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Submitted By:
Roselle B. Delez
Submitted To:
Nelia A. Ortega
Date Submitted:
January 7, 2022
Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus
Facilities Description Will it contribute of the students’
learning and development?

Office of the ✓ Clean, well- Principals have a large impact on

Principal ventilated, well-lit, student achievement by establishing
spacious, organized a vision that motivates the entire
community, creating a school culture
that supports student learning,
ensuring resources are used
effectively, and engaging with the
Library ✓ Well-lit, well- A well-maintained library with plenty
ventilated, plenty of of resource material relevant to the
books, clean students’ needs and interests makes
them feel welcome to study there
because they are assured that the
material they need is available.
Counseling Room ✓ Friendly atmosphere, If a counseling room has a friendly
well-lit, well- atmosphere and is well-lit and well-
ventilated, organized ventilated, it helps make the student
feel comfortable and less anxious in
sharing their feelings and insights.
Canteen/Cafeteria ✓ Spacious, clean, The variety of food assures that it
well-lit, well- could cater too many of the students’
ventilated, plenty of needs. The canteen is also separated
food stalls into two floors for two grade levels so
that there is a low chance of bullying.
Medical Clinic ✓ Clean, well-lit, well- Students who feel unwell could go
ventilated, organized here to receive immediate and
and well-stocked appropriate medical attention
medicine cabinet treatment so that they could continue
and plenty of well- with their school day.
maintained and up-
to-date medical
Audio ✓ Materials are up to The audio-visual room is a place
Visual/Learning date and well- where students from all classes can
Resource Center maintained, learn effectively. It has a greater
spacious, and well- impact because it requires more
ventilated attention in the act of learning.
Facilities Description Will it contribute of the students’
learning and development?
Science Laboratory ✓ Spacious, well- It is good to have a laboratory that has
ventilated, well-lit, sufficient and well-maintained
clean, organized, equipment and has a clean, organized
plenty of materials in setting for students to conduct
stockroom for experiments well.
experiments and
equipment is up-to-
date and well-
Gymnasium ✓ Spacious, clean, There is plenty of space for many
well-ventilated students and accommodate multiple
classes from different levels at the
same time.

Outdoor/Garden ✓ Clean and neat Perfect for outdoor activities that

surroundings. students can experience and learn
something new in outside.

Home Economics

Industrial Workshop

PTA Office

Comfort Room for ✓ The Comfort Room This will protect the students from
Boys for Boys is separated germs causing disease.
from the Girls. It’s
also very neat.
Comfort Room for ✓ The Comfort Room This will protect the students from
Girls for Girls is germs causing disease.
maintained clean for
hygienic purposes.
An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT
Guide Question Classroom Observation Report
1. Describe the A community or neighborhood in which the school is located
community or can accommodate children. Other businesses will be
neighborhood operating in the same area where the parents usually work,
where the which may also be on the border of several communities.
school is
2. Describe the The color of walls are beige, roof is foam green, and the
School door is jasmine green while the ceiling is white. The
campus. What Condition of Building in the campus are good.
colors do you
see? What is
the condition of
the Buildings?
3. Pass by the It is clean and well ventilated and can accommodate
offices. What parents, students and also visitors.
impression do
you have of
these offices?
4. Walk through The school library are neat and clean. The cafeteria has
the school provide good nutritious food for student. The other school
halls, the facilities are all in good condition.
library, and the
cafeteria. Look
around and
find out the
other facilities
that the school


Classroom Facilities (location, number,
Arrangement, condition)

Around the classroom, 4-6,

1. Wall Displays very attractive

In front of the class and near

2. Teacher’s Table the chalkboard, 1, facing the
students, in good condition
At the center of classroom and
3. Learner’s Desks it is in good condition.
On the wall in front of the
4. Blackboard class, 1, facing the students,
in good condition
5. Learning Materials/ At the right wall and it is also
Visual Aids attractive good condition.

Write your observation report here.

