man beneath them
chooses to flee altogether.
is entirely average,and unmistakably human.
Galateya says little of the alliance, save that her
He watches curiously as Galateya strides
primary mission is to defeat Malion. Whatever comes
forward. “Necromancer Malion,” she declares,
next can wait.
“I grant you one last chance. Surrender now and
Continue to Chapter 3 when the party heads to
repent your crimes, or die where you stand.”
Area 6.
Malion gazes past her to the dolls fanning
out across the room. “I see you have brought
CHAPTER 3 — FINAL SHOWDOWN friends this time. Traitors, the lot of them. But
it doesn’t matter anymore. Not now that I have
When the time comes to confront Malion at last,
you. Tell me, Galateya, do you know why your
Galateya has no intention of hiding. She must face
goddess sent you to me?”
him head on. She asks that the others assist in whatev-
“Only to destroy you,” Galateya snarls, and
er way they can.
rushes forward, swinging her mace. It flies
straight through the image of Malion, which
distorts and shatters as the sound of his
laughter fills the room.

Creatures: rows of porcelain golems stand at atten-

tion along the sides of the room. They attack on com-
mand, and Rhea leads the advanced dolls to counter.
Treat this as part of the narrative rather than tracking
attacks and HP. Malion has cast mislead on the party’s
arrival. As Galateya searches for him, his words echo
around the chamber:

“I once studied at your goddess’s temple. I was

rejected then. They could not understand the
beauty of my creations. But I remained faithful.
“I continued to study. My creations grew
more and more beautiful, yet there was always
something missing. What use was a perfect face
without a perfect spirit to animate it? But the
goddess heard my prayer. She sent a spirit of
pure goodness and pure obedience—far purer
than any wretched human soul.”

Tactics: Malion reveals himself by casting chain
lightning on the party. He uses phantasmal force on
Characters who complete this adventure may earn the
whoever appears to be the greatest threat, and uses following rewards:
misty step and teleport to remain at a range. He avoids
attacking Galateya and focuses on the party. Malion XP REWARDS:
is ultimately unrepentant: if his fortunes turn, he tries Add the total XP of creatures defeated by the party,
to flee rather than beg forgiveness, though he does not then divide by the number of characters to determine
count on Galateya’s speed. individual rewards.
Treasure: Malion’s chambers contain 12,000 gp
of gemstones, 500 pp, a carpet of flying, a crystal ball, Obstacle Total XP
and a copy of his spellbook. Deva 5,900
Porcelain golem 1,100
Development Advanced doll 1,800
Upon Malion’s defeat, go to the Conclusion. Malion 8,400

Grant additional XP based on the roleplay milestones

CONCLUSION accomplished:

Stunned silence settles for a moment, until, Milestone XP per Character

just as swiftly, that calm breaks. All across the Alliance with Galateya 1,500
room, women begin to cry, to laugh with relief, Alliance with the dolls 3,000
and to spit curses. Some stand alone, shocked
and silent, while others cling to each other for TREASURE REWARDS:
support as though they fear letting go. As described in the relevant section of the adventure text.
Galateya watches it all, hand clenched
tightly around her mace, until she sighs and
lowers her weapon. Her radiant eyes dim,
becoming more mundane as a slight smile
Author’s Notes
In Greek mythology, Pygmalion created a statue so
graces her lips. “I can’t do it,” she says aloud. beautiful that he fell in love with it and prayed to
Aphrodite to bring his statue to life. I wonder: what
By divine law, Galateya must destroy any undead was the goddess thinking when she granted that wish?
she encounters. By refusing to do so, she has lost her Perhaps we can see Galateya, the spirit she sent, as a
connection to Mount Celestia. She holds no regrets; if gift to Pygmalion in appreciation of his hard work
anything, she is grateful to Sune for showing her the and artistry. Perhaps instead, we can see free will and
meaning of free will. She intends to remain with the independence as Galateya’s own gifts.
dolls to protect them and make sure that they find a Thank you to my playtesters: Jess Buttriss, Chris
place to call home. She knows that the adventurers Booth and Jayden James, to all the Uncaged contributors
have a different destiny and wishes them well on their who helped shape this adventure, and especially to Ashley
journey. Warren for bringing this incredible project to life!

About the Author

Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett is an aromantic and asexual
author and illustrator based in Melbourne, Australia,
who obnoxiously publishes under a name the length
of an entire alphabet. You can follow her on Twitter or
Facebook @luciellaes or at

Illustration by Kayla Cline
legend of the white snake
by Lysa Chen
Creature: Lady White Snake | Level(s): 11-16

Adventure Background • Part 1. The adventurers arrive in the village of

The Chinese legend of Lady White Snake, like a West Lake during the annual tea festival and swift-
serpent shedding its skin, is a tale that’s been renewed ly discover something’s awry: West Lake’s healer is
many times. At its core, it is a tale of a water snake missing. Interrogating the villagers, the party hears
granted magic and human form when a mortal man many stories that don’t add up.
drops a god’s gift of immortality into the river. It is a • Part 2. The characters discover Lady White’s
story of friendship in which the white snake saves a prison. Do they free her to save an innocent or to
green snake’s life and shares her powers. It is a story of slay a monster? And have they been followed by
jealousy in which a turtle spirit covets their immortal- the true enemy all along? This adventure can have
ity and plots against them. It is a story of selflessness many endings.
in which the white snake sacrifices all—trapped in a
pagoda for eternity—to save, from the turtle spirit, the
same mortal man she’s grown to love. Adventure Hooks
But in some retellings, it is a story of evil and good, This adventure and locale can be dropped in during
Lady White Snake, an evil demon, and the turtle, a your party’s wilderness travels, or perhaps your adven-
well-intentioned monk. Or it is a story of treachery, turers have heard rumors to lead them in this direc-
the green snake betraying her closest friend. tion.
This adventure embodies the multi-faceted nature • Tea for Two… or a Party of Five. The vil-
of the original legend transformed over centuries. The lage of West Lake’s tea festival is renowned for its
town’s healer, Lady White, has been captured, and ev- charm and delicious brews. It’s said the only way to
eryone in the village has a different story to tell. It’s up experience these small-batch blends is to visit this
to the characters to decide who they trust, what they annual event.
believe, and what they’re going to do about it. This • Secrets of Immortality and Power. It’s said
90-minute adventure is intended for a party of five the villagers of West Lake never age. It’s said they
level 11-16 characters. never grow sick. If the rumors are true, there must
be a way to acquire this power.

Adventure Overview
The adventure is broken down into two parts, with
one preface you must prepare:
• Part 0. Determine the “hidden truth” of this
instance of the adventure. This will decide who the
characters face at the end.

Part 0. Snake in the Grass Rounding West Lake, you approach a village
There are many different “bad guys” in the different of brightly painted houses with clay-tiled roofs
versions of Lady White Snake’s story. It’s time to deter- and paneled walls thrown open to welcome
mine yours. Roll 1d20 to decide which of the follow- the breeze. Small docks protrude from the
ing main NPCs is the enemy of this adventure and the buildings into the water, while some build-
truth they cover up. ings float entirely in the lake. Temporary stalls
draped in patterned cloths add more color
Choose Your Enemy to the village and line the main street and a
small bridge that connects two parts of the
d20 Hidden Truth town. It is the West Lake tea festival! The
1-5 Brother Two-Head Terrin: He’s secretly jealous breeze is perfumed with herbal, fruity, and
of Lady White’s immortality and strength and hopes tannic notes wafting from the stalls.
killing her will release the power for him to claim.
6-10 Lil Green: She acts sweet and shy, but truth-
fully, she’s always been jealous of Lady White’s status.
Choose a Personality
If she can lure adventurers to Lady White’s prison,
d6 Personality Quirk
perhaps they can free her, and Lil Green can defeat her
1 Speaks only in whispers
“sister” when she’s weak.
2 Constantly touches their own hair
11-15 Xu Xian: His love for Lady White faded when
3 Calls everybody “darling”
he saw her true nature. Now all he wants is her power
4 Nervously laughs between sentences
to heal, so his mysterious sickness goes away.
5 Loves puns
16-20 Lady White: She’s been nurturing the town un-
6 Is SUPER SNOBBY about tea
til she can consume their souls all at once. If someone’s
fool enough to free her, she can complete her plot.
Choose a Rumor
Part 1. Spill the Tea... Festival d6 Rumor
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes 1 There’s a cold going around. The town never
used to get sick, but one of the apothecaries
The characters arrive at the lakeside village of West has gone missing and the other is too sick to
Lake as the annual tea festival is in full swing. Enjoy- work.
ing the festivities and chatting with townsfolk, the 2 The tea festival just isn’t the same without Lady
adventurers learn a pillar of the community has gone White’s medicinal teas.
missing. 3 If Lil Green asks you to try her teas, don’t.
They’re awful.
4 You should have come to last year’s tea festival.
General Features I don’t know what was in Brother Terrin’s
West Lake is a small village along the edge of a lake
tea-infused wine, but I think I hallucinated
by the same name. It is couched by mountains on all
someone turned into a big snake!
5 Have you been to the Four Winds Pagoda?
• Weather. Puffy white clouds dot the sky but do
Aside from the festival, it’s the only thing
nothing to block the brilliant summer sun.
worth seeing in this town.
• Light. It’s sunny, almost too sunny, as the light
6 I think the Four Winds Pagoda is haunted!
shimmers and bounces off the lake.
I heard strange noises coming from the top
• Smells and Sounds. The air is perfumed by a
floor one night, but Brother Terrin chased me
variety of tea blends and filled with the laughter
off for trespassing.
and chatter of festival goers.

Talking to the Key NPCs Role-playing Brother Two-Head Terrin
Your party should cross paths with at least one of these Brother Two-Head Terrin is a male tortle with yellow
key NPCs. Interactions with the townsfolk are de- and green skin, crimson dots on his cheeks, and, nota-
signed to direct the adventurers to these characters. bly, two heads. He is a devout monk who tends to the
grounds of the Four Winds Pagoda.
Terrin speaks slowly with one head starting each
Brother Two-Head Terrin sentence and, after a long pause, the other head fin-
Brother Two-Head Terrin can be found observing the
ishing it. He also has a habit of talking to himself out
tea festival from the bridge that divides the town. The
loud. Literally.
Broken Bridge has several broken railings, but the
stone floats in place as if the bridge were complete.
If asked about Lady White, Brother Terrin hopes to Lil Green
direct adventurers to the Four Winds Pagoda to defeat Lil Green can be found weaving her way through the
her permanently. He can share the following informa- tea festival crowds, trying to convince passersby to try
tion: her tea blends. If asked about Lady White, Lil hopes
• Terrin mentions he always suspected Lady White to direct adventurers to the Four Winds Pagoda to save
was hiding something and up to no good. He is the woman she considers her big sister. She can share
not upset she is missing. the following information:
• Terrin is a monk who honors the Four Winds and • Lil is suspicious of the characters at first, wonder-
tends to the nearby Four Winds Pagoda. ing who in the town put them up to this. Since the
• A year ago, before the tea festival, the Four Winds events of the last tea festival, many townsfolk have
visited Terrin’s dreams and revealed Lady White teased Lil, knowing she is close to Lady White.
was not a human but a terrible demon sent to de- • A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check
stroy West Lake. Terrin concocted a potion to re- convinces Lil the adventurers are not mean-spir-
veal Lady White’s true nature. He tricked her into ited. Lil shares that rumors about last year’s tea
drinking it at the tea festival, and sure enough, she festival are true. Lady White did transform into a
transformed into a giant white snake. snake, but she is misunderstood. Lady White is not
• After the tea festival, the Four Winds captured a monster in hiding; she is a river spirit who has
Lady White and trapped her in the pagoda. He chosen to live as a human.
hears terrible hissing and rattling come from the • A successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check
pagoda at night. He fears the day she escapes. convinces Lil to divulge she was once a snake
• Believing the characters to be mighty adventurers, herself. A young man intended to slice her open,
Terrin wants them to enter the pagoda and defeat but Lady White transformed into a human and
the monster. purchased the snake from him instead. She even
• A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check re- shared her powers with Lil, allowing her to be a
veals Terrin is hiding something. A successful DC human, too.
15 Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimida- • Lil knows Terrin was the one to reveal Lady
tion) check convinces him to share he is the one White’s secret to the town and suspects he has
who lured Lady White to the pagoda, using Xu trapped her in the Four Winds Pagoda.
Xian as bait. He insists it was for the greater good. • Believing the characters to be mighty adventurers, Lil
wants them to enter the pagoda and save Lady White.

