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Autoconer X5
Ready, steady, go!


Autoconer X5
Ready, steady, go!

Do you want to make the quality of your
excellent packages even better? Do you want
to make your processes and company even
more efficient?

The Autoconer X5 has the answers: with

flexible package technology that makes the
winding process and downstream processing
more profitable – and puts you a step ahead of
the market. Even with the standard equipment
you benefit from enhanced efficiency
potentials in terms of staffing, time savings,
energy and raw materials. And with unique FX
technologies as well as intelligent automation
options that you can use immediately or
upgrade to later, you raise the flexibility,
quality and productivity of your production to
the highest level.

Ready, steady, go! Discover today the perfect

symbiosis of quality and economic efficiency.
Autoconer X5
Standard Equipment

Ergonomic design Informator

Page 27 Page 25

Single­motor drives Central settings

Page 23 Page 21

Straight yarn path Dialogue

Page 17 Page 25

Plug and Wind USB flash drive

Page 37 Page 26

Quality Cut
Page 20

Yarn/dust chamber

Power unit

Suction system
Page 31
Package cradle
with compensation
Page 13

Yarn guide drum

Page 14 Winding head
control system
Drum lap Page 20
Page 20 Winding unit display
Page 25

Suction tube with

upper yarn sensor
Page 29

Yarn trap Splicer

module system
Page 18
Electronic clearer
Page 29
(not an Oerlikon Schlafhorst com­ Quick­Change Unit
ponent) Page 26

yarn tensioner Gripper arm
Page 14 with flap

Lower yarn sensor

Page 30

Type RM Type D, V

Loop preventer
Page 30

Unwinding accelerator
Page 13
Preci FX
Page 16
See also supplementary brochure

Propack FX
Page 14

Variopack FX
Page 15

Quality Guard
Page 20

Waxing unit
Page 17

Autotense FX
Page 14

Ecopack FX
Page 15

Circular magazine
See also supplementary brochure

Bobbin dust removal

Page 31

Material flow automation

Page 33
D, V bobbin feed
See also supplementary brochure
Autoconer X5

Type D

Material flow automation

Page 33
Type V See also supplementary brochure

Package removal with

intermediate store
Page 35
Type RM

Plant Operation
Center (POC)
Page 21

Separate yarn / dust


Doffer X­Change:
Page 34
More quality

More flexibility

More production

Less downtime

Less personnel

Less raw material

Less energy

Less space costs

Autoconer X5
Ready, steady, go!

Autoconer X5 quality technologies

High­tech for your quality lead .............................................................................. 13
FX technologies: drum winding in perfection ........................................................... 14
PreciFX: unlimited efficiency ................................................................................. 16
Systematic splicing competence ........................................................................... 18
All­round protection for your quality ....................................................................... 20

Increased productivity, reduced downtimes

More profitable in the winding department .............................................................. 22
‘Packaged’ productivity advantages for downstream processing ............................... 24
Intuitive operating concept ................................................................................... 25
Be quicker – an advantage that always pays .......................................................... 26

Save resources
Raw materials efficiently utilised ............................................................................ 28
Energy costs always under control ........................................................................ 31

Intelligent automation
Automation means benefit ................................................................................... 33
X­Change: high­speed doffer with a memory .......................................................... 34
Individual package handling ................................................................................. 35
Remain flexible, secure the future
Autoconer X5: the future thought ahead ................................................................ 37

Made by Oerlikon Schlafhorst

Partner for your success ...................................................................................... 39

Technical details
Technical data .................................................................................................... 40
Machine dimensions ........................................................................................... 42
Autoconer X5
Quality technologies
> Convincing quality standards
> Excellent additional qualities with FX modules
> PreciFX: digital yarn displacement – unique in
bobbin processing
> Systematic splicing competence
> Straight yarn path, waxing
> All-round protection for your quality

12 Autoconer X5
Control your competitive
lead in quality depending on
the requirements

High tech for high quality

Convincing standards Unique advantages with FX technologies

Electronic Breaking up all critical Software­controlled yarn laying, no
standard anti­patterning pattern zones pattern zones or parallel yarn layers

Exactly determined diameter
incl. quality monitoring

Run length
Electronic standard Highly precise length measure­
length measurement ment with length deviations
< 1%

Uniform density due to cradle Reproducible package density The density can be specifically influenced,
compression, unwinding with exact cN due to sensory depending on the winding technology
accelerator, electronic yarn on­line regulation (random wind, precision or step precision
tensioner winding) and on the yarn laying

Spliced joints that convice in
appearance and strength

State­of­the­art waxing incl.
sensor monitoring

Unwinding behaviour
Trouble­free unwinding for all Higher take­up speeds Application­specific design for higher
standard applications economic efficiency