Name of the School: Area J Elementary School
Location of the School: Area J. Lumbreras General Mariano Alvarez Cavite
Date of visit: December 2, 2021

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
 Seating, light, noise, and even color can all have an impact on learning ability.
Students who study in a positive learning environment are more motivated,
engaged, and have greater overall learning ability.
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/ how
does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
 In the subject child and adolescent development and facilitating learning, we
learned that the environment is the place where teaching and learning can take
place in the most effective and productive manner. With this, we have learned
that being a teacher, we must how to create a good learning environment that
is conducive for learning.
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why?
 It would be great for me to teach in a school like ARJES it has good facilities,
nice classroom and nice teachers.
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
 The learning environment does not end inside the classroom alone. It extends
even to the walls of the school. A clean, quiet, well ventilated and well lighted,
spacious and free from harm.
3. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
 A quiet and clean classroom, a non-threatening classroom atmosphere where
students feel they are respected and accepted for who they are and what they
say or do is a conducive learning environment.
4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer to number 3?
 I’ll try to remember with all my heart the lessons I have learned in facilitating
learning subject and field study course. With these, it would help me create an
ideal learning environment.
5. Write you additional learning and insights here.
 The teacher must know how to set the atmosphere inside the classroom. A
harmful and threatening atmosphere isn’t good for the students. They will
suppress their true selves and this will only build a wall between them and the
teacher. The teacher must know how to balance being friendly and as an image
of authority inside the class.
An observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS
1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays
do you see?
 3-5 board displays each board and 4 frames at the top of boards.
2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can
see them?
 At the border of the board. Yes they are in places that easily to see.
3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images
and colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
 The displays are about discipline, experience, enjoy and learn. The colors of
the displays are yellow and pink. The images arranged aligned at the top and
edges of the board.
4. What material were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
 Cartolina, colored papers and printed images.
5. Do you notice some errors? (Misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the
 None
6. Are the messages clear and easily to understood?
 Yes
7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get attention?
 The TV at the center top of board that can flash instructional video and
images for students.
8. Takes a photo of the displays board.

Observation Report
Board Displays Evaluation Form
Topic of the board Display: Discipline, Experience, Enjoy and Learn
Location of the Board display in School: Top of board
Criteria NI S VS O
1 2 3 4
Effective ✓
Attractiveness ✓
Balance ✓
Unity ✓
Interactivity ✓
Legibility ✓
Correctness ✓
Durability ✓

My Board Display Layout

LINK Theory to Practice:

1. C
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. C
My Personal Illustration of an effective School Environment
Learner’s Development Matrix

Preschooler Elementary High School

Development Indicate age range Indicate age range of Indicate age range of
Domain of children observed children observed children observed
Physical They start out moving
Gross-motor skills awkwardly because
Fine-motor s kills they’re still getting
Self-help skills used to their bodies
Others during and after
3-4 6-12 puberty but will
gradually move with
more ease. They are
now used to
performing writing
and other fine motor
skills well. Same with
self-help skills.
Social They do not yell out
Interaction with their answers during
teachers recitation or during
Interaction with discussions and are
classmates/friends quieter during class
Interests 3-4 6-12 discussions and do
Others not run around. They
are also more
interested in the world
around them, pop
culture, and
Emotional Emotions are more
Moods and 3-4 6-12 volatile during this
temperament, period but will
expression of feelings eventually mellow out
Emotional over the course of
independence puberty and
Others schooling and they
will learn how to
control and express
their emotions better.
Cognitive They have built up a
Communication skills considerably large
Thinking skills vocabulary and could
Problem solving 3-4 6-12 use them with a fair
Others amount of ease in
communication. They
are also better at
problem-solving and
abstract thinking.


Level Salient characteristics Implications to the

observed Teaching-learning
Preschool Preschoolers like to move Therefore the teacher should
around a lot. remember to use music and
Age range of Learners movement activities not just
Observed (3-4) in PE but in all subject areas.

Therefore teachers should

not expect preschoolers to
stay sealed for a long period
of time.
 Kids love to play outdoor Therefore the teacher must
Elementary games. promote the value of playing
sports to students.
Age range of Learners
Observed (6-12)

 High School students like to Therefore, teachers should

High School talk and mingle with others. remember to have some
activities that will help the
Age range of Learners students in socializing with
Observed (12-16) others.

