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HR Partner

Position Summary
Facilitating, presenting advice, coaching and solutions to respective business related to staffing,
and human resource management (talent) in the organization (ranging from recruiting talent,
develop, manage the performance, managing award and succession planning for the future
organization), cooperate with business leaders in order to ensure the availability for advice,
guidance, solutions to manage the human resources within the organization to support business
operations objectives.

Key Responsibilities:

Strategy and Planning

 Facilitate and provide recommendations to the respective business, provide solutions in

the organizational design planning process and human resources requirements planning
(MPP) in order to ensure the effective and efficient organizational design with the update
and clear system

Business Performance and Management

 Monitor and evaluate the Man Power Planning budget, provide recommendations for
required qualifications, as well as participate in the selection process of middle
management level to ensure every human resources needs suitable and realistic to the
 Facilitate, recommend, and give solutions to the respective business for the training
needs, performance management, talent mapping & development, promotion, and
employee compensation & benefit planning and monitoring in order to ensure effective
and efficient human resource management in accordance with existing procedure and
 Facilitate, recommend, and give solutions to the respective business for handling troubled
employees to ensure the recommendation availability, solving employee issues
effectively according to applicable guidelines and SOPs
 Actively participate and support the HR system development, facilitating, (influence,
train and provide guidance to the leaders of the organization) to monitor its
implementation, to anticipate deviations and make adjustments to their needs to ensure
the implementation of HR in the area of responsibility in accordance with HR CIMB

1. Nama Jabatan : Sekretaris

2. Kode Jabatan :-
3. Unit kerja : Pemerintah Kabupaten Barito Selatan
Eselon II : Sektretariat Daerah
Eselon III : Kecamatan Dusun Selatan
4. Kedudukan Dalam Struktur Organisasi :

5. Ikhtisar Jabatan :

6. Uraian Tugas :
a. Merencanakan operasional kesekretariatan berdasarkan Rencana Kerja Tahunan dan
ketentuan yang berlaku sebagai pedoman pelaksanaan tugas
b. Mendistribusikan tugas kepada sub bagian sesuai dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab
masing-masing untuk kelancaran pelaksanaan tugas kesekretariatan
c. Memberikan petunjuk pelaksanaan tugas kepada bawahan di lingkungan Sekretariat
melalui Kasubbag masing-masing sesuai dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab yang
diberikan agar pekerjaan berjalan tertib dan lancar
d. Melaksanakan koordinasi, fasilitasi, verifikasi dan validasi pengumpulan data umum
maupun teknis dalam rangka penyusunan dokumen perencanaan strategis dan laporan-
laporan (RENSTRA, RENJA, RKA/DPA, LAKIP, LKPj, LPPD, Laporan Tahunan, dll)
sesuai dengan ketentuan dan peraturan yang berlaku sebagai bahan pertanggungjawaban
e. Mengevaluasi pelaksanaan tugas di lingkungan Sekretariat dengan cara mengidentifikasi
hambatan yang ada dalam rangka perbaikan kinerja di masa mendatang
f. Melaporkan pelaksanaan tugas di lingkungan sekretariat sesuai dengan prosedur dan
peraturan yang berlaku untuk pertanggungjawaban dan rencana yang akan datang
g. Melaksanakan tugas lain-lain yang diberikan oleh pimpinan baik lisan maupun tertulis
sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku agar tugas kedinasan lainnya dapat berjalan lancar
7. Bahan kerja :

8. Perangkat/Alat Kerja

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