Edges and flanks

Soft edges for dye packages No bulging package flanks Absolutely straight flanks for all materials,
due to lateral displacement with elastic material round flanks for dye packages

Dyeing behaviour
Uniform dyeing per package Elimination of critical pattern Specifically select the suitable package
zones for a more uniform dye structure for dyeing (yarn distance,
penetration random wind, precision or step precision
winding, round flanks)

Autoconer X5 13
FX technologies:
Drum winding in perfection

Autotense FX Propack FX

20 cN

Yarn tension Yarn tension

Winding speed Winding speed
Pressure of tensioner Pressure of tensioner
Breaking up critical
pattern zones

20 cN
Precise, uniform

Accurate package density, exact in cN No disruptive pattern zones, no limitation of diameter

Set the required yarn tension for your desired package Propack FX avoids critical pattern zones before they
density centrally at the Informator, exactly in cN. This value develop. The system compares the speeds of the drum and
is accurately maintained at each winding unit. Autotense FX package online and simulates a variation in diameter in the
performs continuous online measurements of the actual yarn critical phases. Thus, it produces packages without pattern
tension via a sensor and makes readjustments with the yarn zones and with excellent dye and unwinding behaviour.
tensioner within split seconds. Limitations of diameter due to critical pattern zones are a
thing of the past.

14 Autoconer X5
Propack FX:
Productivity increase in weaving

Higher insertion rate (%)

100% CV, crepe
14 tex (Nm70/Ne 41)
up to 50%
100% CO increased
8.3 tex (Nm120/Ne 71)
7.4 tex (Nm135/Ne 80)
+45 %

Pick insertion rate 0 50 100 150 (qualitative)

= Index
■ without Propack FX ■ with Propack FX

Variopack FX Ecopack FX

without Variopack FX:

bulging package flanks

optical length

< 1%
Minimum length

Straight flanks even with

large formats for elastic

Straight flanks when using elastic yarn Exact run lengths through precision measurement
With Variopack FX, you can wind elastic yarn on cross­ With the contact­free optical length measurement Ecopack FX
wound packages with large diameters and more kilograms you are able to produce packages with the exact length
of yarn. An economic advantage in downstream processing. ordered by your customer – and thus supply the quality that
Variopack FX prevents the package flanks from bulging supports his downstream processing in an optimum way.
when processing elastic yarns. The intelligent software And this for every package delivered – because length
controls yarn tension and contact pressure with reference to deviations are clearly below 1 percent. No other package
the diameter so that one­sided compression forces cannot winding technology on the market can offer this quality
develop, which would cause the flanks to bulge out when feature.
the diameter increases.

Autoconer X5 15
PreciFX: PreciFX:
Increased productivity with dye packages

Unlimited efficiency
Higher average winding speed
up to 20%
Drum: 2 gg symm. increased
6 cN production
PreciFX: 1.5 gg
11 cN

Average winding 200 400 600 800 1,000 m/min

Material 100% CO Yarn count: Ne 40 · ring yarn · ■ without PreciFX ■ with PreciFX


Precise random wind

Precision winding

Step precision winding

All formats Absolutely Soft flanks Individual Groove selection until All stroke Central adjustment
pattern-free package design infinitely variable, in width of contact pressure
a larger range

Technology of unlimited possibilities, inimitably Higher quality, greater productivity, shorter processes
innovative Reduce set­up times, accelerate production: with PreciFX,
Digital yarn displacement directly from the bobbin to the you always wind exactly the package that you need. Best
cross­wound package – available only from Oerlikon Schlaf­ possible quality and productivity for each desired down­
horst. The Autoconer X5 with PreciFX offers you the most stream processing.
innovative digital yarn displacement technology. Define On the Informator you just click and control the package
package density, package diameter, and package format formats and characteristics and change the package
individually and infinitely process­optimised. PreciFX allows parameters, e.g. the number of groove turns or crossing
a significantly higher productivity – not only in winding but angle in nearly no time. For you this means: no more com­
also in downstream processing by higher efficiency and by promises!
saving process steps. Read more in the supplementary brochure “PreciFX”

16 Autoconer X5
Yarn quality that pays

Straight yarn path State­of­the­art waxing

Perfect yarn quality through straight yarn path Ideal wax application for any knitting yarn
The optimised straight yarn path saves the yarn and secures With the Autoconer X5, wax application can be optimally
the full functionality of all units at any time. The most adapted to any yarn without hardware exchange – simply by
important modules – clearer, Ecopack FX, Autotense FX and turning the setting wheel on the waxing unit and by means
waxing unit – are mounted on a component carrier and thus of the specific central adaptation of the yarn tension with
are always positioned optimally in the yarn path. Autotense FX. Due to yarn traverse, speed variation, and
change of the direction of rotation of the wax roll, yarn twist
The sequence of the units is designed for highest process is no longer important: with uniform wax application both for
reliability, thus the splicer is positioned below the clearer for S­twisted and Z­twisted yarns.
an automatic splice test and the waxing unit is located above
the clearer in order to avoid soiling of the clearer optics by It is simple to change to “winding without wax application”
wax particles. by selecting the OFF mode and fitting a cover. Integrated
sensor monitoring of the wax roll ensures that no unwaxed
yarn is wound onto the package. Your staff is early warned
when the wax roll must be replaced.