1. While observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you
were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners
you observed?
 While I’m observing the learners, I remembered those days when I was at their
age. There’s a lot of similarities and differences I remembered. The similarities
are playing with my classmates, running inside the classrooms, fought with
classmates, etc. The difference is when I was a child when I got warned by the
teacher, I immediately behave unlike kids nowadays who are so stubborn and
not listening to what their teacher says.
2. Think of a teacher that I cannot forget for positive and negative reasons. How
did she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social and
cognitive? How did it affect you?
 The unforgettable teacher I have encounter is my hairdressing teacher because
she always rooting in me that I can be successful someday and until today she
is not forget to greet as and give inspirational message.
3. Share your other insights here.
 Children are still developing and constructing knowledge so in terms of teaching
we should discuss topics that relevant or appropriate to their cognitive level.
Learners must not force to perform task that are beyond their current cognitive
Link Theory to Practice
1. A
2. D
3. A
My Learning Portfolio
Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future
Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.
My favorite theory of development

I choose Erikson’s theory because it is indeed true that personality is

determined by experiences during childhood and adulthood. Development has a
series or stages where it is determined by crisis. As a person grows up, she/he will
acquire and construct knowledge and different characteristics that fit on his/her age
depending on the stage he/she belongs.

Name of the School Observed: Area J. Elementary School

School Address: Area J. Lumbreras General Mariano Alvarez Cavite
Date of Visit: December 2, 2021

There are a total of 42 students in the class, 19 boys and 23 girls with age ranges
from 16 to 19. 80% of the class are Roman Catholic while the rest have different
Christian religion. Their height goes from 4’11 to 6’3 and about 10% are bi-racial.

During Class:

The class is very noisy and competitive, the smart students compete which answer
is the most valid and correct answer. While the others just wait until they are done.
But debating is the class’s most favorite activity.

Some of the students answer, but some don’t, but they just raise up and the teacher
help them answer. The teacher obviously calls out the students behind because she
knows that these kids are not paying attention.

The quiet students or the ones who are quiet in general do their normal students’
stuff, some listened to music, some stayed back played games on their phone, while
others watch anime and read their books.

Outside Class:

The students group themselves based on their interests, some are interested in K-
POP and Foreign Pop Culture, others are grouped because they came from the
same section/school previously and some are in the groups with same gender.

A student who’s not interacting with anyone is the transferee from other school. The
student is still waiting for someone to approach him first, and still trying to learn his
new environment.

