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1-The teacher tells a story about animals. Children make animal noises every time they hear the name of
the animal.

A. Total Physical Response

B. Reading Approach Communicative Language Teaching

C. Grammar Translation

2-Students ask their classmates when their birthdays are and write the answers down. They try to find a
different child for each month of the year.

A. Grammar Translation

B. Communicative Language Teaching

C. Total Physical Response

D. Reading Approach

3-The Teacher introduces new vocabulary and a grammar structure. Students complete exercises on
their books.Then the teacher checks their answers. The teacher asks students to compare their answers
with other classmates.

A. Grammar Translation

B. Task Based Learning

C. Presentation Practice Production

D. Total Physical Response

4-The teacher tests Students on the Spanish meaning for a set of words in their mother tongue.

A. Direct Method

B. Oral Approach

C. Audio Lingual

D. Grammar Translation

5-Students work in groups to make five questions about vocabulary from the previous unit. Then, they
exchange questions with another group and try to answer the questions.

A. Grammar Translation
B. Total Physical Response

C. Reading Approach

D. Teaching Communicative Language

6-Students sing a song “ Hea and shoulders, knees and toes “. They touch the correct part of their body
as they sing the song.

A. Communicative Language Teaching

B. Total Physical Response

C. Reading Approach

D. Grammar Translation

7- Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing
lesson objectives.

A. Method

B. Technique

C. Syllabus

D. Approach

8- Theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of language, the nature of language learning, and
the applicability of both to pedagogical settings.

A. Syllabus

B. Approach

C. Technique

9- A generalized set of classroom specifications for accomplishing linguistic objectives. Primarily

concerned with teacher and student roles and behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic
and subject-matter objectives, sequencing, and materials. They are almost always thought of as being
broadly applicable to a variety of audiences in a variety of contexts.

A. Method

B. Approach

C. Technique
10- Designs for carrying a particular language program. Features include a primary concern with the
specification of linguistic and subject-matter objective ,sequencing, and materials to meet the needs of a
designated group of learners in a defined context

A. Method

B. Technique

C. Syllabus

11. Most important work of teacher is--

(A) to organize teaching work

(B) to deliver lecture in class

(C) to take care of children

(D) to evaluate the students

12-. A teacher should be--

(A) Honest

(B) Dilligent

(C) Dutiful

(D) Punctual

13-At primary level, it is better to teach in mother language because:

(A) it develops self-confidence in children

(B) it makes learning easy

(C) it is helpful in intellectual development

(D) it helps children in learning in natural atmosphere.

14- What is most important while writing on blackboard ?

(A) Good writing

(B) Clarity in writing

(C) Writing in big letters

(D) Writing in small letters

15- When the students become failed, it can be understood that

(A) The system has failed

(B) The teachers failure

(C) The text-books failure

(D) The individual student’s failure

16- It is advantage of giving home work that students.

(A) remain busy at home

(B) study at home

(C) may be checked for their progress

(D) may develop habit of self study

17- A student comes late in your class. Then you will?

(A) inform to parents

(B) punish him

(C) try to know the reason

(D) not pay attention there

18-Women are better teacher at primary level because--

(A) they behave more patiently with children

(B) they are ready to work with low salary

(C) higher qualification is not needed in this profession

(D) they have less chances in other profession

19- Environmental education should be taught in schools because--

(A) it will affect environmental pollution

(B) it is important part of life

(C) it will provide job to teachers

(D) we cannot escape from environment

20- Navodaya Schools have been established to.

(A) increase number of school in rural areas

(B) provide good education in rural areas

(C) complete ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’

(D) check wastage of education in rural areas

21- Which Of these is not a step in the listening process

1)To stop talking




22- Which of these is the first step in the listening process

1)Stop talking




23- According to research about what percent of each day does the average person spend listening

1)10 %




24- What is the last step in the listening process




25- The average person speaks at what rate

1)150 words per minute

2)125 words per minute

3)100 words per minute

4)75 words per minute

26- We have the ability to process approximately how many words of speech per minute

1)200-400 words per minute

2)400-600 words per minute

3)800-1000 words per minute

4)600-800 words per minute

27- The fear of misunderstanding others is called

1)Physical noise

2)Listener apprehension

3)Information overload

4)Emotional noise

28- The tendency of self absorbed listeners to require the conversation to focus on them is called

1)Communication domination

2)Conversation narcissism

3)Conversation monopoly

4)Emotional noise

29- What listening barriers occurs when course language of speaker offends listener

1)Being self absorbed

2)External noise

3)Criticising the speaker

4) emotional noise

30- The self absorbed listener is primary focus on...