Autoconer X5 17
Systematic splicing competence

Universal splicer module system

Injection splicer Thermosplicer
Splicing air loaded with water Heated splicing air

Flexsplicer standard
(basic principle)

Flexsplicer compact Cut with larger shears distance
Cut with smaller shears distance Braking of yarn ends during withdrawal

Variable in modular system: the splicer range of

the Autoconer X5 is based upon the pneumatic
basic principle

The spliced joint makes the difference Variable in modular system

The excellent spliced joints of the Autoconer X5 optimally With the Autoconer X5 you optimise your splicing process
withstand the high cyclic loads in warping and weaving and for any application and yarn structure. The splicer range
win over by their first-class appearance. is based upon the pneumatic basic principle. The flex­
splicer can be modified into a compact splicer, elastosplicer,
thermosplicer, or injection splicer with only a few steps and
additional components. Your staff do not need any new han­
dling or process skills for doing this – thus your high quality
is always guaranteed.

18 Autoconer X5
Reproducible splicing quality In-house competence

Highest quality – visible to anyone Combined splicing know-how available on call

The desired splicing parameters are entered centrally on the Oerlikon Schlafhorst is the leading expert in know-how and
Informator, even for the feeder. With the new Quick-Change innovator in the field of state-of-the-art splicing technology.
unit it is simpler, safer, and quicker to exchange your pre- Comprehensive process competence can only be found -
assembled splicing components. Calibration of the feeder here! Splicing technology is developed, tested, and adjusted
per winding unit is dropped. The result: you optimise the here – under one roof. This know-how can not only be found
appearance and strength of your spliced joints – which can in our technologies, this know-how is also made available to
be reproduced at any time – with just a few clicks and obtain you by our service team at any time. Thus you can be sure
a uniform quality in an unprecedented and more economic that you belong to the best in terms of splicing technology
way. with the Autoconer X5.

Autoconer X5 19
All-round protection for your quality

Automatic quality assurance

Quality Guard

Quality Cut: safe in case of power failure Safe run up, permanent monitoring
In case of a power failure, Quality Cut prevents that The winding head control system guarantees a gentle and
uncleared yarn is wound on your package and avoids gradual acceleration of the winding units during run up. The
pressed­in yarn ends and run­out patterns. smooth start­up can be adapted to different yarn qualities.

Combined length/diameter monitoring The standard drum lap detector ensures an early detection
You wind to length? Then your Autoconer X5 monitors of drum laps. The optional optical Quality Guard sensor
whether the package diameter is right. Vice versa, it monitors automatically stops the winding unit in case of tension
the right length when you are winding to diameter. breaks before a drum lap can develop.

Efficient pattern minimisation

The electronic standard anti­patterning actively counteracts
the formation of pattern zones.

20 Autoconer X5
Reproducibility Central data management

Central setting, constant package quality Linked quality and production management
With the Autoconer X5, you produce quality packages With the Plant Operation Centre (POC), you are always up
which are as like as two peas in a pod. The central settings to date about the staff assignment and efficiency that your
minimise setting errors and exclude incaccuracies. From plant is just working with.
the Informator, the production of every single quality
package is monitored. Save your lot specifications in the Your Oerlikon Schlafhorst product lines are linked via a
Informator or use the USB interface or a USB flash drive plant network with a central POC computer. All production
to ensure the highest possible reproducibility at any time. and quality data are recorded on­line and are available at a
mouse click as shift or production reports. The detailed and
edited information optimises your operational sequences
and thus increases your company’s economic success.

Autoconer X5 21
Increased productivity,
reduced downtimes
> Increased productivity in winding due to
dynamic winding units
> Increased productivity in downstream
processing due to process optimisation
> Less downtime, less personnel through
purposeful operation
> Less downtime, less personnel through
quick and simple set-up

22 Autoconer X5
More profitable in the Single motors and sensors:
Increased productivity through cycle time reduction

winding department Cycle time reduction

Cycle time yarn break

– 24%
up to 70%
Cycle time bobbin change less cycle
– 35%
Cycle time splicer
– 20 to 70%
Cycle time 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 sec.