Role-playing Lil Green

Lil Green was once a green garden snake before Lady
White shared her magical gifts, including the gift to
transform into a human. She appears as a Shou woman
in her twenties with olive skin and black hair.

Lil is fascinated by human mannerisms and some- linen robes often soaked with cold sweat.
times can be caught staring at others and copying their Speaking is a struggle for Xu. He talks in short
motions. When confronted directly, she is nervous and phrases and labored intakes of breath.
shy, speaking her s’s with a s-s-stutter.

Xu Xian Part 2. Shedding Truths & Lies

Estimated Duration: 60 minutes
Xu Xian can be found in the shuttered town apothe-
Whether directed by Brother Two-Head Terrin, Lil
cary that he used to run with his wife. He’s been sick
Green, Xu Xian, or all of the above, the characters find
since last year’s tea festival, and although he once had
themselves at the Four Winds Pagoda.
powerful healing powers, he hasn’t been able to cure
himself. Xu is resigned to his fate and just wants the
characters to leave him alone. However, if they men- General Features
tion Lady White, he springs to life, sending himself Four Winds Pagoda stands atop a plateau overlooking
into a coughing fit, and asks what they’ve heard. He West Lake. A garden of fragrant white flowers and
can share the following information: berried bushes surround the aged stone pagoda. The
• He fell in love with Lady White when they were pagoda is 20 feet in diameter and 80 feet tall. Faded
apothecary apprentices. Although they both paint on the stone surface outside depicts false win-
proved to be skilled healers, the mysteries of herbal dows filled with fantastical creatures peering from
medicines seemed to share their secrets with Lady inside. Crimson wooden doors, 10 feet wide and 15
White naturally… perhaps magically. feet tall, are set into the base.
• He never questioned this until last year’s tea • Weather. Sporadic gusts of wind swirl around the
festival. Brother Terrin insisted he and his wife plateau, seemingly from all directions.
try a special tea-infused wine. They drank the tea, • Light. The sun shines just as brightly here. If the
and Lady White transformed into this monstrous characters visit at night, the moon is full, the sky is
snake-like creature. The creature fled. clear, and the white flowers emanate a slight warm
• A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check glow.
convinces Xu to share the rest of the story. Lady As characters enter the pagoda, read the following text:
White returned to their home, in human form,
but Xu Xian no longer felt safe. Brother Terrin The inside walls of the Four Winds Pagoda
convinced him Lady White was a danger, and Xu are painted in brilliant hues, yellow, red, blue,
helped Terrin lure Lady White to the Four Winds and green swirls outlined in gold on every
Pagoda by pretending he was captured. Lady inch of stone. Suspended 40 feet in the air
White was captured, and Xu hasn’t seen her since. is a large creature: half-snake, half-woman
• Xu has continued to grow sicker since that day and armored in pearlescent white scales, with
can no longer practice medicine. Unable to cure gleaming scimitars that hang by her sides.
himself, he wonders if he is dying of a broken heart
or a guilty conscience.
• Believing the characters to be mighty adventurers, Lady White (a marilith) is trapped inside an invisible
Xu wishes for them to enter the pagoda and deter- bubble-like prison. While trapped, she cannot harm
mine if he made the right choice. those outside and cannot be harmed. Her goal is to
convince the characters to help her escape through
persuasion or trickery.
Role-playing Xu Xian If the characters are hostile to Lady White, she taunts
Xu Xian is a Shou man in his late fifties with black hair
them. If they want to kill her, if they want to gain her
peppered with streaks of grey and an unkempt beard.
power, they can only do that by freeing her first.
Once the town’s apothecary, along with his missing
wife Lady White, Xu has fallen ill. He wears simple

If the characters talk to Lady White to help her, she • If you rolled Lil Green (a marilith), she followed
can share the following: the adventurers hoping they’d free Lady White so
• Lady White used to be a simple river snake. When Lil Green could attack. She gets one opportunity
Xu Xian was a young boy, he was visited by one of attack as Lady White tries to flee; if she hits, she
the Four Winds, who gifted him a seed of immor- knocks her unconscious and then attacks the party.
tality. Not understanding this gift, Xu Xian threw • If you rolled Xu Xian (an archdruid), he followed
it into the river where Lady White ate it. hoping the adventurers would extract the secret to
• Lady White always felt grateful to Xu Xian, and, Lady White’s medicinal powers. He attacks, while
after she transformed into a woman, they fell in Lady White escapes to safety.
love. Lady White dedicated her magic to support- • If you rolled Lady White (a marilith), she was a
ing the apothecary and the town. demon after all and attacks.
• Brother Terrin is simple-minded and doesn’t
understand her nature. Perhaps he even wants
her immortality for himself. He tricked her into
drinking a potion that revealed her true form to About the Author
the town. Then he convinced Xu Xian to pretend Lysa Chen has designed Dungeons & Dragons adven-
to be captured, and in trying to save her husband, tures for Wizards of the Coast and the Adventurers
Lady White became trapped instead. League. With roots in event organizing for her local
• She wants to be reunited with Xu Xian. AL scene, Lysa’s passion lies in growing and creating a
more inclusive D&D community. She serves as a Com-
munity Manager for Dungeon Masters Guild and the
Role-playing Lady White Adventurers League and produces and hosts Behold
Lady White appears as a pale Shou woman in elegant
Her, a podcast about women in the world of tabletop
robes, with a winding snake’s tail where her legs would
games. You can follow her on Twitter @mercyfuldm,
be. She speaks with a gentle, measured tone always,
or visit her website:
even when angry — especially when angry. Her move-
ments are smooth and gliding, and when she swings
her scimitars, it is like a whirling dervish of blades.

Freeing Lady White

The only way to free Lady White is by shedding truths
and lies. Each character must share with the group a
deep truth about themselves they’ve never spoken be-
fore. If the characters have lied to each other, then only
admitting that lie and sharing the truth will suffice.
Once the truths are spoken, the invisible barrier
shimmers and disperses, and Lady White floats gently
to the ground.

Who Do They Face?

If the characters attack Lady White, she defends her-
self. Otherwise, the ending depends on your results of
Part 0:
• If you rolled Brother Two-Head Terrin (a war-
lord), he followed the adventurers to ensure they
killed Lady White. If they do not, he attacks. Lady
White, weakened, escapes to safety.

madness of the valkyries
by Asa Wheatley
Creature: Valkyrie | Level(s): 12 | CW: Infanticide

The remaining Valkyries revolted against their master,

SYNOPSIS seeking vengeance for their fallen sister. And so, the
Hundreds of years have passed since the great war of
war began. Not one to be maligned, Odin spread word
Valhalla, but the repercussions are known throughout
of the Madness of the Valkyries — a lie he created to
the lands. The Valkyries were once Odin’s greatest
protect his position. Now Odin disguises himself as
warriors who ferried the dead to the eternal resting
The Stranger, seeking adventurers to kill the Valkyries
place of Valhalla. Odin tells it that their duties asked
for him as he fears defeat at their hands.
too much of them and their minds were corrupted. In
A note on the gods and pantheons: This adventure
fits of uncontrollable rage and anguish, they began to
works best using the Norse pantheon as presented in
slaughter the warriors they once protected. Only four
the 5th Edition Player’s Handbook. However, as in our
Valkyries survived the war; in their cowardice, they
world, many different regions and peoples worship
fled to Midgard and hid amongst the mortals. You
different gods, so it is plausible that none of the party
have been tasked with finding the last Valkyrie and
will worship or have encountered the Norse pantheon
destroying her, once and for all ending the Madness of
before this adventure.
the Valkyries. But there may be more to learn in the
once-great halls. Madness of the Valkyries is a 3-5 hour
adventure for characters of 12th level. Dramatis Personae
• The Stranger: He looks like nothing more than
ADVENTURE HOOK a one-eyed old man in a black cloak, but hiding in
As a one-shot, the adventure dives straight in with the this disguise is the powerful god Odin. He recruits
party having already accepted the challenge as their adventurers to kill the Valkyries for him as he is
boat crests onto the shores of Grojtfall; however, it is too afraid to do it himself. He uses his influence to
possible to integrate The Stranger into a campaign and spread lies about them and their supposed betrayal
have the hook for the adventure appear more naturally to instill a hatred for them among the people.
within an existing world. • Skuld: The last of the Valkyries. There were nine
sisters who served Odin. After the war, Skuld and
three of her sisters managed to escape with their
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND lives, but now only Skuld remains. She is waiting
There was a great war for the honor of Valhalla, but the to die and wishes only that it be in battle to noble
tales known to the wider world are skewed by Odin’s fighters, as she knows her death brings about the
lies. The Valkyries were not crazed; it was Odin who rise of her daughters.
forced Valhalla into a war with the Valkyries. Odin
was a cruel master who abused his position. When
one of the Valkyries returned to Valhalla bearing a
half-mortal child, Odin’s anger could not be contained
and he murdered both the Valkyrie and her child.