1)Their own needs

2)Connecting with the speaker

3)The ideas being communicated by speaker

4)Waiting patiently for speaker to finish

31- Which of these should be avoided for effective listening?

a) Pre-listening analysis

b) Listening to structured talks

c) Team listening

d) Predicting*

32- In which of these does the listener pick up special features of the speech?

a) Listening in conversational interaction*

b) Listening to structured talks

c) Predicting

d) Team listening

33- A successful manager should be a trained listener.

a) True*

b) False

34- A well organised talk is a _______ talk.

a) short

b) long

c) random

d) structured*

35- Which of these should be avoided in pre-listening analysis?

a) Mental discipline

b) Concentration

c) Prejudices*

d) Patience

36- In which of these, should the listener be able to make connections between different segments of
the speech?

a) Listening to structured talks

b) Links between parts of the speech*

c) Team listening

d) Predicting

37- Which of these is based of effective listening?

a) Note taking*

b) Notice writing

c) Letter writing

d) Predicting

38- Which of these should be avoided while note taking?

a) Concentration

b) Evaluation*

c) Listening

d) Using phrases

39- Which of these is not a type of text for reading?

a) Reference material

b) Chats*

c) Scientific text

d) Technical text

40- Which of these is not a deterrent to the listening process?

a) Lack of interest

b) Ego

c) Confidence*

d) Fear

41- Your relations with other teacher should be _.

(a) Friendly

(b) cordial

(c) only official communication

( d) None of these

42- You can improve the students who are weak in studies through _.

(a) counselling and remedial classes

(b) punishment

(c) Make their fun in class

(d) None of these

43- The motto of the teacher is to_.

(a) Teach subject matter

(b) maintain discipline

(c) Guide student's growth

(d) None of these

44- The most important function of the teacher is to _.

(a) Teach subject matter

(b) maintain discipline

(c) Guide student's growth

(d) None of these

45- ---is not a product of learning

(a) Maturity level

(b) skills

( c)Attitude

(d) None of these

46- The development of a person's character is done by_.

(a) society

(b) Family

(c) Family and society together

(d) None of these

47- Teaching comes under the classification work namely _.

(a) service

(b) skilled

( c) clerical

(d) None of these

48- Supervision of children is the responsibility of _.

(a) The principle

( b) All teachers

(c) only class teacher

(d) None of these

49- Blackboad can be included is a _. Teaching aid

(a) Audio_aid

( b) visual_aid

(c) Audio visual _ aid

(d) None of these

50- Emotional Adjustment of students is effective in----.

(a) personality formation

(b) class teaching

(c) Discipline

(d) All of the above

51) A test of writing is----------

(A) Mixing

(B) Dictation


(D) Paraphrasing

52-Productive skills are--------

(A)Reading and Writing

(B)Reading and Speaking

(C)Listening and Speaking

(D)Speaking and Writing

53- Expressive skills are-----------


(B) Writing


(D) Listening

54- The third skill of teaching English is-----------


(B) Speaking


(D) Writing

55-Skill concerned with the muscular practice of the learner is-------------


(B) Speaking


(D) Writing

56- The process of teaching is divided into -------phases

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

57- Controlled writing emerged in-------------

(A) 1940 to 1960

(B) 1950 to 197

(C) 1930 to 1950

(D) 1970 TO 1980

58- Which writing tends to focus more on bigger idea of planning and integrating many skills or the
composing part of writing---------?