■ Cam and belt drive ■ Autoconer X5

Single­motor drives Short cycle sequences

Increased productivity through intelligent control Quick upper yarn pick-up, high efficiency
Short cycle times are the hallmark of the Autoconer X5. Upper yarn pick­up, too, is a prime example for efficiency.
Non­interacting movements increase the cycle efficiency The suction arm distance is set centrally on the Informator
and thus the overall productivity of every single winding unit. for your yarn. The yarn is safely picked up through the step­
by­step approach of the suction arm to the package surface,
Inflexible mechanical sequences were replaced by a logical thus the number of unproductive repeat cycles is clearly
software control and single­motor drives. Thus suction arm, reduced.
splicer, and gripper arm now function entirely independently
of one another. The yarn joining process, for example, is not
started until upper and lower yarn are threaded ­ if one of
them is missing, the yarn joining process is not executed.
Thus the Autoconer X5 executes the really necessary work­
ing steps only.

Autoconer X5 23
FX modules: ‘packaged’
productivity advantages for
downstream processing

Autoconer X5 hard packages Autoconer X5 dye packages

Perfect unwinding behaviour with any diameter Optimum processes in the dyeing mill
Already with the drum winding system of the Autoconer X5 With the Autoconer X5 drum winding system and with the
you produce packages with large diameters, which guaran­ FX technologies it is possible to obtain a package struc­
tee the best possible unwinding stability with high take­up ture which allows highly efficient working in the dyeing mill:
speeds and thus process reliability. The production in warp­ pattern­free packages without bulging flanks which excel by
ing and weaving mill can be optimised: due to less frequent a defined package density precise in cN.
package changes. Another plus with Ecopack FX: there is
less yarn waste due to very low length deviations. PreciFX offers additional benefits: absolute freedom of pat­
terns and individual displacement widths further increase the
With PreciFX, you design your packages in a variety of indi­ dyeing efficiency. Often edging, mounting and dismounting
vidual formats. Density, weight, and unwinding reliability of a protective web and re­winding after dyeing are no longer
the hard packages are considerably increased. necessary. Edges and flanks are simply designed according
to the specifications. Choose between pattern­free random
wind, precision and step precision winding.

08 Autoconer
24 Zinser 351 X5
Intuitive operating concept –
because time is precious

Informator Winding unit and doffer display

Operating technology that leads to success Quick elimination of faults, more production
The Informator of the Autoconer X5 supports and instructs If a malfunction occurs, the displays on the winding unit,
your operatives and is a helpful assistant in controlling your the doffer or the processing centre (type D, V) signal the
package production quickly and securely. Unproductive me­ source of the fault to your operatives immediately using clear
chanical setting procedures and set­up times are minimised. symbols, pictograms and number codes. Thus your staff
is promptly informed about which error occurred at which
The logical structure of the Informator with illustrations, sym­ position and can eliminate it quickly. The economic benefit:
bols, and input masks guides through the settings step by shorter moving times, less downtimes through trouble­
step, in different languages. There are practical tips stored in shooting and thus more production, at every winding unit.
the Informator for any input mask. Illustrated error messages
guide your staff purposefully and quickly to the solution and
gear the Autoconer X5 to the highest possible efficiency.

Autoconer X5 25
Be quicker –
an advantage that always pays

Process control Quick­Change Unit

Transfer winding
parameters via USB
flash drive

Reduce set-up times, production in the focus Quick quality assurance when exchanging splicing
With the Autoconer X5 archive of article data you reduce components
your set­up times to a minimum. All lot data, machine para­ In the Autoconer X5, you combine prism, opening tube and
meters, and winding parameters for up to 30 lots are stored front plate of your choice with the distribution block to a
in the Informator, can be called up at any time, and can be Quick­Change Unit. With immediate effect, you exchange
transferred via USB flash drive to all other Autoconer X5 this unit completely in one piece, if necessary. Single adjust­
machines. Your advantage: immediate access, quick set­up, ments are no longer required. Thus confusion and loss of
quality­assured production. small parts is avoided, you save assembly time and exclude
assembly and setting faults, minimise the wear of the splicing
In combination with the Plant Operation Centre (POC), your components. And as all parts are optimally adapted to each
production is always in the focus, process sequences can be other, you additionally benefit from an optimised splicing
designed efficiently. result.

26 Autoconer X5
Splicer Quick-Change unit:
Reduction of set-up time when exchanging splicer components

Reduction of set­up times

up to 75%
without Quick­change unit shorter
set-up time
with Quick­change unit – 75%
Set­up time 0 25 50 75 100 (qualitative)
= index
■ without Quick­Change Unit ■ with Quick­Change Unit

Ergonomic design Simple maintenance

Monitoring the workflow means greater security for Maintenance: as quickly as possible
your production We reduce the maintenance outlay for you considerably
On the Autoconer X5, you can monitor and access with the success formula “fewer components, greater
assemblies and individual components more easily. The reliability”. Via an interface, the mobile diagnostic device
open design of the lower part of the machine in particular reads all required data within only a few seconds. The
is impressive, with nothing hidden behind covers. The winding units themselves can be opened with only a few
causes of faults are detected and rectified more quickly. Via simple movements, all important parts are visible at one
intelligent displays on winding unit, doffer and processing single glance. Together with the compact modules, the
centre (type D,V) the Autoconer X5 indicates whether and Autoconer X5 guarantees smooth processes and a long­
where it needs the support of your staff. term dependability of the technological features.

