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Respect and

Three Activities to Review
Positive Behavior in the
Classroom for Elementary

Created by Amber Polk

Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
Activity 1: Respecting
Others and Self Respect Comic Strip

Respect: thinking highly of someone

Self Respect: thinking highly of one self

Discuss ways to show respect to others and your self.

-Do not ask others to do anything wrong.

-Respect the family guidelines of other people
-Do not choose actions that might harm others
-Do not harm others with violence or mean words
-If you think highly of yourself, others will too
-Be proud of your actions
-Be proud of what makes you unique
Cut along Dotted Lines
to create slit
Write Synonyms for Respect on the front cover In Cool Letters.
Complete Each Box and Illustrate. Cut Out and glue together.
Respect is I can show Respect for Others By
Paste and attach square

Paste and attach square

I Can Show Self Respect by
Antonyms For Respect

Paste and attach square

Activity 2: The Fairly Fabulous
Game Show

Discuss the different ways to be fair using the

Fairly Fabulous Poster.

Rules of the game

-The teacher can be the announcer or you can
choose a student to be the announcer.
-Students will be split into 2-3 teams.
-Students will take turns being contestants on the
-One person from each team will be a contestant
at a time
-The announcer will read the card. Then the
students can buzz in.
-The first student to buzz in will say what the
person on the card was doing that wasn’t fair,
using the phrases from the fairness poster.
*Do not take things that belong to someone
*Do not use things or borrow things without
*Do not take more than your fair share of
*Take turns
*Play by the rules
You cannot find your eraser. Your Your teacher brings in M&M’s for
neighbor is late to school. You take your class to share. You take a
her eraser. When she gets to school handful instead of just a few.
she can’t find her eraser. You don’t
tell her that you took it. You take Taking more than your share of
it home to keep. something.
Taking things that belong to someone You are playing math games with
else. your small group. You have to
be first every time. You don’t
You push classmates out of the way let other people go when it is
so that you can be first in line. It their turn. They don’t want to
is not your turn to be line leader. play with you anymore.

Not taking turns. Not playing by the rules.

Your older sister makes brownies for You are playing softball with your
the whole family. You eat most of class. You want your team to win,
them. Your brother does not get any. but you do not think you can run
fast enough. You cut the corner
Taking more than your share of when you are running the bases to
something. save time.

Your art class is making clay pots. Not playing by the rules.
You accidentally drop yours and it
breaks. After class, you take a A doctor comes to talk to your
classmate’s pot and put your name on health class. She asks if anyone
it so you will get credit for it. Your has question. You ask a lot of
classmate finds out and gets angry. questions and do not give anyone
else a chance to talk.
Taking things that belong to someone Not taking turns.
Your school has a rule against
You take your classmate’s cookie at cutting in line. There is a long line
lunch while he or she is not looking. in the lunchroom. You decide to
Your classmate finds out and gets sneak to the beginning of the line.
angry. The students waiting are angry.
Taking something that belongs to some- Not playing by the rules.
one else.
Your brother just bought a new shirt. You are playing ball with friends.
You want to borrow it but he is not at You keep the ball most of the
home. You decide to take it time. Your friends get tired of
without asking. He gets home and you being a ball hog.
wants to wear it, but it is not there.
Not taking turns.
Using things or borrowing things without
asking. You take a game that belongs to
your sister. She looks for the game
You and a friend are at a park. Your and cannot find it. She finds out
friend wants to ride his bike home, but you took it without asking. She is
you did not bring your bike. He angry.
wants you to take a bike that belongs
to someone else and ride it. You know Using things or borrowing things
that it is wrong. without asking.
Taking things that belong to someone Your class is having a party. A
else. classmate brings in pretzels to share.
You take a huge handful. There are
You are on the playground at recess. not enough pretzels to go around.
You stay on the swings the whole Some students do not get any.
time. Other students do not get a
chance to swing. Taking more than your share of
Not taking turns. something.
Activity 3: Wanted– A True Friend

Discuss the qualities of a good friend

Using the Wanted Poster template, students will

write a paragraph about the characteristics and
qualities of a true friend.
Then students can draw a picture of what a true
friend would look like.

*Students can cut around the edges of the page

to make it look old. You can also have students
brush coffee or tea on the pages to give it a
weathered look.
Created by Amber Polk
Thank you for purchasing these activities for your
classroom. I hope that you and your students enjoy
these activities.

If you have any comments or

requests, please email me
[email protected]

Visit my blog,
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher, at

Frames by Lettering Delights

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