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Ready Player One

This film explores many global issues that fit within the areas of exploration listed below. As you watch
the film, identify as many elements as you can in the boxes below (some may overlap). These may be
represented through setting, character, dialogue, visual elements, etc. For future discussion and essay
organization, be as descriptive as possible in your note-taking to help you return to the evidence.

▪ Science ▪ Community
▪ Technology ▪ Power
▪ Environment ▪ Politics
▪ Culture ▪ Justice
▪ Identity

Area of Notes
Science - By creating a powerful processor and revolutionary
technology for being able to be truly immersed in the Oasis.
Technology - In the movie, the main setting of the movie is the Oasis, a
separate world that is completely virtual. Many people in the
world use it to escape their poverty stricken lives. The image
at the beginning of the movie was almost everyone wearing.
- In the Oasis, there is no limit to technology because
everything is virtual and made of code, meaning that the only
limit is imagination and possibly money.
Environment - The stacks, the first scene in the film, is a filthy, run down, and
trashed setting in which the main character, Wade, lives in.
The stacks display the environment of the time and vividly
depict what could happen if we continue to neglect our planet,
we could be subject to dangerous and unhealthy
- In the movie, Samantha is an activist in a way, a rebellious
person who wishes to return to a prosperous world and a clean
environment. We see this in her green plants on the roof of the
building she lives in.
Culture - In the Oasis, there is a unique culture in every place you go.
There are so many varied places to be and so many different
things to do that almost anyone can find any setting they want
to be in. This leads to the question, should you be able to be in
any setting or culture you want to be in or should you be
bound to reality?
Identity - In the Oasis, the people of the world can make themselves
appear as whatever they want to be and they can live however
they want to. The Oasis, unlike reality, is a place where you
can escape the way you were born and be whatever you want.
The question is whether or not it is good to be tethered to
reality, or if hiding behind a pair of VR goggles is better.
- In the Oasis, one of the main characters, H, was a girl in reality
and another one, Sho, was an eleven year old boy. This does to
show that anyone could truly be anyone within the Oasis due
to the anonymous and virtual nature of the Oasis.
Community - The community of the world, the news, the elections, the
entertainment, the literature, and the art of the world is now
pretty much all contained in the oasis, which makes IOI’s
power grab in trying to control the oasis all that much more
power hungry.
- In the end of the movie before the massive fight, Wade talks
about how he found love, friends, and connection after
realizing that he could leave the Oasis and find all of these in
real life.
- The community in the Oasis was so worth fighting for that
thousands of thousands if not millions of people came to fight
IOI in order to preserve the freedom in the Oasis.
- In the end of the movie, one of the last scenes was when the
whole community of the stacks, in the real world, came to
protect Wade, even though they ultimately did nothing when
Nolan drew a gun on them. This shows the unity that the Oasis
Power - IOI, the company that is seeking to take over the oasis is
making a giant power grab to try and make money and pretty
much control the whole world’s population’s source of money
and entertainment.
- In the end of the movie, Wade ultimately decided to split the
money and the power that came with controlling the
Gregarious Games company.
Politics - In reality, the IOI corporation has virtually unlimited power and
funds with no restriction because the government has no
power or will to do anything about it, because of this the IOI
was able to attack Wade and imprison Samantha’s father for
the rest of her life without repercussions.
Justice - In the world twenty five years in the future, Wade says that
people stopped trying to fix problems, they just tried to outlive
them. We see this because everyone tries to escape the real
world and ignore their real problems. As a result, the people
- Artemis's dad was forced to work in IOI for the rest of his life
to work down debt because IOI was charging him more for
living in captivity than he was making. This has scary
implications for the power of modern major corporations
which could potentially get so much power if the world ever
reached such a desperate state that they would be given a lot
of power.
- Again, when IOI raids the building Samantha used to live in
they again have no repercussions. Furthermore, when they
trap Samantha, they have her trapped physically in the OASIS
forcing her to work and electrocuting her in the real world if
she does not comply.
- In the end, Nolan was sent to jail by cops right after he was
trying to kill Wade.

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