Autoconer X5 27
Save resources
> Save yarn resources with precisely adjustable
yarn clearing
> Save yarn resources with upper yarn sensor,
Ecopack FX, lower yarn sensor, and loop
> Save energy and air with controlled suction
system and efficient dust removal

28 Autoconer X5
Raw materials Upper yarn sensor: Reduction of upper yarn waste

efficiently utilised 1.0

Reduction of waste

up to 40%

Waste (%)
0.5 less upper
yarn waste

Yarn length 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 m / bobbin

Material: CO and mixtures; 1 yarn break / bobbin

■ without upper yarn sensor ■ with upper yarn sensor

Yarn clearing Upper yarn sensor

Yarn clearing: as automated as economic Less upper yarn waste

The more efficiently yarn faults are cleared, the more efficiently The upper yarn sensor detects the yarn in fractions of a
valuable raw materials are utilised. The Autoconer X5 works second, thus conserving valuable yarn during the cycle
with state­of­the­art clearer technology, which is comfort­ sequence. It ensures a short yarn searching time and a short
ably controlled on the Informator. Its sensor­monitored fault yarn length to be removed by suction as well as accurate
elimination by suction reliably removes any yarn fault that is fault clearing in conjunction with the electronic clearer. Here,
critical for your customers’ individual downstream process­ the suction arm cycle is reduced to the minimum. Your
ing. By means of graphically represented clearer curves you advantages: less upper yarn waste, higher productivity and
quickly find your formula for highest economic efficiency – lower energy consumption.
with exactly defined quality.

Autoconer X5 29
Ecopack FX: Reduction of yarn waste

Waste and cost reduction

100% WO; Nm 80;
Production/a: 330t;
Yarn price: 13.0 $/kg 43.000 $/a
up to 43,000 $
100% CO combed; Ne 40;
Production/a: 585t; per year
Yarn price: 4.70 $/kg 33.000 $/a
PES/CO (65/35); Ne 30;
Production/a: 800t;
4.90 $/kg 39.200 $/a
Waste/year 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 12,000 kg / machine

Machine with 60 winding units ■ without Ecopack FX ■ with Ecopack FX

Ecopack FX Lower yarn monitoring

Less yarn waste

ín the warping creel

Reduce safety
yarn lengths

Maximum yarn yield Less lower yarn waste

With the Ecopack FX option for optical precision length The lower yarn waste is likewise reduced further by the
measuring, you get the most from your yarn resources. optimized cycle. If the winding process is interrupted, the
The more precise the measured yarn length of a package, loop preventer is placed directly onto the bobbin tip and
the more economical the downstream processing. Every effectively prevents unobstructed suction of the lower
superfluous metre of yarn on the package can cause sev­ yarn into the gripper arm.
eral hundred metres of yarn waste in warping, for exam­
ple. At the same time you increase your productivity, for
only the amount of yarn required is wound on the pack­
age. With Ecopack FX, length deviations of less than 1%
are your new standard for economy.

30 Autoconer X5
Energy costs:
always under control

– 11%

Sensor­controlled suction system Air­saving cleanliness

Negative Pressure

P –

P crit

Temps [s]

Without sensor and With sensor and regulation:

regulation: lower negative pressure level,
higher negative pressure reduced energy consumption
level, higher energy

Less energy, more income Save air consumption

The Autoconer X5 gets by on very little energy per kilogram The Autoconer X5 also saves on air consumption. Its open
of yarn, which is ensured by the intelligent, sensor­moni­ design facilitates the entire cleaning work. The travelling
tored suction system. Via its negative pressure regulation, cleaner and bobbin dust removal system can operate
it always provides as much constant negative pressure as more effectively and conserve air. During the piecing cycle,
is needed, independent of the filling level of the collecting the suction tube and gripper arm automatically consume
chambers for dirt, fibres, and yarn, of the machine length less air, as they can be closed more quickly due to the
and of the number of cycling winding units. shortened cycles.