The attacks from the undead were summoned by Odin
CHAPTER 1 — The Ruins of Grojtfall as a way to seed animosity towards the last remaining
Valkyrie, Skuld, who resides on Mount Verogur.
The waves rock your boat softly as you ap-
proach land. Mount Verogur lies ahead, an
imposing stone monument to the Gods. You Speaking with Survivors
remember the words of The Stranger: "Mount If the party approach the figures, they see two humans,
Verogur, that is where your greatest challenge a male and a female, both around 40-50 years old,
awaits." His dark hood covered most of his searching through the ruins for some of their posses-
face, but the gnarled skin of a well-travelled sions. The male, Karagad, is stern and harsh. His wife,
man showed from within. As he spoke, the tav- Thora, mostly stays quiet. Karagad blames the Valkyrie
ern-goers around you shifted their attention to for the destruction of the town, and if the party in-
him. "The Valkyries were nine sisters, the great- quires, he tells them there are rumours she lies hidden
est of warriors and the ferriers of the dead to the in her halls for someone to challenge her.
great Valhalla. Odin cherished them, but their
minds were not strong enough, and in horrific Development
fits of uncontrollable rage, they slaughtered those Mount Verogur looms over the town of Grojtfall and
they had once carried to Valhalla. Odin fought is hard to miss. Whether the party speaks with the sur-
well and protected the great realm, but four of vivors or not, the next step in their journey is to climb
the treacherous Valkyries escaped to Midgard and the mountain.
hid among the mortals." You remember this
tale from your childhood — you remember
the Madness of the Valkyries and how people
would claim it had afflicted women prone to
CHAPTER 2 — Mount Verogur
anger and hysterics. The Stranger continued
and spoke of rumours: the location of the final The Climb
Valkyrie, Skuld, at Mount Verogur. "Grojtfall, This climb is not arduous or hard, but it is important
the town located at the base of the great moun- to convey the time it takes and the heights to which
tain, is plagued with attacks from the undead — the party climbs. Mount Verogur is over 5,000 feet
warriors trapped in this realm after the Valkyries above sea level. Skuld waits hidden behind the Hall of
abandoned their positions." An unusual silence the Valkyries for noble adversaries to challenge her to
filled The Axe and Bear, and it was not long battle.
before you finished your drinks and sought a
vessel to take you to Grojtfall. You asked for no As you begin your ascent of Mount Verogur,
reward or thanks.You took it upon yourselves you are stunned by its immense and impos-
to seek out the Valkyrie, for you are heroes, ing size. You trek for hours, and the higher
after all. you climb, the colder the environment around
The boat crests onto sand, and you are you becomes. As night draws near, you come
brought back to Grojtfall--or at least what across a large alcove to the east of your path.
remains. The town, only 100 feet ahead, lies You take a quick look and see a set of grand
in ruin. Bodies--those of the undead, some doors await you.
seemingly humanoid others larger and more
grotesque — line the streets beneath crumbled
buildings and shattered statues. Everything is
still in Grojtfall. As you step farther in, closer
to the looming mountain, you spot two figures,
searching through the ruins.

Defenders of the LegacY The EntrancE
As you make your way towards the doors, you Stepping past what remains of the grand
see they were once elegantly carved and intri- entrance, you make your way into a deserted
cately decorated, but over time, they have lost walkway. You look up at the cracked and ruined
their beauty. They stand 20 feet high and 15 ceiling too high to reach. Faded carvings in the
feet wide; three female figures with blue war walls tell stories of the Valkyries — you pre-
paint decorating their skin and armour, wield- sume--but they are too damaged to know the
ing spears and shields, guard the entrance. details of these once-idolized warriors. Ahead
lies an opening to a large central chamber.
This is the Entrance to The Hall of the Valkyries, and
guarding the doors are three Shield Maidens, if you are
playing with a large party, add more Shield Maidens so The Central Chamber
there is one fewer Shield Maiden than players. For the This chamber is a test set up by Skuld to show any
purposes of combat, the Shield Maidens act as gladia- who venture inside the danger of trusting Odin’s
tors with the following alterations and characteristics: words.

• The Shield Maidens no longer age and haven’t for Inside this large central chamber sits the histo-
hundreds of years. ry of the Valkyries. Across the walls, fragment-
• Their only duty is to protect Skuld and the Hall of ed engravings of these once-renowned warriors
the Valkyries. tell their tales. The ceiling, towering 100 feet
• Celestial is the only language they speak. above you, has a seemingly-untouched carving
• They believe anyone who approaches the Hall of of the ninth Valkyrie, Skuld, as she ferries the
the Valkyries is hostile. dead to Valhalla. Flanking both an eastern and
• The Shield Maidens defend the doors to the Hall western alcove stand eight statues: four on
of the Valkyries until death. None of them will either side of the chamber, two on each side of
ever retreat; however, they will not pursue fleeing the alcoves. To the right of each of the Valky-
enemies, either. ries rest shields carved into the wall. One thing
stands out to you about these statues: they
all seem to be missing their weapons. As you
Development step farther into the room, words carved into
After the defeat of the Shield Maidens, the party can
the stone next to the first statue on the western
continue into the Hall of the Valkyries.
wall catch your eye: ‘Gordul holds an axe like
no other and carves my enemies asunder, for
CHAPTER 3 — The Hall of the Valkyries my Valkyries are as sharp as their weapons’
ODIN. At the base of the statue reads a name:
Into the Hall
This once-great hall is now nothing but a shadow of its An axe made from the same stone as the statues lies in
former self. It once told the great tales of the Valkyries, the room; a successful DC 11 Intelligence (Investiga-
but those carvings have fallen into ruin. The Hall is tion) check finds it.
made up of five locations: the Entrance, the Central The rest of the items are scattered throughout the
Chamber, two Burial Chambers, and the Higher Hall. three rooms. The exact location is vague so you are able
to change this depending on the challenge you wish to
give your party. If you want them to solve the puzzle
easily, the items should be placed in their correspond-
ing Burial Chambers. If you prefer to give your party a

challenge, hide some of the stone weapons within the To stop the water and open the ceiling leading to the
burial tombs of the Valkyries, as well as throughout Higher Hall, the party must correctly place the stone
each of the chambers. weapons with each of their corresponding Valkyries
If the party tries to ascertain what weapons they as per the list below. Each of the Valkyries have their
would be holding based on the look and design of the names engraved into the base of their statue; this is
statue, they must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence also the order they appear in the room from west to
check for each of the statues. east:
If the party brings the axe to the statue of Gordul
and places it in her hand, read the following: • Gordul — Sword
• Hjorr — Wand
The axe takes a bit of forcing but eventually fits. • Geirahod — Spear
The grinding of stone is replaced by another, • Skeggjold — Axe
louder sound. Your eyes dart around the room, • Sveid — Horn
and before you, you watch rushing water shat- • Lagerda — Empty hands
ter through each of the shields carved into the • Geirdriful — Bow
walls. An imposing stone tablet with glowing • Rota — Staff
runes and writing etched into it crashes down,
closing off the entrance from which you came, Once the puzzle has been solved, read the following:
but you have a more pressing concern as the
room rapidly fills with water. The flow of the water comes to a slow stop as
the ceiling splits down its center and opens to
If the party investigate the stone tablet that now blocks reveal another room above you.
their way out, read the following:

The tablet reads: "Gordul would cleave but not The Burial Chambers
with axe; a sword would fit better. Odin speaks These burial chambers contain some of the weapons of
of the Valkyries as his weapons of death and the Valkyries; others will be scattered throughout the
nothing more. He thinks his knowledge is Central Chamber. These chambers house the bones of
almighty and his followers question none, but the the dead Valkyries that Skuld could retrieve. The
we know the truth of war, of death, of life, and tombs that lie behind the memorial stones are mostly
the Valkyries. Odin speaks of madness that empty unless you decide to hide some of the stone
inflicts us, an infliction he is responsible for; weapons within them.
responsibility is but a curse to him. Geirahod
is unbeatable with a spear, and Sveid an inspi- These chambers house memorials to each of
ration in battle. Rota controlled the storms we the deceased Valkyries, they are simple carv-
rode through, as Geirdriful aimed unwavering. ings with only slight changes between each of
Hjorr tapped into the arcane as Lagerda need- them.
ed nothing but her hands. Skuld and I chose
the axe and shield."

The puzzle is fairly simple but has the added element

of the room filling with water. The room fills with
water in 10 minutes; after this time the party begins
to suffocate (see condition in PHB) under the water. If
you have a sand timer, this is the perfect time to use it;
otherwise, a normal stopwatch will suffice.

The Higher Hall Skuld
This hall runs around the edge of the Central Hall but Skuld sits in the middle of this cliff edge awaiting the
also acts as its ceiling. It is only openable via the puzzle party. She believes they are worthy and hopes they
in the Central Hall; it leads to an opening onto a cliff have learned of Odin’s lies. She is ready for battle and
edge of the mountain. wants to fight for what she believes is next for her,
knowing her defeat will call upon the Shield Valkyries.
The ceiling to the Central Chamber now acts
as the floor to the Higher Hall. A simple stone As you step out onto the platform that makes
walkway encircles the room below with the up the side of the mountain, you see the grand
majority of this room now floorless due to figure of a Valkyrie awaiting you; her dress is
the open ceiling. As you step onto the higher similar to that of the Shield Maidens you fought
platform, a single naturally-occuring cave leads outside the Hall, but her armour is speckled
outside to a cliff edge on the other side of the with the blood of her enemies and her war paint
mountain. is smeared after years of battle. She stands a
commanding 12 feet tall as her voice carries
across the open mountain air, ‘You have come
further than many before you. I know who sent
you, but I do not know if you do. Odin is as
much of a trickster as Loki, shifting forms and
shapes to get those unaware to do his bidding.
He was much the same when we called him
master... father even. But when Hjorr returned
with a mortal child, his rage was uncontrollable
and our vengeance was swift. So began the war
of Valhalla. Four of my sisters died so the rest of
us could live, and now I am all that remains, our
legacy a concoction of Odin’s lies. I am tired of
hiding; I am tired bending beneath his lies. So I,
Skuld, the final Valkyrie, ask you, are you ready
for battle?’ Skuld’s wings unfurl in a radiant
white light as her axe and shield appear in her

For the purposes of combat, Skuld is a planetar with

the following alterations:
• Skuld carries a shield so her armour class is in-
creased to 21,
• Skuld wields an enlarged greataxe that she is able
to hold with either one or two hands. It does the
following damage:
• Enlarged Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to
hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 2d8 + 7 slashing
damage plus 22 (5d8) radiant damage if wielded
with one hand or 2d12 + 7 slashing damage plus
22 (5d8) radiant damage if wielded with two

Conclusion - The Coming War
The death of Skuld marks the calling of
her kin: The Shield Valkyries of Skuld.
They have been waiting for their summons,
to storm Asgard, and so, the great war of
Ragnarok begins.