1. Identify the persons who play key roles in their relationships and
interactions in the classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there
somebody who appears to be the leader, a mascot/joker, an attention
seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
There was a joker in the class who’s always kidding and joking. He hangs around with
every classmate, asks for food because he’s lazy. There was also a top student who
also serves as the leader of the class always try to tell the class to keep quiet although
not all listen to her. There was also a student who acts as the secretary of class even
though she’s really not. The teacher always asks her to write the assignments on the
board, collect printing fees and the one who write the names of the naughty
What makes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect their
What influences them to assume these roles are their peers, their belief that they would
be better to be this way, people’s reaction that somehow satisfy them and their
teachers’ meaningful feedback.
2. Is there anyone you observe who appear left out? Are you students who
appear “different”? Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or
rejected by the others? How is this shown?
There was no student who I’ve observe being left out or different. The students
celebrate differences and create bond with each other.
3. How does the teacher influenced the class interaction, considering
the individual differences of the students?
The teacher influences the students to be supportive of each other and to respect each
other’s’ differences by being mindful and careful of their words, and to be available for
each other as friends who are willing to help and be their emotional support. In addition,
the teacher encourages the students accept and appreciate each other’s opinion and
belief about a certain matter, as well as their interest, hobbies and preferences.
4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity
in the classroom? How does the teacher leverage diversity?
The teacher makes sure that she is aware of students’ individual differences
through understanding their backgrounds, learning styles, hobbies and interest.
The teacher establishes friendly relationship with her students and encouraging
them to be open for communication while fostering respect in the classroom by letting
them to talk about their cultural backgrounds. The teacher also tries to integrate
celebration of cultural differences in every lesson in any way she can, for instance
employing activities that allow the students learn about each other’s culture such as
sharing, role playing etc.
1. How do you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness?
Or unity among the learners and between the teacher and the learner?
As I was observing the classroom, although the students are individually different from
each other, their unity regarding acceptance and appreciation of each other had made
me feel comfortable. How the teacher manages diversity in the classroom is a sign
that she is very effective in developing teaching strategies that promotes
awareness and creating connection with diverse cultures. Evidently, the students are
empathetic and open-minded about diverse backgrounds which helped them
understand each other well. Students demonstrating confidence and independence
in the class is also a sign that the teacher is effective in fostering cultural sensitivity in
the classroom. The way they care for each other and how openly they communicate
with their teacher and how they become united in collaboration activities made me feel
a sense of oneness in the classroom.
1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher?
Based on the teacher’s given information, the observations I had and jotted down
matched what she had given, in terms of the students’ needs, performance and how
she handles their needs and how she tries to develop activities that would suit the
needs of her students.
2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class?
What practices or strategies are done or should be done to differentiate
instruction to meet the needs of the learners?
Evidently, the class is composed of diverse students with different levels of abilities.
These abilities vary in terms of their current knowledge and skills, independence level
and etc. Some lower-ability students are struggling to understand the lesson while
others who can independently learn by themselves are considered as higher-ability
students. Having these kinds of students in the class need effective strategies to
respond to their varying needs. For example, the teacher may use a differentiated
instruction through structuring his/her lesson plan in various phases such as review
phase, inquiry phase, comprehension phase and application phase. Other
instructional strategies are peer interaction groups, collaboration activities etc.
3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’
differences in abilities. How did the students respond to the teacher? Did
the teacher use differentiated instruction? If yes, describe how.
As I have observed, the teacher uses multiple means of presenting the topic. She
utilizes various tools and materials to aid her discussion such as video, textbooks and
multimedia. She also provides different ways for students to express their learning
such as writing, art or presentation. In addition, she allows them to work with their
peers for an effective way of learning and employs performance-based activities and
authentic assessment.
1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall
the high and low achievers in your class. How did your teacher deal with
differences in abilities? Was your teacher effective?
During elementary in Grade 6, I remember some of my classmates were still struggling
how to read fluently in English language. What my teacher did was, she assigned a
study buddy for each student who’s having hard time to read and let their study buddy
help them. As one of the study buddies, I helped my classmate in reading a book every
recess or lunch time. My teacher constantly monitors us, and the progress that my
classmates are making. For me, it is very effective. She helps the low achiever
students improve their weakness while letting the high achievers share their
knowledge and skills through assisting their classmates.
2. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to
meet the needs of the learners?
As a future teacher, I will be needing the following dispositions and traits to respond
to my learners’ needs:
• Expectation that I will be handling a classroom with students with wider-ability levels.
• Additional time and effort to meet the needs of the learners.
• Continuous innovation and brainstorming of effective strategies and approaches in
handling students with different levels of abilities.
• Effective communication to establish good relationship with students while being a
good listener for them.
• Focus on collaboration along with the belief that this is more effective than
letting the students learn alone.
• Flexibility and Adaptability in changing and evolving environment.
• Empathetic teacher who understands what her student’s backgrounds, needs and
• Lifelong learners who continuously seeks for what is best for students.
Link Theory to Practice
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. A
Activity 4.1 Observing the learners’ community and home environment
The Learner’s Development Profile
Name of the Learners: Beyonce Lindsay A. Estrera
School: Gen. Mariano Alvarez Technical High School
Date of Home Visit: December 16, 2021
Date of Birth: November 23, 2007
Age: 14-year-old
Grade/Year Level: Grade 9
Gender: Female
Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 3
Birth Order: 3 (youngest)
Mother: Airine A. Estrera
Age: 43
Occupation: N/A
Educational Attainment: College Under Graduate
Father: Jonathan Estrera
Educational Attainment: College Under Graduate
Occupation: Salesman

The learner has a healthy body, and she likes to dance in Tiktok.

The learner is a shy type of girl. But she can be friendly to the people she knows
well like, her family, niece, friends, etc. She can hang out with her friends but, she
has rules and curfew to follow.
Emotional-Moral Development
The learner is not expressive in her emotions and feelings in other people but, she
is expressive when it comes to her family, niece, and friends.

The learner has a bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, and she finds difficulty in

Mathematics subjects.

The learner is a shy type and has low self-confidence in interacting with other people
and expressing herself.
Home and school play an essential role in child development in terms of physical,
social, intellectual, and spiritual. That's why it is indeed important, that we should be
careful what we instill in the child because it will mark to them for the long run in their
life. Helping the child to explore their talents and abilities are a great factor to build
their self-confidence and excel in what they love to do.
The learner needs to expose herself to other activities and other people to boost
herself-esteem and social skills.