Autoconer X5 31
> Individual automation stages suitable for any
spinning mill
> New high-speed package doffer X-Change
> Options for package handling

32 Autoconer X5
Automation means Linked system Autoconer X5 V:
Reduced personnel requirements in the winding department

benefit Reduced personnel require­

ments (winding department)

Stand­alone installation
20 RSM with 1,200 spdl. up to 85%
6 RM with 60 spdl. less personnel
Linked system
20 RSM with 1,200 spdl. – 85%
20 V with 20 spdl.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Persons

Personnel (excluding auxiliary staff) ■ Stand­alone system (type RM) ■ Linked system (type V)

Automation options

Autoconer X5 RM
Manual machine with circular
Optional with package doffer

Autoconer X5 V
Link with ring spinning

Autoconer X5 D
Automated material flow
Filling with bobbin carriage
Freely placeable

Automation stages acc. to requirements Produce independent of staff

The Autoconer X5 machine concept offers you different For material flow automation with a bobbin transportation
stages of automation options. A clear staff saving effect system there are two models of the Autoconer X5 available.
is already reached with the circular magazine machine The Autoconer X5 D works as a stand­alone machine and is
Autoconer X5 and with the new intelligent package doffer spatially independent of the ring spinning machine. A flexible
X­Change. solution which can be simply integrated into any plant situa­
Read more in the supplementary brochure “Autoconer X5 RM”. tion. The linked machine Autoconer X5 V is connected to any
conventional ring spinning machine and reduces your staff
and space requirements to a minimum.
Read more in the supplementary brochure “Autoconer X5 D/V”.

Autoconer X5 33
high-speed doffer with a memory

Higher productivity Flexible multi-tube management

Nearly doubled performance Central setting for all tube shapes

With the new package doffer X-Change you reduce doff­ X-Change flexibly adjusts itself to different tube formats, with
ing times and manual interventions for package handling to 25 – 96 mm diameter, tapered or cylindrical. During its first
the absolute minimum. X-Change handles all common tube application, the X-Change “learns” shape and structure of
formats very swiftly and independently: its travelling speed is the tube and how to pick it up best. These data are saved
a rapid 43 m/min, it just needs 10 seconds for a doff. Thus in the Informator, so that the X-Change can be adapted to a
the package doffer X-Change accomplished twice as much different tube format quickly and centrally, at any time. Thus
work compared to its predecessor. you minimise set-up times and produce more.

34 Autoconer X5
Doffer X-Change: double doffing capacity
Individual package
Package running time [min]
Doffing capacity
1 doffer is enough up to 80-100%
40.0 advantage increased doffing
of new doffer capacity

20.0 2 doffers required

10 20 30 40 50 60 Number of winding units

■ Autoconer 5 doffer ■ Autoconer X5 doffer X­Change
limit running time [min]

Intelligent logistics Package removal automation

conveyor belt

Conveyor belt with

intermediate storage

Fully automated, quicker lot changes Efficient removal, increased production

In case of lot changes with X­Change, manual start of wind­ The conveyor belt combines efficiency and quality assur­
ing is no longer required. Once the machine is supplied with ance. The sensible cross­wound packages are saved by a
bobbins, X­Change immediately commences winding on smooth start­up. The conveyor belt transports the finished
the empty tube since the yarn is automatically presented to packages to the machine end, where the operators can
it from the bobbin by the gripper arm and suction tube. The remove them in an ergonomic and time­saving way. A
Autoconer X5 returns to production quicker than ever. superior transport system with robot, overhead conveyor
or lifter can be directly connected as an option.
Empty tube strategy: winding, not waiting
Clever automation for the empty tube supply, too: If the tube Finished packages are stored in the optional intermediate
magazine of a winding unit is empty, the X­Change automati­ storage, e.g. when the conveyor belt is just being emptied,
cally fetches an empty tube from a neighbouring magazine for separating different lots, or for extending the manual
and executes the doff. The winding unit does not have to removal intervals.
wait until the magazine is refilled.

Autoconer X5 35
Remain flexible,
secure the future
> Flexible technology platform
> Drum or PreciFX
> Modular splicing technology
> Doffer X-Change
> Plug & Wind, the latest electronics
and CAN bus concept

36 Autoconer X5
Autoconer X5:
the future thought ahead

Flexible technology options Plug & Wind

Create room for decisions Technology that the future is based on

With the Autoconer X5, you invest in a technology platform To expand the Autoconer X5 to your requirements will remain
which offers maximum freedom for you. For example fast and economical in the future as well. Due to its linked
PreciFX: enter the world of digital yarn displacement directly electronics architecture, extensions can be retrofitted quickly
from the bobbin to the package. and easily. Because a niche application today can already be
standard tomorrow.
Just as flexible: the splicer module system. Configure the
ideal splicer for any yarn application in next to no time. Quicker upgrade with Plug & Wind
Flexible automation starts with the new doffer X­Change, New modules are simply docked, the plug is plugged in the
the most intelligent and most efficient form of doffing connection port, the corresponding software is installed, if
automation. necessary, and now you can start.