(A)Guided writing

(B) Shared writing

(C)Free writing

(D) Creative writing

59- Which example is include in controlled writing------


(B) Rewriting

(C)Rearranging sentences

(D) All of these

60- The way to get the ideas creation engine running-----

(A)Brain storming

(B) Paraphrasing


(D) None of these

61-He prepared for teaching while still in college,this instruction called:

(a)teaching pedagogy

(b)teaching approach

(c)teaching methadology


62-It refers to the theoretical framework in general:



(c)both a and b

63-All are the characteristics of method except:

(a)the way in which something is done

(b)refers to a process

(c)refers to a direction or angle

64-Alphabetic method is also called:

(a)syllabic method

(b)story method

(c)phonic method

(d)spelling method

65-Phonetic method is a method of teaching children:

(a)to write

(b)to read
(c)to speak

(d)to listen

66-Grammar translation method is also called :

(a)old method

(b)modern method

(c)oral method

(d)natural method

67-Teaching and learning is a journey from:

(a)concrete to abstract

(b)simple to complex

(c)known to unknown

(d)all of these

68-Direct method is also known as:

(a)Natural method

(b)Indirect method

(c)Inductive method


69-FCA is in opposition to:

(a)structural approach

(b)motivational teaching

(c)situation language teaching

70-:Journey from example to generalization is:




71. Teaching and learning is a journey from

a) Concrete to abstract

b) Simple to complex

c) Known to unknown

d) All the above

72. The method of teaching English adopted at present in school curriculum is

a) Formative Correlational Approach

b) Functional Communicative Approach

c) Function Corrective Approach

d) Figurative Comprehensive Approach

73. Communicative Language Teaching replaced basically …

a) Natural Language Processing

b) Structural Teaching

c) Situational Language Teaching

d) Motivational Teaching

74- Direct Method is also known as

a) Natural Method

b) Indirect Approach

c) Inductive Approach

d) All the above

75- Grammar translation method focuses on

a) Accuracy

b) Fluency

c) Fluency
d) Listening skill

76-Grammar-Translation Method is basically used to teach

a) c

b) c

c) Rules of any language usage

d) Classical language

77- The objective of Direct Method is

a) To increase power of comprehension

b) To increase communicative power

c) To develop a command over the target language

d) To develop personality

78- Grammar-Translation Method does not

a) Encourage learning through mother tongue

b) Give importance to grammar

c) Enhance a student’s communicative skill

d) Enable the student too use the language fluently

79- The incidental or Correlative Method is known as

a) Inductive

b) Deductive

c) Structural

d) Reference method

80- Traditional method goes against the

a) Prescriptive grammar

b) Simulation

c) Pedagogic principles
d) Generalization

81- Journey from example to generalization is

a) Inductive

b) Deductive

c) incidental

d) All the above

82- Deductive method proceeds from

a) Law and rule to observation

b) Observation

c) Generalization to specification

d) Examples and illustrations

83- One of the principles of materials preparation for language learning is that

a) Complex material should be chosen

b) Grading of materials should be done

c) Any kind of material can be chosen

d) A small amount of material should be introduced

84- Correct pronunciation of individual sound is related to

a) Accuracy

b) Accuracy c) Both accuracy and fluency

d) Neither accuracy nor fluency

85- Language acquisition occurs only when

a) The child is taught the rules of grammar

b) The child is given a reward

c) The child has exposure to the language

d) The child absorbs the language without conscious attention

86- When a child is asked to recite a poem, it can help the teacher to test

a) Knowledge of literature

b) Proficiency of speaking

c) Acting talent

d) Comprehension

87- The structure ‘he goes to school’ is often produced by learners due to

a) Failure of intelligence

b) Mother tongue interference

c) Overgeneralization of rules

d) Wrong teaching

88- For teaching grammar, the best grammar that a teacher can use is

a) Traditional grammar

b) Modern grammar

c) Pedagogic grammar

d) No grammar is needed

89- A test of listening comprehension is a test of

a) Receptive skill

b) Productive skill

c) Hearing skill

d) Phonology

90- Interactive’ listening is

a) Listening and responding

b) Listening for mood and tone

c) Listening for word stress and emphasis

d) Listening for finding out speaker’s attitude

91- Organization of arguments and ideas in paragraphs is an important aspect of

a) Writing essays

b) Writing essays

c) Writing stories

d) Writing personal letters

92- Reading skill can be developed best by

a) Writing answers to questions on text

b) Focusing on the use of words from context in the text

c) Doing vocabulary exercises

d) Doing quizzes and playing word games

93- Mother tongue influence can be effectively minimized in the classroom by

a) Using the mother tongue more often

b) Giving examples from the mother tongue

c) Giving a lot of exposure in the target language

d) Giving inputs from the target language in a simple, graded manner

94- Practice of grammatical structures in a controlled manner can be done by

a) Correcting wrong sentences produced by learners

b) Gap-filling grammar exercises

c) Writing paragraphs and essays

d) Explaining the use of particular structures

95- A test which is administered at the end of a language course is

a) Diagnostic test

b) Placement test

c) Achievement test

d) Memory test
96- Study of meaning in a language is known as

a) Syntax

b) Semantics

c) Morphology

d) Linguistics

97- Pedagogy is the study of

(A) education

(B) learning process

(C) teaching methods

(D) guiding students

98- A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is known as

(A) rubrics

(B) checklists

(C) inventories

(D) rating scales

99- The use of technology to enhance learning process is called _______ in education.

(A) IT


(C) Information technology

(D) Communication technology

100- Pedagogy is a Greek word which literally means

(A) to understand the child

(B) to guide the child

(C) to educate the child

(D) to lead the child

101-The study of words and their structure





102- Open class or content words are defined as

the words that convey conceptual meaning

words that are open to interpretation

words that cannot be added to a language

words that do not carry conceptual meaning

103-It is usually defined as the analysis of language “beyond the sentences”.



Discourse analysis

Cohesive Language

104-Interview, commentaries and conversation are part of:

Discourse Analysis

speech events



105- What is active learning?

Students are actively listening in the classroom

The teacher is actively teaching in the classroom

The lesson uses active animations to engage students

The students are actively participating in the learning process

106- What language is used in a Direct Method class?

Mostly target language

Target language and native language

Native language

Only target language

107-What's the role of the teacher?

The teacher is the authority in class.

The students are the focus in every moment.

The teacher directs the activities, teacher and students are partners.

The teacher let students control the class

108- Which is the purpose of Grammar Translation Method?

To learn a death language as a second language.

To read foreign language literature.

To acquire the four skills of a second language

None of the above is correct

109- Direct Method is also called as...

The Reform Method

The Gramatical Method

The Communicative Method

All of them are correct

110- Which are the techniques in the Direct Method?

Student self-correction

Question-Answer exercises

All of them are correct

None of them are correct

111- Which component of oral language involves understanding the word parts and forms?

morphological skills




112- Which component of oral language deals with understanding the social rules of



morphological skills

phonological skills

113---is an assessment where the teacher reads a story and the students summarize or tell the
story again.

text retelling

oral interview

oral prompt

role playing

114-The interactive process between student and teacher that is influenced by the teacher’s body
posture, language, and eye contact forms a pattern called



Corrective feedback---

Essential attributes

115- One way to help students remember behavior modeled by the instructor is to ask learners to
visualize or create a mental image of what the teacher has just demonstrated. The student
response is called

Mastery learning
Overt rehearsal

Covert rehearsal


116- How would an effective teacher help students take on another person's perspective?

They would use role playing.

They bring in a guest speaker.

They use detailed case studies.

They get to know their students.

117- What is the study of a real life situation to address material learned in class?

A biographical paper

An interview with a guest speaker

A case study or scenario

A personal essay

118- How does an effective teacher make students attentive in class?

A. By distributing sweets

B. By punishing naughty children

C. By making one’s teaching interesting

D. By telling stories

119- Conferences are face to face_____________?

A. Discussions

B. Negotiations

C. Meetings

D. None of these

120- When the teacher checks the students work using multiple sources of information, the task
is called____________?
A. Cross-Checking

B. Cross-matching

C. Cross-cutting

D. None of these

121- When a learner is learning to satisfy his needs and wants, he is actually

A. Cognitive learning

B. Sensory learning

C. Experiential learning

D. Behavioral learning

122-In a __________ student’s formally present material then respond to questions from the

A. Dialogue

B. Discussion

C. Symposium

D. Seminar

123-All the verbal and non-verbal communications between teachers and students are

A. Signals

B. Gestures

C. Hints

D. Dialogues

124- An old but effective teaching strategy is____________?