Your findings and recommendations in the Learners Development Profile will help you
answer the questions here.
1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting
experienced by the learner? Explain your answer.
The parenting style of the learner is authoritarian. Wherein, the parents are firm to their
children they can let their children go with their friends but, there is a limitation that the
learner should follow like going home before 6 pm and don't go faraway places. The
learner is respectful to the people she can interact it.
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family
factors do you think contribute to the development and over-all adjustments of
the learner in school?
I think it is a result of parental style, as well as the family's and environment's effect.
These have a significant impact on a child's growth as well as the learner's overall
adaptations. At all costs, the parenting style aids the student in becoming disciplined
and responsible. Her family and environment encourage her to do new things that will
help her grow physically, socially, intellectually, and spiritually.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the
learner? If yes, what are these effects?
Yes, the communication between the home and school can help and guide the learner
for her betterment. Like if something wrong happens to the learner teacher can
approach the parents for a deepened understanding of the learners going through and
vice versa. So that, they easily understand the learner and they can give more
attention and give the needs she needed.
4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the
development and learning of the students? Who are the people or which
institutions can the teacher tap to seek advice regarding the development and
learning of students?
The teacher can partner with the parents, school administrators, municipal and
barangay officials, health workers, LGU, and neighborhoods that support and are
interested in the well-being of the students. They will provide what the students need
in terms of development and learning, based on their expertise. That's why, the school
community is necessary for helping students grow, develop, and attain more
comprehensive academic standards.
1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you
experience? How did it affect you?
Growing up in a complete family is being lucky. I have parents that guide and support
me in all steps of the way in which I pass through. They always remind us that we
should study hard in our academics. They were both constantly supported us in our
academics and extracurricular activities in school. However, we lack financial
sometimes still find a way to fulfill our needs to compete in a different school for
extracurricular activities that we participated in. Furthermore, my brother taught and
reminded us that we should organize our things and in our house. Every day we have
routines to do like sweeping the floor, washing dishes, and organizing our things, etc.
Because of the cycles inside our home, we learn to be responsible for the household
chores we should execute.
2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration?
How can you work well with the parent? How can you help them? How can they
help you?
As a 21st century educator, having good communication and connection to both
parents and students will produce a healthy collaboration. Teaching, guiding, and
helping their child grow physically, intellectually, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.
Furthermore, guiding and monitoring the students if they have difficulties in their
academics, behavior, and emotions. Informing the parents if there is a good and bad
thing happened so that, we’re going to resolve it. These good communications and
connections will be the foundation for having a successful relationship for the students,
students, and parents in order to guide and teach the students.
LINK Theory to Practice
1. D
2. A
3. D
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
1. Make an artistic, colorful, and creative visual expression of your insights or
feelings about the influence of the home and school and community to the

Home, school, and community links play an essential role in the student's learning and
life. Their growth will depend on what kind of environment they have and how they
mold their parents. Having a good environment will help the students to grow fruitfully
and holistic.
2. Make a reflection acrostic about the home, school and community link.
Aspects of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners
1. Specific Areas in the The classroom is These make them feel
Classroom traditional set-up with safe and comfortable in
table in the back for their learning spaces
students belongings and
reading corner in the

2. Classroom Rules The classroom rules are The rules help them to
well established and become responsible and
effective. well-mannered

3. Classroom Procedures The classroom These enables they learn

procedures are carefully portably and comfortably.
taught and modeled

4. Daily Routines Daily routines are well- These maintain

established. consistent standards

5. Seating Arrangement The seating arrangement This lead them learn

is well-implemented and better and participate in
help the class well
learners to be attentive

6. Handling The Teacher handles the This does not threatens

misbehavior/offtask misbehavior calmly and the Learners instead
politely motivates them to do
better next time.

7. Reinforcement of Reinforcement of positive It increases their

Positive Behavior behavior is appropriate, Confidence, regulates
Effective and catalyzes their behavior and reduce
favorable result. Negative behavior.