Autoconer X5 37
Made by
Oerlikon Schlafhorst
> Autoconer: since 1962, this is the name for
worldwide leading automatic winding technology
> Textile technological competence from fibre to
> Sound advice
> Individual technological solutions for all types of
plants and process sequences
> Reputable service quality worldwide

Premium Advance of System Branches Top class

technology the market solutions across the service
leader through to world
the package

38 Autoconer X5
Partner for first-class cross-wound
package production world-wide

Know­how on call Custom­fit efficiency

Your targets always in the focus Simply successful with intelligent technology
Oerlikon Schlafhorst is your guarantor for secure success. Quality, productivity, and cost efficiency are decisive suc­
We are the only company on the international market that cess factors for your economic efficiency. We support you
offers rotor spinning, ring spinning, and winding systems in setting the right priorities in your market: with European
from one single source – through to the marketable pack­ know­how, innovation power, and process experience.
age, the decisive process stage for quality and efficiency in
downstream processing. We make it easy for you to be successful – with intelligent
technological solutions, working self­explaining and self­
This is what we do for you: think, understand processes, controlling at the touch of a button, and minimising your
accept challenges, and solve problems. Whether you are expenditure concerning resources, staff, and costs. High
dealing with commodity markets or the high requirements output and precise product quality, low downtimes, flex­
of specialised markets are your objective – we offer com­ ibility, and maintainability are performance features which
prehensive market know­how and tailor­made technological quickly pay.

Autoconer X5 39
Technical details

Autoconer X5 machine concept

Machine concept - 125 mm (5”) traverse, Acoustic emission - Routing of the heated ex­ for data storage and data
– Single spindle machine, cylindrical to 4°20’ – Acoustic emission data haust air from the Autoconer transfer, integration of clearer
single-sided longitudinal de­ - 150 mm (6”) traverse, satisfy the international upwards or downwards: operation, and with extend­
sign. Available as right-hand cylindrical to 5°57’, option­ standard EN ISO 9002-4. – outside ed central setting possibil­
and left-hand machines. ally with increasing taper up – into an air conditioning ities, among others for
to 11°. Installed power system. – splicer feeder
Spindle gauge – Depending on the number of – waxing unit
– 320 mm from winding unit to Package diameter winding units. Control cabinet / Power – suction arm
winding unit. – Max. 320 mm, from cylindri­ unit – doffer X-Change
cal to 5°57’ tubes. Networks – Contains power supply, – Interface to external com­
Materials processed - Max. 300 mm, for 5°57’ – Power and compressed air main switch, operating hour puter systems
– Single and plied yarns of tubes with additional taper are supplied from customer’s meter and the switchgear for
natural and manmade staple to 11°. networks and fed into the the entire Autoconer.
fibres; a winding test may be – Emergency stop at 326 mm control cabinet from above – Contains connection to
required in some cases. – Max. 230 mm, for package or from below. customer’s compressed
removal system with inter­ air system, water separa­
Yarn count ranges mediate storage (optional) Vacuum tor, pressure monitor for
– 333 tex to 5.9 tex (Nm 3 to – Vacuum generated on each monitoring the inlet pressure,
Nm 170; Ne 2 to Ne 100). Package tubes Autoconer by the suction solenoid valve for switching
– Winding test required for – Cylindrical and tapered, ac­ system for: suction arm, off functions operated by
coarser or finer yarns. cording to DIN standards gripper arm, yarn trap, compressed air if the pres­
maga­zine valve, bobbin sure drops below 6.5 bar,
Package formats Winding speed readying station, tube and pressure regulator.
– 83 mm (3”) traverse, – Infinitely variable from 300 to stripper, filter cleaning of
cylindrical to 4°20’ 2,000 m/min, depending on dust removal system and Information systems
- 108 mm (4”) traverse, yarn type, bobbin build and travelling cleaner waste – Lockable Informator with
cylindrical to 4°20’ machine specification. disposal system. touchscreen, USB interface

Equipment options feed

Type RM Type D Type V

Function Winding of ring spinning Winding of ring spinning Winding of ring spinning
bobbins bobbins bobbins

Feed formats Bobbin length between Bobbin length between Bobbin length between
180 mm and 360 mm 180 mm and 360 mm 180 mm and 280 mm

Bobbin diameter max. Bobbin diameter max. 280 to 360 mm on request

52 mm (9 pockets) or 72 mm
72 mm (6 pockets) Bobbin diameter max. 72 mm

Material feed / automation Manual feed of bobbins into Automatic winding machine Direct link with the ring spin­
circular magazine with automatic bobbin feed by ning machine
flat / circular conveyor (stand-
Circular magazine with 9 bob­ alone) Automatic feed of bobbins to
bin pockets to take up a max. type V and return of empty
of 8 bobbins Various empty tube removal tubes to the ring spinning
systems machine
Optional circular magazine with
6 bobbin pockets to take up a Bobbin carriers which feed
max. of 5 bobbins the bobbins in an upright
position are essential