The final blow, is dealt and Skuld

falls. She whispers something almost
imperceptible, and before you can
react, a crack of thunder shakes you.
You see a sky full of armoured female
warriors atop winged steeds; they look
down upon you and speak in unison,
"We are the Shield Valkyries of Skuld,
the kin she has made in her time in
Midgard. We bring the war to Odin, and
the war is just beginning." In a flash
of lightning, the Shield Valkyries are
gone, and Skuld has passed. It is then
that you realise what Skuld said as
she fell; the word echoes in your ears:

Here is what characters earn from the

Creature XP gained
Shield Maidens 1,800 XP (for each
Shield Maiden)
Hall of the 1,000 XP
Valkyries Puzzle
Skuld 15,000 XP

This adventure was written to portray the way in Asa Wheatley resides in Buckinghamshire, England
which society will so easily take the word of a man with a voracious appetite for everything Norse and
over a woman as truth. Norse/Viking mythology and D&D related. He has written a number of adventures
history has always been seen as progressive in the way previously for the DMs Guild, alongside multiple
that women were allowed to fight alongside men but comics. He is always telling a story in one way or an-
even with this, like many medieval societies, women other, and can be found on Twitter as @AsaWheatley.
were treated as inferior to men. I wanted to present
this in a way where this prejudice is dangerous to those
that believe it.

ghastly grins
by Judy Black
Creature: Dullahan | Level(s): 13-15

mayor and the guards. He’s stolen the Dullahan’s head

SYNOPSIS from Enelen, another long-standing council member
A city deep in the woods is plagued by a series of
and warlock who has made a pact with the Dullahan,
beheadings of the leadership. A twisted bargain and a
that has allowed a creature to carry out his bidding and
dark secret are threatening to destroy this town forever.
get rid of his enemies.
Your adventuring party finds themselves brought in
to help stop the Dullahan who has been summoned
against her will to enact political revenge. Ghastly Grins Dramatis Personae
is intended for characters of 13th – 15th level.
• Enelen: Councilwoman and elf warlock whose
patron is the Dullahan.
ADVENTURE HOOK • Andes: Old mayor who is using the Dullahan to
The city of Ardara is in the woods. Perhaps you were stop his political rivals.
sent by the king or are traveling through the woods on • Iris: Guardswoman who knows all the good
a trip. It can be added in as an adventure on a travel to gossip.
a new destination. • Tibs: Older elf, owner of the Dry Forrest Inn who
As the characters arrive to Ardara (pronounced has seen strange going ons and the Dullahan.
‘Ardra’), it’s immediately clear that something is wrong. • Brix: A young up-and-comer who has just been
The windows are boarded up, and there is no one on elected mayor and is ready to change the old city.
the streets. Everyone that you do see wears a metal
brace around their neck, despite it looking terribly
uncomfortably. A guardswoman ushers them over and
quickly into the Dry Forrest, the local inn and tavern.
She wants to answer their questions and warn them of
the dangers of the city.

The town of Ardara is on edge as change is arriving af-
ter the latest elections to the town leadership. The first
attacks began soon after the new officials took their
positions. These attacks are fueled by the greed and
petty anger of Andes, a councilmember who believes
he should have been voted mayor. Andes is willing to
do whatever it takes to assume his rightful role, even
if that means killing everyone else on the council, the

throat. She speaks with a raspy voice and is difficult to
CHAPTER 1 — The City hear at times.
The smell of rich ale, cinnamon and a fresh fire
greet you the moment you step inside. The Inn What Brix Knows
is grand, and old, but well-kept with furniture She explains that the first attack happened a month
that’s clearly seen its fair share of bar fights. In- and a half ago as she was returning home from cele-
side you notice: the bar-keep, an older elf male, brating her win at the Dry Forrest. She was walking
two human patrons sitting at a table, and a sin- home down the main road, late in the night. She was
gle elf sitting by the fire and staring into it with a little tipsy and walking with the captain of the guard
intensity. All of them but the older elf male when she heard the sound of horse hooves. Something
wear a strange collar around their throats. As grazed the side of her neck and she bolted to hide.
soon as the heroes enter and the barkeep sees Suddenly, something collapsed on top of her and she
their exposed throats, he ushers them over. was pinned until she heard silence.
“What are you, daff? Get over here and get She saw dark, pure black, horse hooves in front of
on your guard before you lose your head!” her and caught the image of a tall, headless horsewom-
an walking the streets. Brix stayed still and counts her-
The guardswoman is Iris and the barkeep is Tibs. The self lucky that the creature didn’t find her. She recounts
two can provide the following information: that the creature had a long blade and that at her hip
• A horsewoman is roaming the streets and behead- she wore a whip made out of a spine. Atop the rider’s
ing leaders and anyone who tries to stop her. body sat not a head but a carved Jack o’ Lantern with a
• Iris has heard rumors that it is a fey creature, an horrifying grin carved into it. The Dullahan eventually
Unseelie bringing darkness. remounted her horse and fled towards the forests.
• Tibs, the barkeep, claims he’s seen strange happen- When she freed herself, she found the body of the
ings in the woods behind his house where council- guard captain headless on top of her and her own neck
woman Enelen lives. He’s seen the creature return gushing blood. She was patched up by the local doctor
from there. and has been told to not leave the house again.
• The attacks began shortly after the recent elec- However, Mayor-Elect Brix plans to break this
tion two months ago when there was a massive promise. She’s idealistic and believes that someone
upheaval as the current and long-serving mayor, needs to talk to the people, listen to their concerns and
Andes, was ousted by a newcomer Brix. Many of assure them that something is being done. She plans
the council members were all voted out as well. A to head to the town hall to speak the next day, going
year of particularly bad crops, which the towns- in the middle of the afternoon and planning on being
people blame the leadership for, led to a shifting of home before dark.
politics and new leaders. “I didn’t become mayor to sit in my house and do
Iris suggests they talk to Mayor-elect Brix, the only nothing! Confirmation process or not, someone needs to
person who has survived an attack. listen to everyone who lives here!” Brix bares a lot of guilt
for the death of the guard captain and is trying to find
an answer to these attacks before any more lives are
The Talk with Brix lost. Since she was the first person attacked, she be-
Iris agrees to take the party to the mayor-elect, who
lieves that she is the target and is willing to give herself
lives in a small, fairly simple house. There are only a
up to this beast if it will save her city.
few guards there. Iris explains Brix has insisted the
She's not sure who would want her dead, but
guards stay in the city and protect the people, not her.
points to current mayor, Andes. She disagrees with
They are greeted by Brix’s wife, Gina, a human, who is
him politically and could see him as someone poten-
relieved to see adventurers here to help.
tially involved. However, he’s rubbish at magic, and an
Mayor-Elect Brix is a halfling with a bright smile,
old paladin who wouldn’t commune with dark spirits.
wildly curly red hair and a large bandage around her

With a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check, the Development
characters notice Brix’s wife Gina ushering them over. The inside of the house reveals someone left in a hurry
As the characters leave, Gina approaches the charac- out the backdoor. ADC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
ters and begs them to please make sure Brix doesn't check reveals many books about fey and a map with
get herself killed. She begs them to solve this before a marked location deep in the woods but not too far
tomorrow so Brix can speak without having to wor- from the cottage. The books are all strewn about as
ry about the Dullahan. Gina believes that Enelen is though gone through in a hurry with notes about how
responsible for all this. Enelen lives in the woods and to protect against fey, it points to cold iron as the best
is rumored to have made a deal with dark spirits to weapon.
remain in power. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds
several pieces of cold iron on a workbench.
Development A DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check reveals a hu-
Brix points to Enelen’s home and tells them to be care- manoid set of tracks running into the woods and a
ful and that the old woman is paranoid. second humanoid tracks following behind them. The
tracks are very recent and screaming breaks the silence
of the evening.
CHAPTER 2 — Enelen’s House When the party follows the trail, it leads to a cave
near the woods. Read the following:
The trail to Enelen’s house is easy to follow but as they
get closer there will be traps that can trigger along the
The trail ends in a dark cave that smells of
approach. The traps require a DC 16 Wisdom (Percep-
decay and rot. Moaning and groaning echoes
tion) check to notice. Roll a d4 to determine the type
from within.
of trap. After 3 traps, the party reaches the house.

House Traps (DC 15 Dexterity check to disarm): The Ambush

As the party enters the cave, they are ambushed by
D4 Description a 1d6 + 3 ghasts. After completing combat, read the
1 Mechanical trap. A net falls from the trees following:
above. DC 15 Strength save to escape the net. The tunnel opens into a small clearing filled
2 Hidden Pit. A pit hidden by leaves is revealed. with moss and a small dripping waterfall.
2d10 damage from the fall.
3 Poison Darts. Hidden darts shoot out from the
trees. +8 to attack; 2d4 + 2d10 poison damage.
4 Swinging Log. A log drops from the trees and The Pumpkin
swings down. +6 to attack; 5d10 bludgeoning In the center of the clearing sits a simple pumpkin and
damage. a simple steak knife. The walls have horrible, ghastly
grins drawn on them. A search reveals no exits in the
When the party arrives at the house, read the following: area and no other way forward. A DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check reveals pieces of pumpkin on the
Enelen’s home is a cozy cottage in the forest.
ground. After a face is carved into the pumpkin, a trap
A well-kept garden out front grows vegetables,
door opens beneath the pumpkin.
nightshade, and strange black orchids. The
house is quiet but a DC 15 Wisdom (Percep-
tion) check reveals someone left in a hurry, the
door is still open.

The Basement
When the door opens, read the following:
CHAPTER 3 — The Confrontation
With the information, the characters go to confront
The stairs spiral down into the darkness where
the smell of moss and blood hangs heavy in The home appears empty, not even the hired
the air. help can be found around the house. It’s a
lavish home filled with extravagant luxuries.
At the bottom of the stairs, a simple room is discov- Following Enelen’s instructions, the characters
ered. An older elf woman with dark skin and golden find Andes in his office.
hair sits on the floor, holding her hands to a wound
at her side. She holds up a dagger up at the character’s In his office, the characters can find Andes. He sum-
approach but is obviously outmatched and will not mons the Dullahan. Andes wears heavy armor and a
attack. shield. He shouts a prayer before welcoming the char-
Enelen is hesitant to talk but willing to answer acters to best him and his silent champion.
questions. She explains that: Tactics. Andes is focused on taking down the
• Andes stole her tome and has been forcing her characters and keeping them from the cold iron-lined
patron out after he stole the Dullahan’s head. box with the head that he keeps on his person. The
• Enelen has just gotten away and come here to die Dullahan protects Andes and attempt to keep him
to free herself and her patron. alive. If her head is collected and returned to the
• She tells them that her patron’s tome and head are Dullahan, she and her horse are no longer be hostile to
in Andes’ home in his office locked in a cold iron- the characters. Until her head is back with her, she fol-
lined box that the fey can’t touch. lows Andes’ commands. Upon the return of her head,
• Andes is doing this to kill Mayor-Elect Brix and the fight ends as the Dullahan beheads Andes.
retain power over the city.
• If they can get the head back, they can free the
Dullahan. Development
• Enelen warns them that the Dullahan wields a Once the fight has ended, proceed to ending A if the
Vorpal Sword that can behead creatures in one Dullahan is spared and/or if Andes is killed by the
swing. characters and ending B if the Dullahan has been

The characters are pointed towards the town and An-
des’ house, the largest in the city square. They’re urged
to hurry before Brix is out of her house again and

Enelen joins the party, limping towards the office. Characters who complete this adventure may earn the
following rewards:
Andes is defeated and the Dullahan is reunited
with her head. She puts it back on when she XP REWARDS:
and Enelen are reunited. It becomes clear the Add the total XP of creatures defeated by the party,
two are lovers and not just a patron and war- then divide by the number of characters to determine
lock. Enelen thanks you profusely and asks you individual rewards.
to please join them in swearing in their new Obstacle XP
mayor. The Dullahan offers her Vorpal Sword Ghasts 450 (per ghast)
as gratitude for helping her and Enelen. Dullahan 25,000
Andes 20,000
The party is free to enjoy the ceremony and the city. Nightmare 700
Solving the Jack o’Lantern 50 (per person)


Enelen does not join the party, dying quietly where
she was left. The threat of the Dullahan has been dealt Item Value
with and Brix can be sworn in as the city starts a new A Cold Iron-Lined Box 15 gp
path. Town Reward 2500 gp

Brix and her wife thank you profusely and the Vorpal Longsword
characters are guests of honor at the ceremony Weapon (Longsword), legendary
to see Brix sworn is as new mayor. Her first act You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
as mayor is to honor the heroes and name this with this magic weapon. In addition, the weapon
day a new holiday in their honor. The charac- ignores resistance to slashing damage.
ters can help create the holiday. When you attack a creature that has at least one
head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll,
you cut off one of the creature's heads. The creature
dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature
is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing
damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary
actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too
big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such
a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage
from the hit.