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?
Classroom organization and routine affect the learner’s behavior positively through
making them responsible and helps manage their learning better. It also increases
their confidence, regulates their behavior and builds good relationship in the classroom.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in
Designing a classroom organization and routine the teacher must consider the ff.
theories and principles.
 Behaviorist theory which focusing on the behaviors of the student including the
positive and negative ones.
 Humanist theory that emphasizes the human capabilities, what the students’
goals, their learning style and preferences.
 Democratic theory in which the students are given the opportunities to
participate in the decision-making regarding learning as well as the equal
chances to choose their own educational path.
 Psychoanalytic theory in which the teacher must consider individuals thoughts,
feelings, and experiences consciously or subconsciously.
 Cognitive theory should also be considered to give attention to the learner’s
mental processes and their construction of knowledge.
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the
learners? In motivating students? Why were they effective?
 Organize the classroom set-up in a new learner-centered classroom space
where the students can be more independent and self-reliant.
 Utilize wide variety of learning tools, materials, approaches and strategies in
teaching to support the different types of learners.
 Create a classroom expectations or simply classroom rules that are achievable
by students.
 Reinforce teaching routines and procedures effectively.
 Acknowledge good behavior and reward them for doing well.
Reflect on the following and write your insights.
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year
level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider
for this level, why?
In the near future, I see myself teaching junior high school students in my TVL class.
I will start my class with prayer, to be followed by asking if they happy and ready to
learn something new. Then of course checking of attendance, motivational activity and
actual discussion with constant posing a questions to check their comprehension.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would
you choose these rules?
The rules that I would most-likely to implement in this group of students are the ff:
 Be Punctual
 Be Respectful
 Follow the rules and direction
 Keep quiet, raise hand if you want permission to speak
 No foods and drinks while in class discussion
 Ask questions the students can raise queries if the concepts are not clear for
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?
Students need to be involved in the making of classroom rules to help them develop
their leadership skills as well as make them understand the value of being responsible
in their own action and behavior. It also allows for collaboration between students and
teachers in agreeing on the rules that they need to establish.
LINK Theory to Practice
1. D
2. C
3. B
Show Your Learning Artifacts
Paste pieces of evidences of classroom rules that work in your class. You may
also put pictures of the physical space and learning stations which contribute to
the effective implementation of classroom management.
Check Yes ( ) if observed and (X) if not observed.
Classroom Routines Observed (✓) Not observed (X)
Movement into the X
Transition in classroom X
Movement out of the X
Use of Lavatories/ comfort X
room/ washrooms
Passing of Papers X
Passing of books X
Working with Pairs/groups ✓
Tardy students ✓
Absent Students ✓
Submission/collection of X
Submission of projects X
Asking question during ✓
Asking for assistance ✓
Joining classroom X
Lining Up X
Walking in Line X
Fire/drill emergencies X
Movement between X
Use of classroom ✓
Checking of Assignments ✓
Praying before the class ✓

1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why?
Why not?
- As a Future Teacher I believe that Classroom routines facilitate teaching and learning
in a sense that it save valuable classroom time. Routines in the classroom can boost
student confidence and comfort levels because students know what is expected of
them in various situations. Routines are especially useful when working with young
learners and teens who require additional assistance in regulating their behavior.
2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented?
Explain your Answer.
- Asking question during lesson is the most systematic and consistent routines that the
teacher must do. For as the teacher to assess the knowledge of her students and to
ensure that they are listening to her discussion.
1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?
- For me As a Future Teacher I love to apply the asking question during lesson routine.
In order to ensure that students understand the material and remain engaged with the
task at hand, it is necessary to ask questions. So that it can reveal what that child
doesn't understand, allowing us to fill in the gaps and possibly improve understanding
for other students as well. Great questions reveal understanding and a broad
understanding of significance in ways that answers cannot.
Resource Teacher: _Alvin T. Rejuso__ Teacher’s Signature: _________
School: _EARIST_
Grade/Year Level: __3rd Year___ Subject Area: Phil.Literature
Date: __11/07/21__
Classroom Rules Importance
1. Use appropriate language and be Teaching respect in the classroom helps
respectful. students succeed. In other words, when
children are able to treat each other
respectfully, they respond to direction
and instruction in a positive way. In
effect, they are more likely to succeed in
academics. Distractions and behavioral
disruptions are lessened.
2. Be quiet when the teacher is talking. This help them to become more
respectful to their teacher.
3. Mute yourself except when you have To avoid any unnecessary sound or
the floor. things that might disturb into their class.
4. Raise your hand virtually for It makes the class organized and help
permission to speak. (One person talks the students to have a good etiquette in
at a time.) the classroom.
5. Be on time Being on time on the classroom or in the
Google meet can reduced any
interruption and distraction.
1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the
- As a Future Teacher I believe that they need to formulate a rules inside the campus
or in the rooms so that the learner can experience a well and organized and conducive
learning environment. Because If the students have no rules to follow, everything will
be in a chaotic situation. This could result in students physically and/or mentally
injuring one another. Furthermore, students will not learn how to behave appropriately
in society as they grow older.
2. Are classroom rules really important?
- Absolutely Yes, Like what I have said on the number one question. If there is no rules
and regulation in a classroom, everything will be in a chaotic situation.

Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the resource teacher. Will you
have the same rules? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your
- Justifications for Classroom Rules It is critical that the students follow these rules
because it will result in a more effective classroom as the students spend their time in
school. I think we have the same rules of Mr. Rejuso Rules number 1, Use appropriate
language and be respectful, this rules teach the student to become more aware on
what they have saying, second Be quiet when the teacher is talking, It helps the
teacher to lessen the distraction and help the student to become more respectful, third
mute yourself except when you have the floor, this rules help the class to avoid
unnecessary sound that might disturb in the class, Fourth raise your hand or asked
permission to speak, it help the classroom to become more organized and lastly is Be
on time on the class, this rules can lessen the interruption on the class. Creating
classroom rules and procedures assists teachers in maintaining class routines and
student expectations for classwork and behavior. Clearly defined and posted
classroom rules and procedures help students understand what is appropriate and
what is not, as well as the consequences for rule violations.
Take some snapshots of the classroom routine employed by the resource teacher
which are worth emulating. Tell something about the picture.

This Picture shows the Rules number 3 of the teacher, which is Mute yourself except
when you have the floor. During the discussion they kept organize their class because
of this Rules in their class.
Link Theory to Practice
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. D
Activity 7.1 Identifying Personal and Physical Aspects of Classroom
Resource Teacher: _Alvin T. Rejuso__ Teacher’s Signature: _________
School: _EARIST_
Grade/Year Level: __3rd Year___ Subject Area: Phil.Literature
Date: __11/07/21__

Aspects of Classroom Management YES NO
1. Personal Classroom Management
1.1 Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she demands respect ✓
form the learners?
1.2 Is the teacher’s voice modulated and can be heard by the ✓
entire class?
1.3 Was the teacher present in class? ✓
1.4 did the teacher arrive on time in class? ✓
1.5 Does the teacher exude a positive attitude towards teaching? ✓
2. Physical Classroom Management
2.1 Is the classroom well-ventilated? ✓
2.2 Is the lighting good enough? ✓
2.3 Is the classroom free from noise? ✓
2.4 Does the seating arrangement provide better interaction? ✓
2.5 Is the design/structure of the room inviting to classroom ✓
2.6 Is the physical space/learning station clear from obstruction? ✓

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?
 Modulated voice affects learning of the students in a positive way,
wherein they can here all the discussed topics or better at conveying
messages to the students.

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?

 Punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline it’s because a
teacher should always the role model of the students, they are the
ones that were being looked up by the students and by that the
learners might put in their minds that it’s okay to be late always.
3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom
 Physical aspects needs’ to be checked of the classroom
management for the welfare of the students. Things in the classroom
should always in good condition for better transition of learnings.
1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain.
“No amount of good instruction will come out without effective classroom
 A good learning area always corresponds with an effective classroom
management, an unpleasant classroom does not caters’ learning at
all since there are so many distractors in the surrounding.
2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?
 Having an effective classroom management starts with the
implementer of rules in the classroom. So, to ensure that you need
to be a good role model to all and be virtuous in all aspects.
Activity 7.2
Demonstrating knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the
management of learner behavior.
Resource Teacher: _Alvin T. Rejuso__ Teacher’s Signature: _________
School: _EARIST_
Grade/Year Level: __3rd Year___ Subject Area: Phil.Literature
Date: __11/07/21__
Check the management strategies employed by the Resource Teacher.
Check (✓) observed, put an (X) if not observed and O for no opportunity to observe.
Effective Classroom Management Strategies Observed Not No
Observed Opportunity
to Observe
1. Model to the students how to act ✓
different situations
2. Establish classroom guidelines. ✓
3. Document the rules. O
4. Refrain from punishing the entire class ✓
5. Offer praise and rewards ✓
6. Encourage initiative from class ✓
7. Use non-verbal communication ✓
8. Take time to celebrate group effort ✓
9. Let students work in groups ✓
10. Interview students to assess their ✓
11. Address bad behavior quickly ✓
12. Consider peer teaching O
13. Continuously engage the students ✓
14. Assign open-ended project O
15. Write group contracts O
Others (Please specify)