A. Read Aloud

B. Reading

C. Silent Reading
D. All of these

125-_____________ is a method where the students ask questions each other during

A. Peer Classification

B. Oral Questioning

C. Peer Questioning

D. Peer Tutoring

126-If students do not understand what is taught in the class the teacher should:

A. Repeat the lesson once again

B. Teach the lesson again giving more examples

C. Proceed to the next Lesson so that syllabus could be covered

D. Checkup the previous knowledge of the students in the topic

127-Which of the following is not related to educational achievement?

A. Practice

B. Experiences

C. Self-learning

D. Heredity

128- Reliability of an assessment relates to the __________ of an assessment?


B. quality

C. consistency

D. relevance

129- In what century was the GTM formed?

The 15th  Century

The 20th  Century

The 16th  Century

The 19 th  Century

130- Which two elements are NOT associated with GTM?

memorization and translation

fluency and communication

native language and teacher centered instruction

rote memorization of vocabulary and grammar

131- GTM is a student centered methodology.



132- In a classroom that uses GTM, students are instructed in?


the native language

the target language


133- GTM places a focus on

memorization of conversational dialogues and new vocabulary.

memorization of vocabulary and grammar, and learning communicative techniques.

memorization of vocabulary and grammar, and translation of texts.

memorization of translations and speaking grammatically correct.

134- The learning happens in:

Active way, students participate and are the one responsible for their learning

In both responsability, teacher and students have the same amount of responsability

Passive learning, the teacher is the center of the class

135- Some of the techniques used in GTM are

Reading comprehension questions, cognates and dictation

Self-correction, reading aloud and translation

Antonyms/synonyms, fill in the blanks and conversation

Composition, memorizations and use words in sentences

136- What is the role of the teacher

The teacher is responsible in helping students doing exercises

The teacher is the authority in the classroom, but the students have enogh space to participate.

The teachers show the path students should go to have affective learning.

The teacher is the authority in the classroom, students do as she says so they can learn.

137- Are the feelings of the students dealt with?



138- What is important in GTM?

The ability of communicating in target language

Teach students about culture and fine arts

Learn grammar, know how to translate and speak simple sentences

Appreciate foreign language literature, learn grammar and grow intellectually.

139- Devices can make a lecture more understandable and meaningful. What is the most important
thing a teacher should consider in the selection and utilization of instructional materials

Objectives of the lesson

Availability of instructional materials

Attractiveness of instructional materials

Degree of interest on the part of the students

140- Educational objectives are arranged from simple to complex. Why is this?

Each level is built upon and assumes acquisition of skills from the previous level

Objectives are broad and value-laden statements that lead to the philosophy of education
Be idealistic and ambitious to begin with grandiose scheme for using taxonomy in all levels

These are guidelines to be taught and learned where teachers and students evaluate learning.

141- In Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, the domains are stated from lowest to highest
level. Which of the following objectives belongs to the lowest level?

To identify the characters in the story

To differentiate active from passive voice

To give the available resources that could be recycled to useful things

To explain the procedures in changing improper fraction to nixed number.

142- In Math, Teacher G presents various examples of plane figures to her class. Afterwards, she asks
the students to give the definition of each. What method did she use?





143- Music, Teacher I wants to teach the class how to play the piano in the Key of C. which of the
following should be his objective?

To play the piano in the key of C chords

To improve playing the piano in the key of C

To interpret property the chords of Key of C in the piano

To exhibit excellent playing of piano in the key of C

144- Learners must be developed only in the cognitive, psychomotorbut also in the affective aspect.Why
is development of the latter also important?

It helps them develop a sound value system

Their actions are dominated by their feelings

It helps them develop an adequate knowledge of good actions

Awareness of the consequences of their action

145- Pictures, models and the like arouse students interested on the day's topic. In what part of the
lesson should the given materials be presented?

Initiating activities

Culminating activities

Evaluation activities

Developmental activities

146-Teacher C gives the class specific topic as assignment which theyhave to research and pass the
following day. However , the students could not find any information about it. What method should
Teacher C use to teach the assignment?

Project method

Discovery approach

Lecture method

Demonstration method

147- Teacher E asks student A to identify and analyze events, ideas o robjects in order to state their
similarities and differences. In which part of the lesson does said activity take place?




Comparison and abstraction

148- Teacher F wants the class to find out the effect of heat on matter. Which method will help him
accomplish his objective?

Project method

Laboratory method

Problem method

Expository method

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