Dullahan magic, spirit guardians
4th level (3 slots): banishment, death ward, freedom of
Medium humanoid (fey), neutral
movement, guardian of faith
Armor Class 17 (half plate) 5th level (3 slots): contagion, flame strike, geas, mass cure
Hit Points 262 (35d8 + 105) wounds
Speed 30 ft. 6th level (2 slots): blade barrier, harm
7th level (2 slots): divine word, plane shift
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 8th level (1 slot): holy aura
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) 22 (+6) 9th level (1 slot): gate

Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +11, Cha Actions

+12 • Multiattack. The Dullahan can make two attacks with
Skills Insight +11, her Vorpal Sword.
Perception +11, • Vorpal Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach
Religion +9, 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4d6 + 7) slashing damage. When
Stealth +10 you attack a creature that has at least one head with
Condition Immunities Charmed, frightened, this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off
poisoned one of the creature's heads. The creature dies if it can't
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to
passive Perception 12 this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't
Languages Elvish, Undercommon have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the DM
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) decides that the creature is too big for its head to be
cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes
• Fey Ancestry. The Dullahan has advantage on saving an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit. The DM
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put it can also allow characters to make a death saving throw
to sleep. to avoid decapitation and instead take the 6d8 extra
• Innate Spellcasting. The Dullahan’s innate spellcasting damage.
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20). She can innately • Summon Servant (1/Day). The Dullahan magically
cast the following spells, requiring no material compo- summons a nightmare. The summoned creature
nents: appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its
At will: dancing lights, detect magic summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner. It remains
1/day each: clairvoyance, darkness, detect for 10 minutes, until it or its summoner dies, or until
thoughts, dispel magic, faerie fire, levitate (self its summoner dismisses it as an action.
only), suggestion
• Fey Resilience. As a bonus action, the Dullahan can Legendary Actions
restore 5d8 of health every turn unless she has been hit The Dullahan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
with necrotic damage in the previous round. the options below. Only one legendary action option can
• Magic Resistance. The Dullahan has advantage on sav- be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
ing throws against spells and other magical effects. turn. The Dullahan regains spent legendary actions at the
• Spellcasting. The Dullahan is a 20th-level spellcaster. start of her turn.
Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 19, • Spine Whip. (1 Action) The Dullahan makes one addi-
+11 to hit with spell attacks). The Dullahan has the tional attack with her spine whip. It has a reach of 15
following cleric spells prepared: and a +8 to hit. It deals 2d12 slashing damage.
Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, resistance, sacred • Lucky. (2 Actions.)The Dullahan can reroll an attack
flame, thaumaturgy with the Vorpal Sword and take the higher result.
1st level (4 slots): bane, command, cure wounds, • Cast a Spell. (1–3 Actions.) The Dullahan expends a
guiding bolt spell slot to cast a 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell that she
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, silence, spiritual weapon has prepared. Doing so costs 1 legendary action per
3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, clairvoyance, dispel level of the spell.

Andes Actions
Medium humanoid (half-elf), neutral evil • Multiattack. Andes can make three scimitar attacks.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5
Armor Class 15 (18 with mage armor) ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing damage plus
Hit points 225 (30d8 + 90) 18 (4d8) poison damage. In addition, the target has
Speed 30 ft. disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes
against a spell Andes casts before the end of Andes’
• Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
15 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing
damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 13
Saving Throws Dex +11, Con +9, Cha +10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour.
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +8, If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the target is
Stealth +11 also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The
target regains consciousness if it takes damage or if
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive another creature takes an action to shake it.
Perception 16
Languages Elvish, Undercommon
Challenge 18 (20,000 xp)

• Fey Ancestry. Andes has advantage on saving throws

against being charmed, and magic can’t put him to
sleep. Author’s Notes
• Innate Spellcasting. Andes’ innate spellcasting ability is I want to thank my Roll for Trouble crew for
Charisma (spell save DC 13). He can innately cast the being such a huge help with this. The story of the
following spells, requiring no material components: Dullahan was one my grandfather, Tibs, would tell
At will: dancing lights me when I visited him as a girl. I loved the mon-
1/day each: darkness, faerie fire, levitate (self only)
• Spellcasting. Andes is a 11th-level spellcaster. Its spell- sters of his home in Ireland so this game is dedi-
casting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18, +10 to cated to him. Clann Mhig Fhionnghaile Abú!
hit with spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, message, poison spray,
shocking grasp, ray of frost
About the Author
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, mage armor, magic Judy Black is a tabletop game fan and part of the
missile, shield Roll for Trouble Twitch channel. She’s an author,
2nd level (3 slots): gust of wind, invisibility, misty step, nerd, and embodiment of chaotic good. You can
shatter find her online @judyblackcloud or join in her
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, haste campaigns live @RollforTrouble. Visit her website
4th level (3 slots): dimension door, Otiluke’s resilient
sphere to learn more about her books:
5th level (2 slots): cone of cold
6th level (1 slot): chain lightning
• War Magic. When Andes uses his action to cast a spell,
he can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.

Tier 4
The tale of two sphinxes by Jessica L. Washburn
Creature: Gynophinx | Level(s): 17-20
CW: Grief, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), abuse

Synopsis Adventure Background

In the beginning, a pair of sphinxes — one male and This is a 5 room puzzle dungeon based on the stages of
one female — guarded a desert temple in relative grief/PTSD. Each room reveals the true legend of the
peace. They watched over a vault that held a magical sphinx, showing a different part of Asmuzi’s recovery.
ring that could change the world. The androsphinx The gynosphinx and an androsphinx were created
— Bazymoros — succumbed to corruption; he de- to guard the Ring of the Sphinx. (DMs are encouraged
nounced the trickster god who created him. Bazy- to choose a trickster deity appropriate to the cam-
moros forged a pact with the demon god, Baphomet, paign.) The god had a benevolent streak and wanted
becoming violent and sought to claim the item in the mortals to have a way of keeping balance within the
name of his patron. realm. The sphinxes were tasked with testing characters
In an effort to save the world, the gynosphinx to determine their worthiness to wield the ring. While
Asmuzi defeated him. She locked Bazymoros away, the ring has no good or evil properties, it is capable of
never again to see the light of day. The androsphinx shaping the world to the whims of its wielder.
remained as an example of what not to become. It has All internal puzzles can be bypassed as each room is
been so long since this battle that much of the knowl- only separated by a simple, locked oaken door that can
edge of Bazymoros has disappeared from the collective be easily smashed with a DC 10 Strength (Athletics)
memory of the races that inhabit the world. All that check or lock-picked with a DC 10 Dexterity (thieves’
remains is the knowledge of the dangerous gynosphinx tools) check. Breaking the door will trigger a treant
made from the flesh of human and creature. . . and the and lock picks will trigger a potion in the following
treasure she keeps. room. The person who picked the lock will need to
The Tale of Two Sphinxes is a 3-4 hour adventure pick the person to drink (using Table 1 for status
intended for level 17-20 characters. effect). Not taking the time to solve puzzles also causes
the release of Bazymoros. In order to complete the
adventure at this point, the party will have to:
Adventure Hook • Assist Asmuzi to defeat Bazymoros. Upon his
Local stories tell of a vicious gynosphinx guarding a defeat, Asmuzi deems the party unworthy, giving
wondrous magical item — the Ring of the Sphinx. The them a much weaker item in its place.
adventure takes place in a lone desert temple and can • Join Bazymoros and slay Asmuzi. Defeating her
be introduced in the following ways: will not unlock the vault, as she reconfigured the
• the party has been asked to retrieve the item vault with the trickster god to only be opened by
• the party is lost in the desert, stumbling upon the her. If she dies, the item remains locked away until
temple the end of days for mortals.
• Slay both Bazymoros and Asmuzi. The vault will
not open until the end of days.

I may be a beautiful work of art,
Chapter 1 — Trauma but I also am a piercer of hearts.
The desert is oppressive; winds whip abrasive Here is where the story starts;
sand as the party marches on towards the First Begin to arrange the moving parts.
Temple of the World. You have wandered for
hours when you crest one final dune, tired and These are clues to help the party arrange the bricks in
nearly hopeless. the proper order. The sun and Bazymoros’ image to
Before you, a large sandstone temple sits. the east are titled “Rage Burning, Hot Like Sun” and
The winds cease their abuse. Upon approach, “Lashing Out, And War’s Begun.” Asmuzi’s image is
you can see the temple shows no signs of ag- titled “Marring Face, Barring Beauty”; the sword is ti-
ing. There is writing on a massive granite slab. tled “Sharpened Words, Cut Right Through Me.” The
There are no knockers or knobs on the door. eight bricks have a hand-hold and can be easily moved.
The DM can arrange the bricks in any order, so
long that they are mixed up. A completed brick puzzle
The granite slab holds a warning, the sound of As-
will read the following:
muzi’s voice ringing in the party’s heads:
Rage Burning Hot Like Sun
Beware all who travel here,
Lashing Out And War’s Begun
inside lies a treasure dear.
Marring Face Barring Beauty
Respect the riddles of the keeper,
Sharpened Words Cut Right Through Me
lest the treasure’s cost becomes steeper.
Incorrect brick placements result in 1d10 lightning
First Room: Shock damage. For each additional mistake, add 1d10.

You enter a darkened room as torches light

themselves on the wall. In the center of the Development
room, a sword embedded in a pedestal. On Completing the brick puzzle unlocks the sword from
the Northmost Wall, a simple oaken door; to the stone pedestal. A DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation)
the right of the door sits a mural of a beautiful, check on Asmuzi’s picture reveals a slot where the sword
black sphinx. Her face has four claw marks that fits. The party needs to decide who puts the sword into
run across; her lion body - which lacks wings Asmuzi’s “heart.” Sliding the sword into the slot releases
- looks powerful. On the Western Wall, there a horrible scream in the chamber. Everyone must make
are eight bricks arranged in two columns, four a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. The adventurer
bricks deep - all of which are engraved with that slid the sword into place rolls with disadvantage
writing. You see other images: a sun causing on their Constitution saving throw. For each character
a fire on the Eastern Wall along with a hand- that has failed their saving throw, they need to roll 1d6
some, white androsphinx. He has a fearsome to determine which STAT will be affected until the end
look on his face, teeth bared in a snarl. His of the next room (see Table 1). For instance, if some-
eagle wings are spread wide and the serpent one rolled CHA, they would have disadvantage on skill
headed tail also has its mouth open. On the checks like Persuasion or Deception. The goal is to have
Southern Wall, a painting of the sword in the the party rely on each other to solve the next puzzle or
pedestal. ask for assistance. If a character asks a companion for
assistance, they do not have disadvantage on their check.
A DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom
(Perception) check reveals the following text that wraps
1 - CON 2 - CHA
around the sword’s pedestal, in Sphinx (or Common):
3 - INT 4 - WIS
5 - DEX 6 - STR

Second Room: Denial If the party sets foot in the lantern boat, it immedi-
ately catches fire. They must make a DC 18 Dexterity
The room is dark, save for the glowing light saving throw to leap out of the boat. On a failed save,
of a lantern sitting in a boat to the far right. they take 1d12 fire damage.
Water laps at the boats as they bump into the The solution is to take the boat of Shame to the
stone ledge. You are currently in a room with end of the room.
a 8-foot ceiling.