Number of sections, winding units, winding unit Max. 6 sections with 10 Sections of 8, 10 winding Sections of 8, 10 winding
numbers winding units each units units

Max. 60 winding units 8 to 60 winding units, step­ 8 to 60 winding units, step­

(upon request up to 70 winding wise quantity acc. to section wise quantity acc. to section
units) arrangement arrangement

40 Autoconer X5
Equipment options winding unit
Type RM Type D Type V
Winding unit, winding unit control system, units in the yarn path

Yarn guide drum with direct drive for winding speeds of 300 to 2,000 m/min P P P
Drum lap detection P P P
Drum lap brush p p p
Cradle compensation P P P
Package brake and lift-off after yarn break or bobbin idling P P P
Self-optimizing smooth start-up P P P
Electronic length measurement and package diameter computation P P P
Quality Cut power failure circuit P P P
Electronically controlled standard anti-patterning P P P
“Quality Guard” sensor (not in combination with PreciFX) p p p
Additional taper p p p
Lateral displacement dye packages (not in combination with PreciFX) p p p
Waxing incl. wax roll monitoring p p p
Upper yarn sensor P P P
Yarn trap P P P
Electromagnetic yarn tensioner, centrally adjustable P P P
Lower yarn sensor P P P
Precleaner / preliminary yarn brake P P P
Residual yarn shears, cuts the yarn with every bobbin change P P P
Adjustable balloon controller P P P
Snarl preventer P P P
FX series

Yarn tension control system Autotense FX p p p

Anti-patterning system Propack FX incl. Variopack FX (not in combination with PreciFX) p p p
Precision length measuring system Ecopack FX p p p
PreciFX Start p p p
PreciFX Plus p p p
PreciFX Expert p p p
Automatic yarn joining

Flexsplicer (for standard and compact yarns) P P P

Injection splicer (with ceramic shears) p p p
Thermosplicer p p p
Elastosplicer p p p
Electronic yarn clearing

Standard clearer (not an Oerlikon Schlafhorst component) P P P

Higher-quality clearer (not an Oerlikon Schlafhorst component) p
P Grundaustattung p
p Option – Nichtperhältlich
Processing of special yarns

Wet-spun linen p – –
P Basic equipment p optional – not available

Autoconer X5 41
Equipment options machine
Type RM Type D Type V
Cleaning the machine

Multi-jet per winding unit P P P

Bobbin dust removal p p p
Autoconer standard travelling cleaner P P P
Joint collecting chamber for yarn waste and dust P P P
Separate chambers for yarn waste and dust p p p
Package doffing and removal

Package doffer X-Change p P P

Deposit tray for full packages P – –
Package conveyor belt p P P
Package removal system with intermediate storage (packages max. 230 mm diameter) p p p
Interface to package removal p p p
Information systems

Informator with graphic user interface via touchscreen and USB interface P P P
Informator interface for connection to computer system P P P
POC Plant Operation Centre P P P
Power unit

Power and compressed air are supplied from customer’s networks to the control cabinet P P P
Suction system with vacuum control (AVC) and sensor P P P
P Basic equipment p optional – not available


Machine dimensions Autoconer X5, type RM (bobbin transportation continuous)

Winding units 10 20 30 40 50 60

W dimension 6,317 9,627 12,937 16,247 19,557 22,867


Take + 900 mm space for bobbin carriage shunting into account

Machine dimensions Autoconer X5, type D and type V

Winding units 8 10 16 18 20 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 60

Dimension A 4,477 5,117 7,147 7,787 8,427 9,817 10,457 11,097 11,737 12,487 13,127 13,767 14,407 15,047 18,357 21,667

Dimension A = basic machine without interface modules

Appendix to this brochure

Research and development will
never come to a halt. This may
mean that some statements
about the Autoconer may be
obsolete by technical progress.
The llustrations are selected for
Oerlikon Schlafhorst’s quality informative perspectives only.
management system complies with They may contain extras which
the requirements of EN ISO 9001. are not standard.

42 Autoconer X5
Autoconer X5, type RM

Autoconer X5, type D

Autoconer X5, type V with bobbin bridge

Autoconer X5, type V without bobbin bridge

Dimensions interface-modules for type D and type V

Processing centre 2,109 mm

Flat-circular conveyor for type D 3,673 mm

Transfer station CTS for type V 860 mm (+120 mm for Rieter)

Transfer station CTS for type V with bobbin bridge 1,023 mm (+120 mm for Rieter)

Bobbin bridge for type V 1,453 mm

Autoconer X5 43
Oerlikon Schlafhorst
Zweigniederlassung der
Oerlikon Textile GmbH & Co. KG
Carlstr. 60
52531 Übach­Palenberg
Phone: +49 2451 905 1000
Fax: +49 2451 905 1001
E­Mail: [email protected]


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