1. How many strategies were employed by the Resource Teacher? Did these
contribute to better classroom management? Explain your answer.
 Based on the table, 11 strategies were employed by the resource
teacher and this really contribute to better classroom management it
because it guides the students on what to do in the classroom. By
that also, they will be honed in becoming a responsible person for the

2. What were no used by the Resource Teacher? Were these important? What
should have been used instead? Explain.
 Write group contracts, assign open-ended project, considering peer
teaching, and document the rules were not used strategies by the
resource teacher. This are also important since it also promotes
better learning experiences. Actually, not all strategies can be used
at the same time, it is based in different condition that arises, better
implementation is a must.
1. What classroom management strategies do I need to employ to respond to
diverse types of learners?
 Let students work in group and consider peer teaching are the best
strategies to respond diverse types of learners. Through this they can
share their thoughts about a certain topic and little by little they can
go out from their shell of shyness and whatsoever.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
Show piece(s) of evidence of leaning to capture the classroom management strategies
used by your Resource Teacher.

 The first picture is when the resource teacher gave some instructions about the
activity to happen to avoid nuisance and the other picture is our discussion
LINK Theory to Practice
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. A
Activity 8.1 Curricula in the School Setting
Resource Teacher: _Alvin T. Rejuso__ Teacher’s Signature: _________
School: _EARIST_
Grade/Year Level: __3rd Year___ Subject Area: Phil.Literature
Date: __11/07/21__
Type of Curriculum Where Found Describe
1. Recommended The Ministry of Education, It identifies the skills,
Curriculum (K to 12 the Commission on Higher concepts, and content that
Guidelines) Education, or any will be emphasized
professional organization throughout the learning
can recommend and process. A suggested
implement a curriculum. curriculum, complete with
a list of objectives and a
material sequence that
proposes graduation
criteria, is frequently
presented to schools as a
policy suggestion.
2. Written CurriculumLesson plan or syllabus The one written by
(Teacher’s Lesson Plan) written by teachers curriculum experts with the
help of subject teachers.
This kind of written
curriculum needs to be
pilot tested or tried
out in sample schools to
determine its
3. Taught CurriculumImplementation of the A taught curriculum is
(Teaching Learningwritten curriculum anything that is being
Process) taught or done in the
classroom. The taught
curriculum is exhibited
when professors give a
lecture, commence group
work, or urge pupils to
conduct a laboratory
experiment under their
4. Supported CurriculumMaterials which support or Should enable each
(Subject textbook) learner to achieve real and
help in the implementation lifelong learning.
of the written curriculum
5. Assessed CurriculumTo determine the extent of Series of evaluation are
(Assessment Process) teaching or tell if the being done by extent of
students are progressing teaching or if the student
are progressing.

6. Learned Curriculum What students learned Learning outcomes can be

(Achieved Learning used to determine how
Outcomes) competent students should
be at the end of a class.

7. Hidden CurriculumUnintended curriculum It defines what students

(Media) learn from the physical
environment, the policies,
and the procedures of the

Which of the 7 types of curriculum in the school setting is easy to find? Why?
 Recommended Curriculum (K – 12 Guidelines) - recommended by scholars
and professional organizations Basic Education (by DepEd); Higher Education
(by CHED); Vocational Education (by TESDA).
 Written Curriculum - Documents based on recommended curriculum syllabi,
course of study, module, books, instructional guides, lesson plan
 Taught Curriculum -Teaching Learning Process. Teachers actually deliver
day by day.
 Assessed Curriculum - appears as tests and measures performance state
tests, standardized tests, district tests, and teacher-made tests
 Learned Curriculum - Achieved Learning Outcomes bottom-line curriculum it
is the curriculum that students actually learn
Which is difficult to observe? Why?
 Hidden Curriculum (Media) - Because this is the unintended curriculum. It
defines what students learn from the physical environment, the policies, and
the procedures of the school. Applied to any learning outcomes that are not
expressly designed in a lesson plan.
Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one another?
 Yes. The relationship between curricula to one another is highly connected and
they both serve to enhance each other. For instance, curriculum is the
foundation of education and the curriculum is what makes the education quality
stand out. From a basic level to increasingly complex topics or skills.
Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum to the other.

Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn.

 The relationship between the different types of curriculum is highly connected
and they both serve to enhance each other.
 Curriculum is one of many tools used to give you an education or a method you
use to do the teaching.
 Some curriculums work better than others, and/or better for certain students
more than others.
Link theory to practice
1. B
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. B

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