There are five expertly crafted boats, each containing Chapter 2 — Bargaining
an item somewhere in the boat. Creatures with darkvi-
Before you leave the previous room, you find
sion can easily see the water bucket, heart of glass, and
an inscription upon the door:
the lantern. They can see the water, though it is dark;
they also see the riddle on the wall and 60 feet into
As you wander through Life’s Garden
the room (the length of the room is 120 feet). (Sink,
Sometimes, you may need to strike a bargain.
Shame, Freeze, Bloom, Burst).

• SINK: A gold coin - on bench of boat Upon entering, the new room is lush and green. Four
• SHAME: Water in the bottom and a bucket on stoic figures sit on a bench: a child of 6-7 years old, a
bench teenager, an adult, and a crone. When the party enters,
• FREEZE: A heart of glass - affixed to the prow the figures become more lively — happy to see them.
(inside) The child leaves her place upon the bench and ap-
• BLOOM: A chunk of rose quartz - on bench of proaches the party, telling them that she looks forward
boat to becoming an adventurer and is looking for items to
• BURST: A lantern affixed to the prow (inside) get her started in exchange for information.
A character who makes a DC 18 Wisdom (Per-
The riddle on the wall: ception) check reveals that each figure appears to be
the same person at different stages of life. A character
In front of you five boats now sit. who uses the spell true sight can see the four stages of
This may be a test of wits. Asmuzi: pre-trauma, trauma, post-trauma, and as she
One will sink and one will bloom, is now.
yet another will freeze the gloom. • The child is the easiest (Persuasion DC 10). They
Another still will burst in flame seek trinkets or baubles that the party might not
while the last sits quietly in its shame. miss. The child wants an item from every person.
Upon receiving items, the child provides informa-
If the party touches the gold coin, the boat travels tion about the beginning of the temple and why
25 feet before turning to gold and sinking. The boat it was created. The child’s temperament remains
sinking triggers an encounter with 10 giant sharks. happy.
If the party touches the heart of glass, the boat • The teenager is looking for weapons (DC 15).
travels 60 feet, freezing the pool. It summons two ice They face problems head on and lack the means
devil constructs. of protecting themselves. They want two weapons.
If the party touches the rose quartz, they become Once the weapons have been given, the teenager
immediately entangled in vines and must make a DC gives information about Bazymoros’ corruption.
19 Strength saving throw to get out. On a failed save, The teenager’s temperament, while cocky, is uncer-
they are grappled. It also summons a marilith tain - their eyes dart about the room, as if expect-
construct. ing something or someone at any moment.
• The adult is looking for armor (DC 20). They seek
to be able to weather the blows that the world

deals them. They seek the sturdiest armor amongst If the character asks for assistance with dealing with
the party. The adult details Asmuzi’s treatment the monsters, their companions can then damage the
under Bazymoros’ tyranny (gaslighting/bullying). constructs. If the character who spawns the helmed
As she sits back down on the bench, her face opens horrors steps on the orange tiles, it turns the monsters
with four claw marks that weep blood. Oblivious invisible. If the same person steps on the green tile, the
to the wounds on her face, she smiles sadly at the helmed horrors pop back into view before despawn-
characters. ing. The tiles are triggered when an object of 40 lbs. or
• The crone is looking for respect. They seek to give more is placed upon them. They can use a detect magic
their knowledge freely, but wraps it in anecdotes spell to discover the runes (bind/unwind).
and may lose their place often while speaking. If
the party is patient, the crone smiles. She tells the
party they are closing on the end of their journey;
regaling the tale of Asmuzi in full and the great
battle forgotten by the sands of time. If the party
becomes impatient, the crone progressively shuts
down. The aged one becomes upset and asks for
the party to leave.

If the party manages to successfully bargain, the crone
unlocks the door to the next room. All items that the
party gave in exchange for the knowledge are returned.
If the party is unsuccessful, they can proceed to the
next room but the door will need to be broken or lock- Conclusion - Acceptance
picked. If the adventures successfully solve all or most of the
previous puzzles, read:

Chapter 3 — Depression You find yourselves in an impressive marble

room. Before you sits Asmuzi, her face open
You enter a circular room with a beautifully and friendly. She bears the scars of a fight long
painted nautilus on the floor. On the blank since past. She only has one final riddle for the
tiles in front of you is the following riddle: characters.
“In the previous rooms, you have the links
In this room you shall find To connect the dots for the story of the
several tiles will put you in a bind. Sphinx.”
Step on others to make things unwind. If the party can explain what they have
learned, Asmuzi will release the item from the
In this room, there are tiles that are safe (see the DM vault. With her duties complete, she thanks
map: green/”unwind”), those that spawn monsters the characters for releasing her from the bonds
(pink/”bind”), and those that turn those monsters that have kept her in place for millennia.
invisible (orange/”bind”).
It is important to note that when a PC steps on a
pink tile, they will spawn 3 to 4 helmed horrors that
can only be damaged by the person who spawned
them. Each pink tile has the capacity to spawn 3 to 4
helmed horrors. It will get overwhelming.

If the characters brute force their way through the Sphinx Delta: Christian Harris, Paul Charvet, Sphinx
puzzles, read: Echo: H. “Ink” Kugler, Trever Haugen, Katiequixotic,
Sith Witch; to Dai-Wei Dagon for being a sounding
You arrive in a room filled with chaos and pain. board, to Nightelyn for her assistance with my bar-
Before you, Bazymoros the White and Asmuzi gaining puzzle; last but not least - to Jesse Jordan, for
the Black are fighting to the death. Asmuzi has the extra push that I needed to submit my idea to this
sustained damage, pleading for your assis- amazing project.
tance. Bazymoros is mostly unscathed and
shouts that he was locked away unfairly.
Which side do you choose? Author’s Notes
This module was a very personal writing experience for
me. As a person who has experienced traumatic events
Rewards not unlike Asmuzi, I wanted to make a module that re-
If they are successful in clearing the dungeon, the char- flected on the healing process and what it may mean to
acters obtain the Ring of the Sphinx (Legendary item), reach acceptance. For me, my own acceptance does not
as well as other trinkets that had been collected by bring me joy — but it also does not bring me sadness. It
Asmuzi before she needed to guard the vault full time. simply is. The healing process is different for everyone.
The Ring of the Sphinx can also be used by the party I only hope that my module provides a thoughtful way
to summon Asmuzi, should they need her assistance of understanding a process that is different for everyone
in any future endeavors. This feature is independent of and that we can use our time at the table to become
the three wishes. more empathetic and understanding of others.

Ring of the Sphinx

Ring, legendary About the Author
A magical ring that has two lion paws grasping an Jessica is an aspiring writer and copy editor who looks
amber cat’s eye gem. While wearing this ring, you can forward to releasing more projects and supplements for
use an action to expend 1 of its 3 charges to cast the D&D 5e. You can find her on Twitter as
wish spell from it. The ring has an additional property @HealthPakStream. She may or may not be a
to summon Asmuzi to assist the party, should they halfling bard.
have need of her in the future. In order to summon the
gynosphinx, they must press on the paws; claws will
extend from the ring, striking the gem and produces
a clear ringing sound. While the ring has limited wish
spell uses, the bearer of the ring can summon Asmuzi
as needed once per day.

Author’s Acknowledgments
Thank you to Ashley Warren and the Dungeon Masters
Guild for providing the opportunity to participate in
this collaboration; to my spouse, Paul, for encouraging
me throughout the process; to my playtest groups who
gave me constructive feedback and their never-ending
patience: Sphinx Alpha: Don-Brainhook, Maggie Dar-
rah, David Gibson, Michael B., wing_newlimit, Sphinx
Beta: Gwen B., Taran Winnie, Samantha Darcy, Alex
LoCurto, Sphinx Charlie: Chance Clement, Zach Lee,

• 5th level (3 slots): beacon of hope, revivify, greater restoration
Asmuzi • 6th level (1 slot): forbiddance
Large monstrosity, lawful neutral • 7th level (1 slot): conjure celestial
• 8th level (1 slot): earthquake
Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
• 9th level (1 slot): true resurrection
Hit Points 367 (21d20 +147)
Speed 40 ft. Actions
Multiattack. The sphinx makes two claw attacks.
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +14, Hit: (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Wis +9, Cha +11
Skills Arcana +12, History Legendary Actions
+12, Perception +8, Asmuzi can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Religion +8 options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
Damage Resistance Bludgeoning, Piercing, at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. She
and Slashing from regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Nonmagical Attacks • Claw Attack. The sphinx makes one claw attack.
Damage Immunities Psychic • Teleport (Costs 2 Actions). The sphinx magically teleports,
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to
Senses Truesight 120 ft., 120 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
passive Perception 18 • Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). The sphinx casts a spell
Languages Sphinx, Common from its list of prepared spells, using a spell slot as normal.
Challenge 21 (30,000 XP)
Lair actions
Inscrutable. The sphinx is immune to any effect that would • On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Asmuzi can
sense its emotions or read her thoughts, as well as any take a lair action to cause one of the following magical
divination spell that she refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks effects; she cannot use an effect again until she finishes a
made to ascertain the sphinx's intentions or sincerity have long or short rest:
disadvantage. • The flow of time is altered such that every creature in the
lair must reroll initiative. Asmuzi can choose to not reroll.
Magic Weapons. The sphinx's weapon attacks are magical. • The effects of time is altered such that every creature in
the lair must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving
Spellcasting. The sphinx is a 18th-level spellcaster. Its throw or become 1d20 years older or younger (Asmuzi’s
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +8 to choice), but never any younger than 1 year old. A greater
hit with spell attacks). It requires no material components restoration spell can restore the creature’s age to normal.
to cast its spells. Asmuzi has the following cleric spells • The flow of time within the lair is altered such that every-
prepared: thing within moves up to 10 years forward or backward
• Cantrips (at will): spare the dying, resistance, guidance, (Asmuzi’s choice). Only Asmuzi will be immediately aware
thaumaturgy, mending of the time change. A wish spell can return the caster and
• 1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, inflict wounds, shield
up to seven other creatures designated by the caster to
of faith
their normal time.
• 2nd level (3 slots): prayer of healing, blindness/deafness, aid • Asmuzi shifts herself and up to seven other creature she
• 3rd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon, can see within her liar to another plane of existence. Once
bestow curse outside her lair, she cannot use lair actions but she can
• 4th level (3 slots): death ward, freedom of movement, return to her lair as a bonus action on her turn, taking up
guardian of faith to seven other creatures with her.

Bazymoros Actions
Large monstrosity, lawful evil
Multiattack. The sphinx makes two claw attacks.
Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
Hit Points 367 (21d20 +147) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack. +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar-
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. get. Hit: (3d10 + 6) slashing damage.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Roar (3/Day). The sphinx emits a magical roar. Each time
22 (+6) 10 (0) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 23 (+6) he roars before finishing a long rest, the roar is louder
and the effect is different, as detailed below. Each creature
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +11, within 500 feet of the sphinx and able to hear the roar must
Int +9, Wis +10 make a saving throw.
Skills Arcana +9, Perception • First Roar. Each creature that fails a DC 20 Wisdom
+10, Religion +15 saving throw is frightened for 1 minute. A frightened
Damage Immunities Psychic, Bludgeoning, creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
Piercing, and Slashing of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
from Nonmagical Attacks • Second Roar. Each creature that fails a DC 18 Wisdom
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened saving throw is deafened and frightened for 1 minute.
Senses Truesight 120 ft., A frightened creature is paralyzed and can repeat the
passive Perception 20 saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Languages Sphinx, Common effect on itself on a success.
Challenge 21 (30,000 XP) • Third Roar. Each creature makes a DC 18 Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 44
Inscrutable. Bazymoros is immune to any effect that would (8d10) thunder damage and is knocked prone. On a
sense his emotions or read his thoughts, as well as any successful save, the creature takes half as much dam-
divination spell that he refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks age and isn't knocked prone.
made to ascertain Bazymoros’ intentions or sincerity have
disadvantage. Legendary Actions
Bazymoros can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Magic Weapons. Bazymoros’ weapon attacks are magical. the options below. Only one legendary action option can
Spellcasting. Bazymoros is a 18th-level spellcaster. His be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit turn. He regains spent legendary actions at the start of their
with spell attacks). He requires no material components to turn.
cast his spells. He has the following spells prepared: • Claw Attack. He makes one claw attack.
• Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost • Teleport (Costs 2 Actions). Bazymoros magically
• 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, magic missile, shield, thun- teleports, along with any equipment he is wearing or
derwave carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space he can
• 2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, invisibility, Melf’s acid see.
arrow, mirror image • Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions). He casts a spell from his
• 3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, counterspell, dispel magic, list of prepared spells, using a spell slot as normal.
• 4th level (3 slots): blight, dimension door
• 5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, scrying
• 6th level (1 slot): disintegrate, globe of invulnerability
• 7th level (1 slot): finger of death, plane shift
• 8th level (1 slot): dominate monster, power word stun
• 9th level (1 slot): power word kill

appendix a:
Featured creatures
These creatures are featured in this anthology. Each uses stats found in the Monster
Manual. The page numbers below correspond with the adventures the creatures are found in.

Cambion, pg. 95
Drider, pg. 147
Drow, pg. 65
Hag(s), pg. 157
Harpy, pg. 123
Lamia, pg. 47
Medusa, pg. 113, 139
Merfolk, pg. 7
Night Hag, pg. 101
Succubus, pg. 95

appendix b:
original creatures
Infuse your adventures and campaigns with original Uncaged creatures,
monsters, and characters!
Advanced Doll, pg. 179
Asmuzi (Sphinx), pg. 216
Banshee, pg. 73
Bazymoros (Sphinx), pg. 217
Boo-hag, pg. 79
Calypta (Dryad), pg. 28
Dryad, pg. 28
Dullahan, pg. 206
Elder Sea Hag, pg. 37
Furies, pg. 92
Kumiho, pg. 57
Lady White Snake, pg. 187
Lauma, pg. 175
Ma'at (Goddess), pg. 167
Melusine, pg. 131
Porcelain Golem, pg. 179
Pygmalion's Statue, pg. 179
Siren, pg. 20
Valkyrie, pg. 193
Worg Puppy, pg. 37

appendix c:
maps for players
the witch's house (from maid in waterdeep, pg. 7)

Map by Dyson Logos

the village, river, and forest (from the weeping woman, pg. 39)

Map by Kristina Sisto Kindel

Enaxi's Palace (from Lost Children, Found Family, pg. 47)

Map by Catherine Evans

the crypt (from The Banshee's Tale, pg. 81)

Map by Annabeth Lennon

The copper kettle inn, ground floor (from The Secret of Shadow Grove, pg. 109)

The copper kettle inn, upper level (from The Secret of Shadow Grove, pg. 109)

Map by Dyson Logos

The cave of wonders (from lost gods, pg. 101)

Map by Natalie Wallace

the abandoned mineshaft (from maidens of the weave, pg. 147)

Map by Emily Smith

the Maiden's Sanctuary (from maidens of the weave, pg. 147)

Map by Emily Smith

Appalling morass (from appalling morass, pg. 157)

Map by Ma'at Crook

the temple of ma'at (from heart of a goddess, pg. 167)

Map by Elise Cretel

Malion's Lair (from galateya's will, pg. 179)

Map by Luciella Elisabeth Scarlett

puzzle diagram (from A Tale of Two Sphinxes, pg. 211)

Diagram by Jessica Washburn

and biographies
We are indebted to everyone who playtested “Jay” Bedinger, Jayden James, Jean Adaser, Jean-Fran-
a module in our anthology series, including cois Lacelle, Jeff Braun, Jeff Ellis, Jes Schrodinger, Jess
the following: Buttriss, Jess Prudent, Jesse Jordan, Jessica R, Jessica
Waters, Joel Russ, John Tetzlaff, Johnny Kuzmanovs-
Aaron Dull, Aaron Quick, Adam Blinkinsop, Alex ki, Jon Peters, Jonathan Robb, Jono Mammel, Jordan
Abbott, Alex Grant, Alex LoCurto, Alex Misner, Richer, Jordan Thomas, Joseph Tennant, Josh Knapp,
Alexander Mirams-Harrison, Alice Carstairs, Alison Joshua Graves, Joshua James Gervais, Joshua Robinson
Huang, Allen Engleson, Andre Campeau, Andrew JR, Kalimah Patricia Carter, Kara Baker, Karla Zi-
Florea, Andrew Sinsheimer, Andrew Beharelle, An- monja, Kat Willott, Kate Jordan, Katie Assarian, Katie
thony Booros, Artur Augustyniak, Arwen Connolly, Ileki, Katie Tregs, Katiequixotic, Kathryn Kovalcik,
Aviva Geretz, Azhaiel, Batty the Toon, Bec Scane, Bek, Katherine Lusk, Katherine S. Raine, KaylaRPG,
Benjamin Adelman, Beth Watson, Bex Bugois, Bill Khadizha Laila Lunn-Wilder, Kikka “The Princess”
Manning, Blunders & Brigands, Bob Curry, Bonnie Delarose, Kimber Streams, Kosta Sideropoulos, Kris
Shaw, Brian Forbis, Britt Monday, Caitlandia, Caitlin Giere, Kyle Gould, Kyle McCordic, Lauren Hardesty,
Collins, Caleb Jones, Callan Stein, Cameron Calka, Leigh Lunsford, Liseanne Pierson, LittlestCrouton, Liz
Cara Judd, Carl Lister, Carolyn Petty, Cas, Catherine Gygax, Logan Treglia, Lottie Turner, Louise Edwards,
Lowry Franssen, Chance Clement, Charles Vanslam- Luciella Scarlett, Luvy Mann, M. Wilkins, Maggie
brouck, Chris, Chris Booth, Chris Creasing, Chris Darrah, Marissa Oudshoorn, Martin Katz, Mary Jo
Ogren, Chris Tressler, Christa Megee, Christian Har- Creaney Stockton, Mat Pimz, Matis Kleidman, Matt
ris, Christopher Mason, Colin Arnott, Connor Urwin, Monasch, Matt H. Taylor, Matthew Johns, Max
Corin Kumamoto, Craig Friedman, Curtis Voelker, Churak, Maxine Henry, Melanie Murphy, Meghan
D.E. Chaudron, D.W. Dagon, Dani Bar-Lavi, Daniel McGinnis, Michael B., Michael Graham, Michael
Moller, DarkBlade, Dave Eisinger, David Cornelius, Plautz, Mick Wilder, Mike Pisani, Molly Segale,
David Cutler, David Gibson, David Leverton, David Morgan Bate, Morgan G., Morgan Goin, Morgan
Warshawsky, DCSTABOS, Derek Fisher, DoctorCube, Treglia, Mr. Handsome, Natalie Mulder, Nathan
Don-Brainhook, Doug Thomas, Drake R. Finney, Reyes, Nailya Shamgunova, Nick Hammer, Nightelyn,
E. Forney, Elena Chiovaro, Elizabeth Meritt, Emily Nomi “Progamer” Lastname, Nola Pfau, Olivia Noble,
Beebe, Emma Power, Enoki, Erin Vickers, Esra-Lynn Paige Turner, Pat, Patrick Eaton, Paul Charvet, Paul
Fife, Evan Gornick, Gabriel Negrete, Grace Fuller, Hackett, Paul S. Washburn, Pearce Truesdale, Pedro
Grace O’Hair-Sherman, Grace Willsmer, Grant Ellis, Pagés, Phil Hanley, Philip R Spence, Polar Bear, Potato
Greg Twentyman, GremlOlgilviee, Griffin DiStasi, Hollow, Purnacandra Sivarupa, Rae withabrickk,
Guillermo Garrido, Gwen MacDonald, Gwendy B., Rachel Snyder, Raphael Grimes, Rebeccah Shumway,
H. “Ink” Kugler, Harvey Smith, Hermod, Horse, René L Karkut, Rhea Anne Myers, Rob Loweson,
Heather Johns, Heather Wells, HobbleDragon, Howie Robert Laedlein, Robin Farndon, Robin Gibson,
Boyd, Ignacio Santander-Alfonso, Isaac Kindel, Jack Robin Michele, Robin Schadel, Roll for Trouble,
Garst, Jacob S. Wible, Jake Parisse, James Cooper, Rudolphus SamSquatch, Samantha Darcy, Sam Ol-
Jamie B.B., Jay Andromeda, Jessica L. Washburn, Joan gilvie, Sam Alberts, Sam Sullivan, Sam Tregs, Sammy

Ward, Sarah Dompkowski, Sarah Gray Harker, Sarah • Dungeon Secrets / DriveThruRPG
Lanaway, Sarah Pavlich, Sarah Mazul, Scott Bullock, • vokkostic / Adobe Stock
Scott Tatum, Seph Steel, Shamini Bundell, Shannon • b-design / DriveThruRPG
Bebel Shawn Gillikin, Shoshana Yaswen, Simon Gou- • A Philosopher by Lamplight by Joseph Wright of
dreault, Sith Witch, Stakehater, Stefan Turner, Steven Derby / Public Domain
Assarian, Steven Barrett, Suzy Deacon, Taran Winnie, • Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi /
tiakall, Timothy Bryant, Tim Kardaras, The_Bird543, Public Domain
The Sharkofironwill, Thomas Karkut, Tory Lynch, • The Valkyrie's Vigil by Edward Robert Hughes /
Tom DeFrancisco, Tom Powell, Thomas Gray Hurdle Public Domain
II, Thomas Jancis, Thomas Worsley, Tony Molinet, • The Headless Horseman Pursuing Ichabod Crane by
Trever Haugen, Tristen, Wes Valley, Willy Abeel, Willy John Quidor / Public Domain
Seaman, Will “The Worst” Hagen, wing_newlimit, W. • La Divine Comédie by Gustave Doré / Public
Graham Bishop Jr., Wyatt Warner, Xavier Rodriguez Domain
Xinyi, Yaakov Kuperman, Zach Gartner, Zach Lee,
Zach Prince, Zoë Pryce

Stock art credits:

• Daniel F. Walthall / CC BY 4.0 license
• kellepics / Pixabay
• OpenClipArt-Vectors / Pixabay
• DarkWorkX / Pixabay
• margo3001 / Pixabay
• sagarkphotography / Pixabay
• jplenio / Pixabay
• diego_torres /Pixabay
• KaylinArt / Pixabay
• Manoj Kumar Kasirajan / Unsplash
• werner22brigitte / Pixabay
• Jongsun Lee / Unsplash
• Rogue Genuis Games / DriveThruRPG
• 12019 / Pixabay
• Dieterich01 / Pixabay
• Prettysleepy2 / Pixabay
• JAKO5D / Pixabay
• susannp4 / Pixabay
• Blaise_L / Pixabay
• Daniel Comerci Art / DriveThruRPG
• / Pixabay
• Jing Ang / Unsplash
• Dean Spencer Art / DriveThruRPG
• DMs Guild Creator Resource Art Packs / Wizards
of the Coast
• Purple Duck Games / DriveThruRPG
• Samantha Darcy / DriveThruRPG
• Daniel Comerci Stock Art / DriveThruRPG

on Twitter @crit_liz for puppy photos, mini painting
artists and far too many tiefling PCs.
Sammy Ward
FluorescentWolf is known for her landscape and char-
Sammy is a freelance illustrator and independent com-
acter realism, as well as skill in matching various art
ics creator. Her work tends to delve into the world of
styles. Throughout her life, she has been fascinated by
fantasy and horror inspired by folklore and mythology.
anthropology and astronomy, and these themes reso-
In between work and playing D&D, Sammy is con-
nate in her personal works.
stantly drawing skulls and drinking excessive amounts
of tea. You can follow her adventures online
Gwen Bassett
Gwen (“gwendybee” across the web) is a freelance
fantasy illustrator who will take any excuse to paint
Wouter Florusse
bright colors, flashy magic, and dramatic lighting. In
Wouter is a fantasy illustrator based in the Nether-
her spare time, she likes to eat inadvisable quantities of
lands. His work has graced the cover of many titles
dessert and pet other people’s dogs.
published for D&D. His website is
Jen Vaughn
Jen is a freelance cartoonist/narrative designer living
in the forests of Washington and available in multi-di-
About our Cover Artist
mensional experiences. You can see her art in the
Samantha Darcy
comics Teenage Wasteland, play her D&D adventures
Crafted from only the finest twigs and glamours,
like The Experiments of Dr. Skulldial, you can touch
Samantha Darcy was well-nurtured in exchange for her
her art if you print out her Paper Smalls, you can hear
father’s freedom. She was beloved by all her neighbors,
her play a tiefling ranger on podcast d20Dames. You
though her presence would frighten the livestock and
cannot taste or smell her unless you bake food in her
cause the room to chill. The families would vie for her
name and then you must tweet a pic of that to 
attention on the hot summers’ days, and found they
preferred the taste of soured milk. Samantha saw her
first artistic inspiration behind their straining smiles,
Johanna Taylor
and delighted in drawing all their prettiest nightmares.
Johanna is a fantasy illustrator, concept artist, and
An illustrator for tabletop roleplaying games,
comic artist based in Utah. She loves to create stories
Samantha has risen far above those humble begin-
with quirky characters getting into even quirkier situa-
nings. She has contributed to works both great and
tions, and watch them try to make sense of things. She
small, including the Uncaged Anthology, Rolled & Told,
likes to play D&D, cross-country ski, and feed crows.
and countless commissions. She currently labors on
the Adventurer’s Fashion Primer, a book sorely needed
Kayla Cline
by creatures of every type.
Kayla is an illustrator and graphic novelist whose
Samantha lives in a tower of toadstools and teeth,
work frequently evokes gaming culture, the occult,
located somewhere in the strange wilds of Indiana.
and science fiction. Her work can be found on several
She dwells there with her loving husband — a musical
actual play shows, comics, and more. View her work
clockwork filled with bartered voices, and their darling
son — who she made herself, using only the finest
twigs and glamours.
Liz Gist
Liz is a hobbyist artist and freelance editor. They grew
up fascinated with mythology and look for any excuse
to burrow into that part of their psyche. Follow them

Editors Dani Roanoke
Dani (they/them) is a writer, editor, gamemaster, and
Ashley Warren game creator from Indiana. They graduated in 2011
Ashley is the founder, creator, and producer of the Un- from Eastern Illinois University with an MA in Liter-
caged Anthology. She writes for Wizards of the Coast, ary Studies with Creative Writing Emphasis. They can
Onyx Path Publishing, and more. Ashley is a cast be found on Twitter and Instagram at @daniroanoke.
member on Tales from the Mists, which airs on WotC's
official Twitch channel. Additionally, she is the founder Hadeel Al-Massari
of the RPG Writer Workshop and the author of count- Hadeel is the co-creator of Bramblefoot Adventures
less titles on Dungeon Masters Guild. Her website is with Kayla Cline and a cast member on Wizards of the; Twitter, @ashleynhwarren. Coast's official Twitch channel. Connect with her on
Twitter @twittysuch.
Dr. A. Kelly Lane, Ph.D.
Dr. A. Kelly Lane is a biologist and education re- Hannah Rose
searcher by day, a TTRPG player, GM, and streamer Hannah is a professional nerd with two cats, several
by night. Kelly loves playing games both live and in hundred books, and never enough time for D&D. She
person. Being an avid promoter of all things inclusive, co-produces the actual play show Worlds Apart, where
she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to be involved she also plays the strong barbarian mom Mara. DMs
with this wonderful project. The talent and kindness in Guild credits include the College of the Opera (gold
this group have been astounding and Kelly has learned bestseller), the Temple of Shattered Minds, and
a great deal from those involved. You can find her upcoming projects — follow her on Twitter
@AKellyLane on Twitter where she discusses higher (@wildrosemage) for updates, cat pictures, and
education, gaming, and inclusivity. general geekiness.

Brent Jans Jeff Ellis

Brent has worked as a freelance fiction and TTRPG Jeff has written and published multiple adventures
editor for the last thirteen years. He is currently an using the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Open
editor for On Spec Magazine, a Canadian quarterly Gaming License to the Dungeon Masters Guild and
publication of speculative fiction, and has edited for: is happy to be working as a contributing editor for the
Wayfinder (a magazine for the Pathfinder RPG); the first time on Uncaged. He is humbled by all of the tal-
Space: 1889 line for Clockwork Publishing; and the ent present in these anthologies and is honored to have
RPG Foreign Element for Mystic Ages Publishing. helped in what little way he could. You can find out
He is also the founder and curator for the Canadian more about him on Twitter @manyeyedmonster.
Library of Roleplaying Games, and you can read more
from him at Jessica Washburn
Jessica is an aspiring writer and copy editor who looks
Christopher Walz forward to releasing more projects and supplements for
Christopher is the Dungeon Masters Guild creator of D&D 5e. You can find her on Twitter as @HealthPak-
The Midnight Revelry and An Ogre and His Cake, a chil- Stream. She may or may not be a halfling bard.
dren's charity project. He is also a freelance tabletop
roleplaying game editor, currently working on Cubi- Jessica Ross
cle 7's Adventures in Middle-earth. His journey into Jess is a teacher, editor, and podcaster. You can listen to
roleplaying games began before he could read, stealing her play D&D with some of her favorite ladies on d20
away his brother's Monstrous Manual to look at the Dames and tune in while she GMs Blue Rose for some
pictures. He resides in central Kentucky with his son, of her besties on Bitches & Liches. Check in with her
who is most certainly a crafty kobold. Connect with shenanigans on Twitter @writejessr.
him on Twitter @DMChristopherW.

Joe Nehmer
A nine year old boy in 1983. Glorious red box basic
A huge, heartfelt thanks to those who donated to our
D&D. Elmore cover. What? No board?... what. is. project.
this. So many summer days making spell books from
chopped up looseleaf, and seeing dungeoneer and cru- Alex Clippinger
sader alike fall to glorious AD&D deathtrap dungeons. Alex is a best-selling creator whose work can be found
Thrilled to be a contributing editor for the Uncaged on
David McDonough
Liz Gist David is a writer, editor, and creator for DMsGuild.
Liz is a hobbyist artist and freelance editor. They grew com.
up fascinated with mythology and look for any excuse
to burrow into that part of their psyche. Follow them Glenn Magas
on Twitter @crit_liz for puppy photos, mini painting Glenn is a financial analyst, social media expert,
and far too many tiefling PCs. screenwriter, and DnD fan based in Los Angeles.
Michael Haney Joe Nehmer
Michael Haney is currently finishing his creative writ- Joe also served Uncaged as an editor; learn more about
ing degree from the University of South Florida. When him on pg. 216.
he isn't isn't writing about the occult or editing, he is
devoting his free time to playing ttrpgs. You can find John Jusayan
him on Twitter @michaelhaneyc. John is an app developer and veteran DM. Learn more
Stephanie Lee
Stephanie Lee is an editor, aspiring author, and M.T. Black
perpetual GM. You can find her work at M.T. Black is a prolific creator with numerous or on Twitter best-selling RPG titles to his name. Get a peek into
@scribblesnknots. the world of RPG creation via his newsletter:
TK Johnson
TK is a full-time southern gothic/dark fantasy writer Phil Beckwith
and part-time eldritch horror. They have been derail- Phil is the owner of P.B. Publishing, which produces
ing campaigns since early childhood, but their most immersive content for Dungeons & Dragons 5e.
diabolical plans are unveiled every Friday evening as Learn more at
DM in the Twitch actual play, Tales From the Mists.
Their spooky stories can be found at www.tkjwrites. Sersa Victory
com. Legends say that you can find TK lurking in the Sersa Victory is a designer of deathtrap dungeons
hills of Kentucky with their familiar, Samson, when for dark fantasy tabletop and video games. His work
the moon is full, the fog is thick, and the harvest is includes Tomb of Mercy, Necropolis of the Mailed Fist,
ripe for the Ancient Ones' return. Testament of Malice, and the upcoming text adventure
game Ember Undying.

Every creature in the multiverse
has a story to tell —
Even the monsters.
Uncaged is a collection of original adventures designed for
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Each adventure subverts
and reinvents the tropes around female mythological creatures,
monsters, and figures. Th
 is ambitious project
features creators from across the globe.

25 original adventures
for Tiers 1 - 4

"Judith Slaying Holofernes"

by Artemisia Gentileschi


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